Family & Relationships: Question: Friend age gap? |
- Question: Friend age gap?
- Question: Loan my sister a dryer, and didn't get a "thank you" or revive It back?
- Question: My ex suddenly adds girls that have my name on his facebook?
- Question: Ladies , if hubby said he would fulfill all your sexual fantasies ,regardless of what or whom it involed which 2 would you reveal desierable?
- Question: Engañe a mi novio. ¿Me sineto mal que hago?
- Question: My bf thinks his coworker is hot and i know he checks her out?
- Question: Will a guy ever leave his wife for you or am I just wishfully thinking?
- Question: What's up with him?
- Question: Don't you hate when people ask to borrow your stuff and don't give a thank you?
- Question: Why am I so messed up?
- Question: Don't you hate when people ask to borrow your stuff and they don't say thank you?
- Question: Not allowed to see boyfriend?
- Question: What do men think about?
- Question: Should u stay with a man while he is going through a divorce?
- Question: Can anybody give me some good gift ideas for a Mom that is really tough when it comes to fighting with her husband and she is very brave?
- Question: How do I approach a girl I like while she's working?
- Question: Do you think he should be able to sleepover? Please, I need all the opinions on this.?
- Question: My boyfriend is going to national guard?
- Question: Sex & love questions to tease men.?
- Question: What would you do in this situation?
- Question: Can anyone hear explain whats its like to see someone you care about be raped?
- Question: What is this crazy fantasy?
- Question: Leo woman vs. aquarian whos the most romantic and a lifetime partners?
- Question: Have you seen your brothers erection?
- Question: Do kids deserve to be heard?
- Question: My partner wants a three some but im not too sure?
- Question: I just want to kill myself?
- Question: Do you categorize people you meet according to different classes?
- Question: So uncomfortable should I stay or go?!?
- Question: Whats your cheating story?
- Question: I need urgent clarification, advice, and wisdom on this sexual situation I just recently experienced. All types answers are appreciated. //?
- Question: Is there anyone out there who needs a daughter and is willing to help? please, I'm overwhelmed:(((((?
- Question: My younger cousin just sent me nude pictures of her playing with herself and I'm kinda turned on by it what should i do?
- Question: How to contact my boyfriend?
- Question: Confession?
- Question: My feeling are hurt me and my bf are arguing i need some self help advice?
- Question: What kind of lock should I use for my room?
- Question: Drowning vs cheap poison which is more painful way to go?
- Question: What do u do when u dont have a shoulder to cry on?
- Question: Why did she do such a sweet unexpected thing?
- Question: Has your sister ever seen your privates?
- Question: Domestic violence victim/mother in Huntsville Alabama needs a ticket to Virginia to get away?
- Question: Why do people tell you not to rush growing up?
- Question: How do I ask my parents for birth control?
- Question: My husband is talking to my best friend.?
- Question: Do you think its ok my 65 yr old uncle has a 25 yr old wife?
- Question: Misused child support payments?
- Question: How can I stop craving attention?
- Question: My boyfriend is a bad boy but he is the best with me?
- Question: Is it wrong to dislike your family members?
- Question: My boyfriend said he kinda like me. Help?
- Question: Dad's *****?
- Question: Why would she do something so sweet?
- Question: Is There A Website where I can watch The Jamie Foxx Show Full Episodes For Free? It is My All Time Favorite Show. I Love Jamie Foxx.?
- Question: Was I wrong for doing this to a ex girlfriend?
- Question: My girlfriends dad has been molested when he was a kid do you think he molested his daughter when she was a kid?
- Question: What if I am taking interest in my son?
- Question: My sweet aunt owed me $5000 and definitely didn't want to pay back,any revenge?
- Question: PLEASE HELP!! What to consider and look for when moving to a new town to 'settle down' in?
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:18 PM PDT Okay so in a few days I'll be 15 but my friends are 18-19 which isn't a big deal. I mentally feel like I am 17 but my mom, dad, and stepdad don't get that. I understand that typical 18-19 year olds sleep around and do stupid stuff but they don't drink, smoke, or do anything bad. They play magic and watch Naruto. They won't let me hang out with them a lot over the summer but they're the ones who've helped my depression. I don't get along with my mom and stepdad so I stay in my room all day but they still won't let me hang out with them. I want to spend the summer with them while I can still see them often but I am not allowed just because my body is a 14 year olds but my mind and maturity are not. I've told them this and they don't listen. I don't know what to do. I love them all so much.. They're the ones who keep me happy. |
Question: Loan my sister a dryer, and didn't get a "thank you" or revive It back? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:56 PM PDT I'm always giving, and offering everyone out to eat, and all i ask for is a simple "Thank You". That's all I want, and nothing much. My sister ask to borrow my dryer (It's a very nice one too), so I lend her my dryer, and guess what? I didn't get a simple "Thank you".. She just walked away without a word. I was upset, but me expecting I was going to get my dryer back, hours later. Hours later, she didn't even give me my dryer back. It was left on her bed. She didn't even put It back in the box. |
Question: My ex suddenly adds girls that have my name on his facebook? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:55 PM PDT I just broke up with my boyfriend and suddenly I saw that he has lots of friends that have my name on his facebook. Is that a coincidence? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:44 PM PDT I did this for some special and man did we have fun and took our sex life to a highe level not expected. |
Question: Engañe a mi novio. ¿Me sineto mal que hago? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:04 PM PDT Hola, primero que nada quiero decir que en verdad amo a mi novio, hace 3 dias unas amigas me invitaron a un rancho pero no sabia que hiba aver muchachos, aunque la verdad no me preocupaba porque nunca nadie me llama la atencion, siempre pienso en el, el problema es que el chavo me emborracho no es ninguna excusa por que se que fue mi culpa el descuidarme o dejarme asi entre todo eso, pero bese al muchacho, solo fueron besos , ya que estaba muy tomada e incluso le hablaba como si fuera mi novio en verdad lo confundia no se que me paso, todos al dia siguiente me dijeron que me relajara y equis. La verdad estoy destrozada vi a mi novio ese dia que llegue y solo queria llorar al ver sus ojos, solo me daba cuenta que no valio la pena eso y que en verdad no se que voy a hacer sin el, ya ahora estoy un poco mejor pero sumamente deprimida, no se si decirle, un profesor muy amigo mio me dijo que no le diga por que si me di cuenta del arrrepentimiento que tengo y aprendi algo nuevo que no pierda la confianza de el por que no vueve y en verdad no quiero perderlo, quiero protegerlo. Por favor no me digan las cosas muy feo me siento sumamente mal, me siento la peor mujer de todas y no se que hacer. Gracias aprecio su apoyo y consejos. |
Question: My bf thinks his coworker is hot and i know he checks her out? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:40 PM PDT I asked him and he said he does think shes good looking. He also told me that all the guys and work talk about her and im not stupid and i know he says stuff about her too (even though he denies it). Also, i know for a fact he checks her out and looks at her a**. How do i deal with the talking, looking at her a**, and him working with a hot chick? Its killing me and im insecure. Only helpful and respectful answers please. Im really struggling. |
Question: Will a guy ever leave his wife for you or am I just wishfully thinking? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:34 PM PDT We knew each other before and we bit had crushes on each other. Due to very bad timing I left the country and we could only speak through chats. Anyway he comes from a different religions background and had an arranged marriage but he would still talk to me. He lied about the fact that he was married. He is a liar I know. But that is the only way he could ah e done if he wanted to keep talking to me romantically/flirting. I don't think he is happy in his marriage and his wife didn't even live with him yet. When I found out about his wife I cursed him and shouted at him and vowed not to speak to him ever again. He wronged me. He wronged his wife. i still like him and have feelings for him. Some part of me thinks he does as well. Could he? I know what all the answeres are going to say move on he is married now. Etc. but I still think somewhere inside of his heart he still likes me and it's such a shame life has to be this waY. It sucks and it's all due to crappy timing. He said we would never have been together because of religion but there again I think he is putting up limitations for himself of what could have been. I'm so sad about this fact |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:23 PM PDT Ok so here is the story: one friday evening in class; we take together he came up to me and started talking he said his name and i said mine, but i forgot his name. He was talking and talking and then my bro came up and we left home. In a couple weeks we met at a barbecue, he came up and said he remembered my name and asked if i remembered his? I said the truth that i didnt remember his name, and then he said "well im not gonna tell it to you, I'll let you figure my name out yourself" in a joking way, then he left. A while later at the barbecue; i was sitting in a chair, and there was a girl next to me, he came up to her and started talking to her. He obviously glanced at me once. A couple days later i texted him on social media to ask something, and he always answered with winky faces. And put lol on texts. So we started texting. Obviously i always texted first. And recently i texted him and he got mad at me, for asking a question. That was the last time we ever texted. From that day he ignored me completely!!!! He used to smile at me all the time. I smiled back too. But i don't know what's wrong with him. Please explain why he acts the way he does. I like him!!!!! |
Question: Don't you hate when people ask to borrow your stuff and don't give a thank you? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:45 AM PDT |
Question: Why am I so messed up? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:42 AM PDT I am 21. I'm in college and don't enjoy it at all. I made Dean's List this spring but it means nothing to me and I could care less because I just want happiness. I have no goals. I am dreading the day once college is over because I have no clue what I'll do then. I am just muddling through college because that is the "norm" for people my age to be doing. I just want to get married and be a stay at home mom. I know that sounds awful but that is my way of thinking and I don't know how I ended up like this. My mother is disappointed in me and she thinks I am very lazy. My boyfriend is older and has a career and doesn't understand why I have no goals. I just don't know what to do. Please help. Should I get a different boyfriend who is more supportive? I am very lost and don't know what the right decision to make would be.... |
Question: Don't you hate when people ask to borrow your stuff and they don't say thank you? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:37 AM PDT Tell me about It. My sister would ask to borrow something and she doesn't even say thank you. @NS I don't know what you mean by that. |
Question: Not allowed to see boyfriend? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:34 AM PDT I'm 18, (a girl btw, sorry if you cant tell because of username) and I've been going out with my boyfriend for 2 years and a half, who is 18 too. My parents didn't really accept him first because they hated the thought of me dating. After awhile, they warmed up to it. I'm the middle child in my family. He's the type of guy that doesn't drink, do drugs, or hasn't gotten in any trouble. He's a very decent guy. After 2 years of going out and us being 18, I wanted to move in with him and his family. I tried my best to explain to my parents that they were amazing it had nothing to do with them about why I was moving out. I wanted to do it because it would have made me happier and not to mention, I would just be 10 minutes away. They blew up, said that he's a distraction to my education, and disowned me. I went into depression because of the things they said to me. A few days passed being like this and I finally said I won't move and that I'll stay. Right then they went back to normal. I haven't been able to seen him for the passed 6 months. I'm the type that doesn't like going behind peoples back. I want to keep it on good terms with my parents.. Every time I bring him up, I only bring him up to my dad because my mom would just blow up again. And when I do, he says, "not now", "I don't know" and "later". I'm to the point where I don't care if they come with me on a date, I just want to see him but I get the same answer every time. They're great parents overall, just.. Any advice? |
Question: What do men think about? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:15 AM PDT When not working? Do they get romance in their mind? |
Question: Should u stay with a man while he is going through a divorce? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:23 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:22 AM PDT Just ideas for a gift for a great girl who has the guts to stand up to her husband I just want to give her something for being as strong and tough as she is and can't think of something good and also appropriate thanks |
Question: How do I approach a girl I like while she's working? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:05 AM PDT I finished another year of college a few weeks ago. After coming home from college, I put in a few job applications around my hometown. I submitted an application at our local community center, and the girl working there took it. I recognized her from high school a grade below me. I like her and want to get to know her more, but I don't know how to approach her. I'm gonna go back to the community center in a few days to ask about my job application. She's in college herself and we're friends on Facebook. Considering that she'll be working, what should I do? How should I approach her? Any thoughtful advice is appreciated. |
Question: Do you think he should be able to sleepover? Please, I need all the opinions on this.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:01 AM PDT The situation is too long to post in here, here's the link please, please read the whole thing. I really need help with this.. |
Question: My boyfriend is going to national guard? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:50 AM PDT My boyfriend is signing for national guard and it's depressing me. I'm still in highschool and he graduated this year. The thing that's depressing me is he's my bestfreind, we do literally everything together.. And he somewhat takes care of me. And I'm just really scared for him to get deployed and then something happens to him. I'm support his decision 100% and not once have I tried to change his mind but I don't know how to deal with my boyfriend/bestfriend leaving and risking his life. Suggestions tips and advice is well needed right now. |
Question: Sex & love questions to tease men.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:26 AM PDT Example:what would you do to me if i were in bed with u right now😄? |
Question: What would you do in this situation? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:24 AM PDT I live Louisville Kentucky Everyone seems to be in a large groups or you could say packs, and has their own slang and their own points of views, etc. Nobody seems to be independent. You try to hang with them, figuring that they would accept you and accept the differences. (Which I was brought up to do) Some of these people stays acquaintance with you but don't go any further than that. The rest of them will either snub you or bully you -over the principle of you having a different personality/lifestyle. No matter how you push, the people that are acquaintance with you will never go any further than that. Plus if one of those people from that group hates you, he will turn your acquaintance against you effortlessly. |
Question: Can anyone hear explain whats its like to see someone you care about be raped? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:13 AM PDT |
Question: What is this crazy fantasy? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:56 AM PDT I don't know what the heck is going on with me lately, but it's really messing with my head. I'm just going to dive in and say it, because I really don't know how to ease into it: I've been having this seemingly uncontrollable, intense fantasy about being the other woman in an affair with a married friend of mine. That's terrible, I know. And what makes it even worse, I'm friends with his wife, as well. I mean, I guess I've had a crush on him basically since I met him...nothing serious that would cause me to make a pass at him or anything like that, but he just makes me nervous and girlie when I get around him. It's honestly ridiculous. Anyway, my family is taking a trip with their whole family, and I'm kind of nervous because I've been having this series fantasy about him, and I know that's not okay. Just so you all know, I'm barely 21. I'm not married or in any sort of relationship. He doesn't have any kids with his wife, it's just the two of them. And yes this sounds awful like I'm planning on acting on these feelings, but I'm honestly not. Believe it or not, I do have a moral code. I just am telling you the facts so you have a reference point in forming helpful advice. I guess what I'm asking is obviously I can't act on this desire. He's married. I'm friends with his wife, I feel quilty enough about all this because of that. So what do I do? How do I make this stop? What if this all isn't in my head, and he is thinking the same thing? I have to control myself. Help!!! |
Question: Leo woman vs. aquarian whos the most romantic and a lifetime partners? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:35 AM PDT |
Question: Have you seen your brothers erection? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:25 AM PDT It stared with this pic of my 10inch penis my sister revcieved. Years ago my sister received over 40 pics of my dick. She immediately contacted me . after seeing them she stared describing them which ended up being the biggest turn on of my life. She was receiving the randomly for about a year also keeping certain pics in her phone. It was great knowing she had m dick pics saved. About a year later she came down to stay the night well we got pretty wasted and I went to pass out. I actually was masterbating when my sister walked in but it was dark so she didn't see. She went onto my bed at that point I was acting asleep with the biggest erection i ever had developing as she got in my bed. Maybe a min later she used her phone to cast light on my dick she did that and even seen a flash so she might of snapped a shot . then it happened. She grabbed my center shaft for what seemed like minutes. About 15 secs then she let go. As I was pretending to he asleep I seen she put her hand right next to my dick with it slightly open so I pushed it up slowly till I felt my precum rubbing her hand and wrist. This went on for about 2 hours. Then when the morning light started she off the room . after waking up she said she had a good night drinking with me and had a huge smile on her face . after that she has seen it maybe another 20 times. Once she went in the bathroom while I was showering with a see thru . Some times I feel like restarting it by sending another picture. Any thoughts? Have you ever dickflashed your sister? |
Question: Do kids deserve to be heard? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 06:57 AM PDT I've been doing some research and most parents think children are like slaves. Through my eyes parents think like this: She/he will do anything i say, so why not give them all the work. She/he must obey me, only adults are equal to other adults, kids must be put to work. I can do whatever i want with my kid and she/he and no one will tell me otherwise because i have every right to do so. I Am looking for NON-PARENT AND KID ANSWERS ONLY!!!! Got that? Do kids deserve to speak up? Do the have any real voice? Or are they just adult play toys? Thanks! i meant he/she is NOT my equal. Sorry. |
Question: My partner wants a three some but im not too sure? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 06:56 AM PDT My boyfriend has said for a while that one day he'd like to have a three some he said he was perfectly happy with our sex life but just wanted to experiment, me being bisexual doesn't bother me that it would be another girl but the thought of my boyfriend doing anything with her is a little bit worrying need some advice |
Question: I just want to kill myself? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 06:29 AM PDT I probably wont be able to anyway but I just cant take this anymore.. Ive been depressed for over 5 years and everytime things seem to get better it's just like a carpet being swept off under my feet. I used to have a lot of friends but then we changed schools and it was a really hard time for me and I just stopped talking and after a while I just got used to being "invisible" it feels so much easier. I started seeking ppl on the internet tho and found some friends but after a while Ive lost almost all of them too or we're not talking as much. Lately I had this internet bf and we were supposed to meet each other, it was great at first but then he just started doubting and blaming me of everything even when I hadnt done anything and soon thats all it became we just fought all the time and couldnt get along and after months he just left and I never had a bf of any kind before so all of this hurt me so much for him not believing me and accusing me and then leaving even when he was the one saying how everyone always leaves him etc. He started even being with someone else almost straight after.. And i just can stop thinking about all of this and now I'm more depressed than ever.. I'm 19 years old so i dont even have regular school anymore and I dont want to do anything everything feels just so unnecessary I just want to die and be in peace I dont even know why I wrote this :/ |
Question: Do you categorize people you meet according to different classes? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 05:16 AM PDT I do as a matter of habit. Some people who I talk to about this take it as an unwarranted judgement of a person's worth. Or further still that I wrongly believe myself and certain friends to be superior to others. However I find it hard to believe that there is anybody who doesn't see that there are distinct classes of people, no matter what judgmental connotations one might attach to them. There is very definitely a large almost overwhelming group of relatively unambitious people with limited intellectual abilities. These people have few opinions on events which do not concern their immediate groups or surroundings. While I agree that "peasant" is a strong word, I can see why the term and its meaning to the nobility of old existed. I do not think that by categorizing people as "commoners" inherently makes me a nasty or judgmental person. You can think of it in terms of video game leveling systems as well. There are different attributes and abilities to score in and everyone has different levels. This doesn't mean the lower class ones are bad people. What are your thoughts on the matter? |
Question: So uncomfortable should I stay or go?!? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:37 AM PDT Last year, I relocated to GA for work, sold all my things. Stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks before my apt was ready etc. A week into my job my boss asked me where my family was from I was born & raised in SC but my mom was from NJ. My boss said "I bet you had everything handed to you didn't you." I was shocked. After that NOBODY would talk to me, eat lunch with me, they stopped training me. The day before I was supposed to move into my apartment (Fri afternoon) they fired me. I was there 1 1/2 weeks. There exact reasons were "my personality did not fit in with the people here in Georgia" They said "you might do better up north with your mom." I lost almost $10,0000 between the hotel for 2 weeks, all the money I put down on my apartment that I was unable to get back 1/2 the money for my furniture since it was being delivered the next day. I have the option of moving back to Georgia for graduate school & it's a GREAT SCHOOL but I'm so uncomfortable moving here. It's 30 min from where I lost my job. I can't help but feel uncomfortable & I'm judging EVERYONE HERE so harshly. I've grown up in the south I've never felt or been discriminated against in my life so I'm SHOCKED thoughts? Should I go back to this area or consider looking elsewhere for school? I'm just so uncomfortable here Thoughts?!? |
Question: Whats your cheating story? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:44 AM PDT Did you cheat because you were drunk or high? Did you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Was it with an ex, friend, best friend, his/her friend? Was protection used? Please tell your story. Also im single and never cheated. Just interested in these kind of stories Best story gets best answer |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:58 AM PDT I haven't been much of a social person in high school. I admit that I have had awkward experiences as a freshman, but throughout most of those years I have desired, loved, and been apart of many student groups. I have not, however, been apart of any group of friends who branch out their experiences outside of the school environment. There are the casual ones who hang out outside of school, but I felt that those people were boring, and they're not who I'm referring to. I am referring to the group of people who are, as cliche as this may sound... The "popular" group. I have seen them around for years and I have yet to understand their fiseque. They are always excited, edgy, and speak in social languages with personal connections that I have never identified or been apart of. Let's just say, I was never able to free myself from school and enjoyed their company before. As a background of my perspective, I am getting to the point now. There was always this one guy who was one of the most popular guys at my school, who graduated when I was a junior. When I was a freshman, he always wanted to touch my *** in detention. And when I was a junior, he got me to touch his dick in detention and then he touched my pussy (over the clothes.) He didn't just ask me straight up. He provided a friendly behavior and acted like we would have this "thing" where he'd try to do someone sexual with me in return of friendship or some sort of friendly judgment. He was a clean person. He never acted out with rude behavior and he was awarded the "friendliesy guy" in the yearbook. I assume he always tries to get in girls' pants but, I have no proof of that. I have never seen him with another women before, and I haven't heard a single story in school where he had banged someone else. We have never hung out before. I don't understand why he's so determine to **** me after these long time periods. After I graduated, he went off to prep college and I suspecfed that he forgot all about me. Or, so I thought. I added him on snapchat a few weeks ago. All of a sudden, he sent me a snapchat being all kinky. "remember me? Remember that time in detention?" I'm usually a sexy person over the Internet but, I'm never some slut who goes around ******* guys. He asked to hang out and I told him my address. I was a little excited to see him, remember how much I enjoyed his touch last time in detention. He arrived a my home, I got in the car, and he drove into some parking lot and tried to kiss me. I looked at him, with no bluff. I asked what he was doing, and he froze and smiled a huge grin, asking "What, what do you think I'm doing?" I asked why he couldn't even say what he was doing, anyways. I told him it was way too sudden and I refused to kiss him. About 10 minutes later, we drove to a park and he started touching me everywhere. I was not excited. I was not scared. I was not mad, or nervous, or anything. I just acted comfortable and felt slightly uncomfortable. He mouth tasted weird. He tried taking off my clothes. I told him it was okay to do so, because I felt like this might be fun. He layed me down on the grass and he couldn't fit it in my pussy. *****-killer right there. So I just blew him off till he came. He immediately wanted to go through my phone and read all my text messages. He immediately wanted to go home after that. I told him I never want to just go see him just to give him a ********. So I said, "only invite me if we'll hang out for more than two hours." He said okay. When I got home, he snap chatted me that I have to keep this type of thing between us. I asked why, and he said "because I don't want anyone to know that I was with you." I asked if It was embarrassing and he said yes. (wow, how original). I asked him why it was embarrassing. His response: "I gtg now. I'll text you when I want to be blown." I sent him a message shift I didn't want to be used. Then he said he wouldn't bother me anymore. Here's my question. Is he a sociopath? Parents, teachers, mentors, you know the drill. Please lecture me on this topic. I don't want to just hear your judgments. I want to hear your advice and wisdom that influence those judgements. I have only been in situations with him, without any thought. I don't know how to think about this, or him.... That's why I'm hear. To get the thoughts from you guys. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:08 AM PDT You might save someone's life... |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:07 AM PDT |
Question: How to contact my boyfriend? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:42 AM PDT i was at my boyfriends house and we were sitting on the couch. his mom comes in the living room and starts yelling at him for no reason. apparently he was in trouble because of something he did (i still dont know what he did) his mom took his laptop and his phone and thats the only way we can contact eachother. she said hes on "lockdown" and i cant see him for a long time. shes taking his phone and its going to be a long time until i get to talk to him again. (like months) any ideas on how to handle this // how i can contact him??? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:42 AM PDT I tech for the High School Band i graduated from last year. A "Tech" is a temporary music teacher who is hired for the marching season, who sorta specializes in some instrument/field. Because i'm doing this at my old high school i get to see this chick i like. She was a sophomore becoming a junior when i graduated. It's kinda weird because i have her number along with another friends' number. |
Question: My feeling are hurt me and my bf are arguing i need some self help advice? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:31 PM PDT my bf lost his phone so he cant talk to me until i get off wrk i left with no kiss no ily now i feel empty i feel like a jerk in a way to he bought me food n i was just so upset because he didnt want to take me to wrk, we work diff hours so he just gets off when i go in i feel like leaving on these terms are bad what if he cheats or talks to someone else im so insecure now i feel ugly n idk y im not getting enough attention and when i talk to him its like im talking to a wall i feel like im fighting for his love and attention on a daily basis even thoe we live together i feel like we are a million miles apart |
Question: What kind of lock should I use for my room? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:15 PM PDT Well I'm going for a mini vacation in about a week I'll be gone for a week and I'm having an issue. I don't want my older brother to come into my room when I'm gone. He's done it before, and he even brought his gf in my room to do his business when I was gone. That's discussing I know. I just changed the door knob today I got a $13 door knob with a key the problem is he knows how to pick the door with a knife. I was thinking of getting a lock that has a chain? But im not sure if I can use it because I wouldn't be able to open it from outside once I'm back lol. Although I talked to my brother about what he did I don't trust him , so what should I do? PLEASE HELP .. |
Question: Drowning vs cheap poison which is more painful way to go? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:12 PM PDT |
Question: What do u do when u dont have a shoulder to cry on? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:08 PM PDT im 23/f and i dont have a best friend n my bf is just to immature to accept my feelings n god dont hug back what do into im going into depression |
Question: Why did she do such a sweet unexpected thing? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:07 PM PDT So I'm a teen & I have this very sweet family friend, she's almost like a 2nd mom to me, we have a sweet mother daughter relationship She's very reserved to herself but she's always real cool & fun around me. I was having a terrible day. I was upset & I was crying (I've never cried that bad I front of her) she came over to me & gave me a big long hug & told me she loved me & have me a kiss on the forehead. Why did she do that? I'm not complaining at all like I love her too! I'm just wondering, she's never said that to me before she's usually very to hersel & not alway affectionate. It made me really happy & made me feel special don't get me wrong |
Question: Has your sister ever seen your privates? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:03 PM PDT So one time my sister seen over 20 pictures of my 10inch penis. I actually was really turned on by knowing she knew how big I was and had them on her phone for months . she also seen my morning wood every day for a week straight while I was staying over to work and she insisted to wake me up. Any thoughts? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:58 PM PDT It's as simple as that . I have a 7 week old baby and no family here . I need to get away from this man . he doesn't help in taking care of my baby and gets physical with me . I'm 5"0 and he's 6"0 . he punched me in my face . and throws me around . sells drugs and does them . I'm tired and drain . I can't be all my baby needs me to be staying here . my family is in Virginia . I need there but I have no money . he took it . please point me in the direction I need to go |
Question: Why do people tell you not to rush growing up? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:42 PM PDT I'm 18 my grandma is always telling me not to rush growing up to fast but I don't understand why. Doing so well. I'm going to college to become a paralegal and I'm worried only about getting these 2 years out of the way as soon as possible. I also work a part time job. I am taking summer classes but she says take time to appreciate what I've done this far. The word "appreciate" is not in my vocabulary. Not with art. Not with work. Not with anything because you will never be good enough. I don't believe in taking time to sniff the roses on your way, the sooner I finish this, the sooner I can continue on with my miserable life. The idea is that the sooner you get through youth, the sooner you can start adulthood, the sooner you finish adulthood, the sooner you can start aging process, the sooner you start the aging process, the sooner you can make it to death. I don't do any of that partying either the only partying I do is at home with myself and my cheap whiskey. I drink it because it seems every shot if it I take, I get to skip a hour of my boring life :) |
Question: How do I ask my parents for birth control? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:06 PM PDT I have sort of strict parents. They let me an my siblings free range basically, but we still have expectations and rules. Long story short, I want birth control. I have no idea how to bring it up to my mom or ask her. I'm scared I'll get yelled at, or worse, they won't let me see my boyfriend of almost 4 years anymore. I don't see condoms as reliable as the pill or other types of BC. I really don't want my parents to think any different of me or for them to hate the guy I'm seeing. :-( |
Question: My husband is talking to my best friend.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:42 PM PDT Today I got my husband phone and went through it. In his phone I found where he had been calling my best friend private. They is both keeping it secrecy though. She is supposed to be my best friend. She calls me her sister. She hasn't told me nothing about my husband calling her. But if that was her husband calling me I would tell her because she is my best friend. That is what best friends do. I am gone say something to her about it tomorrow. What should I say? |
Question: Do you think its ok my 65 yr old uncle has a 25 yr old wife? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:41 PM PDT |
Question: Misused child support payments? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:24 PM PDT My brother is having to pay child support for a child he is not allowed to see (by the mother's doing). The mother of the child is engaged and her fiancé is willing to adopt my brother's daughter but the mother refuses to let my brother sign away his rights. When asked why, she said that she wanted to "make him pay for what he did" (he left her. It was a toxic marriage). She consistently goes out drinking and treats herself every time the check comes in and she does not put the money towards caring for my niece. Whenever I see my niece, she is wearing very old, ill-fitting clothing and does not appear to be healthy. She is constantly ill. Before anyone says anything about this, yes, my brother has tried going to court because of his ex-wife's interference in co-parenting. He lost. Is there anything he can do? Who should he contact? |
Question: How can I stop craving attention? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:24 PM PDT Ever since I was very young, I have always craved attention more than most people do. If the attention isn't always on me, I get very upset. It has gotten to a point where no one wants to be around me, understandably. They make jokes about me. I truly don't mean to be like this. I can understand how annoying I must be, but I can't help it. It's how I've been for 27 years. What can I do to change? |
Question: My boyfriend is a bad boy but he is the best with me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:18 PM PDT My boyfriend gets into a lot if trouble but I still love him but none if my family knows he's bad but me should I tell |
Question: Is it wrong to dislike your family members? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:16 PM PDT |
Question: My boyfriend said he kinda like me. Help? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:07 PM PDT We are 19 and 20. We been dating for 10 months and tonight when I asked if he still likes me he said he kinda does. What does that mean? Should we just break up? :-( |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:57 PM PDT So this afternoon after I was swimming in my pool I was laying out. My dad was swimming in the pool too and I got up went inside to get some water and said I was going to get changed to go to the mall. But I decided to run back and jump in the pool lol now here's the awkward part, when I jumped back in, I saw my dad have a *****. Like, full on ***** lol soo wtf do I do? I can't say anything to him or my mom but I don't want to be weirder out everytime i go swimming or do anything either |
Question: Why would she do something so sweet? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:54 PM PDT So I'm a teen & I have this very sweet family friend, she's almost like a 2nd mom to me, we have a sweet mother daughter relationship She's very reserved to herself but she's always real cool & fun around me. I was real upset & I was crying so she came over to me & gave me a big long hug & told me she loved me & have me a kiss on the forehead. Why did she do that? I'm not complaining at all like I love her too! I'm just wondering, she's never said that to me befo a he's usually very tough & very to herself. It made me really happy & made me feel special don't get me wrong |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:46 PM PDT I mean a REAL FREE WEBSITE. That's not going to want some sort of participation or needs you to verify with some sort of credit card information, if it's free you should just sign up and be done. Thank You Guys For listening I really do appreciate it. Please help me. I've searched for this all over. |
Question: Was I wrong for doing this to a ex girlfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:45 PM PDT I dated this women who had trust issues and do things to me if she had any assumptions she would do things to hurt me like for example if I did not answer my door on time she would flirt with my land lord. I loved her to death and would never cheat on her or even think about it. But always hurt me when she would do things like that she even would flirt with other people around me. Eventually we broke up and she wanted me to text her (she came to my apartment and asked me) so I did. I felt she was trying to play emotional games with me so I texted her and told her that I needed my apartment keys back in case I had to move a women back in with me. Then I changed my number. I feel bad I said that to her but i wanted pay back I guess because I was hurt about a the times she did that to me. Should I feel bad or no? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:44 PM PDT |
Question: What if I am taking interest in my son? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:10 PM PDT |
Question: My sweet aunt owed me $5000 and definitely didn't want to pay back,any revenge? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:46 PM PDT I know i was so silly and trusted her to not make any paperwork or stuff like that to prove it, so i know it's hard to get my money back because it''s cash. I was thinking about using my voice recorder but don't think it'll work because she is a old cunning fox. what would be the best way for me to revenge her when i didn't have any evidence? I really really want to make her somehow go to jail for betraying me and gossiping about me everywhere after taken my money :( thank you guys first for any answers before i have to find any lawyer |
Question: PLEASE HELP!! What to consider and look for when moving to a new town to 'settle down' in? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:39 PM PDT Me and my boyfriend of 5 years are looking for a town to make our forever home in and have no clue what to look for to depend weather or not the town is a good fit for us as well as if we will be able to make a living. Were both in our 20s but plan to make this our forever home. My boyfriend is into farming and mechanics and I am a Beginning Cosmetologist. Also, we plan to have kids in the future which leads me to say a good school district is a top priority, other than that I am clueless with what else I need to be aware of. Can anybody help me out? Were not looking for a big city but want to have something to do. Can anybody help us out with some advice? Thanks in advanced! |
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