Family & Relationships: Question: Heart rate speeds up. What is this and why is it happening? |
- Question: Heart rate speeds up. What is this and why is it happening?
- Question: I have no plans for the future and its starting to scare me?
- Question: Why do break ups hurt?
- Question: Moms do you seen bare spankings as sexual or phyiscal abuse where do you stand on this kind of spanking ages ages for it?
- Question: I cried in school and now I m embarassed to go back?
- Question: Boyfriend blames himself when we fight?
- Question: What would you do if you caught your older kids naked in the house when you came home?
- Question: The end of a friendship?
- Question: Relationship advice?
- Question: My mom is depressed?
- Question: What did you felt when the first girl you've ever courted finally decided to be her boyfriend?
- Question: Does this older guy have some sort of crush on me? Do I ignore or confront?
- Question: Should i tell her that i love her?
- Question: Some person made me feel really upset yesterday, I can't stop thinking about it?
- Question: Ayuda con mi mujer?
- Question: Is it weird to want to kiss my brother?
- Question: How do i handle this situation with me and my boyfriend?
- Question: I feel like she's slipping away from me?
- Question: Was engaged and now he wants to come back after the mess he created ,he dont think he did?
- Question: Should I go to this party...please answer?
- Question: Does my stepdaughter likes me?
- Question: Read this and tell me your opinion?
- Question: Why is he doing this to me? Trying to sabatoge my relationship?
- Question: Why would ex come back to u after u lost their baby?
- Question: Why would ex bring up miscarriage if he only wants sex?
- Question: Think I might be having peadophilic thoughts?
- Question: Why do I get sad reminiscing on the past?
- Question: Is this incest?
- Question: How to have sex with own mom?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: Stuck at a crossroad?
- Question: My boyfriend masterbated in front of his younger sister?
- Question: Help?! I Dont Know What To Do/:?
- Question: Is it me? please only women answer!?
- Question: Child abuse?!?!?!?
- Question: Me Ayudan xFavor , Xq mi ex cancer me deja siempre?hago algo mal?o el no vale la pena? Soy piscis :(?
- Question: Why does my boyfriend's parents hate me?
- Question: Cant get over my ex?
- Question: Falling In love with someone you least expect at the most unexpected time?
- Question: What can I do about this? Please help.?
- Question: Snapchat friends?
- Question: How Does Beast Factor Work ?
- Question: Roommate is a hoarder?
- Question: Advice for the future?
- Question: Is Duggar right in thinking that young girls are sometimes very sexy and their brothers should have sex with them?
- Question: My Ex texted me saying "This d!ck is still yours"?
- Question: What is my sexuality?
- Question: He got a girlfriend while me and him were talking?
- Question: What should I get my girlfriend 's bitchy *** friend for her birthday?
- Question: What's up with my gf? says she feels distant?
- Question: Any one in ohio have trouble with child protection services?
- Question: I don't want any kids?
- Question: I'm making a finsta and all the names I pick are bad. What s a good finsta name for Sophia, Sophie, or Soph? Can anyone help me out?
- Question: What happened?
- Question: I like my god brother?
- Question: What's the best website to get a free back ground check on yourself?
- Question: What should I do?
Question: Heart rate speeds up. What is this and why is it happening? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:06 PM PDT Uhh this doesn't happen all the time but when it does its always when someone speaks to me, who's a stranger. I use to have anxiety to were I couldn't speak to people period and when I tried I would get panic attacks. But I learned how to calm it down and eventually it went away. I don't have any of those problems anymore. But when people speak to me, sometimes my heart instantly speeds up, sometimes I cant breath properly, and my hands start shaking. Although the breathing part usually happens when i'm fkin angry and ready to explode. Anyways why is this happening? I'm not scared of the people who speak to me....and people rarely speak to sooo I'm sorta suprised when people do...and i'm confused on if their even speaking to me and not someone else. So what is this and why is it happening? |
Question: I have no plans for the future and its starting to scare me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:18 PM PDT Im a 16 year old girl and i have no idea what i want to be or do! I dont know what i want for a job. A lot of people i know are like "i cant wait to travel the world with my boyfriend when im 18." I dont have a boyfriend! Matter of fact, i dont have anyone! I have a family of course and my family has enough money but i personally do not have any of my own money! I really want to travel thw world some day but i have no clue who i would go with. I cant imagine that my current friends will still be around in a few you know who jay alvarrez and alexis ren are? Theyre basically 2 18 year olds who travel the world and go to really beachy places and spend all day near the ocean. THATS what i want. Im absolutely in love with the ocean and i hope to one day meet someone who feels the same way. But i understand that as i get older, i will have more responsibilites and will probably never be able to fulfill that dream of mine. I kind of want to live in hawaii but when i tell my parents that, they laugh at me. I have a dream, but its pretty much not possible....i have no clue how to get there so i need to find a more reachable goal. I dont have one though and i have no idea what i want to be and i have no relationships right now that i value so i pretty much feel hopeless and alone. Any advice?? Thanks xxx |
Question: Why do break ups hurt? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:54 PM PDT If humans are somehow 'designed to have as many affairs as possible as part of nature' then why does it hurt when somebody we love leave us? (Meant to be '*leaves* us' right down there) |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:40 PM PDT |
Question: I cried in school and now I m embarassed to go back? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:39 PM PDT I rarely cry at all and if I do feel like crying, I ll just push it down and the feeling goes away. But, once in awhile, all of that builds up I guess and usually stress triggers it and I just start sobbing my eyes out. Luckily, this usually happens at home and I m fine the next day. However, today it happened at school. My homework was piling up and my computer wasn t working and my friends ignored & ditched me. For some reason I just started crying. Usually this wouldn t happen because I personally don t care much but today I was just sobbing my eyes out and one of my friends & a teacher saw and the teacher thought I was being bullied and things got really awkward. Now I don t want to go back to school because everyone saw me teary-eyed ;-; What do I do??? |
Question: Boyfriend blames himself when we fight? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:33 PM PDT I know that fighting is apart of every relationship known to man kind but when we fight my partner takes things the wrong way and thinks I'm blaming him for what ever we are fighting about. For eg. I got a speeding fine. My partner was on the listening end of the ordeal but instead of "understanding" and trying to comfort me he constantly tells me "well you shouldn't have been speeding", "not my fault you broke the law" etc... I am 110% aware that it's my fault but that doesn't make me any less pissed off. So now, because of his incessant unnecessary comments and my **** mood, we've created a whole new kettle of fish. After we've had our disagreement, frustration sets in. I start questioning him why he can't just pat my head, kiss my cheek and tell me that it's happened and there is nothing we can do about it but his response is to get all angry and start saying "So it's my fault you got a speeding fine!? Just like the other time and the time before that right?". No where in my little tirade did I ever blame him for my stupidity. I reassured him that I'm not blaming him, that I know that it was my fault entirely Yet he constantly/sarcastically blames himself for my muff-up's and it's getting to the point where he's starting to question whether or not he wants to be with me... We still love each other unconditionally but I'm scared that this will be the 1 thing that splits us up :( |
Question: What would you do if you caught your older kids naked in the house when you came home? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:48 AM PDT |
Question: The end of a friendship? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:38 AM PDT I've been really good friends with this guy for almost 15 years. He knows me well. He knows I don't like crowds and I'm a pretty low key person. He offered to throw me a bday party at his house. I agreed to let him plan it trusting that he knew me well enough to know what I'd like. He then turned it into a joint bday party with someone else without asking me first. Then he invited 50 people that I don't even know. I was hoping it would only be my close friends there. He did this without asking if it was what I wanted. I was very uncomfortable and told him that I didn't like the party and that it wasn't what I had in mind for my bday but I hope he got out of it what he wanted because he's trying to become a party promoter and I feel like he used my bday as an excuse to promote his business. When I told him this he said f you, told me he didn't want to be my friend anymore, called me an ungrateful a=hole and that I should lose his number. Really, how can someone say they are throwing me a party and invite a bunch of people that I don't know, knowing that I would be uncomfortable with it. Then cursed me out and dumped me as a friend because I said something about it? Did I do something wrong here? |
Question: Relationship advice? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:29 AM PDT My girlfriend and I have been together for about 3 months, and had been friends/talking for about 6 months before that. We are best friends, have excellent communication, are committed to making it work for the long run. We are both upperclassmen in high school by the way. We have done research on the different stages of relationships, from romance, to power struggle ect. For a couple weeks, it seemed we were in the power struggle stage, but it's not nearly as bad now. I have two questions, are we still in the power struggle stage? Is it too early to be out of the power struggle stage? And also, do you think we will last? Thank you! |
Question: My mom is depressed? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:21 AM PDT Today my mom admitted, while her fiancé was at work, that she is depressed. She says that she just pretends to not be. I was born out of wedlock so it has been her and I all along until she met her fiancé about two years ago. She has been arguing over happiness/other things the most with her fiancé in the past few weeks. She told me to start packing my things today while her fiancé wasn't home. She told me that she is never happy. I know she is telling the truth because often I see her without her mask and she doesn't look happy at all. When I was 6 she had to go to the hospital for a week because she was so depressed, but I was told she had a bad flu. I just hope this doesn't happen again. I have tried hugging her, telling her I love her, and I do, but nothing works. She doesn't even smile anymore, well at least in the past week. She still loves me but she is depressed. I also am going to boarding school this year, and if we move out, she will be alone while I'm at boarding school. This means that her depression will get worse, I think. She is already sad about me leaving but I need to go to this school for a good education so I can get into a good college, and get a good job so I can support her when she's older, because she probably won't have anyone else. She says she doesn't want to be around anyone. I want her to be happy but I don't know what I can do to help. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:19 AM PDT How did it went down to that? If you broke up with your first girlfriend,Is there a difference in your reaction with a new girlfriend? Please state the differences. The more detailed, the better. Thanks. |
Question: Does this older guy have some sort of crush on me? Do I ignore or confront? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:48 AM PDT I'm a girl in my early 20's and this man is in his early 40's. From day 1 he seemed to be singling me out. When we were introducing ourselves he wanted to skip to the back the back of the room where I was so I can introduce myself. The room has about 30ppl and He would also keep making eye contact with me in the back of the room. He even seemed to have a problem I sat in the back of the room. He would make indirect comments I felt were being thrown for me. He keeps giving me the exact same grades. The other day I came into the building 30mins early and he was there getting something to drink. My mind was somewhere else. He saw me coming through the doors and waved Hi to me. I did it half heartedly by accident and I felt bad afterwards. He then brings it up in class about students and professors acknowledging each other. He also keeps studying my face. I had to work in groups and I couldn't understand something he wrote on the board and he came up to me. I was also in private thought about an assignment he was discussing and he calls me out asking me if I'm ok. There's nothing wrong with being concerned, but he seems too interested in my well being. I've been noticing lately too that whenever he see me he looks like he gets happy on the inside. Mind u this person has a life partner. I don't find myself attractive. What's going on? Lastly, every time I hand in my assignments he always thanks me, but I don't really hear him do it to others. Could be wrong. I don't want to jump to conclusions. It's just it gets annoying because I feel like he notices everything I do and the man has a partner. Im not into cheating. I just wanna make sure Im on guard of what he's doing. I'm a girl and want to be safe of this as due to the circumstances it's not a a good look. He couldnt have noticed form day 1 I'm a shy and quiet person. Also do I ignore it or confront it? I hate confrontation? I'm not obsessing and watching EVERY LITTLE RHING HE DOES. I probably also should have brought up this very key info up that another professor made sexual advances towards me and he too was acting very weird with me. He bluntly came out and asked me if I'm with anyone and this man was WAY OLDER than the one I'm mentioning. Trust me I'm not observing him. I'm busy taking notes. I'm an honor student with a GPA to maintain and an introvert. I'm VERY FOCUSED on my school work so I would notice something out of the ordinary how I'm treated vs how other students with similar traits like me are treated. Plus I dress reserved IMO. No tank or crop top. Just like a presentable reserved person. |
Question: Should i tell her that i love her? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:18 AM PDT I have been seeing this girl for over two weeks... and it just something special about her and i want to tell her but i dont want her to say it back just to say it back, i want it to actually her mean it when she says it. i am not in high schoool or middle school so its not one of those things.. would it be too soon if i told her that i love her...would it be rushing it? Thank you for your time! |
Question: Some person made me feel really upset yesterday, I can't stop thinking about it? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:12 AM PDT I never met this lady before. She is a teacher for a class I have to take for a "job" and my job wanted me to "retake it". Anyways she basically kept me after the first day and told me I should stop being lazy, answer questions, and get my head in the game, and she told me she is stricter and the other teacher I had is much easier and that I should "get my act together" I don't know if I want to go back, and I promised my mom I would pay the money back for the class ( I am 22 years old) but I don't want to be in a class where this lady who I never met is going to keep putting me down. What do I even do? :( She basically said I was stupid but didn't put it in those terms :/ its also for a lifeguard job but I have two jobs and I cannot do both |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:08 AM PDT Tengo mi mujer en mexico esta con mis padres es muy celosa no se ke le pasa hace 2 meses mi hermana se vino de mexico y esta viviendo konmigo mi mujer me dice ke la corra de mi cuarto me cela asta kon mi propia hermana ... Esto va de mal en peor ke puedo hacer o komo puedo hacer para evitar sus celos :( |
Question: Is it weird to want to kiss my brother? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:54 AM PDT He's not my bio brother, he's just a friend who is like my older brother. He's a senior who is graduating, today is the last day of school, and I have an urge to kiss him on the cheek. Is this weird or is this fine? What should I do? My anxiety is real high but this is the last chance id get... |
Question: How do i handle this situation with me and my boyfriend? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:46 AM PDT A few days ago, a few of my close guy friends i have known since elementary school wanted to go bowling. Well it got switched for last night. My boyfriend went to a party, while I went bowling. I told him where i was and when i got there and left. But i forgot to mention who i was with. I just figured he would remember who i was gonna go bowling with just one day prior. But he is mad at me for not telling him who it was, even though i did days before. What do i do and what do I say? whos right and whos wrong? Help. Also im 18 and hes 17. |
Question: I feel like she's slipping away from me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:26 AM PDT When my gf and I first met, we fell hard for each other. We had a very passionate relationship and we were deeply in love with each other. Lately we've been fighting off and on a lot and it's been feeling like she's losing interest and maybe even falling out of love a little bit. She says she isn't, maybe it's just the fighting and she does have some personal issues right now so idk. But if she is losing interest, what can I do to bring her back into love with me and regain the interest she had in the beginning? I just want things back to normal and that spark to come back into our relationship. |
Question: Was engaged and now he wants to come back after the mess he created ,he dont think he did? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:23 AM PDT My fiancee +ex whatever you wanna call him told me he had to work.Are town has this event were we go downtown and sample different foods from different places around town so he gets mad to when i say im not going till later till when my sister n+law gets off which he knew 2 days ahead. He accuses me of doing everything then say im mad cuz he's not working which he brought up his job,so i say im done im tired of him accusing me when im being faithful and i just had a child im not like that i have morals. He puts a+status+on Facebook and says single and soon has he puts it up all his family start calling+me names telling him he should of been did it and im+fat and i need to+work which i have my own money and pay for everything even tho im not working yet. He doesn't take the status down then they start threatening me and he still says nothing.He waited about 45 minutes to delete it theb he states there grown he cant control them. He feels nothing is his fault ? Need some advice should i stay or go like he told me too??? |
Question: Should I go to this party...please answer? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 08:04 AM PDT A friend is having a party he said he invited 30 people and apparently only 6 are girls. That makes me nervous to be one of the girls. I don't know a lot of girls here so I have no extra girls to invite. 😫 |
Question: Does my stepdaughter likes me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:40 AM PDT A few months ago my step daughter came for a few days to spend with us but she was kinda werid towards me like she was acting kinda cold and b1tchy she claimed that she was stressed out because she was in her last midterm and she didn't had anything ready so she would claim that all women should be feminist in such a bragging way I don't what was she was going with that because I don't work my husband doesn't want me to work until our little one is grown-up and she was real snotty like we were talking about how I'm independent when it comes to emotional support and all and she said she doesn't have that problem because she has so much support from friends and families and they all love her and stuff and they will never leave her in the streets I don't know if she is starting not to like me or she's either rude or a snob I ask this because she wasn't like this a year ago she's only 22 years old or she probably thinks I don't allowed her dad to do anything for her when I'm not like that at all she's gonna be staying with us for this whole summer and im so worried how she's gonna be like this time?? |
Question: Read this and tell me your opinion? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:20 AM PDT |
Question: Why is he doing this to me? Trying to sabatoge my relationship? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:02 AM PDT I have this friend and from day one he told me he could easily fall for me I told him not to because i would hurt him because I already liked someone else anyways we left at that. I eventually got with the guy I like and he would give me great Advice telling me his a good guy and I was lucky, I would come to him for advice at times. As time went by we hardly spoke because he was trying to get with this girl he told me he really likes and recently he told me how his friend the girl he liked didn't like him and would lie to him and he end up walking away from her. Anyways he asked me how my relationship was going and told him that it was good but like all relationships they're was a few downs to it and he then made this story that my boyfriend was cheating on me, didn't make any sense but i still question my boyfriend and told him. My friend had made me his Wcw that week my boyfriend easily assume he liked me and he was just trying to sabotage our relationship. Well then I told my friend I would leave my boyfriend if he actually had evidence he was cheating and well my friend told me he was just looking out for me and well we left at that. And now my friend made this fake account and I know it's him because he has four accounts and we used to talk on the one he recently made fake. But why is he doing this? And what can I do to help? |
Question: Why would ex come back to u after u lost their baby? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:59 AM PDT I had a miscarriage with my ex`s baby nearly 16 years ago, we still firends and he recently started talking to me again, and we agreed to have a bit of fun no strings sex. Before we met up and since we have met up, he has started telling me he has feelings for me i carried his 1 and only baby inside me and he wished i had been able to keep it. We split before i knew i was pregnant and my friend told him about the baby. He asked me why i never tried to get in touch with him when i had gone through the miscarriage alone, and i said i dont beg people to be with me if they dont want to be. He told me he was sorry for everything and would make it up to me, and that he would of stood by me if the baby had survived. Im not sure what to think or say tbh its made me quite upset and im not sure why he brought it all up if he only wanted sex he could of done that with any girl? |
Question: Why would ex bring up miscarriage if he only wants sex? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:35 AM PDT my ex recently got back in touch,with me and we both agreed to try no strings sex. Since we have been meeting up he has brought up feelings he has for me and feelings about the baby we lost numerous times and said he wished i had been able to have the baby life would be different, he would of stuck by me. he has said sorry for putting me though the ordeal of a miscarriage, and he will make it up to me and other things. Then in the next breath he says he too busy with different shifts (he an ambulance driver/carer and works all shifts) to be with someone permanently, im totally confused help |
Question: Think I might be having peadophilic thoughts? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 03:36 AM PDT Okay so it's taken me quite a lot of courage to post on here, because to be honest I'm really not sure how to react to my minds thoughts over the past week so I need to voice how I feel without anyone judging... I have started a new job as a teacher recently, which I'm really enjoying so far. However, something thats become apparent and very worrying is that I have found myself becoming attracted to some of the children I teach. It's not all the children I teach, just a few, however the thing that worries me the most is that I think about them when I get home. I miss them at the weekend and I look forward to seeing them everyday. This has completely come out of nowhere, I have never ever had these thoughts before until now, it's completely shocked and disturbed me. I'm able to put the thoughts at bay for now, but they are becoming more intense the longer I teach and see them and I keep telling myself 'this really can't be happening, you're not attracted to kids'. They are all boys, 8 years old or there abouts. Maybe it's just an over the top love for them that I'm passing off as something more? Maybe I care for them that much? I really don't know but I'm too scared to tell my partner and I don't know who else to turn to without being judged. Please anyone give me some advice and help me as this is quite a horrible position to be in. |
Question: Why do I get sad reminiscing on the past? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 03:25 AM PDT For some reason, every time I think about the past I start to get sad. I think about all of the good times I had in middle school, and all the fun things I did, and it makes me sad thinking about growing up. Is this bad? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:34 AM PDT Ok so me and my half cousin got drunk and made out full tongue. I played with her boobs and dry humped her and that stuff but never actually had Intervourse or fully did anything just made out. She is my half cousin and I feel bad. I just don't know what to think of it, she is in 7th grade and I am freshman. Can I have some advice??? |
Question: How to have sex with own mom? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:49 AM PDT One day her (my mom's) back was paining so she told me to apply some medicine to it and she got her back completely nude. And the next day she told me to massage her back and did the same. since then I can't stop thinking about her. You might think that I watch porn but I don't. Please tell me how can I have sex with her. Please reply on yahoo answers. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:38 AM PDT My boyfriend and I, we are in highschool, have exchanged sexually explicit messages, basically having phone sex. His parents recently pulled the phone bill and read all the messages. His mother, who never liked me to begin with, is going to call my mother and tell her about the messages. I decided that I should tell my mom so she wouldn't have to hear it from someone else. I told her and as I expected she was disappointed but didn't make a huge commotion of it and I don't believe she is going to tell my father. She said she appreciated my honesty. I also recently left a couple of hickeys on boyfriends neck, which got me in big trouble with my parents. Didn't improve my likability with his parents either. And I understand that. I really regret that I let myself get out of control like that, I've never done anything like this before, the messages or the hickies. His mother and step father most definitely do not like me, to be fair I don't like them either. He real dad and I get along great though. Even though I was 100% honest with my mom, I'm still terrified of when she gets that phone call. I guess what I'm asking is what would you do if you were in this situation? How am I supposed to make any of this better? And is there any chance his mom and step dad might change their mind about me? |
Question: Stuck at a crossroad? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:19 AM PDT Okay lets start with a little background, I have had a lot of relationships in my life. Some good, and some bad. I'm currently in a relationship with a wonderful woman, however there's a little problem. I'm about 5'7" 140 lbs, and she's about 5'2" and 230 lbs and she has a 5 year old. I feel bad and shallow for this bothering me but we have been together about 8 months and let's say I have needed her more than she has needed me. But she moved in and I feel like I'm being cornered. She says I'm afraid of commitment, and honestly I feel I might be. She always has to bring me with her places and she always checks up on me via phone call. I want a therapist but I'm afraid she's gonna get pissed off and turn it against me. She doesn't allow me to spank my monkey, watch porn, or even talk to any other woman even though I've never cheated. I just get along with woman better. She critisises me for wanting to wear a condom. I have dreams and goals so I've tried breaking up with her more than once but she always talks me out of it, and makes me feel like a horrible person. Am I? Or am I just really lost in life? At a cross between my dreams/goals/future life I've always desired and the american dream being a middle waged family man with a white picket fence and nothing but problems? I don't know whether to run or hide, but I feel I need to make a decision fast before I eat my whole life away trying to make this one decision.. I'm just scared it won't be the right choice either way. |
Question: My boyfriend masterbated in front of his younger sister? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:48 AM PDT When my boyfriend was between the ages of 10-12 he would help his little sister play a game on the computer in the basement. she was between the ages of 7-9. He would teach her how to play the game then sit by her and Jack off in front of her so she could see. She told him she was uncomfortable and asked him to stop. He would also wait for her to be downstairs and walk around naked by her. Then he would sit on the couch upstairs naked and wait for her to come out of her room. She would ask him to put clothes on and he would say why does it matter were brother and sister? I just learned about this today. A couple weeks ago he had fallen asleep before closing out if an incognito tab and I saw it. It was gilf incest porn and I confronted him. We got in a huge fight. We live wjth his parents we are 19 years old and after that fight I broke down and told his mom what I found. She then got concerned and questioned his sister but she didn't really say anything about it. So I asked her because we are very close and she told me all of that stuff. She said he stopped doing it a long time ago but when it was happening she was very nervous and afraid so she would lock her door when she would sleep. She said he has never touched her only done the things I said above. I believe what she says. I don't know what to do. I took pictures of what I found on his phone as proof and showed it to him the next day. He denied it and got very angry. He has a very bad temper. He doesn't know I know. |
Question: Help?! I Dont Know What To Do/:? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 11:59 PM PDT Ive liked this guy for a while, & we are really good friends, we are so close that we are not afraid to call each other names and we dont get offended. Sometimes we flirt a lot. So he is giving me a bunch of mixed signals. Which sucks because i need closure. My friend says i need to tell him already so that i wont stay saying "what if" & i completely agree, so i want to do it. He fell asleep so i was thinking of him waking up to a message saying i like him. But i have no idea what to say, or how to even begin, any suggestions ? I really dont want to ruin the friendship but i cant be like this anymore. |
Question: Is it me? please only women answer!? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 11:20 PM PDT So um I'm 13 and a girl who wants to be a male. Anyways at the age of 8 or 9 my step grandfather has sexually touched me. And through out my school years older boys have always done stuff to me. In 7th grade my chest was always grabbed by who know I want be a male and I flatten/bind my chest though I still have things happen. I'm a modest person I don't wear shorts unless its gym shorts I always wear pants jackets and hats I have piercings such as lip and gauges. I have short hair and wear glasses or contacts. I'm somewhat handsome/pretty and I never provoke anyone to do these things. But today my sister invited a friend of ours over and at the time I was in the shower so I got dressed I put on gym shorts and a t shirt then went down stairs after my sister left to take her shower so it was just me and him I was sitting on the corner of the couch watching TV and drying my hair then he grabbed me and started trickling me then I said stop and he said "or what?" And I replied or I'll kick you he continued to do it and so I kicked him to then in order to get him to stop I moved then he grabbed me and held me I couldn't leave I screamed for my sister she couldn't hear me then he kissed me and had my arms down so I couldn't leave I tried kicking him again and again but couldn't let go my dog attacked him but he wouldn't stop. I felt like I provoked him. I've known him forever and I trusted him he's never invaded my space nor hase he ever touched me not even a high five. |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 11:16 PM PDT ? My sisters brother in law, and my sister are evil. They put my niece and nephew (twins) in a cage!! They also trapped them in a hallway!!!!! I confronted them and they said, "Don't worry! It's just a crib! And a baby gate!!" More like baby cage!! My mom has 1/3 of legal custody over them so last night I took them to my house where there aren't cages. Btw, which size bed is appropriate for 14 month olds?? Twin, full, queen, king?? They couldn't use that much room. We have a few spare rooms and last night I didn't have a good idea for a bed so I left them sleep in my arm as I rocked them all night long. How do I tell my sister to stop being an awful person? |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 11:13 PM PDT Pasa q mi ex(ismael) y yo tuvimos una relación de 1 año ,el tiene 18 y yo 15 ya se q soy chica y demás pero estoy completamente enamorada de el pero el cambio mucho,antes era mas sencible y demás,yo le di mi virginidad y en todas formas me entregue a el, nunca jamas le fui infiel, el 1ro me corto para estar con otra chica(cosa q casi nunca se veian y no duraron ni 2 meses) mientras el estaba de novio con ella el me seguia ami me robaba besos y todo osea q la hizo cornuda a la otra chica conmigo ,me mandaba msj me pidió para volver pero yo no quise(me quería hacer valorar) lo tuve 4 meses rogandome para q yo vuelva con el hasta corto con la otra chica x cual la q me dejo para volver conmigo,el y yo volvimos después de 4 meses q corto el con la otra chica,y a las semanas de volver me dijo q ya no quería estar mas conmigo xq soy inmadura también xq el quiere estar solo me dijo ke me ama pero q yo lo preciono y la verdad nse q hacer xq me esta cansando sus idas y vueltas y eso ami me duele muchísimo ya q soy demasiado sencible el y yo ahora estamos separados hace 1 mes maso. |
Question: Why does my boyfriend's parents hate me? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 10:28 PM PDT My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months and the whole time his mother has been trying to break us up. Ive tried to meet her but she doesn't want to meet me. My boyfriend has met majority of my family and everyone loves him. My parents think his parents dont like me because of the culture difference(im African-American and he is Ecuadorian) but I dont want to believe that is the reason but his mother is constantly trying to break us up what should I do? |
Question: Cant get over my ex? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 10:21 PM PDT Its been four years but we are over now. He has someone else and she might be pregnant. Its killing me. Any tips to get over him? |
Question: Falling In love with someone you least expect at the most unexpected time? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 10:06 PM PDT It's crazy how someone can come into your life and throw you off a little. And so unexpectedly with someone I would never think twice. I was just doing what I loved and love came to me. I knew her before but it was like meeting a new person when she re-entered my life 7 years later. Maybe the timing wasn't perfect but it was needed. There was a feeling of anxiety followed by calmness. It was an unexplainable feeling at first. I questioned her and how randomly she came into my life when I needed it without realizing. She was beautiful for the way she thought. She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eye when she spoke about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make you smile even if she was sad. She was just beautiful deep down to her soul. This is when I realized I might actually love her. But how quickly this escalated which is very unlikely of me. Naturally I'm always open to people but things are generally a process with me. With her it happened within weeks. when I'm with her things feel natural. I appreciate her and I wish I could show her. I want her to be happy and I want to give her happiness. But I can't fully express myself to her. I'm afraid I can't give her what she wants and needs. It's only been a month of talking to her after years since high school. She's a brand new person. we were never really friends in high school until now |
Question: What can I do about this? Please help.? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 09:23 PM PDT Today I had run into an incident with an older man who was leering over me and began to try to grab at me. I was with a group of friends walking home with me when this happened and they had helped move me out of the situation. I ended up telling my parents about this because I felt that I had to, but now they won t let me leave the house anymore. I m to be picked up from school immediately and I can t leave after that. I understand that they want to protect me and care about me greatly, but I hate feeling as though I m the one being punished for doing absolutely nothing, heck, for even doing the right thing and removing myself as soon as I could from the situation. It s always been like this and I m getting sick of it. What should I do? Please help. |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 09:06 PM PDT So I added someone on snapchat. I never got a notice of them accepting my friends request or of them adding me back. If i deleted them from my friend list do i still appear on theirs? |
Question: How Does Beast Factor Work ? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 09:02 PM PDT Is Beast Factor faux or Real? Beast FactorTestimonials just in case you're desire to spice up your erections to satisfy the partner's desires supposed for best ejaculations, then you must give Beast Factor agone. planned earth over by acclaimed authorities, this technique functions marvel to accumulate someone eliminate erection issues. Confidence Pine Tree State in person, we've used this specific product then have the firm erections to stay in person and conjointly partner buried far within the sleep supposed for long hours. verify analysis below to seek out out much more with regards to its effective utilized in fine detail. Information concerning Beast Factor site visit ====>>>>...... |
Question: Roommate is a hoarder? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 08:26 PM PDT My roommate is very anxious, he just went through the garbage because I threw away some broken things we don't need anymore. I've been cleaning the house, and he's been freaking out if I throw away cupcakes that have been in the fridge for a month or more he freaks out and pulls them out of the trash. He just freaked out on my best friend for throwing away a cracked tea pitcher. I need advice on helping him. |
Question: Advice for the future? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 07:56 PM PDT there is a kid in school who I sometimes talk to... he never does anything... hw/tests/assignments... he even left his finals blank.. I've asked him what he wanted to do in the future and he said he didn't know ... he doesn't have any hobbies ... he doesn't have any big dreams ... nothing... what should I tell him? I want him to wake up! He doesn't have bad behavior nor does he sit around and smoke pot... he just doesn't do anything!!!!! |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 07:46 PM PDT As a brother of 2 sisters I think it's time we had a serious discussion about this I have alot of temptation? |
Question: My Ex texted me saying "This d!ck is still yours"? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 07:46 PM PDT and also said he missed me does this mean he wants me back or just wants the sex back? by saying its still mine does he mean I'm the only one he wants on his d!ck??? i asked him if he wanted me back he said "i didn't say all that" |
Question: What is my sexuality? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 06:53 PM PDT I have noticed with all my relationships, that I can not have sex with them once I get to know them. Opposite of demisexual, I can have sex with whoever I find physically attractive, but once I developed a relationship with them or get to know them I lose all sexual interest. Before I dated my current boyfriend in the very beginning we had a lot of great sex. Once I got to know him I immediately lost all sexual interest in him. Now that we're dating I have to pretend to be into him sexually. Hes extremely sexy and attractive but I can't get in the mood with him. Friends with benefits aren't good either unless we don't talk at all. Then I'll still be sexually interested. Once we exchanged dialogue, I'll immediately lose all sexual interest. What kind of sexuality is this and what can I do to fix it? |
Question: He got a girlfriend while me and him were talking? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 06:43 PM PDT Me and this guy have been talking for about 2 months and he told me that he really likes me and he sees a future with me and I told him I really liked him. And we hung out a few times. And then yesterday he hasn't texted me at all which is strange for him not to do. So I text him saying "somebody's being shady today lol." (I was joking.) and he texts back "I've been busy." Then he says that "we need to be just friends cause people have to be friends first before they date." And I send back "ok fine." And he says "ok good cause we haven't hung out that much." I just didn't bother to reply after that. I mean why should I? And when I was reading his text I was thinking "he found another girl." And sure enough he got a girlfriend while me and him were talking. So I want to know your opinions and advice. |
Question: What should I get my girlfriend 's bitchy *** friend for her birthday? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 06:42 PM PDT What should I get for one of my Girlfriend's best friends who I completely detest for her birthday? she's completely self absorbed, takes a large amount of selfies, and thinks she's the bee's knees because she's from Greece. Overall just a basic white girl with a fake personality. Normally I wouldn't careless for her but I do care for my girlfriend, who I would put up with this person for. If somewhat pretending to get along with this siren will make my woman happy then so be it. |
Question: What's up with my gf? says she feels distant? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 05:53 PM PDT OK so we've been together about a month. Things have been going absolutely wonderful. We match perfectly in every area, unlike any girl I've ever met. Well recently her ex that she broke up with before we met, decided he wasn't going to let her see her kid. Immediately she started acting different. She told me that she feels distant, because she's depressed about her son. We have hardly texted lately. But she makes it a point to tell me she loves me every morning. She says she'll be fine after she gets through this. I told her I'd wait for her and be here if she needs me. She says that she's so stressed, so I told her to take some space and get back with me when the situation is worked out. Well today on Facebook I see her son with her and her mom. She hasn't texted me saying she got him back and things are OK now. So im really confused. |
Question: Any one in ohio have trouble with child protection services? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 05:53 PM PDT It has been almost a 3 year battle to get grand kids home. |
Question: I don't want any kids? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 05:07 PM PDT I've come to the fact that i don't really want kids when i get older because you have to buy them clothes give them love extc. The thing is i am a lover but i can't be around a child because i cannot handle it when people cry so i decide that when i got older i wasn't going to have any kids. But my friend told me that i might but i know that i wont i'm not sure what to do here... I'm 15 by the way |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 04:42 PM PDT Some examples are claudzilla for Claudia and nightmere of Meredith. If you need to know what i like to create this username...Ii love animals, I love dogs, I'm funny, goofy, crazy,kind,and i have a great sense of humor. I play soccer and I like all the weather seasons. |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 04:38 PM PDT When I was little, I'd say 3rd or 4th grade, I was really gay. I had a huge crush on this girl and I absolutely was in love with her. Then, later I started to have sexual desires for her. But all of this faded in 6th grade. I was as straight as an arrow and never thought otherwise. Until 7th grade started. I met this other girl and I fell in love with her. And it just started all over again. I still liked guys, but this girl was just gorgeous. I started to desire her more in a romantic way than a sexual way. I still like her today. Now I'm an eighth grader, about to be a freshman, and I'm just kind of stuck in the middle. I don't really want to come out as bi or anything because I'm afraid that what happened in 3rd & 4th grade might happen again. What is going on/What happened? It seems like I became sexually mature WAY too early and I was gay. Why did it fade off when puberty started? Why am I not just 100% lesbian? I thought that gay thoughts started during puberty, but it happened to me way before puberty. If anyone has any answers, please help. Thank you. |
Question: I like my god brother? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 04:10 PM PDT o I live with my god parents and my god mom just got married and I kinda like his son.. He's funny and sweet.. I mean I just have feeling for him. I don't think its weird considering he's not my real brother but I just can't get off the fact I think he's adorible... I need help. I don't know what to do. We both play around rough.. Like will hit each other in a playful way.. I just don't know what to do.. And I don't think there really is much to do.. Please help me.. And please don't judge me.. It shouldnt be weird considering were not blood related. Now he's started to get close to me.. Like physically close. He is sitting a lot closer to me.. He calls me names in a playful way and we mess around.. Idk if he likes me or not.. We are also spending a lot more time together like hanging out playing video games.. I want him to like me so bad.. Please help.. What does this mean... Does he like me to?? Thanks |
Question: What's the best website to get a free back ground check on yourself? Posted: 04 Jun 2015 03:39 PM PDT Everyone I find don't have my name on them and if it does they spelt my name wrong cuz I see all my family members but my name isn't right |
Posted: 04 Jun 2015 02:29 PM PDT 1.) I'm 16 years ago and a boy 2.) I hate having a male body 3.) I hate having a deep voice 4.) I feel limited to the clothes that I can wear( goth clothes because I'm goth) 5.) My parents are conservative and Christian |
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