Family & Relationships: Question: Why don't my childs father say hi to me? |
- Question: Why don't my childs father say hi to me?
- Question: What should I do? I'm scared.?
- Question: Why do people post such jackass things like having sex with a family member?
- Question: Do you like living alone?
- Question: Do you think a couple is getting closer or further apart when they have their own places?
- Question: Les parece linda? ¿Cuanto le dan del 1 al 10?
- Question: How can a couple find another girl for a threesome?
- Question: Sex positions ?
- Question: Relacion a la larga distancia . Mi novio se acaba de ir?
- Question: Am i going to be in juvenile?
- Question: How can one convince another that they are wrong;wrong about everything?
- Question: A married man kissed me?
- Question: Would a guy want a woman who is forward?
- Question: Um rapaz de 21 anos pode namorar uma garota de 15?
- Question: How to friendzone someone on the internet without breaking their heart?
- Question: AIUTONE!! Penso di essere diventata Toretto di Fast and Furious?
- Question: Women find tattoos attractive?
- Question: Suggestions to spice up my long distance relationship?
- Question: I have a serious crush on my sister's fiance.Don't know what to do. I really love my sister and don't want to hurt her. Please Help me.?
- Question: Adult stepchildren hate me and blame me for their parents divorce?
- Question: Help with Daddy Issues?
- Question: Mi pareja( No esposo) Me acaba de echar de la casa. ¿QUE HAGO?
- Question: I don't want to talk anymore?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: My friend was molested when she was younger?
- Question: Would you forgive your friend for?
- Question: What's this thing on snapchat?
- Question: Need explanation for broken toe?
- Question: How to see my boyfriend more?
- Question: It's been 5 months!?
- Question: I feel like the last date went bad but he's still talking to me?
- Question: My brother is gay and i want to sleep with him !?
- Question: Is there anyone I can talk to about my excessively abusive mother?
- Question: My girlfriend is too "friendly"?
- Question: I can't tell if my sister in law is showing signs that she wants me?
- Question: Moved in with cheating husband?
- Question: Why didn't my husband defend me more to his mom?
- Question: Is the term retard acceptable?
- Question: He's 24 lives in a Homeless shelter, No car, No Job Should I Dump Him?
- Question: Do you think it's embarrassing to grovel/ confess your emotions to someone?
- Question: I'm gay but haven't told my parents yet?
- Question: If Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States do you think she will divorce Bill and marry a woman ?
- Question: I am mad at her. I really love her and so does she. Will she let her ego down for me. And talk to me?
- Question: Do I bring this up to my sister in law?
- Question: Help! My daughters father.....?
- Question: Should i write anything else?
- Question: Was it wrong?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: Is it a problem for us to be in a relationship?
- Question: Where do I start? What should I say and do?
- Question: How do I forget my ex?
- Question: Advice please relationship problems?
- Question: Advice please relationship problems?
- Question: How old do I look?
- Question: I am attracted to my friends mom.?
- Question: Puberty; ruining my youth.?
- Question: Why do I feel so unhappy?
- Question: Why do I feel so unhappy?
- Question: Is it wrong to have a crush on your cousin?
- Question: Where to get a complete personalized kittenplay collar?
Question: Why don't my childs father say hi to me? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:18 PM PDT I have two kids my child father of the first is so rude he never say hi to me or my fiancé me and my fiancé has a child together and he wants to tell him off cuh he makes him feel uncomfortable should i say something to my childs father idk y he acts like that i have never done nothing to him i broke up with him cuh he was a big cheater i dt understand y he treats me like nothing??? |
Question: What should I do? I'm scared.? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:13 PM PDT So lately this girl told me she liked my boyfriend and these other girls did too (instagram dm's) so I tryed to guess, who like him. So I said these girls name. And then three days later one of the girls I tryed to guess direct messaged me saying to keep there names out of there mouth and other stuff and now I'm scared and I've been thinking about it lately what should I do? And she sent me another one but I deleted it by not even opening it but I regret it I want to see what it said now. But I'm scared please someone help me. |
Question: Why do people post such jackass things like having sex with a family member? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:07 PM PDT |
Question: Do you like living alone? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:07 PM PDT I don't always like it, but when I drink straight from the bottle and I'm able to walk around naked, I realise how cool it is. and you? |
Question: Do you think a couple is getting closer or further apart when they have their own places? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:04 PM PDT I know a woman who has written yelp reviews referring to someone I know as her husband. I see she is not using his name, and now I've heard she bought a mobile home the next town over after living with this man for several years. Someone mentioned they now have two places, but that doesn't make sense to have two places so close in proximity if all is going so peachy keen. What is your opinions? I would think they'd only have one place to save money also. |
Question: Les parece linda? ¿Cuanto le dan del 1 al 10? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:03 PM PDT Es mi mejor amiga :3 pero no tiene cuenta de yahoo así que queríamos subir una foto de ella desde mi cuenta para saber cuanto le dan. Por favor no insulten!! |
Question: How can a couple find another girl for a threesome? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:37 PM PDT My husband and i are looking to spice things up in the bedroom. Were both good looking and young but we dont know anyone thats down. Is there any hotlines or websites for this? |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:37 PM PDT What are some sex positions to try? What are some that'll be fun for both of us? What are some places to have sex beside a bed or table (been there done that) What are some good moves that we can try for some extra fun? What are the best for deep penetration? For play ideas? |
Question: Relacion a la larga distancia . Mi novio se acaba de ir? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:16 PM PDT Estoy triste porque mi novio se acaba de regresar , quisiera compartirlo si hay chicas que saben como me siento. Y peor aun vivio conmio y ahora la casa se siente sola |
Question: Am i going to be in juvenile? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:13 PM PDT So I'm a 16 year old male with Asperger syndrome and 2 months ago this girl used to like me and wanted to be her friend but I didn't want to be friends with her, so she used to bug me, always talk to me and talk about me and it was bothering me and I've been asking her to stop and she didn't and I even had a friend to ask to her to stop and she didn't. So I got her number off of Instagram and kept texting her stupid stuff until she stopped talking about me, then I told 2 of her friends if she talks about me again I was going to get her family and kill her and the day after that I payed one of my friends $5 to go tell her if she thinks about talking about me I was going to take her to the bathroom and f**k her and after that she told the principal on me, then her parents pressed charges against me for computer crimes: sending messages through social media for purposes of causing injury, harassment: Phone or electronic, Bullying/Harassment in Public Schools, Assault: Simple to put fear by physical menace and Stalking. So am I going to be on probation or placed in juvenile?? This is my first time going to youth court btw. PLEASE no troll answers!! I need serious answers. |
Question: How can one convince another that they are wrong;wrong about everything? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:38 PM PDT Or can one ever do that? |
Question: A married man kissed me? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:21 PM PDT i honestly don't know what to do a married man kissed me and he's so much older and he's married! It's so wrong and stupid me kissed him back. He's friends with my dad and for the past year or so we've been getting quite close, but the other week I walked him home I diddnt want him to walk me home so yeah, we were all at our local pub including my mam and dad but my mam went early and so did his wife and my dad stayed and got so drunk. I wanted to go because it was getting late but my dad stayed and that's when he said he would walk me home, we were both drunk but not in a bad state. When we were out side his house and I said right I'll see you later then he said if your dad knew what I was thinking he would kill me, and then it happened. I felt so guilty and should never of kissed him back. I went and sore him a few days later to confront him and now he says he doesn't remember I know he remembers. I just want to know what to do and what to say :( |
Question: Would a guy want a woman who is forward? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:13 PM PDT Just be straight and say I have feelings for you. Do you want to explore more than friendship? |
Question: Um rapaz de 21 anos pode namorar uma garota de 15? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:01 PM PDT não é o meu caso!! |
Question: How to friendzone someone on the internet without breaking their heart? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:52 PM PDT So I'm 14. One of my friends online made a video that said he had a crush on me. I've found out he isn't joking. He's only 11. He REALLY has a crush on me. My other friends say he has this house in Minecraft he built that has my player's head everywhere. The thing is, I only know him through the internet. He has no idea what I ACTUALLY look like in real life (and no, I won't be sending any pictures to anyone, ever, not even to turn him off). He said he's had dreams about me, one that was sexual (again, he doesn't even know what I look like...) and another where I said I liked him back. The thing is, I only want to be friends! I need to tell him I don't feel the same, but then again, he's been through so much from what I've heard- His parents in jail, and some other things going on, and I just don't want to break his heart or do anything that might want to make him kill himself. I don't know if he's suicidal, but I don't want to take that chance. I even tried writing a song, but that didn't work out very well. If it helps, us and some others met on a small website community, so we're really close and we know we can all trust each other. So here lies the question, how do I friendzone someone I met over the internet and do it without breaking their heart??? |
Question: AIUTONE!! Penso di essere diventata Toretto di Fast and Furious? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:51 PM PDT Aiutatemi ragazzi!!! ho comperato da Pamplona una lozione per il corpo e adesso sono diventata Toretto! I sintomi erano molto evidenti e mi creavano disagi: ad es un giorno presi la Clio del papye saltai i tetti del mio condominio e finii dritto in casa della mia vicina e imvece di chiedere scusa le provocai dolore sicché il sangue cominciò a scorrere copiosamente e io lo usai per ridipingere la macchina che si era graffiata un poco. Aiutissimo ragazzi non mi piace avere le calvizie e questa croce che ho al collo nuoce alla cervicale. Aiutatemi vi prego!!!! |
Question: Women find tattoos attractive? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:45 PM PDT I've contemplated getting several tattoos. One would be a teardrop under my eye for a lost family member that has had a big impact on me. Another would be a cross on my forearm with a scroll that says "Mamaw" and a lower scroll saying "Papaw". I have a good job digging roots and stacking timbers. I've always been shy with girls, waiting for that one special to me. I've never had a serious relationship, but I'm pretty big and strong for my age and a little intimidating to girls. Would these tattoos be attractive or would they scare off the women? Will everyone please flag this question. I have found an answer and would like this now removed please. |
Question: Suggestions to spice up my long distance relationship? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:15 PM PDT I've been in a long distance relationship with my bf for almost a year now, yes we met online. We plan to met in a couple of months but lately we haven't spoken as much as we use to, cause theres isn't anything new to talk about. Our flame is burning out. Is there any suggestions that could help us keep going? We skype sometimes but usually it's all text. Any topics to talk about? Games? Apps we can both use? Things I can send him? He's a gamer, really funny, and goofy. We have dirty talked, but thats not all we're into, we want something we both can just laugh and have a good time with. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:41 AM PDT I am a 20 year old college going student. My life was going perfectly fine and then I met my sister's soon to be husband. I have Pakistani background where marriages are usually arranged so my sister also saw him for the first time the same day I did. I don't understand my feelings toward him but I think I have a big crush on him. I never felt this way for any other person. I really love my sister and want her to be happy. But I can't stand the thought of her being with him. Until last night, I was wishing that somehow the proposal would get rejected and I would never have to face him again but I learned this morning, to my surprise, that they will be getting married this winter. I don't want to confess my feelings in front of anyone as being a Muslim, I know its not right to have feelings for your brother-in-law. I really want to be happy for my sister, but I can't. I am not happy with this news at all. I feel like crying because its the first time I have unintentionally developed feelings for someone and he is getting married to my sister. I feel like she does not deserve him as she didn't used to like such guys,but for me, he is my ideal, the man I have always wanted in my life. Please don't judge me I really need help. I will really appreciate your comments and suggestions. |
Question: Adult stepchildren hate me and blame me for their parents divorce? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:34 AM PDT The oldest (stepson) is 26 and the youngest (stepdaughter) is 22. Their parents had just divorced when I met him and it was a few months before we started dating. But their mother told both of them that I was the reason they divorced and that my husband cheated on her with me. They believed her and no matter how many times my husband told them it wasn't the truth, they didn't believe him. Shortly after my stepdaughter turned 18, both of them completely stopped talking to us and a few month after that, my husband found out their mother had died. He's tried to get back ion contact with them several times over the years, but they always say no. He asked them why and they said it's because he's married to me. I feel so bad for my husband who is an amazing dad and would do anything for the kids, even build a relationship away from me, but they aren't interested in that either. We heard last week that his son has a baby now, which was just another blow. Any advice? I wasn't his mistress. I didn't even know him when he was married. And I have tried to stay out of the way. Honestly. But when they rejected him I did try to talk to them about it and it backfired. I see now that I should have left it fully to him, but it's hard to watch your husband hurting like that. |
Question: Help with Daddy Issues? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:26 AM PDT Hi I am a 16 year old male. I live with my mom I am an only child my dad cheated on my mom when she was pregnant for him and he walked out on us. He never helped or supported her up until recently when he started paying for Child Maintenance. He keeps on hounding me to come up to his house and stay the night with him his wife and daughter but I just don't feel comfortable because I have'nt been around him for over 16 years. How can I help to get the bond? Should I bother with him? Or should I just ignore him the way he ignored me for 16 years? Help please? |
Question: Mi pareja( No esposo) Me acaba de echar de la casa. ¿QUE HAGO? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:25 AM PDT Mi pareja y yo, tenemos una hija de 11 Meses. Y Ambos tnemos 21 años.Vivimos juntos en un mini apartamento que le arrendó la mamá, Bueno en realidad ella no le cobra arriendo, solo que pague los servicios y Ya... Nosotros NO estamos casados, nunca quise casarme porque sabía que en algun momento pasaría algo así y un matrimonio solo haria todo mas dificil. Pero el problema está en que. No tengo a donde ir. La unica familia que tengo en la ciudad son mis padres. Mi papá vive en un cuarto arrendado, y mi mamá en su casa con mi hermano. Mi mamá esta mal economicamente como para pedirle quedarme con ella, ademas que no hay espacio, porque tiene todo arrendado, Y mi papá esta bien de economia, pero vive en un cuarto y está muy apretado, no hay espacio. Yo No trabajo porque no he terminado mi tecnica en inglés aun, ya que Hice una pausa, por dedicarme a mi hija en su 1er año de vida. Mi pareja sabe que no tengo a donde ir, por eso le es fácil echarme de la casa. Nos la pasamos discutiendo y aveces hace cosas que me dan mucha rabia y le doy una palmada en el brazo, pero el me responde con puños, patadas mas fuertes, o empujones aveces. Hoy tuvimos una discusion y se salió de las manos, ahora me dijo que hiciera mis maletas, Y dijo que yo tenía la culpa de que el No consiguiera trabajo. Que hago? no tengo dinero, No tengo lugar a donde ir. No estoy trabajando. Si no fuera por mi hija, Me quedaría en la calle..... Lean el update abajo.... Pero no le dejaré mi bebé a el, Porque la dejaría con su su familia, casi TODOS ellos vivien en el mismo barrio, Y no tienen valores, son chismosos, burlones, groseros, Altaneros... No le darían buen ejemplo a mi hija, No quiero eso para mi hija. Por eso me la llevo. Pero no se que hacer :'( Estoy llorando desesperada. No tengo nada :'( un consejo Porfavor. Hoy tengo que irme. |
Question: I don't want to talk anymore? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:12 AM PDT Every time I say anything, I get yelled At. How can I go mute |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:09 AM PDT So I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost 7 months now.. A couple of months ago he messed up. He was talking to his ex and stuff like that. It was like he was emotionally cheating .. 😕 . After I found out about all that I broke up with him but ended up getting back with him.. I forgave him, but now I still don't feel the same .. I love him dearly, but I just can't seem to get my trust back on track or anything. It's like I'm still hurting 😔 .. I don't know if I should stay or go because I really do care for him and want things to get better.. I'm just stuck ... I would really like some good advice .. What do you think I should do ? |
Question: My friend was molested when she was younger? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:09 AM PDT My friend told me today that her brother molested her when she was little. She told me she has never told this to anyone before but when she was 11-12 her brother (who was 17 at the time) he brother used to touch her and do inappropriate things with her. He never got to the point of raping her, although he almost did once but then their parents got home so he didn't. She's 16 now and said that he doesn't do anything like that anymore but sometimes he does try to get "close" to her. She has to other brother (she's sort of close to one of them but she hasn't told him about this either) and she won't tell her parents because they really don't care about her because they think her brothers are the "perfect" sons and they always criticize her about not being girly and things like that. I really don't know what to do because she told me not to tell anyone and also I can't physically be there for her because she like in a different state now and I really want to help. I know what he did was illegal because it was without her consent and she was also underage and it was incest. I also think molestation does count as sexual abuse (I'm not quite sure though). I really don't know what to do or how to help her. |
Question: Would you forgive your friend for? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 11:08 AM PDT Having sex with your mom? Would you end the friendship? |
Question: What's this thing on snapchat? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 10:19 AM PDT I just got the new update, and I don't know what the little flame, smiling face, and the 27 means. Help? |
Question: Need explanation for broken toe? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 10:12 AM PDT so i broke my toe because i got angry at my boyfriends sister and kicked something but i dont know how to tell him. Have any ideas? |
Question: How to see my boyfriend more? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 10:07 AM PDT Been together 1 year. He just started going back to college (both 23 y/o). He works 9-5 monday-friday. And then goes to school tues-thursday after work until around 9pm. On the weekends, he is loaded with homework. I don't work. But I go to school fulltime. I have the weekends to myself tho. I'm only in classes on the weekdays. I just don't know what to do :( I want to see him more. help i'm upset. we both live with our parents since we have money issues that'd also be impossible. he works in construction hahaha |
Question: It's been 5 months!? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 09:55 AM PDT Why am I still crying over my ex! some days I'm ok...others I'm missing him so much it physicaly hurts. Has anyone else felt like this and how did you cope? |
Question: I feel like the last date went bad but he's still talking to me? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 09:54 AM PDT I'm shy. Awkward as hell. I went on a few dates with this guy. And he's still texting me. But I want to know why? I really can't get that date out of my mind. I feel like it went bad. I'm still shy around him. I feel like I'm going to throw up every time I think about it because I get so nervous thinking about that date. *I feel like he's not flirting as much anymore tho. I feel stupid. I wish I had opened up. I told him I know that I'm shy and asked him if he'd like to do that again soon and he texted "yea we can :)" idk if i believe him. the whole date was a blur. i remember him saying that i don't talk much. and i said i'm trying. and he said try more. :( |
Question: My brother is gay and i want to sleep with him !? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 09:19 AM PDT Last summer i found out my brother is gay.i sneak in his room and saw a gay porn on his laptop.Since then I masturbate whenever i think about him.Sometimes I sneak in his room and watch his naked photos and videos of him masturbating.I use his thongs to masturbate when he is not home.When i found a list of all his accounts and passwords i make a fake account and started to have hot conversations with him.I want to sleep with him,but I dont know how to ask him.I love tu use his and my daddy underwear to masturbate.He have a sex toy,i try it too when he was not home.He is 19,and i'm 14.My dick is bigger than his.He always tease me in front of everybody,i'm afraid that he will tell somebody.What should I do? |
Question: Is there anyone I can talk to about my excessively abusive mother? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 08:46 AM PDT |
Question: My girlfriend is too "friendly"? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 08:09 AM PDT I don't know if I am overreacting or not.. but this really sadden me. I introduced my gf to my best friend,, all cool and all.. but they chat all the time talking about anime and ****... and they keep ganging up on me and "teasing" me I don't like it... even now his brother joined the game ... he even told me jokingly.. "dude, you're gf is too "friendly" if my girlfriend saw my conversation with her .. I am ******.." I don't want to tell her that it bothers me.. but it's all I can think about. Am I overreacting? it's not just that I don't trust them... I think she has fun talking to him rather than to me.. it breaks my heart. Oh, I am very introverted... my friend is very extroverted. I am that good with confronting people. It will imply that I am control freak and I don't trust them. not* I see... another question .. How to un-love someone? |
Question: I can't tell if my sister in law is showing signs that she wants me? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:46 AM PDT I've been married for three years, got two babies and a woman I adore. I get along with her family well and she gets along with mine the same. This sorta started about a year ago, when my sister in law got pregnant by her boyfriend. She would flirty, playful punches, sit her legs on mine when we were on the couch, little things like that. I thought nothing of it, she was pregnant. Hormones ya know? But the behavior continues now, and she has at one point told my wife that she would be a surrogate mother should my wife become unable to become pregnant, which there has been no concern about that possibility. She has also asked me if I could teach her boyfriend on how to not be a jerk, which was uncomfortable at the time.. I'm a dork, always have been. Even in my wedding vows I told my wife that I'll always be this immature. So I treat every situation the same, goofy, smiles, and laughter. My other SIL's (I have four total) have had crushes on me before, so I know how to handle that. But the other SIL is behaving differently than that of a crush. I believe she trusts me wholeheartedly with her baby, and doesn't pay too much attention to how she is dressed. Whether it's sweats or a white thin top and no bra. I can't tell if she is trying to get my attention and trying to get into my pants, or if I'm just overthinking. Even my wife don't know, and I've asked her what she thought. I'm only 22 and my wife is 21 and her sister is almost 18. I don't know what to do about this. Help..? |
Question: Moved in with cheating husband? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:43 AM PDT My husband has cheated on me the last 3 years and I let it slide because I was weak. It drove me to anger and depression. I do talk to someone well I used to. So im on prescibed heavy anti depressants and that's just not who I eevr was... :( Im so ready to walk away and leave him. I have dreams of the things he's done and shame on me for letting it go for so long. I have no where to move to now I gave up my only home at my dads. He got rid of my room. Please help im so sudicial I let him ruin me and everything. What do I do |
Question: Why didn't my husband defend me more to his mom? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:42 AM PDT Yesterday was Easter and my mother-in-law fixed a big family dinner for all her kids and their spouses. I hadn't been feeling well all weekend and opted not to go. I did go to church yesterday (2 services) but after church I went home and my husband went on to his family's dinner. Several hours later he came home and hadn't brought me any food. When I asked him why this was his reply. "Mom said that if you were well enough to go to 2 church services then you could have come over for dinner. She didn't sent you anything." I was floored. My mother in law is one of the nicest people and I don't feel as if my husband defended me the way a husband should have. I asked if his brother's wife got anything and he said that she didn't send anything to her either. Our church recently moved locations but for years it was 3 houses away from my husband's parent's house and my M-I-L would get on me because I would go to church then leave and go home and not stop by just to say hi. I still think my husband should have defended me to tell his mom that I wasn't feeling well and didn't feel like sitting around a bunch of people. What should my husband have done? At Rita, No, I didn't send anything to my MIL's house as she does all the cooking and enjoys having her family around. There's 7 brothers and sisters and several of them are married. Sometimes they all get together and give their mom money to help buy food but most of the time her and my father in law just provide all the food. I just feel that he could have brought me something to eat. |
Question: Is the term retard acceptable? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:37 AM PDT My sister's step son whom I consider my nephew in every sense of the world is developmentally delayed. She says that he is retarded and that that is the clinical term. I mentioned the color of his shirt and she told me to stop making fun of the retarded kids shirt. I told her not to use that word about him especially in front of my children and now she says that I can't be in his life because I don't accept him for what he is. Am I wrong? Is using that word to describe him just a clinical description? It sounds horrible to call your child that. What is the appropriate term? |
Question: He's 24 lives in a Homeless shelter, No car, No Job Should I Dump Him? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:34 AM PDT we've been dating since january he's sweet he use to surprise me with gifts always complents me loves me, loyal BUT THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP NOW he got kicked out of his apartment 2 weeks ago and he has NO CAR his job fired him and now he lives in a homeless shelter now we can't find places to have sex (i still live at home with my parents) he can't take me out on dates i can only meet him at malls where the bus goes and we have to f**k in a mall fitting room (I tell him i don't want to but he says he needs p*ssy and thats the only place we can have sex ) ITS GETTING ANNOYING AND EMARRASING HES A 24 YEAR OLD GROWN A$$ MAN WITH NO CAR to pick me up no house or no money while I'm the one with the car with the job and thats going to school i feel like I'm taking care of a bum and that I'm wasting my time and could be with a man who has SO MUCH MORE he claims he's trying but it won't take overnight I've tried dumping him but he just won't let me go IS IT WRONG THAT IM TRYING TO DUMP HIM CAUSE OF THIS? i just feel like a new a real MAN and I'm still in love with my ex and i can't fall in love with him till I'm totally over my ex |
Question: Do you think it's embarrassing to grovel/ confess your emotions to someone? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 07:02 AM PDT - I have always believe that some things has to be better left unsaid. Until I realize that it was eating me on the inside not being able to express how you feel for someone. It lead me to an unhealthy form of stalking. And shits became for weird for both of us that no conversation was ever going to be possible- |
Question: I'm gay but haven't told my parents yet? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 05:31 AM PDT I've been gay for about a year now, I have a boyfriend and we've been together for 5 months now. I haven't told my parents yet because I'm afraid that they will be upset or begin to judge me. Should I tell them and if so how should I tell them? |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 05:24 AM PDT Keep in mind that if she becomes president she will no longer need Bill for anything. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 05:10 AM PDT |
Question: Do I bring this up to my sister in law? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 04:48 AM PDT I worry about my in laws all the time. Recently, I was looking up our home on Zillow. I decided to look up theirs, too. When I did, it said their house was in preforeclosure. I automatically freaked out! My husband called my mother in law, and she said she was going through a loan modification process, so that could be it. She assured us that their house was not in preforeclosure. And maybe it had reported because it was a few days late or something. (This actually happened a few years ago while they were going through another refinancing process. It showed up like that on Zillow, but it wasn't true. They are still in the same house.) I have read that Zillow sometimes has reporting errors like this. That they report if payments are late or something. Her house also isn't showing up on any other sites. I talked to my husband about it, and my mother in law. This morning I was having a casual conversation with my sister in law. I was talking about how anxious and stressed I have been in general lately, and she told me to relax. Should I have said something to her? Should she know about this? Or do I just let it slide by since I talked to my mother in law about it. Maybe it's not my business to tell? I don't know if it would upset her, or if she would just be like whatever, or if she would be upset that I was snooping. What do you all think? |
Question: Help! My daughters father.....? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:54 AM PDT I think my daughters father isn't normal, I've had abusive autidcations with him in the past, sometimes over little things and most over things like he gets aggressive when he drinks and he's a asshole when hes sober. Well this morning was a "little thing" and I triggered me to ask this question because he just doesn't seem all there in the head. Last night I asked to use him charger and he told me he didn't have it ( I was too lazy to get mine from the car ) so I had no other choice but to head to my car and get my charger .... This morning he's bitching and complaining that he couldn't find his charger so I asked I thought you didn't have yours? He replys I lied I said that so you don't use it... So I lended over the bed and grabbed mine and rolled it up and put it under my pillow ( I need my charger for work) and he comes over and started handling me aggressively to take it and he hurt for a freaking charger !! Like I couldn't believe it ! Over something that costs maybe 15 dollars. Idk if it's just me but I don't think that's normal but then again I don't think a lot of things he has done were normal ! 😒😒😒 this might seem stupid but I just need someone else's take on what just happend !! |
Question: Should i write anything else? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:45 AM PDT it feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest right now, but i wrote to my ex, we've been friends for years 'happy easter! how have you been?' and no reply, its quite painful. i probably shouldn't write anything else hey? wow pain. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:06 AM PDT Tonigh my girl and I got into it big time and now there's no taking back what I said. Been together over 5 years and have 1 child together. Last year (April) she cheated on me but didn't tell me and was just going to move out. In August of last year, she went to FL and kiss a guy and liked it. She came clean in January and forgave her and I thought we were going to make it work. She went to FL last month for wedding and cheated on me with the guy she met in August. She didn't confess either I found out. We decided that we were gonna separate and see what happened later. I've been there for her all this time and never blew up on her on her affairs. Tonight we were discussing an issue and she got mad and frustrated at me for asking her clarification. I ended up getting really upset and said "well I'm not the one that open my legs twice for two guys and allowed for someone else's penis(I said dic*) in to be in your pu***". She got really upset and said it was uncalled for and any hope that "she had for us" was gone after my comment. She is moving out of course but now I feel like I am the bad guy in this. Any input is appreciate it. We both agreed that when she move out, we would be civil toward each other but now she said I can forget about that. I still love her and care for her deeply even after the affairs and was willing to give her the time she needed to figure out what she wanted for herself. I don't know what to think anymore after this incident. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:14 AM PDT So my husband went out Friday with his boys. He didn't come til 4am I think he may have cheated. Not fully but def did something because he woke up the next morning and was being unusually nice. How can I find out if he did |
Question: Is it a problem for us to be in a relationship? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:14 AM PDT I have been in a relationship with this guy for 3 years , I met him when I was in 6th grade , when I was like 9 or 10 years old and he became my best friend and 3 years later We started our relationship , he is a really sweet guy , romantic and so supportive , I have gone through a lot , I was at that point when I had no friends , i had nobody and I had to go to school every day spend half of the day with people who would laught at me and make fun of me and he was always there for me , but lately we found out that in our country they say we have a connection betwen , My surname is Kuqi and his is Bajraktari and before like 100 years Bajraktari were Kuqi , I asked my biology teacher and he said we needed to be 6 generations far away and there would be no problem , we are like 8 or 9 or more , Is there really a problem about this or it's just becuz our families are embarrased of what people are gonna , I really don't wanna lose him , He is my first love and I'm his , please help |
Question: Where do I start? What should I say and do? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:53 AM PDT My aunt has always been a loving and towards me when I was a child. Over the years, long story short, she lost contact and couldn't find me. She hasn't seen me since I was like 4 and I just turned 19. A couple years ago I found her on Facebook and we became friends. She feels bad that she wasn't in my life as a child and wants to be closer and obviously be in my life now. I have missed her. She's a very busy woman but she'll make time to see me. I'm just wondering how should I start off a new convo with her? Where do I start? |
Question: How do I forget my ex? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:47 AM PDT the man I lost my virginty to. We were together for two years we were best friends before dating we lived together just were inseperable it felt like. He had a meth addiction which tore us apart he put me through some of the most worst things treated me terrible and I'm actually embarrass at what I stayed with and put up with. I feel stupid degraded ...I was still with him when he was homeless ...and at the blink of an opportunity he left me across the country to his birth uncles since he had trouble with the law. I was devastated. We then talked on the phone every day and had plans of getting together out there he showed me proof that he had a job etc but then of course slipped up got fired of course I knew he was lieing about everything he stopped calling me would never answer even always put me down on the phone after all we been through its just embarrassing thinking of how stupid I was to stay and want to be back with him. I then decided I couldn't do it I couldn't go out there with him he would still call me after n we would talk he told me everything about what he was doing out in the east coast (prostituting himself to men!) Which is almost traumatizing to hear and just disgusting and scary gave me an anxiety attack. It breaks my heart how I wasted so much time all for that and that was my first love experience. I was in a 5150 suicide hospital and he still didn't care I can never go a day without thinking of him I feel like I cant ever trust my judgement again |
Question: Advice please relationship problems? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:17 AM PDT I really want to get over my bbys dad.. We been together 4 years.. And we are broken up for good.. Just Want know now good things to get him off my mind. And to help me heal from the pain I'm having Thanks |
Question: Advice please relationship problems? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:16 AM PDT I really want to get over my bbys dad.. We been together 4 years.. And we are broken up for good.. Just Want know now good things to get him off my mind. And to help me heal from the pain I'm having Thanks |
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:05 AM PDT I'm 17 btw. |
Question: I am attracted to my friends mom.? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:03 AM PDT See recently when I was over just walked around the house in her bikini bottoms and a t shirt. She bent over a few times and I saw her *** and started to get hard. I wanna have sex with her. Is this in anyway normal. |
Question: Puberty; ruining my youth.? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:00 AM PDT So I'm 13 and lately I've been verrrryyy uncomfortable with my body and puberty is lowering my self confidence everyday... More... And more... All my friends at school are girls... I never liked sports and other boys at school are mean to me. Recently a started puberty, as one does, and I don't like it... The amount of hair on my body is uncomfortable... My arms look and feel like gorilla arms and same goes with my legs. I've been secretly using my mother's razor shave away the hair above my lip and also maybe pubes sometimes... :| My voice has really lowered and I'm uncomfortable with it... Let alone voice cracking... I try to keep from talking as much as I can because I hate my new voice so much... All the boys around me are getting more attractive and becoming more popular, then there's me! Another reason I feel pretty weird is that everyone thinks of all my friends as "girlfriends" and that I'm a "player" when actually, as a pubescent boy I've been thinking a lot more about boys in the sense that a normal guy would think about girls... Basically what I'm saying is I think I'm gay and I don't have anyone I can ask about this... My parents are die-hard Catholics and I'm not sure about my friends... I act more flamboyant and I wear more voluptuous and colorful clothing than other guys and I generally just stick with the girls... Everyone calls me "******." Im also getting taller which I can embrace but I don't prefer it... My mom is looking up at me. I need some advice... |
Question: Why do I feel so unhappy? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:32 AM PDT So I'm 19, I'm engaged to the sweetest man I've ever met. We just rented our first house with two roomates who are the worst sometimes but pretty cool when not. I have two jobs and I'm going to school for psychology. I have so many bills, which I'm used too. I've had these "grown up" responsibilities since i was 16. My family is my everything and I work my butt off for everything I have, but yet.. I feel so unhappy sometimes. And I think maybe it's because I never really do anything "fun" but what everyone my age does for fun is kinda lame and childish to me. I hate alcohol and partying is definitely not my scene. I work really hard in school but I still always seem to feel behind or like I'm not doing enough. And I'm starting to wonder what's the point of everthing I'm doing because I'm not happy. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely greatful for my fiance and family and everything I have. I just want to feel fulfilled I guess. I don't feel normal sometimes :( |
Question: Why do I feel so unhappy? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:32 AM PDT So I'm 19, I'm engaged to the sweetest man I've ever met. We just rented our first house with two roomates who are the worst sometimes but pretty cool when not. I have two jobs and I'm going to school for psychology. I have so many bills, which I'm used too. I've had these "grown up" responsibilities since i was 16. My family is my everything and I work my butt off for everything I have, but yet.. I feel so unhappy sometimes. And I think maybe it's because I never really do anything "fun" but what everyone my age does for fun is kinda lame and childish to me. I hate alcohol and partying is definitely not my scene. I work really hard in school but I still always seem to feel behind or like I'm not doing enough. And I'm starting to wonder what's the point of everthing I'm doing because I'm not happy. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely greatful for my fiance and family and everything I have. I just want to feel fulfilled I guess. I don't feel normal sometimes :( |
Question: Is it wrong to have a crush on your cousin? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:20 AM PDT Ok so I'm a teen, done teen things(kissed touched and whatever) but lately, for about half a year now, I've stucked to the point that dating is off limits and I'm just focusing on graduating and all that. Well of course I've always thought I've had nice looking cousins like good looks run through the family lol. Anyways one cousin who I'm around a lot (ive always acknowledged him as a brother) and well recently I've noticed I had a crush on him and thought things about him ( never did and will try anything because that's incest and that's nasty), so is it weird or wrong to have a minor crush on a cousin? And am I just going through this because I decided not to date and stay abstinent and just not used to it yet or what!? |
Question: Where to get a complete personalized kittenplay collar? Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:12 AM PDT |
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