Family: Question: Why is my mother like this? |
- Question: Why is my mother like this?
- Question: Why do i feel like this?
- Question: My parents got a foreign exchange student?
- Question: How to become a stripper while still living with your religious parents?
- Question: I'm grounded for the whole summer. How should I pass the time?
- Question: How to stop my mom from being always angry?
- Question: I don't understand! My parents won't let me spend a night at my cousins house?
- Question: My dad recently passed away. My mom is always depressed and upset. How can I help her?
- Question: Why does my brother get away with everything ?
- Question: Stepdad problems and school?
- Question: My dad doesnt want me to get a job?
- Question: How much is it to send a dead body 75mls away?
- Question: Is it a good or bad idea to let my daughter visit her mom in jail?
- Question: I hate my younger brother. How do I deal with his crap?
- Question: Why do my parents see me as lazy and my sister as hardworking when it's the other way around?
- Question: Mr. Harvey and staff. I'm the father of DJ Mars aka Marshall Thomas. My name is Frank Thomas. We have seen each other since he was 5 years.?
- Question: Dealing with a bitter jealous aunt. How to go about this?
- Question: Struggling with my 25 year old advice please?
- Question: Help? Feeling guilty about moving out?
- Question: What should I do about my sister and her strong legs?
- Question: I don't think I love my parents?
- Question: Is my mom taking advantage of me?
- Question: Best time to go to Honkong Disneyland?
- Question: Is my family normal?
- Question: Taking care of my sick grandmother?
- Question: I'm jealous of my rich family?
- Question: How old do I need to be to move from one divorced parent to the other.?
- Question: My family was passing comments and judgments when they thought that i was sleeping?
- Question: My family was passing comments and judgments when they thought that i was sleeping?
- Question: I am very sexually attracted to my first cousin am I mentally/morally wrong?
- Question: Is my roommate using my boyfriend and i?
- Question: I really don't like my mom?
- Question: Viaitation schedule on Halloween?
- Question: My dad talks to himself for 10 years when my mom had a husband he tried to break them up he jump from job to job claims my mom made him lose his good job that happened four years ago and still cant find a good job?
- Question: Why do I hate my mom n why does she hate me?
- Question: I can hear my parents having sex all the time. IT'S SICK!!! How can I make sure I don't have to hear it?
- Question: At what age can brother and sister share room until?
- Question: I want a job but my parents won't let me have one.?
- Question: He ruined my bday party?
- Question: Is it right that my daughters step-mam is teaching her to be mean?
- Question: Mom thinks I'm stuck up?!?
- Question: Why doesn't my mom believe in me?
- Question: Why does my mom support my brother (who is a criminal) but constantly put me down?
- Question: My mother wants me at home, my boyfriend wants to see more of me and start a future, and I can't keep both happy.?
- Question: My sister wants me to admit she is stronger than me?
- Question: Family relationship problem.?
- Question: I feel like I'm being mean? Or maybe over exaggerating?
- Question: Needed advice on how to deal with my daughter's teenage relationship PLEASE!!!!?
- Question: How do I deal with the fact that my in-laws outnumber me and I feel threatened?
- Question: I love my mom but she can get so annoying?
- Question: Do I have a right to get mad?
- Question: I want to confront my mom...should I?
- Question: What is the right time to sex with wife?
- Question: Why don't I like my family?
- Question: Is my mum cheating on my dad?
- Question: Is My Father Cheating?
- Question: How to be more independent at 18 without my mom?
- Question: My husband and I love each other very much but we both want to live in different places..,?
- Question: Be there for my brothers graduation or get kicked out of home?
Question: Why is my mother like this? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:07 PM PDT Okay so, my mother has been acting really mean lately. This started some months ago and is only getting worst. She acts normal around my grandmother but around anyone else she is b*tchy. She is loud and obnoxious and also makes rude comments on everything. She acts fake nice, even though she is bitter behind it. I don t know if this has to do what with she s going through. My step father is in prison and acts her for money every time he gets on the phone with her and he s very rude to her, she s the only one working, my grandmother lost her job. She always makes comments like looks are the most important thing in the world. She even told my brother to date someone inside of his race and that other girls are b*tchy who are not his race. What s going on with her? Ask* her for money. |
Question: Why do i feel like this? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:02 PM PDT My dad is always yelling at my mom and my sisters and they are getting a divorce. Everytime he yells at them or my mom i want to protect them and at least do something but he yells so loud and it scares me. I want to be able to defend my family. Why do i feel like i have to protect my mom and sisters (im a girl but i want to be a boy) |
Question: My parents got a foreign exchange student? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:02 PM PDT She's from China and speaks subpar English but I seriously think she's cute! She's going to be staying with us for a few weeks. It's been a week already and I don't want her to leave. I want to marry her and seriously want to have sex with her. Should I tell my parents how I feel? |
Question: How to become a stripper while still living with your religious parents? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:56 PM PDT ok I'm 20 (turning 21 next month) & I just recently got fired from my sh!tty retail job & want to try something new like stripping I've been told I had the body for it & can dance but there's one problem I still live with my parents & my dad is a pastor & are extremely religious & strict even tho I have my own car they always wanna know where I'm going when I leave & all the strip clubs are 40 mins away how can I be a successful stripper without my parents knowing ? I even tried being a hooters girl but they didn't let me Lol I need the money so I can move out ASAP |
Question: I'm grounded for the whole summer. How should I pass the time? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:56 PM PDT I've got two long months ahead of me because I am grounded for the entire summer. I'm not allowed to see my friends but I can still text them. I can't leave the house unless it's a family thing and no one can come here. I know I can help out by cleaning and doing laundry but eventually I'll run out of things to clean. I'm going to try to go the library so that I can pass the time reading. Does anyone have other ideas of what I could do? In case anyone is wondering I got a B on my report card and anything other than A's is unacceptable, that's why I'm grounded. |
Question: How to stop my mom from being always angry? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:26 PM PDT My mom has always been an extremely angry person, IDK WHY. Me and my sisters are overall good kids, go to school, dont do drugs, etc. My dad makes alot of money and were comfortable. Yet my mom just loves yelling ay anything. Ill just be in my room, she will walk in and find anything, like a shirt not folded properly, then just explodes "WHY IS THIS NOT FOLDED THE WAY I SHOWED YOU?!?!? I HATE MY LIFE I WISH U WERE NEVER BORN!!!" yells for like 2 hours about everything, then gets calm, apologizes, then will find something else to explode about. Even if i leave the house, like il be at the gym and she would still call me and yell on the phone. Its literally driving me insane. Im like the most relaxed person, meditate and am at peace, yet i see my mom and it just messes me up. My dad use to try to calm her down, but now just gives up and lets her vent for hours. What can i do? |
Question: I don't understand! My parents won't let me spend a night at my cousins house? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:19 PM PDT Okay so im 14 years old and im boy, my cousin is 21 years old and he is also a boy. My cousin always wants to hang out with me and i want to hang out with him too, we usually do stuff like play games, football, basketball and wrestle and sometimes we go to the lake with our other cousins. but when i ask my parents they always come up with a lame excuse like "he's too old for you to be hanging out with him" i dont understand they know that hes not the type of person that go does drugs or drinks alcohol… why won't they let me spend a night at his house ): |
Question: My dad recently passed away. My mom is always depressed and upset. How can I help her? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:19 PM PDT My dad recently passed away. It's effected all of us, but it's especially effected my mom. She married him when she was 19. They were married for 62 years. She's put pictures of him throughout her whole house. She constantly looks at stuff she's saved from him that he's given her over the years. I think she thinks about him all the time and feels bad. She's 81 years old and lives completely alone. All of her kids (4 of us) have offered to have her move in with us. She won't do it because she doesn't want to leave the home she and my dad lived in together. My dad's passing has been hard on all of us, but it's been especially hard on mom. She really has almost no where else to go or anything else to do. What can I do to make things better for her? Is there anything i can do to convince her to move out of her house? |
Question: Why does my brother get away with everything ? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:15 PM PDT My brother gets away with a lot of things. For an example he yells at me for nothing and he yells and cusses at my mom. She doesn't do anything about it she just let's him treat me and her like crap. There is still a lot more he get's away with but I don't want to type a whole story. So why does my brother get away with everything? |
Question: Stepdad problems and school? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:07 PM PDT I'm a teenage girl, my mom and stepdad are 6 years apart, mom is older, my step dad is very immature and very annoying. I'm 14, and he makes me do everything! I don't mean like my chore, I mean take care of HIS kids, (my half siblings) so I'm basically the 2nd mom when my mom has to go somewhere. But the moment I do something he doesn't like, I'm immediately the kid again. Example, Me: Can you help make the babies something to eat? Him: You're not about to tell me what to do. Then I get fed up even more because he's playing video games, just mashing the buttons. If I try to do my school work with no babies, he closes his bedroom door and drops the 2 babies in front of my door boogery nosed and crying. I try to tell my mom about it but when she approaches him, he's so stubborn and he doesn't take criticism well. Also when I first met him, he made a list of things for me to work on the he didn't like a few were, no back talking, no big temper tantrums, etc. And guess what? I worked on them, ALL. Now I do none, I've asked him to stop butting into conversations when I'm talking to my mom or siblings and to help out with the kids more, but he claims he is the income of the household and he can do whatever he wants. Not so long ago I became depressed over his constant picking on me and never helping and I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere in life, so I went to my closet, grabbed a belt and hung myself, I was running out of air when he found me, he untied the rope, & my mom said.. Honey what was she doing and to that my dad replied, "being stupid." He said me trying to KILL myself was "stupid." He never tried to kill himself because he grew up with a big house and lots of money. I was venting to my mom and my older brother was in the room and he said I was a piece of ****. They say I should be more thankful. No one sees his constant picking on me! Now about school, I want to try homeschooling again and my mom really wants me to also but she really doesn't appreciate me... She wants my help with the kids and sometimes, she doesn't realize I'm all she's got. My older brother is 15 and is going to drop out of school as soon as possible and move out, he'll be 16 this year. My younger brother is 11 and has a hearing disability and is struggling in school, (He's going to a private school next year) and then my 2 toddler siblings. That leaves me, her teenage daughter, I'm a good kid! I could be out doing drugs and having sex but I'm not. I'm obedient, etc. P.S. I love my 2 toddler siblings a boy and a girl so much and I do EVERYTHING. So I guess what I'm basically asking is how do I get their respect? I'm trustworthy and responsible but if I do one thing tiny like don't realize the baby is crying, I'm immediately irresponsible and untrustworthy. I try so hard but nothing I do seems to please them. My brother called me a piece of **** because he says I should be more appreciative bc my real dad is worse bc he never stuck around. |
Question: My dad doesnt want me to get a job? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:06 PM PDT I've been thinking about getting job and Ive picked up some applications and submitted them. I had an interview at a local grocery store. Ive already been in to do a drug test. So I basically got the job. Long story short, I'm 16, my parents are divorced and in the summer I go with my dad every other week and its rather boring- he works m-f and Im just there with my step mom. I want to get a job this summer so I wont be so bored and at least have something to do rather than be sitting at home all day. I told my dad about it and he said NO. Because he wanted me to be there when I came to visit. So basically he doesnt want to forefit his visit because of me having a job. And thats why "he pays my mother child support" so I dont have to work. But that is not the point of working. The point of it is to not be bored, be making extra money that I could spend on whatever and save. What do you think? Or what would yu do? |
Question: How much is it to send a dead body 75mls away? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:59 AM PDT My dad wants to be buried with his parents in his home town 75mls away |
Question: Is it a good or bad idea to let my daughter visit her mom in jail? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:46 AM PDT my wife will soon be entering county jail for seven months for a money crime. . I am willing to stick by her and not leave her because I feel She made some stupid mistakes but it was out of character so I think she just got herself into a bad situation and make some poor decisions. And I am not defending her or saying she should not serve her punishment. I told my kids she is rightfully serving her punishment which is the right thing for her mistakes. I am wondering what is the best way to prepare for this situation and how to handle it. I have two daughters one who is 19 and another who is 14. and they seem to be handling it fine. I told them right away about it and they reacted pretty calmly. One later joked about how her mother is "getting ordered around now". I think it is just a joke and I think it is better to be that way instead of being hysterical about it . I was originally not going to let her visit her mom in jail because I would think exposing her to that environment is not a good idea but I am actually hearing that it is a good idea to let her visit but why? isn't it a bad idea to let them ybe exposed to a jail. They could easily be intimidated by the guards and inmates and just the area. My wife says bring them if she wants to visit but don't if she doesn't. They both say she doesn't have a problem visiting but I am not sure. . I am not sure what the benefit in visiting is over phone calls |
Question: I hate my younger brother. How do I deal with his crap? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:44 AM PDT He bothers me everyday and it is getting worse and worse. I am ready to seriously hurt and/or kill him with my bear hands. What do I do? My mom also sides with him every time. I am 14 and he is 11 by the way. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:43 AM PDT My parents always complain that I do nothing around the house and that my older sister does everything. They fuss at me and say that not everything should fall on her back. For example, today I vacuumed 6 rooms, bathed my dog, cleaned my room, and did three loads of laundry. My sister bathed two dogs and cooked lunch. I stopped for fifteen minutes after I vacuumed to sit down because I was having extreme menstrual pains and back ache. My parents came in and saw my sister bathing the dogs and yelled at me saying I was lazy and do nothing to help. So I did the rest of my chores. While I was doing this my sister was watching tv, reading, and texting her boyfriend. When I was done, I sat down and watched tv while my sister started cooking lunch. My parents saw her doing something but not me so they again fussed at me and complained that I never do anything and my sister isn't my maid. This kind of thing happens all the time and I don't know what to do. I told them everything that I had done today and they said it was fine I could take a break. After lunch I put all the food away, but I didn't clean the entire kitchen because my sister had made the mess and I was tired. My parents then yelled at me that my sister puts too much on herself and that she works too hard to be my personal maid and that I should've cleaned up behind her. No matter what I do it's not good enough. Whenever I try to explain or defend myself my parents say that I'm sassing back. What am I supposed to do? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:19 AM PDT old. I know that Ive made many mistakes in my life. However I am still his father. I understand his feelings because my father left me at 3 years old. There are many circumstances that I would like to express to DJMARS404 who is my Son. Can you help me PLEASE. Hes been on your show. Hopefully you can get he and I together. Ive seen you work/perform miracles on your show. GOD referred me to you. |
Question: Dealing with a bitter jealous aunt. How to go about this? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:02 AM PDT So I have a confession. My aunt has always been bitter and jealous towards me. She also treats her brothers the same way. Not once has she ever told them she is proud of them or shown support in what they do. They both own companies. She never talks to them, but if she wants to go swimming at their house she takes full advantage of using their pool. That's just how she is. She has never given me a compliment either or shown support or interest in what I do, but has no shame in asking me for favors. Can someone explain to me why she is the way she is? |
Question: Struggling with my 25 year old advice please? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:28 AM PDT I'm having a huge problem here and considering asking my son to move out. I haven't thus far because I don't know where he would go, but his behavior is not improving. He wouldn't ever go back to school and went out partying every night. He still does this and he smokes marijuanas also. He won't get a job and if he isn't at a party, he stays home drinking, smoking, and eating the house up. He's started to gain some weight. He tried to say "well my little brother does it" as an excuse. And his little brother doesn't smoke cannabis to my knowledge. He does party but at least he considers the consequences of his actions enough to call for a ride. The 25 year old will try to drive himself home and nothing bad has happened but he has had a few accidents and been in trouble with the police. And don't think I don't get onto the younger one to. It may not stop him but I try. The thing he is 19. That behavior is to be expected but at least he works a job and goes to college. Far more responsible than his older brother has ever been. I'm sick and tired of this because I feel this behavior is absolutely unacceptable for a 25 year old grown man. By now, he should be graduated or on the verge of it and starting to look into getting his own place and starting his own life. I need advice from some more experienced parents. I can put on a show but deep down it hurts and it makes me want to cry. |
Question: Help? Feeling guilty about moving out? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:22 AM PDT I m going to be moving out of my mom s house next month to live with my fiancé in our new home. I m excited, but at the same time I feel massively guilty. I am 24 and I know that this is something most people have done at an earlier age. I am afraid it will seem like I am abandoning my family. Is this a normal way to feel? Can anyone tell me something to make me feel better? Thank you! |
Question: What should I do about my sister and her strong legs? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:17 AM PDT She's 18 and I'm 19 and we're both home from college. She's always wrapping her strong legs around my neck and chest and trapping me until I agree to kiss her feet and then she laughs. I can never stop her because her legs are too strong. And no I'm not telling my parents, that is way too embarrassing. So what should I do? |
Question: I don't think I love my parents? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:06 AM PDT I think I feel kind of indifferent about my mom. She doesn't abuse me or swear at me. But the things she does hurts. She insults me too much and screams at me. She frequently complains about things, and yells at me for not being happy. Then she just switches emotions to being happy and trying to hug me. I try to tell her what is wrong, but she doesn't care... at all. I even told my dad about contemplating suicide. He said 'okay'. I wanted to one day, when I began to walk for hours in a terrible snowstorm, almost passing out. My hair was frozen with ice and my legs were completely numb. But a lady cared enough to pull over and talk to me. No one else cared. My parents have already planned the life they want me to live, and are stuck with the same opinion of me they've always had. They can't see that I'm not the person they think I am. It feels like I'm imagining these people, like I'm having nightmares and waking up, knowing that it wasn't real when they treat me badly and then act like nothing happened. They've never believed in me, either. They put me down on all my ideas and dreams and then later tell me that they have faith I will do something that they see is a great thing. I just want to run away everyone. I don't miss them when I'm/they're gone for long periods of time. I care about them, but only from a distance. Is this wrong? Also, do I have to call them when I'm away? No, I'm not American. But I am living in the USA. |
Question: Is my mom taking advantage of me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:04 AM PDT I have tried talking to her about this before. In my family I am the oldest who lives at my house. I do have an oldest sister so technically I am the middle child. Over the last few years especially I have noticed certain things that really bother me. If she needs me to watch my younger sisters she will say things like I need you home so you can watch them for me. I work part time and am going to school while saving up for an appart meet of my own. I am 20 years old and I believe I am a responsible adult. They never pay me to watch the girls even though the girls are 12 and 14. If my dog wants to go for a walk my mom always asks my dog before asking me and my mom never offers to take her for me. Just recently I explained to her that I need to do class work because it's online. She told me I have all day to do it tomorrow and that she needed help with something. It bothers me that she does this I have tried talking about it before and she gets defensive about it. I would never treat her the way she does to me if I go out I always check in with them and make sure I get home before curfew What do I do? |
Question: Best time to go to Honkong Disneyland? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:52 AM PDT My family and I are planning to take a vacation to Honkong, and while we are there, we also wanted to go to Honkong Disneyland as well. Has anybody been in Honkong Disneyland? When? And was it too crowdy or full of people. I wanted to take pictures around the park but I just lose my self confidence whenever there are lots of people around me. :*( I just can t help but feel embarrassed whenever I take a selfie of myself when there are people around me. What if they are secretly talking about my smile xD lol but yeah I m sure I m not the only one right?? Or am I.... :****( My family was thinking of going there at July 23rd 2015... do u think its crowdy or not.. I was thinking of going there when students (or kids) living in Honkong start school. Obviously it wouldn t be too crowdy when school starts in Honkong. It would also help if anyone living in Honkong tell me when school actually starts. |
Question: Is my family normal? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:46 AM PDT my family isn't the worst but it is most definitely not the best, my two younger siblings both have ADD and and anger issues which they both take medication for and i think it honestly does nothing, my dad is an alcoholic and narcissist, and my mom has anxiety and smokes. I often feel like the only one closest to normal in my family. I always try to stay really positive and not let short term problems affect me but i'm constantly reminded i have to live with them for another 4 years until i can legally move out. theres only been physical abuse in the household a couple times but its mostly the constant emotional and verbal abuse from my parents that i hate. my mom is constantly stressed mostly due to her two incredibly disobedient kids and husband she so regrets marrying. i distract myself with other actives often but theres so much arguing and negativity here its hard to completely ignore. how can i make these 4 years go by faster and is this normal? |
Question: Taking care of my sick grandmother? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:45 AM PDT My grandma is sick with Parkinson's. Long story short she lives with my uncle who doesn't take care of her, they live states away in GA, I live in AZ. They won't let me bring her to live with me. I know I could give her the proper care. Eating right, exercise, companionship. She complains when I call that they don't give her enough water to drink and she hasn't had a bath for 2 weeks. She is a fall risk and can't take them on her own. My mother is selfish and wouldnt bring her to me because my uncle and her would fight. And my uncle keeps taking her money. I have felt for a year and a half that this is my duty and I am not sure what to do to get around him to get her to me? Also if I can get her here what unexpected things could come up with taking care of her? Thank you for the help |
Question: I'm jealous of my rich family? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:42 AM PDT Money never really affected me until I saw how easy my cousins life is because my one side of the family is so rich. They have expensive cars, live in a really nice house, can go on vacation whenever they want, and their university tuitions are all payed for. They don't have to pay for anything!! And they're so ungrateful about it, they had to be asked to thank the family member to pay for their school! If it were me I'd be crying of happiness and I wouldn't be able to stop saying thank you. Me on the other hand, my family is really poor and has always struggled to make ends meet. I've had to work hard for everything I've had, my car, rent, food, and I've been working ever since I was 15 to make money for myself and to buy clothes, because my family couldn't afford it. I'm starting university and have to go on student loans, and I live in a really shitty place in a bad neighbourhood. It's just really starting to affect me, because we're in the same family, but had different cards handed to us. People say I will be a better person because of all of this, but I still feel quite jealous. Can anyone give me tips to stop feeling like this? I know I'm in a better situation than a lot of people in the world, but I can't stop thinking of this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!! |
Question: How old do I need to be to move from one divorced parent to the other.? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:35 AM PDT i want to move from my moms to my dads. |
Question: My family was passing comments and judgments when they thought that i was sleeping? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:26 AM PDT I am a 14 yr old boy and I am an introvert and really shy and socially awkward. I have a sister and a cousin brother who love to go out while I like to sit at home. I have 4 close friends who I talk to and usually hang out with. While I was just laying their on the couch my parents and uncle thought that i was sleeping, I overheard my uncle saying to my mum and dad , I quote "This guy will be a loser when he'll grow up" ... I started furiously shivering on the couch, i controlled my emotions and after 15 mins ..acted as if i have just woken up and went to my room ...and i started crying like a never thought that my uncle thought of me that way,...... my parents who i hate(because the keep telling me to change) were actually defending me and started saying that I have a whole life ahead of me...i am so confused right now...Is it normal for a 14 yr old buy to be an introvert? whole year is ruined I enjoy being alone, I love it...I never thought that I will be called a loser for it |
Question: My family was passing comments and judgments when they thought that i was sleeping? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:26 AM PDT I am a 14 yr old boy and I am an introvert and really shy and socially awkward. I have a sister and a cousin brother who love to go out while I like to sit at home. I have 4 close friends who I talk to and usually hang out with. While I was just laying their on the couch my parents and uncle thought that i was sleeping, I overheard my uncle saying to my mum and dad , I quote "This guy will be a loser when he'll grow up" ... I started furiously shivering on the couch, i controlled my emotions and after 15 mins ..acted as if i have just woken up and went to my room ...and i started crying like a never thought that my uncle thought of me that way,...... my parents who i hate(because the keep telling me to change) were actually defending me and started saying that I have a whole life ahead of me...i am so confused right now...Is it normal for a 14 yr old buy to be an introvert? whole year is ruined |
Question: I am very sexually attracted to my first cousin am I mentally/morally wrong? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:25 AM PDT |
Question: Is my roommate using my boyfriend and i? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:17 AM PDT Ok we moved in her rental house in oct 2014 , she was unemployed on unemployment she was able to help w bills a lil but mainly rent only. She didn't get a job till her unemployment cash flow stopped. Before us moving in we had verbal agreement that all bills will be 50/50. She got her first job it was ok she paid maybe 200/300 of rent only. She lost that job in a month. Then she now has this job she only works 2/3 days a week only makes $5.50 an hr when she first started she gave me rent only. So since we have been here my bf and i have been paying litterly all bills from rent electric and water. My bf lost his job. I also was being the maid basically but the mess she makes and leaves each day was like cleaning up after a 3 yr old which i have so i stopped washing her dishes. She went to my bf asking him y i wasnt washing her dishes y i hide the strawberry jelly tgat cost ya $3 remind u we buy everything from food, toilet paper, laundry soap and pay all bills w the lil amount of rent she contributes i don't feel its fair we buy everything in the household. She stays in her room all day. She sold her car so she would have rent money to me she is using us she takes toilet paper out of my bathroom even if its the last roll and isn't considerate to say anything to me she eats everything doesn't replace or try to what should i do cuz she wont talk to me now cuz im not going above n beyond for her anymore |
Question: I really don't like my mom? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:07 AM PDT She's horrible to me she puts everyone else before me, she wouldn't even care if I was dying. I hate her what should I do please don't say talk to her because when I try she screams at my calls me a ***** says I'm lying, I have an infection and it keeps bleeding she won't bring me to the hospital she called me a hypercondriact, I just made dinner and she didn't care she went to get my nephew and I got in the shower she screamed at me because she didn't bring a key and got locked out but I got out of the shower to let her in. I think there is something wrong with her I'm really sad |
Question: Viaitation schedule on Halloween? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:19 AM PDT My husband recently recieved full physical and legal custody of his 3 year old son. Halloween is no specified in the parenting plan, and I am assuming that is because his ex lives an hour and a half away, and children often have school the day after Halloween. Does that mean my husband and I always get him on Halloween? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:16 AM PDT |
Question: Why do I hate my mom n why does she hate me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:10 AM PDT I really do hate her I'm 15 almost 16 she always yells at me when I do anything For example I ask to get a 10 aero shirt she says no we don't have the money but when my sister ask to get 120 dollar dress with 50 dollar shoes right after I asked n she says and she never wore the dress Then she yells at me cuz my sis left the dished that she used to cook in the sink I got yelled at for not washing them but I just got home from football and that's not even my chore she favors my sis so much I ask if the milk smells sour cuz it did to me and it said 5 28 15 she no I don't have time for u so stop arguing I did respond I'm noy arguing u are and she said don't **** with me I'm stuck doing your work even tho she was watching TV not doing anything while I vaccumed cleaned the bathroom She yells at me for the dumb stuff I don't do So what do I do I honestly thought bout running away cuz my dad won't do anything and I hate the rest of my family but just football and my friends that's thr only thing that makes me wanna stay And my mom yells at me for asking for money I usually spend bout 10 months she spends bout 50 a day on cigarettes and gum and fountain drinks Wht do I do |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:08 AM PDT I have a room that's right next to my parents' room. Whenever they do it at night I can hear them. I can hear them doing it. I can hear my mom/dad moaning and my mom squeals/giggles a lot. They talk really dirty to each other, especially my mom to my dad. It really scares a kid when she hears her mom say 'I love how hard you get when I stroke you' among other things. It's SO GROSS and SICK!!! I know my parents did it to have me and it's great they're still attracted to each other, but no kid wants to hear their parents being dirty and hearing all the sex that goes with it. When I see them in the morning it's SO WEIRD!!!!! I don't want to move rooms because the only way I won't have to share a room with my sister is if I'm in the only vacant room in the house (right next to them). I don't want to tell them because that would be awkward. How can I stop hearing them have sex? How can I be as ignorant of their sex life as possible? I'm a 13 year old girl BTW |
Question: At what age can brother and sister share room until? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:07 AM PDT my son will be 8 in august and my daughter will be 3 in august |
Question: I want a job but my parents won't let me have one.? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:38 AM PDT I'm 17 about to be 18 years old and I've begged my parents if I can have a job. The only reason I can come up with is because they won't have their own babysitter to watch my younger siblings. My sister was 16 when they forced her to get a job and I have begged them and brought up the fact about my sister many times. They are making me pay for my own phone which is $51 dollars a month and the only thing I can do is now this lady's yard for $45 dollars every two weeks. Also when I bring that up they say well see we want some things done around the house. I don't want to work around the house I want to get the hell out. I don't like to stay home, and I'm going to need the experience of a real job in order to be qualified for other jobs. I have tried everything with them from writing a paper(which they said I don't care what studies have showed that's not you that's other kids) to boycotting an I know to not try that again. But I don't think it's fair that they won't let me get a job because they will lose their babysitter an I don't get paid for. They say the food, clothes, electricity, ect. Is my payment. I'm also missing out on getting to go places with my friends like it drives me crazy. |
Question: He ruined my bday party? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:28 AM PDT I've been really good friends with this guy for almost 15 years. He knows me well. He knows I don't like crowds and I'm a pretty low key person. He offered to throw me a bday party at his house. I agreed to let him plan it trusting that he knew me well enough to know what I'd like. He then turned it into a joint bday party with someone else without asking me first. Then he invited 50 people that I don't even know. I was hoping it would only be my close friends there. He did this without asking if it was what I wanted. I was very uncomfortable and told him that I didn't like the party and that it wasn't what I had in mind for my bday but I hope he got out of it what he wanted because he's trying to become a party promoter and I feel like he used my bday as an excuse to promote his business. When I told him this he said f you, told me he didn't want to be my friend anymore, called me an ungrateful a=hole and that I should lose his number. Really, how can someone say they are throwing me a party and invite a bunch of people that I don't know, knowing that I would be uncomfortable with it. Then cursed me out and dumped me as a friend because I said something about it? Did I do something wrong here? |
Question: MY SISTER IS A THEIF! HELP!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:25 AM PDT Ok, so I'm 15, (male) and my sister is 18 (and knows everything), and she is bunking in with her friend and barely is home anymore. But now she's being a sneaky little bit*h. She comes home only when everyone is at work /school and steals things such as my mothers medicated foundation, My phone charger AND my girlfriend's charger, and my amp for my electric guitar. This has just now started to get this big. And I can't just lock my door because my door can be just easily pushed open without turning the knob at all. I've tryied to confront her but she always says that she dosent know what im talking about. And I cant take anything of hers because the only thing she still has at the house is just clothes. Please help! I need mine and my girlfriend's stuff back. |
Question: Is it right that my daughters step-mam is teaching her to be mean? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:02 AM PDT So the other day my daughter started asking about wedgies and stuff like that and I was reluctant to explain so when she went to her fathers I guess she asked the same question because when she came back she knew all about wedgies and different types and even gave me a few. When I asked her how she knew all this she said that Louise (her dad's wife) had taught her and said that she should give them to whimps and nerds etc and shouldn't stop till they cry. I don't like my daughter doing this but I don't want to say anything as I do quite like the relationship she has with her step mother (after all she could be a lot meaner to her) what should I do? |
Question: Mom thinks I'm stuck up?!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:59 AM PDT I'm from a not so good area (the hood). my mom was a teen mom & struggled. I never acted ghetto and I always strived to be better regardless of where I'm from. I had a normal HS life and went to college. My mom is my biggest hater! She always makes fun of me by saying how she really feels in a joking manner but she's really serious. Things got heated one morning because she made fun of me for being fancy because I put cream cheese on my bagel and I'm fed up with her talking so much $h!t so I snapped and like every argument she said that I think I'm too good for them because: I went to college, traveled and I have beats headphones, a laptop and an iPhone6. She Really said that! I wish I was exaggerating! She went on to say how I made her life hard because I wanted so much. This is BULL. I never asked her for anything except to sign my FaFsa! I've been earning money since I was 13 and my grandma gave me money at times. I'm far from fancy I just find good deal$ or get a lot of gifts (the beats for example) I still help pay bills! Still take care of my siblings! Still cooking dinner/lunch! Still cleaning HER house! I don't even live there! I'm just sick of her! I hate how she says I'm stuck up I'm the only child that takes care of her! I'm 22! I can't even live my life because my mom is just spoiled! Honestly I'm really thinking about just cutting her out of my life. She depresses me. Sorry for typing so much but I'm mad and I really can't deal with this anymore 😢 |
Question: Why doesn't my mom believe in me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:57 AM PDT All she does is complain to me on what i can & can't do. She says once high school is over I wont get far in life & I'll still be at home & be working at my dads store. That I don't kmow how good I got it. My dad believes in me & says, "I know you can do it". When I ask why she isn't supportive of me, he says, "Cause she's worried you'll succeed & we'll never see you". My mom lost me at an early age. Shes done this ever since I was little. I lost confidence in myself a lot & I hated her for it. I told her I wanted to live in Florida & get out of state, she laughed at me & said, "Yeah right"! I tried to tell her how I feel, but than she snaps & says, "I've been supportive of you! How dare you say I haven't"! & give all these examples. So why is she just plain mean to me? What did I do? |
Question: Why does my mom support my brother (who is a criminal) but constantly put me down? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:53 AM PDT My brother is 29 and never held a decent job in his life. He has a DUI, multiple charges for small crimes, and has recently spent a year in jail for stealing from customers at a pizza place he worked. He has been on drugs for most of his adult life. As for me, I was always a B average student. I went to school for graphic design and had a design job for 3 years, however, I did not get paid enough to cover my bills so I found a new job outside of my field of study. In order to succeed a little further, I took online classes in hopes of getting a job in a medical facility. I have no drug history, no police record, and never ask for help with anything. My mom is retired and spends her days driving my brother to fishing spots, taking him to movies, out to eat, anything to keep him happy. She gives him money so he won't resort to stealing again. She goes on and on about what a good fisherman he is and that he has a such a good heart. However, when I told her I was taking online classes in hopes of bettering myself, she put me down more than support me. Her response was "You're throwing your design schooling out the window. That was such a waste. You should have never gone to school for that." She was the one who suggested I go to school for graphic design, both of us completely unaware that the job market for that field is horrible. She also says not to get too attached to my bf cause he might dump me, and also makes comments on my weight. Why does she glorify him but put me down? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:46 AM PDT My mother, passed retirement age but works, not disabled, can't get up/down stairs by herself (bathroom is upstairs). I can't be out late (10 latest), no chance of me going away overnight. She's always been very overprotective. She's nice, fun, witty, caring. We travel to/from work together, work very long hours. On evenings & weekends she expects me to help with groceries, housework. We live together - my father is long off the scene, no contact. She frequently says she doesn't have time for a social life. Last year, I met a guy. We've met up an evening a week, and rarely 2 hours on a weekend, the longest I can be out. I've not had a relationship before. Now he's getting fed-up I can't be out later or spend weekends together. He wants to consider us having a future together with a homelife of our own. I'd given up on expecting a family of my own. My mother always made it clear she doesn't want grandchildren. I always agreed with this, but now find I'm changing my mind. He has even suggested that we all go away together, but on the terms that we share a room with each other, my mother separate. My mother would be a little surprised at this (understatement) and I have no idea how to broach it with her. I also have no idea how to get home one evening and say, hey, about the fact that I'm 30 and would like at some point to have a family of my own, but I don't expect you to move out of this house, and I can't leave you alone at night, so yeah, how about that. Any ideas? PS: She has vertigo and would never consider a stairlift. She is also very over protective - e.g. going out of town for a day, even during working hours, wouldn't be agreed to, so the stairs problem is only one part of it... She'd also be furious if she knew I'd told anyone, which I never have, apart from my boyfriend who I felt needed some level of explanation. Also, she sees herself as an independent person - so wouldn't accept the idea of going to a care place, having a carer, or going upstairs and being trapped there until I came home. e.g. if there was an emergency at home, she would be trapped on the first floor. |
Question: My sister wants me to admit she is stronger than me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:41 AM PDT She is 21 and I'm 25. She can beat me in arm-wrestling, wrestling, and can leg press way more than me and she wants me to admit she is stronger than me but I can't bring myself to do it. She says she'll keep teasing me about it until I do. What should I do? |
Question: Family relationship problem.? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:24 AM PDT Ok so my dad had another woman years ago, and till now my mom is angry from him. They aren't separated or divorced, it's just that my dad works in another country. I get to see him only 2 months a year, and because my mom is angry from him, she always (secretly) tell me not to go out with him and say that I won't go out without her, she won't go with him of course she's mad. She wants to prove to him that me and my sisters can't live without her, but that's not true, i really prefer my father he's an open minded one, patient, listens to my problems and always asks for my comfort, mom is totally different she's just a mad one. Anyways, once i got out with him, she shouted at me back home and slapped me. Should I listen to her and not go? I really love my dad and love going out with him, he's totally fun. Besides, these 60 days are the only ones i get to go out, and be with him. I just want more and more memories with him i adore him sooo much! Everytime she promises me that when he travels again she'll take me wherever i want, but she doesn't i just stick here in my stupid room. And if they ever divorce, I promised myself I'll go with my daddy... |
Question: I feel like I'm being mean? Or maybe over exaggerating? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:24 AM PDT I share a house with another couple who has a kid (family). We have a baby on the way so we have set up one out rooms as the nursery. The problem is their kid keeps going inside our nursery room when we are not there. She takes out boxes and stuff we have there . The problem is that I feel no one should be going in the rooms. The mom said she can't do nothing about it because she's a kid. And is even a little offended that we are going to put a child lock on that room. |
Question: Needed advice on how to deal with my daughter's teenage relationship PLEASE!!!!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:18 AM PDT I have a teenage daughter that has a boyfriend. He is the son of a friend of mine. He is very respectful and treats her like a queen. I'm a single mother and she is my only daughter. I'm just trying to get some advice on what limitations to put on them. They both are 14. |
Question: How do I deal with the fact that my in-laws outnumber me and I feel threatened? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:12 AM PDT My in-laws immediate family is larger than mine and more so now that my one remaining parent hast just passed away. I have no brothers and sisters. My wife is one of six plus her parents. I feel like my in-laws are taking over every aspect of my life. They do it under the guise of helping, but I feel like they are taking over. The parents are always demanding our time and want to stop by for a visit so they can work on projects. My wife's older sister is always trying to commandeer our twin toddlers. She always wants to take photos of our kids. I have never liked having my photos taken. I hated it when my Dad and uncle used to force us to have family photos taken. I now see the same pattern with my wife's sister. One of her younger brothers is always trying to "help" when he makes suggestions but he can be very pushy with his advice even thought my wife swears that he is not. My wife does not understand how outnumbered that I feel. I really want to explode on them all and tell them off because I feel like I am backed into a corner and I am not going to let them take me down without a fight. When I say something to my wife about this, she says "they are just trying to help" and I think is trying to placate me because I think she is somehow in on what is going on. What do I do? |
Question: I love my mom but she can get so annoying? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:08 AM PDT i know she means well and i really love her. but there are times where i cant stand her and i just snap. she complains about gossiping neighbors when she does it too. a lot. she like getting all lovey dovey but im not in the mood for loveh dovey. also her lovey dovey sometimes hits my 'off-limits' parts and i guess she didnt think its a big deal cause she still thinks im her baby girl. she can also lash out a lot. i just wish she'd stop. i can spend time with her. i dont mind and i would love to. most of the time. but when im surfing the web, i prefer to do it in peace. what can i do about it? i hate snapping at her cause i know she gets disappointed and hurt :( |
Question: Do I have a right to get mad? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:05 AM PDT So I share a house with another couple who has a kids (family). We have a kid on the wa, so we have said up a nurse in one of the rooms. The problem is their kid keeps going in there and takes out stuff and even hangs out in there. However the mom says she can t really do nothing about it cuz she s a kid . It bothers me cuz it s one of our rooms no one should go in there. I feel she should keep in eye on her kid and should have to go to extreme measure and put a child lock. |
Question: I want to confront my mom...should I? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:56 AM PDT My mom says some very hurtful things to me and idk if she knows how much it hurts me or not. She always compares my sister and I saying things like "you have nappy hair and your sis has good hair" ( my hair is not nappy or bad but Im natural and curly and my hair is huge. my mom would prefer that I straighten it. On more than one occasion she said my sis was naturally exotic/beautiful with enhanced features and I'm cute but I require more effort. This is daily! Outside of the house many people think I'm freaking gorgeous which makes me feel weird but whatever. When my mom comes across these people she says "imagine if they saw your sister" :/ when attractive guys come to the house my mom assumes they came for my sis and calls her to the door. This is embarrassing! And I'll be honest it has made me insecure. I feel like I have to look like a model just to walk around my own house. I like to sit at home comfortable with sweats and big t-shirts. My sis likes to do a full face of makeup/hair and wear tiny shorts with crop tops around the house. I'm not out of shape at all so out of respect for my brothers and stepdad I feel like I should cover up. My sis and I have two completely different looks and personalities I'm like crystal westbrooks and my sister is India westbrooks (Google it) I wish my mom could accept that. she knows I struggled with my looks for a long time & once I felt better she just started going in with negativity. |
Question: What is the right time to sex with wife? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:51 AM PDT |
Question: Why don't I like my family? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:50 AM PDT It's a reallllly long story but basically I have a cousin who is literally bipolar and fake. She talks bad about me to everyone but when I see her she acts all nice to me and says she loves me. My parents fall for it, and think she's changed but she hasn't. My parents blame me for everything that's happening, they say I'm in a bad mood all the time and that they can't wait for me to leave the house (I'm 14). My grandma, all she does is tell everyone about MY life. LITERALLY EVERYONE. My other cousin is fake as well and acts nice to me around my parents but is a total jerk when they're not around. Another one of my cousins is actually alright (in terms that she helps me with everything and is so fun and loving) but she does bad things (not really bad like drugs or anything just other stuff). My aunts and uncles are all MESSES that honestly need help. My brother loves my cousins more than he loves me. I just can't stand my family!! They judge everything I do, say, act, wear, and they judge how skinny I am. I have friends but I'm not exactly close to them and I don't have any trust in anyone to tell anyone about this so I'm putting it here :( just help |
Question: Is my mum cheating on my dad? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:25 AM PDT They have been married for 35 years. My mum has a very close male friend. Let's call him Bill. Bill and my mum talk on the phone all the time, Skype each other, send texts, chat on Facebook, etc. but they never spend time together without my dad and Bill's wife there. Bill recently moved overseas with his wife. My mum cried so much when she found out that he was moving, and she cries when she talks to him on the phone. My mum has lots of friends, but Bill is her only close male friend and, from what I've seen, she is MUCH closer to him than she is to her other friends. I could tell that my dad felt strange about this relationship at the beginning, but over time he seemed to become okay with it. Do you think my mum is cheating on my dad with Bill? Or are they just really good friends? |
Question: Is My Father Cheating? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:16 AM PDT I'm 22 and my father has a history of cheating we even found out 3 years ago that he has a daughter a year older than me ( he and my mother have been married for 26 years) his other daughter knew my aunts name because her mom met my dad by being friends with my aunt and from their she got my dads # and a DNA test was done but he claims to be a Christian now for the last 9 years. So he owns his own business and this 20 year old girl was always in their every time I would stop by and he talks about her a lot and my daughter was sleeping over my parents house for the weekend but got sick so I had to pick her up and when I got their he's on the phone with this girl at 10 at night, he claims she's having problems with her father and stepmom so he's just helping her out, his business is failing and he owes $40000 in back mortgage payments and his house might be forclosed and he owes taxes so it's suspicious to me that when his business is losing money and barely anyone is ever in their he's hired her. He's closed on Sunday's but he usually goes to his store to straighten up and I have a key to the business so I needed to fax paperwork, when I get their I can see her walk into the back of the store and he comes and tells me he has some errands to run and he leaves, he doesn't know that I saw her but it's obvious she walked through the back exit and wherever he went she went with him because she doesn't drive. Is it just my imagination or is this suspicious |
Question: How to be more independent at 18 without my mom? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:06 AM PDT My mom always did everything for me. Without her I'm lost. Literally I get lost everywhere. I'm bad with directions I can never find my way around without my mommy. I need to learn how to do things without my mom. Some people can naturally do thing in there own but not me . Any tips? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:06 AM PDT I want to move to Maine because my friends are in Maine ( I have no friends in the state I live . It been years since i hang out with a friend ) I want to move to Maine because to feel more comfortable . I need to move away from my narcissistic mother. The last reason is because I had a life in Maine and even my sister lives there . My husband want to move to UK( where he was born ) because he hasn't seen his family for years and since he was 4 years old .. He's 25 now and I'm 24. I don't want to move to UK because it too far from my family and friends.. |
Question: Be there for my brothers graduation or get kicked out of home? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:03 AM PDT I'm in recovery and live in a sober living environment/ recovery house. I was at my moms before I moved into it and she is a alcoholic. She's back with her boyfriend who cheated on her, mostly because they drink together. My mom and I used together. In the recovery house you are allowed one overnight pass a week and you have to write on the board at all times where you are going and what time you will be back. I am staying at my moms for the night since my brother is graduating from high school tomorrow. The house manager just called me at 1:30 am and said she never approved of my overnight. She told me I had to be back between 2-6. I explained that the graduation is at 630 and she said I have to go back to the house to take a urine. I don't know what I should do. To take the bus back there it takes 2 hours. Should I go to my brothers graduation or miss it to be able to stay in the sober living? |
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