Family & Relationships: Question: TELL ME THE TRUTH which one is hotter? |
- Question: TELL ME THE TRUTH which one is hotter?
- Question: Hay posibilidad de que un chico regrese si me cortó por celoso?
- Question: What does it mean when a girl tells her friends that I look at her too much in class?
- Question: So my girl best friend rejected me!!..I have decided to move on but the real question is how can I move on from her?
- Question: What is a parent guardian? did I say that right?
- Question: What happens if a woman s children are taken away by the state and decides to have another child? Does that child get taken away as well?
- Question: How should I handle this situation regarding approaching my family members to pay me back for money they owe me?
- Question: Me aprobeche de mi amiga cuando estaba tomada y temo que este embarazada?
- Question: Potrei essere lesbica?
- Question: Girlfriend is at boot camp and I m having a hard time...?
- Question: Partner is in his 40s and ONLY watches teen pornos ?
- Question: Fiancé keeps going on dating sites and now local sites..?
- Question: This is regarding honesty and credibility,any advise is appreciated?
- Question: *sigh* Boys?
- Question: What would you do? What did I do wrong?
- Question: Should I try and make things right with my ex ?
- Question: How to seduce cousin into sex?
- Question: How to rebuff the advances given by my landlord's niece without any trouble?
- Question: Is my mom really upset with me?
- Question: Do you ever say i care about you to people you love instead of I love you?
- Question: What kind of a person will the teacher see me as?
- Question: My boyfriend said he cares about me in an email usually he says he loves m i person should I be worried?
- Question: Why do you think this girl did this?
- Question: I have no personality?
- Question: Help me please!!!!?
- Question: I was walking and this guy and his friend were around and one of his friends came up to me and said he likes you. We've made eye contact?
- Question: How to be sexy?
- Question: Has Tumblr ****** me up?
- Question: What's it mean if a guy acts like this? I'll answer yours?
- Question: Baby mama drama?
- Question: Had to put bf in treatment center.?
- Question: How do I help my mom from domestic violence in fundme?
- Question: My mom mentally ill?
- Question: How do you overcome shyness?
- Question: Why won't cousin text me?
- Question: How can I move out of my baby daddy's house, without my family support.?
- Question: Is my Professor Attracted to Me?
- Question: How do you get over being emotionally and mentally broken?
- Question: Is nanny's (au pair) pool party a bad idea with wife gone?
- Question: Do you think a guy who really likes?
- Question: Worldview of family?
- Question: If you had nothing to lose, what would you do?
- Question: My heart is demolished? Broken into a million little pieces? It hurts more than anything?
- Question: My vagina is oozing green slime and has sprouted teeth. Should I seek medical attention?
- Question: Qué sucede si se realizan amarres de amor a 2 personas diferentes?
- Question: My heart is so broken right now and I don't know what to do?
- Question: Why does every guy I like don't ever like me back?
- Question: Dating my ownself?
- Question: Looking for this classic movie from around I think 1950 or 58?
- Question: Help, Advice, Anyone ... ?
- Question: I don't want to have a sweet sixteen what do I do?
- Question: Is being a sugar baby a sin?
- Question: Pregnant by a married do I get him to leave her?
- Question: Does she still love me? Will I see her again, will she come back?.. What's your opinion on all this?
- Question: Is blood truly thicker than water?
- Question: My mom says inappropriate things....?
- Question: What's an upper year student?
Question: TELL ME THE TRUTH which one is hotter? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 02:35 PM PDT |
Question: Hay posibilidad de que un chico regrese si me cortó por celoso? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 02:12 PM PDT El chico con el que salía se enojó y me eliminó del facebook hace 2 meses por comentarios y ese tipo de cosas que ocasionan celos, no me bloqueó, y aunque ya le expliqué dice que no le llame ni le busque que tal vez después podemos ser amigos, pero que ya no desea seguir conmigo, yo no hice nada malo, y hasta ahorita no me ha llamado ni nada, me siento súper mal,porque yo si deseaba las cosas bien con él y por una tontería de estas, lo arruinó, me parece injusto de su parte y la verdad no sé que hacer para que deje de estar con esa tontería en su cabeza, aunque se que en sí yo no puedo cambiar su sentir y menos su pensar, que opinan de esto, si ya he tomado opiniones de amigos y familiares que obvio tengo en mi cuenta y dicen que está bien mal que yo no hago nada malo,, pero ya no pienso buscarlo porque dice que respete su decisión y lo tome como "adulto", que opinan ustedes? |
Question: What does it mean when a girl tells her friends that I look at her too much in class? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:43 PM PDT If a girl tells her friends that you look at her too much in class does it mean she creeped out by me or just doesn't like it when I look at her. & now her friends look at me |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:28 PM PDT Sounds confess my feelings(twice) to my girl bestfriend(ex girl best friend if I'm now mistaking ) rejected me and now we haven t talk,text or see each other since Saturday ,I tried to repair our friendship by texting her Tuesday but she doesn t even seem like she cares or anything so right there it tells me she doesn t wanna do anything because she mostly ignore all my text messages,so it looks like she doesn't want anything with me anymore(I think ,I m not sure).So I decided to move on and Forget all this bullshit because I m really just done and hurt,I did a lot for her and this is what I get ..unfortunately we both work at the same place and we will see each other tomorrow and Sunday. And even worse, she s the sister of my bestfriend I don t know how I would handle this. How should I act towards her?what happens if she tries to act sweet on me??should I get close to her??i don t wanna make anymore mistakes!!if she hasn t contact me than that tells me that she doesn t care about me anymore,right?? by i did a lot for her i mean i did everything to make her happy and everything but i feel like a fool now because i tried so much for her and i got friend zone. |
Question: What is a parent guardian? did I say that right? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:25 PM PDT |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:10 PM PDT |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 12:43 PM PDT I paid 4 tickets to a comedy show last March for myself, my boyfriend, my cousin and her wife. I'm 26 and my cousins and his wife are 34. I'm close to my cousin's wife (we talk and hang out all the time). So I paid for the tickets back in March ($80 pp) because she asked me to buy them for her and her husband and that she'll pay me back before the comedy show. Well, the comedy show was last Friday and they still haven't paid me back. She didn't even ask me how much she owes me last Friday, but my cousin (her husband) did. He asked me and I told them the price, but they still haven't paid me back. It would be nice to get reimbursed for those tickets, but I don't really need the money but its the principal behind it. I would never do that to someone -- i would feel so obligated to pay them back immediately, especially if I hadn't paid them prior to the comedy show. I would make sure that I had the money to pay them back the day of the show. So, I haven't communicated with them regarding paying me back for the tickets because i feel like I should not have to do that at all. Again, it's the principal behind it. I don't even know how to go about handling this situation or just let it slide. |
Question: Me aprobeche de mi amiga cuando estaba tomada y temo que este embarazada? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 12:33 PM PDT Temo que mi amiga este embrazada Se que lo que hice esta mal pero no se como afrontar las consecuencias. Tengo una amiga de 18 años yo tengo 20, ella tiene a su novio pero yo siempre la pretendía y ella no me hizo caso me mando a la zona de amistad, pero yo sigo sintiendo algo por ella. Un día viernes estuvimos en mi casa bebiendo y escuchando musica como amigos nos divertimos pero ella no sabe tomar, tomo muy poco se mareo y no recordaba nada. Yo la vi así y no puede evitar tocarla besarla desvestirla, primero solo la toque con mis manos pero después la tentación me gano he hice el amor con ella, ella me había dicho que quería conservarse virgen y me siento tan mal pues gracias a mi ya no lo es. Cuando termine la volví a vestir y la acosté en mi cama yo dormí en el sofa . Al día siguiente se disculpo conmigo por haberse puesto tan ebria tanto que no se acordó de nada y no sospecha lo que hice. Llamo a su novio y se fue, no le comente nada. A pasado una semana de eso aun no lo sabe, pero me preocupa haberla dejado embarazada y no se que hacer. Se que soy de lo peor, pero enserio la amo y no soporto verla con alguien mas y yo solo ser un amigo mas. Me haría cargo del bebe si es que esta embarazada pero cuales serian las concecuencias por haber actúado de esa manera. Como decirle que no aborte yo quiero a mi hijo no importa si después no me quiere ver en su vida. |
Question: Potrei essere lesbica? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:59 AM PDT Ciao a tutti, ho rapporti sessuali da poco tempo ma mi sta venendo qualche dubbio. Quando mi masturbo sfregando il clitoride sul cuscino provo piacere ma quando pratico sesso orale col mio fidanzato non sento niente. Abbiamo fatto l amore 3 volte usando il preservativo: le prime 2 ha fatto abbastanza male, la terza invece no ma non ho provato niente di che se non qualche secondo di piacere. Potrei essere lesbica secondo voi o il mio fidanzato non stimola i punti giusti? AIUTATEMI VI PREGO |
Question: Girlfriend is at boot camp and I m having a hard time...? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:44 AM PDT So, my girlfriend and I have been dating for 6 months and we are crazy for each other. We want to move in together when she gets out of boot camp and we are already talking about marriage. I was in a 7 year relationship before and I never felt the way that I do about this girl. She has been gone for 2 weeks and still has a few more months to go. The last few days, though, I have been feeling really uneasy and I keep feeling like things won t work out or she ll end up finding someone else. Am I just being insecure about things because she is gone or is what I m feeling completely normal? |
Question: Partner is in his 40s and ONLY watches teen pornos ? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:42 AM PDT He doesn't like women his age or older, only very young women, teenage girls to be more precise. He says women his age are washed up and old. Even though he himself is old. He says he likes 18-19, but I see him looking at girls (when we go to the beach or out around town) that look 12-16. He would also prefer to pay a teenage hooker for sex, than date a woman his own age. Thoughts ? Is that what most guys are like or just mainly him and a few others ? Should I stop the relationship with him ? |
Question: Fiancé keeps going on dating sites and now local sites..? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:02 AM PDT Hey, Been together almost 3 years. I would 100% say we are soul mates. But, during these years I have discovered him on numerous dating sites, swingers sites (sometimes as himself, sometimes as the female/"me"). He has set up a profile of us both behind my back, inc photos, and recently discovered he was looking at a local female escort site. He says it's because he has low self esteem and just wants to make himself feel better by having that buzz of flirting and chatting but swears that nothing has or will ever happen. He knows it upsets me, knows he's got issues and has said he'll go for counselling for it because he just wants to be with me. Our sex life is awesome so I'm not sure why he needs all these added extras?! Could counselling help or am I deluded?! Many thanks |
Question: This is regarding honesty and credibility,any advise is appreciated? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 11:00 AM PDT Hi everyone, I ve recently met my father, I don t really have any emotional relationship with him,since he seems like he don t care about me.I gotten in touch with him when i started college because i sent him a letter that i was going to colllege and needed financial assistance,so he responded anyway and said he will support me to college,on the other hand ,before my father decided to help me.with college,i already had a sponsor (couples)to send me to college,so for the last for years they ended up sending me to college and i live with them to while my father had supported me for bout three years in college then.he stopped.and when i met him,he ask me who continue sending me to school ,i said my sponsors and told him they just had helped me since a year ago when he stopped sending me money.should i be guilty and.tell him in the.very beginning that while he was sending money for school,somebody else was already sending me or not because i am is obligation anyway no matter what,by the why my sponsors know about him and im very honest with them.i just dont know whether it is necessary to let my father know or not.he is not a very easy person to explain things with,and he has been used a lot by people financially ,so i dont want him to think im the same as everyone. All i wanna know is whether to tell him or not? I just wanna be credible to him. |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 09:51 AM PDT Hey, I live in a rich town with some rough areas and one of them is located near where I live. I don't want to say my age because I don't want to but I'm a teenager. There's these boys calling me fat and ugly without directly saying it too my face (implying it) and it's really got to be and made me feel insecure about myself even more than it already is. I have been bullied twice and I managed to pull through but I'm not sure about this. I don't know if it's because they're a teenager or just think I am ugly and saying this I realise I'm quite popular because everyone loves the class clown. Do they know I'm nerdy and geeky or do they just think I am fat because I'm not used to being insulted like this. |
Question: What would you do? What did I do wrong? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 08:46 AM PDT Tell me if I'm wrong please. I need your honest opinion... I came home from work yesterday. I needed something from the store which is literally next door from our house. I go then I called her to ask her if she needs anything. Her 5 year old answers and said mom is talking to somebody I said ok ask her to call me back. I was done with my shopping and still no calls. Then I called back. She answered and rushed to hang up w me. I got home a few minutes later and it was a guy at the door she was talking to about an estimate for roofing. After he left I asked her why didn't u ask the guy to wait until ur husband got home to discus the estimate? She said do I need a permission every time I talk to somebody? I'm a grown, educated enough to talk to people and make decisions. I said I understand but out of respect u should've either made him wait or called me to tell me hey babe I'm talking to someone about an estimate and I will fill u in when u get home. I even called u to ask u a question and u never even said anything. Then she blew in my face about everything and she wouldn't stop talking **** for an hour. I packed my **** and left the house last night and we haven't talk since. What would u do, honestly? |
Question: Should I try and make things right with my ex ? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 08:39 AM PDT So I dated this girl 2 years ago for like month. It was a rebound relationship for both of us so afterwards we remained friends. (Even tho it's been rocky), We have not talked in a year before 2 months ago when I asked if she wanted to get some lunch. She said sure and we actually had a good time. So when I was in town last week (because I live outta state) I asked if she wanted to get together again she said sure when she had some free time I was still spending time with another "friend" so he ended up spending time with us. I felt that we did not have a good time (because most of the time my "friend" was with us. And because me her and some talks about the past which I felt was silly. I later texted her saying that we should not talk anymore she then flipped out and starting calling me delusional (cuz I guess my "friend" told her i said we were together for 2 years starting drama) she actually said some really messed up things and I did as well. It really come outta nowhere and I did not even know she was so angry at me. Anyway looking back I kinda want to mend things with her and end things on good terms but I don't know if I should and I should hair move on. I feel that it's silly stuff and I actually care about her so I don't want to end things on bad blood especially over silly drama and on false pretense. Any advice ?? |
Question: How to seduce cousin into sex? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 07:52 AM PDT I am 18 and am horny for my cousin, how can I get her to feel the same?(btw: she is in her mid 30's and has a 36B bra size.) BTW, I just did this for attention because I'm bored |
Question: How to rebuff the advances given by my landlord's niece without any trouble? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 07:33 AM PDT Hi I had to work in a gulf state for financial reasons and couldnt bring my wife with me as of now..I stay in a house as paying guest... I could see that the niece of the landlord who is staying with them is giving subtle hints to me..I'm not imagining or gloating as I wont get anything doing to random strangers over net.. She's careful not to tell it directly but regularly drops double meaning entrende while talking like "I'm legally an adult and can do adult things" "You are away from ur wife for 3 months,arent you feeling lonely" She's an unmarried college going girl who might be facing tough gender based rules and might look at me as an easy opportunity I tried to avoid being alone with her as much as possible and made sure we were never in the same room with noone else available..But is there a way I can give her a message that I'm not looking for anything without involving her uncle and aunt and also since she's using indirect ways...She shouldnt complain to them saying that I took her outgoing attitude as flirting |
Question: Is my mom really upset with me? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 07:30 AM PDT Last night she came home staggering drunk and I undressed her and put her in bed. She is giving me hateful looks today. I didn't do anything except take off her clothes. I'm a 17 year old guy but what does that matter. |
Question: Do you ever say i care about you to people you love instead of I love you? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 06:54 AM PDT |
Question: What kind of a person will the teacher see me as? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 06:30 AM PDT so, i have this favourite teacher(both of us are the same gender), we're kind of close, we talk quite often, we talk about what's going on in our daily lives besides school stuffs. i really like this teacher(as a teacher, not sexually) , that i often mention this teacher infront of my friends. I don't talk bad about the teacher though, most of the things I said were positive, eg: how much this teacher inspires me, why do i like this so much as a teacher, or incidents or events i find that is interesting that happened between us. my friends know that i like talking about this teacher. I like having this teacher's class alot, and the teacher knows it too. What do you guys think? what will the teacher see me as? |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 06:07 AM PDT |
Question: Why do you think this girl did this? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 05:56 AM PDT i was at the library, and needed to use a computer. all the computers were busy except one. i was a bit apprehensive to use it, because the computer beside it, had books, a purse, and personal belongings scattered, but no one was there. i thought that if i sat down beside all that stuff, the person would think i stole some of their things when they came back. anyways, i decided to just use it anyway, and as the computer was loading, i noticed these two girls walking in my direction, the one kind of smiled a bit at me, but i didn't really think much of it. well, i realized they were that the one was the owner of the purse, and the other was her friend. when they got there, the one said to her friend "have you seen my charger?", and she said no, so they asked me if i had seen it. i said "no, sorry". and the one asked me to look through my backpack to see if it was there. i was really offended, because i felt like she had no authority to be asking me to do something like that. a store clerk, that's fine, but some stranger on my level? i was annoyed. but i knew if had said no, it would have looked suspicious. so i picked up my bag, handed it to her, and said "go ahead". she said she didn't want to go through my stuff, then i said "no really, it's fine" but she wouldn't take my bag, but she still asked me to look through my bag. so i did... but after a while, i said "it didn't fall in here", and said "it's fine", and then basically ran away. her friend came back, and i asked her if she found her charger. she said "yes, it was on the other end of the room. my friend is crazy." i said "that's a relief. you know you shouldn't leave your stuff unattended", and she just said "i know", and took her stuff and left. i was just really annoyed at this nonsense. i'm not sure how i handled it. well, i think? anyways, do you think they were trying to flirt with me, or were they just plain messing around with me? |
Question: I have no personality? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 05:37 AM PDT I used to have a good personally when I was younger, and people used to tell me this all the time. i didn't have many friends because I was kind of shy but to the people I was close with, they'd always say 'if you weren't so shy you'd be so popular, people would love your personality' But now, it's completely different. I've had a anxiety disorder for the past two years and since leaving school last year I've been unable to get a job and the disorder has only gotten worse. I lost all the friends I had at school because I find it extremely difficult to leave my house most of the time. It has ruined my life. I got kicked out and live with my boyfriend now. I have noticed recently that whenever I'm with my family, boyfriend or my friends that I have NOTHING to talk about because my life is so boring. And that I've even lost my sense of humour and I have to force small talk with people which I hate, just to make conversation. My sister has said quite a few times that I have became 'boring' and that I've changed so much. My boyfriend jokes around that I'm boring but he says he doesn't mean it (though I know he does). I get even more anxious when I need to meet people now and I constant worry what I'm going to talk about! I can understand that I might have nothing to talk about but why am I losing my sense of humour? I used to joke around all the time with everyone but now I seem so serious and just can't find anything to say. What's wrong with me? |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 04:43 AM PDT Okay so my mum has been abusing me and I need to leave my house for a while how do I ask my friend if I can stay with them for a while? Like I'm 15 so they still live at home my dad is in jail and and I have no family around here so they are my hope how do I ask them please it's not safe here atm and. No I won't go to the police because my mum is coppa and I have tried before and it just backfires every time |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 04:05 AM PDT |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 02:36 AM PDT With baby face |
Question: Has Tumblr ****** me up? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:46 AM PDT Ever since i joined the south park fandom, i've been calling Ike Broflovski my son, why. |
Question: What's it mean if a guy acts like this? I'll answer yours? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:42 AM PDT I have been going to this store almost a year now. Every time I'm there the same guy waits on me. He has said "I'll see you soon" and "have a good day Hun" never called anyone Hun when I was there. He never called me Hun before. I went in with my older sister and he was working he kept looking over at me. I went in with my brother and he looked at me waited for me to order. Looked at my brother then never looked at me again. Normally he would. He was looking down at the counter when he handed me my money. I went in once after not going in and he was waiting on a customer. His head shot up when he saw me. He has smiled at me before. When his coworkers are waiting on me he'll jump in to just say something to me but doesnt do that for anyone else. I might be looking too much into he just acts different with me compared to others. I think he's really cute |
Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:40 AM PDT So my bf has a 4 year old son. We've been together for 2 years. And we just had a baby girl who is now 2 months old. His son's mom does not like me. We've had arguments in the past but other than that I have never had an actual conversation with this girl . She and my bf have shared custody of their son . When his son comes over to visit, we'll take pictures together . His son loves me, and he does understand that I'm just his dad's girlfriend and I am in no way, shape, or form trying to play the role of "mommy" to him. Anyway, every once in a while I'd post a picture that me and the son would take on my Ig page. Now, my page isn't private. So she always lurks on my page to see what im doing. There was a family trip that I invited my bf and his son to and we took a picture and I put it on my Instagram. Well my boyfriend and his bm got into a big argument about that and she kept him from seeing his son for a week. She then went on Facebook to talk about me and making jokes about my daughter being in the hospital (she was a preemie and she was in the hospital for 6 weeks) . Someone sent me a screenshot of what she was saying . So I told my bf to check her or I would. They resolved everything but she told him if I put another pic up then she wouldn't allow his son to come over anymore. And that upset me because why should I have to abide by her rules when she clearly has no respect for me. And when I told my bf he just asked me to go with it so he would be able to see his son. |
Question: Had to put bf in treatment center.? Posted: 13 Aug 2015 01:33 AM PDT Im just so stressed. He is the most amazing guy you would ever meet. We have been living together over three years now and I have seen a lot. I love him to death. He has a serious drinking or lemon though.. idk how to even explain it it really is that bad. He would never lay a finger on me though never gets violent just incoherent. I work with handicapped people and it gets so bad it is kind of like that the non threatening kind. It's so hard to watch! He finally agreed to go in to a treatment center and with his body so used to alcohil he gets seizures. It's just so hard to deal with I have been there every day for over thrwe years and it's detox time and can't. Even do phone call for five days. How do people make it through this? It's like each minute feels like an hour! I miss him so much :/ |
Question: How do I help my mom from domestic violence in fundme? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 10:48 PM PDT there's a website that helps people get funded if they need help, my mom left and needs money because she got out of an unhealthy violent relationship. so I created a fund me for her but don't know how to get traffic onto the webpage. help? |
Question: My mom mentally ill? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 10:11 PM PDT Like a few times ago I was I m the kitchen cleaning and I guess my dad asked my mom for sex and my mom came in laughing telling my dad to ask me to do it. And this isn t the first time... It makes me sick to even think she would say something like that. She ll always tell my dad "have your daughter do it" when he talks to her about it. And when I say what the **** is wrong with you she tries to play it off like I m the sick one saying "I m joking". My dad just ignores her buy it makes me sick and what the hell is wrong with her? Like one time my dad was up late watching his TV program and I had gotten up yo use the bath room and I can hear her yelling at my dad and turns off the TV and bangs on my bath room door asking me "what the **** are you doing" and then she called me a sick *****. Its so weird and its too much for me. Should I talk someone or get help? |
Question: How do you overcome shyness? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:56 PM PDT With school nearly almost two weeks away, I'm freaking out yet I'm excited. Last year for 7th grade, I was very shy. I couldn't talk to people normally because I always felt like if I said something wrong they'd dislike me. When ever I went to my friends house, I was even shy to talk to her parents because I felt like if I said something stupid or even something wrong, they wouldn't ever let me hang out with her again. But, that probably wouldn't ever happen because I'm a sweet girl and all, but I can't hardly talk to anyone without anxiety on them judging me. This year for 8th grade, I want to come out of my shell. I want to be able to talk to people without getting embarrassed and having awkward silences in the middle of the conversation. Just imagine me trying to talk to my crush... Omg 😂 Really the only reason why I have trouble coming out of my shell is 1) I feel like if I say something stupid they'd dislike me 2) I run out of things to say, and 3) I don't have anything interesting/funny to say. Any tip would help right now, thank you :) |
Question: Why won't cousin text me? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:41 PM PDT We're both 15, I'm a boy and she is a girl. I went to an amusement park with her last week and my other two younger cousins, whom I make great talk with. But her, it wasn't much talking, but when there was it was enthusiastic. Towards the end if the day, for about an hour it was just us and we made great talk, laughing and everything. But after that it she was very quiet and on her phone. It just makes me so sad, I hardly ever see her. Her other cousins who she sees a little more are all complete best friends with her, posting their whereabouts all over twitter and Instagram. She is best friends with another cousin who lives even further away (I am 500 miles away). It just makes me so sad. She has lots of friends and 200+ Instagram followers and many Twitter followers. She almost seems shy around me, never saying hello or goodbye, but when she actually does talk for a few sentences she acts like we are best friends. What do I do? I got her number and pretended like I got the wrong one and acted like I thought I was texting my aunt asking about something I forgot. She said it was her but didn't start a conversation. I said "so what's up" and we started a short conversation, but I cut it short because I had to go. It has been over a week and she hasn't texted me. She is always texting her other cousins and friends, just not me. What do I do? Thanks. |
Question: How can I move out of my baby daddy's house, without my family support.? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:35 PM PDT I have a 1yrs old girl with him. He doesn't help me at all, I work full time to provide for her. He has physically abused me when o was pregnant with my daughter, and has done a couple of times. He has cheated on me while I was pregnant. He works but doesn't provide for his daughter, only has given me like $50 to buy diapers, and wipes. Right now he has a dwi. He has done so much hurtful things to me that I want to get out of here. I just need to know what to do. He has also threatened me with killing me and taking my daughter away. |
Question: Is my Professor Attracted to Me? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:23 PM PDT I took a class with this professor last spring and really enjoyed his class, but I wasn t able to sign up for a course with him this semester, so I emailed him asking if there was any way I would be able to get in his class. He emailed me back with a way to get in, but then asked me to text him and gave me his number. When I texted him, he told me a way he would get me in his class by bending a few rules. During this whole conversation, he was using pet names, such as "love", "darling", and "pretty lady". I didn t think much of this, but further into the conversation he asked me to call him by his first name and reminded me he s "not that old". When I stopped replying, he sent another message saying I was one of his favorite students. He then asked where I was from. It is clear he is drifting from a school-related conversation to a casual one. I don t know if I am misreading signs or not. If I m not, what should I do in this situation? |
Question: How do you get over being emotionally and mentally broken? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:12 PM PDT |
Question: Is nanny's (au pair) pool party a bad idea with wife gone? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 09:11 PM PDT I am not planning on cheating. I just wanna check out her & her cute friends in bikinis....while I mix the drinks!! |
Question: Do you think a guy who really likes? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:41 PM PDT A woman will fall in love after spending time with her on many dates? |
Question: Worldview of family? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:33 PM PDT |
Question: If you had nothing to lose, what would you do? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:29 PM PDT So, I am 23 years old and I work in a factory. One of the forklift drivers caught my eye from the moment I walked in the door. He is 35, has 6 children between him and his wife of two years, two Great Danes, a home...did I mention he s MARRIED? He s got it all and here he is at work hitting on me. About three months into our friendship. He s asked me things like, "Is it possible to love two people at once?" or he tells me all the time that he loves me and that he s not going anywhere. I realize this is him making a huge mistake and being unfaithful to his wife, but I can t help my feels. I feel like I should feel guilty, but he s the one who if putting himself into this situation. I have nothing to lose. Even if he didn t see a future, he s still looking for friends with benefits. (We have kissed each other and touched each other with mutual intensions.) In other words, he is still technically cheating on his wife. To feel guilty or not to feel guilty? 😐 HELP |
Question: My heart is demolished? Broken into a million little pieces? It hurts more than anything? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:28 PM PDT I won't go into all the detail about my life. I don't have room on here to write a novel. Its not anything dumb like a break up its worse. (I dont date anyways) but is there any sites where i can talk to somebody? I have no friends and cant go to a counselor. |
Question: My vagina is oozing green slime and has sprouted teeth. Should I seek medical attention? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 08:18 PM PDT |
Question: Qué sucede si se realizan amarres de amor a 2 personas diferentes? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 07:40 PM PDT Uno ya lo realizé, pero quiero realizar el otro. ¿qué sucede? Ambos chicos tienen interés en mi, pero no se deciden (no se me han declarado).Ambos son buenos amigos míos, pero ellos se odian a morir. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias al realizar esto? Lo fundamental es saber si uno de ellos se me va a declarar. Respuestas serias por favor. ¿Qué sucede si se realizan amarres de amor a 2 personas diferentes? |
Question: My heart is so broken right now and I don't know what to do? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 07:38 PM PDT I was with a man who was going through a divorce and I had no idea that he had another woman on the side that he proposed to before his divorce was final. The woman he proposed to was already married herself and now they get to go be happy and I am so miserable right now and I know I deserve it but how do I move forward |
Question: Why does every guy I like don't ever like me back? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 07:26 PM PDT |
Posted: 12 Aug 2015 07:19 PM PDT I've come to the conclusion this is the best way because all of my relationships in the past has been failed disappointments and I'm done trying. How can I be my own best friend and love myself unconditionally? I'm 27 and haven't dated in 3.5 years to 4 years all of my relationships give out the same pattern with the same men who can offer me nothing. The relationships end up being 40/60 or 80/20 in where I put my all and I get nothing. Now that I'm single and don't want to date the amount of men approach me expecting I would date them and I don't because I have given up on men and dating. |
Question: Looking for this classic movie from around I think 1950 or 58? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 06:30 PM PDT Looking for this classic movie from around I think 1950 or 58 maybe even 48 idk but it had a beautiful actress that wanted to kill her rich husband the husband found out lol and played along with it he also told police |
Question: Help, Advice, Anyone ... ? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 06:06 PM PDT So, i'm a 15 year old female. I am a straight a student (I take advanced and AP classes). I usually get what I want, but there's this one thing that I can't get. and it's that I want to spend the night at my boyfriends house. he's 17 and we've been dating for 8 months. we have not had sex and don't plan too anytime soon. I want to stay with him because I just want to cuddle all night, talk and laugh. this might sound stupid, but we both struggle with depression and anxiety. I just finally want a night were I won't toss and turn or stay up all night. there aren't any other intentions than that. but my mom won't budge. she's worried i'm having sex. but i'm not, and she doesn't really believe me, and there's nothing I can do about that. so I just let her thank what she wants. I just want to stay the night with him and feel a little sense of happiness and be able to actually sleep. and I know that I will sleep fine because when i'm over his house we take naps and I sleep soundlessly. but anyway, does anyone have any advice for persuading my mom to let me stay the night. but not using my depression as an excuse? |
Question: I don't want to have a sweet sixteen what do I do? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 06:02 PM PDT I'm 14 and my sweet sixteen is gonna come pretty fast. I don't wanna have one. I'm really REALLY shy and I don't know how to dance. I just don't think I'll be comfortable in front of all those people. My mom is insisting that I have on but I really don't want to. What do I do? Should I have one or not? |
Question: Is being a sugar baby a sin? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 05:58 PM PDT If you're going to give negative feedback, please just leave now! So, as you can probably tell I am a sugar baby lol. My SD has a lot of corporate events, office parties, grand openings, etc. To him, it's embarrassing to be that wealthy and not have a date to his own events. So basically, he pays me up to $2500 to go to these events with him. I have never had sex with him nor am I planning on it.. but is this a sin? I honestly can't decide whether this would be considered a sin or not. Thanks.. |
Question: Pregnant by a married do I get him to leave her? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 05:30 PM PDT I'm 24 weeks pregnant with a boy and his father is married. It began cause we were working together at a law firm and we've been sleeping with eachother for a year now. He isn't happy with his wife and I can see why since I've met her a couple of times. She is very quiet and boring and a total B****. Anyway what really ticks me off is that she called me when I was 14 weeks pregnant cause she found our text messages and now knows everything. She screamed at me and said I need to leave her husband alone. Duh I'm pregnant by him so I'm going NOWHERE. She calls me everyday to yell at me. The only reason why he won't leave that terrible woman is cause they have a three year old daughter that has special needs. How do I get him to leave her? He needs to be with his REAL family! We are way better than her and their daughter! Please some advice cause it's stressing me out and I don't deserve all this stress! |
Posted: 12 Aug 2015 05:08 PM PDT I'm 16, mom & her friends (elana & Dona) instruct Dance everyday. We have a very close family bond. I'm really close with Dona, she always supports me, I love her a lot, we have a special bond.. Recently Dona got madbecause she couldn't get the dance moves as quick as mom & elana; so she got mad at elana, Dona now feels she doesn't deserve to be on stage. She hasn't come to Dance in 5weeks, she's over exaggerating, we love her so much & have tried everything for her to come back but she's not. 4 days ago I texted her "wanted to say I love & miss u so much! Been thinking about you, I hope your doing great!" She put "aww I love you & miss you too!😘😘😘" (I know she's serious when she says that because she's a very serious, hardly shows emotion kinda lady, who Is very straight up!) today she wasn't on my Facebook anymore, turns out she blocked me, mom & Elena. Why'd she block me?? Anyway, today I texted her saying how much I missed her & love her, how I miss her always (playfully) yelling at me & waving at me, how I hope she's doing good & im always thinking of her. She put "I miss you more! I hope everything's going good for u, looks like ur going to have to find someone else to take my place.. always remember Hun that no matter how hard things get, always be the best, most positive person u can be!😘😘😘" I said "no one will ever take ur place! u will always hold a special place in my heart" do u think she thought it was weird? I hope she liked it, any advice on all this? |
Question: Is blood truly thicker than water? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 04:44 PM PDT some family members dont get along. |
Question: My mom says inappropriate things....? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 04:16 PM PDT Like a few times ago I was I m the kitchen cleaning and I guess my dad asked my mom for sex and my mom came in laughing telling my dad to ask me to do it. And this isn t the first time... It makes me sick to even think she would say something like that. She ll always tell my dad "have your daughter do it" when he talks to her about it. And when I say what the **** is wrong with you she tries to play it off like I m the sick one saying "I m joking". My dad just ignores her buy it makes me sick and what the hell is wrong with her? Like one time my dad was up late watching his TV program and I had gotten up yo use the bath room and I can hear her yelling at my dad and turns off the TV and bangs on my bath room door asking me "what the **** are you doing" and then she called me a sick *****. Its so weird and its too much for me. Should I talk someone or get help? |
Question: What's an upper year student? Posted: 12 Aug 2015 03:49 PM PDT admitted as an upper year student? What does this mean? |
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