Family: Question: My mother is too lazy? |
- Question: My mother is too lazy?
- Question: What should i do i feel so useless?
- Question: Ways to COMMIT MURDER: mother and her boyfriend?
- Question: How do I break this cycle?
- Question: I'm in a bad mood but my sister wants me to watch a movie?
- Question: Why do I feel this way?
- Question: How do I overcome feeling guilt about childhood?
- Question: Is it normal for girls to get along with their fathers more than their mothers?
- Question: Is my mom being stingy?
- Question: How do i stay positive in a arguing family?
- Question: Why does my dad reject me?
- Question: I would like to be a better son, any suggestions?
- Question: Do i have the right to not respect my bf sister and can i tell her off and tell her she a *****?
- Question: I need some help, my family thinks somethings wrong with me because I don't like to play sports, and I'm always inside, (summer)?
- Question: My mom hates me, what should I do?
- Question: Does my dad have issues?
- Question: Annoying cousin!!?
- Question: How to set reminders on iPhone5s ?
- Question: Annoying cousin!!?
- Question: FAMILY: What gave you the courage to cut off your abusive mom?
- Question: What can I do now? My life is over?
- Question: How do I talk to this pretty girl In my college class, she sits on the other side of the room?
- Question: Families: People in abusive families do you attract abusive new people?
- Question: Childish and immature mom! HELP! :\?
- Question: Gift ideas for a stepmum?
- Question: How can I build up my little brothers confidence.?
- Question: Why don't I like being/going home?
- Question: As you get older is it normal to begin disliking a particular parent?
- Question: Was it his erection or was I just feeling his bulge?
- Question: I'm writing a letter to my absent father. Which is better?
- Question: My parents make me feel more insecure than I already am?
- Question: Overstressed or something else causing me to feel this way?
- Question: Boyfriend Told Me Why He Doesnt use His Real Name On Facebook. Whats your take on it?
- Question: I hate my cousin?
- Question: My sister is only thinking of herself, what can be done to change her ways?
- Question: Where can I find nickels in my house?
- Question: How long do i need to cry at a funeral to make it look like i care about the dead person there?
- Question: Should I move in with my grandparents? I can't stand my dad anymore..?
- Question: HELP! my sister masturbates?
- Question: How to prank your 15 year old brother and step dad?
- Question: How do i deal with my mean and selfish sister?
- Question: Why is my older brother so geeky, weird, and annoying?
- Question: My cousin and I had sex yesterday and I want to do it again. But I feel guilty in the back of my mund?
- Question: Summer is here, having financial problems, and having a freeloader at home?
- Question: What do I have to do now..?
- Question: I'm home alone and someone keeps knocking. I cant call the police. I am 12 and alone with younger siblings. My mom wont answer the phone.?
- Question: Who pays when you eat out with in-laws?
- Question: I am relocating myself, and my son to indianapolis, and my mom is not supportive at all?
- Question: My mom is impossible and destroying me?
- Question: Our son was sent to the principals office for bullying and hitting a boy. I think my husbands reaction is a bit too much?
- Question: Should I go to the hospital? What should I do?
- Question: Moving out of my grandparents without problems?
- Question: Just read! Please advise me if you have any ideas.?
- Question: Is my mom being unreasonable/abusive?
- Question: My sister owes me more than $2k that she stole, but is acting like a ''victim''. Do you think she has the right too?
- Question: I hate my mom?
- Question: I depise my parents?
- Question: I'm 11 and my mum and dad live apart. My mum lets me wear make up but I don't know about my dad. What should I do?
- Question: Is it normal to feel unsafe around your mother sometimes?
- Question: My mother treats me like I am 10 years old?
Question: My mother is too lazy? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:32 PM PDT I am 17 and my brother is 16 and our mother is really lazy but she has a job and makes 110,000 a year but on her days off or when she gets home from work she just starts sitting on her chair in her room on her macbook and she calls me and my brother to hand her the tv remote and IT IS RIGHT NEXT TO HER and she never goes anywhare but work she stays home on her stupid macbook and we have to go to the store for her and every one in a while we have to drive her to work which is a hour long ride and also we have to clean the whole house and she just sits there doing nothing and she wakes us up at 3:00 in the moring to do stuff for her we have to do everything for her she never helps cuz she is too lazy help me out plz!!! |
Question: What should i do i feel so useless? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:29 PM PDT My family keeps telling me i am useless (human parasite) and then they always call me a pig, cow, and fat. I don't know what to do anymore. I try so hard i'm in college getting good grades and yes i have let myself go with my own weight. I don't get my family before they would make fun of me because i used to be "skinny". Now i gained weight to the point that i only drink water. Sometimes i just wish i could die already. I don't want to live anymore. I wake up being put down everyday till when i go to sleep. They even go to the extent to take away my food. I am starving right now i just want to eat. |
Question: Ways to COMMIT MURDER: mother and her boyfriend? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:24 PM PDT I want to kill my mother and her boyfriend. |
Question: How do I break this cycle? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:20 PM PDT I'm 21 years old with my own family and my own home. My mother calls me at least 30x a day (no exaggeration) between her, my grandmother, and my stepfather who is separated from my mom, they call me at least 42x a day. To either gossip about one another, vent to me, or ask for money or a favor. I can never get a break. My home and my life is always interrupted and it takes from my life with my fiancé and my daughter. my mom and grandma have a really bad relationship. They drink and get highs together and the respect they have for one another is barley my gma's marriage of 25 years ended in 2000 because my mom moved in with them and turned there relationship upside down. My grandma has always intruded on my mother and her home. She's always at her house and never at home even if she has her own company and my moms new boyfriend can't stand it, now my mother does the same thing to me. She always wants to come over my house or call all hours of the day and my fiancé is sick and tired of it. He says she acts too needy and overbearing like she ant do anything without me. She always needs me to do something for her and if she doesn't have anything she'll find something just to involve me in. I'm tired of being intruded on and I'm tired of this issue coming between my relationship. I need to break this cycle. I can't allow my relationship to be ruined because of them and how they are because it's obvious they are each others reason for there failed relationships. How do I stop this |
Question: I'm in a bad mood but my sister wants me to watch a movie? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:16 PM PDT I'm really angry right now, not at her but just angry and she won't stop pestering me to watch a movie and I know that if I watch a movie I might yell at her and get even more angry because I don't want to watch the stupid movie (I'm 17 shes 21) i told her I would watch it tomorrow but she keeps sending me a billion please text messages and yelling please across the house like shes 5. I tecxted in loud caps "NO I WILL DO IT TOMORROW IM ANGRY LEAVE ME ALONE" she texted please 3 more times and i told her i wasn't talking to her anymore. I'm trying so hard not to yell at her but she just wont leave me be. she finaly did but did I do the right thing? I just need to lock myself away in my room to calm down and she doesn't get that, and loves to guilt trip me so now I feel bad but I still can't go back out there |
Question: Why do I feel this way? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:15 PM PDT My sister and I are a year apart. We used to do everything together but I get upset when she doesn't invite me when she goes with her friends. why do I get upset and how do I stop feeling left out. I invite her when I go out even though she doesn't go. Is it normal that I'm feeling this way? i get siblings grow apart and find their own way etc but answers like that don't help me. I mean we're close in age so what's wrong with inviting me if we're as close as she says |
Question: How do I overcome feeling guilt about childhood? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:14 PM PDT As a kid my parents divorced and my mother frequently held me back from my father when he started dating again. The divorce was ugly and as a kid I didn't know any better then to believe all my mother was saying. As a teenager I came to realize her perceptions were not accurate and became close to my Dad and step-mom. Yet, I have this guilt about the 7 years I was led by my mother to believe the false info she was giving me and thus seldom sought out my father. How can I overcome this guilt? |
Question: Is it normal for girls to get along with their fathers more than their mothers? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:01 PM PDT I have an older brother and he and my mom are super close and me and my dad are super close but my dad and brother pretty much ignore each other. Same with my mom and I. Is that normal? We're not really close as a family anymore. |
Question: Is my mom being stingy? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:01 PM PDT She has a small tv in her room. Then there's the big tv in the family room. My room doesn't have a TV, which I'm ok with I'm 19 yrs old I Have lived on my college campus for almost a year Decided to go to my moms house for the summer Anyway, my mom always falls asleep at night in the family room with the TV on Everytime I ask if I can use the TV to play xbox she says no. Then she goes back to sleep with the TV still on all night. I ask her politely if she could go to her room & watch TV there. She says No & goes back to sleep. I do not find this fair? When she could be sleeping more comfortably on her bed watching the TV in her room.. One time she finally woke up at around 2 or 3am and started turning everything off. It's a Saturday night btw. I'm still up & awake kind of hoping I can finally play xbox tonight. Soo I ask her if i can and she's like "lol no it's late go to bed" ...... I am not able to play during the day either because she's actually awake watching TV. So she uses the TV from 9am-2am And I'm a huge videogame nerd :( |
Question: How do i stay positive in a arguing family? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:58 PM PDT Im 16 and i have a problem with my family.There has never been romance between my parents in the past years and they have been arguing but those were small arguments.Now,all of a sudden,this year we have painted our whole house wich costed a lot and now mom is buying stuff for my room and my sisters room and they always fight about money or how my dad doesnt do anything and is lazy while she is doing extra time on her job so she can pay off everything.My questions are:How do i stay chill while they fight(also i cried today and fell asleep so i could feel better) and how do i maintain my positive thinking with all of this happening?And has someone had a similar issue and how did it end? |
Question: Why does my dad reject me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:54 PM PDT I'm 27 and my entire life my Dad never gave me the time of day. He is a typical business man who's only hobbies are watching television and golfing. I have voiced my frustration to him over the years, which does nothing. My Dad doesn't know anything about me, and he has never tried to connect with me. It really frustrates me when he comes home from work and shows so much affection for our pet dog, and the only times he talks to me are for doing chores. He says he loves me, but he never ever shows it. Throughout the past year I have emailed him a heartfelt message, explaining how I completely forgive him; I also said that I understand it's not easy being a parent. I let him know that it's not weak or 'girly' to show emotion. Nothing happened! Even further, a few weeks later he actually kicked me out of the house because I shared my hurting heart with him. All I did was kept talking in a passionate way, and since he got uncomfortable he kicked me out. I didn't hit anyone or break anything. He actually has called the police to come into the house because I'm "harassing" them. He always says I "bully them" when I talk about heart issues, yet he yells and swears at me, and kicks me out. Hypocrisy. Anytime I show emotion like this, he kicks me out. The past few years have been incredibly lonely with no friends, yet he does nothing. Why won't he spend quality time with me? |
Question: I would like to be a better son, any suggestions? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:45 PM PDT I'm 14 and i think I'm a terrible son. I have attitude which annoys my parents and sometimes even makes them cry. I think of myself as being spoilt because my parents buy me stuff which i don't use and then i feel guilty becausemi think I'm wasting their money and i know my parents don't earn that much even though they work for 6-12 hours every week day. Another thing is that i have a habit of going on the computer for a long period of time instead of doing productive things and helping my parents out. I feel guilty because my parents always tell me to grow up doing what i want to do and not to let anyone manipulate me but i feel like i let them down nd even my parents say that they expect me to be a disappointment if i carry on like this and don't change. Any ideas and suggestion to help me and change my parents views of me will help me. Thanks! |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:39 PM PDT My bf sister talks to his ex all the time they talk about me on facebook she unfriend me and even block they talk about me my kids and how their better then me but yet his sister comes to my house her and her kids and husband come to my house and eat and she acts like nothing my bf tells me to talk to her and i say no she acts like she better if she didnt have her husband she would be on welfare living with her mom i have my own house and im doing everything my self i support my bf her brother financial he has no job and to top it off we were friends since middle school |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:36 PM PDT My family thinks there's something wrong with me because I'm always inside. They go out and play sports and do things that just don't fit me. I'm 14 years old by the way and a twin. It pissed me off because whenever they see me, it ain't, hey, how was your, nope, it's hey you need to get out, play sports, are you ok?, there's something wrong. I don't fit in with my family. I literally don't want to be with my family anymore. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, everything is about them, never me, I sit by myself all the time. They ignore me. When I'm at school, I'm very sociable, I love to hang out with the people that are just like me. What do I do? It's summer and my family is making me more and more pissed/sad. |
Question: My mom hates me, what should I do? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:29 PM PDT Okay, so it all started yesterday when I woke up at 12:30 p.m. on a Saturday. For some reason, my mom was mad that I woke up so late, but honestly it was a SATURDAY and it's not like I had anything to do once I got up. So she started screaming at me, calling me a *****, etc. She then tells me to get out of her sight. I stay in my room until she tells me to go make lunch for my brothers. She doesn't even mention that i haven't had anything to eat, noo it's just my brothers she cares about. So I did make lunch, but when she called us to eat I said I'm going to go take a shower first. She started yelling at me AGAIN, saying that my food is getting cold and to eat first. I said I'm not that hungry and I can wait until after the shower and that's when she started to hit me, in front of my brothers, who were smirking. Between my crying, I choked out that I hated her and she said "Good, because I hate you too you good for nothing lazy *****" and I ran up to my room crying. I didn't eat anything at all yesterday except for dinner at like 1:00 a.m. because I was too scared of running into her. So today, she didn't even come once in my room to wake me up, which is odd because she does it everyday. So I woke up, and tried to avoid her. She didn't say one word to me, and is still pretending I don't exist. I have stayed in my room since I woke up, and I've been doing homework. I'm really hungry because I haven't eaten breakfast. What should I do to make things normal again? Btw I'm 15. I can't eat because she's in the kitchen, and I'll run into her. I don't have the courage to go and talk to her, because I don't know how she's going to react when she sees me. I'm so hungry I think I'm going to faint. I literally stopped trying to do my homework a long time ago because I have no energy. |
Question: Does my dad have issues? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:09 PM PDT It's sad to put it out there, but my dad has been great about not getting angry lately but today he took it back a lot. My sister, her friend were in the pool and they didn't clean up after they got out & my dad got upset and yelled at them. My sister began to cry (she's only 10 & so is her friend) and he yelled at me to go see him. Apparently we all needed to clean up but everyone forgets sometimes which I understand but he yelled so loudly I could hear it from my room on the second story of my house with the windows and door shut. When I got down their he let it all out on me and blamed me for denting jeep (which I didn't do, I'm under 16) and told us we're going to have a talk later. In the past he's yelled but not as bad as this. I've never seen my sister cry and as soon I got back to my room I started balling out my eyes, became I felt bad for my sister and because he's so harsh on us . ( MY MOM WASNT HOME WHEN ALL THIS HAPPENED) & she would never leave him because she's a stay at home mom, so if they split she wouldn't have any money. When he yelled he said we either need to learn to clean up or we can't have any friends over. Which makes no sense because he always yells at me for camping in my room for like 6 hours a day and tells me to get outside but I'm not going outside by myself, I'd want a friend which we would not be allowed to come over. Due to this my dad is slowly causing me to become depressed |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:06 PM PDT I have an annoying and rude step cousin over and she just get's on my nerves too much! She's always bullying me and when my older sister is around she just looks at me when she is bullying me. She obviously sees her being rude to me and i don't know how to stop it!! She's rude every time she comes over! Sometimes she even brings her annoying, weird, gross, brother who always wants to wrestle people! She came over last week and she's over this week! How do i stop her from coming back over? |
Question: How to set reminders on iPhone5s ? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:06 PM PDT Like this, I know the other reminder you can set but it doesn't come up like that in the pic above, it just is in your notifications. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:06 PM PDT I have an annoying and rude step cousin over and she just get's on my nerves too much! She's always bullying me and when my older sister is around she just looks at me when she is bullying me. She obviously sees her being rude to me and i don't know how to stop it!! She's rude every time she comes over! Sometimes she even brings her annoying, weird, gross, brother who always wants to wrestle people! She came over last week and she's over this week! How do i stop her from coming back over? |
Question: FAMILY: What gave you the courage to cut off your abusive mom? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 12:04 PM PDT |
Question: What can I do now? My life is over? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:51 AM PDT I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer at the age of 50. I then decided to cook meth to pay for my treatment and support my family for the future, after I've passed away. But so much stuff has happened ever since then. I had to lie and murder and kill and now I've lost everything. my own son hates me, and my wife won't even let me inside the house. I let my own brother in Law die, and I lost almost 80 million dollars in the process. What should I do now? Please help? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:49 AM PDT I tried this before but the girl ignored me and confronted me and told me to leave her alone, she then proceeded to call me a creep, that was last year. That's why I dont like to approach girls but can your give me advice on how to approach this girl? Also note that I'm just an average guy, I don't have gigantic musles and I'm not 6 foot. |
Question: Families: People in abusive families do you attract abusive new people? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:45 AM PDT |
Question: Childish and immature mom! HELP! :\? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:36 AM PDT I'll try keeping this short... My mom...whenever she doesn't get it her way she explodes and has a tantrum. After having a tantrum she usually locks herself in her room for several hours. There is no absolute way to talk to the women! She just wouldn't want to hear it. Every time my dad and her are arguing, she interrupts and results to yelling. We tell her to calm down, but she ignores us. I love her, but this is just getting a little ridiculous. She would even throw things, if she is really ticked off at someone. She'd throw anything she could get her hands on. Don't get me wrong, at times she's so sweet and caring...but I just can't stand her behavior. When my dad wants to talk to her like a civilized adult, she would just go ballistic "Shut up! I don't wanna talk to you bleh bleh" Argh, sometimes I feel like me and my dad are the only mature people in this house! I was thinking about making her go see a this the right thing to do? ;-; and I've talked to her many times about her situation, but she just results to doing it again and again, like the information came in one ear and out the other. |
Question: Gift ideas for a stepmum? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:28 AM PDT It is my step mum's 30th birthday coming up and I want to get her something special, but I am finding it hard to come up with ideas, I would be very grateful for the help |
Question: How can I build up my little brothers confidence.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:28 AM PDT He is extremely shy and insecure. He has long hair and always refuses to cut it, I think it has something to do with his insecurity. When we go to restaurants someone else always has to order for him. He's only 10 and about to enter middle school, how can I boost up his confidence? |
Question: Why don't I like being/going home? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:24 AM PDT I never like being home not even as kid (I'm 23 now). I always feel like need\want to go somewhere. Aside from being bored at home, I feel trap but my home. Plus I don't have a space of my own (i sleep on the living room couch.) Have a lot of reasons why but none I can sum up into one word. I live with my parents though I'm working to move out in a few months or sooner for the first time ever. I feel if I get my own place and have a space of my own I won't feel the urge to get out of the house all the time. Instead hopefully I can enjoy my space. Why do I feel this way. |
Question: As you get older is it normal to begin disliking a particular parent? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:23 AM PDT To make a long story short. I'm currently in a situation,as an adult where my Mother has too much control. I find because of this I have a tendency to rebel against Her more then I did,even as a teen! My problem is,that I have found since being around Her more as an adult(too much actually) I have come to realize I don't agree with Her on quite a few aspects/beliefs in life. Even as a teen I just went along to please Her(I don't anymore). Not to mention I'm actually finding(close up)that I'm not sure that I even like Her that much as a person. Before I was around Her so much,my opinion was higher of Her. |
Question: Was it his erection or was I just feeling his bulge? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:04 AM PDT My uncle played with my hair and was standing behind me and i felt the front of his jeans pressing into my butt, now I don't know whether it was the jeans flap or the start of erection but I'm very curious |
Question: I'm writing a letter to my absent father. Which is better? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 11:04 AM PDT I feel really awkward using the word 'dear', but which is better? Dear Anthony To Anthony Anthony I've met him once, but this letter is basically saying I dont want to meet again, and my reasons why. Thanks. |
Question: My parents make me feel more insecure than I already am? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:47 AM PDT My self esteem is about a 3, when around my parents it's about a 1. They're constantly calling me fat or saying I look fat, when I don't think I'm fat I'm average. It's making me want to skip meals. Also my parents always say I don't try hard enough in sports and in school. When I'm a straight A student with the exception of English, I even have A's in my honors classes. Today my dad even called me pathetic and a *****. These things make me feel so guilty about myself and I'm breaking down and crying so often. |
Question: Overstressed or something else causing me to feel this way? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:46 AM PDT I live with my mother and sister, and they never stop making a huge noise, they are loud and always arguing/fighting/smashing something. I get blamed if something goes missing/broken, and also get insulted behind my back, and my mother endlessly complains about stuff she has to do like washing, etc. I can never have a break and always get woken up early on weekends, what do I do? She seems to want to "hold on" to me to do all her horsework for her, like washing and stuff. I have an internship now and don't have time for this! I'm now overtired and sick from the amount of hell she gives me about the smallest things, my psychologist (Asperger's/Autism Specialist) says that she is "Bipolar". I am also trying to learn Python to secure a good career for myself but I cannot study due to these two people always stressing me out. I don't earn enough money to live somewhere else, and I have to stay where I am because I catch the train to work. Im even having nightmares from this, being "trapped". I really can't take the stress and noise anymore. We live in a small place, and she earns a massive salary (Enough to live really well on for 1 person). She's always told me that she regrets having kids, and we are constantly either insulted/shouted at. I can't get away from it! Its so bad that I can't stick posters up or leave my curtains closed, etc, I move my desk to the wall and she still tries to squeeze her fat a** through to open my windows when its winter and my room is already cold. |
Question: Boyfriend Told Me Why He Doesnt use His Real Name On Facebook. Whats your take on it? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:38 AM PDT My boyfriend doesnt use his real name on Facebook. Mainly he says because he is estranged from his parents and they are really no longer in his life. His father molested him when he was a kid one time that he can actually remember and both his mom and dad beat him when he was a kid. One of the last time when he was out of a job his parents said they should have let the priest molest him because then he would have gotten money and never had to work a day in his life. He said his mom even asked him several times if he had an account he said no and mom said yeah people just use it to find out stuff on other people. Hes thinking yeah and the first thing she would do would uise it to track him down and see what he is up to. His parents always were very controlling is it understandable that he wants to have a account just uses a different name? |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:36 AM PDT My cousin is so stupid and never gets punished for misbehaving in school. My mother just tells my to ignore her and acts like it is possible to do that. She is teaching me to be talked **** from a dumbass 5 year old. My family's response is that I am the older one and should act responsible. They think she is cute. MY ******* FIVE YEAR OLD DAMN COUSIN CAN THREATEN TO KILL ME AND STILL GETS TO GO THE PARK. I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS LITTLE **** EVERY DAMN WEEKEND AND WHEN MY AUNT HAS TO WATCH HER SHE ACTS LIKE ITS MY FAULT SHE IS THIS WAY. I often have thoughts of killing her but that would make God angry and I would go to hell. I want her to die so badly and sort of hate to say that I would be happy at her funeral. God forgive me for typing this. Thoughts? My mom hates me. |
Question: My sister is only thinking of herself, what can be done to change her ways? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:32 AM PDT Basically, August last year we found out that my sisters two children were being abused by her husbands brother. They are 10 and 13, it'd been happening since they were 5 and 8. She lived about 200 miles from us, but decided she wanted to come home, so our parents took her and the kids in (Split from husband who we found out has been abusive for years). I live next door to my parents as my mother had a fall 5 years ago and I wanted to be close. Anyway, my sister, 40, is still living there. She's been there since last august, and my parents look like they've aged another 20 years. They are in their 70's and just do not need this. The kids have clearly been left to their own devices over the years, they have no respect and are constantly misbehaving. She steal money and break things, they act like toddlers. My sister drinks about 4 bottles of wine A DAY and I'm not joking about that. She also smokes, god knows how many a day. She's getting money from sickness benefits for depression. I know that her kids being abused must be heartbreaking for her, but she is doing nothign at all to help them move on. They are stuck in limbo at my parents house, sleeping on blow up beds in the living room for NEARLY A YEAR. My sister is more interested in alcohol, fags, and MEN. She is so determind to find a boyfriend right now. She goes out all day and stays out till midnight sometimes, leaving my parents to sort the kids for school. She's always drunk. My parents are having money trouble and becoming ill. I've tried talking to her. So have they. Its becoming a joke and Im fed up of the wedge between my parents who have been married 50 years.Its not fair. They have money problems, massive bills,and she gives them nothing, buys alcohol. She HAS a house but isnt living in it because her husband isnt letting her get their stuff from her old house.Surely she could take the blow upbeds to her house. Its decorated and everything. But she just wont listen. is there anything that could make her change? Also, going out with men frighten the kids. I often have to go round their with my wife to calm them down because they're in tears wondering why their mother isnt home yet. My parents just cant handle it. Its cruel on the kids and its cruel on my parents. tehabwa They've all had it. They had ten sessions back in october. |
Question: Where can I find nickels in my house? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 10:07 AM PDT Okay so next week I'm going to nickel mania with my sister and I want to have a lot of nickels so where can I find some in my house |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:47 AM PDT ps its my dad |
Question: Should I move in with my grandparents? I can't stand my dad anymore..? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:45 AM PDT My dad has been a very bad influence to me and my brother. He smokes pot around us and my three year old sister. He drinks at least a six-pack of beer EVERYDAY. My moms not any better, she is addicted to pills.. But we live with my dad not her. My dad told me I can't leave, not even when I'm 18. I'm almost 17. He's always calling me retarted and fat. He's very lazy and doesn't care about anything. I have to make him buy groceries for us because he never eats at home and probably doesn't even care if we eat or not. He always wants sympathy for being stress and tells us how he's gonna run away and never come back. He told us he didn't care if we graduated high school or go to college. I can't stand my dad.. I just want to know if I should talk to DHS and go live with my grandparents or not.. |
Question: HELP! my sister masturbates? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:40 AM PDT So one night, my sister took a picture of me making a silly face, and i didn't like it, so i asked her to delete it, but she refused, so i just left it. Then the next morning i went into her room to get her phone to delete it myself. When i opened the gallery, I saw in the camera folder, videos of a naked body. My first thought was, OMG she has downloaded porn!, but when i clicked on it, the video was of my 11 year old sister videoing herself "down there" she spoke to the camera and said she was making a porn video and that she hope "they" enjoy it... she was fingering herself and there was blood and... I AM SCARRED! help! what do i do. I am her 15 year old sister and she is 11. |
Question: How to prank your 15 year old brother and step dad? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:28 AM PDT Nothing so harsh just something for them to start respecting me and step dad can be a little pan in the butt som timse |
Question: How do i deal with my mean and selfish sister? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:24 AM PDT I passed through a phase during highschool where a person took advatnage of my heart by making me emotionally attached to him and then ditch me and watch me suffer. My frnds left me. And I had depression and anxiety. Im always crying alot and sister always tells me no one likes yiu, she says im jeleous of her frnds, and she wouldnt go out with me. She does the meanest and stupidest things to me, and if we were out with one of our cousins and I yell at her after she makes me very made..she starts telling me stop being childhish..youre such a have psychlogical problems and need a dr. She always says those phrases infront of ppl and embaraces me. She always wants to be happy herself and doesn't care about me at all. She goes out with the czn my ag, supposed to be my frnds..but the cznz her age she keeps away from me and always exludes me when they go out...we're always fighting and I can't take heart is already in alot of pain and she makes things worse..what should I do??? |
Question: Why is my older brother so geeky, weird, and annoying? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:23 AM PDT So my brother is 15 and he is just so geeky and weird. just to name a 'few' he has this extremely curly hair and he has chosen to grow it out like Howard Stern...and it looks absolutely ridiculous on him. Every time I tell him politely to stop growing it out and groom it for once he runs over to our mom and usally I get in big trouble. Another thing is that he is into these things called furries? Idk what they are really called but anyways he's into those animal thingsk and he even draws them like really really provocitively and its starting to worry me...its like it getting out of hand and even one time I caught him watching furries porn I mean wtf? Really? I know its natural for a tenage boy to watch that stuff but I think that was crossing the line...anyways he's really ruining my life bc he has like no socal skills whatsoever and I always have a fear of something wrong happening if I invite my friends over to my house and they see his 'art'...btw it has happened before...anyway should a 13 year old girl be afraid of that? Serioulsy! I really want my friends to hang out @ my house for once but they basicly can't bc of my brother... Somebody please help!!! :( |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:11 AM PDT Ok so I'm 20 and my cousin is 19. We live in the same town and we share an apartment. So she is out late yesterday and she calls to pick me up because she was out shopping with friends. So I go and see her in the sluttiest outfit imaginable. Her skirt barely covers her butt and her crop top only covered her nips. All of her friends start laughing and ask if I'm the guy paying for "this wh*re". She gave me a kiss on the lips and got in the car. I thought she might've been drunk but when I drove off she seemed sober. I asked "what the f*ck is this outfit?" She explained they were out shopping and she had lost a dare so she had to buy some slutty clothes and act like a hoe for the rest of the night. I just shook my head because I looked like some pervert who needed a prostitute. When we got back and when we climbed up the stairs, I saw her black thong that matched her tube top and I got really hard. I was wearing shorts and she noticed. She said, "you like it" and she rubbed it. I admitted, "if you weren't my cuz id be banging the sh*t out of you." She lifted up her skirt and said, "let's do it." In the moment she looked so fine and I wanted to rip her slutty outfit off and do her. I pulled her clothes off and we had sex. I don't know what happened. She normally walks around the apartment in a bra and thong and I never feel sexually attracted to her. Today I suddenly felt like violating her and we probably would've had sex again, but she said she was sore. Why do I feel this way |
Question: Summer is here, having financial problems, and having a freeloader at home? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:05 AM PDT It s been nearly four months since my cousin came from France to live with my family and I. He just got a job on the weekends but does nothing what so ever to help around the house. We don t bother to confront him because his mother is paying for my trip to Europe this year so we feel bad. Not to mention my mom just recently got into a car accident and we can barely afford food because of my cousin. Any solution to this issue? |
Question: What do I have to do now..? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:02 AM PDT Hey there. So I'm writing this just to see what people are going to say for this and if you can help me somehow.. So I'm 15 and I'm at 4th grade of highschool (1st grade in lyceum). The problem is that I'm in exam period and I'm bad at school. I don't think I'll pass this year or if I do it will be on September where I'll be writing the exam lesson I didn't pass again. I'm so sad and I feel like I've failed everything in my life.. My dad keeps telling me every year to study hard and I can't do that or even if I do I'm just a bad student and can't learn anything.. That's how I feel. I passed all the previous years but this one I don't think so and I feel so bad for my dad and my family because my dad is really sad for me and I feel guilty. I will be working as well now in the summer until May 2016 with my dad and my mum we've got something like a cafeteria now for 1 year. What should I do now.. I also have a brother and he's 21. He's studying at a university and his grades were always so good and I'm just a loser that's how I feel.. Please answer something else I really do need some help.. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 09:00 AM PDT |
Question: Who pays when you eat out with in-laws? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:59 AM PDT I have Indian in-laws and they are on an extended visit for a few months. I noticed that when the check comes they never pay - i have to pick up the tab every time. My wife has not once said anything to them. Only recently, I noticed my father-in-law started paying for small things here and there - but never the big bills. It's kind of annoying. They're pretty well off, so I'm not sure if this is a "respect your elders" thing. Can Indians please comment? What happens when you typically have in-laws over? Who pays most of the time? Another thing that's annoying is that they're somewhat dirty - my mom-in-law makes a mess while cooking and our guest bathroom has become visibly dirty. My wife is a neat freak (as am I), but she would rather spend 2 hours everyday cleaning up their mess than have a conversation with them, I have brought it up with my wife but she says it's a sensitive matter and difficult for her to bring up with her parents. Have others experienced this and how did you handle it? |
Question: I am relocating myself, and my son to indianapolis, and my mom is not supportive at all? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:59 AM PDT I have been on and off with my boyfriend for 3 years, his career has taken him away 2 times. We have decided that we want to move on with our life and move in together. I am 34 years old, and a single mom to a 5 year old little boy. I am excited for this new adventure, but when I told my mom she was completely unsupportive. For 3.5 years my parents have basically been helping me financially so I could afford to have a home for my son and I. They live 10 mins away and my son is thier only grandson. When I told my mom that we had decided this is what we wanted, she has been completely unsupportive and frankly mean to me. I feel like she is trying to guilt me into staying here because she wants my son near. I understand her wants but I feel likei should pursue my happiness also. I dot know what to do. When I try and talk to her she just calls me selfish, or tells me she doesn't think I can do it. She doesn't care if I left but she thinks taking reid away from "everything he loves" is mean and wrong. I don't know what to do. Please can anyone help me? Sincerely - confused and hurt |
Question: My mom is impossible and destroying me? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:58 AM PDT I'm just going to start off saying I'm 16 and I know that mothers and daughters are expected to be annoyed with each other constantly. My mom has always hit me a lot when I was younger and pulled my hair and beat me up. Last year it got bad enough that I was thinking about going to the police or runaway. My stepdad was in the kitchen acting completely normal and acted like nothing was going on when I was screaming and crying in the next room and he said he used to get it a lot worse so he didn't give a ****. And all of that was because I was going to be late school and just didn't want to go because I'm insecure and didn't finish doing my makeup. My father left when I was 14 months old and I haven't seen him since. She won't let me hang out with friends. I spend every weekend at my house in my room. I finally just got wifi and texting like 4 months ago. I still have no social life whatsoever. Since I was 14 I asked if I could get a job because I knew of this icecream place that hired that young she wouldn't let me and she said at 16 I can. I'm 16 and she still won't let me. She's constantly telling me that she thinks I'm mental and need therapy bc I'm always in my room but I have no where else to go. She came in my room today and saw quarters on the floor and started accusing me of stealing them from her. She said I was missing some quarters from her bin. I didn't take her goddamn quarters and she keeps acting like I did looking at me like a thief and yelled at me |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:57 AM PDT My son and some of his friends have been teasing and bullying a boy in school, even gone so far to actually hit him. They went a little too far one day and got sent to the principles office. They called us to go there and meet the principal and the two boys but I couldn't get out of work, but my husband could. He pissed, absolutely furious at our son. He yelled and screamed at him for I don't know how long. He was close to putting his hand on him but fortunately he didn't. He made our son apologize, he went to all of his friends parents and told them what happened and he is making our son walk with the other boy home from school every day, just in case some body else is bullying him. That's all good and I agree with every thing. But he is also treating our son like air, like he doesn't exist. I understand that he is disappointed but he is a teenage boy. He needs has father and having his father treat him like a ghost is not good. I don't think so at least. What do you think? |
Question: Should I go to the hospital? What should I do? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:49 AM PDT So I got into some trouble and when my mom found out she beat me pretty bad. My dad was there so he saw everything and then took me to his house afterwards and I went to sleep. When I woke up I was in some pain. I woke up around 11 and took some Advil. Well the thing I was still groggy so I dumped them out into my hand and instead of like 1-2 about 50 of them came out. So about 25% of me was like "I hope this kills me." And the other 75% was just not caring. It's been about 24 hours and I feel fine except for a nosebleed. Should I still go to the hospital? One time I did overdose and afterwards they gave me so much grief about hospital bills and waisting their time. So that's why I don't want to go. Also if I do go do I tell them about the beating? What I did is not that bad for my mom to have hit me like that and I've been done with her for a while because of how abusive she is in general. Sorry I'm just confused on what I should do right now. Thanks for the help. |
Question: Moving out of my grandparents without problems? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 08:13 AM PDT Hi im 18 and i want to leave where i currently reside now even though the legal emancipation age is 21, i grew up with a very dysfunctional family like alot others do. I am thankful that where i live now with my grandparents there is no actual phisical abuse but the enviorment is very negative and strict because they think im not a really good person or im like others and will run away.i have contact with my father who is very nice but i cant live with him, its been dificult for me to go out to go to school and work because i live so far in the country side and my grandparents wont give me a ride but also ,make it hard for me to leave i am constantly here cleaning or alone, i graduated and im applying for jobs ive been to interviews and i applied for scholarship for college wich i will attend in another city but this is far and i rely on buses for all because i have no support or permission to drive, i want to leave home once i get a job find a place as soon(i might know where) as possible ,i need to know if i wont get the police called on me for leaving at 18 wich has already been a threath made by them ,and how to do this maturely and nicely |
Question: Just read! Please advise me if you have any ideas.? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:56 AM PDT I don't really know myself at all, I think. I'm not myself nowadays. All I can do is just following my parents tell me to do things. I feel tired with it. Bcoz in the society I'm living in is surrounded by people doing things like that even in a modern world that's why my parents do it to me? I never can do what I want. I'm 18, a freshman in a university, but I feel that my life is nothing. I'm just a television which is control by people who have the remote in their hands. I'm sad. I can't move. Sometimes, I wanted to tell things to someone, but I assume people are unbelievable, that's what my parents taught me too. I don't even tell my boyfriend bcoz I always doubt if he really understand about me or not. I'm so tired keeping these **** in my mind alone and cry till I sleep every night. I don't have a fully life. |
Question: Is my mom being unreasonable/abusive? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:54 AM PDT School just ended two days ago. It's summer vacation now. My 17 year old sister and I, a 13 year old are both off. However, my mom keeps forcing us to do academic work. My older sister just took two exams. My mom won't let her hang out with friends. My mom just wants me to write a bunch of articles and do an entire packet of algebra two math, that contains 1,500 questions. Meanwhile, she is constantly on her phone. She texts in a stupid group chat with twenty+ of her friends. When I do my work, I constantly hear her giggling or playing videos she gets from her friends out loud. It's so distracting and hypocritical, especially because whenever I go on my phone around her or get caught on it, she takes it away and yells at me. Whenever I try to talk to her, she's always on her phone. I raise my voice slightly or tap on her phone to get her attention, and she screams at me. Actual screaming. I understand she just "wants the best" for us, but really, I think the workload is too much, and over summer break? Sometimes my sister or myself will yell at her when she demands something especially ridiculous. She'll hit us, sometimes multiple times. I get bruises from it. She calls us lazy, worthless, that we should die, etc. I already suffer from depression, an eating disorder, and self harm. She's making it worse. I just feel so ugly and worthless all the time Thanks for reading this whole thing. She refuses to do everyday tasks that as a parent, she should do. Whenever there's a plate or a cup out, she'll just peer over her phone, from her scrunched up, robe-wearing, position, and bark at my sister or me to wash it. She won't feed the cat sometimes, because she HAS to finish this one text to send out. My sister and I are like her servants. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:54 AM PDT early this year my older sister stole more than $2k from me, I wasn't monitoring my bank account as I had so much going in at once (I wasn't spending money as it was my first job and I was saving for a laptop for my studies, since then I opened a saving account and got internet banking) so for about 3-4 months she was taking $300 out of my account multiple times, anyway I confronted it with her (at first I didn't want to believe it was her and I was thinking who else it could be, but she's done this before with my parents) I didn't get a reply from her so I kept asking because I knew she was online (she was on facebook) anyhow, she completely started ignoring the family and when ever my parents would try to talk to her she would go on about how they only love me and never loved her and blah blah and then she moved out with her boyfriend and his family who she pretty much lived with for the whole time she was stealing, we think she stole it because she has to pay her bfs way too as he didn't have a job (because he fails drug tests all the time) anyhow, my mother made an agreement with her that she should give me $20 a fortnight back (I wanted more) and now that she has to pay more rent as her bfs parents are moving to a different city (they also don't have jobs) but I need more than $20 a fortnight to get my money back so I told her and she started acting like the victim again. Im just mad because I want to save for uni and now I am again without because her f''cked up life I just don't get why my life has to be put on hold, set back or whatever because she financially cannot maintain her own problems! like a leach of a boyfriend! she is a manager of a store, earning about $55k a year... I earn $18k a year before tax!!! I still have to pay my own bills, like she dose (plus other peoples bills) and yet ive managed to save!!! |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:45 AM PDT She is such a *****. She came home, and left the door open even though she knows our dog likes to run out. He started running along the street and I had just gotten out of the shower. She expected me to go get him when it was her fault that he got out and she always does crap like this. She was screaming at me in front of my neighbors to go get the dog when all I had was a towel on. Also, before we got our dog, we talked about how it would be equal ownership but since we got him, I have to do EVERYTHING and she still calls me a bad pet owner. Am I being selfish by saying I don't like her? Why is my mom like this? |
Question: I depise my parents? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:12 AM PDT I'm 17 and a male and ever since "the move" to America everything has changed, and for the worst. I've always moved around to different countries as a kid. I lost my mum when I was five and moving to England when I was 12 was the best thing that had ever happened to me. It provided me with a sense of inner peace and content, a place in which I'd never been. I've been scarred by many things in my life, especially losing my mum and the way my dad handled things. What I mainly wanted to touch on was why I absolutely hate my father and step mum I literally despise them, believe me this isn't normal. I'm almost an adult and have never felt to empty and detached from my parents or surroundings, it's worrying. I'm empty most days and wish every day to move back to England. I can't even stay motivated here to do work it virtually impossible and it's all because my parents are selfish and moved me do they could be better off. I was literally guaranteed a path to a top university due to my grades and exam results and they took it all away by moving me. I never even got to finish schooling there... Now I'm in the American system and see no point whatsoever in studying, I feel numb and empty. I just don't care anymore. Lately I've been having these rages where I'll fly off the handle and hurt my family memebers because I'm so angry all the time. Little provocation makes me feel so raggeful. When I'm in that mode i brake things and cause total destruction. Please help. |
Posted: 07 Jun 2015 07:08 AM PDT |
Question: Is it normal to feel unsafe around your mother sometimes? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:54 AM PDT I am 15 years old Is it natural to feel uncomfortable or unsafe when left alone with your mother? |
Question: My mother treats me like I am 10 years old? Posted: 07 Jun 2015 06:45 AM PDT I'm 16. I don't mean that she doesn't let me hang out with my friends, or drink alcohol, or dye my hair green. What I mean is, she /literally/ treats me like a 7 year old girl. I can't do anything alone. If I go into my room, I immediately hear her asking where I am, and then she makes me come downstairs, or she comes to my room. She makes me go places with her, like the library. When she talks to me, she will say things like, "Mommy can't do that right now." She won't let me walk to my friends houses (which are really close to our house). She doesn't let me cross the street. If I want to hang out with a friend, I have to tell her EXACTLY what we will be doing, if her parents will be there, and exactly when I will come home. I can NEVER be by myself. In the morning, when she wakes up, she makes us all go downstairs together. If I go downstairs before her, she says things like, "Jamie! What are you doing down here all by yourself!?" She questions everything I do. I could never say, I'm going for a run. Or, I'm running out to get us breakfast. Or even, I'm going for a walk. This whole thing is hard to explain but I just WANT some freedom. I just want to be able to hang out in my room without her thinking coming with me. I'm not an only child; I have a 10 year old sister, a 3 year old brother, and a 14 year old brother. |
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