Marriage & Divorce: Question: Would you talk to a sibling who made no effort to speak with you? |
- Question: Would you talk to a sibling who made no effort to speak with you?
- Question: Husband and assistant?
- Question: Why did this happen?
- Question: Do I need my husband's ss# to file seperate?
- Question: Is it okay to file single when you are married?
- Question: Why would she make a promise to him?
- Question: Can he forgive my past annulment of a marriage? Is this forgivable? Bit long so thanks for reading.?
- Question: Why are there man who res that go after older women?
- Question: Ex lover, FWB Mistress?
- Question: Husband threating to take children if I leave him?
- Question: What's going on with my ex husband !! In confused!! Does he want me back 5 stars!!!?
- Question: I need help!!! Why is a married guy doing this?
- Question: What is worse?
- Question: Husband got another woman pregnant while we were on a "break", am I wrong for being upset?
- Question: How do you get wife to obey you?
- Question: Why does he act like that?
- Question: I am confused and unhappy and I am not sure what to do?
- Question: What do you think a guy meant by "of course"?
- Question: Am I wrong for not allowing my husband to see our kids?
- Question: Is there any free keylogging spyware for a mac?
- Question: Home wrecker shaming?
- Question: My husband always stares at other women whenever we go out. How can I make him understand that it makes me feel insecure?
- Question: Of all the sections of y!a, what made you choose Marriage & Divorce?
- Question: What to do about a quiet husband?
- Question: Are some women marrying younger men now, because celebrities do it?
- Question: Is it bad that i love sex and always wanna have it ? my husband says i want it too much. is that even possible?
- Question: Should I stay Or Go?
- Question: I filed for divorce. My soon to be ex said he wanted to blow his brains out, and hopped in my car and drove off in front of children.?
- Question: What age difference for a husband would be a good fit for a 33-year-old female?
- Question: If my spouse bought a house behind my back while we were together and we both live their, can she be souly awarded the house in our divorce?
- Question: Did my husband every really want to get married.?
- Question: How to get my husband to tell the truth and stop hiding things.?
- Question: The weather's got me down and I expect my wife to not enjoy my lack of productivity. How do you handle a spouse's occasional depression?
- Question: My husband never defend me please be respectful with your answer?
- Question: If a tree falls in a forest but your wife tells you it didn't, did the tree really fall?
- Question: I hate my husband and i can't divorce.what the hell can i do??
- Question: Help! My Marriage is falling apart.?
- Question: Which states can you marry at 17 if pregnant without parental consent?
- Question: Dating divorced dad ... Ex and holidays?
- Question: What was your (first) wedding like? How did you feel walking down the aisle/or seeing your bride walk in?
- Question: Why do couples cheat on each other?
- Question: My husband took pictures of my briest when i was asleep ...?
- Question: Why would my baby turning 1 turn my husband into a sex maniac?
- Question: Divorce or Not?
- Question: WHY? Why is it that so many people go into a marriage saying if it doesn't work out we can always get a divorce? Why do people quit?
- Question: Is it okay to cheat on spouse if they refuse yo give you sex?
- Question: Am I wrong for feeling this way?
- Question: Do most women see men without experinece as a big red flag for any relationship?
- Question: My wife wants a divorce, I don't, we are still living in the same house but he wants me to pay for the mortgage, real estate taxes and homeowners?
- Question: Fiancé dosnt take me out. treats me to a surprises. .and he laughed at me because I don't work. Please help!!?
- Question: What to do about a spouse who confesses he is not sure who he is?
- Question: Filed for child support but the father did a no show in court?
- Question: Under standing for intervention of a child for child support matters?
- Question: I have been married three times, all three are still living is it right to marry a fourth time?
- Question: Husband ignores me when he's angry.?
- Question: My Bf is fooling me?
- Question: Do you find it difficult to ask or answer questions about Marriage & Divorce when Qs are recategorized and As are reported by misguided?
- Question: I've noticed that arguments over topics like parenting, sex frequency, finances, and even diet happen frequently in relationships. Why?
- Question: How do you resolve when you and your spouse do not see eye to eye?
Question: Would you talk to a sibling who made no effort to speak with you? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:21 PM PDT Ever since my brother got married, he rarely communicates with me. I mean, he'll call once in a blue moon if he needs me to take care of his cats while he's away with his wife on vacation, but that's like once-twice/yr. It's weird because in college (we went to the same school), we would eat dinner together often and chatted with one another about things. I've tried talking with him about my feelings but he pretty much brushes everything to the side. Also, the one thing that's a major issue in my family is the fact that he quit his job without another job lined up, and he's been out of work for over a year, so he and my parents are not getting along right now. While I feel bad for him, I also feel like he needs to take accountability for his actions and start making an effort. Still, I'm torn between reaching out to show I care, and not doing so, to show that to be in my life, he needs to make an effort. I don't think he even really cares, that's the sad part... |
Question: Husband and assistant? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:19 PM PDT My husband and I own a business. Almost a year ago we hired him a young female assistant. Lately I've noticed that she is always physically close to him, seems to need his input all day on every task he gives her, and always interrupts mine and his closed door meetings within the first couple of minutes. I've walked into his office and found her sitting on his desk. Over time they spend almost all the work day together and for the past couple of months she coordinates her lunch time and plans with his. Although she asks me if I want something from the restaurant she picks up the food at, I'm always asked after plans have been made. They split food and always eat together at the office. When I try to talk to my husband about this bothering me, he gets defensive and we end up fighting. Am I just being jealous or do I have something to worry about. |
Question: Why did this happen? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:07 PM PDT So I'm a female and I had a sexual relationship with a married couple. About a month ago she's not the way she was she now seems annoyed by my presence and that spark is gone. I never approached the husband without getting permission what has gone wrong? Are they just tired of me? But now that I remember the husband did ask me if I wanted a three some again and I told him I wanted to talk to his wife and that we needed to talk is there anything here I'm not seeing please help me |
Question: Do I need my husband's ss# to file seperate? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:07 PM PDT two people married filing seperately, do they need each others ss# |
Question: Is it okay to file single when you are married? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:57 PM PDT |
Question: Why would she make a promise to him? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:52 PM PDT Why would a young lady write to a guy, nothing personal i promise? Why would she obligate herself to him? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:51 PM PDT A year back, I went through with a civil wedding at the court. It was an arranged marriage. I met the guy only twice. My parents were persistent and only wanted me to marry someone from my community. After constant fights and arguments for 2 years, I went to a very sad/dark place and felt like I had to give in to keep my family happy. The guy and I met twice. We did not have a traditional wedding. But I was close to getting my green card, so our families assumed it was a good idea to do a quick civil ceremony only (just signed papers) and get legally married and plan the traditional wedding in detail. The guy lives in a different state in the US. We met 2 more times after the civil ceremony but we would hardly talk and he and I weren't too compatible. So eventually, I was honest, we spoke and decided to file for an annulment based on "marriage due to undue influence". I recently met a guy through an american dating website and things have been going great. But, I am too scared that he will judge me by my past. My family did realize their mistake and we have all forgiven each other. I never even had sex with the guy I got my marriage annulled with. We were legally married for only 4 months. Please advice. |
Question: Why are there man who res that go after older women? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:40 PM PDT Even married women? |
Question: Ex lover, FWB Mistress? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:19 PM PDT We are both married with kids. But have been having an affair for 8 months. She's amazing in bed better then any woman I've ever had. We connect in many levels besides sex. Shes told me she loves me and although I've never said it out loud, I do have feelings for her. This is my first affair ever and she's had more then shed like to admit. She tells me besides her husband I'm the only one for her. She's a huge flirt and I know shes full of ****. But I enjoy the attention she gives me. She makes me feel like a man. About two months ago I broke it off with her cause I had a feeling she was ******* around on me. But I miss the **** out of her and need her back. Should I chase her. She told me I broke her heart but I'm sure she's full of **** with that too. I love my family and would never leave them. EVER I work had to provide them with everything. I honestly Dont mind if my wife is having an affair too.we both deserve to be happy. But I miss this **** out of my misstres. Not sure if I should fight for her back since she's such a whore. |
Question: Husband threating to take children if I leave him? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:10 PM PDT I've caught my husband cheating on me twicethe first time I made it clear that if I caught him cheating again that I would leave him. the other woman decided to write me and show me screenshots of their conversation. I confronted him and he asked if we could work this out I told him no and that I wanted him out. he told me if I left him that he would take full custody of our childrenI don't know what to do anymore I do not want to losethem I love my children I cater to their every need they are my life and if I lose them I would lose myself. It been a month since and I know hes still cheating he goes to night school with this woman hes gone all day and doesnt get home till 10:20 at night idk what to do I feel traped |
Question: What's going on with my ex husband !! In confused!! Does he want me back 5 stars!!!? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:04 PM PDT First off Im not asking to be told why would I want him back and ask him but he lacks the ability to speak to me for whatever reason. What I want to know is why he can be so candid on the phone or in a text msg. I'm looking for a little external insight. It's hard not to know! He has been acting weird! We had a bitter divorce, to the point that he tried to keep our son from me or use our son to hurt me, he lost that battle. He wanted out of the marriage and I didnt put up a fight! Just the other day he asked me why am I so nice to him and what my motivation is after all the things he did. I simply said I was just over it and moved on with my life and cant go through life letting his behavior own me. Anyway, now things have gotten better to the point that he is buying me expensive gifts, texting me selfies etc. He even spends time with my family alone even if Im not present. He even tried to get me to come up stairs to his place! Even so much as to tell me things about having another baby. My question is that when he actually sees me, he clams up. Cant say a word to me other than hello and goodbye. I dont understand that he is very colorful and candid on the phone, via text etc. Yet cant speak to me in person or say more than two words. Like I said, Id ask him put he would clam up and start a fight or something weird! Can someone help me understand. Id ask him but he obviously cant say anything! Just curious! |
Question: I need help!!! Why is a married guy doing this? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:03 PM PDT I know it can be a friendly gesture too! When ever I walk past him he always gives me a smile and wink ( I havnt heard him do it to anyone else) then my friend said when I walked past him he was checking me out which makes me thinks it's not so friendly... I've been ignoring but I would feel rude if he's only being friendly... Help! |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:02 PM PDT What is worse sleeping with someone when you are married and then your wife finds out or you tell her OR you don t tell your wife about failing your classes for an entire year? What is worse killing someone that hide from someone for a long time that you lied about failing your classes? |
Question: Husband got another woman pregnant while we were on a "break", am I wrong for being upset? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:59 PM PDT My husband and I briefly split up. He went to live with a friend for a few weeks and I was staying at home upset and crying because I wanted to work on our marraige. He insisted on splitting. While on the break, he persued a woman and I don't think that she knew that he was married. After about a month and a half, he called me and told me that he wanted to work on our marraige. I took him back, lastnight he told me that this woman was pregnant and she's planning on keeping the child. I felt my whole world crashing down and he felt bad and said that we can have our own child. I hate him. I made him sleep on the couch. How can he do this? He tried to justify it and said that we were on break so he was lonely and needed to be with someone. BS. He just wanted an excuse to cheat and I was not with a man when we separated. We agreed that it would be for us to work on our marraige. I don't know what he wants from me but he's too afraid to tell anyone and told me to shut his mouth. We were married for only 5 years and we don't have a child because I was always on top of my birth control and I'm a medical student. Am I wrong to be upset? We were on a break and I wasn't expecting him to cheat. |
Question: How do you get wife to obey you? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:49 PM PDT |
Question: Why does he act like that? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:48 PM PDT My us and is strange I was with my sister and cousin we were hanging out I never go out with ten and the day I decided to go he calls his girl cousin and ask her if she wants to handle out with us then he calls me all of a sudden. He has his cousin on three way and says can u pick her up and hang out. I was so pissed anytime I go out with my sis he gets jealous and wants me home when he isn't with me he get nervous so he wanted his cousin with him so they can ask her question of what we did to check up on me. It was so awkward but I told her sorry I can't pick u up he's so dumb he tries to take control of people even when his not around. Force people to chill I feel bad for his cousin cause I know she didn't wanna chill that bad it was all him. I just don't know what to make of this. What do I guys think. And the thing that pisses me off my older sister is married to and whenever we go out her husband never calls her and says stupid **** like that. I wish he was normal he is so unusual |
Question: I am confused and unhappy and I am not sure what to do? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:44 PM PDT Should I go to counseling? Talk to a friend? Face the problems head on? Make new Goals? Take a vacation for a week? I got married a few months ago and at first it was great- now he just plays video games in all of his spare time. He does go to school and work though. I work part time and he expects me to clean and cook all the time because of that. I feel financially restricted, my marriage is frustrating because i get nothing out of it but am yet tied down, I don't like my job but its what i have so I keep it. I just moved to a new location so I don't have friends. Suggestions? |
Question: What do you think a guy meant by "of course"? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:31 PM PDT He is a very reserved, easy going guy with great personality . I work with him but i will be moving soon and I told him that I will miss working with him and i was greatful for his help. he smiled and said "of course" now before you start telling it just means "of course " i want to say I handed him my number before telling this and I told him I was leaving soon . He seemed confuesed but he hasnt contact me so was his "of course"like him just saying watever ? he is a fairly bussy guy so I dont knoe what to think. why did he acept my number? |
Question: Am I wrong for not allowing my husband to see our kids? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:14 PM PDT Well I'm not evil if that's what your husband has started doing cocaine and I don't want him us, he keeps calling but I don't pick I wrong? |
Question: Is there any free keylogging spyware for a mac? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:07 PM PDT Things have been getting strange with my wife lately and I want to watch her emails to find out if she is cheating on me. This is why I would like to get some free spyware to watch her computer and she only uses her computer at work so I will need spyware that can be sent remotely through an email. Thanks for helping me out guys. Just things have been getting tough. |
Question: Home wrecker shaming? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:49 PM PDT Is it fine to expose a homewrecker? Someone can't go to jail or anything for exposing a homewrecker can they? I know someone who is very much interested in exposing someone her husband is seeing who won't go away. Totally not fine that her husband is seeing someone else but this mistress just won't go away. If it is perfectly legal they shame her on websites what would be some? The only think I can think of is exposing her through craigslist in my friends area, but clearly that isn't enough for my friend. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:36 PM PDT My husband has an awful husband of staring at women when we go out. It is not subtle glances either, we can be having a conversation and he'll ignore me to turn his head completely to stare at a woman walking by. He will even mumble words like "damn" under his breath. I was always a fat kid and was huge when he met me even now that I am at a healthy weight I still get insecure. I try not to bring up my insecurities to him since I dont want to annoy him but I did mention that it bothers me that he stares. I said it isnt bad for him to notice a beautiful woman but he goes out of his way to gawk. He hates for me to have any contact at all with men other than family or himself. He even accuses me of staring going as far as to grip onto my hair so I'm facing only him. If it would clearly be a disrespectful thing for me to do I dont know why he doesnt think it is the same for him. I've tried explaining that to him but he says looking wont hurt anybody. Has anyone ever dealt with something like this? What should I do? Advice? Hopefully the point came across that I dont mind him looking per se. Of course he will think about and find other women attractive I just wish he wouldn't make it so obvious around me. Also its not like I want permission to stare at other men I just dont understand his logic of he can do it but I can't. It's fine for him to look but I would appreciate a little more subtlety when I'm there, you know? Also I meant awful habit nor awful husband. Sorry typed this on my phone without double checking the autocorrect. |
Question: Of all the sections of y!a, what made you choose Marriage & Divorce? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 05:58 PM PDT This is mainly for the "regulars" who ask and answer in here. What interests you about this section in particular? |
Question: What to do about a quiet husband? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 05:09 PM PDT Lately my husband will get up sit on the couch and play a game on his phone before work. I try to talk about anything and everything but he doesn't really reply. Then when I mention it he says there is nothing to talk about. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall! Only time I can get him out of the house is when I make plans otherwise he plays his xbox :( idk what to do anymore? Work is stressful for him so idk if he is just stressed or what cause he won't talk to me about it! |
Question: Are some women marrying younger men now, because celebrities do it? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 05:05 PM PDT I still like older men. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 04:45 PM PDT |
Question: Should I stay Or Go? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 03:59 PM PDT I am in a very bad dilemma. I had relations with men since I was 17 and thought about it many times but job, friends, family so I got married at 19 had two great girls and then divorced after 20 years. I did cheat on my wife when I was 28 contracted HIV never gave it to her always was somewhat honest with her and before we were married I told her about being with guys before but told her it was a phase. So things got financial bad in 08 and she divorced me Ended up being lonely and still drinking found a girl who was HIV+ 8 months after my divorce. She knows everything about me but when I stopped drinking last 9 month kinda woke up and can not believe I did this all over again. She also has a 13 y/o son that lives with us also. So I have always held a good job and owned my own business but now I am in a job change. I told my now new wife I am GAY. shes not having it. She thinks is all about sex and wants us to bring in a BI guy in but as I get older its more than sex. So I am 44 She's totally in love with me after 2 years and wants to do anything to work things out shes from Mississippi and brought her out to California and pay most of the bills she does not want to go back to small town living. I get it. I just hate myself cuz I knew but I was on the drink til you die diet but that didn't work. I don't know should I just pull the bandage off hard and stay level headed endure all the pain of hurting everyone or keep going status quo. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 03:29 PM PDT My attorney made a motion for psych eval, and supervised visits. No judgements have been made. He wants to take our child together and my son that he has been a father to for visitation this weekend. I don't know if I should let the children go with him. I've told him I want the visit to be supervised and even got someone to do that. he refused. but he wants to visit with the kids.. do I send them, just send the son we have together, or not send them at all? |
Question: What age difference for a husband would be a good fit for a 33-year-old female? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 03:28 PM PDT I don't want to be traded in for a younger woman down the road. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 02:29 PM PDT |
Question: Did my husband every really want to get married.? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 02:28 PM PDT My husband and I have been married three years we have a young daughter and we only knew each other eight months. My husband always said we should get married or ask would I marry him, or say he wanted me to be his last girlfriend. Well before getting marriedb I had a positive at home pregnancy test and I told him. That's when my husband said let's get married, I said let me go to the doctor to make sure, turns out I had a miscarriage but I didn't tell him, I just said I was not pregnant and we don't have to married. He said he wanted to anyways, to see if he was for real I told him to set a date he said April then called me on his day off one day in March and asked to get married that day, we did. Anyway I asked him if I made him feel pressured into marriage he said a little but he still wanted to marry me and I'm so confused right now. |
Question: How to get my husband to tell the truth and stop hiding things.? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 02:02 PM PDT a few weeks ago I confronted my husband for being out all hours of the night when he was supposed to be home from work. he got defensive saying he cant go anywhere and I treat him like a dog in a cage. before when he did this he was at my sisters. he said he doesn't know how he feels about me and doesn't love me like a wife anymore. now he's deleting messages on fb and talking to my sister on the phone, fb, and putting a password on his phone and says his phone is off limits to me. I tried telling him how I feel and doing everything for him and we were intimate for the first few days and now he's distant again, gets annoyed if I touch him or try to talk to him. I cheated 2 years ago when we were talking separation but we worked thru it, that was when he was at my sisters all the time. we stayed together and have been fine since until now. Idk what to do, he won't talk to me or tell me anything just gets pissed and annoyed. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 02:01 PM PDT I have serious seasonal affective disorder. I get hit REAL hard in the winter months (here in Michigan that's from October until March) and then again just as hard during cloudy/rainy days... Any self esteem or self confidence that I have prior to an episode is just crashed to the floor. And try as I may, no amount of exercise or vitamins or diet change or anything gets me through it. The only thing that gets me through it is talking to physical live people (nothing digital/electronic)... So if you wonder why I haven't answered much today, I'm just not feelin' it today. I want summer to be here so badly. And the sad part is, in Michigan we get summer from like late June to late August, everything else is clouds/rain/snow... :/ So when your spouse is feeling this way, what helps? Of course sex fixes everything, but what else? Don't say food, I've put on 65 lbs in the last 2 years over this depression; all of it is chocolate and dunkin' donuts and ice cream... By the way, in 2013 I was 135 lbs at 5'8". Now I'm 200 lbs... I feel like a cow. I can't blame it all on depression, in 2013 I wasn't working and I was a stay at home dad. I had all the time in the world to exercise and take care of my body. I dropped from 220 lbs to 135 in 10 months... But as soon as I started working full time - BAM! it all came back... |
Question: My husband never defend me please be respectful with your answer? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:58 PM PDT I've been married to my husband for 14yrs, the thing with him is that he never ever stand up for me, many times at his present I had ppl calls me all kinda of names or even makes fun of my looks, what he would usually do is that he would talked to that person behind my back so we won't fight about it, or he would talk to them in front of me and ignores what I say. And if we're having a conversation god forbid if I talk about a person that he knows he would just stand up for them and defend them? And not talking about his best friend I mean any1 even if some1 he just met. |
Question: If a tree falls in a forest but your wife tells you it didn't, did the tree really fall? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:54 PM PDT Why do women feel the need to lead and be above their husbands. The men are the head but the women are the neck that forces the head to turn. Women: why do you feel the need to wear the pants in the family. Men: why do you always give in to your wives. |
Question: I hate my husband and i can't divorce.what the hell can i do?? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:53 PM PDT |
Question: Help! My Marriage is falling apart.? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:52 PM PDT I recently admitted to my husband that I cheated on him. He confronted me and I couldn't lie to him so I told him the truth I had sex with this man twice both times neither one of us got off, it lasted less than 30 min both times. I really cared about this person because he treated me like a princess. After finding out I cheated my husband admitted to me that he cheated as well. I already knew about the time a month after we got married but apparently he cheated again with 6 other women. One over a year ago with a girl he meet in college, also her friend. Then a couple months ago he had a threesome and had an affair basically a relationship with another girl he worked with. I don't know what to do should I leave him? |
Question: Which states can you marry at 17 if pregnant without parental consent? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:12 PM PDT 17 and pregnant wanting to get married to my baby's father don't know which states will allow us to without my parents consent |
Question: Dating divorced dad ... Ex and holidays? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:11 PM PDT I've been dating a really great guy for the past 2 months. We see each other often (about 3-4 times a week). He is wonderful and I really see a future with him. He is recently divorced and has a 5 year old daughter that he shared custody of (has half the week). He had been split from his ex since last spring. Divorce just became final. I have not met the daughter yet. Before he met me on holidays he would get together with his ex and child at some point. Like they all had thanksgiving and Christmas dinners together so they could both see the daughter. He told me this Sunday for Easter he is attending church with them and will probably have lunch and Easter egg hunt together. Plus she will have other friends over for Easter lunch so it seems weird since they are no longer a married couple. I'm uncomfortable with this. I've dated a divorced man w/kids before & how they did it was one got kids half day other the other half of day. They didn't spend it together. Also him & I usually go to church together and daughter goes to Sunday school. I've only been with him 2 months. Do I have much say in this at this point? In the same hand if this is something that makes me uncomfortable should I say something now? Thoughts? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:05 PM PDT |
Question: Why do couples cheat on each other? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:00 PM PDT I,m married myself..we have a lady friend that said she cheats on her man and he's ok with it.cuz he cheats. Or a open marriage. She asked my wife if we would swing. She said no don't ever ask her again. Same here.i got married for a reason,,a lot of people say I need a different touch. Or she's slimmer than my wife..i heard even divorced people see there exes being there spouse. Tell me why is this? thanks |
Question: My husband took pictures of my briest when i was asleep ...? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 12:22 PM PDT I don't know if I should feel the way I do or if I am over reacting what do you think I have caught him lifting my shirt when I am asleep and now I found pictures of my asleep with my short lifted up he is my husband but I feel strange about it I over reacting ?? |
Question: Why would my baby turning 1 turn my husband into a sex maniac? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 12:17 PM PDT Good grief he couldn't keep his hands off me all day on our son's birthday. Is it a pride thing? A romantic thing? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 12:08 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 12:06 PM PDT 1) Anyone have any tips for someone like me that has never been married? (background I am a virgin 35 and not a bible thumper just waiting for someone that I love and care about? 2) Has anyone ever found out that they had to get married and divorced to the person that you were ultimately suppose to be with? 3) I am single of course never been married I am at the age where many woman my age have been divorced. What kinds of questions should I ask as to why she got divorced? lol, they don't say oh if the marriage doesn't work we can just get a divorce out loud, but they are thinking it. That's what I meant by that statement. |
Question: Is it okay to cheat on spouse if they refuse yo give you sex? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:44 AM PDT I know this guy, he says his wife refused to give him sex for years! They have kids and a mortgage and careers, it okay for him to cheat? |
Question: Am I wrong for feeling this way? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:24 AM PDT I really need a third point of view. PLEASE SOMEONE HEAR ME OUT: My husband and I have been together for 3years and have a 1 year old son. But I'm not happy and feel like I deserve better. Sometimes i wanna be single so I can feel free and eventually find someone better. My husband is so jealous and controlling. He is always checking my phone. Wanting to see me and my friends conversations. Not wanting me to hang out with them. Doesn't want me on facebook or twitter, and especially not following guys we get into arguements about it and he blocks them.But he adds girls he has dated or had sex with. He has talked to girls behind my back, making fake profiles and trying to hang out. Doesn't want me going to the gym. Gets mad if i go somewhere and don't tell him or if he comes home and im not there. He gets mad when i buy stuff without his permission. And takes away or destroys my belongings when he's mad. He always puts me down. I want to leave but I care about him so much that I'm afraid he will harm himself or go to jail because he fights with his parents alot and his brother and him get into physical violent altercations. I try to carry all the weight and fix our problems but i cant do it alone. He cant save money to save his life. We got evicted from our home and live with my mom because he lost his job. He has terrible credit. His car was repo'd and his license is suspended. He has nothing except his job he got back to offer our family. im sick of waiting for him to change! |
Question: Do most women see men without experinece as a big red flag for any relationship? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:22 AM PDT Suppose you meet a 40 year old man who turns out to be completely inexperienced (no sexual, relationship, dating experience) Since he was busy with his job and interests until then; what are the chances that you will turn him down or run away from a guy like him? and why? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:48 AM PDT Insurance combined that is more than my monthly paycheck i told, she works also but don't make as much as me, I told her that since she wants the divorce I'll pay the first halfbofbthe monthly payment and she pays all the utilities food and whatnot and the second half vice-versa, she flipped she said she'll move into an apartment then and I said how are you going to afford an apartment? Should I pay for it or fight her to pay half |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:38 AM PDT My fiancé is distant lately and we haven't had sex in weeks . He bearly even kisses me. He still I love you etc but dosnt show it. He dosnt take me on ' dates' no cinema dates no nothing . He just sits in with me . But he will happily go out with the guys. He works full time and he is very rich.. I mean he has a lot of money. Unfortunately I was let go from my job a month ago and been trying and trying so hard to get another job. I have zero income sadly and he just laughs at me. If I say I'd love to go out with you he says ' haha well go get a job' he never treats me to anything nice or little surprises anymore like he used to. I'm finding it difficult with no money in my pocket and I'm not saying ' he should spend all his money on me ' I no he shouldn't. But I would like a little support. But he won't even take for a McDonald's!! And he comes in with 900 € a week!!!! I just feel kinda unwanted . And not loved ..or I'm not inportaned to him ? It upsets me he dosnt take me out but gose out with others and if I even say that to him he starts a fight and won't speak to me. Even of he said yes to take me out ..Id ask my mother for a lend even..Id wouldn take his money ..but if he offerd it would be nice because he hasn't got ne anything or done anything with me in weeks. We are both 27 years old. Any suggestions? :( thanks guys |
Question: What to do about a spouse who confesses he is not sure who he is? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:37 AM PDT He's been tested for psychological problems and he doesn't have any. He's also been tested for depression and he doesn't have any. He grew up in a very flaky family who just did the minimums to get by but spent money like they were rich. My husband though has a steady job and so do I, so he at least isn't trying to do the minimums, but he says he's not happy where he is at and he is convinced he can skip college and do better off than he is now. I told him go for it, but then he gets all cowardly and he backs down. He cares a lot about children, but he knows the attitude in our community would plow him over if he tried to change or advocate for something else. He likes helping people too, but his beliefs are so nontraditional that his advice is often overlooked. He says though that his life was meant for something more than what he's doing now, but I seriously don't see how that's possible. It feels like he expects more from himself than he really has to offer. What can I do to help him get where he wants to be? What can I do help him accept the hand he's been given? If I can't do anything, what can I tell him? I love him, and I really want him to do what he loves to do, but I can't figure out how to be there for him. He's not very charismatic since he's so nontraditional. Most people ignore him or just play him off as an idiot. His actions don't even speak for him and people still have disbelief when he can solve problems they can't. |
Question: Filed for child support but the father did a no show in court? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:34 AM PDT I filed and he didn't show up so the judge stated that the state would take over and I wouldn't have to keep coming to court they'll take care of it. I just found out he's in another state living with another woman I know her first and last name would it be beneficial if I call and give this info or do I just wait and see. I already know he's going to probably get locked up. What should I do? |
Question: Under standing for intervention of a child for child support matters? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:18 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:13 AM PDT |
Question: Husband ignores me when he's angry.? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:50 AM PDT Yesterday my husband decided to clean the apartment. We live in a small apartment. There was stuff everywhere. I came home from break helped cleaned a little & left for work again. Came home the place is still a mess. My husband & I had talk about money when he gets paid he's likes to spend I'm not a big spender. We have very little income & lots of bills. I'm a diabetic & we have run out of groceries before all just he likes to spend. I need to eat so I don't go into a diabetic coma. I came he's ordering a new phone. He just ordered one 2 weeks ago. I told him he's needs to discuss large purchases with me & we need to agree. He's gets mad stops talking to me while cleaning. Then turns up his music, play a game, look at his phone & everything, but listen. He will even walk out the room. It's hurts my feelings & if start crying he's yells at me. I try to talk things out then it's gets worse. He's got anger issues. I never lived with him before marriage I guess I was just to blind by love. When first got married he broke the closet door & had broken glasses everywhere because he got upset. Yesterday he almost slammed my hand in the door & hit my hand when I grabbed his phone. He has slammed my hand in the door before. He didn't apology until I kept bugging him he also slams and throws things. I this morning for work I got a small hug. Yes I did nag him a little & do whenever we argue. I am in the wrong? We only been married 5 months had a lovely wedding. |
Question: My Bf is fooling me? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:38 AM PDT I love one guy since 5 yrs n frm past 2 yrs his behaviour has changed drastically ,I found this guy cheated on me with some other girl(girl kissed him),night outs with his friends etc..he says they were just friend etc..I asked him to get married on which he said he is not financially stable etc..I requested him for court marriage,talk to my famil etc..he didnt do all of those. Now I got married to another guy like a month before because of family pressures. Now my bf is upset and says u leave ur husband and says will marry .I am.not physically with my husband He says he will also get married to sme other girl and give the divorse to her ans then will.marry me Plzzzz suggest what should i do now?Is he making a fool out of me?I feel depressed for my situation now.Will he marry another girl and giv a divorse to her? I love him the most |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:15 AM PDT Top Contributors . If so , might I suggest we copy and paste the maliciously moved questions and reported answers to Just like I will be doing with this question when it is reported or moved This is a question about asking and answering questions about Marriage & Divorce , it asks nothing about Yahoo policy |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:04 AM PDT This is not a "dating" problem because these people aren't "dating" any more. They are in a relationship and they are trying to figure things out under the legal bond of a marriage. Please, if you are going to move my question, have a logical place to put it. |
Question: How do you resolve when you and your spouse do not see eye to eye? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:01 AM PDT My husband made a comment to me the other night that really offended me. When I explained this, he couldn't fathom why a "practical suggestion" like he made would ever be a problem. I'm just annoyed at his blatant insensitivity and unwillingness to apologize. The comment: Our son is two and I had him by C-section. My husband said my scar bothers him, and I should consider going and getting laser removal. |
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