Family & Relationships: Question: Tiene algo de malo que mi esposa lea mis mensajes de facebook, mensajes de texto y cosas así? Y viceversa tambien osea que yo se los lea? |
- Question: Tiene algo de malo que mi esposa lea mis mensajes de facebook, mensajes de texto y cosas así? Y viceversa tambien osea que yo se los lea?
- Question: (Help please!) What do I do?
- Question: Why cant I catch a break?
- Question: What did this girl mean?
- Question: Would you be weirded out if someone asked you to slap her during sex? My bf is really vanilla in bed and I think I may have scared him.?
- Question: Would it be strange to find a sticker w your name and spouse name along with address inside of your apt mailbox? What will you do or think?
- Question: What should you do if your father calls you a lesbian after you reject his advances?
- Question: Qué hago 🙍😳?
- Question: What does this imply?
- Question: Is it ethical behavior for a former high school teacher to respond to students on Facebook?
- Question: Would you go for the guy that knows how you tick and can't save you from yourself or the guy who gives you hope for a better you?
- Question: Can anybody help me cope with my stress, please?
- Question: You're are not worth to getting jealous at sorry what does mean help?
- Question: How to change my 2 spoiled daughter?
- Question: Why does it seem like so many young mothers from the projects are always hitting their kids and cursing them out in public?
- Question: How to feel better after your parents got a divorce?
- Question: If I live in a domestic violence shelter and my mom(who was abused by him) is seeing my father. What should I do ? (continuation)?
- Question: It's my birthday next week. I need a inspiring and thank you message. Please help?
- Question: Telling your parents that you used to cut?
- Question: Se fijarían en alguien con un defecto físico ya sea pequeño o grande?
- Question: What would be the perfect lie?
- Question: Out of nowhere friends and family are connecting with me. why?
- Question: My boyfriend never use to *** inside me until last week he started asking when do i ovulate?
- Question: Im in 8th grade and have no idea how to flirt. Advice?
- Question: My sister read my Facebook messages between my friend and I?!?
- Question: Ex sang a lashing/hurtful song written by him but why to me?
- Question: I'm really disappointing about something right now... how can I keep myself from crying at school? It's one of my biggest fears...?
- Question: What is a good personal goal that is focused on others?
- Question: Is "Answer" or "Answers" a real person's name?
- Question: What can I do?
- Question: How can a Georgia ligitimize father get custodyof his child that was given over by the mother's consent to strangers to be the gaurdian?
- Question: Why aren't the confidence points for "disqualified" games striked-out?
- Question: I cant think of any way other than suicide?
- Question: Why did these people make fun of me in public?
- Question: Is this abuse?
- Question: How can a Georgia ligimize father get custody of child that was given over by mother consent to gaurdinship to strangers?
- Question: I'm so embarrassed about what happened at the doctors today, should I be?
- Question: If you were a shapeshifter, what sex object / perverse thing would you transform into?
- Question: Has the internet become a place for the misfits and maladjusted in the world to find a place of belonging?
- Question: Please explain your thoughts on this statement!!!!?
- Question: My ex wife is extremely jealous of my wife and is hurting my relationship with my kids.?
- Question: I hate my parents...?
- Question: How do I tell my parents i have a boyfriend?
- Question: How do I get my mom to believe me?
- Question: Why can't I get over him?
- Question: I have a 72 month old that is having problems latching on, What should I do?
- Question: If you dumped someone to marry someone else, what is your reaction?
- Question: My parents are taking a break.?
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 02:33 PM PDT Tengo 5 años con mi mujer y me gustaria saber que opinan ustedes, tiene algo de malo en que ela vea mis cosas y yo sus cosas, creo no deberian exixtir tanta privacidad exceciva siendo yo su esposo. |
Question: (Help please!) What do I do? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 02:18 PM PDT Alright. I'm going to be straightforward about this... I'm a cutter. Okay... Understand this though, I AM trying to quit and I know what it does to your health. I've basicly already quit! Heres the issue: I went to school without covering up my arms and a girl saw cuts on my arm. She knew what it was the second she laid eyes on them... She asked me why and i didnt answer and she keeps asking! She insists that I admit it. ... Im afraid that she'll tell someone or rumours will start. Im quitting and i wanted it to be like nothing ever happened! I dont want people to know what i did to myself, because im ashamed. I need some exscuses!? what should i tell her? what do i do?? |
Question: Why cant I catch a break? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 02:15 PM PDT Honestly, I don't care if no one answers, I just need to vent and I've been abusing that privilege with the few friends I trust enough to vent too. It's been a shitty year, got passed over for promotion twice, but the FNG who can't lead his way out of a paper bag got promoted and then demoted. I bought a motorcycle, which I've been wanting for years, and was t-boned on it a month later. I broke my clavicle in 2 places and now the surgical scar is infected (or so the doc tells me). Holding down a relationship is out the window, I can barely get a date...and when I do it usually results with me never hearing from them again. Oh, and to top it all off, my landlord has moved in with me "temporarily..." 5 weeks later he's still there and it seems that no progress has been made with fixing his marital situation (something he wanted to do). He's a good friend, but I'm tired of all the empty beer cans everywhere and his drunken idiocy. I'm just at my limit of **** I'm willing to deal with and want to know when I'm going to catch a ******* break... |
Question: What did this girl mean? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 02:11 PM PDT So this girl in my class called this book stupid and "gay," and I said that that wasn't an insult and she shouldn't use it that way, then we started discussing it and she said that she "isn't against gay people, but is against gay marriage." Isn't being against their marriage also being against them? (You can't say that being against their union is a completely different thing, because it's not). Also, why would she be against same-sex marriage but not same-sex couples (she's not religious at all, she just told me she had her own reasons...) |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 01:49 PM PDT I have only been with one other man when I was 16 and I think it sort of set in stone the way I like sex. He was much older and dominate. If I asked him to choke me, bite me, or even slap me across the face he would. Now that I am having sex with my bf I feel like I need those things for me to climax. I tried to start off small with him and ask him to spank me but he wasn't putting force into it. I told him it was okay and that I'd let him know if he needed to stop. He hit a little harder but was still just going through the motions without actually inflicting pain. I tried getting him to at least tug on my hair but he just sort of holds it loosely in his hands. We talked about it and he said he was afraid of hurting me. I didn't know how to respond because that's exactly what I want. It's supposed to hurt All that being said the other night we were having sex and I was really close and just caught up in the moment that I asked him to slap me. He seemed shocked and just tapped his fingertips to my cheek. I felt like I couldn't finish without the hit and afterwards he asked me "what the hell was that" He said everything else was a different story but he would never hit my face. I can understand where he's coming from with that and would never force him to do something that makes him uncomfortable but can we find some sort of middle ground? I know a relationship isn't all about sex and I do love him so even if we can't reach some understanding I wouldn't leave him over it. |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 12:59 PM PDT Been living here over 3yrs and to see this sticker put inside of my mailboxs almost a month now was just weird. |
Question: What should you do if your father calls you a lesbian after you reject his advances? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 12:45 PM PDT |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 12:01 PM PDT Les cuento: tengo 14 años y pasa que no le veo el sentido a mi vida, no lo encuentro.. primeramente, ya cumplo 15 y nunca en mi vida eh tenido novio, a los chicos que les gusto no me gustan y los que me gustan no les gusto, todo es lo mismo... es horriblee, nada me sorprende, nada me importa, la escuela pues las notas muy bien, pero mi convivencia con algunos compañeros es insoportable, en lo único que pienso es que mi vida no tiene sentidoo, aveces quisiera desaparecer del mundoo, aveces me pongo a llorar sin razòn y es horrible porque me siento vacìa por dentro, siento que algo me falta, me deprimo y me siento muy mal... :( ayudaa , no me digan nada de entretenimiento porque lo he intentado y nada, escucho mùsica y me da igual, hablo en chat y me da igual, veo T.V y me da igual.. todo es lo mismoo y ya estoy cansada lo que quiero es suicidarme |
Question: What does this imply? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 11:17 AM PDT Professor says I like talking with your parents. Does this imply that he doesn't like talking to me? I know he likes talking to me as we have had a lot of laughs and he has told me that he has enjoyed our conversations. I just worried that when he said it that it meant that he didn't like talking to me . Sorry for sounding like an over analyzer, I get that way sometimes I just think it's weird how he asks how my parents are and to say hello to them. Then again I ask how his wife who is a professor is doing as well. Maybe I am over reacting a little, sorry again, it's a bad habit of mine. He said I like talking with your parents. I can see why your such a great student. He has only met them at my graduation and at an awards ceremony for a project of mine. He doesn't talk with them on a regular basis. |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 10:45 AM PDT My boyfriend is a former high school teacher and has stated he accepts former students friend requests and responds to messages on Facebook. My problem with this is they are all girls/some 16-20 now. I know one instance where a social media suicide crisis happened, but, should he be drawing a line at how often he messages these girls back, etc. He's an attractive younger man, so I get the 'allure' but I don't know how to bring this up without coming off like a 'jealous girlfriend' when it's really something I find highly unethical. Thoughts? Advice? Further explanation: I do not think my boyfriend is malicious in this. I think he may not be able to see clearly that corresponding with former female students who themselves initiate the daily/weekly messaging is inappropriate. |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 09:36 AM PDT I am 23 year old college student working on my bachelors. And I'm stuck between two guys. (Don't worry my education comes first). I want a relationship that will turn into marriage. That's why this choice is so important to me at this time of age.The first guy like mention knows me so well and is able to pull me up when I'm at my lowest. I can be myself when I'm with him and I'm always laughing being carefree. He is willing to assist me with school and pay for every need and allow me to focus in school with no worries about work or money. Needless to say this guy works 60 hours a week. Has a baby and of course a baby mama. The second guy pushes me to do good on my own when it comes to my education. But if I'm in a mental breakdown he is completely lost. He is working and going to school no kids. He is determined and knows that he wants in life and I know without a doubt in my mind that he will accomplish so much. He is the type of guy I would want to spend the rest of life. He is the sweetest but he is also very needy and emotional. I known them both for about 3 years. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day! |
Question: Can anybody help me cope with my stress, please? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 09:08 AM PDT I became 15 years of age on the 1'st of July of this year. Recently everything has gotten out of hand in my life. I would like to request aid in coping with my stress. To begin, my sister who recently turned 18 has now moved out and begun her journey in college. She helped me with everything throughout my life up to this point, and now I'm lost without her. I have no clue what to do in my life or how to do anything; my life feels empty without her, especially since I never speak to anybody (I have no friends, I'm an introvert) but my sister shared a lot of common traits with me so we connected very well. One of the things I wish she could help me with was that I have school starting up on the eighth of September. It will be my Sophomore year and I am slightly nervous because I will have to find how to balance Schoolwork and legitimate work, on top of having free time to do what I please. I begin training at work the day school begins for me, which is also a very large amount of nerves going into one day. I've tried my best to contain myself but when I'm alone I feel myself slipping, I lose a bit of my sanity; by talking to myself and performing random and unnecessary actions. I live off games, and I found myself becoming an instigator online which I am usually not. I think it's the stress getting to me, but work and school haven't even begun. What will it be like when it actually starts? On top of all this, last year I met a girl. She is absolutely beautiful and her personality is relentlessly appealing and unique. I found out she listens to the same music as me that year, and I became friends with her in the sense that I would speak to her daily, but it was nothing serious. We never hang out or anything. I made a bold move and one day we were speaking about music, and I told her I was going to make her a mix-tape of my favorite music. She adored the idea. What she didn't understand was that it was a way for me to show her my fondness of her, and when she finally got the mixtape from me, she listened to it and gave me my input. She said she enjoyed it, especially a few songs in particular. Fast forward two months to Driver's Education. It so happened that I was in her Driver's Ed class. I was horrified to hear something from her though. I spoke to her during break one day and she said she was attending a concert. I asked her which concert. It turns out that she was attending a concert of one of the bands that I introduced her to. I told her that I loved the band, and she agreed. She told me she didn't remember who introduced her to the band, but she liked the band very much. After careful thought and consideration as to not embarass her or put her on the spot, I simply told her that I was the one who introduced her to the band in my mixtape. She remembered and responded with nothing more than "Oh yeah, you did, didn't you?" This has put me in an ignominious state of mind since. I can't think of anything but the fact that the one person, a girl mind you, that I ever branched out to, didn't even acknowledge me. It is devastating being an introvert, having no friends, speaking to nobody, but the one person you do eventually speak up to doesn't even acknowledge you. I have contemplated suicide since then many times. If all people think of me in the same way, and I'm simply a ghost to them, what have I to live for? Not only that, but she had the audacity to post small videos and pictures of the concert on her Snapchat story and sent them to me as well. I am infuriated, but she means so much to me even though I don't know her very well. How is this possible? She hurt me so badly but all I feel is the same love for her, who she is, and what she stands for. By the way, the reason why this hurt me so badly is that I value my music so much. It has helped me through my whole life and through many situations. I would value music over my life, or anybody's life. It is such a sacred and beautiful thing; this experience, however, has tainted and sullied my image of music. Nobody feels the same way about music as I do. |
Question: You're are not worth to getting jealous at sorry what does mean help? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 08:51 AM PDT |
Question: How to change my 2 spoiled daughter? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 08:42 AM PDT I have a 17 year old daughter and 15 year old daughter, both are very spoiled, very entitled and it's my fault. My wife and I divorced 12 years ago and I got sole custody. I guess as a way of saying " I'm sorry you had to go through that" I just spoiled them rotten with clothes, money, etc. This summer, I think I've seen them up before noon four times. I asked them to get jobs, they whined, gave me puppy dog sad eyes. I ask them to do simple chores, they whine. I ask them to at least study hard, nope. I try putting my foot down, they fight back. What do I do? |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 07:36 AM PDT Probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. We're talking about kids in their early childhood years. I've witnessed these chicks talking to kids in the age bracket of toddlers to early elementary school aged in a way that you shouldn't really talk to adults even. Plus they're constantly hitting them for any and every little thing. Is that why so many of these little monsters grow up to terrorize their own neighborhoods when they get older. It's honestly the weirdest way to act towards a child that they supposedly love. Plus it seems so engrained in the society, but the sh*t is just such an obvious, a**-backwards way of doing things that a lot of other things within the culture start to make a whole lot of sense, smh. Incredibly sad that there's so many parents out there that aren't deserving of the title. |
Question: How to feel better after your parents got a divorce? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 06:29 AM PDT My parents just got done going through a divorce and I'm so lost and confused about everything. I'm 16 years old so I know what's going on and I'm living with my mom since she got custody of me and my siblings. I live in Michigan and my dad moved to Texas after the divorce and I really miss him and want to see him again and I feel lost. I knew they were getting a divorce a year ago and they split up but now that the divorce is actually done with I'm feeling down. |
Posted: 03 Sep 2015 03:11 AM PDT I've asked this question before on yahoo . But when I started writing the additional information I exceeded the character limit. If someone could please email me then that would be really appreciated. I really need help with this. I really don't have anyone to talk to. If you would like you could refer to the previous question if you want a short summary of what's going on before emailing me. Also if you don't want to be giving out your personal email you can just make a new one and delete it after your done. I'm really desperate and need someone's advice. Thanks in advance who ever emails me. It really does mean a lot. |
Question: It's my birthday next week. I need a inspiring and thank you message. Please help? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 02:18 AM PDT It's my birthday next week I need a inspiring and thank you message to the family of my boyfriend, because they are the one who prepare for my birthday. I've learned a lot from them because they teach me to be strong in my some trials. But sometimes they make me feel down. That's why I wanna thank them. I wanna give them a inspiring and thank you message. Please help me make a message. Thank you |
Question: Telling your parents that you used to cut? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 12:47 AM PDT I'm planning on getting a recovery tattoo very soon and I feel the need to explain to my parents the meaning behind it, not wanting to hide it from them. I've cut for 3 years now, been clean for several months now. My arms, mostly left top inner forearm, are covered in scars and my family has never seen them. Not that we don't get along, but we've never been close to where we express each others feelings. My brother dealt with depression and my parents took him to therapy and were very understanding so I'm not afraid of them not being supportive. I'm just too hesitant and awkward to bring it up, since it's in the past and I've never had an emotional conversation with them. I have no idea how to talk to them about this. |
Question: Se fijarían en alguien con un defecto físico ya sea pequeño o grande? Posted: 03 Sep 2015 12:29 AM PDT Es una simple pregunta se fijarían en una muchacha que fuera linda de cara y de cuerpo pero que meta un poco un pie al caminar..! Chicos Chicas: se fijarían en un muchacho lindo que le falte una pierna..! Osea lo pregunto por curiosidad sobre todo los hombres que se fijan mucho en lo físico quiero saber la opinión de la gente..! Lo más sincero posible quiero saber que opina la sociedad sobre estos temas en especial los hombres..! |
Question: What would be the perfect lie? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 11:50 PM PDT i ordered a package without my parents knowledge(i just turned 14 a week ago) and i ordered some copics, i dont want my parents to know, whats really in it so what would be the perfect lie? |
Question: Out of nowhere friends and family are connecting with me. why? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 11:38 PM PDT After I having been praying and meditating. All of a sudden i am recieving messages from friends and family across the map that i have not spoke to in a year... This seems really odd to me. |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 10:00 PM PDT |
Question: Im in 8th grade and have no idea how to flirt. Advice? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:27 PM PDT |
Question: My sister read my Facebook messages between my friend and I?!? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:20 PM PDT My friend and I were messing around messaging each other,and we were talking dirty about a guy and my sister read them! How do I lie to her saying it wasn't me!! ( I don't want her to tell my parents or her thinking wrong of me) |
Question: Ex sang a lashing/hurtful song written by him but why to me? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:54 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:29 PM PDT sorry for typos, my hand is cramped and im tired... |
Question: What is a good personal goal that is focused on others? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:07 PM PDT |
Question: Is "Answer" or "Answers" a real person's name? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:31 PM PDT Is "Answer" or "Answers" a real person's name? If it is, what country would it be from? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:30 PM PDT My boyfriend and I are moving out of or households, due to certain abuse factors from both sides. I need to find a job quick, but I can not stand on my feet over eight hours because my ankles swell so much that my socks cut into them. It's agonizing. I live in a tourist town where it's most retail and restaurants, BUT I suffer from dyscalculia and can't count change! I can't stay with my mom because if I do, i'll never amount to anything. I need to get away as soon as I can. Postponing is not an option. |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:12 PM PDT |
Question: Why aren't the confidence points for "disqualified" games striked-out? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:05 PM PDT I am the Commissioner of a Yahoo College Football Pickems group (our 13th year). Last year, when I disqualified a game, the confidence point were striked-out from player choices. This year, they are not and it is creating confusion on whether or not these points will be scored if they are selected. It defeats the whole purpose of giving Commissioners the "disqualify" feature. Can Yahoo configure the Pickems so the number of games are reduced by one every time I disqualify a game? Example: If I disqualify 3 games from an original 1 thru 25 games, then the total number of confidence points left should only be 1 thru 22. |
Question: I cant think of any way other than suicide? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:55 PM PDT like there really isn't hope like im just meant to die. |
Question: Why did these people make fun of me in public? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:53 PM PDT I am at an amusement park right now alone, I'm 15 male, and when I got off a ride this group of people my age were looking at me and giggling. When I passed by one girl asked me the time and turned to her friends and said "dang it, dang it" and they were laughing. Why would they do this? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:53 PM PDT When i was around 5/6 i was around my babysitters house and her son told me that if i didnt strip naked and sit on his face he'd tell my mum i did it, but if i did what he said she would never find out. I did it and there were several people in the room, it was really embarrassing. Is this abuse, because technically i did do it by my own volition? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:47 PM PDT |
Question: I'm so embarrassed about what happened at the doctors today, should I be? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:29 PM PDT I was freezing cold, and he had to feel in my armpit, I was sweating because I was really cold, and he was feeling in there and said, "there wet" Oh my gosh I thought I was going to die, it already felt weird that I was sitting there cold with no shirt on in a room with a doctor I just meet and my mom. Help, i'm so embarrassed |
Question: If you were a shapeshifter, what sex object / perverse thing would you transform into? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:23 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:22 PM PDT The internet feels so toxic and heavy to me these days. |
Question: Please explain your thoughts on this statement!!!!? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:07 PM PDT Was talking to the father of my two boys last night(boyfriend), we have a two year old and a one year old. He has a nine year old daughter from a previous relationship. His daughter is awesome with the boys. Always asks to help and can t wait to play with them. You can tell she truly loves them. We don t live with him he works out of town for now, but he has a rule he made that if one child comes to visit they all come. Cuz his ex throws fits if I go and see him and take my boys but not her?? Which I don t mind I love taking her with me. But then last night he was saying if his daughter wanted to start coming out alone he was going to let her, but he never asks for the boys? ...... Well in the convo He simply said it s not fair for my daughter to have to share her father with her brothers?? ... Please explain how you feel and what you think when you hear this statement! |
Question: My ex wife is extremely jealous of my wife and is hurting my relationship with my kids.? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:56 PM PDT I have been divorce for almost 4 years from my ex wife. Now I'm married to my beautiful wife for two years. I have two kids with my ex a 6 year old and a 7 year old. I'm having a lot of problems with my ex she is constanly using the kids for her advantage. I am only suppose to get my kids 2 days on Saturday and Sunday but I pick them up from school and spend time with them during the week at least 2 days. I love my kids and I'm trying to be a good dad but it's hard when I have a ex wife that is crazy! she doesn't want my wife to go to the kids activities like sofball practice and other functions. It makes no sense my wife is part of my life and she loves my kids and they love her. I am also expecting a baby and I want my kids to be involve in our life's as much as possible that's why I am going to modify our custody order. My ex told me if she doesn't stop getting involve she won't let me be part of there activities. I don't get it I'm trying my hardest to be there for my kids as much as possible. I know she is extremely jealous of her she stalks our home and my wife has caught her driving by our house. My ex has no job and never finish college or had a job the 5 years I was married to her. My wife on the other hand is smart and has a great career and is very young and beautiful I see why she is jealous of her, But she is only hurting our kids!! I explain to her a million times to put aside her feelings of hate towards my wife and let me be happy with my kids. |
Question: I hate my parents...? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:48 PM PDT I hate my parents, but I don't want to. I want to love them, but I can't. My dad bought something for me for my birthday that was so inspirational, I cried because that showed how much he loves me. My mom buys things for me like food, (obviously), needs and wants. I really hate myself for hating them. Can someone please tell me why I'm in so selfish and ignorant? |
Question: How do I tell my parents i have a boyfriend? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:19 PM PDT I've been seeing this boy for 4months and almost everyone knows but my mother and father. thing is I'm worried they'll blow things way out of proportion when they find out and probably keep me from seeing him after. and probably never trust me again. I do love him a lot. i knoe that's a dumb thing to say at such an age (16) but we're only 8 months apart. I've known him for most my life. we've gone to school together, we lived in the same town for nearly 8 years and i don't see why they wouldn't let me... Although my mother is very strick about me being out side, around strangers, talking or seeing boys, i don't go to public school, I'm not supposed to have a phone, a facebook, an email or no more money then 20$ every other week and that's if i work for it... I'm locked up in my house most of the day. I swear I'm freaking Rapunzel :( He's really all i have to the outer world and i want him to meet my family, i mean he's met my sister and her boyfriend but.. that's it, no one else.. i just wanna know how i can tell then and have them meet with out loosing my last connection to socialization :( |
Question: How do I get my mom to believe me? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 03:52 PM PDT Last night I sneaked out of the house and went to my boyfriend's house. I do this very often to be honest after everyone has gone to bed and usually my sister who shares my room with me leaves the backdoor unlocked so I can get back in. But we don't do anything but talk when I go over there and that's it! But his mom walked in and just assumed what was happening especially since we were just cuddling on the bed when she walked in, no we weren't lying down but sitting up. She got mad and took me home and my mom assumed the same thing but we weren't having sex at all and we haven't even done more than kiss but now she says I'm grounded until I tell the truth but I am though. What should I do? How do I get her to believe me? |
Question: Why can't I get over him? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 03:27 PM PDT I've texted this guy from the middle of march until the end of June and it was almost every other day and he was really the only guy that I gave my number to. Now we don't text each other no more because of issues and I miss it. Now when I text other guys it doesn't feel the same like it did with him and I feel uninterested. How can I change this? |
Question: I have a 72 month old that is having problems latching on, What should I do? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:56 PM PDT I want him to continue nursing as I enjoy watching him nurse from his mother. Its a very special moment for our family. How can we fix this??? |
Question: If you dumped someone to marry someone else, what is your reaction? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:03 PM PDT do you want that person (ur ex) to congratulate you in your wedding day? |
Question: My parents are taking a break.? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 10:36 AM PDT My parents are taking s break. They re not divorcing. My dad rented a place for a month and he s seeing me for lunch sometimes. My mom and I were watching a show last night and he called and I overheard them arguing like it s not gonna work and I don t wanna change you and I m not in love with you anymore. Are they divorcing? Please I m young and need help. |
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