Friends: Question: Is She Cheating? What Should I Do? |
- Question: Is She Cheating? What Should I Do?
- Question: Im starting to like one of my sisters friends, how do i hang with her alone?
- Question: Why do me and my friend have so much in common?
- Question: Do I say something?
- Question: I can't wait for high school!?
- Question: Anyone else bored and want to talk?.. I'm a 15 year old girl.. No creeps please!π?
- Question: Is a teacher supposed to tell your parents if they think you're in danger of hurting yourself?
- Question: How to get alcohol?
- Question: Should I keep hanging out with my friends or not? They're too immature?
- Question: Would anyone like to help?
- Question: Why do i hate myself so much?
- Question: My friend tara won't text me back and im getting upset?
- Question: Why do I always get blamed for stupid I never even did?
- Question: Is this a toxic friend? Advice on what I should do?
- Question: Why does my professor always look at me and do weird stuff? It's annoying me.?
- Question: What are some ways to make money for my campaign?
- Question: Should I keep her as my friend?
- Question: My best friend is moving?
- Question: Is this a toxic friend? Advice on what I should do?
- Question: Jealousy over a bestfriend?
- Question: Bff trouble?
- Question: I want to break up with a friend.?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: What does idk mean?
- Question: Is it weird to have random make out sessions with your best friend?
- Question: Describe the popular girls at your school?
- Question: I'm too shy?
- Question: I am sad about something right now and I don't have anyone to talk to I feel totally alone. Whats something I can do to make me feel better?
- Question: What can my friends and I do to have fun on our girl's day out?
- Question: I think I just broke up with one of my bestfriend?
- Question: Will 24 year olds want to be my friend?
- Question: He's my bestfriend... I don't want to like him anymore...?
- Question: Is my roommate just stingy or does she just take advantage of people so she doesn't have to spend as much money?
- Question: I need help with making friends with the guys on my hockey team?
- Question: How should I deal with my boyfriend's hatred toward my best friend?
- Question: Would you be friends with someone who is 4-5 years younger than you?
- Question: Am I normal?
- Question: Am i supposed to give up because my crush asked to bring her friend to our first date?
- Question: Don't have much of a social life?
- Question: My friends keep leaving me out?
- Question: Broke my friend's promise and I feel terrible?
- Question: My housemates rarely include me?
- Question: Situation with a girl in my school?
- Question: What should I do and say??
- Question: I need a come back!?
- Question: Just asking for your opinion?
- Question: Got in fist fight with friend?
- Question: Did I do anything wrong?
- Question: I'm starting to hate my bestfriend?
- Question: Do you think this conversation will be good to say to this stranger girl im interested in?
- Question: I m starting to hate my best friend?
- Question: How do I deal with a rude and difficult person?
- Question: My friend is obsessed with my phone?
- Question: Why am I so pretty but dont like to hang out with popular teens?
- Question: My best friend left me.?
- Question: Are my friends just using me?
- Question: My second cousin married my friends sister, what relation are me and my friend now?
- Question: How do you make close friends?
- Question: My best friend is inappropriate?
- Question: How to get over a friend that never really cared about you as much as you did them?
Question: Is She Cheating? What Should I Do? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 05:06 PM PDT I've a roommate, Rose. She's cool, and we get along. About 5 weeks into school she broke up with her boyfriend, she had before school started. In about 2 weeks time, she asked if she could borrow my car to go to a city about 30mins away called Nashville. I allowed her cause: "her cousin who was going through a bad break up". Week later she has a new boyfriend, Sam. Sam and I become close friends. Over break, she went back home, about 3 hours from here. He and I went up there to her house and after a few hours, Sam caught her texting another guy. He broke up with her. She got back after break, and they got back together. He's caught her twice, since then, talking to other guys. They break up but she cries, and they get back together. Recently, his father has fallen ill, and he travelled to the opposite coast to help his dad. Week after he left, she ask to go to Nashville to visit her cousin, again (same cousin I found out she never visited at the beginning of the school year but hooked up with a guy that night). Turns out the GPS showed she went to Clarksville, about an hour from here. She has been texting a lot but saying she hasn't been talking to Sam because he has been "busy". Last night she never came back to the dorm after randomly leaving, and I've a feeling she's cheating on Sam... Do I say something? Do I let it go? I am so confused on how I should deal with this... |
Question: Im starting to like one of my sisters friends, how do i hang with her alone? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 05:02 PM PDT |
Question: Why do me and my friend have so much in common? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:58 PM PDT Okay so lately me and my friend have been talking like a lot. And we were talking about our problems and everything from personal to non personal. And I could relate to every single thing she said. We both like the same color Both are white Both have freckles Both are a little bit overweight Both like the same kind of guys Both like the same kind of music Both like the same kind of food Both have trust issues Both have personal stuff the same Both see what other people don't see Both like guys with the same letter in the beginning Both have problems at home Both have the exact same shoes. Both have the said hairstyle Some people confuse us. And it's crazy. We've known each other for like 3 years. And it's just like crazy and it's really weird. What does this mean? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:51 PM PDT My best friend and I will likely end up going to different colleges...and I'm afraid that like everyone else she'll forget about me. Like...she'll go, and make new friends and completely forget about me or anything we planned or had before she left. She's one of the most important people in my entire life, and it kills me to think she'll just...not be there anymore... |
Question: I can't wait for high school!? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:51 PM PDT I hate middle school so much. I'm so quiet and shy, nobody talks to me, I have no friends and other reasons. I can't wait for high school. I get a new start:) but it's only April and school starts in August I don't think i can wait any longer!! Ugh please help. |
Question: Anyone else bored and want to talk?.. I'm a 15 year old girl.. No creeps please!π? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:42 PM PDT Just really bored.. If anyone wants to just talk I'm up for that.. If you're looking for sexting then look somewhere else.. Answer if you wanna talk |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:42 PM PDT My friend's parents already know she cuts herself and they told the principal. Awhile ago she wanted to hurt herself, so she went to the mentor for help. She said they didn't call her parents or tell them anything. She just said that after he talked to her he told the counselor. Isn't it the law?? aren't they SUPPOSED to tell your parents? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:38 PM PDT How do high schoolers get alcohol if they don't have a fake ID without their parents finding out? |
Question: Should I keep hanging out with my friends or not? They're too immature? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:36 PM PDT I have 4 friends that I hang out with. I like only one of my friends because she has a nice personality like me, the rest, too annoying and boring. My friends are kind of like bullies, they always speak of fighting and ask me to fight. They're really weak though, they can't really do anything but act up and think they're the coolest people. They do smoke, drink, and do drugs, I do it too, but it doesn't mean anything. They're so immature, they bully random people on the street but I don't really do anything, I just stay to myself and not bully anyone. They've been in fights and I have never ever been in a fight before, I'm a nice person and I accept everyone and support everyone, but they're bullies. Should I leave them or not? |
Question: Would anyone like to help? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:35 PM PDT My moms friend recently died in her sleep, so I set up a surprise campaign online so she can provide the funeral, as she wished. It says the best way to earn is by sharing on facebook but my mother would see, and this is supposed to be a surprise. I am asking that you spread the word for amber, and donate if possible. Thank you. |
Question: Why do i hate myself so much? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:34 PM PDT No matter what i do it seems that i always hurt someone or someone dislikes me. I have no real friends anymore and i feel like its my fault. I make myself miserable all the time and at this point death seems better than the hell i go through every day. |
Question: My friend tara won't text me back and im getting upset? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:31 PM PDT |
Question: Why do I always get blamed for stupid I never even did? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:31 PM PDT |
Question: Is this a toxic friend? Advice on what I should do? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:29 PM PDT Him and I have been friends since freshman year. We were really close, hung out a lot, always had fun. The past 6 months, he's changed. He complains every time I see him. He has no direction and/or drive in life. He hates school, hates to study, doesn't do homework, doesn't do half his projects (he has 3 outstanding assignments, 2 were due 2 weeks ago, 1 was due a month ago. These are major papers and projects) hates his job, doesn't want to go to college, isn't looking forward to it, hates his car. He doesn't even know what his major does! I tell him he should look that stuff up and he said he'd get bored. He's stolen from my car before ( I forgave him because he reimbursed me 100%). He's posted anti-Semitic jokes even though I'm Jewish and lost a great uncle in the holocaust. He didn't apologize when he posts something anti-sematic and tells me to get over myself These are major papers and projects) hates his job, doesn't want to go to college, isn't looking forward to it, hates his car. He doesn't even know what his major does! I tell him he should look that stuff up and he said he'd get bored. He's stolen from my car before ( I forgave him because he reimbursed me 100%). He's posted anti-Semitic jokes even though I'm Jewish and lost a great uncle in the holocaust. He didn't apologize when he posts something anti-sematic and tells me to get over myself |
Question: Why does my professor always look at me and do weird stuff? It's annoying me.? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:24 PM PDT I am female, early 20's and my professor is male late 30's to early 40's. I would describe myself as very quiet and shy and don't participate I class discussion( I'm shy), but I do very well on my H.W and quiz. It took me awhile to notice this. On the 1st day of class my professor would always look at me and make strong eye contact. Mind u I sit in the back of the room. The class is at least 30 students. He would always make eye contact with me and maintain it. I would have to be the one to break it. Eventually it got to the point where I stopped looking at him cause it made me very uncomfortable. For awhile I thought it had stopped as he read the signal it was uncomfortable. it seems he never stopped. I was in private thought about a question he asked the class on the H. W and out of nowhere he calls on me and asks me, " are you ok, name"? The other day we were working in groups and he kept gravitating towards me, and studying my face. He focused his eyes on me when another student was asking him a question in the group. Also I couldn't understand something he wrote down and squinted my eyes and he noticed again and came towards me. He even sat right next to me and was sitting very close to the point I couldn't turn to look at him directly. As I was giving my part of the presentation he even looked at me like something inside him lit up In his eyes. What is going on? He's a taken man and I honestly don't find myself to be attractive. So I was trying to rule that out. Also I should mention that I also feel this way too because I had a similar experience with another professor and it turned out he was trying to make sexual advances towards to me. which I rejected!!! He openly asked me if I was "married or single" DURING AN EXAM!!! And would tell me he thinks I'm very pretty. I told family and they said to ignore him and not report it. |
Question: What are some ways to make money for my campaign? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:22 PM PDT I recently made a campaign in order to raise money for funeral expenses. It says the best way to spread the word is to post on facebook, but this is supposed to be a surprise for my mom, and she would see it. The campaign page is and I would love if you could give me advice on improving it, and maybe donating to Amber. Please spread the word about the cause, if you may. John 14:1-4 |
Question: Should I keep her as my friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:21 PM PDT My friend and I have been internet friends on a virtual world game for quite a while (we're about the same age). When we met, she appeared as a guy. As we grew closer, she literally confessed that she was a girl! Meaning, she lied to me about being a boy (not a transgender). I was shocked of course, but I forgave her. I'm not sure if they was the right thing to do though. I'm afraid she might lie to me in the future. Anyway, she started to act flirty to me a couple of days after her little confession. Then the day came when she confessed to me that she's in love with me. I don't feel the same way as her, and I'm not against any gay people. I don't know what to do about her though. Should I keep her as my friend or what? Even if she lied to me? What do you think? |
Question: My best friend is moving? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:20 PM PDT She is moving at the end of first year..basically after 3 years of our friendship.its hard cuz im usually the one who moves.i moved enough to know no matter how hard u try and how much u promise u lose touch. I will miss her so much shes my best friend i dont want to lose her |
Question: Is this a toxic friend? Advice on what I should do? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:19 PM PDT Him and I have been friends since freshman year. We were really close, hung out a lot, always had fun. The past 6 months, he's changed. He complains every time I see him. He has no direction and/or drive in life. He hates school, hates to study, doesn't do homework, doesn't do half his projects (he has 3 outstanding assignments, 2 were due 2 weeks ago, 1 was due a month ago. These are major papers and projects) hates his job, doesn't want to go to college, isn't looking forward to it, hates his car. He doesn't even know what his major does! I tell him he should look that stuff up and he said he'd get bored. He's stolen from my car before ( I forgave him because he reimbursed me 100%). He's posted anti-Semitic jokes even though I'm Jewish and lost a great uncle in the holocaust. He didn't apologize when he posts something anti-sematic and tells me to get over myself. |
Question: Jealousy over a bestfriend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:19 PM PDT I hate to be this person, but I'm so jealous of my best friend... It's got to the point where I don't like going out with her because I am the ugly friend (I have anxiety so that makes it even harder to go out in public) She's been my bestfriend for about 8 years, it's only recently I've been feeling like this. I'm not jealous of her home life because she has had a tough time throughout her life (we are 16 this year) But basically her figure is amazing, she's got big eyes which I wish I had, plump lips naturally, long eyelashes without Masacara! Well my question is how do i get over this or at least build my self esteem up or something? π |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:17 PM PDT Me and my bff like the same guy! So im mad |
Question: I want to break up with a friend.? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:17 PM PDT In such a situation, normally I would just talk to them rather than seeking advice online, but I feel very trapped. At some point during the beginning of this school year, I just wasn't happy being with them anymore. When we hung out, I would wait for when I could leave at the time we planned. I don't feel comfortable sharing deep thoughts and feelings with them, not due to any fault in their character, I just don't feel so connected to them. When I see them in the halls at school, I begin feeling nervous because I just don't want to talk to them. I believe the primary reason I just stopped liking them is because of how much they depend on me. I don't know why, but that they always asked for rides to work or various places just bothered me. And they always wanted to sleepover because they doesn't like being at home. Just a build up of small requests. They have legitimate reason behind their actions so they're not doing anything wrong. I just don't think I have a big enough heart to keep helping them. Yes I want to be a supportive friend, but I don't want to be a second mother to them. They need a lot of support and I don't think I can provide that. They value me as their best friend, and it's incredibly draining for me because I just simply don't feel the same and so it's been wearing down on me. Should I tell them I want to stop our friendship? Or if I should I try to maintain the friendship, can you give me any tips to help me deal better with the situation? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:12 PM PDT This weekend my team had a big tournament, and our freshman team got second. I later saw pictures on Instagram with captions that said f*** the other team and stuff like that. I am good friends with the girls who posted the pictures, but I am also friends with the girls on the other team... How should I deal with the situation? Should I tell the girls on the other team? Would telling a coach make me a tattletale? Should I just ignore it? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:11 PM PDT I see a lot of people use it my friends say they don't know but if they don't why do people use it |
Question: Is it weird to have random make out sessions with your best friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:10 PM PDT Me and my friend are both girls. We've been best friends since 7th grade and we're seniors now. We tell each other literally everything and would kill for each other. This October we made out for the first time at party while drunk but we've done it about five times since then at sleep overs. The thing is we still talk to each other about boys and crushes and pretend it never happened each time. I don't want her to be my girlfriend because that would be really weird. What's going on between us and is this normal? |
Question: Describe the popular girls at your school? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:10 PM PDT Like their personality traits, clothes, hair, group of friends, types of clubs they're in ect. |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:09 PM PDT I moved to a new school and only have one friend there. I don't sit with her because I don't want to seem annoying and clingy because she sits with some other girls. Please don't say just talk to them I just enter the cafeteria and I sit by some girls but we don't talk to each other. Also this school seems a bit cliquey and snobby. Almost everyone has an iPhone and I'm not allowed to bring my iPod. The girls that have stuff in common with me ignore me. ie; one girl sits next to be on bus (assigned seats) and is in my grade. We both get honor roll and have the same bus and lunch. I want to talk to her but I'm scared. Plz help me my friends from my old school have too much homework and can't talk to me a lot. |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 04:03 PM PDT |
Question: What can my friends and I do to have fun on our girl's day out? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:59 PM PDT So,my friends and I are having a girl's day out.three of us are 14,four of us are fifteen,one of us is sixteen,and one of us is seventeen.(irrelevant,but I figured our ages might help with activity ideas).Anyways,we know we are going to see Pitch Perfect 2 and have a sleepover.We just need some ideas on what to do at the sleepover and what to do in between the movie and the sleepover. *Please no inappropriate answers,we are high school girls between 9th and 12th grade!So only appropriate answers please! |
Question: I think I just broke up with one of my bestfriend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:58 PM PDT Ever since we got to 10th grade (that's high school to where I live) we've been fighting a lot.. more then usual... and yesterday we had a huge fight... I told her that I felt as if she was my friend because she had no other choice and she told me that, that is the truth... After that... she just left and all the messages I snet after she told me that are as if they were sent but never recieved (I texted her via the Kik app)... But before that I asked her if she wanted to be my friend anymore and she said no, because she doesnt trust me anymore... And I havent given her any reason to not trust me. I now we faught a lot but I never gave her a reason to not trust me and I know was distant for a while but thats only because I had to cool off because I was getting mad at her because of our fights... I dont know what to do... PS Excuse any bad grammar.. I really speak spanish... Sorry |
Question: Will 24 year olds want to be my friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:56 PM PDT I'm 20.. We are in the same college program. Do you think age matters? |
Question: He's my bestfriend... I don't want to like him anymore...? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:50 PM PDT He's my bestfriend... love him a lot and I really don't want to lose him because of the way I feel for him... I can't lose him... How do I stop? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:49 PM PDT She makes me pay $50 more a month for rent, she makes me drive everytime we go anywhere together, and she refused to pay me half when we both dogsitted for a friend. Based on these examples, would you say that my roommate is just stingy or is she taking advantage of me? |
Question: I need help with making friends with the guys on my hockey team? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:42 PM PDT ok so I'm a girl and I just started playing ice hockey I'm the only girl on the team and we play bantam level so ages about 13-15 I'm 14. I am finding it hard to make friends with the guy on my team all of them have played with eachother before and are already friends so me being a girl and the new player I'm kinda the outsider. I'm fine with being the only girl and the dressing room stuff isn't a problem we all change together and as far as I know they don't have a problem with it and I don't we all just mind our own business. they have never made fun of me they are quite nice but they just don't talk to me about all they say is "hey good game!" or "you did a good job out there today" so my question is how do I start talking to them? I'm also quite shy and just don't talk that much but when I get to know someone I'm fine. our spring season started at the beginning of the month and will end at the end of may we practice once a week and have a game every Friday so I only see them twice a week. I really need help! I really want to me friends with these guys but I just don't know how to approach them usually when I get to the rink some of them are already there and talking to eachother and I feel like I would be interrupting them and they would get mad I know that's silly but I just feel like its rude to jump in a conversation even though sometimes I have an opinion on what they are talking about. sorry if that's really confusing! any advice is really appreciated! thank you! |
Question: How should I deal with my boyfriend's hatred toward my best friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:42 PM PDT My best friend and I have known each other for almost 8 years now, we're very close and like spending alot of time together, but I've recently noticed that my boyfriend of 7 months doesn't like her. He hates when I talk about her or when I mention I'm going out with her. He told me he doesn't like that she's stuck up and materialistic and that he doesn't like that there are alot of rumours going around about her. I personally don't care about what people think about her or the fact that she's a little bitchy. She's my best friend and I love her to death. I just don't know what to do about this hatred. She's my only friend and I don't want to lose her just because he can't deal with her attitude. Has this ever happened to anyone? What did you do to deal with it? |
Question: Would you be friends with someone who is 4-5 years younger than you? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:38 PM PDT How old are you? |
Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:34 PM PDT I'm a 17 year old girl. I'm quiet as f.u.c.k, I have two friends and they're both girls. My favorite thing to do is read books. I rush through my homework so that I can read for pleasure, and I always stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning reading. All me and my friends do is talk about books and loan each other books, and during our free periods we sit next to each other and read books. I spend all weekend in my t-shirt and panties reading as many books as I can get my hands on. I usually read for 8 hours on Saturday, I even read my books while I eat and brush my teeth. I have so many books that I have no more shelf space so they're lying on the floor in my room and my parents trip over them all the time. When we go on vacation, I literally bring a backpack full of books and read the entire time. I'm too shy to have a bf, and no guy loves books like me, anyway, I kinda feel like I'm forever alone. :( I haven't even gotten the stupid kind of kiss. Am I normal? Is it okay to like books? Me and all my friends want to major in English and get a job working as editors at the same publishing company. |
Question: Am i supposed to give up because my crush asked to bring her friend to our first date? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:30 PM PDT This is extremely disappointing and annoying. I asked her out for breakfast three days ago and she said yes, and i was very excited about it, however yesterday she asked me if she could bring her friends. I said "sure!" in a pleasing attitude (what else can i say?) and spent all night being bummed out. as you can see, i already made the date as relaxing as possible by choosing to have breakfast. does she really think that i'm gonna kidnap her at the pancake place? i know she's cautious and i like that, but since we've been friends for months i think it's completely unnecessary to bring someone else and is a big "go eff yourself" to me. any thoughts? |
Question: Don't have much of a social life? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:29 PM PDT Ok, so I'm 18, my high school career is almost over, and I'm a pretty low key guy. Never had a girlfriend, and my good friendships I had for awhile have been been broken for various reasons. I have a couple friends I would call best friends, but we don't really do much because I'm usually busy with track/work. Anyways, there I feel like I'm missing out on social life right now, I'm like one of the only few seniors who isn't going on senior trip, and like I said, I don't have a girlfriend. My best friend is going on several vacations over the summer, so don't know what I'm going do when he is gone. So what should I do? I'm a likable guy I get along with everyome, I've just always been shy so making good friends/hanging with new people is hard for me. |
Question: My friends keep leaving me out? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:28 PM PDT I really think that person B has been using me to get to person A and its really getting me down. I have other friends but they all have best friends aswell and I just feel like i'm being pushed away, The other week on the sunday they went into town together and then like two days after person B went to person As house its just really getting me down :( they don't even bother to invite me and when ever I confront them they make up an excuse. They are always walking off together and leaving me behind and it just generally seems like they have a much better time when I'm not there should I just stop being friends with them or should I try confronting them again. They also have YouTube channels and are making collabs yet whenever I ask them round to mine to do a collab they make up an excuse so they don't have to come. HELP :( |
Question: Broke my friend's promise and I feel terrible? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:24 PM PDT So i used to have a crush on this boy. I told him, he didnt like me back, things were wierd and awkward for a long time, etc. Eventually i got over the crush and I told him that I didnt like him that way anymore. Things became less awkward, but he had told me before who he liked instead of me. I ended up telling my friend (who hates him) and he told the girl. Now my friend/ex crush is super mad at me and i feel so so so guilty. I see this friend tomorrow and I dont know what to do? any advice at all is appreciated |
Question: My housemates rarely include me? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:17 PM PDT My housemates rarely include me. They always do things together and sometimes they invite each other out when I'm right there. One of my housemates always goes into the other one's room after she's come back from a day out or something and won't say hi to me. I find it so rude and I don't understand why this happens. Yes, I am very quiet but that's no excuse for people to treat me like crap. |
Question: Situation with a girl in my school? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:08 PM PDT Ok so I am in high school rn and there's this girl. When I first moved to the school district I am in to this day, she pretended to be my friend and then spread my secrets everywhere and told people not to be my friend. I didn't care very much because she was just another low-life popular girl who wouldn't go very far in my eyes. I stopped hanging out with her and made new friends who are well aware of what she did to me. However, revealing pictures of her got spread everywhere over the summer, and I felt bad so I talked to her. She seemed to be fragile and that may have been the only reason she was talking to me. Anyways, she said she was glad I was there for her. However, a lot has changed about me since then... A video of her got spread everywhere... She doesn't have very many friends... She's thirsty for friends and attention, but I never became her friend. In fact, after finding out about some even worse things she did to me recently but before the video, I was quite cruel to her... I don't feel like having anything to do with her because I know she will do something bad to me again, but I feel bad when other people bully her or make fun of what she's done... Is their any way that I could help her situation from the outside? What would you all do? Should I really help her at all, based on what she's repeatedly done to me? BTW, this girl went viral within the kids in our county because of the video. The police have been contacted but repeatedly blame her and they haven't done anything else. I feel bad but then again, she did bad things to me... |
Question: What should I do and say?? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:05 PM PDT So my friend dated this guy for 4 years and then broke and during those 4 years she completely push me out of her life never talked to me ignore me when her boyfriend was around and we were so close. So now she and I made plans to go to the mall but last sec her other friend was having a bad day and she bailed on me. Like now she thinks everything is OK between us what should I say?? |
Question: I need a come back!? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 03:02 PM PDT So i was talking to my friend, and we like to joke around. So i made a mistake, he corrected me. And i told him honnest mistake kid, and he told me like your birthday. What should i say back? |
Question: Just asking for your opinion? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:59 PM PDT i'm a student and many times people ask me to share my reports (lab reports, homework etc...) the problem is that i'm not feeling so comfortable to do this because they share it with all of their friends without my permission and then the professor wouldn't know who really did all the work, and mostly it takes me a while to do those chores. also i remember once i started to study no one helped me and people refuse to study with me, only after they notice that i'm much smarter then them they decided to invite me to help them. i decided to stop doing that because they keep calling me all of the time, and it's too much. i don't want people to hate me and i don't want to share my hard work with ungrateful people. what to do? |
Question: Got in fist fight with friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:58 PM PDT TWe were drinking and out of no where for no reason he kicked me in the chest really hard (hes done this before) and this time I got really mad and just started hitting him and we started fighting and he tried to get away a few times but i kept attacking him and my other friends had to seperate us. Now i feel kinda bad but he did start it and i usually never react like that. |
Question: Did I do anything wrong? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:53 PM PDT So my friend wanted to get in a fight with another girl so first she confronted her at to be mature about things but the girl didn't wanna talk after two classes went by my friends went up to her again and got into a fight with the other girl and people were recording it because who doesn't wanna see a good fight and so did I but out of all the people that was recording it the guy told me to go to the office I didn't think I was I trouble but they end up suspending me for 10 days because I was recording it but I still don't understand what I did so bad to deserve 10days |
Question: I'm starting to hate my bestfriend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:50 PM PDT I have two best friends. One of them always gets jealous of the other. the one who gets jealous , always picks fights with me and is very distant. I moved a hour away. so I cant really see her and talk about it. I'm starting to resent her more and more. we've been friends for 1 year. but my other bestfriend, we've been friends since sixth grade and we have had less fights than me and my "best friend" do now. if I count up the total fights with my "bestfriend" since I moved and compare it to my other best friend from 4 years. my "best friend" has had wayyyyy more fights than my bestfriend from 4 years. idk what to do , helppppp!! |
Question: Do you think this conversation will be good to say to this stranger girl im interested in? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:46 PM PDT So i know i should not script a conversation but as a college student i am just getting used to social skills and i am very nervous as this will be the first girl i approach (could be first friend too). Basically i already know how the conversation is going to go so i just made one up, but would this be good to start with or should i say other things? I will increase the length of the conversation later, but as for now how is this? Hi: Hi, how are you doing Her: Im good you Me: im good thank you, what's your name Her: Im ashley Me: It's nice to meet you, im jake. Are you finished with the semester or you still have finals left? Her: Im finally done today was my las t final Me: That's good i have one more to go! What are you studying in college? Her: Im a biology major. Me: What made you want to pick biology as a mjor? Her: Im interested in living things and i want to become a doctor and hopefully go to medical school Me: That's nice i want to do the same thing! Anyway i have to finish studying for my final but we should habgout some time! Is that good? |
Question: I m starting to hate my best friend? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:42 PM PDT So I ve been friends with this girl since 2nd grade but I just can t stand her anymore. She has made our friend group a last priority and never makes time for us anymore. She has ditched us for her new popular friends and her boyfriend too. If I ever make an effort to talk to her she won t read my message for three hours and then respond with a short answer(she s not busy because she s always on her phone 24/7 and I know for a fact she s ignoring me) but I miss the memories we made and we always had so much fun together. I just can t stand this new version of her. When she does sit at our table though all she talks about is how so many boys like her and all this stuff her new friends did. What s worse is that all of our friend group will worship her because she s sitting with us for the day, I have no idea what to do because I don t think I want to be friends anymore but im not sure since we ve been friends for such a long time. |
Question: How do I deal with a rude and difficult person? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:38 PM PDT In my college English class our teacher often separates the class into groups to discuss the material we've been covering. Me and everyone in my group are pretty close friends, except for one girl who I thought was a close friend, but earlier this year told me she was just using me because she liked the attention and said we never were, and never can be real friends. She also told me never to speak to her again. As a result of this I stayed quiet in English for the next few months because I was feeling really bad about what happened between me and her, while she talked with all of our other friends, who felt uneasy about her because of how she treated me. However, recently I got tired of staying quiet for her because I have just as much of a right to speak in class as she does, but when I speak, she gives me dirty looks, makes hand gestures at me or tells everyone the discussions over and to stop talking. On top of this, she ignores all of our mutual friends now, including the ones in English. If someone is at all associated with me, she will not speak to them or even acknowledge them even if they are just saying "Hi" in the hallway.I have a really big issue with this, she can treat me as poorly as she wants but I have a huge issue with her treating my friends the same way, just because they are my friends, they were her friends once too. How should I handle this situation? |
Question: My friend is obsessed with my phone? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:35 PM PDT I have this very close friend. He doesn't own a cellphone, so he uses mine. A lot. At school he uses MY phone to play mobile games all day. When I get to use my phone, it's usually dead and I can't call important people because my friend uses it too much. I want to tell him to stop, but how? I don't want to hurt his feelings, but sometimes I feel like telling him,"no, you can't use my phone". I think that he'll hate me If I tell him though. |
Question: Why am I so pretty but dont like to hang out with popular teens? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:29 PM PDT I am a 15 year old girl and I'm very beautiful but I don't have many "popular" friends. I have friends but they are middle - lower class on the social scale and I'd much rather hang out with them then some popular kids. Is it something I should really be concerned about? Thank you. P.s. I get nervous around popular kids I don't really know why. I think they think I'm weird because I don't know how to talk to them. Any advice on this? I'm almost a sophmore and I'm more worried about grades then anything else |
Question: My best friend left me.? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:08 PM PDT I'm nineteen years old girl and my girl best friend of same age left me. We have been friends for fourteen years now. She has a crush on some guy and she convinced me to talk to him. I talked to that guy but he said she and her sister ditched him ( which my best friend did ) and he said that he likes me and he wants to marry a girl like me ( I'm not boasting but I'm way more beautiful than her according to our friends ) . I then told all this to my friend and she cut off with me because she said that I am cheap because her crush is interested in me. Although I/m not interested in him and she knows it very well. But idk why she has cut off with me because that guy likes me. What should I do? Should I apologize? I've already apologized to her and the guy. The guy said that he just wants to be with me and not with someone who ditched him. But my best friend said that I'm the one who took his guy away. Although I talked to him for her because she convinced me. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling guilty. Any suggestions? P.s. I showed her recordings and screenshots of him too. |
Question: Are my friends just using me? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:04 PM PDT I've been learning to drive and just recently gotten my full license and a car. Since I have gotten my full license, a lot of people have wanted to hang out with me who I previously never have hung out with before. I'm conflicted, because I get a long with them well and we have a good time but I'm not so sure they would want to hang out with me if I didn't have a car. Should I even consider them friends or should I try talk to some of them? feedback appreciated |
Question: My second cousin married my friends sister, what relation are me and my friend now? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 02:00 PM PDT |
Question: How do you make close friends? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 01:58 PM PDT I just lost 4 of my best friends. It turns out that they were complete backstabbers. They were alright in sixth grade, but by the fourth quarter of seventh grade, they started gossiping about me, ditching me, and spread rumors about me. I left them without another sound. I went to my other best friends, the ones I have become friends with this year. Their group has about 11-12 people in their group, It is a really full group, which is my temporary group. How do I find another close, yet small, group of 4-5 people in 6 weeks, before summer? |
Question: My best friend is inappropriate? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 01:58 PM PDT So my best friend, she's 13 and so am I. I love her and all but she's allowed to go to town... And she's been hanging out with this other girl, I think she's changed, she's acting rude, dressing inappropriately( crop tops that end just under the boobs, and really small shorts) and I wear jeans and t shirts. I'm afraid that she'll attract the wrong attention, keeping in mind, my parents do not agree with her style and are starting to worry about herπ I want to tell her to dress more appropriately because I'm scared she'll attract the wrong attention, after all were only 13 |
Question: How to get over a friend that never really cared about you as much as you did them? Posted: 26 Apr 2015 01:58 PM PDT I've had this friend I've known about 5 years. Her and I clicked so well. We did everything together. Played video games together watched netflix together. Long story short she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. She never really cared about me as much as I cared about her. How do you get over someone who you cared so deeply for but didn't feel the same way back? I would of done anything for her, but she just so easily moved on and removed/blocked me from everything. I didn't even do anything bad to her we just got in a small fight. Every morning I think about her and I'm trying so hard to move on. Just the thought of her with another friend hanging out all the time gets me so angry... What do I do? ITs been almost two weeks and she straight up won't talk to me anymore. |
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