Family & Relationships: Question: Relationship issues. Please help? |
- Question: Relationship issues. Please help?
- Question: My bf thinks his coworker is hot and i know he checks her out?
- Question: Parents not giving enough attention??
- Question: Would you apologize in this situation?
- Question: Dream Interpurator?
- Question: Does she like me...? I need help!?
- Question: How to have sex with my step sister?
- Question: How many years in jail.?
- Question: Why was this so funny?
- Question: Adoption process?
- Question: My boyfriend cheated at the beginning of the relationship? 10 points?
- Question: I have been yelling at everyone today for small reasons?
- Question: Is it worth to meet up with my ex gay boyfriend?
- Question: Me time for me?
- Question: Did something we regret, how to deal with the consequences?
- Question: My fiance asked if I enjoy sex with him anymore?
- Question: Foot fetish?
- Question: Does anyone do this or is it just me? When I have nothing to do, or I am anxious about an upcoming event I start doubting myself.?
- Question: Nothing is going right for me?
- Question: Can you forgive someone that played you?
- Question: Who likes to **** my mom in chat?
- Question: My husbands internet history?
- Question: Guys help! My married colleague is giving really mixed signals. How to read him right?
- Question: Where can I find weed in St. Catharines at 9 30 am?
- Question: My 18th birthday is coming up and I m not sure what to do. Should I have a big bonfire party or a wine and movie night with close friends?
- Question: Why Am I Now Starting to Have unexplainable feelings towards my mom?
- Question: ERGENT - I need help fast. Please?
- Question: Why is everybody so nosy and worried about me?
- Question: To stay or breakup with my gf? help pls?
- Question: My wife has "period panties." Why isn't she allowed to have a period husband?
- Question: How many fathers are actually in the lives of their children? What are the statistics?
- Question: Do you have a philosophy about why we attract certain people into our lives?
- Question: How to get over a hurtful past?(for my friend)?
- Question: Help with history and parents answer please?
- Question: What the hell is his problem?
- Question: I want to have sex with my sister.?
- Question: My EX texted me saying "This D!ck is still yours" Does he want to get back together or!?
- Question: Wanting to keep in touch with a teacher?
- Question: Is there a way to speed up shipping if an item has already shipped?
- Question: Weird messed up history with my family?
- Question: This old lady keeps staring at me?
- Question: Mi novio dice cosas raras al despertarse:c AYUDAAAAA?
- Question: If Rocky Mountain oysters are your favorite food, does that make you a proponent of bestiality?
- Question: Como puedo controlar esa cituacion?
- Question: How to keep in touch with a teacher?
- Question: Sex ??? Someone help?
- Question: Why is 18 and 19 considered an adult if they both end in TEEN ????!!!!?
- Question: People we have known forever, who understand us, but are no longer healthy to keep around. Is this possible?
- Question: Would you date this guy? What should I do..?
- Question: Someone help im pls?? im confused?
Question: Relationship issues. Please help? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 03:11 PM PDT Hi. First I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this. Um, I've been dating this boy for a year and about 3 months. About a little less than half of our relationship has been very difficult for me. My boyfriend has depression and anxiety. I also have depression and anxiety. The problem is that he can be a very negative person. And it takes an enormous amount of energy to cheer him up. I love him very much. I really do. But I am trying very hard to better myself and to better him as well. I don't want to leave him, I really don't. But i fear this is my only option. Having depression and anxiety isn't a great combination and I feel like I need to focus on myself for a while. But the problem is that if I leave, I know he won't do well with himself. Last summer I've had to talk him out of suicide multiple times and it took a toll on me. I suffer from bad flashbacks to summer nights like those and it usually ends with anxiety attacks. I am honestly just so lost. I want to get better and I want him to get better too. But I just need advice. Any advice please. I don't know what to do and I just want to be happy without hurting anyone. |
Question: My bf thinks his coworker is hot and i know he checks her out? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 02:48 PM PDT I asked him and he said he does think shes good looking. He also told me that all the guys and work talk about her and im not stupid and i know he says stuff about her too (even though he denies it). Also, i know for a fact he checks her out and looks at her a**. How do i deal with the talking, looking at her a**, and him working with a hot chick? Its killing me and im insecure. Only helpful and respectful answers please. Im really struggling. |
Question: Parents not giving enough attention?? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 02:42 PM PDT My parents constantally freeload me onto my friends' parents. They don't provide me with things i need or even clise to the things my brothers get. They redecorated my brothers room without them even adking whereas for me, it took 4 years and me getting to the point where i would cry beacuse my back hurt from sleep eping on my bed and from having to slouch when i sat on my bed. My parents don't provide me with toiletries i need, like shaving cream and leave in conditioner. Havent just randomly let me buy anything since november 2013. Money is not an issue. My brothers full closets are stufffed with vineyard vines and macy's which my parents randomly spontaniously buy whereas all of my fewclothes come from jcpenney ( i get a couple itums from there twice a year). I they leave me at home alone alit and dont tell me when theyre leaving and when theyre coming back. They dont even leave dinner for me to have, not even like a box of kraft mac and cheese for me. They also will foeget that i have needs and wants and will make me do things i do not want to ( like signing up for soccar) even if i dont want to do it) just because its easier for them. And they will have someone else give me rides and If they are driving me they are always late getting me there and picking me up ( more than 10 mins) advice?? |
Question: Would you apologize in this situation? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 02:33 PM PDT Hi everyone so I have a problem with one of my good friends.. Today we were on the phone and I'm going into my 3rd year of highschool soon and need 4 more credits if I wanna be considered a junior in August but anyways we were on the phone and I was telling her how I really needed to finish my work and out of know where she said "you might as well prepare your self for getting held back" that caused me to call her on it because that wasn't the first time she has offended me by saying things regarding me not graduating or passing .. Just the other day me her and another friend was talking about going on a trip after we graduated and she said " but are you even gonna graduate" as if she didn't believe I was. When I called her on it she said that the things she said were "questions" I'm not the smartest person but I know for a fact that a question doesn't start off with "but" we got into a big fight and my other friend thinks I need to apologize but I don't feel that I did anything wrong .. I always support her and not once did I ever say she wasn't gonna make it when she tried out for cheer leading .. She doesn't think she did anything wrong and neither do I ? Were not friends anymore but another friend thinks I need to apologize ? Should I? Was I wrong for calling her on something like this? All opinions are appreciated. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:46 PM PDT I had a weird dream last night and need someone to interpuate what it might mean. So I like this guy who goes to my youth group and I've liked him for around 2 years now. I haven't done anything because I'm only 15 and what if he doesn't like me? Plus I don't want to look like a slut. But this week I haven't been thinking about him because finals and I'm dedicated to my studies. So last night I had a dream and I was with my friend at school and we were walking. It was at night (I don't why) and then I saw these boys in front of us walking. One of boys then turned their head around and to my surprise it was that guy I like. He then called my name and also chuckled and I was even more surprised because I didn't think he knew me. After he said that I said "how do you know my name"? And then he replied by saying "none of your business" and he smirked and walked away. Then I woke up. He has noticed me before because one time he smirked at me and then another time he opened the door for me. I just want to know what the dream might have represented or if could mean something in the future. Please no sarcastic or mean comments. I really just want to know what this dream means. Thanks. |
Question: Does she like me...? I need help!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:17 PM PDT There's this girl I know that I'd say I'm pretty close with, and I think she likes me, and well... Over time, I fell in love for her really hard. Although, I think I've done a fairly good job at masking it. I don't really know how I'm gonna word this, so I'm gonna just put down some jot notes of certain things she's done/does that has me curious. -We go to the same therapy group together. That's where we met. We both relate to each other when it comes to mental health issues, and try our hardest to help each other. -She always does small little favors for me. "Hey, do you want me to make you a coffee?" "Hey, I'll buy you a piece of pizza if you want" etc -Whenever I or she has to go, we'll give each other a really huge hug that's like 20 seconds long of us just laughing and saying something like "be safe this weekend" or "I'll give you a call later on!" -Last week, she just kinda out of nowhere asked me "hey, we should go out and get sushi next week" -The other day, she told me "by the way, my dad really likes you! He never likes anybody I bring home!" -Earlier this week, I was having a rough time during a therapy group, I stood up and left. I went outside for a bit, and then I went to grab a drink, and she suddenly tapped my shoulder, smiled and said "hey, there you are... What's up? I figured there was something wrong..." -She's always smiling, laughing, and making an effort to start a long conversation when she's with me. pls help. |
Question: How to have sex with my step sister? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:02 PM PDT I dont want to hear that family or something like that. But my step sister his fine but sometimes she stares at me alot but im shy to try to flirt with her cause i think she will freakout or something but is there anyways to show that i wanna have sex with her without trying making a akward momment like body language or something? |
Question: How many years in jail.? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:52 AM PDT so i have this friend who told me about something that happened to her and I'm just wondering how much trouble the guy would get into.. he asked if she wanted to just chill and talk, and she want to get out of the house more. so she chilled with him. and he pushed her from her neck, down to give him h e a d. She didn't tell him she would do that. He didn't ask. He just pulled it out and pushed her down. She is a really good girl, never had sex or done drugs or anything. he forced her and she even said she didnt want to do that while he was forcing her head down. she doesn't want to tell anyone because the males are superior and everyone will say "she asked for it".. It's really bothering her and she is questioning her own life because she feels so guilty and that nobody can help. Please don't leave hateful answers I really want to get help. she's 14 and he's 15 or 16 I can't remember. we're all in highschool. All sophomores. is thatt rape..? She made it clear she didn't want to do that. Nobody has proof.. just her words against his. |
Question: Why was this so funny? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:51 AM PDT The other day my teacher was having a discussion with me. I am shy and polite. I normally feel shy in these kinds of discussions. She asked me if I had done a task that we have to complete soon. I said no I haven't yet. She said you really need to that. I said ok, I will. Then she said "do it tonight". I said "Well, maybe". And then she started laughing a lot. She goes "tomorrow then" and started imitiating what I said "well, maybe?!" Why was this so funny? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:16 AM PDT I'm writing a story and need details - how long it takes, how does it work, what needs to be done, etc. Thanks guys! |
Question: My boyfriend cheated at the beginning of the relationship? 10 points? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:09 AM PDT I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years. He's bisexual but he had never been with anyone else before me. Three and a half years ago this gay guy kept flirting with my boyfriend but I didn't think anyway of it at the time he said he did not have sex with him. About a week ago he admitted to me that he shad sex with this guy two times, but he was drunk. He begged me not to break up with him and that it was a mistake and he will never do it again and he was crying. I really love him. It just really hurts even though it was a guy cause it was sex with someone else and we were each other's firsts so now I don't feel like I'm special to him cause now I can't say I'm his first and last anymore. I know he did not care about this guy, but I am really hurt that he would ever do this to me. I'm torn because I don't know what to do. I'm extremely hurt by it...what should i do? I'm 19 and he's 21 |
Question: I have been yelling at everyone today for small reasons? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:43 AM PDT I have been yelling at my parents today for small reasons, like my mom evisdropping and my dad nagging me to help him to unlock his phone since yesterday. I have told them both not to do this, like my dad to not nag me on more than one thing and my mom to stop evisdropping and I have told them I hate to repeat what I say and I have been for years but they don't respect that but I think I over did it with the way I reacted. I think I did it because I have just been sick of staying home and bad luck and please, don't give me answers like move out because if you live anywhere in the Los Angeles area, you will know just how expensive living here is. Why did I over react? What do you guys think? Thank you. |
Question: Is it worth to meet up with my ex gay boyfriend? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:18 AM PDT Me and my ex are gay. I didn't talk to him for 4 months since we breakup. 3 days after we broke up he had sex with his ex. I feel torn apart that time and sad. I tried to moved on but 20% of me still want him. Last time I talk to him he said he got kicked out from his grandma house and his mom and girlfriend of his mom broke up so his my got kicked out too . So his mom lives at his grandma and him in the tent in the mountain in spring valley. He doesn't want to move in at his grandma anymore. He do smoke marihuana everyday every hour. He also do petty theft. He wanted to meet up today. I'm single and I admit that I still want him 20% of myself. I'm confuse because my friends are telling me it's about money. Some are saying it's about sex. Please help me decide. Should I meet up with him? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:44 AM PDT I've been giving my time to people and spending my time, efforts and money on people for way too long. Is it wrong if I want to take a time out of 1 or maybe 2 hours a day to spend on my own and do something I love. Is it selfish? |
Question: Did something we regret, how to deal with the consequences? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:42 AM PDT hi so I'm taking a pretty big test in a week and we have review classes every monday but our teacher rescheduled it for yesterday. anyway so me and my two friends go to the school and there's no one there. so we waited for an hour and no one ever showed up. we heard the time on the announcements so it didn't cross our minds that we could have had the wrong time. we pretty angry and we wrote something on her board along the lines of "you missed review class". we learned that we (I don't know how) had the wrong time and now we feel pretty dumb. we don't want her to see the message but there's not much we can do to avoid it. what should we do or say? all help is appreciated. p.s we know it was extremely immature to leave a message, but we thought she skipped and we were a pretty pissed off. |
Question: My fiance asked if I enjoy sex with him anymore? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:36 AM PDT last night after me and my man had sex, he turn to me asking: if I enjoy sex with him anymore.I asked what you mean and asked him do you? he said ofcourse I do. we have had few times sex this week and it was mostly him getting orgasm. why would he ask that? is it because he thinks I don't take any effort or don't love him? please help. I'm very upset. |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:17 AM PDT so my BF recently told me he had a foot fetish, I'm totally cool about it. just another thing to give him pleasure :) the only problem is worried it's all about my feet now. it feels good but doesn't sexually arouse me, I'm too ticklish. I really have to focus on not kicking him in the face when he licks or bites or tickles my feet. he loves it but it's alright for me. but now I feel as if it's only about him and my feet, or whenever he is kissing me or my body he rather be kissing my feet, and boy does that upset me. or the fact he rather look at my feet than my face. I'm jealous of my own feet for stealing all his attention away; this is new to me but I feel crazy. so the question I have is what the heck do I do about this? we talked about my fears and of course he said they were false, but he is the type of guy to hurt himself rather than me. hince why he has a foot fetish, he is submissive. but I want to be submissive too. I think I need a break from the sexually things for a bit. I'm just looking for an opinion here. thanks! |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:08 AM PDT Lol it should be a question mark not a period! |
Question: Nothing is going right for me? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:06 AM PDT BOTH of my cousins got to go see the blue man group AND stayed in school the last few days. Now I am in fifth grade and I have to say bye to my friends early...I don't even feel like answering this ******* question. How should i make my family wait to go on vaca until June 26th? I don't feel like *finishing* this question |
Question: Can you forgive someone that played you? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 08:55 AM PDT I can't let go and I still havnt let go of what my ex girlfriend did to me back in August 2013. I mean I kept her asking for the reason why she dump me after I treated her like a princess and she didnt give me a reason or answer when we was arguing over the phone. She was doing the same thing to the other guys she dated but I didn't know it would happened to me and I didn't want to be judgmental want to be judgmental and I gave it a chance before I got with her. Since she played me I havnt seen her for 2 years now. |
Question: Who likes to **** my mom in chat? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 08:48 AM PDT i want one to **** my mom and pound her from behind and from the pussy and play with her big boobs I have kik if ther is anyone |
Question: My husbands internet history? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 08:14 AM PDT So I broke the cardinal rule and looked at my husbands Web history in his phone. Now I know he masturbate and watches porn and I don't care so much, BUT this time I'm a bit concerned! He doesn't work but takes care of our 8 month old. I hired a sitter for a few hours a week (17yo African American girl) to help him out because he is having a bit of trouble. Well his history had him searching (black babysitter porn)!?!?!? Should I be worried?? Should I say anything? Also, I saw stuff with Mmf three ways AND he looked up gay pride photos from our city... I'm kinda freaking out and don't know what to say or do! Help?!?! |
Question: Guys help! My married colleague is giving really mixed signals. How to read him right? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 08:02 AM PDT He is interested with my personal matters and we talk about day to day things, kids, holidays.. Recently we haven't mentioned our partners anymore. His teasing me and creating new nicknames so he can repeat my name. Sometimes he answers behalf of me or ends a sentence if some other guy talks to me. When we are eating together in a group of colleagues he always wants to sit next to me and is clearly annoyed if it's not possible. I have seen him checking me out when I'm walking or talking with someone else. We obviously have a strong physical chemistry going on but we are both married with kids. BUT I can feel that he has a strong personal space. There is no touching (this bothers me because I like to touch) but when we sit very close I can feel the electricity. We nearly touch. This is driving me mad!!! No need to say that I want him badly. I think that I have given him strong signals that I'm ready for more. What else do I need to do? |
Question: Where can I find weed in St. Catharines at 9 30 am? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 06:30 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 05:39 AM PDT |
Question: Why Am I Now Starting to Have unexplainable feelings towards my mom? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 03:57 AM PDT Ok, I just had a really important question for the experts out there who know about the mind & how brain chemistry works.. So, I'm 17.. I'll be 18 in 2 months and honestly I've never felt this way about my mom in awhile.. For as disgusting as it sounds, I've been having these feelings bother me to the point to where I couldn't get any sleep, I would fantasize about what it'd be like and I'm not a virgin. I've lost my virginity when I was 16 and the girl I was dating at the time, was cheating on me after we had sex. Doesn't matter anymore, I moved on from her. I think it was the sex that made me less interested in her which leads me back to my mom ... It's honestly the only way I'd know would work for sure. She can't get pregnant anymore because she had her tubes tied and if anything were to happen, how do I approach her? Because after the whole girlfriend cheating in me happened.. It felt like I wanted my mom more than anyone.. At least I'm hoping until something happens between us to where I feel grossed out by looking at her naked because the only way I used to handle these kind of feeling I've never had for my mom. I wouldn't do anything without her consent though so please anyone know of a way I can talk to her about it or any sign or signals I can give to her? Please? I have a little sister who's going to be 15 and I asked her and she said no. They don't understand. No one will. I'd say my sex drive is getting out of control to where the only thing that'll work is sex |
Question: ERGENT - I need help fast. Please? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 03:33 AM PDT I went into my old middle school after being a student there five years ago, so I decided to go and see my teachers as I try to do when I can, last time was a year ago. But anyways I went in to see one of my teachers (he is in his 60's-80's *Im not sure which one*) there while my sister went and did her sports for an hour so anyways I had told him about what had been going on the past year however while I was there he hugged me and the first time he rested his head on mine the second time he had his hand on my waist but the third time he did both of them and pulled me closer to him which was out of view of the mirror. Though Im not sure if it would be stated normal, each hug lasted what felt like ages. What do you think it means? Or what should I do? I also forgot to mention that I am now 17, nearly 18 |
Question: Why is everybody so nosy and worried about me? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 02:59 AM PDT I'm a 32 year old man and I have never kissed a woman and I work a lot as a nurse and I go on a lot of vacations. I'm not gay I just dont have time for women I guess and my sister is trying to get me to go to therapy to see if I can fix my so called problem and my other sister always try's to get me to go on dates with her friends. How do I get left alone? |
Question: To stay or breakup with my gf? help pls? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 02:30 AM PDT We're 4months together at long distance. She's moslim,i'm atheist. We try to respect each other. We're in love but we're different. Few days ago we had existencial problem. I told something she didnt like,said she doesnt feel good with me. I excused,promised everything will be better. We have our own problems(school&work) so we had bad mood. I was afraid i'll lose her,i was depressed so i wanted to kill myself. I love her too much. Now its better between us. But we have nothing common,she doesnt get point of my jokes, almost no common interests. Only thing that hold us together is our love. Maybe we suffer in our relationship. But i cannot end it even i know it kills me everyday and i kill her everyday with my behaviour. Not sure how about her,but my psychical condition is really bad and i started to worry about myself. Maybe i know i should end it but i love her i cannot. Do i need just more hope that everything will be ok? Im very temperament and hot-head. I need serious help because i cant help myself. |
Question: My wife has "period panties." Why isn't she allowed to have a period husband? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:11 AM PDT |
Question: How many fathers are actually in the lives of their children? What are the statistics? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:16 PM PDT Please provide the link showing where you got the statistics. |
Question: Do you have a philosophy about why we attract certain people into our lives? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:05 PM PDT |
Question: How to get over a hurtful past?(for my friend)? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:47 PM PDT My friend I know who is very sweet.She sent these guys pictures of her in a bra.She never did nude pictures.When I found out I was shocked.Then last week she was on this social media chat.She had alot of people say racist comments to her.All because she was black.She got mad and started cursing say you don't know me.They told her to kill herself.Now she is hurt and feel she can't get a bf.Because she sent pics of her in her bra.Also she cursed out some guys.She almost committed suicide twice and is sad.Its like she lost her spark in her eyes.Also she has problems with her father.So idk how to help her be her happy self again Also she feels regret and bad because she used curse words to guys.Even though he said racist and mean things.So any suggestions? Also she has been bully,and feel she doesn't have a future. Also can't follow her dreams.Because someone is going to realize her. |
Question: Help with history and parents answer please? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:35 PM PDT |
Question: What the hell is his problem? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:28 PM PDT I've told him over 100 times not to use the left side of the kitchen sink. Literally. I even put up a sign saying not to use it. It's strictly for drying clean dishes. Told him I don't care if the house is on fire, do not use that half of the sink. What the f*ck is wrong with him? Or do I have some mild form of OCD? |
Question: I want to have sex with my sister.? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:51 PM PDT I'm 13 and my sister is 16. She's really hot. Her face is perfect, she has bleach blond hair, she's popular, her *** is sexy, she has really big perky boobs, she's skinny, and always has a lot of cleavage and wears a lot of yoga pants. I want to do her so bad, but she's my sister. Is it ok that I'm thinking this? Should I try to actually do it? What should I do? |
Question: My EX texted me saying "This D!ck is still yours" Does he want to get back together or!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:50 PM PDT and also said he missed me does this mean he wants me back or just wants the sex back? by saying its still mine does he mean I'm the only one he wants on his d!ck??? i asked him if he wanted me back he said "i didn't say all that" |
Question: Wanting to keep in touch with a teacher? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:02 PM PDT (asking again for more answers) the end of the year is coming and I'm really really upset because there is this one teacher who is just the best person and he got me into politics and now I'm just in love with history and they're just really awesome. I don't like to think of school ending cause I feel like I'll never see him again. I'm not in love or anything, I just really want this person to be like a friend when I'm older (I'm going into 9th grade next school year). The thing is, almost every girl in school has a crush on him and I'm afraid if I just say "hey let's keep in touch" he'll think I like him and it would just be awkward. Also, I don't really know how he would react either and I'm afraid he'd just be against the idea. It's just hard to leave someone who had such a big impact on you're life, you know? |
Question: Is there a way to speed up shipping if an item has already shipped? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:43 PM PDT I ordered something yesterday that I need by next Thursday for my vacation that I'm leaving for early Friday morning, and it says it's supposed to come on Friday afternoon. Is there any way I can contact the company (forever21) or FedEx to have the shipping sped up? It doesn't matter if I have to pay extra. |
Question: Weird messed up history with my family? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:31 PM PDT So I recently found out my great great grandpa is a semi-famous artist Leon Bakst. If you search him on google you'll find a lot of stuff so why is my family so poor. we are so poor that my mom works full-time and my dad works 3 jobs (1 full-time). I honestly, couldn't care less about being rich but I dont want to have to move from my house and from my friends too because I'm not too great at making new ones. So what is the deal with Leon Bakst? |
Question: This old lady keeps staring at me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:15 PM PDT The woman next to me keeps on looking/glaring at me and it's creepy af. She'll look over and if I turn my head to her she looks away. It's disturbing. |
Question: Mi novio dice cosas raras al despertarse:c AYUDAAAAA? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:07 PM PDT Holii, pues os cuento. Estaba yo tan tranquila estudiando mientras mi novio se había quedado sobado. Total, de repente se despierta y la conversación fue tal que así: Mi novio: ¿Donde está? Yo: ¿Eing? Mi novio: Lo de para llevar al cole Yo: ¿Estás soñando aún? Mi novio: Lo has dicho tú pero bueno... Yo: ¿Que he dicho qué? Mi novio: ... (Se vuelve a dormir) Sé que es una chorrada pero me pica la curiosidad:") Díganme, alucina? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:04 PM PDT Asking for a friend. |
Question: Como puedo controlar esa cituacion? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:46 PM PDT Mi novia y yo tenemos mas de un año de novios pero ya de un tiempo acá se enoja de todo es agresiva poseciva excesivamente celosa empieza a discutir sin razón me e tratado de ir de la casa y me marca y llama hasta mas de 100 veses en un rato hasta ke le contestó y me convense de regresar a la casa llego y esta bien una noche y al otro día lo mismo!!! No se ke puedo hacer o como controlarla !!!! |
Question: How to keep in touch with a teacher? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:45 PM PDT So the end of the year is coming and I'm really really upset because there is this one teacher who is just the best person and he got me into politics and now I'm just in love with history and they're just really awesome. I don't like to think of school ending cause I feel like I'll never see him again. I'm not in love or anything, I just really want this person to be like a friend when I'm older (I'm going into 9th grade next school year). The thing is, almost every girl in school has a crush on him and I'm afraid if I just say "hey let's keep in touch" he'll think I like him and it would just be awkward. Also, I don't really know how he would react either and I'm afraid he'd just be against the idea. It's just hard to leave someone who had such a big impact on you're life, you know? |
Question: Sex ??? Someone help? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:30 PM PDT Okay so my BF and I just started having sex I've never orgasmed but he always can't go another time . Like right after we are done he can't go again. I asked why and he said that his penis is tired or feels weird . Is that normal or is he just saying that |
Question: Why is 18 and 19 considered an adult if they both end in TEEN ????!!!!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:26 PM PDT Ya its a leagle adult but your still a teenager right? An old teenager. eighTEEN nineTEEN..... |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:26 PM PDT |
Question: Would you date this guy? What should I do..? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:00 PM PDT Hi im 23 and my boyfriend is twenty we have been together for almost seven years. He got a job at a gas station at 18 and kept it for two years, also was in school for only one term and quit because he said school was boring.. I recently had a job for a year and he quit his last job almost five months ago.. I just got a new one and was jobless for three months.. But worked hard to find another job, I'm also starting college in the fall for a business administration degree.. He refuses to find work and says he's too depressed to work.. Even though nothing has happened to him. He uses what little money he has left on video games,borrows money from his family.. Which he will never pay back, and expects me to pay $500 a month for both our share of rent. I'm barely making $800 a month, have two cats, and hardly any family support if I fall.. We constantly fight about him working.. All he does is sleep all day long, sex is dead, even though he wants it.. I'm just so disgusted by what he's become, he hangs out with "adults" who are spoiled by their parents and have everything handed to them, hes also easily persuaded into liking other girls and goes after them.. I'm as caring as caring can be.. I've been sharing my money my home my family my food with him for years.. He's kinda like a puppy who wants everyone to take care of him.. And I don't know if I should be doing this anymore or not.. he also refuses to marry me or any girl..ever. ..what should I do?..thank you for your time. |
Question: Someone help im pls?? im confused? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:21 PM PDT Ok so im really confused right now me and my friend have fallen out over some stupid things that i dont quite understand. First l considerd her my best friend a friend that i thought would last a life time but one day she txted me saying she had made a mistake and kissed her ex girlfriend and asked me to not get mad at her but why would i she is just my friend. Like we do act like a couple but it was a joke for our co workers. After that day she wouldnt talk to me just to everyone else and when i asked her if we were still friends she said yes that she would never put our friendship on the line like that but she did the complete opposite. So to me that meant it was over and i moved on. Im known to be pretty cold hearted when i feel hurt or betrayed and thats exactly how she made me feel but i never really understood why something like that would destroy our friendship? Can anyone help me figure this out? Was i wrong to move on and act like our friendship never existed? Like come one we are both adults to me this just felt like school girl drama that i didnt wanna be a part of. I tried to be her friend still but it wasnt the same and she acts so different that is it sort of makes me resent her. Id appreciate any help pls i dont know if theres anything i could do to maybe get the friendship back i mean i forgave her but i cant forget the way she acted and how much it hurt. |
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