Singles & Dating: Question: I THINK she likes me? Now what? |
- Question: I THINK she likes me? Now what?
- Question: I can't tell if he likes me back or not!?
- Question: Would it be creepy to tell a girl you met online that she "looks great" the first time you actually meet her in person?
- Question: I dont even know if he likes me
- Question: How do you as for someones number online?
- Question: What are some examples of texts messages that I can send to my girl best friend to make her day? (I'm a guy.)?
- Question: Men, how do you feel about a girl you know giving you her number?
- Question: If a virgin girl has been finger before does she still bleed during sex or not anymore?
- Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend?
- Question: Why people in this era are so controversial, looking for things to get pissed about?
- Question: I usually fall in love with gay guys. Don’t know if I’m a straight female anymore.?
- Question: I have a crush on my teacher and emailed it to him.?
- Question: What to call my boyfriend?
- Question: Respond to this text ?
- Question: I think my brothers friend asked me out maybe ?
- Question: Should I text him or call him since I haven't heard from him?
- Question: What does it mean if a girl I like sent me a :) after I wished her goodnight?
- Question: Ladies, am I good looking?
- Question: Can a 15-year-old boy date a 22-year-old guy?
- Question: Where is it?
- Question: I need input on a text conversation! (Look down)?
- Question: Am I too old-fashioned/conservative?
- Question: Having the boyfriend talk with my parents?
- Question: Would you talk to a guy you only considered a friend, but he want to be like really really close friends?
- Question: Girlfriend is mad about something i can t help. what should i do?
- Question: I had sex with a straight guy that has a girlfriend, how do I tell her? 10 pts?
- Question: How do I tell a girl I don't want to date?
- Question: Respond to this text?
- Question: Girls , do ya like funny guys? And he also can sing?
- Question: Relationship issue. Please help?
- Question: Why is his face red?
- Question: Planning a 20th birthday vacation for this summer. Help !?
- Question: Will you please help me?
- Question: What does it mean when I asked a girl out that she needs time to think and sort things out?
- Question: Should I say this to him?
- Question: Relationship advice from strangers would be nice!?
- Question: Why am I so awesome dude just why?
- Question: Deoxider does kill a man?
- Question: Broke my long distance boyfriends trust. Help?
- Question: I'm 12 and want to give a *******?
- Question: What should I do in Chicago?
- Question: How long do guys take to talk to a girl they like in High School?
- Question: Would I have a chance in getting her?
- Question: Meeting my boyfriend's son,How to deal..HELP?
- Question: Im so flippin confused .. I need some advice. I have no idea what to do ...?
- Question: More knowledge will erase fear. What does this mean?
- Question: Why don't some guys like to tell you their middle name?
- Question: Tell me what to do , i will really appreciated.?
- Question: I think I have a serious issue with older guys?
- Question: How would you feel about this?
- Question: I can't stop obsessing over him-HELP?
- Question: I have a crush on my teacher and emailed it to him.?
- Question: Idk what to do ? Should I date girls who are 5'1?
- Question: HELP!!!!! NEED ADVICE?
- Question: I lack the confidence to talk to women because I am below average in size. What can I do to get over this?
- Question: What's the difference between friends with benefits and a long term hook up?
- Question: I like my cousin, but don't want to?
- Question: Is forced asexuality(chastity,abstinence) equal to or great than rape?
Question: I THINK she likes me? Now what? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:02 PM PDT Let me give you a little background. so I've met this girl. we've actually known each other for about three months. we've been out on around 4 or 5 dates. (I haven't even kissed her yet. Ugh, I know). well last night I finally let her know that I like her while we were sitting in my truck last night in front of her home. She claimed she felt a little awkward at first because no one she has ever known has come right out and told her that. She made lightly of the situation. This is her coping mechanism however. I know her well enough to know that. her response, word for word was: "I like you to, you're awesome and you're fun to hang out with" I tend to overanalyze a lot and I feel maybe she only said it because it was the only thing that came to her mind. it seems I'm getting a lot of mixed signals here. I really hope that's not the case because I genuinely like this girl. Please help me guys and gals. |
Question: I can't tell if he likes me back or not!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:01 PM PDT Hello. This guy that I have known for a few years and I had a thing a few months ago. Recently he texted me asking If I was okay because he thought I looked sad in class. We talk everyday, sometimes he will text me first and ask how I am doing or vice versa. We joke around and have great conversations. We also have a lot in common and know each other well. He is always asking how I am doing and asking if I am okay. We are not afraid to talk or joke around in class either. I cant tell if he is just being a good friend or is genuinely interested in me. Please help. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:01 PM PDT |
Question: I dont even know if he likes me Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:01 PM PDT So this guy and i met about a year ago at a baseball game..we started going out and then broke up awhile after then a couple months later we started talking again and he isnt like he used to be now he is soo sweet and amazing i cant stop thinking about him! He will be a freshman and im going to be a sophmore. The only thing is im not even sure he likes me anymore. I always start the conversation, and he never really has a deep conversation with me.😐 he calls me "sexy" but i dont like it i rather be called beautiful or pretty... idek help? Does he like me |
Question: How do you as for someones number online? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:01 PM PDT so there is this guy and we are pretty good friends and i didnt have enough courage to ask for his number so i was wondering if there is a way i can ask him online |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:01 PM PDT |
Question: TEEN GIRLS! CUTE OR CREEPY!? EASY 10 POINTS!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:00 PM PDT I just had my senior prom on Friday. I went with a girl (who I thought I only liked as a friend) looking back on prom night... I'm starting to like her. She's beyond beautiful, super nice and she is pretty much every guys dream girl. We held hands at the end of prom night. And she keeps telling me how she had such a great time. Her birthday is tomorrow, I want to send her something special over text at midnight. Something that she would say aww to. Any ideas? And if you are a girl, tell me what you would think If your prom date did this to you! |
Question: Men, how do you feel about a girl you know giving you her number? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:59 PM PDT Just opinions how do you view the girl for giving the number? Bad? Good? Girls have you/would you? |
Question: If a virgin girl has been finger before does she still bleed during sex or not anymore? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:59 PM PDT |
Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:59 PM PDT I'm so sick of being lonely I don't no what I'm doing wrong I'm not bragging but I'm pretty my hair is always done I wear nice cloths and I'm always myself no matter what I'm nice and smart girl I always work hard and get good grades in school I stay out of trouble I don't do drugs or drink or I don't act like a slut I have respect for myself I love being different and outgoing ,have a sense of humor I'm goofy lol .I'm a honest person and I would never cheat on anyone and I because it's not right and I was taught better and I'm truthful half of my friends have boyfriends I'm just sitting here think to myself what's wrong with me |
Question: Why people in this era are so controversial, looking for things to get pissed about? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:58 PM PDT |
Question: I usually fall in love with gay guys. Don’t know if I’m a straight female anymore.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:58 PM PDT I think I'm straight, am I? I got attracted to men(only hot & handsome men) and also to some girls that are pretty & sexy(never had a girlfriend). But I really really have a soft spot on gay guys(not all of them, but most of them usually the handsome gays). When I was in highschool, got totally inlove with this guy and got jealous of his group of friends which consists of all girls, only to find out that he's gay. Then got crush on another guy because he's so hot, uploading photos of him on the gym with his friends, also found out that he's gay and has a boyfriend. Now, there's this new guy at my work, he's handsome and sexy. When I first saw him he was totally hot then he started to talk and yeah, he's gay. Then we got really close and even though I know he's gay, I still fell in love with him, like I wanna be with him all the time. He said, he never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before which I believe but he said he get attracted to girls sometimes. But now he's being unpredictable. One day he talks to me then the next day he doesn't. I'm like, what happened? Why are you being like that all of a sudden? I never asked those questions to him btw, just in my mind. I already accepted the fact that he's gay and that he will never like me as a lover or girlfriend but please stay with me even just as a friend. I'm very happy when I'm with him especially when he talks to me. |
Question: I have a crush on my teacher and emailed it to him.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:57 PM PDT i know nothing ill and i dont want anything to, happen. this is the email i sent him: Hi Mr.____, this is probably kind of weird, but I don't care. I just wanted to tell you this because if I don't, I'm going to regret it and also I don't have the courage to tell you this in person which I don't even have the option for anymore because school already ended and I'm probably never going to see you again. Which is why I am telling you this. And what I want to tell you is that I have liked you, more than a teacher, for a very long time. And that may sound crazy considering the fact that I barely even know, and that you were my teacher, and that you're married and have kids, and that you're older than me, but it's just how i feel, and I'm sorry if this makes you feel weird, I feel weird just writing this but i just wanted to tell you even though you might already know. This is ___ by the way if you couldn't tell by my very creative email username. Okay, bye. is it bad to have sent him it i just thought of all the things that could happen. What are the consequences? |
Question: What to call my boyfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:56 PM PDT Okay so my boyfriend always calls me "beautiful , cute , gorgeous , stunning" just all these really sweet things to describe me . But I don't really know what to call him back? I don't want to call him beautiful cause that is mainly to describe women . And he and I have both agreed to not refer to each other as "hot" or "sexy" . I was thinking to call him cute but I feel like that is nothing compared to the things he uses to describe me . I'm just kinda tired of taking the compliment and not complimenting him back . But then I think handsome , but then again I feel that is too much . I don't really know , but is there any words out there yall may use to describe your boyfriends? All answers are greatly appreciated! |
Question: Respond to this text ? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:56 PM PDT I'm not the person I was before? |
Question: I think my brothers friend asked me out maybe ? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:55 PM PDT He has always been super nice to me and always treats me in a kind way unlike all of my bothers other friends who completely ignore me, we always joke around and we have lil nicknames for eachother.. whenever he comes over he like completely ignore my brother and just talks to me.. I have had a crush on him forever he is soo nice and he has the prettiest eyes and he was a marine so that is a huge plus I cant get over him. Okay so him, my brother, my friend, and I went out on the boat a few days ago and me and him kept joking around with me and my friend my brother was too busy on his phone so we basicially spent the whole day together.. when we were swimming he told me a ton about his life and birthday plans and all that jazz and whatever after the boat we all went to dinner.. we were all joking around then out of no where he asks what im doing on Friday and I said nothing and he asked me to a movie ??? I was like im game if you are and hes like okay lets do it??? Keep in mind Im 16 and hes 24 ??? was he just being super nice or was he asking me out idk ?? I don't have a sister to go to for advice all of my friends are like omg.. I added him on facebook the following day and now we are friends. Do I message him a day before or do I wait and see if he messages me.. I have a feeling it meant nothing and nothing is going to happen Friday idk give me advice please. I thought I would add that I don't like any guys my age they are so immature and just after one thing.. he seems soo genuine and his personality it just draws me in.. idk |
Question: Should I text him or call him since I haven't heard from him? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:55 PM PDT Update: Hello! My dad knows this guy at the grocery store when we both went there and the guy seemed very nice. He told me he hoped my dad was treating me right and I smiled and said yup. Next time I went in the store and I saw him and I said hi and he was telling me I should come to the store more often. I told him that I should. I told him what he said last time is really nice and it would be nice to talk to him. He told me he is nice all the time. He then said would I like his number. I plugged it in my phone and told him I would text him later. I texted him and we texted for a while then he told me he had to take a shower and go to church so he would talk to me later. I haven't heard from him in 3 days. I know he is sincere and wouldn't drop me but I don't know if I should text him or what? I really want to let him know I want to get to know him better and I am interested but I am scared and tradition says guys chase girls. |
Question: What does it mean if a girl I like sent me a :) after I wished her goodnight? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:55 PM PDT This girl that I really like was freaking out and I was trying to calm her down. After a while of silence, I asked her how she was and she was okay. She said good and is wished her goodnight. She said good night and sent me the:) emoji. I think the is just being cute and nice but idk. Idk is she likes me so I'm really confused |
Question: Ladies, am I good looking? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:54 PM PDT |
Question: Can a 15-year-old boy date a 22-year-old guy? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:54 PM PDT I'm a 15-year-old boy, and I've recently become friends with this 22-year-old guy, who I've started to have feelings for; I know it's technically illegal, but we aren't going to have sex, since I'm asexual. I feel a really deep emotional connection with him, and he says the same. I'm considered by others to be very mature for my age (personally I'd say that's debatable but whatever) and I usually get along better with people in their 20s and 30s then people my age (friendship wise I mean). I would really like to be with this guy, and if i do obviously I'd take it slow and be careful (since I've heard stories of people getting used by older guys). He can't get in trouble if we're not having sex right? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:53 PM PDT |
Question: I need input on a text conversation! (Look down)? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:53 PM PDT So I had asked this guy if he wanted to get ice cream because he told me that he doesn't like to ask girls to do things because he wants to do something that I'll enjoy. Anyway, he responded: " I'm feeling sick today. Tomorrow I'm down to get some ice cream." So it's the day after and he hasn't texted me. I get that people get busy, but does this mean something more serious about our relationship? |
Question: Am I too old-fashioned/conservative? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:53 PM PDT So I turned 15 two days ago. I've never been kissed, never dated/been in a relationship. I've never been courted either, and I don't think I've been liked by someone (some said they did but most likely in a joking manner). I'm very conservative so I think I'm not being liked because of that. First of all, the way I dress is not what a normal 15-year-old would wear. I usually wear shorts that are a little above my knees. I've never worn short shorts in public (I've worn them in my house and just once to track practice). I don't like wearing sleeveless tops in public either. Probably the only time I actually show some skin is at the beach. Even my swimsuit is a one-piece. I never thought about wearing a bikini. My mom tells me I dress too conservatively, but she just teases me about it. I also often wear collared tops (like flannels, and polos) because I feel like my chest is showing even though it isn't. In addition my fashion choices, I also don't wear makeup. I think wearing makeup is a bit too much. Even in special occasions, I don't prefer to wear makeup unless my parents convince me. Appearance aside, I also have never been kissed, but I'd rather not. I usually just have secret crushes to myself, but I never make a move first. Almost all of my friends have been kissed, been in a relationship, etc. so I'm just feeling out of place. |
Question: Having the boyfriend talk with my parents? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:52 PM PDT So Ive been dating this guy for over 2 months now, and he wants to meet them soon. Im 16 for those that are wondering. I know I shouldnt go off when they reject the idea, but make them understand and let them now that whatever they're afraid of ill let them try to be as comfortable about it or prevent it as possible. So how can I go on and talk about it? Or any ideas of what to do or not do |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:52 PM PDT This guy came up to me & was talking to me, I was just being normal/myself. I wasn't flirting & neither was he. & then out of nowhere he asked for my number, and I said I don't give out my number to people I don't know well. & he said "well if you change your mind here's my number. You seem like a nice person". And I was like "ok". And then he just walked off.....I thought we were still going to talk. So then 5 min later he came back, & I think he thought I was going to text him....and he came back b/c I didn't. And he was just like "so..." and I was looking at him, ready for what he was going to say b/c I thought he had something to say... & he just walked off again. Wtf??? Anyway I'm thinking about texting him b/c I'm bored (if we even talk more, I'm going to let him know I don't want a relationship now, so I don't lead him on. But I have a feeling he wants to be like close friends.). I'm dating other guys, & I have a feeling he'd want to be like closer than all of them. But like I don't see a point if there'll never be a future between me and him. Like when I get married, I'm going to have no interest in any other guys, or having close guys friends. |
Question: Girlfriend is mad about something i can t help. what should i do? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:51 PM PDT Well, this happens a lot unfortunetly. =/ She is upset because i couldn t figure out something for her to eat. I rarely eat at all, yet i gave her 29 different options of something she could eat, but of course, she didn t want any of them (a lot of them were her favorite foods) So now she is mad at me and calling me an asshole because i couldn t figure out what she wanted when she herself cant figure it out. Stuff like this happens all the time, and im honestly highly debating on leaving her. Am i wrong for wanting out? |
Question: I had sex with a straight guy that has a girlfriend, how do I tell her? 10 pts? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:50 PM PDT So I'm a guy and I had sex with a guy that has a girlfriend. I'm 18 and he's 18. I has at a party and I saw this guy so I started talking to him and he was drunk and I was kind of tipsy but I wasn't drunk. I started making out with him and then I started to take his clothes off and then he said "I have a girlfriend" and then I said "oh come on just this one time" and then we had sex. He didn't wear a condom but I don't have any diseases so it's not like I gave him a disease. The next morning he texted me and said " you cannot tell my girlfriend what happened last night" and he said he wasn't gay and to never talk to him again and that him and his girlfriend have been together 3 years. He says he's straight I don't believe him. I'm going to tell her that I had sex with her boyfriend. What's the best way to tell her? This happened 2 months ago. I just found out what her name is so I'm going to message her and tell her. Obviously he doesn't love his girlfriend if he had sex with me. I can't wait to tell her that he likes me. |
Question: How do I tell a girl I don't want to date? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:50 PM PDT So school let out a few days ago, and on the last day my friend told me this girl liked me. I had kinda noticed too I guess but I had to make up my mind quick if I wanted to tell her I liked her too, or not. (She is going to a different school next school year) So I thought I had it all figured out and I went and told her I liked her back. We exchanged numbers and we've only been texting the last couple of days. I've also been thinking if I really like her, or I just said that because I found out she liked me. Now she invited me to go see a movie with her and I don't think I want to go to that, or anything with her that might lead to dating. (Which I'm not sure if we are or not) I realized that I only told her I liked her because she liked me so now I'm wondering how to tell her I don't want to date or hangout. (I'm only 14 so I also think I might be a little young for dating) Is there a way to tell her that without being such a jerk? |
Question: Respond to this text? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:50 PM PDT I said I love you. He said "I'm not like the person before. |
Question: Girls , do ya like funny guys? And he also can sing? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:49 PM PDT he also nice |
Question: Relationship issue. Please help? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:49 PM PDT So this girl and I like each other. But she isn't very liked by everyone else because she's quiet. Most of my friends think she's ugly and most don't like her at all. I want to date her but don't know what to do about my friends. Anyone got help? |
Question: Why is his face red? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:49 PM PDT I met this guy online and we talked on the phone once and sometimes he would send voice messages when he doesn't know how to explain something. When we finally Skyped it was when he barely woke up and he didn't want to show his face. When he finally did show his face his face wasn't red. Along the way I noticed his face turned red. I don't remember when his whole face turned red, but they weren't red before. I really like this guy and I don't know what to think. I don't want to get the wrong idea. Also, he didn't say much. I mainly talked. When we talked on the phone that one time he asked me a ton of questions, but after he saw my face when we Skyped he was pretty quiet. At one point he did say that I was cute, but I couldn't tell whether he meant it or not. I know this is a lot and not that descriptive, but please do your best to help me. I really don't understand whether he likes me or not. And I don't understand what this means at all. He's older than me by 4 years. |
Question: Planning a 20th birthday vacation for this summer. Help !? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:48 PM PDT I am planning to go on a vacation with a couple of my girlfriends this summer for my 20th birthday . Middle of July. I am looking on groupon and finding good deals, I m looking for an all inclusive type thing, but does any one know a good hot spot to try to look at? Money isn t necessarily an issue. I just don t want to go to a dead resort or a resort where no one else is my age. I like to party go out dance have fun, also would like to maybe be on the beach. Anyone know of a spot or resort that they had a good experience and are around my age like to party and have fun?! |
Question: Will you please help me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:48 PM PDT |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:47 PM PDT I have been talking to this girl that I really like for about 2 months now and I asked her if she would like to go out with me and she said that she needs time to think and to sort some things out. I don't know what that means but I would like to know and if possible how long? I know that she is also talking to another guy and I don't know if that is what she is trying to decide between both of us. If anyone has advice that would be very helpful to me. |
Question: Should I say this to him? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:47 PM PDT There is this guy who always stares at me, he seems interested. We've met each other once and introduced ourselves. So we both were in track together, should I say this when I see him in the lunch line: hey I'm ___, you're name is "bob" right? I just remembered you from track and you seemed nice, and then should I ask him to hang out because it's going to be the last day of school coming up? |
Question: Relationship advice from strangers would be nice!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:47 PM PDT Hey all, I'll try to keep it short. I'm trying to decide if what I'm feeling is love or just guilt. My ex is military and goes on deployments a lot. She's very over reactive and crazy, but extremely fun and fun to be around. We're amazingly funny together and always become the center of attention at parties, and on top of that all of her guy friends are now my friends as well. The weekend before her deployment we bonded so well that I think I fell in love with her. Two days before her deployment we both were extremely stressed out and got into a fight. She didn't want to see me before she left which made things worse. We went cold turkey for two months while she was gone. I met another girl that is the exact opposite. Very level headed, zero drama, and seems to be happy no matter what we do. I really like her but in the back of my head I know it isn't love. We're borderline about to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Obviously, as with every relationship story ever, My ex returns from deployment and is extremely sorry for everything that happened. I'm a gentleman and I don't want to break any hearts but I like them both. One is unpredictable and fun, the other is a calm, collected, and a good companion. (like myself) What would you guys suggest I do? Is getting back with the ex ever a good idea? Take the unknown path or the path that I know I love? |
Question: Why am I so awesome dude just why? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:47 PM PDT Why am I so awesome |
Question: Deoxider does kill a man? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:47 PM PDT |
Question: Broke my long distance boyfriends trust. Help? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:46 PM PDT Messed up with my boyfriend. I need suggestions to make it up to him. It's not possible for me to fly to him because we live in two different countries. I lied to him about stuff that was really stupid and need some help! Thank you. |
Question: I'm 12 and want to give a *******? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:46 PM PDT Ok so I'm 12 a girl and I really want to suck a dick. I have watched porn and I saw how they do it and it looks fascinating and I just want to do it. Don't say oh your to young to do that or don't do that you will regret it BECAUSE I WONT LISTEN just idk what to do or at least I want a dildo to suck on but I can't get one SO WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!!? |
Question: CUTE OR CREEPY!? GIRLS PLEASE HELP!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:45 PM PDT I just had my senior prom on Friday. I went with a girl (who I thought I only liked as a friend) looking back on prom night... I'm starting to like her. She's beyond beautiful, super nice and she is pretty much every guys dream girl. We held hands at the end of prom night. And she keeps telling me how she had such a great time. Her birthday is tomorrow, I want to send her something special over text at midnight. Something that she would say aww to. Any ideas? And if you are a girl, tell me what you would think If your prom date did this to you! |
Question: What should I do in Chicago? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:45 PM PDT Im planning a trip there with my girlfriend for her birthday. I wanted to know what things would be fun to do and what places to eat at. It would be a great help to hear from a local or anyone who knows the area well. Keep in mind that she s very indie and likes quirky out of the ordinary things, also keep in mind that we are both under 21. thank you for your time. |
Question: How long do guys take to talk to a girl they like in High School? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:45 PM PDT |
Question: Would I have a chance in getting her? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:44 PM PDT I know that this is a stupid question to ask but I'm wondering if I would have a chance in getting my neighbor to be my girlfriend. I Have an old 2007 Chevy and she has a new Ford Focus sedan. I've heard about how women like men who have nice cars. My car isn't a junker but it certainly not comparable to a new vehicle. |
Question: Meeting my boyfriend's son,How to deal..HELP? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:44 PM PDT Im 23 and My boyfriend(28) of 5months has a four month old son, i always knew from the very beginning about him, and i thought i was ok with it, but now he wants me too meet him, i donf know if im ready, i dont even know if i do, how to interact with him?im not the most familar with how to treat or act with babies, if im not ready, should i tell him? Break up with him??? I dont know what to do, please help a lost girlfriend.😭😭 |
Question: Im so flippin confused .. I need some advice. I have no idea what to do ...? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:43 PM PDT so I dated this girl for 5 months and broke up with her biggest mistake of my life. I tired to get her back and she told me to leave her alone she found someone else. So after a month went bye she facetimed me and i had no idea it was her and then she called me sayin you want to facetime? and I was like sure. She face timed me and it seemed like somwthing was wrong and i asked her if she was okay she said she was but then she said she missed me and covered her face and said yeah i miss you and i was like i miss you too. and she said she had to go . I didn't want her to go but she did. I texted her and asked her do you still love me and have feelings for me? then i asked her can we work on our friendship? She said no because her love will come back and she cant have that cause she loves her new girl that shes only been with for a month. I don't get it.. im so confused... i love this girl so much . but if she didn't want me in her life why she facetime me for 5 minutes just to tell me that she misses me. i love this girl like crazy and i miss her so much. i want her back but im scared i lost her. why would she facetime me in the first place. What does this mean?? what should I do?? Im just so confused Someone Help me please.... |
Question: More knowledge will erase fear. What does this mean? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:43 PM PDT |
Question: Why don't some guys like to tell you their middle name? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:42 PM PDT |
Question: Tell me what to do , i will really appreciated.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:42 PM PDT i dated a girl and i really like her , but when she on date with me , she is in love with a India men at her office . and few week later she choose a rich men , and is not me or the India men. will you still be friends with her ? some of my friend think i got used. if do , how should i be friends with her if she have a boyfriend now ? and there is like something between us. what will you do ? |
Question: I think I have a serious issue with older guys? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:42 PM PDT I'm 14, and I've never known my father so I always get extremely close with guys, expecially older ones. There's this one guy inperticular who Is 21 and lives in a different state. We talk alot, nearly every day and then it starts to turn into role playing, flirting, and sometimes he can convince me for pictures, it's like I have to listen to him or something, even if I don't want to. what should I do? |
Question: How would you feel about this? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:40 PM PDT My boyfriend texted me yesterday saying he loves me. I said it back. He said: "do you?" I said "of course." He said "it's such a strong word I think I do but I'm just scared." Today I asked him if he could chill with me and he said he couldn't and said he loves me and I said It back and then I asked what he was doing and he said watching tv and I was like "oh cool". And then he texted me and gave me this long explanation saying that it's not more important than me but he feels stuck because he's cleaning and doing laundry and he's gross right now and he's self conscious. I told him that it's fine and it's not a big deal because I'm also self conscious. When he tells me something that could be construed as negative, why does he feel the need to tell me he loves me? It's like every time he doesn't feel like hanging or something I'm gonna leave him. I feel like he's insecure and I don't want him to feel that way. Yes my feelings were a little hurt but Im not mad, it's understandable. |
Question: I can't stop obsessing over him-HELP? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:40 PM PDT When I was in junior high I was super close to this guy...we'll call him Andy. And eventually I started to like him and he told me he liked me but it didn't matter because we were going off to separate high schools. Well now I'm almost a senior and I just regret ending our friendship and I can't stop thinking about him! I don't know what's wrong with me... okay so then yesterday I went to take my SATs and I just chose to take it at a random high school. 1,500 kids were there it was crazy! And guess who i run into...Andy! The first time i had seen him in years, and it's weird because I had been thinking about him a lot. So we talked for 30 min, caught up, but then we had to take the SAT so I didn't see him after that. I can't stop thinking about this! I'm actually seeing a guy right now but all I think about is Andy...I have never been Like this before. I'm almost positive he has a girlfriend and is not interested in being friends again so idk what to do! How do I move on? |
Question: I have a crush on my teacher and emailed it to him.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:40 PM PDT i know nothing ill and i dont want anything to, happen. this is the email i sent him: Hi Mr.____, this is probably kind of weird, but I don't care. I just wanted to tell you this because if I don't, I'm going to regret it and also I don't have the courage to tell you this in person which I don't even have the option for anymore because school already ended and I'm probably never going to see you again. Which is why I am telling you this. And what I want to tell you is that I have liked you, more than a teacher, for a very long time. And that may sound crazy considering the fact that I barely even know, and that you were my teacher, and that you're married and have kids, and that you're older than me, but it's just how i feel, and I'm sorry if this makes you feel weird, I feel weird just writing this but i just wanted to tell you even though you might already know. This is ___ by the way if you couldn't tell by my very creative email username. Okay, bye. is it bad to have sent him it i just thought of all the things that could happen. What are the consequences? |
Question: Idk what to do ? Should I date girls who are 5'1? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:39 PM PDT I'm a male first of all short and I am honestly attracted to females who are like 5'1 and some cute girls who are 5'1 find me attractive too but there's this one girl I like whose that height who I find attractive but I just don't know her that well and I wanna talk to her but I don't wanna be creepy at the same time and I like never see her in person and met her once thro a friend , could somebody help me cuz idk what to do? |
Question: HELP!!!!! NEED ADVICE? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:39 PM PDT I don't know if I am overthinking or not. The guy I have been talking to for a good while now he doesn't text me first anymore like he used to. Its like I am texting him more often and or calling him. He told me in the beginning that he doesn't really like to text but it seem like we did lot more text than we do now. I don't know that he got used to me texting him first that he doesn't even text me because he knows that I will. Now I am starting to think okay maybe he doesn't like me anymore but the thing is if that was the case when I call why does it answer my phone. I my friend told me that he told her he couldn't stop talking to woman because he thinks that is mean, now I am thinking he only talking to me because he doesn't want to be hurt me but I don't know if that's the case, he also told me that if he was interested in me he wouldn't talk to me but I don't know what to do, do it seem like I could be overthinking or he doesn't like me. anymore. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:39 PM PDT I've kind of been depressed my whole life by this issue. While my peers were having crazy amounts of sex in middle school (yes middle school) and all through high school. I didn't have my first kiss until junior year of high school and I am still a virgin...I have had one girlfriend ever and that was because she was the one who really took charge and asked me out. We never had sex because I thought that it would ruin our relationship forever so I broke it off before things got serious...whenever it comes to women I always have the thought in the back of my head that "well...if you do succeed, it won't last very long". I am really having trouble with might sound silly but there are days when I am even suicidal about this...I am 19 years old and a sophomore in college currently. I really don't know what to do and honestly need someone to talk to and I don't feel comfortable talking to family or friends about this because they would probably not understand. I feel like I have been left behind in life. My penis is only 4 inches long. |
Question: What's the difference between friends with benefits and a long term hook up? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:38 PM PDT |
Question: I like my cousin, but don't want to? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:38 PM PDT So my cousin is 23 and i am 21, and a few months ago, we saw each other for the first time in ten years. We immediately took a liking to one another, and were amazed at how similar we were. I only got to spend about a week with her, but we still text back and forth, and its like we've known each other for years, not months. Trouble is though, that since we didn't realy grow up together, part of me does not see her as my cousin, but as this realy hot girl that I like. I doubt that she feels the same about me, but I won't ask her that for obvious reasons. I want to see her as my cousin. What do i do? |
Question: Is forced asexuality(chastity,abstinence) equal to or great than rape? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:38 PM PDT people tend to forget the the disabled community has it worse than the L.b.g.t. community because people assume disabled people have a child like innocence; that they are treated like sub-humans that don't have sex...this is one of the reasons I come to yahoo answers because I can free talk to other adults about sex(I have bipolar disorder and many of my friends have other mild disabilities). I dislike Puritanism or the idea of a "closed relationship" because it forces you to either break up with someone to have sex or be abstinent. |
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