Friends: Question: GUYS: Why do you do this? |
- Question: GUYS: Why do you do this?
- Question: Do drunk people remember hooking up (a few hours after drinking) with somebody?
- Question: My best friend never apologizes to me. We are both in 11th grade. I always am the bigger person. Is she a bad friend?
- Question: What should I get a friend for graduation with very little money!?
- Question: What does it mean when u ask a girl out over text then reads it.?
- Question: My friends hangout without me? :(?
- Question: Faking who you are ?
- Question: My friends hate each other.?
- Question: What's your opinion about High School graduates that still hangout with the same people?
- Question: My friend said she only became friends we me because she was using me to make her friend jealous when they were fighting?
- Question: I need a caption for Instagram. It's a picture of me and my best friends in FaceTime.?
- Question: Can you be friends with someone who is emotionally unstable?
- Question: Can how I get a person to ask me about my weekend?
- Question: Do friends act differently after joining a sorority?
- Question: I am tired of my friends?
- Question: Personal loan cant pay back help?
- Question: How can I get my friend to stop scaring me?
- Question: Should I have told the guy thank you?
- Question: I have no meaning and want to die?
- Question: Do guys find whinning in text annoying?
- Question: GUYS: Why do you do this?
- Question: Do drunk people remember hooking up (a few hours after drinking) with somebody?
- Question: My best friend never apologizes to me. We are both in 11th grade. I always am the bigger person. Is she a bad friend?
- Question: What should I get a friend for graduation with very little money!?
- Question: What does it mean when u ask a girl out over text then reads it.?
- Question: My friends hangout without me? :(?
- Question: Faking who you are ?
- Question: My friends hate each other.?
- Question: What's your opinion about High School graduates that still hangout with the same people?
- Question: My friend said she only became friends we me because she was using me to make her friend jealous when they were fighting?
- Question: I need a caption for Instagram. It's a picture of me and my best friends in FaceTime.?
- Question: Can you be friends with someone who is emotionally unstable?
- Question: Can how I get a person to ask me about my weekend?
- Question: Do friends act differently after joining a sorority?
- Question: I am tired of my friends?
- Question: Personal loan cant pay back help?
- Question: How can I get my friend to stop scaring me?
- Question: Should I have told the guy thank you?
- Question: I have no meaning and want to die?
- Question: Do guys find whinning in text annoying?
Question: GUYS: Why do you do this? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 05:03 PM PDT Okay so I'm 14 and my brother's friends are 16/17 and because it's summer they're at our house EVERYDAY. They've only recently started to be this annoying, like in the past year or so. What they usually do is come to the family room/kitchen area, where I am, and just start talking really loudly about stuff that's kinda awkward. Like they'll talk about girls, dates, s ex, kissing, etc. And it's super awkward for me, they know I'm sitting near them because they say hi to me. And then they start to tease me saying 'oh lizzy (my name) doesn't have any friends to hang out with' and 'oh lizzy's never had her first kiss yet'. it's just really, really strange. Also, they like 'invite' me over to their houses occasionally, I think they're joking but it's still really weird. When I was like 12 and 13 they never did any of the stuff to me. Also, when they leave the family/kitchen area they sometimes talk about me like 'if lizzy wasn't so.........i'd totally........' and 'why is lizzy so f*cking......' (.....=i don't know what they're saying) and I don't think they're saying very nice things about me. Also, there is a couple of them who always get really red whenever they say anything sexual around me, but the others are completely fine with it and they never say any of this stuff around my brother or my parents. whenever my brother comes back they stop immediately. So why are they being so weird and rude? and what do you think they said about me when i couldn't hear them? |
Question: Do drunk people remember hooking up (a few hours after drinking) with somebody? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:58 PM PDT (After some of the effects ware of meaning like 1-3 hours after) |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:57 PM PDT |
Question: What should I get a friend for graduation with very little money!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:55 PM PDT One of my friends is graduating this friday and I want to give her something, but honestly I dont know what to give her. Graduation gift ideas? |
Question: What does it mean when u ask a girl out over text then reads it.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:55 PM PDT She hasn't responded yet. Doesn't mean she is thinking about the question |
Question: My friends hangout without me? :(? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:53 PM PDT hey. So I'm in 9th grade and my "friends" always hang out without me. They tell me about it and post it on Instagram and such. They know it Bothers me but they don't care one of my " friends" even said to me " who cares if you sad anyway." I'm not good a making new friends but I just hate it when they hang out it me |
Question: Faking who you are ? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:51 PM PDT Hey! so i met this girl last year on the internet and ive recently found out that shes been faking who she is (using someones pictures,fake name, etc. i still like her as a friend even tho shes lying but could she get in any trouble for this? |
Question: My friends hate each other.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:48 PM PDT My birthday is in a week and I was going to have a party with all of my friends and we were going to have a good time. But now, they all hate each other. So I can't have a party anymore because none of them want to come if the person they don't like is there. Any advice? |
Question: What's your opinion about High School graduates that still hangout with the same people? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:45 PM PDT Good or bad? This question is both because... Good: You get to stay with people you feel more comfortable and don't want to make new friends anymore because it's hard to replace new friends to best friends. Bad: However, it also not good to stay with the same people all the time because you need to meet new people and your best friends don't show you are. Only you do that for yourself. I hope that made sense. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:34 PM PDT She told me this last year but keeps bringing it up. I think she is trying to spite me. We became friends in Elementary school and we are in High School now. Should I break up with her? |
Question: I need a caption for Instagram. It's a picture of me and my best friends in FaceTime.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:25 PM PDT |
Question: Can you be friends with someone who is emotionally unstable? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:24 PM PDT I have this friend well..i don't really think of him as a friend but hes emotionally unstable and he has a hint of autism. Hes annoying and distrusting of others. So should i stay his friend or push him away? i really don't want to be friends with him. Your right about that. |
Question: Can how I get a person to ask me about my weekend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:23 PM PDT Tomorrow I want to tell a co-worker about my weekend, but I don't want to just mention it out of the blue. I want her to ask me about my weekend first. So I'm going to ask her about her weekend, and then hopefully she'll ask me about mine. But what if she doesn't ask me about mine? |
Question: Do friends act differently after joining a sorority? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:07 PM PDT One of my close friends and I used to hang out a lot at the beginning of the year. We would get dinner/lunch, go for walks, go to sports events, go to the mall, watch movies, talk almost every day, etc. And we, both, had a lot of fun! However, I have not seen her since the beginning of the term. There have been numerous times when we have planned to hang out, but every single time she cancels on me at the last minute. The first time, she forgot she had a doctor appointment and it went too late and then had already made plans with other friends. The second time, she said she had too much homework/studying. The third time, she realized that she had a meeting to attend. And the fourth time we planned to hang out/rescheduled, she had a bad hangover. It's now the end of the term and we don't have any plans to hang out before summer. She recently joined a sorority, which I think is great/I'm really happy for her, but do sororities change people? She always told me that she had no interest in the party scene/joining a sorority, but I guess that's changed. All of her posts nowadays are of parties or people getting drunk. She and I are also slated to be roommates next year and I am honestly really nervous. Whenever we hang out, it's fun, but I feel like she's really judgmental and indirectly tries to lowers my self-esteem. Thoughts? Thank you! |
Question: I am tired of my friends? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:05 PM PDT |
Question: Personal loan cant pay back help? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:03 PM PDT im posting this for a friend. awhile back my friend took out a personal loan. problem arose and she couldnt pay it off. can she go to jail for not being to pa off her loan? |
Question: How can I get my friend to stop scaring me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:54 PM PDT I have this friend who keeps telling me scary stories. I don't know why. She's been doing this for-I'm pretty sure-7 months. (Since October 2014.) She's scaring me more and more. And even worse! She wants to use an Ouija board on Friday the 13th! Why is she doing this? I never did anything to her. |
Question: Should I have told the guy thank you? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:52 PM PDT Last year I told this guy I had a crush on him. He rejected me. I ask if I leave him alone do I have a chance he said no. I don't know him personally only what my grandma told me about him. He works where my grandma lives. He works in dining. We use to be friends on Facebook and when we were friends on Facebook he let me message him. I haven't seen him in a year because I take my grandma places. On Memorial Day I ate at my grandmas and he was working. I caught him looking at me at the cornor of my eye. He wasn't far from the table. Then another time I saw him looking at me from the cornor of my eye. He wasn't far from the table. I guess seeing him bought back the hurt I felt when he rejected me last year. He bought me my food and I didn't tell him thank you or look at him. Should I have told him thank when he bought me my food? |
Question: I have no meaning and want to die? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:45 PM PDT I don't know where to start, really. In 8th grade, I had A's and B's, a great family, my dad and stepmom were happy, and everyone around me was doing good. I'm a junior in high school now, and it's terrible. I don't know where my dad is since he left a year ago, my stepmom got a new man and is taking care of her kids (my half siblings), my mom relapsed on drugs last year and hasn't been the same mentally, my house burned down in February and I was living with my grandma, and my friends just keep distancing themselves. In 9th grade we were all best friends, and I know it wouldn't last forever, but I don't have anything. One friend is happy with his little business online and has a great family, another friend works with his dad and has new friends, and the other friend also has a new group of friends and has a great family. They're starting to bloom like roses but someone stepped on me. I live with mom, 4 other half siblings my mom had with another guy, and my grandma in a 3 bedroom house. I feel sad, I've gained weight. I have nothing, I can't cry because I'm just so lost in it, but I actually want to cry and let it all out. I told one friend a few months ago that I only wouldn't kill my self because I didn't want to go to hell, and he got scared and said he'd get all of us together and hang out, and I said sure that'd be cool. But he forgot, and I won't brig it up to them to guilt into hangout again. I'm actually glad they're all happy. I just want give up, what do I do. |
Question: Do guys find whinning in text annoying? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:30 PM PDT The thing is i felt very emotional, mostly because i'm diagnosed with depression and right now he is the only friend i have and i don't have much other to rely on. I didn't think about what i sent. I sendt a message to him where i told him i felt like my week have been very bad and i felt like everything i said was wrong, the message was very long. I regret it now, what do guys think about messages where girls tell about their problems? I heard guys often feel less sympathy then girls is that true? I don't mean to sound sexist, i'm just very down right now. |
Question: GUYS: Why do you do this? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 05:03 PM PDT Okay so I'm 14 and my brother's friends are 16/17 and because it's summer they're at our house EVERYDAY. They've only recently started to be this annoying, like in the past year or so. What they usually do is come to the family room/kitchen area, where I am, and just start talking really loudly about stuff that's kinda awkward. Like they'll talk about girls, dates, s ex, kissing, etc. And it's super awkward for me, they know I'm sitting near them because they say hi to me. And then they start to tease me saying 'oh lizzy (my name) doesn't have any friends to hang out with' and 'oh lizzy's never had her first kiss yet'. it's just really, really strange. Also, they like 'invite' me over to their houses occasionally, I think they're joking but it's still really weird. When I was like 12 and 13 they never did any of the stuff to me. Also, when they leave the family/kitchen area they sometimes talk about me like 'if lizzy wasn't so.........i'd totally........' and 'why is lizzy so f*cking......' (.....=i don't know what they're saying) and I don't think they're saying very nice things about me. Also, there is a couple of them who always get really red whenever they say anything sexual around me, but the others are completely fine with it and they never say any of this stuff around my brother or my parents. whenever my brother comes back they stop immediately. So why are they being so weird and rude? and what do you think they said about me when i couldn't hear them? |
Question: Do drunk people remember hooking up (a few hours after drinking) with somebody? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:58 PM PDT (After some of the effects ware of meaning like 1-3 hours after) |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:57 PM PDT |
Question: What should I get a friend for graduation with very little money!? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:55 PM PDT One of my friends is graduating this friday and I want to give her something, but honestly I dont know what to give her. Graduation gift ideas? |
Question: What does it mean when u ask a girl out over text then reads it.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:55 PM PDT She hasn't responded yet. Doesn't mean she is thinking about the question |
Question: My friends hangout without me? :(? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:53 PM PDT hey. So I'm in 9th grade and my "friends" always hang out without me. They tell me about it and post it on Instagram and such. They know it Bothers me but they don't care one of my " friends" even said to me " who cares if you sad anyway." I'm not good a making new friends but I just hate it when they hang out it me |
Question: Faking who you are ? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:51 PM PDT Hey! so i met this girl last year on the internet and ive recently found out that shes been faking who she is (using someones pictures,fake name, etc. i still like her as a friend even tho shes lying but could she get in any trouble for this? |
Question: My friends hate each other.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:48 PM PDT My birthday is in a week and I was going to have a party with all of my friends and we were going to have a good time. But now, they all hate each other. So I can't have a party anymore because none of them want to come if the person they don't like is there. Any advice? |
Question: What's your opinion about High School graduates that still hangout with the same people? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:45 PM PDT Good or bad? This question is both because... Good: You get to stay with people you feel more comfortable and don't want to make new friends anymore because it's hard to replace new friends to best friends. Bad: However, it also not good to stay with the same people all the time because you need to meet new people and your best friends don't show you are. Only you do that for yourself. I hope that made sense. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:34 PM PDT She told me this last year but keeps bringing it up. I think she is trying to spite me. We became friends in Elementary school and we are in High School now. Should I break up with her? |
Question: I need a caption for Instagram. It's a picture of me and my best friends in FaceTime.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:25 PM PDT |
Question: Can you be friends with someone who is emotionally unstable? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:24 PM PDT I have this friend well..i don't really think of him as a friend but hes emotionally unstable and he has a hint of autism. Hes annoying and distrusting of others. So should i stay his friend or push him away? i really don't want to be friends with him. Your right about that. |
Question: Can how I get a person to ask me about my weekend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:23 PM PDT Tomorrow I want to tell a co-worker about my weekend, but I don't want to just mention it out of the blue. I want her to ask me about my weekend first. So I'm going to ask her about her weekend, and then hopefully she'll ask me about mine. But what if she doesn't ask me about mine? |
Question: Do friends act differently after joining a sorority? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:07 PM PDT One of my close friends and I used to hang out a lot at the beginning of the year. We would get dinner/lunch, go for walks, go to sports events, go to the mall, watch movies, talk almost every day, etc. And we, both, had a lot of fun! However, I have not seen her since the beginning of the term. There have been numerous times when we have planned to hang out, but every single time she cancels on me at the last minute. The first time, she forgot she had a doctor appointment and it went too late and then had already made plans with other friends. The second time, she said she had too much homework/studying. The third time, she realized that she had a meeting to attend. And the fourth time we planned to hang out/rescheduled, she had a bad hangover. It's now the end of the term and we don't have any plans to hang out before summer. She recently joined a sorority, which I think is great/I'm really happy for her, but do sororities change people? She always told me that she had no interest in the party scene/joining a sorority, but I guess that's changed. All of her posts nowadays are of parties or people getting drunk. She and I are also slated to be roommates next year and I am honestly really nervous. Whenever we hang out, it's fun, but I feel like she's really judgmental and indirectly tries to lowers my self-esteem. Thoughts? Thank you! |
Question: I am tired of my friends? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:05 PM PDT |
Question: Personal loan cant pay back help? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 04:03 PM PDT im posting this for a friend. awhile back my friend took out a personal loan. problem arose and she couldnt pay it off. can she go to jail for not being to pa off her loan? |
Question: How can I get my friend to stop scaring me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:54 PM PDT I have this friend who keeps telling me scary stories. I don't know why. She's been doing this for-I'm pretty sure-7 months. (Since October 2014.) She's scaring me more and more. And even worse! She wants to use an Ouija board on Friday the 13th! Why is she doing this? I never did anything to her. |
Question: Should I have told the guy thank you? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:52 PM PDT Last year I told this guy I had a crush on him. He rejected me. I ask if I leave him alone do I have a chance he said no. I don't know him personally only what my grandma told me about him. He works where my grandma lives. He works in dining. We use to be friends on Facebook and when we were friends on Facebook he let me message him. I haven't seen him in a year because I take my grandma places. On Memorial Day I ate at my grandmas and he was working. I caught him looking at me at the cornor of my eye. He wasn't far from the table. Then another time I saw him looking at me from the cornor of my eye. He wasn't far from the table. I guess seeing him bought back the hurt I felt when he rejected me last year. He bought me my food and I didn't tell him thank you or look at him. Should I have told him thank when he bought me my food? |
Question: I have no meaning and want to die? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:45 PM PDT I don't know where to start, really. In 8th grade, I had A's and B's, a great family, my dad and stepmom were happy, and everyone around me was doing good. I'm a junior in high school now, and it's terrible. I don't know where my dad is since he left a year ago, my stepmom got a new man and is taking care of her kids (my half siblings), my mom relapsed on drugs last year and hasn't been the same mentally, my house burned down in February and I was living with my grandma, and my friends just keep distancing themselves. In 9th grade we were all best friends, and I know it wouldn't last forever, but I don't have anything. One friend is happy with his little business online and has a great family, another friend works with his dad and has new friends, and the other friend also has a new group of friends and has a great family. They're starting to bloom like roses but someone stepped on me. I live with mom, 4 other half siblings my mom had with another guy, and my grandma in a 3 bedroom house. I feel sad, I've gained weight. I have nothing, I can't cry because I'm just so lost in it, but I actually want to cry and let it all out. I told one friend a few months ago that I only wouldn't kill my self because I didn't want to go to hell, and he got scared and said he'd get all of us together and hang out, and I said sure that'd be cool. But he forgot, and I won't brig it up to them to guilt into hangout again. I'm actually glad they're all happy. I just want give up, what do I do. |
Question: Do guys find whinning in text annoying? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 03:30 PM PDT The thing is i felt very emotional, mostly because i'm diagnosed with depression and right now he is the only friend i have and i don't have much other to rely on. I didn't think about what i sent. I sendt a message to him where i told him i felt like my week have been very bad and i felt like everything i said was wrong, the message was very long. I regret it now, what do guys think about messages where girls tell about their problems? I heard guys often feel less sympathy then girls is that true? I don't mean to sound sexist, i'm just very down right now. |
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