Family: Question: I've done something wrong to my cousin, advice? |
- Question: I've done something wrong to my cousin, advice?
- Question: How to get my parents out of my a$$?
- Question: Dealing with father abandonment issues?
- Question: What should I get my mom for her birthday?
- Question: What do i do when my dad is so strict and says no when i ask him permission for something ?
- Question: Can I have a new family?
- Question: Father's Day gift ideas?
- Question: Muslim brothers and sisters, I need your advice!?
- Question: Is it okay for my mom to tell me not to have sex at age 19?
- Question: How do you deal with bratty kids.?
- Question: Is my mother an infidel?
- Question: Am i being selfish? Parent not attending my graduation?
- Question: My dad cut me out of his will because he thinks I hid a television remote?
- Question: My parents won't let me quit?
- Question: How to deal with my dad getting confused?
- Question: Do you have to love your mother?
- Question: What do you do if a sibling is a alcoholic and has had two ulcers?
- Question: I yelled at my mom and I need help!?
- Question: Bad parenting choices?
- Question: Should I be flexible?
- Question: How can I hurt my mom?
- Question: If you had the chance to say one thing to your absent father, what would you say?
- Question: My sister died when i was 11 I'm very depressed(Now Im 18)?
- Question: Am I passive aggressive?
- Question: My mom said she is pregnant?
- Question: Is it wrong to cut off contact with parents if you weren't the "favorite child" growing up?
- Question: Stuck halfway across the country?
- Question: We are brother and sister, but do we look alike? Am I ugly? (I'm the one on the left)?
- Question: I just found out my dad sexually abused my brother?!?
- Question: Can my stepbrother legally live with me (to avoid his abusive father)?
- Question: Living with my parents again. What should I do?
- Question: Should I tell my sister that her own mom is considering reporting her for abuse?
- Question: Wife says im overfeeding baby and it could kill him?
- Question: Teenage girls who can drive would you have done this?
- Question: Is it weird to be attracted to your Aunt?
- Question: Should i buy it for them?
- Question: I don't think this is appropriate for my daughter in law?
- Question: I really really really can't stand living with my parents, what should I do?
- Question: How to make my parents let me have a sleepover at my friend's?
- Question: What is a good graduation gift for my sister?
- Question: My dad is so grumpy!?
- Question: How to tell my Aunts boyfriend to back off?
- Question: Dont know what to do.. Sorry for the shorted version of my next = count limit.?
- Question: Which name is the best for a redhaired girl with very pale skin and blue eyes??
- Question: How can I help my sister?
- Question: Really really bad family issues:-(?
- Question: Does it bothers you when your younger siblings as a child before you?
- Question: My Mom's mad I got my period, help?(warning LONG)?
- Question: How is an interview for teen constructed with CPS and Police for sexual abuse?
- Question: Can you tell your mother to leave you alone and to stop being nosy without being disrespectful?
- Question: I feel uncomortable with my mom behind me all the time?
- Question: If my biological father is adopted does it make it incest if i ****** my cousin (shes not blood)?
- Question: Did we do something wrong with my daughter's tutor?
- Question: How can I comfort my niece ?
- Question: Is this a good idea for me to do for my moms birthday? Your advice please.?
- Question: How to convince a parent for something? Help, please!?
- Question: Is it bad that I'm wanting more privacy than ever?
- Question: How to convince my mom to have a no electronics day?
- Question: Is it possible to call someone through their store phone when they work at Ingle s?
- Question: Step mom problems?
Question: I've done something wrong to my cousin, advice? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:44 PM PDT I'm a 17-year-old male, and a few days ago, Thursday, I graduated from high school. Not counting my immediate family, but my older cousin came down with her 10 year old daughter and 3 year old daughter. After my ceremony, we went to a restaurant and then my cousins went back to my grandmother's house (I stay with my grandma) and they spent the night. I was play fighting in my room with my 10 year cousin and long story short, I got aroused. I didn't know what the hell was going through my mind at this time but I pants my cousin in a jokingly fashion, although truthfully I wanted to see her in that way, and I ended up pulling her underwear down. We laughed it off and I asked her to do it again, and she let me, and I felt her behind a little bit and rested my head on her groin. Fast forward, I masturbated in my closet and she seen me but she said she didn't mind. After that, I knew what I had done and I apologized to her several times, and I asked her to pray with me and help me ask God for forgiveness. I explained to her the urges that I have and how I don't have any girls in my life and she told me she understands and told me to forget about it and not to do it again. She's very smart for her age. I just feel sick and disgusting and I feel like a molester or rapist. I told my grandma about this yesterday and she talked to me about it and told me to make sure never to do it again and to not play with children like that anymore. How can I feel better about myself? |
Question: How to get my parents out of my a$$? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:39 PM PDT My parents recently found an old stash of weed in my room... And a water pipe. They are super pissed for some reason. Now they are trying to follow me everywhere I go now and find out who I'm friends with. It's super creepy because I'm a 20 year old college student. I really don't like the way they live their life so I try to keep to myself but they won't leave me alone. Should I move out at this point? What could I do to get them off my a$$? |
Question: Dealing with father abandonment issues? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:38 PM PDT so, daddy issues are a real thing. and it's not just about being slutty but also antisocial and unhappy. I have some moments in my life where I experience drugs and emotional management troubles. I always had poor results in my studies and suicidal thought as long as I can remember. I feel like everything is connected to this "trauma" (seeing him leave without a word or look). also I get so emotionally attached with people that I end up being crushed every time and because of that my father isn't the only one that left me. I feel like over the years this thing is slowly killing me. how do I move forward? can someone with the same issue tells me how he perceive it ? tips ? I tried loads of therapist as you can imagine but it doesn't help my dad never tried to contact me since I was five and I searched but never found any trace of him. |
Question: What should I get my mom for her birthday? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:31 PM PDT I've never been able to get my Mom anything for her birthday other than stuff I made by hand. I just got my first job so I really want to get her something she'll remember. I have a decent amount of money but not that much... I thought about getting her a ring or sending her flowers at work. I'm kind of undecided so far so I thought I'd ask to see if any one else had cool ideas. Thanks :) |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:30 PM PDT I am 21 years old and the only reason I ask for permission is because he is my father and I respect him and want to do things right and he says no |
Question: Can I have a new family? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:29 PM PDT e don't cook for us and we won't even cook till like around 11:00. He don't even got a job and everytime we need something he'll get mad. He do drugs for living and got out cloths and hair smelling like cigerattes. He don't even buy us nothing, and he keep inviting his friends over and they all pedophiles. I'm in depression bc of this family. I can't deal with this. |
Question: Father's Day gift ideas? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:21 PM PDT so my dad is country and biker kinda dude. I need to get him something for Father's Day. (already got him a pocket knife last year) |
Question: Muslim brothers and sisters, I need your advice!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:15 PM PDT My parents sent me to California to study theology and philosophy after school & I'm still in the course of completing my education in the US, but the problem is I'm in love with a Christian man (my senior) who has also been my boyfriend for 3 and 1/2 yrs. now . I am a Muslim and my parents are strict about their religious beliefs. My boyfriend recently proposed to me and I'm just so confused. I love him dearly and he loves me too, I see that . But my parents will disown me if I tell them I want to marry a non-Muslim. I don't want them to regret their decision of sending me abroad but on the other hand I love my boyfriend way too much, there will be no life in me if he's not with me. Please help me. |
Question: Is it okay for my mom to tell me not to have sex at age 19? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 01:09 PM PDT I've been with my boyfriend for about three weeks. My mom saw some texts between my boyfriend and I talking about when we were going to have sex again. And although it may seem really soon to be having sex in a relationship, I felt ready to lose my virginity to him. My mom has since then been telling me not to have sex, to get married being a virgin like she did, telling me I don't know my boyfriend well enough, saying mean things about my boyfriend. She also told me she's going to tell my dad about the texts and that when I bring my boyfriend over to meet my dad, my dad will have a few things to say to him such as to not have sex with me and to respect me. She has never told me about birthcontrol such as condoms or the pill, she just told me not to have sex. I feel that since I live under her roof she feels she can control when I decide to have sex. What should I do? Tell her honestly that I already had sex with him? Just listen to her? I'm going to be 20 years old, I feel its too late for her to want to give me "the talk" which she never gave me as a teen, I don't like that she wants to be controlling as if she knows better, she got married into a mentally and physically abuse relationship, I don't think she has a say when it comes to relationship advice |
Question: How do you deal with bratty kids.? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:58 PM PDT I made the huge mistake of moving to my sister's house in another state for the summer (3 months). It's embarrassing living with her ******* family. Her house is full of kids (5 of them ) and they are all ********. They punch me in front of their parents, they take my things without asking, they are loud and rude. Whenever they go out (my sister and husband) they force me to go with them otherwise they get offended. Their ******* kids are loud, they touch everything they see, other people just stare at us. What do I do? I'm 18 and move d to get a job, and pay little rent, but now I really regret my decision. |
Question: Is my mother an infidel? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:54 PM PDT She said I did a nice job shaving today and I said that earlier on in the day I looked like a jihad and she rolled her eyes and shook her head and I said under my breath Allah Ackbar and my brother went lol |
Question: Am i being selfish? Parent not attending my graduation? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:40 PM PDT My high school graduation is today, and my mom decides to tell me today that she isnt coming as 'punishment' for not doing what i was told to do (It started because i put back lotion that she had bought because we already had some not realizing she didnt like that one). She has terrible anxiety, and get very fearful around crowds. She didnt attend my sisters elementary graduation for that reason (I was there for her). But she did say she would attend mines since this is my last one. Now shes not going, and i have no one there for me to clap for me, or take pictures for me, or anything. I am furious right now, and am considering not even going, and shes telling me i am being selfish because i am not taking her issues into consideration. Am I and no, i have no other family,friends, etc to invite, which adds to my rage. at least my sister had me, i have no one. |
Question: My dad cut me out of his will because he thinks I hid a television remote? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:34 PM PDT Does this sound like normal behaviour? I didn't touch the damn thing and even if I did, is it worth that reaction? What do I do?!? |
Question: My parents won't let me quit? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:27 PM PDT Im 16 and bus table at this bar/night club and I hate it so much. I break down into tears before every shift because of how much I hate it there. I also get super bad headaches and stomach pains every time I'm there. I want to quit so bad but my parents won't let me. They won't even listen to me and they tell me shut up every time I talk about quitting. It's just not my environment. It's too loud and there's so many drunks. I'm more quit and kept to myself, I'd be better working at a library. I just really want to quit but I don't know how and as long as my parents are forcing me too I'll never be able to leave. I'd rather get hit by a bus than go in today. |
Question: How to deal with my dad getting confused? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:22 PM PDT My dad is in his late 60's. I'm still in my early 20's. I don't live with him and we're on vacation together. Anyway, I don't know why but he's always getting confused about stuff. (i.e. Camera, shower, scheduling, etc.) I feel terrible for getting annoyed because he's my father even if my parents divorced. I know he wants to make me happy more than anything. I just can't stand some of his confusion. He doesn't treat me as an adult still as well. Please help. How do I respect him? |
Question: Do you have to love your mother? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:18 PM PDT I'm really sick of people saying that. Some people have terrible mothers, it doesn't matter if they birthed you. If they are awful, why would you love them? If I buy a dog is it okay for me to lock it in a room and ignore it because I bought it? (just an analogy, not a direct comparison). I do love my mom, she's not horrible..just a bad influence. She has this thought in her head, "you're my kid so i can do what i want". She doesn't listen to any of us unless she's acting because her friends are over. She makes us feel terrible by calling us names and ignoring us. She acts like she's sick of us and doesn't want us as kids anymore so she just pretends we don't exist or is really hostile. I don't think that should be okay just because she's my mom. She had us on accident anyways. |
Question: What do you do if a sibling is a alcoholic and has had two ulcers? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:11 PM PDT i am a strong firm believer of people should only go to rehab if they WANT to get help but it sucks just watching my brother drink his life away. i've seen him passed out and vomit a lot and its scary. i feel horrible just sitting by just watching him go through this. after both ulcers he has said "i will give up drinking" and i caught him at the corner store buying loads of alcohol. containing vodka and whisky and Hennessy he's 25 so he's an adult and he will do what he wants but i feel bad for just standing aside. is this all i can do?. i feel one day i will lose him. he smokes a lot too just sitting back makes it seem like "i'm okay" with this and i feel like an enabler |
Question: I yelled at my mom and I need help!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:11 PM PDT So two days ago I yelled at my mom because she told me really sarcastically and kinda mean, after years of encouraging me that I could sing (and even encouraged me I should go on stage), that I can't sing at all. I hate that I got hurt and yelled her and cried because My parents always say I should just suck it up. As much as I wanted to this time, it was too much!! So I told her that apparently she lied because for years she's been telling me that I can sing and that if I can't sing, then she humiliated me by saying I should go on stage! We talked afterwards and I thought that we resolved our problems because she even said goodnight and I love you. The next day she didn't talk to me and I can tell that she was mad. It's been about 2-3 days and I told her I was sorry again. But she says she done. She was treated that way before and that she will not take it from me. She says that I shouldn't have ever yelled like that because she's never yelled like that to the people she loves. And I AM truly sorry. I explained why I yelled and she still says she doesn't care and that she's "forgiven" me already. But I know she hasn't. Although I'm upset that she can't see that she hurt my feelings I just want her to be my best friend again. To be my mom again. I'm afraid she hates me and really I feel like I just want to die. She called me a ***** and I have hurt others before. So what's the point right? Especially since my mom was the only one I could connect with. What should I do? |
Question: Bad parenting choices? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 12:07 PM PDT I feel like my mom is a really bad influence. I'm going to try to simplify this. 4 Things my mom does that I'd like your opinion on. 1. She ALWAYS is on her phone while she drives and I am terrified of cars for personal reasons. She knows this and continues to almost wreck her car all the time because she's on Facebook or texting someone. 2. She smokes all the time, in my face, in my little brothers face, in the car. It is disgusting. I understand that this is a very common problem. She starts yelling at us and pointing out our flaws when we try to talk to her about it. 3. I got out of the hospital around march last year, i was in there for three weeks for a suicide attempt (long story), and when i got out they put me on more medicine. When we moved about two months after that, she took me off of all of my medicines at once, which is very dangerous . Since then she's refused to let me see a psychiatrist, therapist or doctor of any kind. It's been over a year, and I've been going through hell. Im always sick, shaking or in pain. She doesn't care. She and my siblings go to the doctor regularly. 4. She just always tries to one up me, that's the only time she pays attention to me. She gets mad that i weigh less than her. Like I'm pretty thin and have an alright body I guess, but she is a bit hippy. She doesn't like it and tries to fit in my size of clothing. She even tries to bring me down when i feel pretty. What do you think??? |
Question: Should I be flexible? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:59 AM PDT I'm the single dad to my 15 year old daughter. I'll be honest, I do spoil her a lot and " no" is not a word she's used to hearing. Yesterday afternoon, we had the most absurd conversation ever. She just started dating some guy, I've never met him. So she tells me she wants him to come over here tonight… but, she wants me gone so they can be alone. I said no way, she pouted, gave sad eyes, and stomped her foot. I said no, she stomped upstairs and slammed the door. Hasn't come out since 4:00 yesterday should I just leave, and trust her? |
Question: How can I hurt my mom? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:49 AM PDT please your "u shouldn't hurt your mom" **** won't help I just want to make her cry for the sleepless nights I had cause of her. I want her to know I hurt her cause it would hurt her even more. And what she does to me is too toxic to be discussed... I don't need a psychologist cause I've already went there and she didn't change so please |
Question: If you had the chance to say one thing to your absent father, what would you say? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:48 AM PDT |
Question: My sister died when i was 11 I'm very depressed(Now Im 18)? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:48 AM PDT I was a only child and I always wished to have a brother or sister because I wanted to know how it is to have one.Because I was always alone and sad my mom and dad worked all time.When I come to home and they are at work I always feel so empty and sad.When my mum got pregnant I was so happy and strange.I didn't know how to react when we found out I will get a sister I was happy alot of times I imagined it how it will be great i will learn her alot of things take her to school watch over her and alot of stuff.When she was born the doctors told my mom and dad to come talk privately I didn't understand why they were going alone because I was her brother I just wanted to see her.When my dad said I can't go in to see her she was in somekind baby incubator or something my dad just showed the picture of my sister and she was beatifull.2 months have passed I didn't see my sister my mom was in different ambulances with my sister I didn't understanded why because I was still to young to understand all that.They never told me that she was sick finaly my mom came back and I have seen my sister for the first time I was so happy so have passed another 5 months she was going again to ambulances there and there i was with my sister for only a little time then my dad came home and mom and there was not my sister they said she is at the ambulance then my dad came to my room and said the she has died.Now im 18 I dont have friends and Im always sad i want to die to be with her.I miss my sister. |
Question: Am I passive aggressive? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:41 AM PDT If I'm mad that I'm being ignored while trying to have a conversation with someone in my house, I walk away and lock the door in my room to be in peace. I don't always explain why I'm upset or I just hide my feelings. When one of my parents knocks on the door to my room and wants to know why I'm hiding in my room, I try to hide the reason why. I don't like talking about my issues or the reasons why I'm angry because I hate starting arguments. It's better to avoid arguing with parents. |
Question: My mom said she is pregnant? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:41 AM PDT when i was in my room my mom came in yelling in the kitchen with my dad (it sounded like they were joking around because my dad was laughing and being silly with her) then i said why are you mad? then she said because he told me im pregnant. then my heart began racing fast and i went back in my room. I hate babies they are annoying little f's, my mom and dad LOVE ME ONLY ME not another child :( i want my parents to still sleep with me and hug me not that other child :( do u think that they were joking around or being serious?????? plz help i dont want my parents to love another kid only me..... |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:36 AM PDT I send them a hefty check in the mail every month so they can't call me ungrateful. Besides this I don't talk to them and keep any other contact. |
Question: Stuck halfway across the country? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:27 AM PDT I was living with my boyfriend and his family in Arizona. I am from Florida and that is where all of my friends and family are. My boyfriend's parents deciding that I can no longer live with them starting today and I have no where to go. It would take my mom weeks to be able to afford to get me home and all of my things. I can not leave me things on there house because they said if I did that they would trash all of them. I don't really know what to do or who to contact. I know a lot of people will probably think this is stupid, but I just don't know. What am I supposed to do? How do I get me and my things home? |
Question: We are brother and sister, but do we look alike? Am I ugly? (I'm the one on the left)? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:26 AM PDT |
Question: I just found out my dad sexually abused my brother?!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:26 AM PDT This is So confusing when I was 6 my brother who at the time was 9 would repeatedly sexually abuse me. He would beat me with what He could find if I dared to say a word about it. It eventually stopped but about a year or so ago I found out my "special relationship" with my dad was not in anyway appropriate or special. My brother who lives in Montana now was talking with me on the phone the other day and our dad came up. I asked him why he brought it up (he already knew about the sexual abuse between my dad and I) and he finally came clean. What my brother was doing to me when I was younger is what he learned from my dad! I'm freaking out right now because for all these years I thought my I was the only one who had any sexual abuse from my dad. I've forgiven my brother but what do I do about my dad?! My mom refuses to do anything and my English teacher was the only person I felt even remotely comfortable with saying anything to. But that chance blew out the window because on the last day of school I was trying to talk to her but kept getting interrupted by people walking in. I have no idea what to do I'm to scared to say anything to anyone else. Plus I think the limitations have already passed. I feel like my whole life is a lie and I want to kill myself what do I do???! |
Question: Can my stepbrother legally live with me (to avoid his abusive father)? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:25 AM PDT It's about my stepbrother. My mom remarried last year. This affects me so little b/c I'm already 25, married, and have my own place. Even before that I lived with my dad, who is a better parent than she is. My mom's new husband is a real jerk, although he has a lot of money from his car-selling business. He has a son, who is 17. His first wife is a Japanese who has returned to Japan long ago, but I don't know the story. My husband and I had dinner with them a few times, and it's horrible how he treated his own son. Imagine hurling racist jokes to your son just b/c the mother is Asian. Last Christmas, he bullied the boy all night long, throwing a glass of wine on his face. Last Easter, I was asking the boy about school, and the dad kept insulting him. He said his son has never dated anyone, b/c he's so ugly (tbh he's a good-looking boy), or maybe gay, and (laughingly) said that all he needs is likely a corrective rape, which can easily be taken care of! My husband gave some icy response to that and since then we're never invited again (what a relief!). Just last week, the boy was admitted to the hospital after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Since my mom (who doesn't want to meddle) and the jerk are still on hols (they departed a day thereafter), I take care of everything. I feel so bad for this boy. I took him home since I can't leave him alone in the empty house. He's so scared of everything, even to my husband. I think he can only tolerate me. I'm thinking of keeping him with me, but I'm afraid that, if his dad wants him back, I'll lose. After all, I'm not related to him. His dad mainly abuses him verbally. I've since learned that the jerk slaps him every now and then, but leaving no mark. So I don't think I can win on the ground of physical abuse. What's my chance in this, actually? Thanks for answers. |
Question: Living with my parents again. What should I do? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:24 AM PDT My both parents lost their job. My dad about two years ago and my mom 5 months ago. They have been working on temporary jobs that take them for like two months and then they are unemployed for like four. We are not getting help from the government any more. I came back home this summer from college. I got a job closer to my parents home so I am living with them. My dad asked me how much I get paid and indeed I do get paid a lot. Now that my parents know how much I get paid they are not trying to find a job they just think that I will support the family while I am here. I hate this. I cannot turn my back to them because they have helped me pay for college when they had a job, they paid for my rent, for my books, for my food. But they would always treat me like a little kid and I had to follow what they said. With this job, I wanted to save money so that I could finally stop asking them for money to pay for my rent every semester. I wanted to save money to buy a car and finally become independent. But it is not going to be like this. If I help them now I would still be able to save enough money for my rent next semester but I also need books, food, and I wanted to finally have my own car so that I don't depend on anybody. What should I do? |
Question: Should I tell my sister that her own mom is considering reporting her for abuse? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:13 AM PDT My mother-in-law has been threatening to report my sister-in-law and her current boyfriend for child abuse. My MIL sees these three kids MAYBE a couple hours a year and I see them quite often and have not noticed any signs of abuse nor have the two older kids (11 and 7) told me any of the things they've supposedly told grandma. Now my MIL wants me to 'help' her by researching agencies to contact and to sort of spy on my sister-in-law. I don't think the kids are being physically abused and have told my MIL that. Should I tell my sister that her own mom is considering reporting her for abuse? Also, my mother-in-law HATES the boyfriend, and I think that has a lot to do with this. The woman is paranoid, negative, and never happy. |
Question: Wife says im overfeeding baby and it could kill him? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 11:07 AM PDT OK proud father of a 2 month 1 week old 13.5lb baby, Ever sence he was just over a month he was eating 3-4 oz every bottle and she would yell at me I'm over feeding him, we switched formula cause he was spitting up a lot, once we switched the spit up is only once in awhile, but he has been downing 4oz bottles like there nothing now and two days ago she just fed him an hour ago and he was screaming bloody murder nothing of the usual would calm him down so I made another 2oz and he drank about an oz and half and went to sleep for 4 hrs. Well when I did this she flipped a lid told me to get my **** and move out was gonna go to the court and file for sole custody, said I was over feeding him and he could aspirate and die. So I guess my question is am I being a bad father by feeding my kid more then 4 oz, I mean I'll give him more and he won't spit up sometimes she will give him 3oz and he will spit up. And just wondering how would that hold up in court if we separated I would fight for joint custody, would a judge rule against me for that reason and that reason only? Dr visit said he looked good, in 83% but he started screaming so I comforted him and my girlfriend said that's when dr told her 4oz is a lot for him, I never heard it course I had a yelling baby in my ear. But I feel if he is hungry let the kid eat? Am I wrong for that? Its our first baby and I feel as this one thing is going to break our family apart, but when I give him 4.5-5.5oz he sleeps for 7 hrs at night |
Question: Teenage girls who can drive would you have done this? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:59 AM PDT I just got back from dropping my sister off at her friends house. Since it was hot out and I did not get out of my car and was only gone for about 20 minutes I drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes. |
Question: Is it weird to be attracted to your Aunt? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:58 AM PDT I have been attracted to my aunt ever since I was 9 or 10 and I really want to tell her but I am afraid that she will tell my mom and my mom might either make fun of me or yell at me so what do i do??? |
Question: Should i buy it for them? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:55 AM PDT Hi i have recently gotten a mortgage. I dont earn much money but i recently spent some money on my parents so they could buy themselves a new bed and other furnirture etc. I really want to buy them new laptops but i wont have much left in my bank account. Is it too risky? |
Question: I don't think this is appropriate for my daughter in law? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:54 AM PDT My daughter in law just got her body back after having my grandson 6 months ago and is now working at a disgusting chain called the Tilted Kilt. The uniforms leave very little to the imagination. I understand she wants to work, but she's a mother now. She needs to think how this will affect her child. He shouldn't be seeing someone dressed like that, especially not his mother. My son knows she works there and hasn't said anything about it. He makes enough money that she doesn't have to work. How can I tell her this is inappropriate. |
Question: I really really really can't stand living with my parents, what should I do? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:47 AM PDT I am a college student, and I really can't stand living with my parents, I hate them so much, I swear to God I will be the happiest person alive if I ever got to live in a place where they're not there, seriously I am on the edge, I can't take it, what should I do? moving out is not really an option, it only is in America, where I live you're FORCED to live with your parents till you graduate college, that's just the way it is, what should I do? please offer some advice... |
Question: How to make my parents let me have a sleepover at my friend's? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:43 AM PDT Im 14 and my parents NEVER let me spend the night at a friend's house they're like they could touch you or do stuff my parents are retarded its so annoying like they could take me at 8am and ppick me up at 10pm but not let me spend the night its literally ruining my life like nothing's gonna happen i try doing chores and being respectful and they still won't let me |
Question: What is a good graduation gift for my sister? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:40 AM PDT My sister is graduating on Monday at 7:00pm. My mom and I thought about making dinner but we eat our supper at 5:00 so by that time we would have already ate. We are not really close to each other. In fact our family is always distant. She probably would prefer to hang out with her friends but we want to make something special for her. Also, we don't have a lot of money to make a party or buy expensive stuff. We really want to let her know that we acknowledge here effort and are proud of her and that we want her to continue to accomplish her goals. What are good ideas for a graduation gift? Please be creative and specific. She is graduating from high school |
Question: My dad is so grumpy!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:39 AM PDT He keeps telling everyone to get out of the house cause he is working on his computer and he was yelling and screaming at my brother so my other brothers girlfriend can go to MY grandmothers house along with the family. He gets mad so easily and he even broke many holes in the wall before and throws things and even tried and did smash our computers and phones. He smokes cigarettes too |
Question: How to tell my Aunts boyfriend to back off? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:31 AM PDT My mother and her sister my aunt have been estranged for 2 1/2 years it was due to a messy divorce she suffered from and would lash out at her family. She recently came back into our lives early this year with a boyfriend she met online. He is a nice guy an all but after he found out that i and my sister were engaged he started acting weird ( I am 23 and my sister is 24). He keeps telling us that we cant get married without is approval, and that he does think its is right because we re so young we have already told every one that we (my and my sister) will be getting married in 2018 after i get my bachelors and our guys get their masters, but he still is very much "INSISTENT" that we need his approval. My sister argues that WE don t have to go anything because: 1. we are not his kids. and 2. they were here before he came along. Im trying to be nice about it because i release my aunt has been through a lot and im happy she found someone. Is there any way i can say this nicley to him or her? Me and my sister are not getting married to each other big heart i am engaged to guy and my sister is engaged to a completely different guy. |
Question: Dont know what to do.. Sorry for the shorted version of my next = count limit.? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:31 AM PDT My parents force me to do everything at home. I'm not joking. I have to do the dishes, hover the flat, clean the windows and take care of my little (!!spoiled!!) brother the whole day. The only thing they say why I have to do it is because they go to work and I do nothing. Fun fact tho, I'm going to a programming school aswell as have part time jobs from time to time. If I say my opinion or dont do it what they tell me to they instantly take away the wifi(which they do like completely randomly through out the day for no reason at all,they just turn it off) for a day up to a year it really depends on what I do or they simply hit me. Then once im free (starting from 22.00 most of the time or even later) my little brother comes and yells at me to do his **** like homework or to play a game with him or do literally anything for him like make him a drink, food and such **** ( hes 8) and if I simply say no he starts punching me and even trys to kick me in the balls. If I block his attacks he simply starts crying = my parents come and yell at me and BAM I'm getting punished instantly. And if you wonder they work barely 5days a week and each day about from 8 to 12. So if they take away the wifi I simply crumble to the ground. Aswell as if I would yell at them ONLY ONCE they would surely cancel my plain tickets to wien this month so I wont be able to visit nor talk to her..(her=my girlfriend whichissanity atm) I live in the UK and I'm 17 please help me I have no clue what to do. |
Question: Which name is the best for a redhaired girl with very pale skin and blue eyes?? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:27 AM PDT actually, I really wanto change my name. my name is Colleen. I know it's not a pretty weird name but the meaning of it is "the irish girl..." and i;m irish too. I was teased alot because of my name... so I searched some names for irish redhaired girl, and suggestions are welcome except color, gem, plant and more names anything that can make fun.(for example, there are ginger, scarlet, ruby. I really don't like them) So here are some names. Molly Chloe Dakota Ciara Ashley Aisling(pronounce ash-ling) Aoife(pronounce ee-fah) Claire Poppy(my favorite flower) i lived in the states.and i'm irish-AMERICAN. Hope it helped! |
Question: How can I help my sister? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 10:10 AM PDT My sister was dating the lead singer of a band he died last summer she had his son about a month after he died. He never got to meet his son she's worried that when they're kid is older he'll be asking where his dad is or what happened to him. She was dating the guitar player from the band but she found out he was already married so she left him. Now she's with one of the other guys. They've been together for almos a year. These guys are a lot older than her. The guy she's dating now just turned 50 yesterday. Her sons father was 63 when he died. She said they may be that old but they don't look like it it's true they don't. She was with her sons dad for about 3 years before he died. She still misses him she's also having a hard time with her son and her boyfriend even though she's been with him for about a year. How can I help her ? |
Question: Really really bad family issues:-(? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:58 AM PDT so where do I begin.. I started off with a great life, but it has went down hill,.. way down hill.. my mom hates me, my dad hates me & all 3 of my siblings hate me.. my friends even hate me. my friends talk about how I say I'm pretty and stuff but I only say that so I don't lose the confidence that I have left.. because I don't have a lot.. my mom adores my little brother, if he does something wrong he is so cute but if I do something wrong it's the end of the world... she grips me by my hear and screams awful awful things to me.. my dad... he cheated on my mom and I guess I remind him of her so he treats me like her.. he calls me a skank for wearing makeup, has sex with his girlfriend right Infront of me && is just mean too me, like I will ask for a 20 dollar pair of shoes when kids my age wear 100$, and all I do is get called ungrateful.. domt get me wrong, I'm 14 and I'm trying things out.. I drank, kissed a boy & wasn't in till 1 before.. but that's friends aren't even Virgins anymore & they act like I'm so bad.. my brothers and sisters will do anything to see me cry... like anything. Even when I do nothing wrong.. they say they can't handle me anymore, but I don't even leave my room.. she took my door knob off because I'm doing "dirty things", like wtf I read books on my phone.. I can't do anything because I'm only 14.. I'm kind of just done.. with life |
Question: Does it bothers you when your younger siblings as a child before you? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:52 AM PDT I'm a 32 year old man who is single and don't have any children. Yesterday my sister invited me and my mom for dinner last night and as we sat and ate, my mom told me that I'm a uncle now. So I was like what are you talking about. And my sister started laughing and told me that last week she found out that she is pregnant. So for a moment I was very very shocked that I kinda lost my appetite because here I am her older brother who don't have kids and she's expecting before me. Tell me would you feel ashamed to know that your younger sibling having a kid before you? My family already thinks I'm weird because they never seen me bring a women in the family. But hopefully can can procreate soon I find the right person. |
Question: My Mom's mad I got my period, help?(warning LONG)? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:51 AM PDT So I've had my period for a while now (since January) and didn't tell my mom about it till yesterday (June 5th). I'm very sensitive about this type of stuff and am already a very shy person and wasn't ready to even have my period non the less ready to tell her I got it. Each month I would try but I just couldn't get the words out and so I decided to tell her on my birthday which is June 4th. As you can tell that didn't even work out. I decided it was now or never when I was in school on June fifth and my period bled thru my pants for the first time. I texted it to her that I got my period and needed her to get me spare pants. She ended up picking me up but she had her suspicions which is when I told her I got it in January. Now she's super mad at me saying how much of a liar I am and how she should beat the crap out of me for lying even tho I WASNT READY TO TELL HER about it. She keeps comparing me to when my sister got her period and told her about it the same day. Sorry I'm not my extroverted sister. I hate talking about things like this and couldn't find the right words or time to tell her and so by having no one know I felt it never really happened. Now myom doesn't even want to talk to me and I really need advice to help straighten things out between us. I don't know what to say to her to make her feel better. Please help. Any advice that could possibly make her feel like I can trust her with these things but I was just to shy to do it. What should I say. Thanks a lot. |
Question: How is an interview for teen constructed with CPS and Police for sexual abuse? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:45 AM PDT I'm writing a story, and the main character was abused. So, she's in the interviewing room but I don't know what actually goes on. All I found for interviewing techniques were for children which wouldn't work for sixteen year olds. So, what do CPS or Police ask the teen girl? Like what questions? And how do they determine, what behavior does the teen have to exhibit, for them to say that teen was abused sexually? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:43 AM PDT My mom is a very worrying and controlling person. As a kid I wasn't really allowed to do much because of my mom's fear of me getting hurt. Now that I'm in college she can't really try to control me as much, but I'm home for the summer and things have gone full circle. She's become twice as irrational and nosy as she used to be, and she tries to get involved in everything I do. For example, I wasn't allowed to date in high school, and I didn't, even though my mom believed I was dating behind her back and blamed non-existent girls whenever I did poorly on an assignment. Now she won't begging me to find a long term girlfriend even though I've never dated before. Ironically enough she thinks one of my female friends is my girlfriend and blamed her when I did bad on my summer assignment. Even my dad thinks it's excessive. If I try to confront her she claims that I don't appreciate her and guilt-trips me into oblivion, or she'll say "fine" and follow up with passive-aggressive behavior for the rest of the day. Is there really anything I can do to tell my mom to leave me alone without being disrespectful? |
Question: I feel uncomortable with my mom behind me all the time? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:35 AM PDT So yeah me and my mom sleep in the same room cause i have a phobia of the dark for 2 years. Her bed is literally facing my computer screen and can watch literally everything i do. I am on PC 24/7 but instead, i am doing absolutely nothing cause i feel uncomfortable with her behind. I asked her to move the computer but says there is no place. I dont want to sound suspicious, so i dont want to ask her to move to another room, and plus my phobia is kkilling me. any solution? |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:32 AM PDT |
Question: Did we do something wrong with my daughter's tutor? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:30 AM PDT I got a note from the school that my 16 year old daughter Lisa was failing math and they recommended a tutor to help her. They sent a list of tutors home with Lisa and I started calling them. All of the tutors were very expensive. Being a single mom, I just could not afford them. I knew a family friend that I thought knew enough math to tutor her and I hoped he would be a lot cheaper. His name was Bill and he was a college senior. I called Bill and asked him if he would tutor Lisa and he agreed to do if for free. He was a great guy for doing this for her. He did tutor Lisa for 3 months. When Lisa got her grade card, she got an A in math. We were both VERY HAPPY and asked Bill go come over so we could tell him the GREAT NEWS. When we told him Lisa's math grade he said that is wonderful news. Lisa told Bill she had to thank him for his help so she kissed him. After she was through kissing him Bill turned to me and said "your turn". I was so excited I kissed him also. We all had a good laugh and a group hug. Bill said "if you need any more help with school subjects, just call me". Some of my friends that I told about this told me what we did was not appropriate and that Bill would get the wrong idea. My take on this is that if Bill was happy and my daughter and I were happy, there is no problem. We were just having fun. What do you think? Did we do something wrong? |
Question: How can I comfort my niece ? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:29 AM PDT My niece is upset because all her friends have kids and are either married or have boyfriends she's the only one who doesn't. She has a crush on my friend but she's scared to tell him. She thinks he's too old for her anyway he's 26 she's 22. That's not too bad. My husband is 4 years older than me. She found out one of her cousins is having a kid she's about the same age as her. Half the kids from her school are married or have boyfriends and kids and they're younger than her. Her mom won't let her date anyone older than her like in they're 30's or 40's. Her best friend has a boyfriend she's 21 he's 30. She thinks it's not fair she's the only one who can't date anyone who's older than her. Everyone else can. Her dad is 8 years older than her mom they've been married for over 20 years. I turn 33 today my husband is 36 we've been married for a long time and we have 2 kids my daughter also turns 7 today my son is 8. I don't have a problem with guys who are older it's just a number it doesn't matter. I don't understand why her mom won't let her date older guys. I think she should date whoever she wants. She's worried she might have to wait and have kids when she's 30 or 40. She doesn't want that. Someone once told her women in they're 30 or 40 can't have kids whoever told her that is wrong that's not true. She's been upset about that for a long time. How can I comfort her ? |
Question: Is this a good idea for me to do for my moms birthday? Your advice please.? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:21 AM PDT I was hanging out with my cousin at my aunt and uncle's house and we were looking through their photo albums. They had several pictures of my mom when she was in high school. One was of mom in her cheer leaders uniform. She sure looked cute in that picture. Another was her when she was homecoming queen. She was gorgeous. I think she was the prettiest female I have ever seen. Was she ever beautiful? My aunt said "Did you know your mom was homecoming queen all 4 years she was in high school"? I had never seen these pictures and mom had never mentioned she was a cheerleader and homecoming queen. I asked my aunt to make copies of these pictures for me and she did. Can anyone think of a reason she would not tell her daughter about her being a home coming queen and a cheer leader? If I had been that in high school, I would have told the whole world. Mom has a birthday coming up next week and is having a party and many of her friends will be here. I want to make a large birthday card that say "Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother". "I am proud of you". "Your daughter". I would like her friends to see how beautiful she was as homecoming queen. I plan to attach these pictures to the birthday card. Mom has NOT gained a lot of weight and still looks the same as her high school pictures. She is still beautiful. Please give me some feedback what you think of my plan. |
Question: How to convince a parent for something? Help, please!? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:18 AM PDT Since last summer, I've begun to play CS:GO and actually get good/enjoy it. My mother has known for a long time I play it, and all of a sudden she will start yelling at me that it doesn't help intellectually, and begin to yell at me study for school (note that I have pretty good grades), to look at all the sacrifices to make, and begin to shut off the internet in the middle of me playing it and start yelling at me once again. Help me convince her otherwise, please! Note that I will also ask her to show me what is so bad about it, and she brings up the shooting |
Question: Is it bad that I'm wanting more privacy than ever? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:15 AM PDT I turned 18 several months ago. I'm now in college, going on my third year. I live in my Aunt's house for conveniency purposes and because her house has not enough rooms, we all join sleeping in one room altogether. At first, I thought it was okay but then I soon realized my need for privacy. I want to be able to sleep in my own bedroom and not having someone to interrupt or watch what I'm doing. It's just silly that sometimes when I talk to a friend late at night or all night on phone, I would end up disturbing my Aunt or her son sleeping. And then the next morning i would be questioned who i was talking to and why was I up that late etc. I mean, I just need some privacy and a bit of freedom. My parents and my Aunt are conservative and strict, that even now I have to be questioned for what I did or what time I slept. You get the idea. I can only have true freedom once I graduate in two years. Should I put up with this? *How do I put up with this? No rebel problems before. I make good grades in university and I've never dated yet! |
Question: How to convince my mom to have a no electronics day? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:13 AM PDT So I asked her today and she said no because you won't play with her so what is she supposed to do I don't know maybe her thousands of puzzles or art kits that she NEVER uses she stares at that phone 24/7 I on the other hand get up go eat all that stuff then when I have the time I watch tv or something Isspend my free time researching because I love to do that she does nothing but stare at that screen even while she's eating or brushing her teeth she's staring at it I didn't even know there where that many tv shows so how do I convince my mom for a no electronics day and yes I know I will need a no electronics day to I have better things to do than stare at a screen all day if you have no ideas than how do I make it so my sis stops staring at the screen for 1 day |
Question: Is it possible to call someone through their store phone when they work at Ingle s? Posted: 06 Jun 2015 09:12 AM PDT A family friend of mine has been unreachable for the past few months though we know what store he works at, the Ingles Supermarket, but none of us have been able to reach there because it is a few states over. If I called him at work through the store telephone, would I be able to talk to him for a brief moment? (he s a clerk there) |
Posted: 06 Jun 2015 08:59 AM PDT Okay, so when I was about 7 I moved in with my dad and step mom. My step mom was there for me a lot of the time my real mother wasent. Well, I'm now 15 & my dad and step mom are seperated now and no longer married. Although, I still keep close relationships with my ex step mom and her kids that are my age. Now, my real mom is starting to be in my life again and my ex step mom HATES THAT. she just tells me my dad a peice of **** and she just bashes my mom and just talks about how both of my parents are worthless. I feel maybe she's jealous because she's starting to not be apart of my life anymore. One time she told me she loved me more than her own children!! And to not tell them. And throughout always being with me when she was married to my dad she would only have her kids on the weekends and sometimes not even that. I just want to know why she would be so angry about me being in my real mothers life. She has her own kids to worry about. Its like shes obsessed with my dad and I. Because she also flipped **** when she found out he was with other woman. Should I keep a relationship with her? Or just leave the situation alone. |
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