Family: Question: Help with my acne...? |
- Question: Help with my acne...?
- Question: Family issue advice ? :(?
- Question: Disabled SSI recipient and need advice on what to do about issues with family members on my mother's side of the family?
- Question: Why does my little sister mumble to herself?
- Question: What are they to me?
- Question: Do I really deserve this?
- Question: Is my dad emotionally/verbally abusive?
- Question: Parents put me down all the time, standing up for myself makes it worse?
- Question: Getting along with an unhappy parent.?
- Question: Was my dad right to get angry? Was it worth threatening me over like I'm his worst enemy or something?
- Question: I'm Only 14 and i told my mom to look at that *****, My mom said i cussed and i got grounded for 3 months. So is ***** a bad word?
- Question: How should I tell my mom I want to live with my dad?
- Question: My parents won't let me make a fursuit?
- Question: Hi wondering if anyone is clued up on the process of moving to Florida?iam a Scottish citizian, I don't know where to start, please help!!!?
- Question: My mom choked me?
- Question: Ever heard of melissa brennan?
- Question: I need to vent i had a welfare check a few days ago because my youngest sons father is mad cuz i aint let him see his son hes a dead beat?
- Question: My friends are mean???
- Question: Please help my moms really mad at me?
- Question: I caught my son watching scrambled porn, what should I do?
- Question: For any parents of teenagers on this site, what are some things that your kids do or say that make you want to side with them?
- Question: Anyone else get the cold shoulder for not walking at graduation?
- Question: Can I get my dad arrested for embarrassing me in a coffee shop?
- Question: My brother is so mean to me and family doesn't care?
- Question: Really bad dad issues?
- Question: My live-in girlfriend/w/two boys don't accept my stepdaughter. I raised stepdaughter since 4 yrs, now 12. ? I have to cut my ties w/ her.?
- Question: Super bored this summer vacation?
- Question: I got in trouble with my parents 3 months ago and I don't know how to earn back their trust. What should I do?
- Question: How to become financially independent?
- Question: How do I accept my mothers fiancé?
- Question: My aunt hates my father and dislikes me also because of this. Why?
- Question: I've made my mom angry and I don't know what to do?
- Question: I got caught in a lie? Help!?
- Question: I feel like I have a failed family.?
- Question: Would you accept letting your date someone with a kid?
- Question: My parents won't let me make a fursuit?
- Question: My mom hates my boyfriend b/c he's Muslim?
- Question: Which one of us is weird?
- Question: Please, I moved from Missouri to California & I miss my family?
- Question: Life is really hard..? Help..?
- Question: Since no one wants to help me, I'll ask again. Is this a good sign?
- Question: Why do I have a tendency to dislike my parents?
- Question: I want to beat up my neice and nephews so bad?
- Question: Can I fail a background check because of my "family"?
- Question: I need help? I've been touched inappropriately? :'(?
- Question: I heard my parents having sex. It completely freaked me out. How can I get the image out of my mind?
- Question: My Chachi Chacha are always given more attention they never work they are living on my father's income and we are suffering money issues what should I do ?
- Question: What should I get my dad for Fathers' Day?
- Question: My mom found my vibrator?
- Question: Hi my name is Jasbir singh my question is i got carta di soggiorno but at the moment i have no work in Italy so can I start my own business in germany?
- Question: Tom has been given 35 chores to complete today. This morning he finished 7 of them. How many chores does he now have left to do?
- Question: My parents are splitting...where do I go?
- Question: Will she overreact?
- Question: Son won't get in his robot?
- Question: How can I ask my grandmother for a vacation?
- Question: Should I snitch on my brother?
- Question: I'm 22 with no car, no job, and no license. Am I a loser, because I feel like one?
- Question: My brother never has my back?
- Question: Wedding etiquette?
- Question: I want to kill my little cousin?
Question: Help with my acne...? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:39 PM PDT So my face used to be very bad and it finally cleared up and stayed clear for months, I wash my face everyday with my scrub and my face has been staying clear, yesterday I had one tiny pimple which wasn't bothering my because my hair covered it, but I woke up this morning to literally ( I counted ) 20 pimples all over my face! I never had that many on my face and I don't understand how that happened when I have been washing it and taking care of it and yesterday there was only 1. If it helps I was at my friends house yesterday it was my first time at her house. But I don't see how that caused it |
Question: Family issue advice ? :(? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:24 PM PDT So, about 4 months ago, my brother of 24 years old had an argument with our parents. Ever since that day, my mother beying beyond sensitive and suffering from depression for years now, keeps crying to me. That she is sadden that he keeps ignoring her every passing day and that Father's Day is around the corner and he's gonna be ignoring my father. It sucks to see your mom cry every day over my brothers ignorant self. Honestly he's the type that only cares about himself. He doesn't pay rent or anything. He's also babied and gets everything givien to him -__- so I blame my parents for turning him into a spoiled guy disrespectful brat to be honest . What are some words I can tell my brother to convince him on talking with my parents again ? :/ |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:24 PM PDT I'm disabled and on SSI and live alone and after learning they had a "field day" at the expense of my FICO falsely using my name and identity to open cell phones in my name, credit cards, writing checks that bounced and learning my oldest cousin was claiming me as a dependant on his income tax when I was not living with him at all recently decided it best to disown and have absolutely nothing to do with any of my cousins from my mother's side of the family, I don't think(*but I am not sure*) seeking prosecution for their doing all this would be an available option for me because I disowned all of them and have absolutely nothing to do with any of them and I don't have any clue of the whereabouts of any of them and I need advice on what to do in all of this |
Question: Why does my little sister mumble to herself? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:21 PM PDT My sister is nine. Whenever she reads, watches tv, or listens to something, she whispers things to herself. Sometimes, it is just a sound that she repeats. She even does it sometimes when she s just sitting on the couch. Is there a reason, and how can i get her to stop? |
Question: What are they to me? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:15 PM PDT My aunt's parents. My Uncle married someone and I call her my aunt. I also have to call her brothers uncle. So what do I call her parents? |
Question: Do I really deserve this? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:06 PM PDT I am a 14 year old girl, and recently my mom went through my phone and found out that I had been sexting older guys. She told me I'm not allowed to talk to older guys even though I'm in high school. However, she lets my 16 year old sister hang out with 19 year old guys alone. After my mom called me disgusting and threw things at me and the whole deal, she grounded me for a month. I'm not allowed to contact anyone, no phone, no leaving the house. However she didn't really explain to me the importance of this. I know what I did was wrong, but I wish she would have just told me that. Anyways, she went through the rest of my phone and discovered that I cut myself and drink. She didn't mention anything about it, and when I asked her if she had anything else to say she said no. I feel like a disappointment and a failure to my mom. I went through my sister's phone and discovered that she too sexted multiple guys. But she'll never get caught for it probably. I guess what I'm trying to say is, is this fair and why is my mom doing this to me? |
Question: Is my dad emotionally/verbally abusive? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:00 PM PDT Over the last few years as I have sprouted into a teenager, and now legally an adult, my relationship with my Dad has seemingly deteriorated to the point where I would say I honestly don't want to speak with him anymore. My mom and Dad have been divorced since 2005 and have taken each other to court twice for custody battles. I was young when this all occured. As my teenage years came, my Dad has increasingly been hostile towards me and my now 15 year old sister. My Dad calls us lazy, good for nothing, spoiled, etc. Lately, I have been smoking marijuana to relax and sleep better at night, but by no means have I let it take over my life. I know it's illegal, however, I have my life together at the moment as I am about to go away to college and I have a steady job that has me earning honest money that I can support myself with as I still lI've with my parents. My dad calls me a stoner, pothead, loser, etc regardless. My Dad continually blames my mom for my sister and I's "developmental issues" as he calls us lazy all the time and says we will never be successful in life because of her. Meanwhile, my sister is a star softball player at my former high school and I am on my way to study political science at Georgia southern university. On mother's day of this year he yelled at me for not saying happy mother's day to my step mother, partly because I was working all day because I am a server at a popular restaurant. I had enough and said how I felt. He challenged me to a fight |
Question: Parents put me down all the time, standing up for myself makes it worse? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:57 PM PDT You know the saying stand up for what you believe it, don't let anyone put you down. What if the people putting you down all the time are your parents? Instead of taking it, I stand up for myself and it doesn't work. We argue and I don't back down because then I'm just letting put me down. My parents call me bossy, disrespectful, a whiner, when I stand for what I believe in or defend myself. They say they are my parents and they are right and I'm wrong and not to talk to them like that. I'm not a kid and I don't appreciate being treated like one anymore, I have my own thoughts and opinions now. So why defending myself ends up making it worse for me and them putting me down even more! |
Question: Getting along with an unhappy parent.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:57 PM PDT In recent months, my Mother has been becoming more and more unhappy, and is taking it out on my Dad and I. For example, yesterday we had a nasty fight over something very silly, and today she sent a nasty email proceeding to tell me that I am a "brat" and that I'm just a terrible person all around. I understand that I cannot change her way of thinking (believe me, I've tried!) and that the emotional "pit" that she is in (but doesn't acknowledge) is something she needs to deal with. How can I let go of the guilt and hurt she continually places on me? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:56 PM PDT So me and my dad were off driving somewhere when my dad started driving into a parking lot. He was coming pretty close to a car that was out in the middle of the lot, and I thought he didn't notice it when he was pulling into a parking place near it. So I said stop, then said it 3 more times, a little louder each time and eventually yelled STOP because I thought we were gonna hit the car (we came pretty close). He stopped and gave me a threatening look, looked like he was about to hit me in the chest, but instead pointed his finger hard at me and said "Don't you EVER yell at me again". I think he wanted to say something more like "or I will..." but kept his mouth shut. I apologized, and tried to explain that I only yelled because I thought he didn't notice the car, but deep down, I was angry that he couldn't understand with my anxiety and stress that I might react that way, because he knows I have those problems. He does a fair amount of yelling himself, and when other people yell, like my mom, he doesn't make a huge deal out of it. I was only trying to warn him. I really thought he was gonna hit that car. I have been in two really bad car accidents. I think he needs anger management. When I was smaller he used to throw me around sometimes (but rarely). Now that I'm bigger than him (I'm 19 and he's 65) he doesn't intimidate me as much as he used to. I would never harm my father, but I really hated that he felt the need to get that angry over something so little. The car was pulling out of a parking spot, and my dad kept driving about 15 MPH in its direction. That's why I thought we were going to hit it. He came pretty close to be honest. After I apologized, he said "You need therapy!". He rarely, if ever, apologizes for anything he does. However, he did say something a day later like "have you recovered from yesterday?" in a sarcastic manner. And frankly, that's as close to an apology as I'm gonna get. I don't know, maybe I am taking this too hard. If you guys say so. People are always yelling at me when I drive though, so does that give me the right to be an asshole about it too? Fine. You know what? **** YOU GUYS! The other time I posted this I got way less bitchy answers, so nobody gets points. Maybe I was being a little dramatic, but I am NOT LYING about this, or what kind of guy my dad is. How the **** would you know if I was lying or not? Go **** yourselves, you yahoo answer know nothings. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:53 PM PDT LOL JK |
Question: How should I tell my mom I want to live with my dad? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:41 PM PDT My mom told me I can either stay living with her and and move with her to Utah or I can move in with my dad. I'm only twelve and I know that I can choose. I want to live with my dad but how an I supposed to tell my mom? I've lived with my mom for my whole life. I really don't belong in this house but I don't want to hurt my mom's feelings... |
Question: My parents won't let me make a fursuit? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:39 PM PDT I'm a big furry, and I wanted to make a fursuit. I have a lot of chore money, and I figured if I could slip over to Jo-Ann's arts and crafts store next to the pho place we occasionally eat at, I could get the materials needed to make one. But the problem is, my parents still treat me like a child, and think I can't do anything on my own. I have done a lot of things in my own, from building a computer to setting up a modem for my uncle. I am also 13 years old. Back on topic, three days ago, we went to the pho place next to Jo-Ann's, and after I was done eating, I told my parents I was going over to Jo-Ann's to buy something. At first they wanted to be there with me, but after some convincing, they let me go, and I went and bought all the materials with my own money. The next day, I spent HOURS on my head base, and I was about halfway done before I had to go to bed. I had the top jaw, cheeks, and eyebrows done. Yesterday, when I got home from school, I continued to work on my head base. But now my parents found out, and have COMPLETELY taken over my project and made it theirs. I keep telling them I can do it, and that it was originally MY project, but they won't let me make my own fursuit! They don't even KNOW HOW to make one! Now today, when I woke up, I saw the head base they call,"finished," and it looks like an ABOMINATION. The pieces of fur are GLUED together, not SEWN, the fur symmetry is WAY off, the lower jaw is askew to one side, and the colors are done with a cheap marker, not airbrushed. Not ONLY have they taken over my project, but now have completely RUINED it! What do I do!? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:39 PM PDT My partner has a aunt that lives in New York, and a 1st cousin that lives in boca raton! Will this help us? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:34 PM PDT Hi, today my mom choked me for about 2 seconds then threw me on the couch.She yelled at me using words such as ****,****, and ************. I lie to her a lot about this game I play on my computer, but I am trying to stop playing it. Today she got mad since I didn't do my spanish homework. But, she has taken everything away all I can do is read and she told me she hates me (which I said to her to) and she said she didn't want to be my mother anymore. What should I do? I'm 13 btw. |
Question: Ever heard of melissa brennan? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:24 PM PDT and they had warrant and drug tested me got a call today and was told i would not recieve my child support because my mother had my youngest son that days and he essentially lives with her and the worker said theyres a high chance my youngest is goin to be takin away along with the one im pregnant with now (my 5th) because i failed my drug test and they said with my file this will be my 5th child born to not pass a drug test and theyre gunna get a court order to have me get a hysterectomy can they really do that ? im mad they took my child support that was my only income |
Question: My friends are mean??? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:15 PM PDT Well heres what happend i have Friends named louise, zoe, hanna, hayden, rhys, george, sam and a sister named grace and we all went swimming together and me and hayden fell out and he was the oldest and they all left like 20 mins before me, zoe and grace but (zoe and hanna and sam are brother and sister and rhys and hayden are brothers and louise and geroge are brother and sister ) after me zoe and grace came out we all came on our bikes and well they chucked my bike in the bush and videoed it and put it on youtube its a little hard to see but plz put into into google its called he he must watch funny videos ( ) and after that they kicked us and kicked dirty water into my and graces chip and well called us names about being fat and that and well being really mean anyway that was about 2 years ago and i still cant forget it we are all friends again but i just cant forget it in was 2 years last month and i watched they video again and cryed how can i get over this and get on with my life? plz |
Question: Please help my moms really mad at me? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:10 PM PDT So I've been trying to loose weight for a while. It's been hard for me because of my family's horrible eating habits and my time schedule. I got a gym membership a while ago and at first I went constantly, but I never ate right. Then school came around and I got kinda busy and I stopped going because after school I came home very tired and didnt have the energy to go to the gym, and half the time my parents couldn't drive me. Well it's summer time again and I'm pretty sure I gained more weight over the year. I read up a lot about the intensity workout plan. It sounds perfect for me. It has a diet schedule and CDs that are only 30 minutes long so I don't have to leave my house and go to the gym everytime i want to work out. Plus it will help me get my diet on track. I was so excited I raised up enough money to get it and everything, but when I told my mom she screamed at me. Saying no one can change my weight but me and how it's gonna be a waste of money because I'm to fat and I will never put in the CDs etc. She called me a money waster and constantly asking for stuff. I didn't know asking her would make her this upset and i feel bad. Now my mom won't speak to me. I promised I would pay for it and I feel it's a good way for me to get into shape in the summer. What do I do? |
Question: I caught my son watching scrambled porn, what should I do? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:57 AM PDT I just came home and saw my son doing it. What the hell is wrong with him? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:55 AM PDT |
Question: Anyone else get the cold shoulder for not walking at graduation? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:54 AM PDT My brother just graduated but unlike me, he walked across the stage. Because of that alone, he has made over $500 off our family. I graduated class of 2012 but I chose not to walk because it was boring and all of my friends dropped out before senior year.. Plus you don't get diploma until the next day, so I felt like there was no point. At the time I didn't think much of it I was just happy to be out of there! But I'm currently witnessing my brothers experience and I feel a little upset. I have a huge family and I only made $100 and got two cards and maybe 1 congrats from my family. One of those cards had $15 and said "if you would have walked I would of gave you $100" I'm not upset over the money, it's the fact that I worked hard to graduate but they feel like I don't deserve anything not even a congrats, because I didn't walk across a stage at a ceremony that these people wouldn't even attend because you only get four tickets. I got my diploma which was the important part, and I'm now in my 3rd year of college. Does my family have a backwards outlook or has this happened to anyone else? |
Question: Can I get my dad arrested for embarrassing me in a coffee shop? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:54 AM PDT we went to a coffee shop so we could talk. Talk about why my mom and him was arguing. And we talked and it all went fine. So we decide to stay and have some cake and stuff. And I see this sign that said smoking shisha pens is allowed. So I started using my shisha pen. And my dad said stop doing that and be all mad, saying he can't believe I'd sit there smoking nicotine in front of him and think he'd let me. So anyways we had an argument and some words and cake were thrown around ( I threw the cake but he was being a whiner). And I was gonna get him a napkin to clean the cake but he didn't even give me a chance cuz he just pull me out of my chair and start hitting me like 3 times and said if I wanna act like a little kid then he'll treat me like one. And this waitress and another table be staring at us. And I said help call the cops, I don't know this man and he asked for me to do creepy things with him in the toilet and now he's getting mad cuz I said no. None of them helped me!!! The other table was laughing. Stupid hipsters. Then my dad tell them I'm a compulsive liar and I wet the bed and eat my own snot. I don't do either!! He even admitted afterwards that he just said those things to embarrass me to see how I like it. Anyways I ran out of the shop after yelling swearwords at everyone. I came home & toad my mom what he did and she just said "oh well". That's it!! My own mother. & I don't know where my dad is. Probly still there, laughin at my expense. I want him arrested |
Question: My brother is so mean to me and family doesn't care? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:50 AM PDT My brother is 23 and still lives with us. He's a college drop out and just sits in his room smoking E cigarettes all day. I will just say hi to him and he will yell at me saying I'm stupid and worthless. I'll tell my mom and dad but they say to ignore and don't talk to him, but it's gotten to the point where I self harm over it and my parents know but still obviously don't care if all they say to do is ignore it. My brother tells me I'm ugly, stupid, trashy, and he even hits me sometimes and hurts me in front of my parents and they don't do anything about it but change the subject or don't care. They just ignore it. He says if I die he wouldn't care and encourages me to do it. When I cut myself over his words he laughs and says cut deeper. |
Question: Really bad dad issues? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:49 AM PDT Hey I know dad issues are supposed to be normal for a 15 year old boy, but something feels wrong. He yells at me and my mom in front of my little sisters all the time and makes me want to kill myself. He doesn't understand that the things he says really hurt me, mostly because I put on an emotionless face to deal with him. I hate going home and I'm scared be alone in the same room as him. When he makes my mom cry I just want to grab his throat and keep squeezing until the life leaves his eyes. Seeing a counselor is not an option because he doesn't think it is necessary, and hes the only one who can set it up. What should I do. (See my other questions for suicide details.) If I go to a school counselor then things will just get worse at home, and he will just make my mom's life worse. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:44 AM PDT She has a sister, my own daughter, now 8 In other words, I was in relationship where I raised my stepdaughter and had a daughter, my child. Both are inseparable. |
Question: Super bored this summer vacation? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:35 AM PDT So I was having great plans this summer vacation. I was gonna play with my friends, play lots of video games, and my cousin from Canada was gonna come over. I was also gonna do productive stuff to such as joining a SAT prep program, going to a math class, and learning computer programming. I was planning to do awesome stuff with my computer and I thought I would have lots of fun. And now my dad just comes along, takes my computer, deletes my account, and he says the computer is no longer mine. Besides the computer the only other thing I have is a 3ds. All my files have been erased from the computer and I'm extremely bored. My friends don't have a 3ds, so we can't play multiplayer. My friends' parents are also much nicer, and my friends have lots of freedom. My cousin will just feel bored when he comes over. I don't want to look at my dad anymore, because he is annoying (which you can probably already tell) and he is a workaholic. My mom is much nicer but I don't know anything fun to do with her. You know, the reason my dad took took my computer away was just because it was in the same room I was in! What the ****!!! And my sister watches 4 hours of Dora or whatever crap and she gets away with it! Anyways I don't know what to do. Any ideas? Btw, I am not spoiled incase this post makes you think of me that way. I'm ******* pissed right now. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:33 AM PDT 3 months ago I made a dumb choice. I snuck out and ended up I'm the hospital for alcohol poisoning. It is the dumbest thing I've ever done and I feel really bad about it. Before I did that, my parents trusted me a lot because I had never done anything like that before. Now they don't even trust me enough to let me be in my own bedroom with my door closed or leave the house without one of them with me. I know that what I did really scared my parents and that it is going to take a long time for them to trust me again, but I'm really trying hard to do better. I'm not questioning my parents about not letting me go out alone anymore because I know that I don't deserve that privilege, but I just want the opportunity to earn their trust again. I feel like they aren't giving me any chances. If they let me close my door then I could show them that I learned what they expected me to learn by grounded. I was grounded for 2 months and I honestly feel like I learned something. I've been talking with new friends from church that are better influences on me (my parents actually like my friends and some of my friend's parents are friends of my parents). I've been spending more time with my parents and being honest with them. How can I get my parents to give me ONE chance to prove that they can trust me and that I learned everything the wanted to from the 2 months I spent grounded. |
Question: How to become financially independent? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:30 AM PDT I'm a 19 year old college student. I'm tired of living at home and supporting my family. I'll be getting my associates next year, probably right around the time my step dad finally gets a job and stablizes. I've been working 7 days a week at part time jobs to pay for bills. I need to be on my own by the time I graduate community college. How do I make that transition? I also have a live at home 26 year old brother who doesn't do anything. I was thinking of dragging him out of the house with me and get that bag off my parents' backs while I'm at it. I don't want to bother my stepdad and mother anymore than I have already. How do I become financially independent? Any ideas? |
Question: How do I accept my mothers fiancé? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:26 AM PDT My parents split up when i was about nine, they'd been having issues for years but the catalyst was my mother's long standing affair, so I guess I was traumatized into hating my mother's boyfriends. Now she's getting married out of necessity, but she seems happy and in love all the same, I'm just worried about how to peaceably live with the new guy she has now. He's a bit "old fashioned", aka sexist, of course, but doesn't seem to be that bad a guy at heart, I just can't help but be repulsed by him. |
Question: My aunt hates my father and dislikes me also because of this. Why? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:20 AM PDT So my father and my aunt do not get along. They are brother and sister. I spend a lot of time with my father (we are very close) and my aunt seems to be bitter not only against my father but to me too. For example when me and my father are out, we will tease my aunt. Saying "So you do always park in the spot for handicapped people often?" Why does my aunt hate us? |
Question: I've made my mom angry and I don't know what to do? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 11:09 AM PDT Bec of food like seriously? Look I'm a teen so like every teen stays in their room all day right so I'm like that but she's not mad of me bec of that she's mad that I've send the Driver so he can get me food and I'm really hungry I've didn't eat all day so I've gave him money and he's there and order me food then suddenly my brother is hungry and then my mom called the driver and asked him where are u and he said his in Mc dolands ordering my food then she asked did u order food I said yes then I went out and asked her why ? She said don't ever send the driver places without asking me than I've told her that I didn't know that he was hungry and he was going to a restaurant so that's why I didn't ask him and btw my mom was angry before I've asked her so I've asked her why are u angry then She began to hit me and like that but I'm scared bec tomorrow Me and my friends are doing a surprise for my other friend and I still didn't ask for her permission yet so I'm scared that she will say no and is it my fault that I've ordered food what taking her permission? |
Question: I got caught in a lie? Help!? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:42 AM PDT I only see my dad once every month and a while ago he asked for a picture of my report card. It was really bad, so i sent a fake one with good grades. He told me he was going to give me $300 next time i saw him. I started to feel guilty, and then he told all of my family and they started texting and congratulating me! It was too late to just go back and say it was all fake! When i saw him he gave me the money. Well, the school called and told him i failed two classes and he now knows all my real grades. My mom and I are meeting with him tonight to discuss the situation and a punishment i guess. But it's summer now so i really don't want them taking my car or phone and i also don't see what good that would do. What do i say!? Please help :( |
Question: I feel like I have a failed family.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:38 AM PDT My father will sometimes have really scary anger fits. He can punch things, break things and throw things in order to bust them. He even punched the wall on the toilet so hard we had to place a poster over the hole he made. He also punched my mother while she was pregnant of me because she didn't do a good enough job of cleaning. (And he also smoked pot..) My brother is friends with the wrong people, drugs business, bad education, you name it. My mother is always paranoid, but I have the closest bond with her. I feel really bad for her; she had been bullied when she was a kid and now she's stuck with a family like this. Then there's me; even though I have a good education, I still feel really stupid. My mother always wanted a girl, which I am, to go out shopping, wear dresses and play with dolls. I've never really done those type of things and I sometimes feel more like a boy than a girl (nothing too drastic though). This makes me feel like I disappointed my mother. When I had bad grades at the start of the year my father got so mad he had to go out of the house and drive for a bit (after screaming, giving me a panic attack and throwing a scissor at the fridge). This makes me feel like a disappointment to my father. I feel like a failed child in a failed family.. |
Question: Would you accept letting your date someone with a kid? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:31 AM PDT So lets say your daughter is 19-21 and was with a guy for a long time, you loved and cared for him and they break up. They decide to get back together and he has a newborn child by someone else on the way. Would you allow this/be accepting of this if your daughter loved the man and saw no problem? |
Question: My parents won't let me make a fursuit? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:27 AM PDT I'm a big furry, and I wanted to make a fursuit. I have a lot of chore money, and I figured if I could slip over to Jo-Ann's arts and crafts store next to the pho place we occasionally eat at, I could get the materials needed to make one. But the problem is, my parents still treat me like a child, and think I can't do anything on my own. I have done a lot of things in my own, from building a computer to setting up a modem for my uncle. I am also 13 years old. Back on topic, three days ago, we went to the pho place next to Jo-Ann's, and after I was done eating, I told my parents I was going over to Jo-Ann's to buy something. At first they wanted to be there with me, but after some convincing, they let me go, and I went and bought all the materials with my own money. The next day, I spent HOURS on my head base, and I was about halfway done before I had to go to bed. I had the top jaw, cheeks, and eyebrows done. Yesterday, when I got home from school, I continued to work on my head base. But now my parents found out, and have COMPLETELY taken over my project and made it theirs. I keep telling them I can do it, and that it was originally MY project, but they won't let me make my own fursuit! They don't even KNOW HOW to make one! Now today, when I woke up, I saw the head base they call,"finished," and it looks like an ABOMINATION. The pieces of fur are GLUED together, not SEWN, the fur symmetry is WAY off, the lower jaw is askew to one side, and the colors are done with a cheap marker, not airbrushed. Not ONLY have they taken over my project, but now have completely RUINED it! What do I do!? I can't order one online because I don't have a paypal account. |
Question: My mom hates my boyfriend b/c he's Muslim? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:25 AM PDT "Hate" is a strong word but she does hate him just b/c he's Muslim. He's from Kurdish decent, but has emigrated to Germany with his parents when he was young. He has two master degrees from a Technical University in Germany and has a very well-paid job now in NYC (where we met through a mutual friend). He's not very religious, though he considers himself Muslim. Like, he doesn't do fasting, but he doesn't drink alcohol or eat pork either. He doesn't go to mosque, but he prays sometimes. Actually, both of us never think a lot about religion. I'm Christian, but like him I don't regularly go to church. His circle of friends ranging from Germans, Arabs, Chinese, and Americans. We're both 29 and considering getting married, but my mom still can't stand him. She used to treat him like airs every time I take him to our family gatherings. Now, she does acknowledge his presence by implying that he's dangerous and could be a terrorist! This is so offensive that my boyfriend, who usually always "takes it easy", doesn't want to see my mom anymore. My dad is cool with him, though, but is a bit concerned about what religion our children would embrace, the stigma that would arise, and things like that. Honestly, how weird is my mom? And how should I handle this? |
Question: Which one of us is weird? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:19 AM PDT Hi guys, I was in toilet and listening to music with my headphones, then my dad opened the door and said don't listen to music while taking a sh!t and closed it. Which one of us is weird here? Is it wrong to listen to music while pooping? lights was on so he knew someone was in there |
Question: Please, I moved from Missouri to California & I miss my family? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:17 AM PDT I'm 19 by the way. I moved from the Midwest to the Westcoast. One reason was more jobs & the other is hoping I can meet my online friend. Now, I miss home, it feels different living here, this big town is too much, it's hot, & I just miss my family even though I'm living with my uncle & his family. It just isn't the same & I feel weird. Also, my online friend did wanted to meet but then decided to cut all contact as for how ever long due to anxiety & because his gf wouldn't appreciate him even calling a girl. ): I just don't like it here & my uncle thinks I'm living here forever & going to college but I don't know what to do or tell them I want to go home by next year. They keep telling me there's more oppurtunities here unlike where I lived (state in the Midwest) & taking me to all these different places(it's beautiful but I rather stick to my boring hometown). I just don't know what to do because it's difficult to even talk to them. Help, I miss home. |
Question: Life is really hard..? Help..? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:15 AM PDT My dad is a ******* heavy drinker and also a gambler, He would never listen to my mom's advice this year,He lost all his gambles and then our family is currently facing an economic crisis, we have to try save as much money as we could as he have to pay his credit card debts and also the money he borrowed to gamble ( Screw him,seriously. ) Okay so that wasn't the main problem Last week,our car brake broke off and he lost control over the car and we hit into cement road dividers (P/s : All his fault, he never takes good care of his car and he admitted to us that he heard weird noises the past few weeks but didn't wanted to bother about it,thinking everything is fine) Our car was severely damaged (even the tire came of ) and was sent to be repaired,money to be wasted again,yes So he fractured 2 of his fingers and was admitted to the hospital and we had to waste money on his medical fees again of course ( Insurance doesn't cover all the fees though..) And then now he is too stubborn to listen to us, we told him not to drive (We have 2 cars,1 down, 1 left), but he still insists on driving,he didn't want any help from mom or me Fine. Now even our second car broke down Such good job of him Now we have to spend even more money .. I feel like crying ..I feel hopeless.. Never have I been so scared about my family's economy situation .. There's also this girl I have a crush on, and which she probably likes me too..but me situation now is too crappy to even have a girlfriend.. I feel like I don't have anything to give her .. I feel like **** and I dont deserve her .. I mean I can't even spend money for her? I feel like I can't give her anything .. I feel like I'm weak .. And if I were to ask her to be my girlfriend I'd have to be good enough to protect her.. eventhough she never complains about me or my situation .. But I really dont think I deserve her as I have nothing to give her.. All I can tell her is that I love her..But I can give her nothing...I feel weak |
Question: Since no one wants to help me, I'll ask again. Is this a good sign? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:09 AM PDT So my sister said I was talking about her and stuff, and I only vented to my "best friend" about some things I didn't like, and now my sister and her are best friends and she told my sister everything. Now my sister doesn't trust me. Well, my sister went completely though my phone while I was sleeping, to try and find something, and she didn't find anything. She went through my Facebook and my Messenger and everything. She didn't find anything. So is this a sign that she might start trusting me again? |
Question: Why do I have a tendency to dislike my parents? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 10:08 AM PDT I am 19. In my own opinion I am not "just an angry teenager", but I feel extreme discomfort around my parents, and I really want to figure out why. My parents are divorces and I have lived with my father for most of my life. He was always an alright parent but he has some issues, he is very controlling and treated me quite poorly when I was a kid; I never really forgave him for that and my dislike of him grew over the years, until a few years ago I moved in with my mother. He handles the situation quite poorly but now we see each other once in a while and the distance has improved our relationship, but honestly I feel so tired when I remember we have arrangements. Now for these years I have been living with my mother, I have really been happy about it because I get to live here for free, close to school and away from my father. But I am actually not happy about her. I strongly dislike her and I think she acts quite annoyingly. She recently stopped taking her depression medication and it seems everything she says to me is stupid and annoying to me. I quickly snap and need to leave her, go for walks and go out drinking to get away from her. Now, my questions are these: - Is this normal? - Should I do something about it? And if so: What? - Is it simply because I am in my late teens, and my brain is trying to be more individualistic? - I have plans to stay and save up for a year before I leave for university - is it okay or unhealthy to stay for that long? - Any other comments I would quickly like to add that I am a female, not that it makes any difference to my situation, but I feel oddly about being told not to worry about being a "momma's boy". In Denmark we have a different educational system, we don't have college, so staying at home 'till university is normal as we hereafter get economical support from the state, which I would not get in gymnasium (which is grade 11 to 13) because of different logistic factors |
Question: I want to beat up my neice and nephews so bad? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:47 AM PDT Well heres what happend ( i would never beat him up) but like i have a step neice and 2 nephews, my step neice is 4 and my newphews are 2 and 5 months and they are so annoying im 13 and my sister is 15 my brother is 23 and his girlfriend is 30 she had 3 other kids when she was 16 but they got took of her sadly but now everytime she comes over she and my mum talk and we have to look after the sons of bitches ( i know thats harsh but you dont understand he bits me and ripes up my homework and yestday they were here from 10 am to 7pm and after all the hair ripping and phone taking i just stood in the toilet and cryed my eyes out PLZ HELP!! I feel like running away They are here 24/7 When i come home from school they are here and stay till about 7pm, Sometimes i feel like now coming home from school PLZ HELP ME!! |
Question: Can I fail a background check because of my "family"? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:42 AM PDT Some of my "family" has less than a perfect past. Some can't pay bills on time and another has a record. I don't see why their bad habits and inabilities should affect me but, does it? Most of them the family tree make me call them family, they aren't real family. I'm not trying to join the FBI or CIA or anything, it just a background check for a everyday job. **serious answers please** |
Question: I need help? I've been touched inappropriately? :'(? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:36 AM PDT I've been touched by my brother's stepson who is 18 years old. I'm 19 years old. I've been depressed and sad ever since. My parents and I went to visit his house and I had to sleep with my niece. He came to our room in the middle of the night and start touching me every where and this is not the first time. I pretended to be asleep. I'm scared. I don't want to tell my family members or even my best friends. They all think he's a good kid and they think he's an angel. I want someone to listen to me without judging me. :'( I don't know what to do. I keep crying by myself. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:29 AM PDT A days ago I skipped a volunteer event my mom was making me do. She said I had to follow through with stuff. Anyways, after I pretended I left I came back home to get some of my stuff I left that I wanted for the day. I came back, but my parents came in. I hid inside a closet in the living room. I guess my parents thought we were all gone because they closed the blinds and did it on the couch. I could hear it. I know my parents have sex, but it's absolutely disgusting when you hear your parents doing it. I heard it before, but I never heard it to this level. It was disgusting. My mom and dad said things to each other that were were dirty. Again I know married couples do it, but when it's your parents it's GROSS. I think I heard my mom orgasm, and no kid should ever hear their mom orgasm. When my mom told my dad to spank her I felt a digested pitt in my stomach. I never thought of my parents having sex. They're too much like parents and they're both old. My mom is 39 and my dad is 44. I thought when couples got older they didn't like sex as much. Either way I've been completely weirded out every time I see them. What i heard is sill driving me crazy. Kids just don't want to think of their parents doing it like that. How can i get this out of my mind? I know I shouldn't have skipped and I 'got what I deserved' and i know my parents had sex to make me. I just don't like thinking about it. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:10 AM PDT They are not even thankfull to us my grandpa's died and my grandmaa is blind in my chachas fake luv Chachi lies and do not luv us we are not even able to buy a small home for ourselves because dad have to build a home for them too.........plz help |
Question: What should I get my dad for Fathers' Day? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 09:10 AM PDT Nothing that says he's the best dad in the world because he isn't (you'd understand if you had any idea what I've been through). He's a computer programmer and he's really nerdy. He likes Star Trek, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings (plus other things, of course). He also likes to cook. What should I get him? |
Question: My mom found my vibrator? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:56 AM PDT I am nearly 16. I thought it will be cool to have one. I put it in my old clothes bin, usually I would put clothes over it, but I got messy. So, today I come home and my room is ramshacked. I looked in my room at first and I just saw piles of clothes, so I go to my mom and I ask her why she was in my room. She answers that if I went in there I will found out. She was in bed at this point. So I happen to turn my head over to closet and I see my vibrstor package on the bin. I was completely aghast. I just went in her room and told her I was going to the store and ran out as fast as I could. I come back in and she in the bathroom, so I try to act all calm and ask was she washing. She said she hasn't got around to it. I come in my room and I see it is out of its package. I don't know what to do!! My mom is Christian, but she has one, because of some reason hers got caught in the toilet and our apartment repair men saw it, and my sister took a pic.! What do I do? I want the ground to swallow me up. She hasn't said anything, and is acting normal, eating and talking to her friend, saying that I was in here sleeping and how I had half a day!! Sorry for mistakes, but I am so embarrassed right now. Help? Advice. Now I just want to throw the thing away. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:37 AM PDT My name is Jasbir singh |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:32 AM PDT |
Question: My parents are splitting...where do I go? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:28 AM PDT My parents are splitting and they told me to choose who I want to live with primarily. The only problem is I don't want to live with either of them. My dad is verbally abusive and cusses me out and told me I'm a disappointment of a daughter. My mom always steals my money and doesn't drastic things for money. (My parents never got married). I'm 17 so I can't live on my own. What do I do? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:21 AM PDT How would my mom react if I tell her that nothing feels real. That I feel disconnected from everyone and everything. Something also known as depersonalization/derealisation. Which is a condition that never stands alone. When I was 13 i was depressed. Do you think she would over react and start questing me about everything snd so on? I don't know what to do |
Question: Son won't get in his robot? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:15 AM PDT I have a 14-year-old son, Shinji, who lived with his teacher since he lost his mother. Our relationship is awkward right now, and I don't think I have the time to invest in it. This year (2015) is vital to me and my plans, but Shinji is making things harder for my organisation by not getting in the robot I got him, Evangelion Unit-01. I'd like some parenting advice, have you ever been in a similar situation? Should I use treats to get him into the Eva? |
Question: How can I ask my grandmother for a vacation? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:12 AM PDT I want to go away with my friends for a week and half. I want to ask my grandma if she wouldn t mind sponsoring it because my parents are already letting go backpacking in Europe. I want to go with my friends this summer because I m not going to see them for a few months and I really need a simple vacation. My dad said yeah but I don t want him paying for it. So how can I convince my grandma to allow me to go? I don t have such a close relationship with her and I m scared she ll say no. But how can I ask her? |
Question: Should I snitch on my brother? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 08:03 AM PDT So recently I found out that my brother whose 17 has been getting drunk pretty frequently. My parents are very strict and don't even drink themselves so if they found out my parents would probably disown my brother so I don't want to tell my parents, but I would like to tell someone. What should I do?? |
Question: I'm 22 with no car, no job, and no license. Am I a loser, because I feel like one? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:59 AM PDT Even though I just earned my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, I still don't feel any better than the people without any high school diplomas/degrees because they have jobs, licenses, and cars. I have no job, no license, and no car. I am the only one I know who doesn't have a license. Everybody I know has a license except for me, even my younger brothers and relatives have licenses! I had to buy another learners permits because of college getting in the way of me taking tests for licenses (I went to a far school, but it was in-state.). Then, I failed the test twice because of parallel parking. Lastly, because of that stupid car accident I was in, I ended up pleaded guilty in court and I am now on probation before judgement, meaning I have to wait 9 whole months again to take the road test to get my license! What's worse is that I have to buy another permit because it expires next month. I really cannot stand waiting and I don't want to wait that long! I'm the most impatient person ever. Before you say I'm not taking any action for getting a job, let me say that I've applied for countless jobs since FEBRUARY of this year (and I'm still applying), and I have gotten countless rejection letters. I can't help but ask God "why, why," but I don't want to waste my energy. |
Question: My brother never has my back? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:56 AM PDT im really young and hes older than me and when he does stupid things i have his back but he never has mine, and i amscared to say dont tell mom and dad but when my parents yell at him i defend him. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:51 AM PDT My fiance's younger sisters and I started off fine. Then the oldest of the two started disrespecting me, she has cussed me out, blocked me on facebook, called me spoiled, told him he couldn't afford me,she tried to get him to leave me, she's went through my things, and she is ALWAYS posting facebook statuses about me and him. The most recent was yesterday when he and I were "in bed together" and she kept calling, he didn't answer so we had a status about us later. Well, we are planning on getting married and I don't know if I can deal with her immaturity during my wedding planning and during the wedding. I can deal with the baby sister who really wants to be a part of it but not the other sister. How should I do this? I mean, I don't feel right asking one and not the other but I also don't feel right just excluding both. I honestly don't want her in the wedding party because I can't even walk into the same room as her without feeling tension and I don't want her and the baby sister fighting (which is an everyday thing for them). What should I do? |
Question: I want to kill my little cousin? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 07:41 AM PDT she is 12 she disrespects my father when he is drunk he makes fun of him he just doesnt understands because he is drunk who the **** is my cousin to disrespect and make fun of my father when he is drunk.once this little **** said to my drunk father that he never worked in his life i heard this and got really angry and yelled at her i will tear out ur tongue u little **** and she left.and my stupid grandfather threats her like she is SOMETHING SPECIAL THIS LITTLE **** WHO DOESNT KNOWS HOW TO TALK TO OLDER PEOPLE. and now if i will hear again that this little **** talks to my father like he is 12 yrs old i will beat all the **** out of her i dont care if she is girl i will just beat her or kill boy and im 17 when my father is drunk he doesnt make silly things he just sits and talks about everything he never fights when he is drunk. she asks her stupid things like he is 12 yrs old |
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