Singles & Dating: Question: I suck at makeing out help? |
- Question: I suck at makeing out help?
- Question: How do you tell if a woman will be loyal?
- Question: Guys, how would you react to a girl ignoring your texts?
- Question: I feel like I am giving more than he is?
- Question: Why do I wanna cut a hole in my sack, rip my nuts out and eat them?
- Question: Is it implicitly sexual to ask a girl for her ?
- Question: If your boyfriend is so in love with you shouldn't he text you letting you know what he's about to do and why is it taking him long to reply?
- Question: If you like a certain type of porn, does that mean you inwardly want it to happen to you in real life?
- Question: Why would a girl rejected me but want my attention?
- Question: I really like this girl and I want to date her, but a friend of mine may be comming back next year and hes a little better looking then me and im afraid shell fall for him?
- Question: Girls what do you think?
- Question: I got braces 2 months ago and just started dating again. Will I hurt a guy if I kiss him?
- Question: Should i not be her friend anymore?
- Question: Is she shy and likes me or is she just friendly?
- Question: What are Things guys do while making out if they are enjoying it / if you are good at it?
- Question: We hardly agree on anything. He has issues with understanding anything I say. Coupled with infidelity & trust issues?
- Question: My dentist called me tonight to see how i was feeling but it was from his personal phone number? should i be curious?
- Question: Do I bother him? is that why he doesn't really talk to me?
- Question: He said "i love you" during sex?
- Question: How to make my girlfriend trust me?
- Question: GUYS: Shy girls or Outgoing girls?!?
- Question: Can someone please help me on my last question??
- Question: Whats it mean when a guy says "I love you and I hate you"? lol i get it but was that him trying to tell me he loves me for the first time?
- Question: I want a motorcycle?
- Question: This girl has a boyfriend so why does she like getting attention from me? There s no indication she likes me, but she does like my attntion?
- Question: This girl has a boyfriend so why does she like getting attention from me? There s no indication she likes me, but she does like my attntion?
- Question: How do you know a girl wants your dick?
- Question: I broke up with my bf in the heat of the moment, what do i do?
- Question: How do i approach him first?
- Question: What do guys like on girls?
- Question: My girlfriend is mad because I won't have a baby with her right now?
- Question: GUYS: do shy girls turn you on or off?
- Question: I just moved to a new state and I'm really lonely ... Help !?πΏπ?
- Question: I did something kinda bad?
- Question: Girls! Will you date me if I eat you out everyday?
- Question: How often do guys and girls meet at places like coffee shops?
- Question: Want to change my photo, won't let me. what can I do?
- Question: Am I a butt pirate!?
- Question: Should i just kiss her or ask if i can kiss her?
- Question: Help, is this sexual assault?
- Question: What does she want me to do?
- Question: Can I wear a swim brief (speedo) at the beach in Florida?
- Question: Do u love me?
- Question: My gf is going to a party without me?
- Question: How should I handle my boyfriend's porn film?
- Question: I'm not excited for prom? I kind of don't want to go anymore, or at least not with him?
- Question: I don't find pictures of my boyfriend attractive when he sends them to me?
- Question: Promposal plans?
- Question: He is ******* with my mind ??? help?
- Question: Problem talking to girl?
- Question: Do I really need to tell my GF this? I really don't want to since it involves my manhood...?
- Question: Friends or Girl?
- Question: Relationship help?
- Question: I'm always tired?
- Question: Relationship problems?
- Question: How to talk to this guy in my class?
- Question: Magic spells to force a guy to like you?
- Question: Is this a healthy or good relationship sign ? please READ description & No rude comment please .?
- Question: Guys when a girl keeps her legs crossed all day do you think?
Question: I suck at makeing out help? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:25 PM PDT Every time I try too make out with my gf I get nervouse and within a minute I laugh awkardley and stop..its really embarrassing help and advice on not to laugh and make it less awkward? |
Question: How do you tell if a woman will be loyal? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:25 PM PDT |
Question: Guys, how would you react to a girl ignoring your texts? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:25 PM PDT This guy has been leading me on and I just blocked his number and added it to my spam list so I can't get texts from him either. I think he knows that I've been losing interest in him but I never said anything. Just out of curiosity, guys have you ever had a girl ignore your texts out of the blue? Also, how would you react to this? We have a class together next semester but I want to completely cut him off, should I just ignore him in person too? Any suggestions? |
Question: I feel like I am giving more than he is? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT |
Question: NEED HELP....GETTING MARRIED IN A COUPLE WEEKS!!!!!!!!? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT I am getting married to my fiance in 2 weeks and I suppose he's cheating on me. I have no real solid proof, only thoughts. I emailed him and pretended to bee a girl from Italy to see if he would fall for it and he almost did. Only thing is, now he asking for a picture of the girl holding the sign saying his name which is merely impossible. I was wondering if there is a site that I could go to or even perhaps if someone would help me with this. (I know that this is pretty weird and even a bit much but I need to know before I take his hand in marriage) PLEASE HELP!! |
Question: Why do I wanna cut a hole in my sack, rip my nuts out and eat them? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT |
Question: Is it implicitly sexual to ask a girl for her ? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT 1. For her phone number? 2. Have her look herself up on facebook in your phone? 3. For her snapchat? |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:24 PM PDT Just curious. Because I have thought about this like if I ever could.. And I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I'm far to shy and inverted to even think about being a room that way, let alone be able to consent to it happening. |
Question: Why would a girl rejected me but want my attention? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:23 PM PDT i like this girl but she doesnt like me and she dating other guy. She sending me the pic of them together Now i just show her that im better and i move on , talk to people and i having fun all the time . Would that do me any good? I still a little sad inside but what else can i do right? Everytime i walk by her , she be trying to get my attention |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:23 PM PDT Anything? |
Question: Girls what do you think? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:22 PM PDT So there is this girl at a restaurant that I like long story short she has always been my waitress when I went there with friends. Today when I went there she saw me and took my group even tho it wasn't in her section. Her " Can I get you anything else me "Yeah...your number" Her "Wait? What?" Me "Can I have your number?" Her "Well, I was going to give it to you, but...I have a boyfriend" She did give me her number. So should I talk to her or not cause she seems to really like me and always flirts with me. |
Question: I got braces 2 months ago and just started dating again. Will I hurt a guy if I kiss him? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:22 PM PDT |
Question: Should i not be her friend anymore? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:22 PM PDT so there is this girl im friends with and she is coomplitly opposite of me. She smokes weed, smokes cigarettes, skips class, she has sex... with a lot of guys, cheats on her boyfriends, and me im a goody goody i guess you can say but since ive been her friend she stopped ditching class and stopped having sex with all the guys and cheating but a month ago she got in a relationship with a guy who is a coke head (im a freshman and so is she) and ive told her that she should just break up with him because he told her that he got high and cheated on her so she got mad and cheated on him. she tells me she is in love with him and i keep telling her that that is not love. cheating and lying to one another. and so she comes up to me today saying she is going back to being a b**** and no giving a F*** and i dont know what to do.... she says she wants to change and be a good kid but she is doing opposite. I told her to leave him before she wants to experiment with other drugs and she told me yesterday that she wants to try crystal and she had sex with one of her bffs crush and i just dont know if i should trust her help? |
Question: Is she shy and likes me or is she just friendly? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:21 PM PDT i ve had a crush on this girl for a few years at high school and just recently i started to talk to her, i noticed she sometimes stares at me in class, stares when im not looking, glances, and sometimes smiles when we make eye contact, she looks away when i notice her aswell, we haven t talked in person yet but we do speak on facebook and snapchat, often, when we walk past each other we avoid eye contact. i ve been looking everywhere to find out if i possibly have a chance.. she also said one time when i was feeling down; I m here if you ever need someone to talk to! :), and i m not sure if it means anything, she replies to all my messages, and she has messaged me first if i ve done my homework, to talk to her and so on - not very often though, she messages me maybe once-twice a week + she is kind of blunt over text (sometimes send one word replies to things like are you okay?- yeahh, are you?? or like up to much atm- she'd say nahhh not reallyy) according to her friends and she is less blunt to me so maybe thats something, unfortunately she doesnt really ask questions back (I recently found out she's in a bad mood half the time :( ), when i ask her a question; she replies and says asdkjhakshd, you?<-- but not always, recently she hasn't asked questions back.. sometimes she asks a question back. another thing is that when i say im going to sleep, night, she says okayy, night mannn(<--exactly) does she want to be friends or does she like me or even, am i friendzoned? |
Question: What are Things guys do while making out if they are enjoying it / if you are good at it? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:21 PM PDT |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT And it occurred to me 5months ago that I do not really love him & vice versa. Btw, we've been married for 3years. |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT |
Question: Do I bother him? is that why he doesn't really talk to me? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT I met a guy fall quarter in my water polo class, and unintentionally fell for him on the last day of class. I added him over winter break on facebook and messaged him once about waterpolo, and he responded immediately. Spring quarter is here, and he's taking the class again. I try to talk to him, but don't get much out of him. In the fall, we talked a few times, but Im trying to talk to him more, but he still won't really talk to me much. He has no problem talking to the guys in the class, and talks during the games we play. Today, after class, I saw him at grad fair, and talked to him for a bit, but he still did not say much to me. He seems like a quiet guy, but it seems like he's not putting much effort into talking to me, when he has no problem talking to the other guys in the class. He doesn't seem to talk to any of the (few) girls in our class. It seems like I'm the only girl he's talked to. I dunno if it's a gender thing or not. Do I annoy him or something? |
Question: He said "i love you" during sex? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:20 PM PDT I heard a quote once "when I guy says i love you during sex. It doesn't mean he loves you. It means he loves having sex with you". Is that true? We have sex all the time. We argue like every couple, have our happy days like every couple. And when we have sex, sometimes he'll say it during and sometimes he'll say it after. Sometimes after makin love, sometimes after rough sex. Does that mean he loves Me? Or he loves having sex with me? |
Question: How to make my girlfriend trust me? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT We haven't been going out too long but she has never trusted me. She almost broke up with me but some reason she didn't. She still doesn't trust me. How can I change this. Btw we go to college and I work 3 times a week. She doesn't work. |
Question: GUYS: Shy girls or Outgoing girls?!? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT |
Question: Can someone please help me on my last question?? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT I've known him for a year now. We always hangout after weeks pass by haha. That's because of me though. I kept getting back with my ex. I'm surprised this guy still talks to me and seems this into me. what do you guys think? |
Question: I want a motorcycle? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:19 PM PDT Im a bit of a small guy, I don't want anything crazy or huge How much strength do i need to have? looking for something relatively small |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT She's very pretty and there's no way she doesn't get enough attention from elsewhere. |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: How do you know a girl wants your dick? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT |
Question: I broke up with my bf in the heat of the moment, what do i do? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT It was for a totally ridiculous reason. I sent him some messages today and he ignored them, and he continued ignoring me even though he was online on fb and not busy.. So i got upset and told him. And instead of apologising, he said ''i didnt see your messages''(which is a lie,i saw they were read on fb). And thats not why i got upset, i got upset mainly coz he basically ignored me all day,didnt send anything. And then he got mad and tried to get on top! I said im done with this,meaning the fight and he said,fine we're done then! And we had a huge fight and he lied about going to bed(he is still online). What do i do? Im so upset im shaking after he said we're done,i said ''fine we're done then!f*uck off!''. He made me very angry with his attitude |
Question: How do i approach him first? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT So there is this guy in my class who i think is attractive. The problem is he sits so far from me that I cant talk to him and after class he leaves quickly. He has made eye contact with me more than once and i catch him looking at me, but neither one of us has approached each other. So i decided to email him but I have no clue what to say. Help Please |
Question: What do guys like on girls? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT So I'm not gonna dress slutty, but I do wanna show a little bit of cleavage. I'm trying to flirt with a guy at my school. Would a solid colored v neck sound too boring? And would guys not like this? And should I wear it with black skinny jeans or a back skirt that ends above my knees? Girls can give input but I'm mostly looking for guys to answer. Please be kind (: (oh and ps, how should I wear my hair?) |
Question: My girlfriend is mad because I won't have a baby with her right now? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:18 PM PDT We are both 16. We've talked about having kids before but agreed we should wait until we're married with enough money to support them and give them good lives. Today she said she wants a baby now, and I said I couldn't do it because it'd ruin our college plans and our kids wouldn't get the best lives. I said we should wait a few years until we're settled down and can support our kids. Now she's pissed/sad and I don't know what to do. I hate making her unhappy. I hate it more than anything, but we can't have a baby now. What do I do? |
Question: GUYS: do shy girls turn you on or off? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT I'm in this group with my crush and these people a grade older. They all talk together & I only sometimes contribute to the conversation. I'm just nervous I'll say something dumb, so I stay quiet. Are guys turned off by this?? Or think it's cute? Idk the only communication we had today was I dropped something& he picked it up for me& said your welcome or whatever :/ |
Question: I just moved to a new state and I'm really lonely ... Help !?πΏπ? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT I just moved from NY to Florida ,living with my dad . I was lonely in NY too,I only had my cat and my mom really. Thought Florida would be good for me and see if I can have a better life here anyways,I just got here March 29.... I don't know anyone and I'm really like.. Legit lonely. And it's kinda depressing me for some reason :/ like I really want a Boyfriend or someone. I'm going to get a job of course but meanwhile I'm lonely throughout the day :/ what can I do ..? |
Question: I did something kinda bad? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT I told the girl I have a crush on that I have feelings for her, but the bad part is she is dating my friend. I don't even know how it happened, we were alone in the choir room (even though neither of us take choir) and I just blurted it out and I'm afraid it will ruin my friendship with her. I want to know how I can fix this and make my apology to my friend actually sound real and sincere. |
Question: Girls! Will you date me if I eat you out everyday? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT |
Question: How often do guys and girls meet at places like coffee shops? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT I'm 22. And I'm mainly wondering people like my age. I was wondering how a guy will start a conversation with a girl he doesn't know at a place like a coffee shop for example. Thoughts? |
Question: Want to change my photo, won't let me. what can I do? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT |
Question: Am I a butt pirate!? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT |
Question: Should i just kiss her or ask if i can kiss her? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:16 PM PDT my best friend and i have been kissing a lot and well it was her who started it, now she has a bf but we've only kissed 6 times and tongue once. she told me she wanted to see my dick. now she has a bf and she loves him but why did she want to kiss me? i really like her and she knows that i mean I'm her best friend. should i just ask why we kissed? |
Question: Help, is this sexual assault? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:15 PM PDT So my best friend went to a house party after the bar. He ended up at a house party where he made some small talk with a very attractive lady. He asked if she would like him to walk her home because the dorms were quarter mile away and her friends had left her. So they began to walk back to her dorm in the cold so he gave her his jacket then put his arm around her as they walked and talked. They got up to her room and he sat at the edge of her bed and kissed her neck and shoulder and she then said we can't for she had a boyfriend. He then told her that her boyfriend is probably doing the same thing somewhere( I know arrogant and a stupid thing to say). so he picked her up and put her in bed then went down on her under her dress with his finger to try and get her aroused and change her mind. she again said we can't, so he stopped instantly and didn't go any further. He then tucked her in kissed her on the cheek and she said thanks for walking me home, he said your welcome and shut the door. That's all that happened. This incident with this lady has made him feel awful as a person for he didn't listen to her that she had a boyfriend and he feels like he assualted her. I know that he has definitely learned from this experience for he gave up drinking and has been depressed for awhile now for his actions. I know he was very intoxicated just as she was and thinking only with the other head but that's no excuse. so what advice should I give him as a best friend? Was this assualt? |
Question: What does she want me to do? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:15 PM PDT Their is an older girl in one of my classes who I think likes me and from what others tell me I can tell she wants me cause when I just look at her with a straight face she smiles and giggles then says "Jacob". When we have 5 minutes to chat her and her friend walk over to me and try to talk to me and she likes taking selfies with me and her friend. She laughs at unfunny things I will say that someone looks like a newt and she will die laughing. I will say hi to her and she will smile showing her teeth face will get red. I have seen her state at me before. The reason why I ask what should I do is because I have had the fantasy of being liked by a hot girl she is hot I don't have a crush on her but what should I do what does she want me to do she listens to me and my friends convo and butts in, laughs at dumb stuff I said, want to take selfies with me, compliments me often, stands with 3 feet of me when we have time to chat. |
Question: Can I wear a swim brief (speedo) at the beach in Florida? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:15 PM PDT I'm a 21 year old guy, and I do not plan on wearing some crazy thong, just a normal brief. Is this accepted in Florida? How do you ladies my age feel about this? I don't claim to look like Michael Phelps, but I'm not huge either. Can't probably claim to have a six pack, but I don't look too shabby. I'm very self confident and don't care what others think as long as no one calls the cops on me. Thank you. |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT |
Question: My gf is going to a party without me? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT My gf and I have been dating for a while now and everything's going great!!! She's a great girl and we truly log each other! We always talk about how we are going to live together in college and maybe get married some day. But she's stayin at a hotel for a swimming tournament and she decided to go to a party without me. :((( I asked her not to drink but she said she will. There will be guys there and she is a light weight and tends to be rather "touchy" around guys when she's drunk. Usually people wouldn't be scared but lately she's been telling me how she misses hooking up with guys and that she wants to do it but won't for me. Last time she went to a tournament she hooked up with a guy but that was before we were dating. I'm kinda freaking out rn but idk if I'm overexagerating or not. She always tells me not to hang out with girls and I never do and then she does this to me which kinda makes me sad. I'm scared she's gunna cheat on me :(( but she has been a loyal and loving gf in the past and she said she would never do that to me.. However I do tend to see how unimportant I become whenever she meets an attractive guy but she usually doesn't do anything becus of me.! Any info guys? We're both seniors in highschool Extra when we were first talking and semi exclusive I had to beg her not to hook up with anyone else and she eventually said she wouldn't.. She genuinely cares about me and probably wouldn't but idk now |
Question: How should I handle my boyfriend's porn film? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT I know this may sound silly, and probably worded in a weird way, but today while I was out with my boyfriend and his friend they brought to my attention that my boyfriend was filmed having sex with another girl before we were together. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable, almost betrayed in a way, and he knows how it's making me feel. It especially doesn't help knowing it's on pornhub..I'm not quite sure about how to approach this since it is something that occurred in the past. |
Question: I'm not excited for prom? I kind of don't want to go anymore, or at least not with him? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT My best friend asked me to prom. I was really excited, and got really hyped, but the problem is, I like him...a lot... And I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. He treats me the same as every other girl, if not, treats them better...there are a couple of his girl friends that he asks so different around, even though they have boyfriends. Lately, every time I try to joke with him, or touch him, hug him like I use to, he gets awkward like he doesn't want me to touch him. Or just kind of smiles at my jokes. We had two classes together today, and one he was across the room, and the other right across from me, and occasionally I'd look up or over, and he'd 've looking at me, But then wouldn't do it again. I feel likes I'm over thinking everything. Today he told me he purposefully will do stuff to make me over think or freak out and want to get information out of him because he likes to see me get so frantic and get my brain thinking... What if he's doing all of this for that? Also, I don't want to get excited and go with him because everyone is making a big deal out of it. All my friends freaked out when he asked me. My family thinks we're going to start dating...and it's all getting to my head and making me hopeful, but I'm like 98% sure he doesn't like me back. I don't want to get my hopes up, and then get hurt. I don't want to be happy just to get broken. So I think not going would 've best. But it's Saturday. Should I just go and try not to get too hopeful? Thanks |
Question: I don't find pictures of my boyfriend attractive when he sends them to me? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:13 PM PDT They're not dirty pics. Just shots of his face. That sounds horrible but it's true. I have never found his selfies good looking. He sends about 1 a month on the days we don't see each other as much and he always asks me if I like them. And so I always say yes. He'sgotagreat personality and is good to me. Attraction is come and go though. But I never like his pictures. And I feel awful for it. But I guess my question is, Is this normal? |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:13 PM PDT have a crush on a guy and I'm asking him to prom as friends this Friday. He plays baseball so I thought maybe to ask him by tossing a baseball to him that says "prom?" And then getting out a sign. Is this a good idea? Is there anything else I should do? If you have other ideas please mention them. Should I also have balloons? What should my sign say? There's a chance I might get rejected so how I handle that because im terrified of that? About 2 people said It would be better if I ask him in private. Is that a good idea? Please mention any tips you have for asking a guy to prom. |
Question: He is ******* with my mind ??? help? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:12 PM PDT last year he asked me out 3 times and i rejected him.he was imature about it and still is. this year my friend texted him telling him that i like him so much and that he is giving me mixed signals (which he was) and to be upfront with me about his feelings. he posted the convo on twitter making fun of me and saying how he doesnt know a girl with my name. he keeps staring at me all the time and i ignore him. yesterday i was talking to my guy friend and we were laughing and giggling and he got jealous. today he kept staring at me and giving me flirty facial expressions. in class i had to retake my drivers ed test cuz i failed it the first time and so did his best friend. so when i got my permit the 2nd time he looked at me and said to his friend " yo you're such a loser you had to retake it to pass" then looked again at me. p.s i have been ignoring him since i saw that tweet which is about 3 weeks now. also he always stares at me in hallway. today he was standing at the end of the hallway and staring at me with his friends and kind of smiling at me |
Question: Problem talking to girl? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:12 PM PDT I like this girl but as soon as I get up talk to her words don't come out. I want to talk to her but she's usually looks like she's in a bad mood. This hasn't happen before so I'm confused |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT Yesterday I went to the urgent care for a testicle injury that I thought wasn't healing or still injured. They told me yesterday that I had bacteria in my urine(I don't think it was an STD because I haven't had sex with my GF plus the pain wasn't different then before. BTW I am not blaming her at all). Also I had to do an ultrasound, but they told me that it was clean. I see the point in being honest, but there is no real damage done. I barely even wanted my parents to know about this. I told my mom, but I have no idea if she told my dad, brothers, or sister. |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT I'm a guy going to a mall with some friends, but a girl also wants to see me there and I'm not very interested. How do I be with my friends more without completely ignoring her and being a dick? |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT I like this guy in my class but I don't think he even knows I exist. we have never spoken but I think he's really cute. should try to make a move, or friend him, or is that just weird and too much??? HELP?? |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT I'm 20 and am always tired. I have been diagnosed with depression (about 5 years with it now) and take Cymbalta, Wellbutrin and Dexedrine(for ADD). But I'm still always so tired. I can honestly sleep 14 hours straight(and did yesterday). It's really affecting my school since I haven't been going to class. I know it's probably the depression but can it be something else? Maybe a physical disease? I know it's a long shot, I guess it's wishful thinking and me just wanting it to be an easily curable or treatable disease. Also, if anyone wonders, I posted the first update after Maria answered, so it was not because she didn't read the question |
Question: Relationship problems? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT So I've been dating my girlfriend for about monthand I still love her but I feel like it's been getting slow. I'm in 8th grade so it's hard to go on dates. Any advice |
Question: How to talk to this guy in my class? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT So I am taking an art class and basically we aren't really in the classroom that much. That's it, but I want to talk to the SENIOR that is in there but I don't know how, and if we are in the class, we are doing a lesson or something, I never see him around school, advice? |
Question: Magic spells to force a guy to like you? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT Hey pplz so I need a spell or foolproof trick so I can get get this guy to fall head over heals for me........ Idk if he knows who I am but I guess that means he doesn't hate me so there's a chance that he could like me and this spell would work. He's a senior and I'm in 6th grade so I don't see him very much so it has to be quick and he's usually with his girlfriend but I think he could like me since his gf likes soccer and I play soccer so I NEED to date him because he's so hot and cool he plays varsity football and that's so hot so I NEED HIM OMGGGGGG so any ways to force a guy to fall in love with you? |
Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:10 PM PDT I see him 3 days a week.when we do we both get all touchy and kiss a lot . I'm started to think we both are attracted to each other that's why we r in this relationship . ( we talk on the phone almost 24/7 ) |
Question: Guys when a girl keeps her legs crossed all day do you think? Posted: 15 Apr 2015 07:08 PM PDT That man her vagina must smell bad for keeping it closed like that. And does it ever sweat and make stains? Does it itch??? |
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