Singles & Dating: Question: What do I do? |
- Question: What do I do?
- Question: Why do these guys stare at the girl their friend likes?
- Question: What is your view on a 15 year old dating a 21 year old?
- Question: My ex text me sometimes. He texted me yesterday & I replied. We had a lil conversation. Today I texted him but he didn't reply back. Why?
- Question: Can't get over ex boyfriend?
- Question: Do you think my ex likes me again?
- Question: Why did she smile at me after I got nervous?
- Question: Guys??!?!?!?
- Question: Boyfriend might dump me?
- Question: I'm 4"10 & this guy that's around 5"7 said I'm too short for him, I thought guys liked short girls. Are most guys like him?
- Question: Please someone tell me the stages of sex. I am 26 and I am confused. Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
- Question: When guys have sex in the missionary style why do they flop their butt cheeks up and down like their twerking?
- Question: Me and my friend got in an arguement because I hate my self. What does this mean?
- Question: Who is El chapo and what did he do to be wanted?
- Question: What's worse than a ugly girl acting like she's hot?
- Question: Can you die from Hypothyroidism?
- Question: Does she think I'm a cutie?
- Question: Who is anonymous?
- Question: Ex boyfriend told me that he wished the relationship wouldn't have ended. it seems like he is ok w/ being friends.he not trying 2 get me bac?
- Question: Im 13 and I live in a rural town where most people dont help people out how do I make money?
- Question: Do guys always text after a break up?
- Question: Why would he add me on snapchat?
- Question: What does it mean "I don't want to lead you on"?
- Question: I broke up with my ex and& texts me every other day. He texted me I texted him& he didn't answer. Why?
- Question: I'm in love with my best friend?
- Question: What does mean of I don't mind seeing you?
- Question: My crush left me on read , what do I do ? I feel confused?
- Question: Help! I'm in jail. I tried shooting Cupid's Arrow on my lady love but they arrested me for assault. What did I do wrong?
- Question: Is it an early bad sign if he didn't answer my snapchat? please help!!?
- Question: Having an argument about fetishes with friends, help me settle it.?
- Question: Is it weird to kiss your best female friend on the cheek?
- Question: Why is it that people that are in relationships say it's not bad to be single.. why are they in relationships then?!?!?!?
- Question: How can I be less Insecure?
- Question: Is this guy just not interested?
- Question: Why am I so nervous for my first day of work ?
- Question: I really like this cute girl in my 8th grade class how do I know if she likes me? What are some signs?
- Question: I really like this girl and want her to text first. How do I make her text first?
- Question: How is dating like in Britain? What are the do's and dont's for American guys?
- Question: Is it okay for bf to have feelings for his ex after she cheated on him 3 times and had abortion with his baby it?
- Question: Ladies is my penis big enough would it be a turn off?
- Question: Girlfriend transferred $40,000:00 after we split how can i get it back?
- Question: Girl messages me that me and her would be perfect if I had my driver's license. Then she tells me she uses a vibrator. What does that mean?
- Question: Are many black women opened to going out with white males ?? How should a white male approach a black female ?
- Question: Is she trying to flirt with me?
- Question: Was there something there?
- Question: Your opinion?
- Question: Boyfriend problems?
- Question: How can I touch my crushes butt/boob without her getting mad?
- Question: What is he up to?? Is he trying to take things slow or taking me out as a friend?
- Question: Can a girl ever be too wet when she is turned on?
- Question: Girl tells me that she uses a vibrator to pleasure herself because she knew that she wasn't going to get any. Why did she tell me this?
- Question: My bff is a girl....Im a guy, and she invited me over to her house...and I did something really stupid!!?
- Question: My first school?
- Question: Is it normal that I have a crush on Jon Stewart? I am 18 btw. ???? PLEASE HELPPPPP?
- Question: Do you think he was trying to get my attention? (10 points for best answer)?
- Question: Does she think I'm a cutie?
- Question: Important Question about underage relations?
- Question: How much does twitch pay you and how?
- Question: Is Bacon the answer to everything ?
- Question: What is a good amount to finger your self?
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:10 PM PST I don't have the courage to kill myself, I really wish I did. I've talked about this before, and I know the generic responses ; "It will come with time, be patient" "Life has its ups and downs, just hang in there" " |
Question: Why do these guys stare at the girl their friend likes? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:09 PM PST I'm pretty sure this shy guy likes me and it's been about a year now. This year he sits in this spot in the cafeteria where he has a good view of me and just stares somedays. Some days he doesn't but when he doesn't literally all of his friends will stare at me at once. Even when the guy is absent all of his friends still stare at me. How come? Sometimes I see the guys closest friend talking to him while he's staring at me. Also in the hallways those guys glance at me. Why???? |
Question: What is your view on a 15 year old dating a 21 year old? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:09 PM PST I m just curious, honestly. A friend of mine has been in a relationship with a 21 year old she has known for nearly 4 years. They ve been secretly dating for almost a year now and it s become the only thing she s actually happy about anymore. It may sound stupid, but I can promise that he actually treats her with respect and loves her no matter what she s going through. Should this be acceptable? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:08 PM PST |
Question: Can't get over ex boyfriend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:07 PM PST I am in 7th grade. Me and my ex boyfriend still like each other, we only broke up because he's not allowed to date. Idk what to do because I can't get over him and I don't like anyone else... Uh I don't know what to do I think about him every night |
Question: Do you think my ex likes me again? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:07 PM PST My ex and I have two classes together, and he sits at my table in pottery class. There's about 4 of my friends that sit at the table. One of my good friends sits with us, and he told me that he likes her. I told him that its fine, and I wouldn't mind if they dated. But the thing is, my friends at the table think he still has feelings for me, including the girl he likes. Whenever he talks, he looks at either me or her only at the table. He always stares at me a lot in both classes. Another thing is, when we're all talking at the table, he brings up old memories that him and I had when we were dating all the time. For example, yesterday he said to us "Chemistry was so funny. I gave her (me) a kiss on the cheek and the teacher flipped out about it." Yesterday my friend that he likes said that when I got up to go to the restroom, she said shat she told him "You two sure have a lot of memories." And he said "Yeah well she (me) is really awesome." He also messages me sometimes randomly throughout the day. Our conversations don't last long because he ends up not replying eventually, but then hours later he'll message me something random. Today we were talking, and he asked me if I could give him my friend's number. I didn't have it, but I told him what her Facebook was and that he could talk to her on there. Then he messaged me saying "Thank you, she's really beautiful. I'm really starting to like her." What do you think? I can't tell if he likes her, me, both of us haha. |
Question: Why did she smile at me after I got nervous? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:07 PM PST I was walking outside this morning without a shirt and I saw my neighbor. I said hi to her and she smiled and said hi to me. She asked where my shirt was at. I told her it was inside and she smiled and asked if that was my way of inviting her inside. I totally blushed and stuttered and said I wasn't saying or implying that. I told her I just wanted to go to my car and she walked towards me and poked me and said my stomach was hard (I'm developing abs). I twitched and she giggled and I blushed even more. She told me to have a nice day and to stop trying to be a pervert and then giggled again before I stuttered and blushed and then shouted at her that I'm not a pervert |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:06 PM PST Okay so I'm in school and I want this guy to notice me. I've seen out of the corner of my eye that he stares but how can I get him interested. |
Question: Boyfriend might dump me? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:06 PM PST We got into an arugment and i told him if he doesn't wanna talk for a while to like cooll down and he said he will talk to me monday. Im scared he is going to dump me |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:06 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:06 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:05 PM PST When guys have sex with women in the missionary position and their going fast why do men like to flop their *** cheeks up and down like their twerking? it just looks gay . |
Question: Me and my friend got in an arguement because I hate my self. What does this mean? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:05 PM PST So I called my self ugly because I am ugly and I don't say it for attention and she got really mad at me and started a fight between her an I. And then she said that I always contradict her because she says I'm not ugly and I always say I am. Why is she mad that I hate myself so much? |
Question: Who is El chapo and what did he do to be wanted? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:04 PM PST |
Question: What's worse than a ugly girl acting like she's hot? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:04 PM PST |
Question: Can you die from Hypothyroidism? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:04 PM PST |
Question: Does she think I'm a cutie? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:04 PM PST I'm your typically 21 yr old working at this store & whenever I see this woman shes always doing quick glances like looking around. Shes tall like me, I'd say 22-23. She seems "fancy", she even drove in a pretty nice car, soon as she pulled up I could've swore she did a quick glance at me. Maybe I'm imagining things. But whenever she walks in the grocery store it seems like she does quick glances to everyone else also. Also one time she was walking I looked at her & she did a quick smile. A few wks later she came in with some sunglasses, once again being high maintenance. I quickly decided to mess with her. I said "you cant wear those" with a smile. She walked a little and smiled at me like "what? Well im gonna wear them anyway!" smiling. Some time passed by, I turned around messing with my co worker then she walks pass me looking at me saying "im still wearing themm". I look at her trying to think what to say. She starts to walk toward me "why? Why cant I wear them?" tilting her sunglasses down.Then I say "im just joking with youu" smiling waving my hand, she laughs at the same time with me. Turns around & says "cyaa". A wk later she came in doing quick glances with a little smirk. She did this like twice. My friend caught her and she went around the store real quick. She went to the aisle beside me then changed her mind & came thru my line. I played it cool & she just starts convo & she had to go A wk later I was in the lobby & I could've swore she was staring at me. My friend was in the store and apparently she initiated convo with him like small talk even though they were both in different lines. I had go to outside & i could see her coming my way i made casual glances. She seemed nervous but looked at me & said again "hey hru" with a little smile. I just said "good & you? A wk later I went outside and I seen her & walked toward her, remained calmed, she seemed outta breath but said "Hey" with a smile. I said "Hey, whats going on?" she didnt say nothing just kept walking in the store. A few mins later she was quickly out with her sunglasses out to her car A wk later I was in the store and I seen her we both looked at each other shes like "Hey" I'm like "Sup, whats gonna on with you?" we both gave each other the same look as we passed each other, I sensed a nervous vibe at the moment. I was outside talking to my friend walking then she comes out with her sunglasses and hair to the side with a nice straight posture I was outside & I didn't see her but she was in her car staring dead at me. She drove around to the other side & went into the store. I decide to go outside on the other side of the store where my friend was there doing carts. Me & him were cool he had this dye blue hair & we was walking she looked at both of us with a smirk as she came out. The security guard also told me she gave him a look when he said have a good day Today she came in and gave me & my friend quick looks I had a plan in mind this time. Every time she leaves she puts her sunglasses & ofc walking fast. When she got close I slowly looked back & said "How are you doing today? You having a good day today?" with a tiny smirk. She nervously looked at me & nervously said "Pretty good. And you..?" She said that while speedily walking then going out the door. A few days later she came in and I seen her walk through some aisles I walked around the store then she started to walk outside. I followed her a minute I sort've had a grin smile on my face looking at her. She turned around opening her car door smiling like a "omg" soft smile..& says "Hey whats up?" I just said "Whats up?" & she got in her car. |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:04 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:03 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:03 PM PST Yaa Im saying like lemoade stands people laugh at you and calls you stupid |
Question: Do guys always text after a break up? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:02 PM PST |
Question: Why would he add me on snapchat? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:01 PM PST I went out on 2 dates with this guy I met online. We were both comfortable during the dates and I got the vibe that he might like me. We texted for a couple of days but the texts got sparse. One day I texted him and he didn't respond and I didn't send him any follow-up texts because I didn't want to be clingy and figured he wasn't interested. We haven't spoken in 5 months but he added me on snapchat and won't send me snaps but views all of my stories. Whats the deal? |
Question: What does it mean "I don't want to lead you on"? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 07:00 PM PST I met this girl at work. We texted everyday w/ long paragraphs always said goodmornings and would send funny picture messages. We would hang out w/ each other. Finally after 3 months of talking and getting to know each other, i asked her out on a first date. On that day we both said we liked each other. We both discussed and talked about being in a relationship. Unfortunately she said she does not think she is ready. She also said she was confused on w/ she wants, but we kept continuing talking everyday. I asked her out to hang out again. We both decided to hang out at her house. On that night we were talking very well. I also had a gift. She liked it and we hugged. I thought it was a good time to go for a kiss but she turned away and said she did not want to because she did not want to lead me on. Turns out she never had a bf and she said there was a time where she almost did but he messed up. She said she was sorry but i told her that it's ok because i do not want to pressure her nor make her feel umcomfortable. I left but i still messaged her. Since then our messages were now 1 or two sentences and not how our messages would be before. I asked if it would be ok if we can hang out again. She told me that she honestly feels like she is leading me on still every time she agrees and she does not want that. I did not respond after and its been a week w/o talking and it has been almost a month not seeing her. Should i move on? What does she mean by not wanting to lead me on? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:59 PM PST |
Question: I'm in love with my best friend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:58 PM PST We've been friends since fifth grade. I've had a crush on her since fifth grade and we are in twelfth grade now. My feelings have grown very deep for her. We've almost been together twice. Once in tenth grade she told me she had a crush on me, but we were both friends with each other's exes at the time. We both had just gotten out of those relationships So we waited. The next year I told her about my feelings and she told me she reciprocated but was too hurt from her previous relationship ( she had just gotten out of one) to be in a new one. But we kissed and that was it. Since then we've been best friends as usual. Last semester I tried to Tell her again but I choked up and left and now we are in our last semester of high school about to go to probably different colleges. I love this girl. What do I do? |
Question: What does mean of I don't mind seeing you? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:57 PM PST |
Question: My crush left me on read , what do I do ? I feel confused? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:57 PM PST Okay well there s this guy that I used to have a crush on like I m 6th grade , and well he texted me and confessed he had a crush on me then he asked Me if he wanted to start talking and maybe later on go out and well at first I felt weird about it and ended up saying yes that I would be nice and well at the next day everything was okay but then we texted again and either he took to long to answer or I would so then he just left me on read and hasn t texted me . Should I text him ? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:55 PM PST |
Question: Is it an early bad sign if he didn't answer my snapchat? please help!!? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:54 PM PST So I'm a junior in college and have always been very shy and never ever went after a guy, always let them come to me. I made a tinder and matched this boy and we talked on there for a little bit. He gave me his number but I never texted him because I was just nervous (he's a wrestler at my school and I hooked up with- everything but sex- with a different wrestler). I wasn't sure if they were close so I didn't wanna be THAT girl. I added him on snapchat and we would have little conversations on there. I deleted tidner so I lost his number which is why we never texted. When school started we started exchanging snapchats again and the occasional drunk "come over" would come but nothing ever happened. Basically we only have convos via snapchat, sometimes long sometimes short. Today he had a bus ride to a tournament that he said was long and so I said "that suucks. You can text me if you need to pass the time :)" hoping he'd ask for my Number but he didn't. Just didn't answer. Is that bad? He was already at the tournament when he opened it sooooo maybe he didn't need it? Idk I'm sad I had a crush on him. What should I think about that? Not interested? Not a big deal? Just focusing on wrestling? He's like my perfect type so I stinks. Help!! its so sad that this is how boys and girls communicate nowadays, i HATE it |
Question: Having an argument about fetishes with friends, help me settle it.? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:54 PM PST What is better, feer or bruises? Feet* or bruises |
Question: Is it weird to kiss your best female friend on the cheek? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:53 PM PST I'm a guy, I'm 16, my best friend is a girl Ericka. I hug her and kiss her on the cheek all the time, is that weird? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:52 PM PST I would absolutely LOVE to be in a relationship again.. I hate how my friends say "it's not a bad thing being single.. you save money and can do whatever you want whenever you want." It's sooooooo frustrating lol. And yes I keep myself busy..yada yada yada l |
Question: How can I be less Insecure? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:51 PM PST so the reason im insecure as my mom says is because when I was little I went through a lot. My dad would always favorite my sister and make me feel like I'm not favorited by him. She was daddy's girl I was no ones girl really. I always called him out on his $hit and he hated that so always put me down with his words. he was very messed up in the head. My parents fought every day all the time I would have to hide in my room. So that's how my anxiety formed. Well my parents are really good looking we get compliments on how good looking we all are and I always get guys attentions wherever I go I've had so many guys want me I was considered one of the hottest girls at school me and my sister like yeah BUT my personality is complete ****. I don't even associate with relationships because I have a crappy personality I'm physco as hell. There was this guy who I've thought was hot for 3 years at high school and he finally started talking to me after 4 days of talking me straight up said he can't do it, he said I'm too insecure and need to find myself. I'm confident in my looks I love the way I look in a non conceited way but not my personality I'm always angry and mean and awkward shy and I'm a *****. what do i do? How do I quit being insecure? |
Question: Is this guy just not interested? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:51 PM PST i seen this guy i know locally and i fancy him a bit.he was coming towards me and i made a point of really smiling and saying hi and he just winked at me without smiling? |
Question: Why am I so nervous for my first day of work ? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:50 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:50 PM PST I really like this girl in my 8th grade class. We didn't talk much in 6th grade. In 7th grade we talked more and I got her phone number. Actually, she gave it to me, I didn't ask her for it, as I was too shy. I had asked another girl if she could send me the homework we had gotten but the girl I like interfered and said she could send it to me. However, we don't really talk much in school but I can sense that she is eager to talk when we're texting. She always texts me for the homework, although, I already kinda know that she has it and just wants to talk. I'm too shy to talk to her in school and I feel like she is too. She is very loud and likes to talk a lot. When we sit in the same table, she gets really quiet. She will give eye contact but then look away. She's always raising her hand to give out papers, to get near me I suppose. When she gives it out she will be like, "De nada" (Your welcome) as I speak Spanish, look me in the eyes and smile. Once in 7th grade, I forgot how it happened, she told one of her friends that I texted funny. Then her friend told her something and she was like, "Oh, because he loves me," and she smiled. Anyways, starting 8th grade, we kinda split apart. When I text her, she usually replies fast. In groups, she completely ignores me and she kinda flirts with other guys.Why is this? Is this to make me shy or does she just not like me? Sometimes, I feel that she is just using me. |
Question: I really like this girl and want her to text first. How do I make her text first? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:48 PM PST We have been texting for a pretty consistent basis for a few months now. I think she may like me. I often see her staring at me and when I see her, she looks away quickly. The only problem is that she ended our last conversation with "... and bye." I really want her to text first? |
Question: How is dating like in Britain? What are the do's and dont's for American guys? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:47 PM PST I am a teenager from America, just about 17-18. Assuming I were moving and transferring to a school in Britain, what should I avoid doing so I do not come off as foolish? My confidence fluctuates from time to time, but it is very easy to portray. I'm not much of an open book and would rather remain more on the mysterious side because sharing too much information would easily bore peers. I'm not as sophisticated as I might appear to be on the exterior, which is why knowledge is a huge priority for myself. |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:46 PM PST I've asked him lots of times if he had feelings for His ex and he keep telling me no till one day he finally told me he kinda does. it really hurted me a lot.:-( |
Question: Ladies is my penis big enough would it be a turn off? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:46 PM PST I'm a 5×5 would this work. Could I please a woman with it, would my size be a turn off |
Question: Girlfriend transferred $40,000:00 after we split how can i get it back? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:45 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:44 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:44 PM PST I would love black female for girlfriend ..Would a black female be ok with a white male saying you look very nice and would you care to go out or exchange phone numbers ?? Black women please give this white male some tips...I am 25 ..hwp..nice looking guy wants some tips on black women...Thank you |
Question: Is she trying to flirt with me? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:43 PM PST This really attractive girl I met in a table group for our class has recently started approaching me with small talk. Things that aren't really relevant and maybe I'm just biased but things that make it seem like she just wants to talk to me. Today I was washing dishes(it's a culinary class) and she randomly started to dry dishes with me even though she wasn't the assigned dryer. There would be some silence then she would ask something like "what's your favorite type of ice cream?" or "remember when a pan caught on fire a few months ago?". I can't tell if she likes me or if she's just really polite. What do you think? |
Question: Was there something there? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:41 PM PST My thoughts keep focusing on this girl I know. She was new to the school and I helped her out. She asked if I was going to go to the school dance (which I wasn't because it was my moms birthday) then seemed disappointed when I said no. She invited me to her birthday party and wanted to cuddle with me. But she has had 2 boyfriends while I knew her and she is now in a different class, and we don't talk as much any more because we don't see each other much anymore. We only talk on text occasionally now. Anyway was there ever something there? Because I'm feeling like the densest guy in the world right now! |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:41 PM PST He is mean to me some days, then nice to me on's really frustrating ...for instance one day he literally threw change into my hand (he was infront of his friends) and the next day he was really sweet and was trying to be helpful (he was alone)...when I give him attention he likes it but is rude and when I dont he looks upset?btw he also does some drugs....what is your opinion? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:39 PM PST My boyfriend has problems with being able to deal with our arguments, he often retreats from them and leaves them unresolved and then after the time it takes for him to be ready to talk, my animosity about the fight we've had builds and I get super mad and let him have it, we've talked about it before but he's always saying that he'll try to do better and then nothing changes.. what do I do? because he obviously can't deal with resolving issues right away and I obviously have trouble with waiting for him to be ready. He also tells his friends about my problems and I told him no to and he did it again... i know because they try to talk to me about my problems when I go specifically to him for support and help. All of this boils down to is what do I do with someone who can not hold me down emotionally on his own? because I hold him down all the time and its starting to feel one sided. I love him but I need someone who's willing to be there for the mere sake of wanting to do whatever it takes to make me feel better. |
Question: How can I touch my crushes butt/boob without her getting mad? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:39 PM PST |
Question: What is he up to?? Is he trying to take things slow or taking me out as a friend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:39 PM PST We went salsa dancing last night and this was the first time he picked me up and dropped me off and also payed for anything like the salsa ballroom and drinks. I had a great time. We've been talking since last August and was confused to were i stood. I told him that I liked him more than a friend 3 months after in November and he said he said he rather be with a best friend than to jump start into a relationship. I decided to let him go and then i heard from 3 weeks after. Told him i couldn't do this but eventually ended up telling him to keep in touch. Now this happened. What do you guys think he's up to? do you think he's trying to take this friendship serious or is he being a **** boy? |
Question: Can a girl ever be too wet when she is turned on? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:38 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:36 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:33 PM PST I was in her room and she left really quick to go use the bathroom, and I saw a pair of her panties on the floor so I picked them up and smelled them idk why....she caught me and kicked me out....and she wont even look at me anymore yk at school...what do I do?? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:33 PM PST |
Question: Is it normal that I have a crush on Jon Stewart? I am 18 btw. ???? PLEASE HELPPPPP? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:33 PM PST There was a question earlier when I described my ideal man. He was tall blonde, young, muscular... Now, I don't know why, but I have this HUGE crush on Jon Stewart, and he is NOTHING like that. It all started because I admired him politicaly. I was such a big fan of the Daily Show. I noticed how unconventional he is, SO charming, so incredibly funny, he is a freaking GENIOUS... He did his job in a unique way like noone has done before and noone will ever do. I noticed that he has similarities with me in my personality, and that's when I began to find him adorable. Now, I don't now is it just HIS SIMILARITY WITH ME that I love (maybe that's the reason why, since I am a bit narcistic lol) or am I really crushing on Jon Stewart. And even though he is 5'7'' I am 5'9" and even though he is older and married, if I ever got the chance I would totally have sex with him. As a said. I just think he is incredibly charismatic and amazing. I find him REALLY REALLY sexy and not that bad looking afterall... Whic is REALLY weird because I am a really visual person and I have a fetish for younger guys, not OLDER. IS THIS NORMAL? What do you think why is it that I am so fascinated by him? |
Question: Do you think he was trying to get my attention? (10 points for best answer)? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:32 PM PST I told this guy I wanted to go with him to this event when I come to visit him. I saw a few days ago he shared a the event on his timeline for the date I'll be there to see him. Do you think he shared it so I could see it? |
Question: Does she think I'm a cutie? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:32 PM PST I'm your typically 21 yr old working at this store & whenever I see this woman shes always doing quick glances like looking around. Shes tall like me, I'd say 22-23. She seems "fancy", she even drove in a pretty nice car, soon as she pulled up I could've swore she did a quick glance at me. Maybe I'm imagining things. But whenever she walks in the grocery store it seems like she does quick glances to everyone else also. Also one time she was walking I looked at her & she did a quick smile. A few wks later she came in with some sunglasses, once again being high maintenance. I quickly decided to mess with her. I said "you cant wear those" with a smile. She walked a little and smiled at me like "what? Well im gonna wear them anyway!" smiling. Some time passed by, I turned around messing with my co worker then she walks pass me looking at me saying "im still wearing themm". I look at her trying to think what to say. She starts to walk toward me "why? Why cant I wear them?" tilting her sunglasses down.Then I say "im just joking with youu" smiling waving my hand, she laughs at the same time with me. Turns around & says "cyaa". A wk later she came in doing quick glances with a little smirk. She did this like twice. My friend caught her and she went around the store real quick. She went to the aisle beside me then changed her mind & came thru my line. I played it cool & she just starts convo & she had to go A wk later I was in the lobby & I could've swore she was staring at me. My friend was in the store and apparently she initiated convo with him like small talk even though they were both in different lines. I had go to outside & i could see her coming my way i made casual glances. She seemed nervous but looked at me & said again "hey hru" with a little smile. I just said "good & you? A wk later I went outside and I seen her & walked toward her, remained calmed, she seemed outta breath but said "Hey" with a smile. I said "Hey, whats going on?" she didnt say nothing just kept walking in the store. A few mins later she was quickly out with her sunglasses out to her car A wk later I was in the store and I seen her we both looked at each other shes like "Hey" I'm like "Sup, whats gonna on with you?" we both gave each other the same look as we passed each other, I sensed a nervous vibe at the moment. I was outside talking to my friend walking then she comes out with her sunglasses and hair to the side with a nice straight posture I was outside & I didn't see her but she was in her car staring dead at me. She drove around to the other side & went into the store. I decide to go outside on the other side of the store where my friend was there doing carts. Me & him were cool he had this dye blue hair & we was walking she looked at both of us with a smirk as she came out. The security guard also told me she gave him a look when he said have a good day Today she came in and gave me & my friend quick looks I had a plan in mind this time. Every time she leaves she puts her sunglasses & ofc walking fast. When she got close I slowly looked back & said "How are you doing today? You having a good day today?" with a tiny smirk. She nervously looked at me & nervously said "Pretty good. And you..?" She said that while speedily walking then going out the door. A few days later she came in and I seen her walk through some aisles I walked around the store then she started to walk outside. I followed her a minute I sort've had a grin smile on my face looking at her. She turned around opening her car door smiling like a "omg" soft smile..& says "Hey whats up?" I just said "Whats up?" & she got in her car. Like it was a soft sultry smirk she did.. |
Question: Important Question about underage relations? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:31 PM PST Hello, My good friend, Trent, who is 14, told me that him and his girlfriend had some inappropriate relations.Details can be found below: I went over to his house to hang out. We played some Black Ops 3 and got some pizza. We had a good night. He told me that Lea, whom is also 14, had some 'touching' in their 'special areas'. He told me that she gave him a small ******* and he sucked / licked her breasts. They made out, too. What will happen if the police find out about what Trent did? Hes a great guy, he now goes to church, prays before bed, and reads the bible. What will happen to Trent? Sincere, |
Question: How much does twitch pay you and how? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:30 PM PST |
Question: Is Bacon the answer to everything ? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:28 PM PST |
Question: What is a good amount to finger your self? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 06:26 PM PST |
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