Singles & Dating: Question: He shows signs of interest in person, but he won't text/call first, help? |
- Question: He shows signs of interest in person, but he won't text/call first, help?
- Question: Update on my story!? She looked down and smiled?
- Question: Opinion on this popular guy? I'm just average, He's outta my league? I'll answer yours!!?
- Question: How do i flirt with her without making it awkward?
- Question: I think im in love with a boy, and im sure he likes me. But he had a girlfriend which he like too. what should i do?
- Question: He takes days or a few hours to reply my message. What should I do?
- Question: Is "omission" the same as being deceptive in a relationship, a committed relationship that is??
- Question: Whats your usual process of finding a girlfriend/boyfriend? How does it happen for you?
- Question: Sometimes my guy acts as if he does not want to be bothered when we're alone in the bedroom. Can he be cheating?
- Question: I need help texting a girl?
- Question: I like someone else, but I have a boyfriend....?
- Question: Help texting deaf guy?
- Question: I dont know why this girl isnt responding?
- Question: I'm dating an older man that I love. How do I tell him that I my sexual appetite is more aggressive than his?
- Question: What do you do when you like a boy but, are too shy to tell him?
- Question: Are you there?
- Question: I met a man a few years ago & fell in love with him. We were engaged & he left. Now, we're back together & I wonder will it work out?
- Question: Do well educated women intimidate men? and why?
- Question: Can I have some positive advice?
- Question: When you met "the one" did you know immediately?
- Question: Please help me . I am confuse with her behavior after i propose her.?
- Question: Contact solutions on carry on?
- Question: How do I get shy guys to talk to me? I will answer yours if you answer mine.?
- Question: How much fluids can you have on carry ons?
- Question: What to wear on a first date (for a guy)?
- Question: Is she Cheating on me?
- Question: Me and my girlfriend of three years just broke up... PLEASE give me advice?
- Question: Why do men only care about my assets then my personality ? Like my physical appearance?
- Question: What's the perfect drink to buy my boyfriend for his 21st birthday? It's in 13 days and I been thinking about it a lot lately.?
- Question: How can I get through to my boyfriend without nagging or coming off as a nag?
- Question: How To Make This Relationship Work?
- Question: My girlfriend thinks im weak.?
- Question: Have you been introduced by friends to any bastards?
- Question: Why would a 44 yr old woman hang out with 26yr olds?
- Question: What does it mean when a guy barks at you?
- Question: Is he interested? Will he ask me out?
- Question: Does he still like me?
- Question: Update on my story!? She looked down and smiled? 10 pts?
- Question: What does this mean? How do I feel towards my boyfriend?
- Question: Serious question: Girls, how do you like your breasts to be felt by a guy?
- Question: How do I know if I have to pee?
- Question: When is the best time to tickle someone's foot?
- Question: Do guys care about the size of a woman when it comes to sex?
- Question: Is it normal to remain single for ever? Help?
- Question: Is it normal to remain single for ever? Help?
- Question: CAUGHT MY BOYFRIEND: I caught my boyfriend masturbating to a picture of Katy Perry?
- Question: Black girls?
- Question: Im being punished for something i didnt do? please help. its urgent?
- Question: How to hang out with your crush alone?
- Question: Someone hit me up with their email and we can sext.?
- Question: Can someone tell me a disturbing sex story...just feel like in the mood for it?
- Question: My gf is 14 im 20 can I get her pregnint?
- Question: How much brain picking is comfortable for a girl? More to the point how much is too much?
- Question: Do you enjoy being pampered?
- Question: Losing virginity to a school slut??
- Question: I have a chance to hook up with my dream girl, but I don't want it to ruin things in the future. Should I do it? I need to know in 2 hours!!?
- Question: Should I make the first move already?
Question: He shows signs of interest in person, but he won't text/call first, help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:30 PM PDT We're both in high school and we're good friends. I've liked him since school started and I just recently began to "flirt" with him. By flirt I mean long eye contact when we talk, when our eyes meet I smile and I now tell him to hangout with me and my other two friends and he comes along. He's been "copying" my flirt signs and he holds our strong eye contact more than usual, the other day we were going down the stairs and when he glanced backwards his eyes met mine (as if he looked back just to check up on me) and we smiled to each other, whenever I joke about something he follows along and we laugh together, when my friend mentions me (ex. Once my friend called him and told him to say hi to me) he got really giggly. All this happens at school, we have texted each other thanks to me, I always have to initiate contact through texts or calls. Is it a bad thing or I'm thinking about it too much? |
Question: Update on my story!? She looked down and smiled? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:29 PM PDT This girl that's a customer at this grocery store I work at. I seen her a few times and we talked a bit in the past. She talks softly when she talks to me. A few days later I seen her & kinda surprised her. She walks up to me & we immediately face each other. I said "how are your cats doing?" & she replied & shes also like "I've done nothing all day." & start I flirting with a slight smile & were looking in each others eyes as we walk. Also her voice seemed just a tad bit nervous but so did mine but I stayed confident & managed! The conversation started & shes just looking in my eyes. And I can just feel that she wants me to talk to her so I said "how old are you?" her: 20. I go to (her college which I wont say) me: oh I thought you were older. - her: why? *soft smile* - me: I don't 20 too. How old do you think I am? her: to be honest 19 no offense me: no its good that's a good thing.(She continues walking & I say "well I'll be here") A week later, I had to take something back & as I was walking toward her she had on that same little shy warm smile looking straight at me & I put on my same little grin and did a nod.. A few weeks later, I seen her from a distance as I was bagging & she did a wave with a smile & I waved back. I had to go on cart duty & I brought some in and she came in the lobby. I said "What are you doing here?" smiling, she was smiling shyly "Shopping.." It seemed like she was looking for something to say again nervous body language I felt So I got out of her way & I said "Oh yeah? So what did you get?". Still smiling she said "Stuff.." walking out kinda hastily..A week later I seen her RIGHT on Valentines day. I seen her so I went in the lobby, some time goes by & I knew she was coming but I wasn't even looking in her direction. It's crowded so I didn't get to talk to her but she right at me & does the shyest I grin back & say "Whats going on with you?..Cold isn't it?" & she says softly & silently "yup.." Like 3 weeks later I'm walking about to chill outside & I see her get a cart from the lobby. So I pointed at her a little bit and said "There she isss" like very enthusiastic with my mouth open and everything. She just smiled shyly showing her pretty teeth. I kept walking slowly when it happened cause I didn't have my note to with my # to give her Then like 2 days later I'm bagging & she sees me so she waves and & smiles once again! She goes into the next lane nearest me. She looks at me & I kinda lean in & say "What was your name again?" - She replies "Mikaela, whats yours?" all fast with an enthusiastic reply. "Jalen" I said & we shook hands. She had to go so I said "I'll see you around." She had to go so I said "I'll see you around." A wk passed by & I see her so I stay in the lobby. I'm off the clock & comes up to me & is like "Are you always here?" I just give her the note with my # its folded up. Shes like "whats this?" I pause for a sec & say "just open it when you get home" with a flirty smile. Then we both walk away. |
Question: Opinion on this popular guy? I'm just average, He's outta my league? I'll answer yours!!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:29 PM PDT This junior(im a sophomore) always catches my eye in my class. He sits diagonally behind me. He's really cute & Ive been noticing him more, he's in the same Group as me amd whenever we work he seems like rushed while talking sometimes& when I laugh at him jokes he kinda just looks at me. Also when I say something he immediately looks me in the eyes/pats attention to me while I'm talking.also today I looked over at him when someone near him said somethin in ckass and he was already looking at me, in sort of an intrigued way. but idk he's WAY outta my league and none of his friends know I exist they're all popular juniors... He always stares but never says anything am I just being delusional?? He also doesn't seem shy when he's around his friends in our project group? Only when he addresses me HES kinda stuttered. Do guys do this when they like a girl? Should I even bother going for it? Bc I don't know how I'd even make a move... |
Question: How do i flirt with her without making it awkward? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:29 PM PDT I like this girl. She is pretty and wonderful personality.and i want to start talking to her but i only see her in one class. The problem there is that my freinds are there. She sits in front of ne abd ny freind sit next to me. I want to flirt but need to jeep it lowkey for two reasons not to maje it awkward abd and not to overwhelm her. Ps she freind with my freinds. i kinda know her but were not freinds yet |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:28 PM PDT |
Question: He takes days or a few hours to reply my message. What should I do? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:28 PM PDT I text with a guy for a few months, I met him for the first time last week. Wait! I text him while I still have a boyfriend in my life now, I just need to have more hving fun and feel bored with my relationship lately. So I decided to play a game. I met and we were make out. But after all, he just needs a few hours to read and reply my message. Did I make a mistaken? And why he don't want to reply my message as fast as I do? I texted him more than once, and I always says "Hey, sorry for what I've done. We still be friend", but yeah! he's just f****ing say "Sorry, I didn't have my phone with me. I had nothing to do with you. I will go now, you're amazing" and it has more than 3 days he only reply with that f****ing message. Somebody tell me what should I do please? what I have to say to that guy? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:28 PM PDT |
Question: Whats your usual process of finding a girlfriend/boyfriend? How does it happen for you? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:27 PM PDT |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:27 PM PDT |
Question: I need help texting a girl? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:26 PM PDT When you start with stuff like "whats up" and "Hi" it's just boring |
Question: I like someone else, but I have a boyfriend....? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:26 PM PDT My boyfriend has messed up a lot, but he keeps telling me he's gonna change. He changes a little at a time. He tells me over and over how much he loves me, I really believe him though. But yet I'm just losing feelings for him, and I'm really starting to like this other guy. I'm scared to let my boyfriend go, and I'm scared if this new guy is gonna be extra worst. I'm just not happy with my boyfriend. I'm just scared let him go. I'm scared to hurt his feelings and I'm scared to tell him goodbye, I've been giving him hints that I'm losing feelings, but he's not understanding. He treated me bad and wrong but I can't let go. I told him that I'm losing feelings and I'm not happy with him but he just keeps persuading me to stay. But I really like the other guy and all what I think about is the other guy. What do I do? |
Question: Help texting deaf guy? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT I'm in asl so I know sign language but there's this cute deaf guy I like. I don't want to sound rude but I can't understand his texting. "I don't want to keep replying, I don't understand", because I don't wanna make him feel bad. How do I talk to him. He just texted me "What goin you?" |
Question: I dont know why this girl isnt responding? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT I started texting this girl yesterday and it was going good. She even send me a picture of herself. But today i tried texting her twice and it shows she read it but doesnt respond. Did i do something wrong. |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:23 PM PDT |
Question: What do you do when you like a boy but, are too shy to tell him? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:23 PM PDT |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:22 PM PDT I need help |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:22 PM PDT |
Question: Do well educated women intimidate men? and why? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT |
Question: Can I have some positive advice? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT Hi, I recently came across this guy on Youtube and I fell for him instantly. you're probably thinking "what the heck?" but idk there's just something about Him that makes me tingle and have butterflies when i talk about him. i sound silly i know. i pray to God about it about it and i had just fell in love with him. i have feelings i can't describe and i have never felt before about a person. please understand that i know this is yahoo answers and i'm simply asking for advice. I'm not some stalker either. |
Question: When you met "the one" did you know immediately? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT If you meet the guy or girl you're supposed to marry how fast do you know? If you're married did you know right away/soon after? or was it awhile until you realized , are you the female or male in the relationship ? Stories are welcome :) |
Question: Please help me . I am confuse with her behavior after i propose her.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT I know her from last 2 years, we are good friends, recently I proposed her , she told me we are good friends. Then i asked her now I left with two option either i will contact you so i prove myself or never contact you again ? Please tell !! But She replied she want to be in my contact but don't message me too much. Few months back i use to message her lot. My question is , Is she is thinking for my love proposal ? |
Question: Contact solutions on carry on? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT |
Question: How do I get shy guys to talk to me? I will answer yours if you answer mine.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT Okay so I have noticed that the guys who liked me in the past were nice except for this one person who was a huge jerk and alot of them were quite shy. I love shy people, I used to be one myself until I broke out of my shell. The thing is I do want to taln to them and be ftiends with them, but the problem is they are always around their friends and that bothers me alot. I tend to be independent sometimes making it easier for people to come talk to me and if someone wants to talk to me I will not reject them. |
Question: How much fluids can you have on carry ons? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: What to wear on a first date (for a guy)? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT Are there any colors or styles to avoid? Any do's and dont's? |
Question: Is she Cheating on me? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT My girlfriend who lives abroad in vietnam did not talk to much to me between the months of October and December. She would be active on facebook but seldomly reply to my messages that i sent daily. She asked me to teach her french. After that time period, we started talking again more but i soon discovered a guy "liking" all of her photos. He is french. I questioned her on this man and she said it was a friend she met in the bar she works at. She often dodges and evades my questions about the matter. Everytime I ask her about him, she gets angry and says that she cannot stand my jealousy/ inquiry and suggests possibly breaking up. She says I never believe her. She then promised me she would never contact him and will block him from her profile. English is not her native language and says she cannot fully express herself. Around February , I discovered an alternate account that she had with an alternate name (japanese name at the japanese bar she works at). She allowed me to have the password to that account and I discovered other foreign men on her friends list and within her messages that she messaged that same guy that "this is my facebook". I confronted her and told her she lied about ceasing contact with him. She told me her boss told her to add him there... She restricts me from looking at her actual facebook and from meeting him. Does all of this sound a little fishy or am I being overly analytically jealous (as she claims)? |
Question: IS HE JEALOUS? SIGNS A GUY IS JEALOUS? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT ok so theres this boy i like and hes in two of my classes in one i sit infront of him, well theres this other boy named alex that thinks i like him and almost everyone in that class now thinks that -.- but i dont.. anyways the boy i like asked me who i like and i didnt answer him but im guessing he thinks i like the other boy (alex).. well that day he started being a dick to me i mean he was nice and he always flirts with me until today he started messing around with me and saying mean things... Is he mad or what ? Also he was playing this game with me of throwing paper to each other (its stupid ik) and this other boy threw a paper at me and he was like "only i can play that game with her" |
Question: Me and my girlfriend of three years just broke up... PLEASE give me advice? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT She was 18 and I was 19 we were together sense we were 16 I was really in love with this girl and she was very beautiful but she just wouldn't grow up her parents does everything for her and I mean everything. Im ALWAYS stuck picking her up and paying for things so I told her she needs to get her things together by summer because it will be almost impossible for me to see her without her meeting me half way because I'm so busy with college and work which= gas LOTS of gas. So she got very mad and it led to a break up. I'm a preschool teacher assistant currently and things are going good in my life except my love life. Please give me advice |
Question: Why do men only care about my assets then my personality ? Like my physical appearance? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT |
Question: How can I get through to my boyfriend without nagging or coming off as a nag? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT My boyfriend and I have been on and off for a while. I've allowed him to put me through alot of stuff up to where now I resent him. Sometimes I really really just hate him and sometimes I really wish that he's stay the night with me and hold me. I spazz out sometimes and send him these nasty text messages about how much of a bad guy I think he is. He's been trying though but sometimes I still feel neglected, rejected, and lied to. He's say that I should make an effort to try and trust him but I feel like he's has to undo what he's done. & slowly but surely I'll regain trust for him. I really want to talk this out with him but I don't feel like we ever get anywhere because he gets mad and feels like I'm blaming him for everything and sometimes I get upset because he wants me to be in the same boat as him but I've never done what he has or even close. I can admit that I've became a nag and very impatient. You see he's very controlling amongst other things and I have been telling him how it bothers me and he hears me but he doesn't change it. It's been years. I know things take time but he needs to do a 180 before I walk out. I'm very tired of feeling neglected by him when I need him most, rejected for other things and only accepted at his convenience, and lied to because he's afraid of facing facts. How can I get through to him without nagging? One more thing, he says I don't make him feel special but I try with little things like cooking and sweet little signs of affection. I just bought a NICE $650 watch for him and was gonna surprise him with rose petals and other things but I'm so unsure on if I'm doing to much because of my lack of trust for him. I know he would love it and it really excites me but I don't want to do all of this for someone I'm emotionally scared of. |
Question: How To Make This Relationship Work? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT I think my crush is attracted to me BUT hes off to college in a few months. Im a freshmen only. Yesterday we went out not like on a date just hanging out. And he asks if i like anyone. I lie and say no and return the question. He says "i cant, im a senior. I have to stay focused." And then he said so you think a high school sweetheart is a distraction? And i said kinda its complicated. And he said you shouldn't waste your time on something like that trust me and he rolled his eyes. Im almost sure he likes me. Im now guessing he thinks i'll be a distraction but I won't. I understand him completely. I want to let him know how i feel and that we can make this work. And no i'm not trying to distract him or anything. I'll be there for him so don't say to let him go cause I won't. I know if we try we can do it. But i agree i have some doubts. How can i talk to him about it and convince him i won't be a distraction and that we can make it work? :/ |
Question: My girlfriend thinks im weak.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT I am currently in 8th grade. Me and my girlfriend are 14 years old. At the end of every day, I carry her bag to her bus. She always says "its okay you dont have to, I dont want you to get tired". Its less than a one minute walk to her bus. I always tell her its okay but she'll ask another 1 or 2 times. I dont work out but im average in strength. How can I prove to her that its okay its not heavy or that im not weak? |
Question: Have you been introduced by friends to any bastards? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT Some people both acknowledge illegitimate offspring and share their heritage. |
Question: Why would a 44 yr old woman hang out with 26yr olds? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:15 PM PDT she hangs out with young girls as in friends nothing sexual |
Question: What does it mean when a guy barks at you? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:15 PM PDT Ok so me any my friend were walking out of a store today and we were the only people in the parking lot except for this one group of guys and they barked at us I don't think they realized we were 14 till we turned around.. |
Question: Is he interested? Will he ask me out? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT So there is a guy in my lecture and lab. But every now and then I catch him looking at me. Once I was standing behind him in line to write my name on the sign-in sheet and looked back at me. Once he came up to my lab partner and I to talk to my partner (they have another class together as well) and when he looked at me he smiled huge and took a few deep breathes before he talked to my partner. When he went to sit back down he looked back at me. Yesterday he came up again to my partner and talked to her about their class and he kept staring a ton. Last week he came up again and asked what we thought of the exam but I was too shy and didnt say anything. My friends said he kept looking at me. I got a haircut and he was staring 24/7 and came up to my friend like 2x. Then after class my friend was talking to him and she called me over. When I came up to him his eyes went wide and sparkly and he smiled big. He almost looked frozen. Once a random guy came to me and asked me a question and he glared at him. when another guy asked me a question, he turned his whole body around and glared at him Last week we talked more. When we were leaving class he asked was I was going and I said to the right and he said he normally goes the other way. But he said he would walk with me and so we walked and talked more. He asked a lot of questions around me and walked close to me. Whenever he looks at me he blinks slow. Once he walked with me again and we talked. Before we parted way exchanged number Once we studied together with my lab partner. When we were studying my friend was talking about her bf and he looked at me and smiled. When we were leaving he walked me all the way to my apartment. Today I told him that if he wanted to grab coffee sometime then to let me know. He said that sometimes things come up but he will let me know. Today my friend said that cant come to our study session tomorrow so I asked if he was okay just studying with me and he said yes. |
Question: Does he still like me? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT Over this past summer, a friend of mine told me he liked me (as in like like). I told him I liked him too. We would talk everyday from sun up to sun down. But, since school has started, in September, we haven't really talked like that. We occasionally have a conversation by his locker. One day he hugged me and I felt butterflies. So, does he still like me? Or am I worrying to much about it? |
Question: Update on my story!? She looked down and smiled? 10 pts? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:13 PM PDT This girl that's a customer at this grocery store I work at. I seen her a few times and we talked a bit in the past. She talks softly when she talks to me. A few days later I seen her & kinda surprised her. She walks up to me & we immediately face each other. I said "how are your cats doing?" & she replied & shes also like "I've done nothing all day." & start I flirting with a slight smile & were looking in each others eyes as we walk. Also her voice seemed just a tad bit nervous but so did mine but I stayed confident & managed! The conversation started & shes just looking in my eyes. And I can just feel that she wants me to talk to her so I said "how old are you?" her: 20. I go to (her college which I wont say) me: oh I thought you were older. - her: why? *soft smile* - me: I don't 20 too. How old do you think I am? her: to be honest 19 no offense me: no its good that's a good thing.(She continues walking & I say "well I'll be here") A week later, I had to take something back & as I was walking toward her she had on that same little shy warm smile looking straight at me & I put on my same little grin and did a nod.. A few weeks later, I seen her from a distance as I was bagging & she did a wave with a smile & I waved back. I had to go on cart duty & I brought some in and she came in the lobby. I said "What are you doing here?" smiling, she was smiling shyly "Shopping.." It seemed like she was looking for something to say again nervous body language I felt So I got out of her way & I said "Oh yeah? So what did you get?". Still smiling she said "Stuff.." walking out kinda hastily..A week later I seen her RIGHT on Valentines day. I seen her so I went in the lobby, some time goes by & I knew she was coming but I wasn't even looking in her direction. It's crowded so I didn't get to talk to her but she right at me & does the shyest I grin back & say "Whats going on with you?..Cold isn't it?" & she says softly & silently "yup.." Like 3 weeks later I'm walking about to chill outside & I see her get a cart from the lobby. So I pointed at her a little bit and said "There she isss" like very enthusiastic with my mouth open and everything. She just smiled shyly showing her pretty teeth. I kept walking slowly when it happened cause I didn't have my note to with my # to give her Then like 2 days later I'm bagging & she sees me so she waves and & smiles once again! She goes into the next lane nearest me. She looks at me & I kinda lean in & say "What was your name again?" - She replies "Mikaela, whats yours?" all fast with an enthusiastic reply. "Jalen" I said & we shook hands. She had to go so I said "I'll see you around." She had to go so I said "I'll see you around." A wk passed by & I see her so I stay in the lobby. I'm off the clock & comes up to me & is like "Are you always here?" I just give her the note with my # its folded up. Shes like "whats this?" I pause for a sec & say "just open it when you get home" with a flirty smile. Then we both walk away. A couple weeks later went by & today I saw her! She waved at me & smiled. We were super busy so she came in & I said "Whats going on with cha??" & she said "its crazy out here I almost got hit by a car." & I'm like "woww" & just small talk. Then flirty smile & softly said "Did you get the note I get you?" She then smiled & sort've looked down nodding her head yes. I'm like "so ya did? Okay....Well I'll see you around" What do you think? |
Question: What does this mean? How do I feel towards my boyfriend? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:13 PM PDT My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months and we are in our early 20s. Our sex life is pretty good. But tonight when we had sex, the way he stared into my eyes and tilted his head a little, scared me. I felt vulnerable and I almost cried, but of course I didn't. We love each other deeply and there's no problems in the relationship. I just wanted to know people of yahoo opinions about why I felt that way in that moment and what does it mean? |
Question: Serious question: Girls, how do you like your breasts to be felt by a guy? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:12 PM PDT Assuming you like the guy and are fine with him doing it, how would you want it done? Hands only? Sucking with the mouth? Motor boating? Squeezing or light rubbing? Over or under clothes? |
Question: How do I know if I have to pee? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:12 PM PDT |
Question: When is the best time to tickle someone's foot? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT |
Question: Do guys care about the size of a woman when it comes to sex? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT Don't judge but I was hooking up with a guy last night that i have been talking to for a little while. We started fooling around and when the time came to have sex he was having trouble getting it all the way hard. Then he said and i quote, "ive never been with a girl bigger than me, usually they are my size or smaller. Ive got to work harder, look im sweating" that insulted me and totally killed the moment. I got off of him called him an a$$hole and left. I dont think im that big, im a size 8 and im still losing weight. Is there something wrong with me or was it him? Like do guys care that much about the size of a woman? |
Question: Is it normal to remain single for ever? Help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT I'm 23 and I feel like being single forever would be the best ever. I had my first bf when I was 19, he was 31 and was in a real relationship with someone abroad. It only lasted 1 year. Second boyfriend, well a childhood friend who was incarcerated for 6 years. He got out last year but he only took advantage of me writing me love letters and it wasn't worthy. Except now, he thinks I'm the one but I ignore him. Then I met a cop who gave me his number in the middle of nowhere and it started super friendly and we ended up having a casual affair. Everytime I tell him that I'm done with him and avoid him he's the one chasing me. He even changed his number to reconnect with me. But after three years his life is still a mystery. Yet, he acts lile he has feelings for me. I get hit on frequently because of my looks but no real love. Hopefully, I'm finishing college but I'm afraid that I will never find someone else :/ Not to mention that the cop is 44 and I even mentioned that I was moving out of state to get him off my back. |
Question: Is it normal to remain single for ever? Help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT I'm 23 and I feel like being single forever would be the best ever. I had my first bf when I was 19, he was 31 and was in a real relationship with someone abroad. It only lasted 1 year. Second boyfriend, well a childhood friend who was incarcerated for 6 years. He got out last year but he only took advantage of me writing me love letters and it wasn't worthy. Except now, he thinks I'm the one but I ignore him. Then I met a cop who gave me his number in the middle of nowhere and it started super friendly and we ended up having a casual affair. Everytime I tell him that I'm done with him and avoid him he's the one chasing me. He even changed his number to reconnect with me. But after three years his life is still a mystery. Yet, he acts lile he has feelings for me. I get hit on frequently because of my looks but no real love. Hopefully, I'm finishing college but I'm afraid that I will never find someone else :/ |
Question: CAUGHT MY BOYFRIEND: I caught my boyfriend masturbating to a picture of Katy Perry? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT I dont know what to say or do I just screamed at him. Any girls out their caught their bf/husband doing a similar thing and how did you punish them? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT Do black girls like white guys? I've moved over to America from Scotland and I've always liked black girls but there's none over in scotland, I've got dark ginger hair, I'm 5'9 and my accent is quite thick tbh but still do black girls like white guys |
Question: Im being punished for something i didnt do? please help. its urgent? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT My boyfriend broke up w/ me. my parents kept asking if we broke up and i told them "well... we dont talk anymore". when my dad called my bf (ex), my ex told my dad that we broke up bc i wasnt communicating and was talking to my best friend (brendon) more than him. my mom called me and was asking me why i was lying about the breakup (it was 2 days before this). she kept saying how he was such a great guy and how i was like two-timing and cheating on him. i dont txt my ex that much bc he is always working and i dont want to disturb him. and plus, my life has been seeming like it has been falling apart so i txt brendon to talk about it. my mom thinks i was cheating. she also is mad that i didnt communicate well even though i tried to. she was like "YOU WERE TWO-TIMING HIM!!!!!!!! HES SUCH A GREAT GUY!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!???!!!" I was NEVER cheating and i didnt mean for it to seem that way. before the breakup my mom always tried to tell me that communication was key to any relationship and i tried to follow her advice. also, she got mad at me bc there was a picture of a vagina on my phone (it was there bc it was itchy so i had to take a pic to make sure there was no infections. i just forgot to delete it). she thinks i was sexting when that was not true. i would never do that in my life. she told me that i am missing practice tomorrow for screwing up the relationship and that im grounded. she says that i am a disappointment and how bad it was for me to "cheat" |
Question: How to hang out with your crush alone? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT Okay, I just turned 14 and there's this guy I like.. I've liked him for two years and were kind of good friends. We don't have any classes together but we see eachotber in the halls and at lunch sometimes. I haven't hung out with him outside of school and I really want to, but I'm really shy and socially awkward. We talk a lot when I see him during school and I'm fine talking there but alone? I don't know what I should do, I don't want to go to the movies because that's always awkward to me but me and a few friends are going semi formal shopping next weekend and I was going to ask him to go. Its me, a girl, a guy and possibly the guy I like. But after that happens how do I hang out with him alone? How can I stop being so shy I really need help.. |
Question: Someone hit me up with their email and we can sext.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:09 PM PDT |
Question: Can someone tell me a disturbing sex story...just feel like in the mood for it? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:09 PM PDT Just hit me up with a sex story or comment your email and we can sext each other? |
Question: My gf is 14 im 20 can I get her pregnint? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:09 PM PDT She tells me she loves me everyday and wants to take this to the next step. We've been dating for a week and im also ready. Now I just need to know can she be pregnint. Like will her body allow it or does she neef to wait a couple years. Also I am thinking about having sexs with her mom. |
Question: How much brain picking is comfortable for a girl? More to the point how much is too much? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:08 PM PDT If I could mind-meld like a Vulcan I would. |
Question: Do you enjoy being pampered? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:07 PM PDT Let me show you some spoiling time u and me fun not free |
Question: Losing virginity to a school slut?? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:07 PM PDT A girl that told my friend she likes me asked for my number, we've been talking a-lot I text her, she text me type of situation. I once went over to my friends house seen her there and when she went to the kitchen I just happened to be going in there aswell. She then starts flirting with me and so I touch her down there and she tells me something freaky.. ANYWAY ha ha. I know she doesn't have a STD or any disease and I'll wear a condom. Should I do it? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:06 PM PDT So I've been texting this girl who is the most attractive girl I know. Perfect body and cute face. We are going to a party and she said she wants to get with me at the party. So I will be able to make out with her and possibly more, but I don't want things to be awkward in the future. Should I still do it?? Oh and if I do, would she like it if I felt her boobs and butt? I'm kind of inexperienced at anything more than kissing lol |
Question: Should I make the first move already? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:06 PM PDT I'm in college we had class in the computer lab and she saw a seat next by me and turn to her friend I turn and saw she had a nervous smile looking in my eyes She look at her friend then sat down.Throughout the day she kept glancing at my computer screen and at me. She touch her hand and hair but did not see her blush I pull out my phone and she look at me and turn away Another day I sat in front o her and kept seeing her rocking her cross legs back and fourth I can't say she is shy because she participates in class a lot. When I enter the class she and her friend both end up talking quietly or when I go to the bathroom and come back back she glances at me until I sit down. I was with a friend talking and I notice that she will look at us then back to her phone then again glances At times she will giggle when I answer a question but not always. On Monday I saw her we both look at each other and I look down first to not make it awkward she did too and took out her phone. I have talk with her friend before but does not mentions anything about her/me We had class on the library yesterday she glance at me when It was over and walking down the stairs I was on the train station waiting and she walk past me turn at me then turn away fast Throughout the train ride I felt like she kept glancing at me not sure though At times if I'm in her view she will hide or try to look uninterested she also does not stand next to me or try to talk which stops me for making the first move |
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