Singles & Dating: Question: My parents are strict about me seeing my boyfriend? |
- Question: My parents are strict about me seeing my boyfriend?
- Question: Can I ask her?
- Question: My friends with benefits called me after I told him I was clubbing. Strange?
- Question: I want to max out my cpu is that smart?
- Question: Is it wrong of me to feel left out?
- Question: I feel depressed?
- Question: If you really cared for someone would you not be with them if they had an std ?
- Question: Ugh help me plz?
- Question: Why do so many girls like me/ feel attracted to me in some way or form?
- Question: Would you date me For girls only?
- Question: Does he like me or hates me?
- Question: How to ask a girl out?? (Junior high)?
- Question: Is this wrong? And what would you do about this?
- Question: Why do girls intentionally avoid answering your questions during text convos? Is that their way of showing disinterest/disrespect?
- Question: Relationship gone down hill?
- Question: Is fingering really good or bad?
- Question: Is it rude to ignore my ex? Help please?
- Question: I haven't seen my girlfriend in a month?
- Question: 10 Points Award Best? Did this guy not want me because I'm a virgin & will be too hard to get?
- Question: My Bestfriend and I like the guy?
- Question: Does he like me or is he just friendly?
- Question: Why is it so hard for me to talk to girls?
- Question: How do you catch someone who is cheating with a prostitute?
- Question: If a woman used me for sex, is it okay to forewarn other men that she's lame in bed?
- Question: Does he like me back?
- Question: This guy blocked me twice on Facebook? (10 points for best answer)?
- Question: Teen girls 14-18??????
- Question: If you have lied to your ex-boyfriend can you regain their trust again?
- Question: Should I ask for her number, or should i give her mine and let her text me?? Please Help!?
- Question: After graduating high where can a 19 teen year old find other 19 or 20 year old women?
- Question: Please. I need some really good advice. Thank you?
- Question: When should I ask to tickle someone's foot when I don't know them?
- Question: Please. I need some really good advice. Thank you?
- Question: My girlfriends mad because I can't go to prom with her?
- Question: Sleeping with my best guy friend?
- Question: Does he like me / Should I go for him?
- Question: How do I ask to tickle someone's foot?
- Question: What day is today?
- Question: How to ask for a hug? in a not awkward way?
- Question: Did i make the right decision:-/?
- Question: Help. tried to fart and **** came out?
- Question: Does my crush like me?
- Question: No comments?
- Question: Should you follow and ex on Instagram?
- Question: How do I ask to tickle someone's fee with out them saying no?
- Question: What to get a girl you like?
- Question: I proposed her , she told we are good friends.?
- Question: Relationship Help!?!?
- Question: Dating a older guy?
- Question: Can an Oujia Board answer this question?
- Question: Does my boyfriend think about sex with other girls?
- Question: Are there any straight girls left?
- Question: I dm'ed this girl and she hasn't responded?? Please Help!!?
- Question: How can I get my crush to hug me?
- Question: Is it weird to be in seventh grade and get your eyebrows waxed? What is a good age to start grooming them?
- Question: So I have a dating situation?
- Question: I am obsessed with a Cancer (Venus in Leo) guy I just met, I feel like a predator who just spotted their prey!?
- Question: Would a guy ask a girl to send him a picture if he thought she was ugly?
- Question: Guys, do you lose interest after sex?
Question: My parents are strict about me seeing my boyfriend? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:06 PM PDT I'm 16 and I'll be 17 in four months and Ive known my boyfriend a little over half a year but we've been dating for a little over 2 months. My parents, especially my dad, does not like the fact that I have a boyfriend and has never let me go on dates until recently. We've went out like 4 times and once to go see my grandma. All because my mom lets me. But when she lets me without my dads say so he gets really mad and yells at her. She acts like its my fault he yelled at her when she's the one who let me go? I'm almost 17 and I feel like I should have more freedom. My dad thinks I should only see him once a month but I really don't agree with that. I need help on what to do and why they're doing this. I don't know if it's a protection thing or what but it sucks, a lot. I feel untrusted |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:05 PM PDT So this girl from class (college) added me on FB and we've been talking, for a few days I'm almost positive she's into me considering we had almost . I was going to ask her if she wanted to get a coffee after class but I wasn't positive she was into me till tonight. She randomly texted me "Hey what's up" after I saw her like 3 hours before, weve been texting back and forth for a few hours. So I was wondering if it would be cool for me to ask her by message? |
Question: My friends with benefits called me after I told him I was clubbing. Strange? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:05 PM PDT I told him I was drinking with some friends at a club. He told me to send some pic and he kept texting me asking me what I was doing, but I ignore each of reply not purposely because i was having a good time. He called me in which I also did not pick up, I was busy. He sent me a "goof night" which sounded cold. The next day i ignored his text again but because I was super tired and i was sleeping, he then hot mad and texted me saying if I'm seeing another *****?! He then apologize saying he got jealous. That was the first time he called me by the way |
Question: I want to max out my cpu is that smart? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:04 PM PDT |
Question: Is it wrong of me to feel left out? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:04 PM PDT a couple weeks ago for spring break my boyfriend went to the beach with his friends. the beach is a couple hours away so they stayed for 3 days. where I live, the beach is like the best place ever to go during spring break. so there were tons of people from my school.. long story short I felt like I should've been invited? it's not like he was asking for guy time, like yes he was going with his friends but there were so many other girls there too. jmblya is coming up and he told me he wanted to go with his friends. once again I feel the same way.. I'm like not one of his friends too? his friends hangout and probably go out with these girls. btw he does have guy time besides these things and I never go and that's completely fine. it's things like this though that I should be able to fun at too. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:03 PM PDT i'm in grade 9. And so far i havent made that many friends. Most people know me tho because i tried to try out for student council but i just humiliated myself , but anyway i just feel lonely sometimes. Nobody texts me. And i buy my likes on instagram to please myself to make it seem like im "popular" . Everyone gets like 200 likes & i get 20 likes. Haha i know its weird but for some reason i get so upset about it. |
Question: If you really cared for someone would you not be with them if they had an std ? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:03 PM PDT If you really cared for someone would you not wanna be with them if they had an std ? Me personally myself if I really loved the person it wouldn't matter to me because I love them so much. I would try to make it work. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:03 PM PDT I was texting my crush earlier, and he somehow got me to admit that I like him, and now I'm texting him and he said he only liked me as a friend. I though he liked me for the longest time, and now I'm very disappointed. I'm glad I got the truth out so I could try to move on, but I'm also really sad😪 how can I move on, but still stay friends? |
Question: Why do so many girls like me/ feel attracted to me in some way or form? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:03 PM PDT Out of all modesty I'm not all bad looking, but not your typical prince charming, as a metal head, I have my battle vest and wear it everyday, and according to some people always look pissed off, so can a female or anyone tell me why girls apparently find me "boy friend material"? (Yes I do relies I sound like an inane, cocky teen, but girls having their friends go up to me, and the occasional girl gawking at me tells me enough right there.) So please tell me, do girls like me because of my natural pissy attitude or just because they have a thing for metal apparel? |
Question: Would you date me For girls only? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:02 PM PDT Sorry I can't show any pic because I'm afraid that If show it I would reget it later. Anyway here the thing, if their were a number rating for guys I guess I'm a 3 or 2 (1 is ugly as hell and 10 is super hot). I never had girlfriend Before growing up because all the girl at my olds always want guys that hot and buff and tight abs (I don't have those lol) thy also like bad boy type and you the old saying "good guy finish last." When I think about the girls dont seem me as boyfriend material; all they seem as a really good friend and it's hard to get out a friend. My personality are I'm not very good at conversion (but once I get to know I talk a lot), I'm not very tall 5'3 only, I'm kinda overweight, I have very little friends, the only talent I have playing the piano, I love to watch anime and Kdrama, I'm very kind, also I kinda have a short temper, and I don't have a high standard when come to girls. I just want a girl who sweet, lovely, and able to expect me for I am. Well what do you think? (Girls only) please be honest. |
Question: Does he like me or hates me? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:02 PM PDT Seriously guys wtf. I met this guy only couple of weeks ago. I think he is cute but first and foremost I'm human why he treats me like this. Since the moment he met me he can't look at me in the eye or will just look with blank stare no expression at all. He's done some really weird stuff, like stand next to my cubicle and stare. If I see him coming to sit at his desk (we sit next to each other at work) he freaks out and even sits backwards. Never says hi to me when he sees me just stared straight forward. I would smile and nod yet no reaction from him. So I started ignoring him too because I'm not sure what to do. Even if I know he is around I pretend that I don't know and don't even look at his direction. If I say hi to him, he'll quickly say hello and literally run away from me but then I will catch him looking at me when I usually can't see him and I would purposely turn. This guy is really nice and outgoing with everyone else but me. So what is the deal? |
Question: How to ask a girl out?? (Junior high)? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:01 PM PDT We talk a lot and I want to ask her out but I don't know when or how to do it? We're both kinda popular and one of her friends say we would be a cute couple |
Question: Is this wrong? And what would you do about this? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:01 PM PDT So once I started dating this boy so my friends became cool with him, so he played me and tried to talk to my friends but they're all buddy buddy with him and stuff now I don't really trust them and I'm starting to fall back from them. Am I right or wrong? What would you guys do? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:01 PM PDT For example, this girl said she was sick and asked what im looking to do, so I said "A party or something big, but I'd settle for just going to see the new fast and furious or just hanging out. And ewwwww sick with what?" She said in response "That sounds great. I wanna see that movie but tonight would not be a good night for me. Still getting over being sick" And I had to awkwardly be like "ok but I said sick with what?" Like ..... Why would a girl not reply the first time? It turns out she just had a stomach bug so it wasn't awkward or anything like that. =========== Another girl I was talking to, I asked if she wanted to go see fast and furious. She then said she was at the movies for it right now. Then I was like "who's the lucky guy haha". And she was like "ohhh no I'm with friends haha, I wouldn't be rude and be on here if I was". So then I said "Haha I was hoping so, but you never know with tinderers these days. Wanna hang after?" And then she said "hahaha and you?" And I was pretty blunt and called her out and said "I asked you if you wanna hang after. Is "hahaha" a reply to that?" She said "No hahaha was a reply to your comment about tinderers and I can't tonight sorry, I have to be up for class early tmrrow -.-" Why do girls ignore guys questions like that? Is that their way of showing they're not interested? Or do they wanna see if the guy has the balls to call them out on it? Why do they do it? |
Question: Relationship gone down hill? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:00 PM PDT Ask a Question 122 character(s) left 1,017 character(s) left Make sure your question follows the community guidelines. Cancel Continue Edit Question Preview Your Question is something wrong So I'm a female and I had a sexual relationship with a married couple. About a month ago she's not the way she was she now seems annoyed by my presence and that spark is gone. I never approached the husband without getting permission what has gone wrong? Are they just tired of me? But now that I remember the husband did ask me if I wanted a three some again and I told him I wanted to talk to his wife and that we needed to talk is there anything here I'm not seeing please help me |
Question: Is fingering really good or bad? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 07:00 PM PDT Is it weird that I like the way he fingers me a lot I enjoy it even when we have sex I just love it a lot but should I slow down ? |
Question: Is it rude to ignore my ex? Help please? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:59 PM PDT We dated for 3 years, lived together for 1 1/2 but it was pretty much a waste of time and I really want to move on. Emotionally I feel nothing for him right now because it's been almost a year since we broke up! We've hung out after the breakup (when he's texted me and I didn't know how to say no thanks) but I don't like to hang out with him because it just feels pointless and I don't know why he keeps asking. He doesn't know where I live right now but showed up multiple times without warning at my parent's house when I was home for holidays, to hang out. Anyways I've been ignoring his texts for a month or so and feel ok about that (a little guilty though), but he called at 1am the other day and left a message asking how I was doing and telling me to call him back. The message was weirdly normal sounding and the thing is that I don't want to call him back? Is it rude to completely ignore him? I've told him before that I feel uncomfortable hanging out.. arg what to do? |
Question: I haven't seen my girlfriend in a month? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:59 PM PDT Ive been dating a girl she is 18 and im 19. She's been having some real family problems soo I haven't seen her in a month. Sooo this weekend she is going to hangout with her friends but doesn't have time for me....she says she loves me and wants to move in with me one day. But I really would like to see her and all my friend tell me to break up with her... I mean I love her but idk what to do |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:59 PM PDT I'm 20; hes 19. We met a week ago after texting & messaging on Facebook for a couple of weeks (we had mutual friends, he had met my friends before). He added me, he pursued me. He seemed to be really interested. I am not one to be fooled. We met one night, and he was sweet, it went well despite I knew he was too young for me ... He is super immature. We aren't alike much but I thought I should give him more of a chance. The next day he asked me over to his house. we started making out, I refused to take my clothes off & go further. im a virgin, which I told him. We continued to make out, he kept trying to get further but I kept stopping him. I gave him a hand job, he came and it was over. He felt my butt and up my shirt but not in my pants. We hung out a bit after, he wanted to see my house, so I showed him. He seemed to really want to know me further despite me not having sex. He dropped me off. He texted me afterwards like normal and was friendly, as was I. I haven't heard from him since and that was Saturday. And he has been free to hang out and whatever. Soo did he use me? I feel really gross and dumb, like he doesn't value me as a human at all.J |
Question: My Bestfriend and I like the guy? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:59 PM PDT So a month ago my Bestfriend told me she likes this guy in our class and he sits with me in every class and me and him call eachother brother and sis and he calls me his Bestfriend too and I like him but so does my friend and she always says oh why do I always talk to him and laugh when I'm with him and she always get mad when ever he hugs me I don't know what to do if I should ignore him or just continue talking with him |
Question: Does he like me or is he just friendly? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:57 PM PDT There is a guy I see all the time at school, he talks to me about his tattoos and how he likes to draw things also his personal life. I notice he does things to get my attention sometimes to. One time he was talking out loud about how he is single af and looking for a Gf to his friends while I was around. And for some reason he always tries to make himself seem like a good guy, like randomly telling me he's not an asshole and how he's such a good person. He asked for my number one day after class and wanted to hangout but we never did. We don't live close by so we've only been seeing each other at school. We plan on hanging out this weekend. But the thing is, Idk if he is interested in me or just friendly. Another thing that throws me off is he calls me "my friend" his English is not so good so it's cute when he says it. But makes me wonder if he just sees me as a friend... idk |
Question: Why is it so hard for me to talk to girls? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:57 PM PDT Sometimes i just want to talk to her but i can't. Sometimes i feel like I'm unwanted and i fail to call her. Is it because i think too much about it? |
Question: How do you catch someone who is cheating with a prostitute? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:56 PM PDT |
Question: If a woman used me for sex, is it okay to forewarn other men that she's lame in bed? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:56 PM PDT I had a one night stand with a woman once who was too lazy to masturbate. I mean, I ended up doing everything while she laid there like a dead fish. She was easily the worst sex I ever had. Then she was rude to me afterward. And made me feel like a fool for not telling her how bad she was in bed. But then I seen her out one day with some other man and said to him in front of her, your better off just masturbating, cause she just lays there the whole time. |
Question: Does he like me back? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:56 PM PDT I'm a girl on my older brothers account. So I'm almost done with fifth grade. There is 9 weeks left. And I've had this crush for a while now. My best friend is kayla and marissa. even though we just became friends at the beginning of the year I know I could tell them everything. So I told kayla I liked her cousin esteban and she told me that we would be cute together. Now I know we are to young but we flirt a lot. For example we were going to line up for the bus and I jumped on his back he was like what was that and smiled at me. Kayla is his ***** I'm his girl and marissa is his midget that is what he calls us anyways. When we walk we always talk to eachother and we always brush arms. He always hangs out with me. Does he like me back? How can I get him to hold hands with me? |
Question: This guy blocked me twice on Facebook? (10 points for best answer)? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:56 PM PDT I've been talking to this older man online for awhile he's in his 40's and I'm in my late 20's. I told him that there was something that I wanted to tell him and he called me twice but I missed his calls. I sent him a message telling him sometimes I have intimate thoughts about him. I sent him a sexy picture (I wasn't naked) and he asked me for another one. I asked him if he wanted to have sex with me he said no I asked him if he even thought about it once he laughed. He called me saying that he was curious to hear what I sound like. He said that he thought I was a nice woman but that we weren't compatible He and I live in different states I don't get why he's asked me to come to his state and meet him if he thinks this he also has high functioning autism. I read a status he made about how he's socially awkward and that he has low self esteem. On Valentine's Day he texted me sending me a picture of a rose. We've talked a few times on the phone we had been going back and forth about me coming to meet him. One minute he said he wanted me to come and then he said he didn't. This is the second time he blocked me I don't get it. I texted him today and we did talk a little I told him I was coming to visit in June and that I couldn't wait to finally meet him. I asked him how tall he was and he told me and sent me a few pictures of him. |
Question: Teen girls 14-18?????? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:56 PM PDT Is this kid hot, no. just attractive? Instagram madmax_Anthony |
Question: If you have lied to your ex-boyfriend can you regain their trust again? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:55 PM PDT We haven't talked or seen each other since September. I did lie to him and I do regret it. There was a lot of factors involved and too personal to write but I did lie to him. I am close with his parents and they talk to him quite a bit and I wrote him a letter and gave him a birthday card a few weeks ago explaining all that happened and asking for forgiveness. His mom said he has asked how I am doing a few weeks ago and a few days he asked again. And she said he told her that if I was visiting his parents at the same time as him he wouldn't mind me there. I told his mom that I wanted to explain things more to him and she told me he said there was nothing more I needed to explain bc the letter said it all and it was all he needed. I don't have his number now but in the letter I gave him my new number if he wanted it. I have not gotten any texts or calls yet I know he takes a long time to process things before he makes a decision. I don't expect to date anytime soon I am fine with that. I hope eventually we can date again but whenever I get a chance to talk to him I want to go at his pace. Not pressuring him about anything. But just wondering if any of this is a good sign? |
Question: Should I ask for her number, or should i give her mine and let her text me?? Please Help!? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:55 PM PDT I dm'ed her and we've been talking for a little while, but should I ask for her number or should i just give her mine and let her text me?? Thanks! |
Question: After graduating high where can a 19 teen year old find other 19 or 20 year old women? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:54 PM PDT Where do girls hang out now a days, it's cuffing season where's a good place to start. Looking for a good girl |
Question: Please. I need some really good advice. Thank you? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:54 PM PDT |
Question: When should I ask to tickle someone's foot when I don't know them? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:54 PM PDT |
Question: Please. I need some really good advice. Thank you? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:53 PM PDT My ex drives the bus. We were 2gether 4 over 6 years. We had a nasty break up. He put a restraining order on me. He came 2 court with the lady he dumped me 4. Now nobody sees the lady or her sister on the bus with him. I wonder what happened. Please tell me what you think. I m 27, she s 46 and he s 57. |
Question: My girlfriends mad because I can't go to prom with her? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:53 PM PDT I've gotten in a little trouble over the year and I was told (by my school) if I caused any more problems I wouldn't be allowed to go to prom. Personally I don't care about prom I was only going because my girlfriend wants me there and I had full intentions of giving her the perfect night because she means the world to me. I can't tell you how many times I've backed down from a fight just because I wanted to be able to go to prom with her. I was doing fine until some guy was talking **** saying how much he wants to get with my girlfriend and I lost it and got expelled. I don't think she's ever been so mad at me. We got into a big argument and she said I was being selfish because "I only thought about my feelings and not how my actions would effect her" then she said someone else had asked her to go and now she might just go with him and I said I didn't give a **** what she did, but really the thought of another guy taking her kills me. She didn't talk to me the rest of the night and then after school the next day she came to my house and apologized and said she was just mad and she would rather not go at all than go with another guy. She said I'm lucky she loves me so much or she wouldn't put up with my **** all the time and I know I put her through hell but I don't mean it I really am trying to be the best guy I can be for her. She says she's still mad though and I have to find a way to make it up to her. I just don't know how. |
Question: Sleeping with my best guy friend? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:52 PM PDT So is a complicated situation... Back in Oct. This guy and i were super close friends and then it turns out he slept with my best girlfriend when they were both blackout drunk. Everyone (but the people whom were not directly involved in our friend group) got passed it and moved on, even though everyone knew i liked him at the time. Now me and the guy are the CLOSEST of friends and we tell eachother EVERYTHING. I love him to death, but I dont think I could ever date him since hes a terrible person to girls except me. However, i am thinking about giving him my virginity, as I trust him completely and utterly... Should I just casually bring it up or...? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks:) |
Question: Does he like me / Should I go for him? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:52 PM PDT This guy. He's one of my very best friends, we're extremely close. We flirt a lot and make sexual jokes and stuff but like I said we're good friends, and I'm "that friend" that does that with everybody, so I'm not sure if he means it. How can I tell if he likes me? My friends think he does. I definitely like him. I'm only afraid that if I tell him and he doesn't, our friendship will become awkward, and he is very very significant in my life. |
Question: How do I ask to tickle someone's foot? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:52 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:52 PM PDT |
Question: How to ask for a hug? in a not awkward way? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:51 PM PDT Very shy guy, we're getting reacquainted |
Question: Did i make the right decision:-/? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:51 PM PDT I was with this girl for 7 months and things were good but we fought a lot and I ended it. I thought I couldn't see us being together long term but maybe it was in my head. Everything I do makes me think of her. Did I mess up??:-/ she really did love me and I loved her too I just got pushed to the edge but I feel like I made a mistake. I am 24 Btw |
Question: Help. tried to fart and **** came out? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:51 PM PDT On a first date and I pooped my pants. What should I do |
Question: Does my crush like me? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:51 PM PDT My neighbor is my crush. I think he is very cute and has a great personality. How do I know if he likes me back? The only thing that has happened to make me think he likes me is he has give me chocolate (but I think he was just being friendly.) HOW DO I FIND OUT?! |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:51 PM PDT |
Question: Should you follow and ex on Instagram? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:50 PM PDT Just curious |
Question: How do I ask to tickle someone's fee with out them saying no? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:49 PM PDT |
Question: What to get a girl you like? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:49 PM PDT Hi everyone,i have a question i want to surprise one girl. My best friends is her classmate and we are in 3rd grade in high school we are going on an excursion to Greece and she is unable to go with us because her basketball team is going to France.What should i get her? I like her so much,and i want her to see me as a nice guy,i dont want to reveal that im in love with her for like 2 years.I know expensive stuff would just freak her out,so i want something small but meaningful. Please answer as quickly as possible Thanks |
Question: I proposed her , she told we are good friends.? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:49 PM PDT I proposed her , she told we are good friends. Then i asked her now I left with two option either i will contact you or never contact you again ? Please tell ? She want to be in my contact. I am confused , is she is thinking for my proposal ? |
Question: Relationship Help!?!? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:48 PM PDT I have a major crush on one of my close friends, but the problem is that he is dating my best friend. They arent working... Well... And he told me he wish he'd chose me instead of her, but he still stays with her. Theyre planning on breaking up... Any ideas on what i should do? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:48 PM PDT Okay, so I'm 18 years old and I've had this crush on a guy since I was like 13, and I've had a couple of boyfriends/girlfriends. He's 11 years older than I am, and yes I know that's a pretty big difference. He takes relationships seriously, he is funny and has a stable job, and no I'm not a gold digger! I just wanted to know if I should ask him out. Thanks. |
Question: Can an Oujia Board answer this question? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT Does my Ex Still Like Me? (NO HATE PLEASE.) |
Question: Does my boyfriend think about sex with other girls? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT Does my boyfriend get turned on over other girls ? He has made a sincere promise to me that he doesn t because other girls have nothing on me and I know I m a really attractive girl and I don t see why he would when he does have me but yeah I get hurt just at the thought of him thinking about having sex with another girl and getting turned on by it |
Question: Are there any straight girls left? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT Just wondering. This isn't an attack on people who aren't straight, it just seems that a lot of girls these days are either lesbian, bisexual, or curious. Well I'm looking for a genuine relationship and right now the girl I'm talking to acts as if she likes girls too, so I don't see this lasting long. She also lies a lot about who's she been talking to and what she has been doing, so I guess I'm also asking are there any genuine girls left today in this day and age? I'm 23 male, and I'm attractive, but i can't seem to find a genuine "girl" or "woman" these days... Im not looking for someone to fool around with, I've done that enough in my younger years. So (guys) please don't bash or hate me because i want nothing to do with girls who find girls hot. |
Question: I dm'ed this girl and she hasn't responded?? Please Help!!? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT So i like this girl and i'm pretty sure she likes me. So i decided to dm her on twitter for the first time tonight. She hasn't responded for about an hour, so do you think she chose not to answer or she just hasn't seen it yet, and secondly should i send another message tomorrow if she still doesn't respond. thanks! |
Question: How can I get my crush to hug me? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:46 PM PDT Okay so I have a crush on this boy obviously 😂 anyways I would kill for one hug with him. But I don't want to ask him because that's weird and awkward. So how can I get him to hug me without asking??? Thank you to all who answered it means a lot ❤ |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:46 PM PDT I m a 12 year old girl. |
Question: So I have a dating situation? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:46 PM PDT how do I get my friend and this kid she like to go out. I don't know him and he doesn't know her she asked me to help but idk how I know how he looks like but wha |
Question: HOW DO I TELL MY MOM TO STOP PICKING HER NOSE WITHOUT HURTING HER FEELINGS? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:46 PM PDT Its disgusting i cant stand it!!!! She does it in the car, and whenever shes home she does it the whole time!!! AND THEN FLICKS IT ON THE FLOOR. Like im surprised theres still **** up there, like what is she digging for. The worst part is when she just blows her nose (without a tissue) its gross cause it makes a DISGUSTING NOISE. Help MEEE I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE IT GETS ME SO MAD . Im such a germaphobe !!! Who knows what she does behind my back. I dont even feel comfortable sitting on chairs or touching the walls. Its come to the point where i try to avoid contacting her. She does it infront of me all the time. Like does she have no shame? |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:45 PM PDT Went to a club on the weekend with my gay friend. We were supposed to go to an after hours but we got invited back to this guys house along with two of his buddies. We joined them and hung out with his brother and we ended up sleeping over... there was no room on the couch so I slept in the Cancer mans bed with him. It was in the am and were laughing our asses off till 8 am, he eventually cuddled up to me. We slept for a few hours, woke up at 2 and then stayed in bed still laughing, cuddling, we would talk about astrology and his sign, and how he admits to being emotional and never initiating things with a girl first. I never kissed him. We both said we're not the type to do one night stands, even after he continued to cuddle me. We finally got out of bed at 7 pm, his brother got home around the same time. We watched netflix then went to get pizza even offered to hold my hand if it got too cold. Hung out with one of his friends from last night for a bit and then watched netflix till I passed out on the couch. The next morning I woke up got all my things, left the boys a note on my appreciated for letting me stay over two nights and got them two giant muffins as a thank you. This is where I get curious. He accepted my friend request on fb, a day later I messaged him. He saw the message but never got back to me. Haven't had a guy make me laugh like that in a few years and I don't want to miss out on this opportunity to get to know him. Im wondering if I overstayed my visit? |
Question: Would a guy ask a girl to send him a picture if he thought she was ugly? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:45 PM PDT or do they only do that if they think you are HOT |
Question: Guys, do you lose interest after sex? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 06:44 PM PDT I've been dating this guy for almost a month now, and We decided to take the step into being in a relationship Last week. So now, We are b/f & g/f, and We have talked about sex and Had quite a bit of makeout sessions that almost lead to sex, but I really didn't let anything happen, I just said No Maybe another time, (I am not a virgin, and neither is he). Obviously, it seems he really wants it but I am a bit iffy since I don't want him to lose interest in me after We have done It. We are in a relationship now, which does have a good sign. And I did ask him if he was wanting the relationship to be serious or just casual (just for fun) just so I don't get too attached on this guy and so I know What I really have to look forward to. And he said he is wanting something Serious, and asked if I was feeling like he wanted something more casual. And told me not to worry. which is also a good sign, right? I've read so many things online where it says that guys DO lose interest after sex, so I really want to know What you think in this situation and some advice? Thanks guys!!! xxx ♡ |
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