Friends: Question: What should I write to my friend for the end of the year? |
- Question: What should I write to my friend for the end of the year?
- Question: My Best Friend Is Getting Clingy Lately?
- Question: How can I get more comfortable with other people?
- Question: How to meet new friends?
- Question: What should I do about friends?
- Question: Am I a bad person for not trusting my friend?
- Question: What to do?
- Question: Why does she do this to me?
- Question: I have no pics on my Facebook page, and I noticed about five friends deleted me. Do I seem rude?
- Question: I'm 13 and I look 10.?
- Question: Best friend obviously chose girlfriend over me?
- Question: Constantly feeling lonely?
- Question: My friends talk about sex all the time..tead more?
- Question: GUYS: Why do you do this??
- Question: Need help being more social!!?
- Question: I'm stressed out about waking up early?
- Question: ♥ I look for a new friends?
- Question: Why do some people have to be so mean and rude?
- Question: I get depressed because my friends and i never hang out?
- Question: Should I continue being friends with her?
- Question: All my "friends" ditched me and now they ignore.?
- Question: Scared I won't find friends in college?
- Question: Hi ✌🏽️. Just wanted t I say that I'm having trouble with two actually three friends. They're always asking me for my paper.?
- Question: Am I below average when it comes to being social?
- Question: Am I heartless?
- Question: What should I do? Friends that aren't actually my friends?
- Question: Any cute 13-15 year olds on kik looking for a clean chat?
- Question: Tips for a good 8th grade impression?
- Question: Friend Wants To Bar-B-que For Me In The Late Afternoon?
- Question: My friend is a little too touchy touchy.?
- Question: Engañe a mi novio. ¿Me sineto mal que hago?
- Question: What to do with your friends at home?
- Question: Can I punch my ex friend?
- Question: What does she mean?
- Question: The girl i hate in my class really depresses me :/?
- Question: Is it my fault that my friends are ignoring me?
- Question: How do I get more friends on Star Girl now that they have allowed no comments on there facebook site due to flooding?
- Question: [I'm new to tumblr excuse my bad explanation]?
- Question: Does my best friend still want to be my friend...? Please help!!!?
- Question: I miss my ex bestfriend?
- Question: Is this wrong?
- Question: People don't want to be my friend anymore and its not my fault?
- Question: Nobody seems to like me in my class....i want someone to care about me in class?
- Question: Why would an now ex best friend cut you off for no real reason?
- Question: I have no friends please help.?
- Question: What to do with a girl I don't know very well?
- Question: I have a overweight female friend, but I badmouth other obese people?
- Question: Best sleepover?
- Question: Does this sound like a bad/boring summer? Am i a loser? 10 pts?
- Question: Idk whatta do!!?
- Question: Me and my friend had i fight and now shes acting like im invisable?
- Question: How can I stop my former friend from lying about me to my kids & step kids? Some of whom are adults?
- Question: I have a problem at work?
- Question: Suicidal friend?
- Question: How to stand up to bullies?
- Question: Am i in a good friend group.?
- Question: I like my best friend and she knows it?
- Question: Help, I'm gonna have to be around one of my friends who I'm not getting along with well?
- Question: My Boyfriend and Brother hate each other?
Question: What should I write to my friend for the end of the year? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 05:01 PM PDT I have to write a letter to a friend of mine, he's a boy. I need some ideas to what to write this is for middle school. Like how to start it or what to say. Please help. Thanks for helping! |
Question: My Best Friend Is Getting Clingy Lately? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 05:00 PM PDT ok so we've been friends since 4th grade and now we're both going into freshman year of high school. i feel like she only gets close to me when she needs me. like recently her and her mom have been having a rough relationship, and before we had a pretty normal friendship that i was comfortable with. but now she texts me several times every single day, and sometimes i purposely ignore her because i'll be tired of talking to her or maybe to drop a hint that she's texting me too much. if i don't answer within maybe two hours, she texts my mom asking about me!! i feel kind of weird about that, in a way it makes me feel like she's keeping track of me and it just seems really creepy to me, idk. and then she freaks out if i can't hang out with her. we wanted to have a sleepover on saturday and then something popped up she had to go to and she literally almost cried. i reassured her that it was ok and we'll have something soon. today is monday and she got angry because i stayed up late so i woke up late and she "didn't want to have it late in the day because that meant less time together." i understand that she's going through a rough time with her mom and i am always here for her. but it feels like she only comes to me when she needs me, and then the rest of the time i'm not as important to her. the constant texting and stuff is just a little too much for me, how can i help her understand that she got really clingy really suddenly and it's making me uncomfortable? |
Question: How can I get more comfortable with other people? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:47 PM PDT So me and my best friend have been friends for 11 years (we met when we were two) and we have been inseparable ever since. Well even though I love her with all my heart, sometimes we do get into fights and when we do she finds other friends to hang out with and I don't. The thing is that whenever someone asks me to hang out I don't want to. I guess I'm not comfortable or something. I just find it really awkward and stuff..... The only people I like to actually sleep over at is my best friends my sister and my actual house. So how can I become more comfortable with other people. ( I'm also starting to realize having different groups of people to hang out with is healthy and fun) I just don't know how to achieve this. Help please and thank you❤️ |
Question: How to meet new friends? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:46 PM PDT I have two very close friends and I do love them dearly and I wouldn't want to lose them but we don't really have much in common. We're just into different stuff like music for example so it's hard to know what to do or where to go. I start sixth form in September and I'd like to meet some new people who have similar tastes to me but I'm going to sixth form in the same school so I feel like nothing will change. Just wondered what people think? What should I do to start meeting new people with a bit more in common? |
Question: What should I do about friends? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:36 PM PDT Ok so I have a best friend and a couple of other friends, but they have a best friend and sometimes it's hard to hang out with them. I love hanging out with my best friend, but I don't want to just attach myself to her.. I want to be able to have a variety of friends, if that makes sense. I had a ton of friends in middle school, but once freshmen year came around, everyone got split up and went to different high schools. I try my hardest with making new friends (which a two years ago wouldn't be all that difficult because I was so talkative), but now I feel like I don't have then energy and sometimes I just don't want to try? What's wrong with me?😂 what should I do? Or should I just leave it alone?.. I'm sorry I feel like this is so completely dumb. |
Question: Am I a bad person for not trusting my friend? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:35 PM PDT A while ago me and my friend got into a situation.. She was driving my car and I had expired license plates, suspended license and fictitious tags. We got pulled over and since she was driving, she got a ticket for all 3. She recently had court and I offered to go with her but she insisted that I didn't have to come. We had already agreed whatever the fine was that I was going to pay half since it was my car. Anyways, she tells me the fine is $200 and I have to give her 100 by next week because she wants to pay and get it over with. But she wanted me to give the 100 to her so she can pay so I asked if she wanted to meet me at the court and she kept trying to go around it. I have no idea if she's lying to me or not but I told her I'm not going to hand her 100 without proof that it's going towards what she says it is. She hasn't sent me pictures of the court papers or anything saying how much she has to pay so I basically told her until I get some proof I'm not giving her the money. Am I wrong for doing this? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:34 PM PDT I've been pretty close friends with a girl for a year now. We hung out in the same group of friends and recently I started having strong feelings for her. However, lately she has often been reluctant to hang out with me one on one and since I made a move and kissed her on the cheek she hasn't spoken to me and has quite frankly avoided me so I'm kind of taking that as she doesn't feel the same way. I feel like I can't be just friends anymore with her because the feelings are so strong and not mutual but we're living in the same dorm next year so it's kind of a tough situation. The more I think about it though, she only ever wanted to hang out with me if she needed something from me. I get the vibe that she doesn't care about me nearly as much as I do her and that's not healthy for a friendship never mind relationship |
Question: Why does she do this to me? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:14 PM PDT So me and this girl text and whenever I ask her to hang out she always has something going on so she can't. Why? I mean, she texts me so I assume she doesn't hate me.. she has told me she likes me (should have added that) |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:14 PM PDT I'm very self-conscious about how I look, and I am having a lot of problems in my life to the point where I don't want to be seen. The only reason I have a Facebook page is to keep in contact with people, particularly those I haven't seen in years. But according to how many friends have deleted me, I think that's breaking friendships. One of them I was going to wish a happy birthday on her wall, which is how I discovered she deleted me. I see her sometimes on the bus, and when I say hi, she just ignores me. Or if she randomly happens to look in my direction, she just gives a "yeah I see you sitting there@ kind of look, but doesn't Aclnowkedge me. Does my lack of Facebook pics make me seem unpleasant, or perhaps my friends feel that there's no point in keeping contact with me if I have no pics? |
Question: I'm 13 and I look 10.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:12 PM PDT I'm already a teenager why tf am I such a kid I don't even care about my hygiene I just want to change I want to be girly not lazy and all that ugh what is life any thing would help thanks |
Question: Best friend obviously chose girlfriend over me? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:12 PM PDT I have had been friends with this girl since the beginning of 4th grade we are now in 8th going on 9th and she has been dating this girl since December. I'm honestly so hurt/angry not because she is a lesbian/bisexual but because we both disliked the girl she is now dating, my friend especially. She tried to hide their relationship from me until i confronted her about it because she always ditched me to hang out with her girlfriend. I am in no way attracted to my friend but I am jealous, we haven't hung out in months and it seems to me that she obviously chose that relationship over our friendship. She's also started to hang out with some people who I think might have gotten her doing some things she shouldn't? I still do care about her and I am honestly worried about what she could get herself into, she can be very impressionable. I miss my best friend but It takes more than one person to make a friendship work. Do I just leave this alone or should I keep trying? I'm getting sick of getting myself all twisted up over a friend who probably doesn't seem to remember I exist. :\\ Thank you in advance and sorry this is so long. :) |
Question: Constantly feeling lonely? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:01 PM PDT I'm out of school now and my only friend's phone is broken, but she never really responded to my texts. The only interaction with people I've had since I've been out for school has been with my family. Sure, I love my family and enjoy spending time with them, but I just feel so lonely. Especially when I'm in my room alone. Whenever I try to go talk to a family member, they are never in the mood to talk. Feeling lonely is my least favorite thing in the entire world. I don't really know what to do...? |
Question: My friends talk about sex all the time..tead more? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 04:00 PM PDT So basically all my friends talk about is who has more bitches and getting pussy and all the crap. They also said that would be paradise. Which made me wonder..Sry if This strikes an evil question but is it odd to ask that "If you get to heaven , you can have anything u want (paradise) ...including sexual fantasies?? |
Question: GUYS: Why do you do this?? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:57 PM PDT Okay so I'm 14 and my brother's friends are 16/17 and because it's summer they're at our house EVERYDAY. They've only recently started to be this annoying, like in the past year or so. What they usually do is come to the family room/kitchen area, where I am, and just start talking really loudly about stuff that's kinda awkward. Like they'll talk about girls, dates, s ex, kissing, etc. And it's super awkward for me, they know I'm sitting near them because they say hi to me. And then they start to tease me saying 'oh lizzy (my name) doesn't have any friends to hang out with'(they know i do) and 'oh lizzy's never had her first kiss yet'. it's just really, really strange. Also, they like 'invite' me over to their houses occasionally, I think they're joking but it's still really weird. When I was like 12 and 13 they never did any of the stuff to me. Also, when they leave the family/kitchen area they sometimes talk about me like 'if lizzy wasn't so...i'd totally...' and 'why is lizzy so f*cking...' (...=i don't know what they're saying) and I don't think they're saying very nice things about me. Also, there is a couple of them who always get really red whenever they say anything sexual around me, but the others are completely fine with it They never say any of this stuff around my brother or my parents. whenever my brother comes back they stop immediately. So why are they being so weird and rude? and what do you think they said about me when i couldn't hear them? |
Question: Need help being more social!!? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:56 PM PDT Okay so basically im a wreck when it comes to conversation or socializing in general. Like for instance with certain people i get extremely anxious and stumble all over my words... also my mind tends to go blank. Lol i kinda been quiet/shy in high school as a result of bullying so that contributes. Im 21 now its seems when i do talk especially to women i come off as dull and boring and i tend to force conversation. Lol thats anothrr thing how do i stop being a sissy when it comes to talking to women...sigh this is so embarrassing. Women check me out and wat not and as soon as i say something i get so anxious and its like they can tell. |
Question: I'm stressed out about waking up early? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:30 PM PDT So tomorrow my three friends and I are going to Universal Studios. It opens at 9:00 A.M. and for some reason they want to be the first ones there so it's not as crowded even though it'll be crowded no matter what time we get there. They want to leave at 7:45 even it's only a 30 minute drive? We all live around the same place. Plus I'm the one taking them! AND THEY'RE TRYING TO TELL ME WHEN TO GET UP! I'm a very lazy person and I hate getting up early, especially now that it's summer I'm even more lazy. What should I do so I don't feel so tired when I get up at 7:00? |
Question: ♥ I look for a new friends? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:28 PM PDT Let your whatsapp =] |
Question: Why do some people have to be so mean and rude? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:25 PM PDT Today I went out to do some shopping. I went happy and came back sad. Some of the people were very mean to me today :( I go inside the stores, no one offers to help me. I am married and have a baby, and you know how it is when you have a stroller :/ so I was shopping for make up, and after o finish, I was trying to reach my way out of the store, and a customer was standing in the middle of the way which makes me stuck, so I said excuse me, and she moved then I said thank you, and she flipped out saying to the worker about me "WELL AT LEAST SAY EXCUSE ME". I looked back to ask her if she's talking about me but she didn't eye contact me, so I left. She didn't hear me :( I drive my way home, and try to go to the other lane, the lady looks at me and pushes her car in so I won't go in front of her.NUMBER and the lady that works in a cart in the mall gave me attitude bec I don't want to buy her creams, and she was trying to make me buy like last few months when she called me cheapskate and I bought to prove her wrong. I know I'm a very sensitive person, shy too which makes my voice low, and I was bullied when I was in school which makes me not strong enough to yell back at people. Today was not my day :( I just don't want my baby to see how people treat her mother, I want her to be stronger than me and take me as a role model T_T |
Question: MY BEST FRIEND STOLE SOMETHING FROM ME? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:17 PM PDT Okay so about a week ago my closest friend who I've known for many years slept over and we went to the mall and we wore cat ears to the mall, she wore mine and I wore my other pair, when we came home we was still wearing hers, we didn't a pair at the mall. We cleaned my room (and we still had the ears on) so they're not lost because we cleaned my room and then when she left I had realized that I only had the pair that I was wearing (I know because my cat ears were purple and hers were black) and then I confronted her and asked her if she had them and then she said that she would check but she never did and she kept putting it off and making excuses as to why she can't search through her bag and we were on skype earlier on today and I asked her about it and I said "Can you please search for them, I know you have them and they cost a lot of my money," and then she said "I can't i'm doing something," so then I said "I know you have them," and then she hung up and didn't contact me or tell me anything about the cat ears, what should I do? |
Question: I get depressed because my friends and i never hang out? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 03:11 PM PDT I would invite them to stuff but everytime i do, it feels like they dont really want to go. I have to put so much effort into getting them to come because when i invite them, theyre just like "sure" or dont even reply. They dont give me dates or anything! It just makes me feel so miserable and a 16 year old girl in high school btw. Also, i would probably have more people to chose from if i had more friends but since i only have like 2.5.....i dont |
Question: Should I continue being friends with her? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:57 PM PDT I've been pretty close friends with a girl for a year now. We hung out in the same group of friends and recently I started having strong feelings for her. However, lately she has often been reluctant to hang out with me one on one and since I made a move and kissed her on the cheek she hasn't spoken to me and has quite frankly avoided me so I'm kind of taking that as she doesn't feel the same way. I feel like I can't be just friends anymore with her because the feelings are so strong and not mutual but we're living in the same dorm next year so it's kind of a tough situation. The more I think about it though, she only ever wanted to hang out with me if she needed something from me. I get the vibe that she doesn't care about me nearly as much as I do her and that's not healthy for a friendship never mind relationship |
Question: All my "friends" ditched me and now they ignore.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:53 PM PDT all my so called friends ditched me and i'm alone with one "friends" who recently ditched me too. Guys it's really hard for me to find new friends. what should i do? I'm very sad right now. |
Question: Scared I won't find friends in college? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:49 PM PDT It's the last week of senior year and Its just hitting me that my life is changing before my eyes. I'm going to a small private college about 30 minutes from my house so I'm staying local but living on campus. I just don't tend to get along with or fit in with most people my age. I've distanced my self from most of the people I started high school with and now have just a couple close friends. I talk to a lot of people but don't actually hangout with them l. Anyway, so I'm sorta quiet and I guess mature for my age. I spend a lot of time with my family. I don't drink, do drugs or have sex or anything of the sorts with random guys. Infact I've never had my first kiss, mainly because being anything more than friends with a guy makes me extremely anxious. Which makes me feel like a little girl, rather than the adult I now am. I don't really enjoy parties, I'll probably end up going to them but at least right now I can't stand to be around most of my peers. I don't get what's so fun in damaging your body and not being in control of what you're doing and then not even remembering what happened. I'd much rather go on a hike or play sports or shop or basically anything else. I'm just nervous that when I go to college I won't find anyone with similar values and views as me. My college is small and doesn't seem like a party school but there's a huge public school right down the street. Does anyone have any advice or personal experiences? Thank you! |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:44 PM PDT When I was in school they kept on telling me that hey let m see your paper 😐. I was getting frustrated they didn't even help me or let me see their paper. One day when my teacher wasn't here he left us work. Those two friends were always talking and talking 😒. This chick will always put her makeup on and the other one will be on her phone. When it was almost time to go to our other classes they will ask me for my paper. But I said no, and you wouldn't believe what they did. They just didn't talk to me and when I got to eat lunch because I always eat with them. They were pissed and they said that how come I didn't give them my paper with the answers 😢. And then another girl came to eat lunch with us and I just got left out u know. Even this chick kept asking that if I knew math and/or science. But one of them said some stuff to my other friend that weren't even true and well this year I apologize to her about how my friends treated her. But I really need your help are they my true friends or are they just using me because I do my work. 😔 |
Question: Am I below average when it comes to being social? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:40 PM PDT So I've had this type of depressing mindset for sometime now. I don't know whether it's just me blowing it why out of proportion or if that's really the case. So, I've had this sense of inferiority when it comes to being passionate for something and having a social life. I'm terribly shy in groups, I'll say one thing, get a few giggles, then when it's my friends the whole gang could relate and just crash to the group laughing, they're good people so they're not the problem if you happen to be wondering, and my one-on-one conversations are mostly my problems or the other persons. I really want to have fun and relate to people but I just can't. I spend the majority of the day at home, bored, alone and go completely insane when one person texts me. You know what I mean. Now I know underage drinking and drug consumption is no way right and I'm not one to smoke weed trust me once was one time to many for me, as I said my friends can all relate whether it comes to having fun or just talking about college and such (we're all either 17-21 I'm 18) I don't have my license and I'm barley getting my I.D. Now what really bothers me was when I started dating this girl, who I've known for years, she's the opposite of me, she goes out and has fun, can relate to my friends, she's passionate about soccer and she can drive (she's 17) she said she likes me either way and she doesn't even see that as a problem, but I do, I want to be social and be passionate about something too. Is it just me? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:36 PM PDT Today.. My good friend died... And I didn't cry... And only felt mid term sad.. And this isn't unusual for me. I mean, When people talk about loveing their families and stuff... I realize I don't really feel anything for my family. And my mother has this heart condition, to which she is always complaining about. When it first happened, she almost died.. But all I thought was 'how annoying' And whenever she gets attacks I just get annoyed or I just don't care. I'm only 13.... And I don't want to be this way... Am I heartless? |
Question: What should I do? Friends that aren't actually my friends? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:31 PM PDT I've never been popular. It's just never been my thing and I don't really think that lifestyle is fun or interesting. So I'm a bit of an outcast. My friend since elementary school (we're almost juniors in high school), Viki, was a little weird but still popular. It just seemed that people liked her better, while I was thought of as weird. And that never bothered me. Until, of course, Viki had a party (I was at my dad's house, I couldn't go), and the fifteen-or-so people were all talking badly about me, saying how I was like a ghost (because I'm pale and don't really talk much) and that I was annoying. And it sort of hurts because I had four friends there, and all of them were included. And it just sucks to know that all those people think I'm annoying and creepy. I confronted Viki and my other friends, asking them what really happened, but they said that nothing happened. Others, though, were saying that they were all talking badly about me for about ten minutes straight. So, now I feel like crap, and it sucks. What should I do? I was thinking just play dumb and slowly stop talking to them so they stop being my "friends" and then they won't talk about me any more. But I'm just not sure. I don't even know who's really my friend or not any more. |
Question: Any cute 13-15 year olds on kik looking for a clean chat? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:23 PM PDT Im bored and want to talk to someone my age. I want clean chat only!! |
Question: Tips for a good 8th grade impression? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:19 PM PDT Okay in 7th grade I was known at first as the girl who wore too much makeup. So I want a good impression for my 8th grade classmates. I'm not good at physical education so I also want simple exercise tips. I already have pretty good style, but I want it to be even better, so do you guys have any clothing stores you shop at for cute clothes? I usually let my hair down or put it in a ponytail. Also, how should I act when people are being rude or when someone annoys me without being mean? Thanks. |
Question: Friend Wants To Bar-B-que For Me In The Late Afternoon? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:17 PM PDT |
Question: My friend is a little too touchy touchy.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:09 PM PDT I'm 13 and my best friend is getting too touchy touchy and she's always saying I love you, but it doesn't sound like a friend love. Don't get me wrong she's my best friend in the whole world but sometimes she grabs my butt or my stomach or her hand "accidentally" brushes my boob and she is always really close to me. What can I do about this. Did I mention I have a boyfriend. |
Question: Engañe a mi novio. ¿Me sineto mal que hago? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:04 PM PDT Hola, primero que nada quiero decir que en verdad amo a mi novio, hace 3 dias unas amigas me invitaron a un rancho pero no sabia que hiba aver muchachos, aunque la verdad no me preocupaba porque nunca nadie me llama la atencion, siempre pienso en el, el problema es que el chavo me emborracho no es ninguna excusa por que se que fue mi culpa el descuidarme o dejarme asi entre todo eso, pero bese al muchacho, solo fueron besos , ya que estaba muy tomada e incluso le hablaba como si fuera mi novio en verdad lo confundia no se que me paso, todos al dia siguiente me dijeron que me relajara y equis. La verdad estoy destrozada vi a mi novio ese dia que llegue y solo queria llorar al ver sus ojos, solo me daba cuenta que no valio la pena eso y que en verdad no se que voy a hacer sin el, ya ahora estoy un poco mejor pero sumamente deprimida, no se si decirle, un profesor muy amigo mio me dijo que no le diga por que si me di cuenta del arrrepentimiento que tengo y aprendi algo nuevo que no pierda la confianza de el por que no vueve y en verdad no quiero perderlo, quiero protegerlo. Por favor no me digan las cosas muy feo me siento sumamente mal, me siento la peor mujer de todas y no se que hacer. Gracias aprecio su apoyo y consejos. Me siento mal ... que hago? |
Question: What to do with your friends at home? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:02 PM PDT My friends are coming to my house to hang out and we are 11 years old and I don't want it to be boring any idea what to do????? |
Question: Can I punch my ex friend? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 02:01 PM PDT Ok so I gave her a present and was all nice to her I was off for 3 days and it's not like we are the only people in a group coz there is like 5 of us then she goes off and sort of replaces me and tells me I can't have the present back |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:55 PM PDT So this girl used to be my BFF and I told her lots of secrets and I trusted her. Well, one day this girl( let's call her anna) all of a sudden was being really cold to me. So I when school was out I asked my other friend if she could ask her what's going on with her. Anna told Her that I called her a ***** which I didn't. Once again she's not saying this to my face.shes telling my friend this. She also said I only was friends with her because I wanted to be more poupular which really hurts a lot because i liked her for who she was. So we have a photo on Instagram of us together from when we were friends an the caption read "lots of love for this one" then all of a sudden she changed it to "hey;)" WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?? She's deleted all her comments on my Instagram page and unliked all my photos. The only thing she hasn't done is unfollow me,delete the photo of the 2 of us, and unadd me on snapchat. Someone let me know what she means. |
Question: The girl i hate in my class really depresses me :/? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:54 PM PDT so im in 2nd year in high school and i don have true friends in my really shy and i dont make friends fast it takes some time for me to get comfortable with people in my class that means everyone has a some friend that always sit with but i don have.i had hope when the new girl came into our class we became friends blah blah but of course the girl i hate stole her from me and now she is friend with the new girl.but the girl smiles at when i say hello and when we have to make some work in group the new girl always calls me to join them.only the girl i hate says that they should look for another person to joi to them.i dont know why people dont care about me ,dont want to be friends with now i talk to other girls but the girl i hate she always intrude between me and the other girls.when i talk to other girls she always come push back so i couldnt talk to other girls.she intrudes everywhere.she is happy that i dont have friends in class,she gossips about my hair,the girl i hate, she is nice to everyone but to me she is mean, rude...the boys hate her as i do but he girls like her ,WHY ? she really depresses me .she doesnt want me to have any friend in class..what am i supposed to do ? i cant tell it to other girls because the girl i hate doesnt to do anything but to others only to me so i would look weird.i hate her so much,,because of her i cant make any friends in my class.she makes me wanna die :/ |
Question: Is it my fault that my friends are ignoring me? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:49 PM PDT Today in school my two of my friends suddenly ignored me and I had to beg them to tell me why and then after school they told me that I was rude and that I'm not a good friend. Although I understand why and I do think it was kind of my fault, I also think that they were being too harsh. The reason why they ignored me is earlier this year I used to hang out with them, but now I rarely even talk to them except when we are in the same class and after school. Well I don't talk to them much at lunch or break because I always hang around with another person and now we always hang out together. And it doesn't look like they are going to forgive me any time soon and tomorrow I'll be sitting between them for about a hour. To be honest here I think this is really a stupid reason but if it from my point of view I think I would be hurt too, but they have no idea what I'm going through at home, which I would not like to tell anyone and the only person who I talk to about this is the person who I hang around a lot these days and talking to this person also makes me feel much better, which is why I love hanging around her. But in the end these friends are quite close friends to me and not being able to talk to them makes me feel quite upset, do you think it was my fault and somehow make them forgive me and if it isn't, what shall I do because I still don't want to go to school with them ignoring me! |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:48 PM PDT Add me 39FTZH :) |
Question: [I'm new to tumblr excuse my bad explanation]? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:40 PM PDT Ok basically I searched my friends name on tumblr and i scrolled down and accidentally hearted this thing that says "[insert friends name] said" and then it has the person replying under to what they said, will my friend be able to see that I've hearted this thing by accident? also if I've changed my name will it come up as my new or old name in the notification |
Question: Does my best friend still want to be my friend...? Please help!!!? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:37 PM PDT Hello! So I'm in a situation where I don't know what to think or how to take care of it. My friend (we will call her J) has been distancing herself lately, or at least I think she is. We do share a lot of mutual friends, so I want to take care of this in a way that doesn't make me look like a jerk. At school during gym, I was the only person around who J actually knew, so she makes eye contact with me for a split second, and walks up to a random person (who she's even called annoying before) and begins talking to them, not even saying a simple hello to me. A lot of times, in the hallway, she hangs out with a few of my own friends. Every one of them is friendly and says hi to me, and talks like normal, while J just stays silent and stares at the ground. Even if I include her in the convo, she will seem irritated. Also, if I talk to her one on one, she'll try to end the convo as fast as possible, or if I'm proud of my own accomplishments, she'll try to one up me and make sure that I don't feel as special. Unfortunately, most people are blind to this and look at her as a saint who could do no wrong. J even wins citizenship awards from my school, which I would normally be proud of, but I don't think she deserves one. Should I be her friend? How should I tell her how I feel? |
Question: I miss my ex bestfriend? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:35 PM PDT My ex/ex best friend and I ended 2 years ago in a pretty nasty fight. We had been friends for 4 years and dated for 2, but after we broke up, he decided there was nothing to salvage in our friendship. I tried moving on with a rebound boyfriend, but that ended soon and I still haven't found someone I'm close enough to, to call a best friend. We do a lot of the same activities like show choir and marching band, so I see him a lot, but we've always been distant since we broke up. He seems to be doing okay in his life right now, and I thought I was too, but we exchanged a few words the other day and now all our old memories as friends keep popping up in my head. Even worse, I'm going away this summer to tour with a marching band and I feel like I'm going to miss him most. I legitimately haven't talked to him in two years before the other day and now everything is flooding back. What do I do? I even dream about him now. Everything is back to the way it was with us, almost like memories in the dreams. What can that possibly mean? What can I do to get him off my mind in order to enjoy my summer before Junior year starts? Please don't be rude in your answers. Thank you! |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:30 PM PDT Hi. I'm 15 and well I don't have a lot of friends but it's purely because I just can't stand how ignorant and stupid people my age are so I just isolate myself from almost everyone during school. Most of the time, I would prefer to be alone than to be with someone. I don't really go out a lot except for school and the gym and I honestly don't mind and I prefer it more than going out. I've just lost a lot of hope in people and I can't stand them. I get cyber bullied by people who used to be my friends a lot. They photoshop my face in stupid **** and make hate groups about me and I just ignore jt and maybe that's why I hate almost everyone? Well basically my question is is it ok or normal that I hate everyone and prefer to be alone at my age? |
Question: People don't want to be my friend anymore and its not my fault? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:29 PM PDT i said I'm too busy with college and they get so angry with me to make me cry and they get angry if I'm too shy and i didn't do anything wrong please no trolls |
Question: Nobody seems to like me in my class....i want someone to care about me in class? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:26 PM PDT so im in 2nd year in high school and im shy and i have no close friend in my class i dont know why .im friendly to everyone and i always help them and so long and i dont know why they are group of friend but and i wanted to join but they are really close to each other, sit together so there is no chance that i could join the group but now the new girl (Kate) came into our class.and we became friends adn we sat together, we went home together and so long and someting happened.i was ill a week and when i came back to school she was sitting with the other girl Lucy and i dont know why she dont talk to me anymore.she goes home with her etc. and im really sad about it because again i have no close friend in class.i had hope that iwill have some close friend in my class but i guess i was wrong..and everyone was asking me why i am not sitting with Kate anymore.i asked Kate whats wrong, i asked her if i did something to her.but she said no that everything is fine but she said that when i was ill Lucy was always calling her so she went anywhere with can u help me what am i suppossed to do to Kate be my friend with me again ?after what happend with kate i tried to join some group but they dont seem to accept someone new to their group.actually nobody in class seem to like me.i dont know why.nobody seems to understand my problem not even my mum.nobody even text me unless they need something from all alone in my class,it really depresses me :/ please help me |
Question: Why would an now ex best friend cut you off for no real reason? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:19 PM PDT I have an ex best friend who hates me for no reason in my opinion. I didn't like her on and off fakeness so I started to halfly ignore her, I was going through a really tough time in my life as well so I couldn't put up with her. One day she stopped saying hi and eventually our friendship faded. It was okay until she suddenly started giving me angry looks, left the room if I was there or stepped back and threw her hair in my face if I got to close. It's been two years and she still does this? I haven't reacted in any way but she still gives me angry looks and talk behind my back. I have lost some friends because of her, they took her side. Anyways why would someone be doing this instead of just moving on? And why in the first place did my best friend just leave because what I did wasn't considered being something a "true" friend would do. It really really gets to me when she keep doing this. I feel like an awful person, I've tried talking to her but she lied straight up in my face and never called me back when I offered her a deep talk. She doesn't want to but she wants to hate? |
Question: I have no friends please help.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:18 PM PDT As I told you from the title, Ihave no friends to hang with at my school and my neighbourhood. I used to have a best friend and a girlfriend but they dumped me. Now im lonely and too shy to make new friends. Do you have any tips to help me make friends or enjoy myself? (Sorry for my English) |
Question: What to do with a girl I don't know very well? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:17 PM PDT Today I'm going to hang out with a girl I don't know very well. She is inactive in our church, and I'm trying to reach out to her. I can't really relate to her in most ways. Anyways, she is coming over soon, and I would like some ideas of what we could do? We both don't have a car, and we'd be home alone, so other than walking to the park, we can't do anything outside the house. |
Question: I have a overweight female friend, but I badmouth other obese people? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:16 PM PDT Do other people do this? Has anyone ever poke fun of fat people, but would NEVER poke fun of an obese friend/relative? I dislike obesity, but I care about my obese female friend :P It's like having a close black friend, but acting racist towards other blacks. I cannot explain my behavior. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:10 PM PDT I'm going to a friend's and we used to be FWB and I really want that to happen again. Advice? |
Question: Does this sound like a bad/boring summer? Am i a loser? 10 pts? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:08 PM PDT (I'm a 16 year old girl) in the very beginning of summer, i will be going on a trip with a friend for 4 days. i will be spending one week with another friend (she will be staying with me for a week) and every day, we are going to a different place (one day at an amusement park, one day at the beach, etc.) i am going to 3 concerts (lana del rey, one direction, and 5sos) I am doing some horseback riding I will be volunteering at two different places, one working with kids and the other is right on the beach which will be nice but I'm doing them without friends i am going to try rowing for the first time i will be going to a sleep away field hockey camp for 4 days. Im kinda nervous because I'm not going with any friends... All of my other friends will be pretty busy going on vacation or doing sports so i probably won't see them a lot ill spend the rest of the summer at home relaxing (tv, reading, doing art, etc.) at the end of the summer, I'm going to orlando/ disney with cousins and family does that sound like a bad or good summer? I feel kinda loserish since i won't be partying n stuff...ya know? i also get really sad when I'm home alone because i feel like i should be out with friends and stuff and i feel like ill be spending a fair amount of time home alone. |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:07 PM PDT Ok so basically I started hanging around with my friends in 8th Grade?? I think. Well we were all pretty close when I first came into their 'group' and I'm still close with them but some people have just drifted in and out of our group now. Anyway, I grew especially close to this one gal in my group and she and I got on really well... UNTIL I got to actually know her and she's a total *****! She says things to me but I just laugh it off because half of the time I really can't be bothered with her. I've came to the conclusion by my self that she's treating me like ****. She probably doesn't think so but I do. She's SO dramatic about everything and It's SO annoying!! She's really weird sometimes as well. I'll sit down on the lunch tables when me and my friends have free periods and she'll not talk to me, she'll just stay quiet and I say "hey!" When I go over to sit down in the cafeteria she'll say nothing. But when someone else comes over and says hey she'll be like "oh hey!!" And It's been happening a lot, months, actually. She can say a lot of things to me but I'm scared to say things back to her because she'll just get angry with me and I'm sitting there thinking well don't give what you can't take!! Also if I go off with someone else she'd get so mad! I don't wanna be friends anymore but I don't have anyone else around my school who I like! Can someone just please give me advise on what to do with this *****! I'm SO sick of it. Help!! |
Question: Me and my friend had i fight and now shes acting like im invisable? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:01 PM PDT A week or two ago, I was felling really down. My friend noticed and asked me what was wrong. I didn't want to talk about it but she kept asking. Finally she just walked away and sat a couple seats away from me. Then SHE started crying. I was Already the verge of tears Tho, too. She knows this but keeps pressuring me and saying i dont trust her. Ever since that day she keeps telling me sge needs "space" We have the same friend group so were always around eachother. Even tho she says she needs space, she still talks about me behind my back and yells at me during lunch. A couple of days ago i asked her, "Look, do you want space, ignore me, or do you want to keep yelling at me whenever?" She said preferebly the last 2. Shes tells everyone around us that I keep bugging HER, but thats not the case. What three beech do I do about her?! She wants all or friends to be on her side, but even they are starting too hate her. She's acting crazy! Ican tell something at home its masking her in a crabby mood, but I have my problems to and she's trashing everything out on me. This all started with her trying to help me but its ending up to be her hurting me. Does she even care? Does she see what she's doing. She used to be my best friend and now she's not really. After all of this I kind of snapped at her too. and then she tike the guidence consular. What do I do about that mess! I'm trying too steady calm and get by, but she freaking knew I have a lot of stress on me! Is she a horrible friend |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 01:01 PM PDT |
Question: I have a problem at work? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:50 PM PDT I am a graphic designer, I am so quite most of the time, especially when I am designing something, the problem is that my co-workers (they are good) but they usually talk about stuff I don't care about, its not my type, but when they open up some topics that concern me I start to talk immediately, but yet I remain so calm, and today one of the co-worker he is an engineer 58 years old who is so annoying doesn't even stop talking for a second, said to me hey man say something we are dying here ! I was embarrassed, every day I am like please shut up you are making my mind hurt, the rest talk too much but still nothing compared to him, it seems I can't take it anymore, the environment and workplace there for a graphic designer sucks so much ! besides that salary is too low too :/ I do not know what to do I need some help please ? |
Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:41 PM PDT She is 15 years old and is depressed. I talk to her and try to help her, so as some other adults she knows. She just started seeing a school counselor, since her grandma found out about her cutting (She lives with her grandma). She feels like nobody cares about her, she's nothing, her bad past with her dad is hurting her inside, that life sucks, etc... She told me that the only reason she is still hanging on to her life is that she wants to see her niece grow up. She told me she tried hanging herself recently, but stopped after having a flash back of her uncle telling her that he wants to see her do well in life. It feels like nothing is helping her, even the helpful things people are telling her. She keeps saying that she just wants to give up on everything. she also told me that this past week, she's not eating much and not getting much sleep, because of all the thoughts going through her mind. The only person I told so far was my mom, all she said was to be there for her and try talking to her some more. It worries and pains me to see my BFF like this. we are really close and always hang out all the time together. I have other friends but we aren't as close and rarely hang out anymore. I don't want to loose her, without her I will have basically nothing and be all lonely. I'm afraid if I tell her grandma, she'll hate me and that it'll make her life worse. unfortunately we don't go to the same school anymore. What should I do? How can i prevent her from committing suicide? |
Question: How to stand up to bullies? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:41 PM PDT So on my previous questions I said about how I'm have a problem at school where people are ganging up on me, what could I say back when they shout stuff? I don't want to look like a wimp,so what could I say or do back |
Question: Am i in a good friend group.? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:40 PM PDT I'm now a junior in high school and my friends are complete jerks at all time basically they always punch me make fun of me and all this different stuff but at times they are amazing because they stand up for me at times i was wondering if this is a normal group thing and i'm just that one that they make fun of or is this something that i just need to leave and not talk to at all i'm half tempted to move schools and forget about them but i don't know if that's the right choice please help. |
Question: I like my best friend and she knows it? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:29 PM PDT So I asked my best friend awhile back to be my valentine and she said she didn't know what to say and that she didn't want to ruin our friendship and I understand that, I became distance with her after a couple days we went back to talking like normal but now she's been telling me she likes some guy and it bugs me every time she brings him up not only because I know she knows I like her but I become distance again. I hate doing that I love talking to her. Even though we've been friends for a long time I still want to know more about her. I want to give us a chance. It's a bit embarrassing to say nether of us have been in a relationship before we've both tried too but both of us have been heartbroken.I just want to tell her everything I'm thinking but I'm afraid of the outcome. I don't know what to do with the idea that she and this guy she's crushing on might get together. I'm literally here to give her the love I know I can give her. I just really need some guidance on what to do now. |
Question: Help, I'm gonna have to be around one of my friends who I'm not getting along with well? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:21 PM PDT He doesn't care much about me anymore and makes me feel like crap when he ignores me for his other friends, I've been trying to just forget about him and stuff, but now apparently he's in a class I'm taking right now and I'm gonna have to see him in person I guess on 2 different days, the rest of the time is all online stuff but there's discussion things and it's gonna be weird, I feel like he judges me and stuff, I have other friends in the class but it's still gonna be weird probably What do I do...? |
Question: My Boyfriend and Brother hate each other? Posted: 08 Jun 2015 12:16 PM PDT My Brother stopped speaking to his 'best friend' because we started dating and he hated that...we've been together for a year now (he's 19 and i'm 17) and as my parents were away for the weekend he decided to come and visit, long story short one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex completely unaware that anyone was in the house (especially as my brother said that he was out with his friends) my brother walked in on us and got pretty angry telling him to 'get the **** off his sister' boyfriend left and we haven't said anything to each other parents are coming back tomorrow do you think that he'll tell them...i don't understand why he got so angry, he knew that we were dating? Help |
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