Family: Question: Does anybody know If I have a chance to get emancipated? |
- Question: Does anybody know If I have a chance to get emancipated?
- Question: Okay so I'm a college student and oldest in my family. My little sister is in high school! I still call her sweetie is that normal?
- Question: Mother won't let me(adult daughter) go. Help?
- Question: Why does my mom keeps using my stuff and taking them from me, but doesn't spend a single dollar on me?
- Question: With the holidays coming around I have a question?
- Question: With the holidays coming around I have a question?
- Question: What's wrong with my parents.?
- Question: How to help a mentally unstable person get help when they see no need for it?
- Question: My mom took away my computer?
- Question: Should his illness be an excuse for being mean?
- Question: Feeling very old at 21?
- Question: Adult sibling situation?
- Question: I'm 14 and I don't know what I should do about my dad and my family?
- Question: How to cope with being too poor for school supplies?
- Question: Justified Grounding?
- Question: I'm confused need advice?
- Question: My mom's boyfriend is an asshole?
- Question: Are your older brothers or older sisters protective? Why do you think they are over overprotective? What is your story of your older sibling?
- Question: My parents don't want me to move out?
- Question: Is it okay to want to report your family to jail?
- Question: Dont Worry?
- Question: I'm so depressed, I've been bullying at school and on the internet:'(?
- Question: What do you think of this?
- Question: I helped my parents move and now they won't pay up?
- Question: What would I call my mother's uncle's granddaughter?
- Question: I can't handle this anymore please give me some advice.?
- Question: GF wants to have a baby?
- Question: Are animals just made to fight so we'll never all get along?
- Question: My sister is my mother?
- Question: Tell me if i'm just paranoid or what ;?
- Question: How to have a good life after high school?
- Question: What is my dad's cousin to me?
- Question: Advice on raising boys read below?
- Question: Am I wrong for planning my life ahead at age 15?
- Question: My Dad hates me?
- Question: Is pulling hair out child abuse?
- Question: Hi. I just found out that my daughter had argument with her schoolmates, physically. Btw she is 4. Should I move her to another school?
- Question: HELP!! I just fond out that my brother is gay??? What do I do??
- Question: Snapping out of nowhere at my mum?
- Question: How does one go about seducing their sister?
- Question: Failed my drivers test?
- Question: My father is very sick with early stages of Alzheimer's.... I'm scared to move him and my mother into my home with my children....?
- Question: What should I do?!?
- Question: What do I do?
- Question: What to do with my parents?
- Question: Is it wrong to feel "drained of life" at 16 years old?
- Question: How can you tell if your parents have an unhappy marriage?
- Question: My mom treats my dad bad?
- Question: How to let your parent let you go to a library on your own?
- Question: Am i Attracted to my Sister??
- Question: What do you think of this poem?!?
- Question: My grandma doesn't care about me when I was sick?
- Question: How to sneak out?
- Question: I'd like advice for myself, becuase of my recently passed father.?
- Question: I want to change my name, but how do i tell my mum?
- Question: My husband didn't get me a birthday gift. I'm upset. Is this an overreaction?
- Question: Is my mom overprotective?
- Question: Is it possible that my parents aren t sexual towards each other?
- Question: Can i become a US citizen if i have a half brother & sister but my mother was never married to our father. I do not have the same last name?
- Question: Is it ok for a married Christian woman to use a dildo?
Question: Does anybody know If I have a chance to get emancipated? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:48 PM PDT I am 16 years old soon wishing to seek emancipation. My parents live separately during the week. I a, wondering if my situation is good enough to be granted emancipation. I live in a situation where my mom has made very irrational selfish decisions. Once not too long ago she kicked me and my dad out from the house and forced us in an apartment. We were coming home from Germany. She said, "this is you guys place, first month is paid for, so and don't back in my house." We couldn't afford the appartment we were living in, and she said if we wanted to come back in, my father must pay $25,000 to her. Who says that? And sure enough my dad wanted the best for me, which also was my college money being saved up for me. That's gone. And my mom and dad always argue arguing with me, and when I was eight they gave me over to Child Protective Services because they didn't want to take care of me. Then I was sent to Austin Children's Shelter, where I was sexually abused for 1 month straight nonstop. It affected me and changed my whole life and it still messes with me now. And because I am homosexual, my dad was angry at me and said to my mom, "I hope he dies with AIDS" yes he said that. I never got along with them and sadly they think they've supported me since the beginning but denied that they regret any of this. Things officially got so bad I just don't think I can take another 1 1/2 years till I turn 18. It's too much and I've become depressed and hopeless several times. I live in Texas. |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:47 PM PDT |
Question: Mother won't let me(adult daughter) go. Help? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:46 PM PDT I love her, I really do. But its getting out of hand. I had to SNEAK out of her house at 20 years old. She would abuse me, tackle me, hold me in my room, sob and cry, call police and tell them I was mental and she needed custody of me, and threaten to put me in an asylum if I left home. The people I am staying with are scared of her. I'M scared of her. I can't have a conversation with her. It goes something like me:'Hey, I saw a moose today! It was huge!' her:'baby you're killing me come home don't you love me why do you hate me??' I don't know what to do anymore. I can't cut her off, because she's found the contact information of the people I am staying with(2,000 miles from her) and she tells them that she WILL talk to me. She addresses me not by my name but as 'my daughter Courtney'. When she speaks to them. She told me they were devils. She found out on her own where I live. I'm so tired of getting bizarre messages like the one below sent to my DeviantART and such. I don't even know how she got the address for it because I didn't give it to her. She also posted this: To those of you young people that this may ever reach, from a parent that is slowly dieing inside, my daughter does not love me anymore, she has and always will be the love of my life and nothing can explain this pain that I am going through, from the moment I knew I was going to have her my life was filled with sunshine, now a dark cloud looms, she left with out a good by...(and on about me killing her slowly) |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:43 PM PDT For the past month my mom has been taking and using my things that I bought with my own money. I barely HAVE any money but I know for a fact my mom has plenty of money to buy these things herself. I buy myself something I wanted, she then acts like I bought it for her and tells me "oh you bought this for me" and I tell her no. She gets upset but takes it anyways. She uses my things like she's my sister, I am not kind with sharing something that I bought, I use it carefully and no every day or hour like she does. I make sure it lasts me a month, or more. If I buy myself something after work she insists I buy her the same thing. Meaning I spend TWICE as much money or else she will complain how selfish I am. I barely can keep up with her and I feel like I'm the mother and she's the daughter always wanting everything that I can barely afford, WHILE she has the money and only spends it on herself and strictly forbids me from using them. I am going to live all by myself in two months since I am moving back to America. Maybe she's having a hard time to let me go and this is why she's acting like this? Not to mention she doesn't leave me alone and keeps spending time in my room 24/7 even though I need privacy but she doesn't give me it. I am 20 years old. |
Question: With the holidays coming around I have a question? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:40 PM PDT My husband is adopted and a few years before we met he found his bio aunt, cousin and her 5 kids. They live in our town and he got very close with them. When we met we always spent a lot of time together and his aunt and cousin are threw my baby shower. Our kids and his cousins kids all got along very well. We had spent every Christmas Eve together. Last year a week or two before Christmas his cousin (a female) called and told him that he and the kids were welcome but I wasn't for Christmas Eve. She said she didn't like me and that I had done something to her that she didn't like. My husband asked her to elaborate and she would not. I haven't done anything and I even offered to apologize just to keep his family connection strong. Anyhow his cousin once again stated that he and the kids are welcome but I was not. He told his cousin that I am his wife and if I was not welcome that he would not be attending with the kids. I am now thinking that they may want to make amends and have us over this year. Personally I do not want to go because I feel as though they like how dare they say that I did something not include me and make me fell shunned. If they invite us this year should I go? I told my husband last year that he could go with the kids and I would not mind and he said that he would never go without me so him going alone is not an option. I just feel like even if my family didn't like him they would deal with him and not say anything. |
Question: With the holidays coming around I have a question? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:40 PM PDT My husband is adopted and a few years before we met he found his bio aunt, cousin and her 5 kids. They live in our town and he got very close with them. When we met we always spent a lot of time together and his aunt and cousin are threw my baby shower. Our kids and his cousins kids all got along very well. We had spent every Christmas Eve together. Last year a week or two before Christmas his cousin (a female) called and told him that he and the kids were welcome but I wasn't for Christmas Eve. She said she didn't like me and that I had done something to her that she didn't like. My husband asked her to elaborate and she would not. I haven't done anything and I even offered to apologize just to keep his family connection strong. Anyhow his cousin once again stated that he and the kids are welcome but I was not. He told his cousin that I am his wife and if I was not welcome that he would not be attending with the kids. I am now thinking that they may want to make amends and have us over this year. Personally I do not want to go because I feel as though they like how dare they say that I did something not include me and make me fell shunned. If they invite us this year should I go? I told my husband last year that he could go with the kids and I would not mind and he said that he would never go without me so him going alone is not an option. I just feel like even if my family didn't like him they would deal with him and not say anything. |
Question: What's wrong with my parents.? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:39 PM PDT Today, I was eating a doughnut. My brother wanted a piece, but he's 10 and weighs 148 lbs. So I said "look at yourself." He got mad, but then I said sorry 2 times. He then hit me with a notebook, which I hit him back after asking him to stop 3 times. He then scratched my eye, in which I got a scar and I had to get a skin draft. When we got home, my mom said I am an idiot and grounded me for 3 days, but my brother got nothing. WTF!!! That's what I don't understand. |
Question: How to help a mentally unstable person get help when they see no need for it? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:19 PM PDT There isn't enough time or room on this question to explain my situation. I sure wish there was. In short order, my sister is in her late 30's and has some serious deep-rooted mental problems that cause her to compulsively lie all the time, overstep her boundaries within my family (I am nearly 6 years younger than her, married with my own children), accuse everyone else of everything that has ever gone wrong in her life and cause problems with people out of spite when she feels like they have done her wrong. She has literally attempted to ruin a family in our community by accusing a man of infidelity just because she liked the man and he married another woman. She has never in her life apologized for anything she has done. And she has recently cut me, my family and our parents completely out of her life over the smallest disagreements. How can I help her see that she has a problem and needs help if she is oblivious to the fact that she has a problem? |
Question: My mom took away my computer? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 11:50 AM PDT My mom took away my computer for not talking to her and being disrespectful i dont mean being disrespectful it just comes out that way. She knows the computer is like the one thing i love, because its just fun. She took it away today. How do I get it back? I have my xbox but never play with it. I have a summer job. I moved to a another island and lost all my old friends and I like to play with them becuase my new friends doesn't play videogames. I am very social and I don't sit one day playing games. And when my friends ask me to hang out I always hang out with them. |
Question: Should his illness be an excuse for being mean? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 11:34 AM PDT My uncle is ill and takes many different medications. The doctors informed my aunt and uncle that these medications would cause his moods to drastically change. My aunt and uncle are living with me and my family but my uncles constant "bad moods" are becoming unbearable. He is always irritable and complains about everything. Sometimes he starts yelling and saying bad words. He is constantly putting all of us down and how sorry he feels for us that we are not in God's good graces. I've tried talking to my aunt about his behavior but says she's already spoken to the doctors and they said its a normal reaction due to the medications. She tells me to blew him off and either way its fine since he is justified in his complains. When I confronted her how he was justified, she told me I was being unreasonable arguing with a very ill person. I know my uncle is ill and I know he is progressively getting worse, but I don't think it justifies his actions. Sometimes it feels like he's just being downright verbally abusive. Serious opinions welcomed. |
Question: Feeling very old at 21? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 11:31 AM PDT I cant believe Im 21 years old already, it felt like i was 16 years young yesterday? Time is going by way too fast but i didnt think it would go by this fast. Ever since i turned 21 i have had this deep concern about myself about how much older im getting, im feeling older than i have ever felt in my life, i dont know if its because i left high school about two years ago and now i feel like life is just racing towards the end too quickly. I need your opinions about age 21, is it too old? I feel like i cant do anything this age anymore like i did in my late teens, i feel very nostalgic about the past, i feel like im peaking in appearance and looks and aging fast to the point where i look like im 30 already. |
Question: Adult sibling situation? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:50 AM PDT I had a situation (started out as a business matter then turned personal) with my brother recently where some very below the belt things were said. I'm from a large family and he and I have butted heads since were kids. I've forgiven him for various smaller things over the years, but following this incident I feel like I need a break from him for a while. My issue is getting the rest of my family to understand and respect that. My mother in particular takes it personally when there is family drama and is always the first to suggest forgiving and forgetting. In this case, I can't do that right now. I realize you can't force people to change their thinking, but does anyone have any advice on getting the rest of the family to respect my decision to put distance between my brother and I? I'm not distancing myself from them, just him. |
Question: I'm 14 and I don't know what I should do about my dad and my family? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:50 AM PDT My parents are divorced. My dad has a wife and baby and they live around 40 mins away from me. My dad never pays for my sister(12) and I but when he does its rarely on time(he used to pay £400 for the two of us but then it reduced to £300 and now recently £250). My mum works hard and is a single mum, who raises me and my sister. My grandfather and grandmother(grandma especially) always go on about how I should just stand up to my dad and ask him directly why he isn't providing for us which he should be doing by law and they've also called me a coward for not doing so. They also ask me to ask him how he had the money to bring his wife over from a different country as well as his mother-in-law. I haven't seen my dad in about 2 months. The longest period of time I didn't see him was for 6 months. Today my mum said that she will go to her lawyers if my dad doesn't fix up and get him in serious trouble. They are always angry at me for sticking up for my dad. She told me not to pick up any calls from him or text him at all. I'm so confused and upset and I don't know what I should do. Someone please help. |
Question: How to cope with being too poor for school supplies? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:24 AM PDT I started school a few days ago, but tommorow is the first day where I realy need my school supplies. I'm talking about a pen, ruler, scissors and some books to write on. I live with my mom and 4 younger sisters. She took them to the shops and bought their school supplies. I was planning to do the same, a few days before school. I ask her and she tells me that she has no money. Only just enough for groceries. My problem is that I find it disgusting of her to forget that her oldest child and only son needs school supplies and coincidently there isn't enough money when I ask for it. I asked again today and she said no. I'm angry because I'll be going to school without a pen. Besides it's embarrassing and wierd to ask stranger for a pen. My life sucks and everything reminds me of the money I don't have. I can't buy anything because my mother won't give me money. I should mention my mom is on welfare. I've been wondering if I can be adopted just because I want to be in a more stable family. Please don't tell me my mom is doing all she can. No one decides to have a 5th child while jobless and on welfare. Oh, I should also mention I'm 15, and don't suggest seeing a therapist because I already go to one for refusing to take my medicine. I still don't have the balls to tell him anything. TLDR: Too poor to buy a pen, wondering if I can be adopted for being poor. |
Question: Justified Grounding? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:15 AM PDT I wrote a quote from someone on the whiteboard in our house with the Bitc- word on it and my parents freaked out and banned be from YouTube, saying its bad. They said I have too much free time and should spend more time studying. I'm 15, so swearing isn't horrible, granted I never do it anyways and that I didn't say it to anyone. Also, my mother rarely curses, but does swear on occasion, and my dad swears a lot in multiply languages. My friends mom who drives me home with him swears dozens of times per car ride, so me swearing would more or less be more of an outcome of my environment, yes or no? I would never swear at someone and would never say swear words. I would write them, but only in a comedic way. So is my grounding and banning and punishment justified? I'm trying to reason it out saying it was for the fun of it, but they're not budging. |
Question: I'm confused need advice? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 09:01 AM PDT This lady will but in my conversation as I'm talking to other people. She would Criticize My kids clothes are small. Remind you I work n provide for my kids and she don't work. Makes every excuse not to. And, gets things free for her kids and not try. Anyhow I bought my child a hoody n gloves set and she had to make one just like the one I bought. She told my husband after kids left on bus for school. We can sit n talk. Again she's married. Now my child walks to and from school and she drives her kids to n from school. And remind you she gets to school 29 min early n talk to random people just to see me n then she leaves. And in the afternoon now I go to school later to pick my child up from school n she stands by the gate n waits for me n then picks her kids up n hurry up so she can see me walking home. I do anything to avoid this weirdo n she does anything to show herself to me. If you don't like someone. You avoid that person. Not her she has to go out of her way to see me. What do you guys think is wrong with this person? It creeps me out. |
Question: My mom's boyfriend is an asshole? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:57 AM PDT So this ************ gets angry over every ******* thing , about 3 weeks ago he felt sick and my mom took care of him and everything , now this piece of **** is starting to get angry at my mom FOR NOTHING , i don't cry , but i always wish the worst to him . I hope he will burn in the flames of hell , and they aren't ******* separating , they start arguing , they end it , start arguing , end it . And my mom isn't the problem here , this ************ treats my mom like she's his ******* slave . I always wanted to make him suffer ... How can i confront this waste of oxygen? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:29 AM PDT Easy ten points, I am a guy and I am the youngest of six brothers and sisters and the youngest cousin and not only that but my friends treat me like ai belong to their family and they treat me like I am one of their siblings. For example when ever I am with my brothers and Sisters or my cousins in Public they all act protective of me. Not only that but if I mess up in college or want to quit they will not let me. Not only are they protective but my friends act protective of me. An example of that is that they annoy me but they play around and if someone else tries to annoy me then they protect me and they are all in sports and are very big and threatening to others. They even worry about my eating habit because I do not finish my food sometimes and my best friend who is a jock makes me finish my food. |
Question: My parents don't want me to move out? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:28 AM PDT So i live in Canada, but my parents are very cultural. In their culture, kids never move out on their own. Thsy stay living with the parents until they get married. So its normal to see a 35 year old man sometimes judt living at home, as its bizarre for someone to be living on their to them. But I cant take it. They are too strict and deny me from so many things. Like recently, my mom banned me from playing video games cause someone told her they were bad. She banned me from ssimming, soccer, gym, and 50 other normal stuff. I told them I'm leaving soon, and theyre going ape ****. What to do? Leave by force or |
Question: Is it okay to want to report your family to jail? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:24 AM PDT They beat me and I need help. I am 16 years old. My family gangs up on me. Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this? I also have a niece to worry about, she is only a newborn, she cannot be raised like this. They gave me scars and they are so violent. They yell a lot. I feel scared living in this house. Can someone please tell me what to do? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 08:08 AM PDT |
Question: I'm so depressed, I've been bullying at school and on the internet:'(? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:51 AM PDT since my first day at school I've been bullying and everyone at school making fun of me even teachers and I'm so sensitive person and that made me to be a completely fake person outside my house.. I've been acting so kind and stupid and when I hear them cursing and making fun of me I just laugh with them but inside I'm so hurt, that made me so angry at home . My family the most people know that I'm so sensitive and hate it when people say negative things about me but they the first people to pick all the bad things in me and make fun of my look and face so they made me addicted to put makeup on my face to cover it up ... My mom always come and tell me to treat my sis good and that I'm rude and tell that to her sister and sister in law and they come and tell me to treat her good too but they don't see that she is the one who shout at me first so it's normal that I get angry and shout at her back but they never see that because she is the young one and the beautiful and the cute one .. When my relatives come to visit us they always make comments on my body and my face that I'm became ugly and when I was young I was better but my sis they take care to never tell her any bad comment on her face or body ... I feel hated and not favorite by anyone even my family they made me feel so insecure |
Question: What do you think of this? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:49 AM PDT So this situation happened yesterday. My sister and her friend always hang out after school. They decided to draw with chalk on our property and sidewalk. Then, our neighbor got angry for no reason and told them to erase the chalk because it was considered tagging. They told her it was washable chalk. But the woman kept screaming at them. I went outside and saw the commotion. Then she started to scream more. I got pissed off when she said she was gonna call the police just because of chalk. And I know why she's more mad than ever. Here is a little history of her. She had a husband who is now divorced with her. So basically, she was abused and got hit a lot. She usually was the innocent and he was messed up in the head. Then he got arrested and sent somewhere else from here, never to come again. Ever since then, she has gotten more crankier and stupid by the second. It's wrong to argue with 14 year old girls. |
Question: I helped my parents move and now they won't pay up? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:27 AM PDT My parents retired and they needed help moving and I said I would help them but with a cost attached. I said that to protect my expensive truck and my investment they paid for all gas on the move but they are paying no more. My dad Is a retired veteran and the milltary gives you money if you move yourself we had to get my truck weighed before hand with a full load but no we are moved and settled they want to get it weighed again so they can get a check. I feel I am owed at least half of whatever x amount of dollars is for the move up here after all it's my truck. My mom says that's your dads money and you have no bussiness in it. Only problem is they won't get paid until I take my truck to get weighed and I waht at least half to offset cost of repairs their move cost me a new battery a serpentine belt and a radiator flush. My mom said I am very ungrateful for playing hardball and they have a limited amount of time to file. |
Question: What would I call my mother's uncle's granddaughter? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:26 AM PDT |
Question: I can't handle this anymore please give me some advice.? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 07:24 AM PDT I'm 15 years old and in an awful racist school(not part of question). I've never liked school and I haven't gotten good grades since 7th grade. I have some subjects like mainly english, history and natural sciences. I get good grades in these but other subjects especially math I do awful in. I don't really wanna go to college I know because of this my chances of being successful are very slim however that doesn't matter to me. All I really want to do is get into the music industry because music is my passion. But that aside my problem is I hate school and its not because I'm stupid my iq is in the 120's which is the gifted sector. My parents have told me if I had a low iq they would stop hounding me about my school work. When I had my iq tested I got an 8 out of 9 for everything except maths which I got a 3 out of 9 for and that is the subject they hound me about the most. No matter how hard I try and study for the subjects I do badly in it doesn't improve. I don't want to drop out of school but I'm just done trying. I want to tell my parents this but knowing them they might disown me if I do. And before any of you say "Just focus on your school work and you'll end up fine and with a job." I hate school and the only job I wouldn't hate would be making my own music. I would actually rather die than do something I hate for the rest of my life. I have had sucidal thoughts before and I have a history of self harm so I think I'm pretty close to actually just ending it. |
Question: GF wants to have a baby? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:57 AM PDT We met last year and it's been officially over a year of dating. She's Asian (Chinese), 28, mature, has her own place and in the work force. I'm not Asian, 27, not mature, live in a dorm and a university graduate student. Her father was diagnosed with lung cancer about 4 months ago and since then she's been hinting that she wants to settle down and have a family. She told me her father said he is worried that he won't be able to see her have a family and give him grandkids. A week ago she said she wants to have a baby and by the time i graduate (next year) she says "the baby will be born". Of course I just wanted the sex so I still wore a condom. And the vision she was envisioning for us having a baby looked different to me too. As of today we learned that the cancer had already spread across his body. She always been strong from the start but today she couldn't hold back the tears anymore, she burst out crying and it was really really sad. I feel really very sorry for her because I've lost a parent before (my mom) and it shaped my life early on in life. She wants me to meet her dad in the hospital and I agreed even though it feels like a ton of bricks. Here's my problem, I am very immature and still not sure what I want to do after i graduate. So I sure in hell am not ready to finish school and jump right into fatherhood. I feel so trapped. Her father is dying and the situation-all of it-is just killing me inside. What should I do? |
Question: Are animals just made to fight so we'll never all get along? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 06:51 AM PDT There can't be world peace. The greedy will always want more. People will always argue over land like colonies of microbes attack each other. They just can't help it because they're animals. They're not plants. We could learn from plants. They really behave. |
Question: My sister is my mother? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:28 AM PDT I recently found out that my sister is my real mother. She gave birth to me when she was 14. I don't know what to do or feel now. My mother is my grandmother? I'm refusing to talk to my sister now. What should I do? |
Question: Tell me if i'm just paranoid or what ;? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:23 AM PDT Me and my baby father and his mom lives together but she comes home every other weekend , anyways he has a female cousin who came up on vacation and since shes been here she only been wearing two house dresses one is so short you can see underneath her without her even bending , another you can see her boobs especially wen shes laying down in our livingroom and knowing that her male cousin is in the house she never choose to put a bra on or wear proper clothing , also one day we was barbecuing outside and he was so hot he was wiping his face with his shirt and i caught her stearing at the lower part of his abdomen and somehow she knew i was looking at her and both of our eyes made 4 at the time . And honestly i dont trust her i feel like shes trying to do something with her own cousin but because im there it cant happen , and he once told me that him and her use to sleep on the same bed back home in jamaica and from he told me that i started having doubts about both of them . |
Question: How to have a good life after high school? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:20 AM PDT My mom and I do not get along. I'm a junior this year, with bad social anxiety, and she just pulled me out to be homeschooled. I am very self critical and aware of everything I say to a point where it gives me anxiety, so please believe me when I tell you I have not said anything wrong to my mom to make her want to punish me. I know I have not. The point of this is, one of her punishments she likes to threaten me with is saying she won't pay for me to go to college. I wanted to know if there is anything I could do after high school, that would allow me to move out. I think if I sold everything (electronics including computer, phone, tv, camera, books, furniture, etc) I would have a fine amount that would pay for me to start a life somewhere. I do think that she will pay for my college, but I have 2 years left and it would be nice to have a Plan B. I have one year left until I am 18. I am afraid that once I turn 18 I am going to drop out of high school and move away, with only a few months of school left, because of a fight with my mom. I need an end goal, something that is definitely possible to do where I am not relying on my mom to do it. |
Question: What is my dad's cousin to me? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 05:01 AM PDT first cousin once removed? second cousin? something else? |
Question: Advice on raising boys read below? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:41 AM PDT I'm new at this just got remarried and now have 2step sons I have 8daughters so I don't really know how to take care of boys any tips and advice |
Question: Am I wrong for planning my life ahead at age 15? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:32 AM PDT So there's this girl I met in the 9th grade I was a troublemaker but she changed me I always got put outta class, I smoked it was a lot of bad things I regret doing but then I met her and she changed me she cared about what I was doing if I did something wrong she stopped me I fell in love with her I told her that when we finish school and college I wanted to marry her , now I'm moving to Georgia while she stays here in Virginia 😔 my mom says ur to young to get married I told her I know that I have to focus on my education first but she still yells at me like I'm thinking like a kid so am I wrong for planning my life ahead??? |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:20 AM PDT my parents aren't divorced. but my dad and i always fight and we cant be in the same room with out fighting. my mum just sits there and try's to help but fails i wish i could be friends with my dad but some how every thing when its going well just slowly turns into an argument and we just don't talk. these arguments are so annoying but we are so similar and we cant just let things go. we were just fighting about bread and how it tasted different to usual. what am i meant to do i don't like fighting but if he starts something i will fight. |
Question: Is pulling hair out child abuse? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:18 AM PDT Yesterday my mom stole 100$ from me. When I confronted her about it she said she used it to get her hair done. I then asked if she was sorry, and she said no. Basically, what ended up happening (after her running over my stuff with her car) was she started yanking my hair out and hitting me in the head multiple times. I saved the chunks she ripped out & I wrote down everything that happened - I know this is considered child abuse, but is it also means to get me removed from her house? I'm going to talk to my school councilor & see what she says and contact dhs. I know this isn't even as bad as some kids have it, which is so sad.. But is it still enough for me to get out? I honestly do believe she will do it again, and she's been physically (but mainly verbally) abusive before, I'm afraid that if I do wait to move out when I'm 18, she'll start taking out all her anger on my little sister. Honestly, I don't want to get dhs involved if it means nothing will happen, and my mom will find out and become even more hurtful. What should I do? Also I saved the chunks of hair she ripped out for proof, if that'll help me. |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:09 AM PDT |
Question: HELP!! I just fond out that my brother is gay??? What do I do?? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 03:45 AM PDT Well today I just fond out that my older brother (he is 16, I'm 14) is gay, and I don't really know what to do. I'm still in quite a bit of shock. Umm the thing is that my family (especially my dad's side) is EXTREMELY religious and rather homophobic, and my mum defiantly don't approve either, which is why he told only me, and when he told me he actually ended with 'I understand if you hate me now.' and walked off. I have no idea what to do. Personally I don't think it's a problem, but the environment I grew up in suggest that this is extremely wrong, and on so many different levels. My head is actually about to explode. Should I tell my parents? How do I make him feel that he is still my brother and being gay doesn't change anything really? How do I even deal with this? |
Question: Snapping out of nowhere at my mum? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 03:43 AM PDT Im a 20 year old female, living at home and studying. Ive been noticing this problem where i lose my patience VERY fast. I love my mumma but she honestly just drives me bonkers sometimes and I snap. She will see i am busy doing something and then she will come and try to talk to me, i listen but she goes on about some pointless **** and takes FOREVER to explain. She puts EVERY single DETAIL and it makes me snap. I have told her before to "shut the fk up and get to the point", in the moment it slipped out but after i do feel bad and wonder how she still loves me. Like i would like to be closer with her and have conversations but she goes ON AND ON and friggen never gets to the point it drives me MAD. Do i have anger issues? This isnt only with her though, it drives me insanse when anyone takes forever to get to the point. |
Question: How does one go about seducing their sister? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 02:37 AM PDT |
Question: Failed my drivers test? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 02:04 AM PDT So I am 16 and have now failed twice - I have given up - please help me with what I should do because everyone else has gotten theirs and I haven't - Well my mum stepdad and stepbrother and stepsister do and my other brother hasnt gotten his and neither have any oof my friends. I feel likee I have to get it done |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:57 AM PDT My father is going down hill fast. There's no mistaking he has Alzheimer's plus his other conditions. My mother and father along with my handicapped sister are in a horrible house, live with no vehicle, and depend on others with almost everything. I'm moving from Alaska back to Georgia and I planned on moving them in with me, but I am married with 3 kids, a newborn at that. My sisters..I have 5, can't or won't let them live with them plus I promised I would never put my father in a nursing home. But his Alzheimer's is the kind were he gets aggravated and upset plus the confusion. I'm scared of one, how he'll be around the kids, two, my mother has mental troubles herself... Very bad anxiety.... Taking them in and trying to help is going to be to much to handle with my kids, my husband getting out of the military and trying to establish a life for us...its all so much, I just can't stand the thought of my parents separated with my dad in a nursing home but he's so bad off I don't know if I'll be able to do much besides just try to make him comfortable til the time comes. I need advice. If he gets violent around my kids I'll have no choice. Should I throw out the suggestion of a nursing home now before I bother moving them in with me? Then what of my mother and sister? I'm almost mad that I jumped the gun and said I'll move them in and no having second thoughts |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:43 AM PDT I am struggling and need advice! I am a nanny in the U.S. and I love this baby girl with all of my heart. I can't imagine my life without her. Well I have the opportunity to move to Europe and become a nanny there. Of course this sounds appealing to me but I cry every time I think about leaving her behind. Her and I are so attached to each other. Help?! |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:40 AM PDT I am 18 yrs old and my dad blames me for my mom and him getting divorced he tells me that he's going to throw me in jail for protecting my mom when he was going to hit her a few days layer i called a friend and askes if i can move in for now ...I moved out of the house and now I live with my friend dad texts me and calls me telling me off saying he'll never forgive me for what I did which I didn't hit him I just stopped his hand from touching my mom .I changed my number and I blocked him on my Facebook but I always run into him at the store or at the park and that turns into a fight once he sees me ..I just want all this drama to end ..what do I do? |
Question: What to do with my parents? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:35 AM PDT My parents always fight... Like all the time.. They are rude to each other and to even me and my siblings... My mom always doubted my dad about having an affair with someone else.. And because of that they always fight.. I always thought my mom was never right about dad.. And she is the problem.. But then last night my mom found out my dad's pics with was taken when he was having sex with that lady.. And she broke down... Because she herself also thought that she was thinking wrong about dad.. I couldn't see her crying and keeping all pain inside her.. She really loves dad and Us... She can't leave is because she has no where else to go.. And she loves us alottt.. I'm just so broken right now.. How can he do all these stuffs at the age of 40.. He has 5 kids.. And 18years old marriage life. He just destroyed everything.. I feel like I have no more respect for him... But I love him a lot.. And he loves us too.. But they both shout and abuse us verbally like name calling and hitting my little siblings.. My mom cooks, she does the laundry for all of us.. When dad comes home he gets good ready food.. Plus he gets clean cloths to wear everyday.. We have a lot of respect for him.. This is how our culture is DaD the head of the famil.y.. What I mean is that now I found out that he doesn't want us anymore.. And mom has also proven that whatever she says was right.. The problem is dad.. Please help me and give me an advice on what to do... |
Question: Is it wrong to feel "drained of life" at 16 years old? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:33 AM PDT |
Question: How can you tell if your parents have an unhappy marriage? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:27 AM PDT |
Question: My mom treats my dad bad? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 01:15 AM PDT My mom treats my dad horribly. She does not cook or clean at home she goes to work. She always complains and yells at him how we have no money and we are poor and he should be doing things for her and providing more for her... meanwhile just last week we bought a house with a pool and just a couple months ago he suprised us (her) a trip to europe and we stayed in a five star hotel just for her. Today she made him cry because she said that all husbands buy there wives things and she shouldnt have to work because it is too much for her (hello its 2015 most women work and provide for themselves) she calls her parents who live 2 minutes away everytime he tries to yell back at her and say we cant afford something or if he goes for a movie with friends or something and have a fight and they always stand by her... And later on they tell me to just be nice to my mother because she goes to work and pays for some of our stuff (he pays for the house, and basicaly everything other than clothes and shoes.) she constantly puts him down and makes him feel worthless, meanwhile all she does is come home yell and sleep... Is there something I can do to help this situation? Im just worried since this is the first time seeing my dad cry because of her. |
Question: How to let your parent let you go to a library on your own? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:59 AM PDT My parents won't let me go to a library on my own. I'm 15 years old, they let me go out to the mall with friends all the time and ice skating. I don't understand why they won't let me go. I want to go to the library to do homework since my household is very loud . I can't really concentrate with all the loudness going on . How do I try to convince them to let me go? Is there any other suggestions that would be a good place to do homework ? |
Question: Am i Attracted to my Sister?? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:37 AM PDT i use my Sister's pair of Mary Jane T-Bar school shoes that she hasn't used in a few months to fap my d*** by simulating a Foot job and sometimes even worship the shoe by sniffing and licking the top area where the toes are, but I DO NOT think of it being my sister the thing is she used them about a week ago for a cosplay which was a school girl and last night i still used them to self pleasure knowing that she used them. the last few weeks i have been dreaming about her wearing the shoes and waking up fantasizing about her feet and being turned on.. i Have also been starting to film it myself jacking off with her shoes and have actually uploaded a video of it to RedTube (I'll give the link if you request) i have also started to take the shoes with me to school which they are hidden in my pencil case 24/7 and sometimes give them a sniff during my down times |
Question: What do you think of this poem?!? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:05 AM PDT It's going on 3 weeks that you've kept me from seeing my son, do you have any good reasons why, I bet you can't name 1, aside from the fact that you're stuck up, ignorant, immature & overall crazy, you want me to stop trying to see my son then you really are crazy, I won't stop trying even if you tried to pay me, how heartless of a person you & him are is all that's been on my mind lately, also what I've done to make you two absolutely hate me, hate me enough to keep my son from my life, is it something I did or is it the fact you about to be a wife, so you think that means you can take our child from my life, you expect me to just sit back & say okay, whatever, I don't care, you want me to stop trying well maybe you should try to care, 1 thing you've taught me about life, is that life ain't fair, If I'm fighting for what I love I'll do anything to get it, even if that means I gotta wait a little bit, I won't sweat it, " I will never keep a child from seeing his father ever for any reason " that statement, I believe you said it, now 3 weeks you've kept a father from seeing his son, lady, you're running outta credit, why you won't let me simply just love my child is beyond me, I just don't f***ing get it. |
Question: My grandma doesn't care about me when I was sick? Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:01 AM PDT To be honest she never hug me kiss me or anything.when I was sick she only give me pill and nothing else.there was a time where a big ball thing in my nose and it causing breathing problem and ear ache when I go to the doctor and it was huge and come back home(after fixing it and some medicaton) it cost us 50$ and she said it was a waste of money and she said it was the headphone (how the **** can a headphone do anything with breathing problem) and now I have a lump at my back teeth And it not wisdom teeth because I'm too young and I say it she say don't be a smartass and I have problem eating and sleeping for 4 day I was shock I want to go to the dentist (usually I afraid of dentist but this could be cyst and abcess ) it usually cost below 100$ to fix but I don't have health care if I have I will go to the dentist myself and the most shocking thing is that my other cousin she give her money on them more than me (for me I don't want her money all my phone and stuff are my parent money and i live with my grandma) example my aunt already have 1000$ motor bike and she want to sell it and buy another one for just a brand new one and she want a plastic sugerly I'm not American for attractive to be honest if she do it it look the same.for me I have a lot of problems like my parent give 50$ to buy a new hardrive and she keep it and not fixing my laptop and it was my parent money for me to fix it and she give my mom wedding ring to my cousin mom and she kick me out for an iPhone |
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 12:00 AM PDT First of all.. If you're gonna comment blah blah this is wrong, go ahead. But hear me out: I'm 17 years old (with Asian parents) and I need to get out of the house. Yes, this involves a guy. But also I need time away from my parents as well, my house is a very toxic environment in my opinion. My parents have had problems lately. They keep arguing and more.. Throwing things and such. Also they emotionally and verbally abuse me and my sister- I've had some extremely hurtful things said to me that I just can't seem to forget. It's always been this way. I want to sneak out this week to get away from it, but also to meet a guy I've been talking to. I feel so lonely and oppressed.. I'm always home and I do as I'm told. I make fantastic grades but my parents don't care about anything other than education. Like they don't even know my favorite color or my hobbies. I think it's a culture and a generation clash in my opinion. I'm not allowed to date till college. I cannot have sleepovers. My curfew is 8 pm. I KNOW they want the best for me but my resentment is really starting to build up. I don't show it but I really do get angry sometimes. So I need advice- is this normal teenage rebellion? And if so.. Would my plan work? I lock my door at night and then go wait downstairs till they're asleep and go out the back door and down the street to meet the guy? I feel terrible and overcome with guilt, but I just really need to get away |
Question: I'd like advice for myself, becuase of my recently passed father.? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 11:46 PM PDT I'm 18 years old and starting in a University. My father recently passed away and I'm not sure what to do. I was told that i should be focused on school, but I'd like helpful tips on what I should do. I was very close with him, but I haven't grieved yet nor had an urge to. He had two children, my sister and I. So far, we cannot find a will. Please, I'm only looking for advice and suggestions. The information I put for this yahoo account is a dummy. |
Question: I want to change my name, but how do i tell my mum? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 11:42 PM PDT I am 17 years old and for as long as I can remember, I have not liked my name.... It's too common, too plain and it's boring. I really want to change it, but I don't know how to bring it up to my mum. I know my mum would be offended because she loves my name, but I don't. I don't like my name at all and it depresses me. what should I do? |
Question: My husband didn't get me a birthday gift. I'm upset. Is this an overreaction? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 11:30 PM PDT Recently moved togethe, got married after a long distance relationship. Over this time I always sent him gifts for birthday ad Christmas. This year..his birthday was before mine. I made a massive effort organising food for both of his family gatherings. I cooked for hours and hours for his favourite food. I did the same when we went to the other half of his family. I also ordered a gift for him which he loved! And 2 small things I thought were neat - which he didn't haha. Not a problem. Anyway. .my birthday comes along and my famoly has all sent gifts for me as I'm not far away from home. His father and step mom baked a cake and I woke up to two fantastic gifts and the cake from them. Husband however..said he was going out shopping alone. At this point I told him not to buy anything expensive. He came back after visiting a shop for parts of his project. We then went out to a fair which he promised he'd take me to. But he moped and was clear he didn't want to go. But we went and I enjoyed it. Whilst I am thankful for his taking me out that night. .I am disappointed that I didn't receive a gift from him. It was my first year in this country away from my friends and family and I just wanted a sml token from him to me. Incase he went out and ordered something. .it is now days after. I feel sad his father and mom made an effort yet he didn't. Other than let me drag him to a fair he didn't want to go to. It's not the gift I'm upset about. It's the zero though he put into making me feel special. Should I say something to him about how upset I am? Am I justified or over reacting |
Question: Is my mom overprotective? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 11:18 PM PDT -She supervises me when I drove to a place to get my community service hours today because she thinks I'm lying. -She calls me before and after and tracks my phone to make sure I'm actually where I am. -If I don't text her every hour, she assumes I'm going off somewhere. -I can't close my door. -She checks on me at night to make sure I'm there. -She tracks what I spend on my cards, which is why I always use cash. |
Question: Is it possible that my parents aren t sexual towards each other? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 11:16 PM PDT So my parents marriage was more traditional. My mom s parents were friends with my dad s parents and so they introduced my parents together, with the intention that they get married. My parents eventually decided they want to get married(it was not forced). They weren t exactly dating before marriage; they could talk and everything, but they couldn t do any premarital actions, like kissing or touching. After they got engaged my dad was allowed to take her out alone to places. After they got married they were basically free to do whatever they wanted together, and they moved in together. I ve never seen them cuddle, hold hands, kiss, etc, and it just bothers me. Once when I was looking through old photos I saw a picture of them holding hands, but I m not sure if that was just a pose or if it had a meaning. Like, my parents never hug, except when they re posing for a picture. So that hug doesn t really have a meaning. I m not sure if they re just not sexual with each other at all or if they just don t do it in front of us. Not a day goes by where I don t have urges, and I can t have premarital relations so I just can t wait til I m engaged so I can have someone to cuddle with, etc., so I don t know why they wouldn t do it Catholic priests and nuns usually have a devotion to not indulge in sexual activity, and even then, some still do it. But my parents really have no reason to not be. Could someone go their whole life and not be sexual, when they could be? Ik it s a weird Q :P |
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 10:59 PM PDT |
Question: Is it ok for a married Christian woman to use a dildo? Posted: 01 Sep 2015 10:53 PM PDT I am so confused. I found out my mother has a dildo. I'm confused because she said, as a Christian, she wasn't sure if masturbation was a sin or not. But she has a dildo, so she must be ok with masturbation, right? So is it ok if you're married to have a dildo and to masturbate?? |
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