Friends: Question: My best friend is having her 13th birthday soon. She doesn t know where she wants it to have it yet.? |
- Question: My best friend is having her 13th birthday soon. She doesn t know where she wants it to have it yet.?
- Question: Caught my friend lying?
- Question: Drunk friend screamed at me? Why?
- Question: I don't get people sometimes.?
- Question: Should I feel bad about what I did at school?
- Question: I have no friends?
- Question: Should I give my friend another chance or?
- Question: I want to travel but have no one to travel with.?
- Question: What would you do?
- Question: How can people use each other?
- Question: Should I try to get into contact with my old friend?
- Question: I moved in with a friend and it has gone sour. We split everything down the middle although he already lived here. We have an intial?
- Question: Should I text my guy friend "hi"?
- Question: My friend punched me!?
- Question: Advice about a friend?
- Question: Is it bad to be best friends with your ex(s)?
- Question: Helppp ! I feel like a big failure?
- Question: My friend's boyfriend is videoing her? (Child pornography)?
- Question: Is it wierd for me not be living on my own?
- Question: Why does this girl hate me? (Read full story please)?
- Question: I'm tired of this freaking boring life!?
- Question: How can I get revenge on a group of people?
- Question: What are these guys problems?
- Question: I'm tired of this freaking boring life?
- Question: Should I punch my sister?
- Question: Will I get in trouble?
- Question: Should I buy a birthday cake for my friend?
- Question: My best friend acts conceited as well as her "other friends" towards me.. What should I do?
- Question: My friend is really mad at me and i dont know what i did dome one please help me?
- Question: Is 5'3" short for a 13 year old?
- Question: Is this woman in love with me?
- Question: Was what I did the right thing to do?
- Question: What would you do if you got arrested and a officer got your boobs out by accident would you stay like that or get someone to cover you up?
- Question: I moved in with a friend and it has gone sour. We split everything down the middle although he already lived here. We have an intial?
- Question: How come my friend got over a 100 likes on facebook instantly and i got none?
- Question: Girls what would you do if you woke up and your 6 year old son got your boobs out and left?
- Question: Why is he like this?
- Question: Most strangers that i meet first time become my "best friends" fast and it became a problem?
- Question: Does anyone know this funny viral FaceBook video? Details below...?
- Question: Guys what would you do if your mom and dad walked into your room and saw your girlfriends boobs exposed? Would you talk or put them up?
- Question: I'm stuck with these 2 girls??? What do I do?
- Question: Is something wrong with me ?
- Question: Nobody respects me?
- Question: Guys if your girlfriends need to cover up would you pull her bra up or let your friend do it?
- Question: 'how do i talk my wife into a mmf night of fun id love to see her with another'?
- Question: This girl in my school copies everything on me.Help?
- Question: How to deal with a best friends break up at school? HELP PLEASE!!?
- Question: How can I make people see who someone really is?
- Question: So I'm kinda tired of living like this?
- Question: What should I do about my friend who doesn't really talk to me anymore?
- Question: What should I do if my boobs comes out in front of my boyfriends friends in the pool? He was carrying me about 2 minutes when they come out.?
- Question: What is the best way to handle this situation?
- Question: Good comebacks to make this person stop!? Please read!?
- Question: I have a friend who has had both legs amputated, he has jus got a job driving manual cars. is this legal?
- Question: My birthday party is tomarrow and i have no idea what we can do! (For 12 year olds)?
- Question: I'm worried my friend ate 20 0.5 Ativan at once?
- Question: Is there anything I can do? Should I just give up?
- Question: I had enough with my bestfriend?
- Question: Should I visit my best friend's grave?
- Question: How to stop uninvited guests from coming over?
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 05:08 PM PST Other than me, she is inviting another girl and 2 guys. My friend herself has scoliosis so we can t go to waterparks or trampoline parks. Also, one of the guys has a bone problems and we can t really be around a big group of people and people can t push him around. We were thinking of an arcade or a movie theatre type of place. Any suggestions? |
Question: Caught my friend lying? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 05:06 PM PST I'm so angry. My male friend and I were supposed to hang out at an event today. He knows how much I wanted to attend this event with him. So, when I texted him about it, he apologized and told me that he couldn't come anymore because he had to help his mom fix the house. Okay. That's fine. It makes me a little upset, but it's not that big of a deal. Well, I left the event a little early. I bought him an item that I thought he would like. While I was texting our mutual friend about the event and how he couldn't come, our mutual friend told me that he was actually over at their house. PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. I didn't confront him about this yet, but I am so hurt and angry. This has happened twice already, but I just kept it to myself. Should I say something? Should I just cut the friendship? |
Question: Drunk friend screamed at me? Why? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:55 PM PST My friend has a tendency to get drunk a lot, and in general, make bad decisions. We're both 18, and were at a frat party. I'm the designated driver in our friend group. It was 1 in the morning. My friend was so drunk she could barely talk. My other friends got an uber and went home without us. So, I offered to take her home, and make sure she got home safe. She had a complete meltdown, and started drunkly crying, "Don't ******* touch me! Get away! I don't want to ******* go home with you," I said, "I can just drop you off if you want." She responded, "Oh my ******* god, I'll walk, leave me alone!" I got her an uber. Lol. Was she just drunk or is there another reason why she didn't want me to help her out? |
Question: I don't get people sometimes.? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:53 PM PST When I am "being myself", I have zero friends. When I am "not being myself", I have tons of friends and people are more willing to talk to me. I have no patience. When will I make a friend? |
Question: Should I feel bad about what I did at school? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:52 PM PST So at school I was eating lunch with my friends and we started talking about the ugliest kids in the school because(I know this sounds mean) but there are some legit ugly people. So I asked my friend who he thought was the ugliest male and as a joke and he said as a joke this girl nobody likes. But I started talking and I said I thought the ugliest male was this ugly kid but little did I know he was spying on me(the kid I called ugly) and he didn't seem happy. I didn't wanna get in trouble for stating my opinion so I told him it was a joke and he believed me so I moved on. But now I feel kinda guilty Should I? The male should have mined his own business so I kinda think I shouldn't feel guilty Should I? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:38 PM PST I m 15 years old and I recently got pulled out of public school to be homeschooled. I have become extremely lonely and bored and I don t know what to do. I got physically bullied when I attended school and I didn t have any friends. I was the weird kid who was obsessed with YouTube and whatnot. This went on for about 4 years. I have never had but one friend(who recently "broke up with me") and I find it very hard to make friends with others. I ve had to delete all my social media due to cyber bullying and now that I m homeschooled I don t get anything social interaction at all. I would like to try and make new friends but I m afraid I ll be rejected. |
Question: Should I give my friend another chance or? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:36 PM PST during 7th period today, I was listening to music on my phone and I didn't want to turn it completely off since I would have to re enter the password. so anyways, I am 15 by the way and I was listening to Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody. he looked at my phone and yelled " your looking at playboy? " its normal for him to do this stuff since he does it to some of his friends in my 7th period Computer Applications. its a mix between freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior (which he is). I got embarrassed. and it made me to not want to take that class anymore. he is a senior so thats why he acts up in class. should I Email my teacher to let him know this happened? should I give him another chance? |
Question: I want to travel but have no one to travel with.? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:16 PM PST I am a chartered accountant and next inline to own numerous business over South Africa. So money is not an issue and I have been blessed to have the opportunities to travel but I do not have anyone to go with. How do I make friends as an adult or fund someone to travel with? I was a loner through out school and didn't end up with many people I wanted to keep in contact with after highschool so I have no people to ask. |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:05 PM PST I am a stay at home mom with 1 daughter. I lived in my home town when my daughter was born and my best friend ignored me and my mom was distant so i decided to move to my husbands home town in missouri. When we moved there his parents moved an hour away and all we have here is our church as family. For some reason my best friend has decided to be best friends again and i visit her sometimes a long with my mom. they both want us to move back but the neighborhood is bad..schools are bad and my husband would get paid 5 dollars less and worst this is my issue..we are wanting to buy our first house and not sure were to buy it. Were we live now is good with neighborhood and schools...but just my husband, me my daughter and my dad living with us and our church....or move back to the bad neighborhood...have a friend and my mom but worse jobs and bad schools and neighborhood... what would u choose? |
Question: How can people use each other? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:00 PM PST I don't understand how you can do that to someone. Like what goes through their heads. I honestly don't let people do this to me anymore, I'm quick to cut people off but I see it with mutual friends and stuff. From elementary through 12th grade there have been some people like this. They would only be friends with people that they can get something out of. For example in high school there was this nerdy kid that was rich. All the jocks would act like they were his friend during the summer because he had a pool. But when he wasn't around they would call him a weirdo, plus once it started getting cold they would ignore him until it was warm out again. How can people be that cruel and selfish? |
Question: Should I try to get into contact with my old friend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 04:00 PM PST I'm a senior guy in high school. When I was in kindergarten through about 7th grade I went to school with this girl in my class. We were about as close as boys and girls are at that age. We were on student council together and my family and I used to give her a ride home a couple days of the week. I haven't talked to her in years. The last time I saw her was on a field trip to a high school in 8th grade. She was with her school, and I waved to her and she waved back. I miss her. I can't find her on social media. But, on social media I'm friends with some of her friends, at the time anyway. Do you think it's worth a shot to see if their on contact with her? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:58 PM PST |
Question: Should I text my guy friend "hi"? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:57 PM PST My friend has blown me off too many times, I'm done with his bs, but first I want to text to give him something to think about, don't care if he replies and don't care to ever speak to him again. I'll text, "You say you want to hang out but you blow me off. Uncool and rude. Your disrespectful behavior has made me lose all regard for you, and although I wish you luck, I don't think either of us would benefit from future contact." Should I start with a "hi" text before sending, or randomly send the text without a greeting? |
Question: My friend punched me!? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:45 PM PST We were at school the other day and him, I, and some other friends were hanging out. They started teasing him but he was laughing so I didn't intervene. 30 seconds later he comes up and punches me as hard as he can in the back. I was in disbelief and just wanted to break his face in but I kept my cool and asked him what the hell it was for. He blamed me for some kind of bullying that happened when I left and couldn't do anything about but he wouldn't listen. Like 5 minutes later he comes up and tries to apologize. He said "Look, I overreact-" and I cut him off, saying "Yeah, you did," and walked away. Now he is all mad at me, as if I hit HIM. I can't even hang out with my current friends cause he always tries to shove himself inbetween us. Today he even said "Don't punch ****, he'll get mad" and even said to someone else he wishes he could shoot me with a gun! What do I do!? |
Question: Advice about a friend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:44 PM PST Chloe, like when it comes to college, she wants to do things her way and doesn't always think about what I want to do! Like on Monday lunchtimes she makes me go to the library with her cos she wants to do assignments and on Thursdays she wants to get a particular train cos she likes to get to college over an hour early, train is at 7.40 am and class doesn't start till 9.15! I've asked her about getting a later train but she says she doesn't want to, so I tell her that I can't get there that early and she's just like, "just try, because I don't like getting to college late" I tell I'll get the train on my own and she gets in a strop with me and if she hadn't mentioned how cheap the trains were for my mum, I would still be getting the bus! How do I tell her that I'm not happy with how she's doing things with me |
Question: Is it bad to be best friends with your ex(s)? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:36 PM PST So me and my ex are really close, like we told each other everything. I made a promise to her saying that I'd never stop loving her and I'll never leave her side. I will protect her until we die. I say that to all my friends, and I mean it. No matter what happens, I will always be there for them, but some people are saying that I should never be friends with my ex(s). The one thing that doesn't make sense with their say is that I had to be friends with them, show affection towards them, and then either get asked out or ask them out. I'm just confused and sort of enraged because I like all my friends and I don't want to lose them. So, again, should I be friends with my ex(s) or no? |
Question: Helppp ! I feel like a big failure? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:33 PM PST I'm an almost 19 year old girl. I'm in college right now. It's not going so well. Too much pressure. My dad has a b*tch *** family but he and my mom are angels. So my cousins that are like 2 years older than me don't love me at all. They fake it. One of them were so mean to me when I was little. I have no social life. I have like 2 friends that love me. Wherever I go I feel like people hate me. I was very shy and some kids used to make fun of me. I wish I could go back in time and stand up for myself. I don't know how I got to this point..when I was a kid I was happy , thin and had a nice face.. Now I am a completely different person. I don't have hope. Thanks for reading. |
Question: My friend's boyfriend is videoing her? (Child pornography)? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:31 PM PST They're both 15.. Theyve been dating maybe a month or so, about as long as they've known eachother. They've had sex multiple times and already had a pregnancy scare. She's told me of times he's been hostile towards her and asking to do things she wasn't comfortable with. Yesterday she said he'd taken a video of her giving oral sex, she seemed ok with it when she told me but she's extremely naïve..the guy doesn't seem trustworthy at all and has dozens of other nudes on his phone by girls our age. I'm really worried for her, that the video might get out.. |
Question: Is it wierd for me not be living on my own? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:27 PM PST I m about to turn 20 in a couple weeks.I am going to college at Texas university.All my friends live in a apartment or in the dorms.I live with my parents still.They say its best for me right now so i don t have to worry about so much bills.I really cant complain considering they aren t strict on me when ever.But my friends say it would be best if i got my own place so i can be free and independent.What are yall guys thoughts? |
Question: Why does this girl hate me? (Read full story please)? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:25 PM PST If this matters, we're both girls, 16 years old and same grade. So basically she's one of the popular girls kinda...she hangs out with the most popular kids in school. So me, her and my friend have gym together. Last month we had to play basketball and she took the ball from mine and my friends hand and wouldn't give it back to us even though I asked kindly (I'm not a yeller). But she kept saying " no " "no" "no" like a bratty little kid would say. Then yesterday I was walking in the hallways talking to my same friend and she kicked my foot to try and make me trip, I KNEW it was her cause I saw her sparkley red uggs hit my tan uggs. Later that day she elbowed me in the ribs...HARD. I have a bruise! It hurts bad when I breathe and it's all swollen and blue. I don't know why she hates me cause I've NEVER..EVER spoken to her before or said anything bad about her or someone she knows cause I know it's a wrong thing to do...I was raised with the "if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all" speech. Don't say she's jealous of me, cause she's got WAYYYY more than I have. I live in a two story house, she lives in a three story. I have the iPhone 6, she's got the iPhone 6s Plus, I'm average in popularity, she's popular. BASICALLY she's just one step ahead of me at everything so she's not jealous. All of her friends (even the most popular ones) like me! So why doesn't she? She also hates my friend in our gym class together. I don't understand. Someone please help :( x |
Question: I'm tired of this freaking boring life!? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:23 PM PST Every day I just get up from bed go to school and then come back home and just sit like that doing nothing. Days with no school are even worse, I don't even leave my house cause I have nowhere to go, I have no friends to hang out with. I'm sick of this.. It's not that I'm a freak or something but idk, I just lost my friends one by one, who would like to have a friend with no life? They just wait you to turn around and just stab you in your back... Don't suggest me to join a sport club or smth and meet people, because I suck at every kind of sport, and I'm also not that sporty.... I've started feeling stupid when sometimes I need to go out and do something, cause I don't want people I once knew say "I've never seen this guy for over a decade".... I just want a few friends DAMNIT, with whom I can go out every night, then I'll meet more people, but I CAN'T go out, it's fuc*ing frustrating me every day.... In my society I can't just go out and meet people, that's stupid, cause my town is small maybe..... So, what you suggest me I do, I'd like I had a girlfriend, then I would need nothing else, but I suck at that too, It's hard to meet girls through facebook and there's no dating sites in my country, I wouldn't even join one if it even existed, cause that's my society, people will make fun of me lol... I'm so freaked out of the fact that I have 6 more months of high school, then I can go to university, but my parents seem unable to support me, and I don't study at all damn! So, I'll have to find myself a job and then my life will suck even more, just going work-home, without being around the few people at school I know now.... so pointless. I'm afraid I'll have to take my life after I realize I'm to old to look for friends and love, cause I can't live a life like that... I'm 18 by the way, maybe there's still hope for me....... I just need to hear that from someone, to tell me "It'll get better, I promise."... |
Question: How can I get revenge on a group of people? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:15 PM PST I was set up and jumped by a group of people that I thought were friends. They took a designer belt, 2 chains, 460$ and my phone, I can't tell the police because I will get shot the instant that I tell, plus I am not a snitch. When I was really mad about it, I went looking for a super high power air rifle so I could catch them and hit shoot them, i figured the time it takes for em to pick the hollow point pellets out of em dey will think before they do something again.idk Wat to do, that was everything I had, I am broke now, how should I get revenge on them. I'm willing to do almost anything. Please help me out. |
Question: What are these guys problems? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 03:01 PM PST OK so in highschool i hanged out with the "squad" who I thought we'd all be friends for ages. Then college started (I went to a different one) and they said "We need to remove you from our lives" and drop all contact with you for 5 months. Then suddenly about a month ago a couple of them screen shotted a pic on my story on snapchat which was a selfie of me saying I failed my econ test and was getting kicked out (Joking) they said nothing and I just ignored it. The other day out of no where one of them asked if I wanted to come out with them as they were "having a squad reunion" I said no because 1 I actually had plans and 2 they're a bunch of twats and I have better ways to spend a saturday. Then Today I started to go gym something I've finally built enough self confidence to do and I went with my friend, we took a pic on snap chat with caption "On route to gym" and guess who screen shot it. Seriously what the **** is wrong with these guys. Are they that lonely in college that they need to run back to old friends but continue to be complete *****. Thing is I realised after they kicked me from the group chat I didnt need them, Now I have made friends with so many people so many real friends and that number increases literally every day. |
Question: I'm tired of this freaking boring life? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:55 PM PST Every day I just get up from bed go to school and then come back home and just sit like that doing nothing. Days with no school are even worse, I don't even leave my house cause I have nowhere to go, I have no friends to hang out with. I'm sick of this.. It's not that I'm a freak or something but idk, I just lost my friends one by one, who would like to have a friend with no life? They just wait you to turn around and just stab you in your back... Don't suggest me to join a sport club or smth and meet people, because I suck at every kind of sport, and I'm also not that sporty.... I've started feeling stupid when sometimes I need to go out and do something, cause I don't want people I once knew say "I've never seen this guy for over a decade".... I just want a few friends DAMNIT, with whom I can go out every night, then I'll meet more people, but I CAN'T go out, it's fuc*ing frustrating me every day.... In my society I can't just go out and meet people, that's stupid, cause my town is small maybe..... So, what you suggest me I do, I'd like I had a girlfriend, then I would need nothing else, but I suck at that too, It's hard to meet girls through facebook and there's no dating sites in my country, I wouldn't even join one if it even existed, cause that's my society, people will make fun of me lol... I'm so freaked out of the fact that I have 6 more months of high school, then I can go to university, but my parents seem unable to support me, and I don't study at all damn! So, I'll have to find myself a job and then my life will suck even more, just going work-home, without being around the few people at school I know now.... so pointless. I'm afraid I'll have to take my life after I realize I'm to old to look for friends and love, cause I can't live a life like that... I'm 18 by the way, maybe there's still hope for me....... I just need to hear that from someone, to tell me "It'll get better, I promise."... |
Question: Should I punch my sister? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:45 PM PST no, this is NOT A TROLL. i honestly have an en extremely high urge to punch my sister right in the face when she comes home and asks me why im ignoring her. shes been lying to me. shes been smoking and taking nudes in our shared bathroom. i was crying to her weeks ago when she said she might want to try smoking and she swore shed never do it. SHES BEEN SMOKING IN OUR BATHROOM. my mom reported the neighbours beause she thought it was their smoke leaking through our vents!!!!! shes a lying ***** and I WANT TO PUNCH HER SO BADLY. i found out btw because on my new phone i sunk my icloud and for some rason it went to hers so i got all her pictures/vids. NO IM NOT TELLING MY MOM, IT WONT HELP. IF MY MOM GOES CRAZY ON HER SHE'LL JUST DO MORE ****. my dad knows and he asked me not to tell my mother, he wants to handle it but i really wanna punch her. i have os many times when shes ****** up and i hate her so much i could literally stab her, so shes lucky if she just gets a punch! |
Question: Will I get in trouble? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:33 PM PST My friend asked me if I wanted to listen to some music on the school bus, I wanted to be polite so I said sure. I m a good student and never get in trouble, I try to refrain from bad behavior buts it s hard when everyone else is bad. Anyways I put on the headphones and the music is good at first then they start swearing I. It and I was nervous every because I didn t want to get in trouble. Then my friend put another song on and it was bad too then i stopped listening and tried to change the subject and stop the music. I m very worried that I will get in trouble |
Question: Should I buy a birthday cake for my friend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:23 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:19 PM PST I have this friend lets call her.. Sarah. She has been my friend since 3rd grade and now we're in 9th grade. Shes usually nice and funny but I've started to know something. She acts very conceited. I have these three friends on social media 2 boys and her. Since one of the guys like her shes acting as if she was higher than me. Just today, we were gonna do something together and then suddenly she was like "Sorry, See you later. I have to go shopping, bye" But the thing is she was still on, thats what got me so mad. She was my "best buddy" since 3rd grade but now she acts like she has more friends than me. I usually try to confront her but nothing actually worked. One time, last year I told her "Can you stop acting like this? Its making me unconformable" yet a fight started. We still have the hate-friend relationship but when I hang out with her friends she acts like I'm not there. She thinks shes all of that and when I say I'm going to give her a present she acts nice all day that day. Its like shes trying to use me, after I give it to her she barely talks to me on chat anymore. She acts desperate, and if I wanted to be honest I actually once tried to leave her out and hangout with other friends then suddenly she wanted to hangout with me. Idk anymore.. Its like I'm not cool enough to be her friend. Sorry for this long passage, but can anybody help? |
Question: My friend is really mad at me and i dont know what i did dome one please help me? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:16 PM PST so i was to her and we were getting along really well and the today i said hey in an email and she said im done with you stupid game just dont talk to me and now i fell like crap please help me |
Question: Is 5'3" short for a 13 year old? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 02:02 PM PST My friends keep calling me a "midget" because of my height. They're all 5'6" and 5'7" and it's really annoying! Is 5'3" considered short for a 13 year old girl? |
Question: Is this woman in love with me? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:58 PM PST So at this new job, there is this crazy woman in her early 30s that tells me that she likes me. She hits me playfully when I am near her. She asks me if I like her too. Then when I playfully say no to keep it friendly, she sadly repeats that I don't like her back. Also, when she looks at me, she gives this awkward smile. Is she just being weird and playful, or does she really have something going for me? She even told everyone at the place that she likes me, and they were laughing at me and told me that she likes me. I am not sure what to make of this, nor do I want to encourage it. She just doesn't understand it when I say no. I am in my mid 20s, btw. |
Question: Was what I did the right thing to do? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:55 PM PST Okay so a group of boys- one boy in particular- have been making racist comments to me. This has been going on since sixth grade and I am now in seventh. They're always making comments about my eyes and how I was sent to the US in a crate because I was adopted from Korea. Finally I'd had enough and contacted the principal. He did in fact pull the boys in and talk with them. But now I'm feeling nervous. I'm afraid they'll tease me even more now just for being a snitch. Did I do the right thing? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:53 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:52 PM PST |
Question: How come my friend got over a 100 likes on facebook instantly and i got none? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:50 PM PST My closest friend whom i share almost half my facebook friends with got over a 100 likes instantly on her profile pic and i got none on a pic a posted 2 veeks ago. Some of those people i consider close friends and i like and comment their pictures on a regular basis...Yet and still they still chose to skip me and like everyone elses pics and i can't help but feel some type of way about it. I actually think it's kinda rude. Do you guys have any idea why they would do this? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:50 PM PST |
Question: Why is he like this? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:45 PM PST This boy in my class has great looks and he's really, really smart and even more athletic. But my friend who knows him from elementary said he was friends with this really popular guy, but chose not to hang out with him anymore and instead purposely chose to make himself isolated and friends with people everyone else hates. Why does he do that??? He could be so popular right now! But instead he chooses to be unknown! |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:32 PM PST Hey everyone im 19 years old college student. So there is a little problem that started bothering me recently, the problem is that some people who i get to meet and be in touch, become my close friends very fast. I know that this is not something good and i should be happy about is but the problem is that amomg those people are ones that i dont have anything common with and i find myself pretending being ther friend. Because of this my social circle became so larg that i can t get in touch with everyone and it also causes my relationship between my true friends, who were with me for long time, suffer. I don t like jut cutting the touch with people without a reason. What can i do about this? Thanks. |
Question: Does anyone know this funny viral FaceBook video? Details below...? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:31 PM PST There was a viral video posted on FaceBook about a guy calling his friend to come over to to his house. The friend kept lying about how long he would be till he was over. For example, he told his friend he was on his way over, but actually was still in bed. The guy called and asked again and his friend said he was halfway there, but he was still at his house eating cereal and watching tv. He finally left the house while the guy called and asked again and his friend said that he drove around the block and he must have missed him. This was one of the funniest videos I've ever seen, but I forgot to like or share it and I do not know who posted it. If anyone knows the video I am talking about, please post the link! Thanks! |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:18 PM PST |
Question: I'm stuck with these 2 girls??? What do I do? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:16 PM PST I'm 30. When I was in high school I met a girl named Kelly,for whom I've fallen moments after I first saw her. However she told me she didn't feel the same way but wanted us to be friends. I agreed to that. After high school ended she went to college and became a dentist,while I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. In Feb of the following year I was deployed in Afghanistan. After I retired from the marine corps I started college and I met there a nice girl named Tara,who's 22. I really like her despite the age difference,now Kelly,who used to ignore me is kinda Jelaous of Tara,she keeps telling me jocking that she's too young for me,and then asks me if I've been hangin out with her.Now here's the thing: I still love Kelly but I know she doesn't feel the same way.On the other hand Tara seems to like me,even if I think it's because I'm a marine,in fact she asks me about my service everytime. What should I do? Ignoring Kelly and make a move with Tara? |
Question: Is something wrong with me ? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:11 PM PST This is going to sound very twisted but here goes . For the past year or so I ve been very sad but around my friends I ll act happy . Since maybe November of 2015 I decided I d try this think I though of in my head . Make my friends so confused so that they don t know if we re friends . I d ignore them one day then come back the next totally normal , showering them in compliments, acting very happy . Sometimes I ll make up things to get them to be mad at me or so they think I m mad at them . I try hard to stop but when I don t do it the idea is always in the back of my head ... Help !! I feel extremely bad Doing it . I kind of hear voices telling me to do it . |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:04 PM PST I am16 year old girl and have no friends everyday at lunch i sit alone the peaople I talk to always make me the butt of every joke and talk **** about me behind my back like call me ugly and a lesbian and I am not even gay nobody cares for me sometimes I feel like banging my ******* head on the ground because it gets me so mad because I am so nice to people just today I bought this girl lunch because she was so hungry that she was shaking but no apparently I am just a stupid wiredo not even a thank you she look at me and gave me stank look.i really just want respect what should I do |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:03 PM PST |
Question: 'how do i talk my wife into a mmf night of fun id love to see her with another'? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:01 PM PST |
Question: This girl in my school copies everything on me.Help? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:00 PM PST She copies everything,what sould I do? My hair colour My clothes My WORDS MY JOKES MY ATTITUDE MY FRIENDS MY ...EVERYTHING |
Question: How to deal with a best friends break up at school? HELP PLEASE!!? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 01:00 PM PST I m in secondary school and I recently got a boyfriend, I m in a group with 5 girls and we did everything together at school and out of school, but today they found out a secret about me I have been lying to them about (for my own good) and they have said that enough is enough, and they don t want to be friends with me ever again. This isn t just a small argument, it was huge and I haven t been to school for days now but I need to go back because in a few months I will be doing my GCSEs and can t lose them. So my question is how am I going to cope at school? I usually would sit with them while I m eating my lunch, then stay with them through every break time. My school is very judgemental and everyone knows about this secret about me now, so everyone will probably look down on me. 1 of the girls is in ALL of my lessons and I sit next to her I don t know what I m going to do, she hates me guts and they all do so what am I going to do about going back to school? Someone help PLEASE!! |
Question: How can I make people see who someone really is? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:57 PM PST This girl and I (I m a boy) used to be good friends, at a nerd school. Then we transitioned to a new school and she s all popular and now she s a jerk to me. I ve tried to work out conflicts but she essentially laughs in my face. She s also a jerk to my friends. I want people to see who she really is besides the fake person she is on he outside |
Question: So I'm kinda tired of living like this? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:57 PM PST Honestly if my husband could be happy with having no friends I think I would be too. I've delt with his friends for years and I've posted questions asking how to handle situations and Prople always say just make your husband choose between you and his friends but I've never wanted to use that alternative bc I don't want to make my husband feel alone and depressed. But at at this point I would think "would you rather live a life with no friends and be alone or be surrounded by people who don't really give a crap about your feelings or you" m so close to arguing with my husband about this but if there's a better way to handle this please tell me. I'm very open minded so don't hesitate to give me advice |
Question: What should I do about my friend who doesn't really talk to me anymore? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:54 PM PST I have a friend at my school, where in the beginning of the year we were almost best friends. But up until recently we hardly even talk anymore. I think it may of been that she started dating a guy who is sort of popular, and on top of that started getting more friends. But to me it seems like I did something wrong that made her mad or something. Whenever I try texting her, she never responds either. She talks to other people know and know all we do is say "hi" and such. What should I do?? |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:47 PM PST |
Question: What is the best way to handle this situation? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:43 PM PST So just to give you an idea of who I am, I'm 22 a mom and I'm married. I've had a group of friends for 3 years. And basically their pushing me out of this group of friends. I try to invite them out and they always make excuses, they always go places without me, and I know that I'm an adult and things like this shouldn't matter to me but when you know a group of people for so many years it hurts to have a group of friends exclude you. So what should I do? If I do let these group of friends go what are some things I can do to get over them quickly? I'm not great at making new friends. Work isn't a good distraction. And things in my marriage aren't so good. |
Question: Good comebacks to make this person stop!? Please read!? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:42 PM PST There s a kid in a lot of my classes that keeps saying things about my bunny that just died. She was like a dog, she knew tricks, walked on a leash, followed me around the house, and a lot more that I can t fit in here. But I walk into the room and I go over to his table to grab a paper I needed. And he says "didn t your bunny die?" And starts laughing. Then, today I told him to shut up bc he was being annoying and rude. So he says "Your bunny s dead, shut up." And people start laughing. He also brings up that I was and am "in love" with his friend which I m not! What do I do I need something to make him shut up! Shouldn t us 8th graders be more mature!? It s so annoying.. |
Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:24 PM PST |
Question: My birthday party is tomarrow and i have no idea what we can do! (For 12 year olds)? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:18 PM PST |
Question: I'm worried my friend ate 20 0.5 Ativan at once? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:14 PM PST |
Question: Is there anything I can do? Should I just give up? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:13 PM PST I want to apologize to my friend and her mother for something I did. But a few days ago my friends mom deleted every possible account that her daughter had from social media and changed "Ashley's" phone number. I might be able to find her moms number but I'm not having any luck right now. And I can't just go to their house and say sorry because they live in another state. Even if her mom completely cuts me out of her daughters life I honestly just want to apologize. If your daughter/son friend did something really horrible would you at least give her a chance to apologize or does that depend on the situation? I lost a best friend that I can never get back because of my stupid mistake. I wish I was brave enough to just tell my friend "No, I don't think this is a good idea" but I was scared of her being mad at me and I was a bad friend... |
Question: I had enough with my bestfriend? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:13 PM PST I always tell my bestfriend about my chronic illness and he always doesn't take it seriously and joke. I just want from him one time to try one time to calm me down and convince me that it will be fine. If i can't get this from my friend. Who's gonna motivate me. I just hate myself for being ill. I want to die 😢😢 |
Question: Should I visit my best friend's grave? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 12:02 PM PST My best friend was in love with me. I really really liked him,but just as friends. One night he caught me having sex at our town park with a man. I was 17 at that time,he was 18. This happened about some days before our high school graduation in 2004. We weren't together so I had the right to do that. He was hurt however and just ran away. I tried to talk to him at school in the days afterwards but he would just ignore me. He joined the marines that summer and died in action in Iraq in the winter of 2005 at the age of 19. Now after 10 years that he left this world I still get sad that we ended our friendship because of that and that I will never be able to fix it. I was thinking about going to lay flowers to his grave but I don't know if I can,seeing his headstone and knowing how he died is just hard. Plus I was not cheating on him but I just miss him during this time of year and to know the way he died makes me cry loud. Should I just visit his grave? |
Question: How to stop uninvited guests from coming over? Posted: 08 Jan 2016 11:48 AM PST I have a friend whom I've know since grade school and she cones over almost every other day unexpected. She stays beyond her welcome and tends to eat my dinner. I'm thinking next time she comes over I will let the dogs lick the plate then put them away. Do you think this will stop her? I've tried asking her to call first but she doesn't. |
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