Marriage & Divorce: Question: Just separated? |
- Question: Just separated?
- Question: Why did my question about black women dying out get deleted?
- Question: My husbands ex (father of their child)?
- Question: How do working couples with kids manage time in the evenings?
- Question: My husband died a few weeks ago. I can't function like a normal human being. What can I do?
- Question: In what ways has being "devil's advocate" benefited or hurt you in arguments with your spouse?
- Question: I haven't sexually cheated on my wife yet after 13 years, is there something wrong with me?
- Question: Why is there so much idealism centered around Marriage?
- Question: Putting husbands name on birth certificate without him there?
- Question: What does a Family Living trust do for the children when they get married?
- Question: Why is it generally accepted that the only way to be "happily married" is if you and your spouse spend EVERY minute together?
- Question: What is your secret to a long marriage?
- Question: How much communication is too much communication in a marriage?
- Question: Men: Hypothetically WWYD if your wife hit you?
- Question: Poll: what's your reaction when your lady tells you she's pregnant?
- Question: They say you can't change a person, but this is indecency!?
- Question: Revenge on cheating ex husband?
- Question: What are some things you and your spouse enjoy doing together at the end of a long day or on a weekend?
- Question: Of all the sections of y!a, what made you choose Marriage & Divorce?
- Question: My wife separate with me and she is with another guy?
- Question: Married filed jointly wife has direct deposit and I'm not on.her account what can i do to receive my half of the money?
- Question: For WOMEN to Answer Only? (My previous post I could no longer find so had to repost). Look forward to the responses.?
- Question: If your spouse were any of things, which would annoy you the most - Indecisive, uncaring (apathy), selfish (never giving), or laziness? Why?
- Question: Which of these are most important in happy marriage: Following your heart, following your gut reaction, or thinking your choices out?
- Question: What do you feel are the necessary components of a good, happy, sustainable marriage?
- Question: Do you really fall in love with the person you?
- Question: Guys.. If a girl keeps rubbing her skin?
- Question: Thinking Divorce. .....?
- Question: Let's assume you are correct that sex and romance is the POINT of marriage. How do you keep the passion alive?
- Question: If a married couple only give to themselves and neither gave to their spouse, do you think they are doing marriage correctly? Why or why not?
- Question: Is there anything wrong with just wanting to be a house wife?
- Question: Wife Is Pregnant Unplanned?
- Question: I'm a widow and plan to remarry. Do I have to change my name back to my maiden name before I remarry or will I just aromatically take my new husbands name.?
- Question: Did he go to far?
- Question: How does a divorce make you become a stronger person , what does it help you with emotionally , mentally .?
- Question: I'm getting a divorce. Would my husband be required to legally pay me child support if we have joint custody?
- Question: I think my husband is cheating. Need Advice?
- Question: I'm married but want to give another man my number?
- Question: Society these days.. why do I.need to be married I love someone?
- Question: Romantic or pushy?
- Question: Had i had the ability to tie a tie i might have been able to keep a guy as my man forever. You think that is true?
- Question: Why is it wrong for one man to marry, or be with more than one woman?
- Question: Is a woman cooking and cleaning for her husband and kids an outdated expression of love?
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:26 PM PDT me and my husband jusfacet separated he living in a homeless shelter I didn't kick him out got drunk and started a fight with my dad he's got bipolar disorder and a lot of other problems he wants to get back together But it's like living with a man child.I love him but I can't take all the pain and the ups and downs I don't know what to do about it I don't want to divorce but it's been 3 years now of his depression and super happiness and laziness and then he'll go back depression I tried getting him doctor's appointment because I have to work I don't have time to make sure he goes he's on Social Security disabilityand we have a 3 year old but his only concern Himself I get he's homeless but he's at a good shelter 'When we see each other its fighInn he gets money but he buys crap like rings and pot and then trys to borrow from me and he left me with no money want to be family I don't know what to do it's hard separating after so many years and he thinks that we're going to get back together but I just don't see it happening if he's not on medhow do you deal with this? |
Question: Why did my question about black women dying out get deleted? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:22 PM PDT I said it before, I am black, and I have a Spanish wife. I was just asking if they were dying out as a species. I can't be racist. |
Question: My husbands ex (father of their child)? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:06 PM PDT Is moving out of the city. My husband has primary custody and she has weekends. Anyways this Christmas she gave their child a very expensive gift a video game console that was 600 bucks. It was a special edition thing. My son (step son technically) was told he cannot bring it home with him and that it will stay at their house in a different city. I find it very rotten of her. He should be able to bring it home. Why is she being such a b$$ch?! |
Question: How do working couples with kids manage time in the evenings? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 08:46 PM PDT I get up at 5h30. Get myself ready for work, my baby ready for nursery. At 3 I pick her up, we go home, I play with baby, feed her, take her to the park, cook, clean, do washing, etc untill 6 when husband comes home. He goes to work at 8am. Returns at 6. He showers, has dinner, goes to gym at around 8 while I clean up dinner dishes, bath baby, play with her, out her to bed, prepare lunch for myself and her the next day. By 10 or 11 I am done. Husband wants to watch a movie. I want to lie down and just chat with him about the day. He gets upset saying I want to sleep all the time. He goes on the laptop, and watches movies, reads news. He also has a habit of adding facebook girls in bikinis all the time and then says it's not him, he has a touch screen, but in his activity log there are about 20 to thirty girls added after each other on the same day for the last two years. I leave to go to work before him and I know he watches porn before he goes to work. The entire week I am without affection. I go to bed alone at 11 every night. WHen I confront him about the porn and facebook girls he gets angry and starts accusing me of things, he is insecure. I have begged him for affection, he mocks me, and then when I discuss divorce, because really I get no love, I can live without him, he starts charming me, and when I am ok it's back to square one. It's two years now. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 04:53 PM PDT My husband died a few weeks ago. I literally feel a huge piece of me died with him. I haven't been the same since. I married him when I was 19. I knew I was young, but I know I made the right choice to marry him then. We were married for 32 years. I wish so badly it would have been longer. Everything I do reminds me of him and how much I miss him. When I got up to work this morning it made me think of how my husband supported me through college and how I probably never would have gotten my degree (or my job) without him. I saw a picture of a beach on my computer and just thought of how he proposed to me when we were at the beach. I cry all the time. I feel like such a mess. I just don't know how I can get along without him. I always imagined us being married until we were in our 80s or 90s and I would die first. I knew I couldn't stand him not being here with me. 't one really understands what I'm going through. My mom is still alive, but she and my dad were never close. She doesn't understand how I feel being separated from my husband. My kids haven't experienced enough to really understand. I can't remarry because I know there's no one on earth who could replace him. I don't know how to move on with my life. How can I recover as much as I possibly can? Are there any support groups for things like this? |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:37 PM PDT As you can tell with me on here, I *really* enjoy arguing the side that is extremely UN-popular. So has forcing someone to face their belief and have to defend it ever worked or backfired for you? I'm really looking for men's answers here but I will take answers from women about their "defiant" husband too. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:29 PM PDT They see me trolling. They hatin'. |
Question: Why is there so much idealism centered around Marriage? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:25 PM PDT First there's the extremely expensive formal wedding (which by the way is just a HUGE middle class exploit for the fashion industry), then there's the extremely impossible to keep alive for the rest of your life Honeymoon (which again is just a HUGE middle class exploit for tourist industry), then there's the romantic life afterwards as "newly weds" (which is just a HUGE middle class exploit for the dining industry), then there's the sex life afterwards that has to be raunchy/fun/intimate (which is just a HUGE middle class exploit for the porn industry and novel industry), then there's the complete let down when it all falls apart and the idealism fades along with the lies that built you up to it (which is just a HUGE middle class exploit for the medical industry and the therapy industry and/or church industry), then finally there's the inevitable divorce because you married for the wrong reasons (which is a HUGE middle class exploit for the government). Then of course you are stupid enough to do it ALL OVER AGAIN. So can you see any reason OTHER than exploiting the middle class why there is so much idealism in marriage? When I finally own a business, I am going to exploit Christians. Biblical marriage will be my first target. I will be rich, just you wait and see. I'll be the only rich guy though in shorts and a t-shirt; suits are all a big joke and falsely portrays power. |
Question: Putting husbands name on birth certificate without him there? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 01:46 PM PDT Me and my husband are planning to move to UK before the birth of our first child, I am a British citizen he is American, I am looking at all possibilities in case he doesn't get his passport or visa in time for the birth (which he wants to be there for) To anyone in the UK if I have my marriage certificate to prove we was married before our son is born and he is still in America can I put his name on the birth certificate if he isn't present? Serious answers please I am just covering all my bases here |
Question: What does a Family Living trust do for the children when they get married? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 01:36 PM PDT My parents told me that our family's living trust is on the deed of the house and they put both my brother and i as the owners of the house. I was wondering, say if my brother or I get married and then for some reason we get a divorce, can the person we are getting a divorce from still be able to get some of the house or anything else given to us through the trust? I know that through a divorce, everything gets split into half but I don't know if that is still possible due to our parents putting our family's living trust is on the deed or leaving us anything else through the trust. I'm not sure how all that works when it comes down to those circumstances. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 01:14 PM PDT And you can't be doing domestic chores together. You have to be interesting. Why is there an obsession with a married couple being entangled with each other? You can have your spouse be your best friend WITHOUT smothering each other. |
Question: What is your secret to a long marriage? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 12:43 PM PDT I've been told its side action. I've also heard separate vacations.....which is where the action comes in I guess. I've also heard sense of humor is important. Which would explain why all the stuck up reporters are so well versed in divorce. |
Question: How much communication is too much communication in a marriage? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 12:21 PM PDT My wife and I are in the middle of counseling to work on some things in our marriage and the biggest complaints is that she feels we don't communicate enough. She thinks we should be talking the minute we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed. There should be constant communication. I'm here at work right now and she's home with a cold and she's texted me 20 times about my daughter's boyfriend showing up at the house unannounced. I told her I'd talk to my daughter about it but she's still sending constant texts in regards to him showing up. She's 44 years old and hates to talk to people so she feels I should handle it. Again, I'm at work. If I tell her I need to get to work she's gonna get upset saying I just don't want talk to her. Excuse me if I'm wrong but I go to work to work, not have constant conversations with her via text or email. How do I express to her that she's old enough to handle the situation on her own and that I can't work if I'm talking to her without her getting upset and running to our counselor saying I don't want to talk to her? Again, she's 44 and doesn't even know how to handle an 18 year old kid. I love her but I don't want to talk to her all day long. If we talk during the day then what do we have to talk about when I get home? Nothing! I've asked her not to call, email, or text so much but she takes it personal like I just don't want to talk to her. It's hard to talk to a cust on the phone when your cell phone is buzzing constantly. And the minute I don't reply then I catch hell when I get home. She believes that if you have a cell phone you need to keep it with you constantly and be in constant contact. She became angry with me a few weeks ago cause I left my phone in the truck while I went into the store. She called and there was not an emergency but went on a tirade saying, "what if I was stranded on the side of the road?" She wasn't so why bring that up? It was a saturday and I was out running my own errands. Lest I find myself missing for a few hours on a Sat then she starts to worry. |
Question: Men: Hypothetically WWYD if your wife hit you? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 12:11 PM PDT If your wife was never violent to you before, but one night after she had been drinking wine and you got in an argument, she hit you in the face, WWYD? Seriously think about it. Because you wouldn't want to hit back and risk domestic violence charges on yourself. Would you forgive her? |
Question: Poll: what's your reaction when your lady tells you she's pregnant? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 11:24 AM PDT I hope it's a good positive reaction by the way, women don't deserve to be dumped only "for having a baby", which brings most men down their manly-hood straight to the toilet. |
Question: They say you can't change a person, but this is indecency!? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 11:23 AM PDT My husband and I are childfree, so we have always just done whatever we pleased. One of those things was sleeping naked. And why not? It was always just us in the house. Now, we had no option but to move his mother into our home as she is beginning to experience early dementia. What is my question, you are probably thinking. Well, my husband not only sleeps naked, but walks around as such in the morning or before bed. He is still doing this even with my mother in law in our home! I even went and bought him a bathrobe, but he says I am being ridiculous and this is no problem. Help. I am embarrassed on behalf of everyone! |
Question: Revenge on cheating ex husband? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:29 AM PDT How much would it cost to have a billboard that said the following: Peter Joseph Macklin is a cheater. Good luck with your illegitimate new baby! This billboard would be in Pittsburgh, PA. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:23 AM PDT (Besides the obvious). My husband and I both work, and more often than not we just end up watching tv every night. It becomes boring. So, just wondering about everyone else out there. |
Question: Of all the sections of y!a, what made you choose Marriage & Divorce? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:56 AM PDT This is mainly for the "regulars" who ask and answer in here. What interests you about this section in particular? ** I have asked this once before, but it was a complete fail with only the trolls who come out at night answering. |
Question: My wife separate with me and she is with another guy? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:55 AM PDT |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:38 AM PDT |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:32 AM PDT He was writing to his future wife before he ever meet you. He could never comprehend how you can tell someone they mean the world to you when you may have only known them a year. So years before he started writing to his future wife because he wanted to show how important u are to him. This included poems, love quotes articles on advice for marriage. what marriages means to him and what he looked for in a wife. told he that u met all his expectations or u would not be reading all this. He also needed a reminder of how important his vows are and if things ever got tough in the marriage he could reflect back on what he wrote years ago and remember how important you are to him. Woman how would this make you feel? |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:20 AM PDT Those of you who are in perfect relationships, imagine your spouse doing each one of these things and think of how that would influence your mood. Which would annoy you the most do you think? |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:14 AM PDT Do not move this to polls or surveys. The people there are not married to actually answer such a question. Keep it here in Marriage & Divorce. |
Question: What do you feel are the necessary components of a good, happy, sustainable marriage? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:11 AM PDT I don't believe marriage is a living, breathing thing; so I need your insights that way I can understand your way of living. |
Question: Do you really fall in love with the person you? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 08:59 AM PDT Lose your virginity to? |
Question: Guys.. If a girl keeps rubbing her skin? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 06:21 AM PDT If you are sitting in a room with a girl alone and the two of you admit you like to kiss but for any odd reason you dnt kiss. And the girl starts to rub her neck.. Stroke her chest while you can see her **** growing bigger as she takes really deep breaths. She runs her fingers through her hair And stroke her Arms and shoulders. How does that make you feel as a guy sitting there and watching her? What is the impression you get? If it continues for about 2 mins or so. It happened to me and i am so embarrassed really to face this guy again, lol |
Question: Thinking Divorce. .....? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 04:28 AM PDT I got married pretty young 21 I am now 24 about to turn 25, yes I know I am still very young. Well here's the story my significant other was in the marine corps he did his four years and got out. He is not going to a tech school which is great but as for work he isn't working at all. He wakes up and goes straight to the video games this is from morning till the next morning. I mean am I wrong for asking for attention, affection? I have sex once a month, no he isn't cheating on me he just rather play on his game. Let me mention we've only been married for 4 years, I don't think it's supposed to be this way. I love being productive weather it be in the house or doing something active outside. We're in our 20s and I constantly get rejected makes me feel unwanted not pretty I just don't know what to do anymore. I told him I'm losing feeling towards him all he had to day was (I don't know what to tell you) wth? I get nothing from him fighting for me to stay with him. All in all I just want to be happy and the only thing holding me back is me caring for him and what will happen to him when I leave him. Advice please. He also smokes and dips did abuse drugs for a couple of years. I just try to imagine my future with him and I don't see me having a family with him anymore. BTW I don't smoke dip or take drugs. I want advice please don't judge me for this post thank you. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 04:23 AM PDT Passion (adrenaline) is not intended to be an ongoing thing. Passion is designed to get you from point a to point b and that's it. But I have seen people try to keep it alive indefinitely, so tell me, how do you do it? |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 04:13 AM PDT |
Question: Is there anything wrong with just wanting to be a house wife? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:29 AM PDT Does that make me in a vulnerable position, even if I've got a good education? |
Question: Wife Is Pregnant Unplanned? Posted: 14 Apr 2015 01:19 AM PDT We've been on birth control mainly because we weren't even sure if we wanted to stay together. I decided today that I for sure would pursue a divorce no lie and she finds out tonight while visiting her doctor that she's pregnant! I wanted to cry because I absolutely hate her and want nothing to do with her. Now I'm stuck dealing with her. It's my fault I know but man idk what to do now. Like I don't want to stay married to her I feel strongly that between her and her family they want to ruin my life and idk why because I am friggin awesome toward her man but not anymore. |
Posted: 14 Apr 2015 12:43 AM PDT |
Posted: 13 Apr 2015 11:44 PM PDT My husband makes silk screened shirts for a living I've been asking him for months to make me a shirt but he hadn't since he was "busy" the other day I had a couple of friends over and one of my girlfriends asked him if he could make her a shirt (not in front of me) (apparently they were alone) today he tells me he's gonna make her the shirt and not charge her!?! I was blindsided due to 1) I've been bugging him to make me a shirt 2) why wouldn't he charge her?! I told him it was inappropriate for him to just make her a shirt and not charge her, he said I was overreacting. What do you think? I feel like it's his business I get it, but why for free |
Posted: 13 Apr 2015 11:38 PM PDT |
Posted: 13 Apr 2015 11:37 PM PDT I'll have the children 5 days and he'll have them 2 days a week... But we haven't decided on the terms yet. We don't have family in the area so someone has to drop them to school. |
Question: I think my husband is cheating. Need Advice? Posted: 13 Apr 2015 10:49 PM PDT Long story short. In Dec i found out my husband has an account on VK a social network where he was watching porn. I asked him he said that he & his friend opened an account but that he wasnt using it anymore. I told him i didn't care but he should at least be honest. I forgot about it until i became suspicious in Feb & i was right he was going behind my back again. when i confronted him he quickly deleted the porn star friends and his profile pic saying its his friend using it not him. I once again let it go. But yesterday when opening my ipad browser he has left this VK page open. I was fuming at that point because he lied to me over and over although i told him he doesnt need to hide it. I was very suspicious of why he was hiding so i snooped a bit and when i opened his messages i felt sick. he was messaging other woman asking them if they like sex, that he finds them so sexy, and that he is the luckiest man in the world cuz they added him as friends. I don't know what to do now. I havent confronted him as i feel cheated. we have 3 kids and have been married for 8 years. our sex life is great 2-3 times a week and we explore as well so he cant tell me that he is getting bored as its never the same with us. so to see this now makes me sick to my stomach. watching porn is something but actually messaging these woman that for me is taking it way to far. I feel so lost as i have noone to talk to about it. do you think i'm over reacting? and what can i do about it any advice |
Question: I'm married but want to give another man my number? Posted: 13 Apr 2015 10:01 PM PDT I have been married for 14 years and I've been through a lot...husband had addiction problems, cheated on me many times, lost our home, cars, etc due to his problems. He has changed and become a new man since but I have fallen out of love with him over the years. I stay because of the kids until they are adults and he's been good to us since he changed. I don't love him and haven't been attracted to him for the longest time. There is this guy I see every day at the gym and am extremely attracted to him. I know he feels the same. I always see him staring at me, we smile at each other all the time, throw flirty glances eachother's way...but he has yet to approach me. I know he has seen my wedding ring and that is probably what stops him. I'm thinking of approaching him and giving him my number. I don't know what it is about him but I haven't felt this way in years. I can't stop thinking about him, dreaming about him, fantasizing... Seeing him each morning just makes my day. I know it is wrong but I would love to just get to know him, find out his name, hear him speak.. Arghhh I'm going crazy here! Would appreciate some advice and what I should or should not do. |
Question: Society these days.. why do I.need to be married I love someone? Posted: 13 Apr 2015 09:40 PM PDT Yes I understand that geting married is the ultimate step in a relationship.. but why is my question.. I know I love the man I am with and he knows it as well .. why do we need a signed piece of paper for aapproval of people.? Either way it goes I love him. He loves me.. no.twists turns or suprises. So marriage why. ? |
Posted: 13 Apr 2015 09:17 PM PDT My wife and I are going through a separation, possibly a divorce. We both love each other and have two kids together after 10 years. Things just aren't working out right now. I've gone through the sea of emotions and am at a point where I accept that we will be separated for the time being. I'm not pressuring her or trying to guilt her back in any way. Tonight, after she picked up the kids I took her aside and told her that I will never give up on her and that while I know we can't be together right now, my heart feels like we will get back together. She started to tear up and said its its a possibility in the future. This is big for me considering a few days ago she said we will never be back together. So after she left I took some chalk markers we have and drew on our bathroom mirror a giant picture of a castle with a glowing sun behind it. Standing in front of the Castle is her, our son, our daughter and our dog. I drew a road leading to the castle with a figure representing me walking to the castle. Off to the side I wrote "I will never give up on you". You think this pic is too much too soon? Should I just erase it or erase it and draw it again in a few days? She is my world and I need i woman's input on weather or not this may be too pushy or is it romantic? |
Posted: 13 Apr 2015 08:25 PM PDT |
Question: Why is it wrong for one man to marry, or be with more than one woman? Posted: 13 Apr 2015 06:26 PM PDT I am personally not interested for this idea, but realise that it could be good for women who do not want to live by themselves in a house, and prefer the long term security and pleasure of having other women to live with. |
Question: Is a woman cooking and cleaning for her husband and kids an outdated expression of love? Posted: 13 Apr 2015 05:37 PM PDT I grew up with a mother who never cooked or showed intimacy or affection towards my father or me and my brother. But she expected the world of him and us. But I feel like if you're in a commitment with someone, no matter if it's 1955 or 2015, you both give the most you can to each other in that relationship. She never says "I love you" or hugs her kids or shows any affection. But she always wants someone to show her attention! No matter if you're a woman or a man, if you're in a family, there NEEDS to be affection! Is that becoming outdated or is that just a timeless virtue? |
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