Family & Relationships: Question: How to ask my baseball coach if I can switch positions? |
- Question: How to ask my baseball coach if I can switch positions?
- Question: Why are my parents still having sex? How can I get them to stop?
- Question: I recently smoked kk and ever sense when i get high my highs are not normal, im all panicked does kk ever get out of my system?
- Question: Will he understand if I dump him cause I'm ugly?
- Question: Is it weird that her stepdad...?
- Question: Im upset 😟?
- Question: I think my dad is cheating on my mom?
- Question: Am I overreacting? (Relationship Q.)?
- Question: Preocupado por mi hermana de 21 años 5 puntos doy?
- Question: Why does life suck?
- Question: Does my ex husband have a right to be mad?
- Question: My parents are extremely strict and I'm starting to feel sad and lonely?
- Question: Is my daughter-in-law related to me by marriage?
- Question: Is my boyfriend really taking me for granted, or am I just an emotional hormonal wreck?
- Question: How do I deal with this person?
- Question: Guy too busy to text first?
- Question: Help: I caught my dad wearing my mothers maxi dress, what to do? Could he be bisexual?
- Question: Emoji difference?
- Question: Depression becoming present again due to lack of friends?
- Question: My boyfriend who i have been with for 7 years now with two kids might be having a baby from another woman, is it worth walking away?
- Question: How to break up with a relative?
- Question: Did you ever have a secret affair with a teacher?
- Question: How can we avoid quarreling with siblings, friends, collegues?
- Question: Why cant I go anywhere?
- Question: Why would men do this? How does this all play out?
- Question: Help! No confidence?
- Question: How do I deal with a guy who is probably just trying to intimidate me?
- Question: Can he still take my son?
- Question: Will the boys be willing to share a bed?
- Question: Why is it bothering me that I am going to church with my boyfriend?
- Question: Is it or is it not legal for someone to move out at 17 in lousiana. I hear a lot of yes and no's. I look it up and see a lot if yes and no's?
- Question: Who was Nthuthu Mabhala?
- Question: How do I tell my roommate I'm moving out?
- Question: Long Distant Ex?
- Question: Is pregnancy enough of a reason for emancipation?
- Question: My sister want my baby!?
- Question: Do guys get jealous of other guy's having?
- Question: I am girl and my age is 26 year.. i m from pakistan.... i want to become a boy.. is there a good transgender doctr in pakistan?
- Question: Please help me...?
- Question: My girlfriend slapped her younger brother across the face. Is it my business?
- Question: How do I get my brother to sleep in his own room?
- Question: Are Only Children missing the fun part of life?
- Question: How long can a guy go to jail for, for having a under aged relationship?
- Question: When someone says to you "im sorry u feel that way"?
- Question: Is incest really that wrong?
- Question: It is truth the Mexican man doesn't give oral sex to their wife's, if so why not?.....I read this in an article but I just want hear it from a real Mexican woman .?
- Question: Why is my bro in law so weird?
- Question: I'm a boy 16 sophtmore and my cuzin boyfriend just broke up with her and asked me to go to prom with her I need help yes or no?
- Question: I Could Be A 40 Year Old Virgin... So What I Don't Really Care!!!?
- Question: How can I get over insecurities?
- Question: What am I supposed to think?
- Question: Why did this happen?
- Question: My best friend is dating my brother?
- Question: Why would she make a promise to him?
- Question: What influences a parent moving a child from the north to the south?
- Question: I just seen my boyfriend and looked up porn and a couple chat room were on his history he said they popped up and it took him to that site wich when he was on the porn site didn't know if this could happen?
- Question: Why are there man who res that go after older women?
- Question: I was abused as a kid by my parents?
- Question: Are all marriages like this?
- Question: How do I tell my parents I feel like I'm a boy?
Question: How to ask my baseball coach if I can switch positions? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 03:28 PM PDT I currently play right field and I dress varsity but I don't get to play which is fine with me. I can't run as fast as the other 3 right fielders and evidently I'm the backup right fielder which makes no sense to me. I only went out for right field because that's where I played in little league before I grew and got bigger. I wanted to play first base only about now and I don't know how to approach my coach about it though. My coach is a really understandable guy and really likes me and I think he would try to do something about it if he could but I don't know how to approach him. |
Question: Why are my parents still having sex? How can I get them to stop? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:45 PM PDT |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:41 PM PDT |
Question: Will he understand if I dump him cause I'm ugly? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:26 PM PDT I feel really sorry for my boyfriend cause I'm so ugly and so fat, I feel like I should leave him cause I know he can do so much better and he's selling him self short with me, I feel like people stare cause of the state of me and even though he still holds my hand I still feel so bad, things in the bedroom department have more or less gone dry cause I can't stand him seeing my legs or body. It makes me feel really ill knowing what he's got to look at and I wanna tell him to think of other people during sex cause I know I'm not attractive but I would feel weird telling him that. I've also been winding him up cause I just want him to slap me or punch me cause I really do deserve that from him I think it's only fair after all that he's doing for me right now but he won't do it hard which just makes me feel guilty. I don't really know what to do or say, any help would be appriciated |
Question: Is it weird that her stepdad...? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:21 PM PDT My best friends stepdad was drunk and he smacked her *** like i thought that was really weird considering shes 16 and hes only been her stepdad for a few months and hes always teasing us |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:57 PM PDT I never get to see my sister because we live far apart and she has her own family. And everytime she comes down to visit ill be at my dads and not my moms *parents are divorced* . And im going to see her this summer and she said *only two months away* and i started bawling i couldnt help myself. I said to myself i cant wait that long. i wrnt to the councelor and told her how upset i was and how my sister usually doesnt have time for me anymore but she didnt even help. Im just so upset i dont know what to do |
Question: I think my dad is cheating on my mom? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:54 PM PDT |
Question: Am I overreacting? (Relationship Q.)? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:42 PM PDT Hi, so I've been in a relationship for 6 months. It's my first relationship, so maybe I'm overreacting and being jelous, though I'd really like to here from you guys what you think. So recently he's been 'complimenting' as he likes to call it, on my best friends selfies. It does not sound very threatening but it does bother me. He used words like 'damn (;' and 'you look gorgeous, make it your profile picture'. He's told me he finds my friends very attractive. He says he's complimenting my best friend because she had a low self esteem, but she really doesn't, she's a really confident person. I asked him if he was small crushing on Her a bit, and he says 'no ofc not, she lives in a different country'. Though you can still crash on someone even if they're in a different country. My other best friend says he's flirting which isn't helping me really. It's just that i don't say his best friends are handsome or very hot to him. This isn't cheating I know that. I just wanna know what you guys think. Please think maturely and for both sides of the situation. My friend isn't really helping much and all I want is just an opinion. Thanks |
Question: Preocupado por mi hermana de 21 años 5 puntos doy? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:42 PM PDT Ella siemprle fue la consentida siempre estuvo con mis papas.ella sola yo vivia en méxico. Así que ella fue solitaria Mis papas lasobre protegieron y nunca la dejaban salir con amigos así que ya mejor Ella no tuvo amigos.y nunca le enseñaron hacer dependiente De ella misma. y la pobre tiene miedo trabajar ser dependiente de ella y aveces mi cuenta que Le dan ganas de seguir jugando así como a la tiendita.pretender que es otra persona.Y ella tiene 21 años y ya tiene un Hijo ella se siente mensa creen que ya tengan algún Problema?Oh la sobreproteccion de mis padres hizo aqu ella hora sea asi? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:12 PM PDT My dad's an alcoholic who guilt trips me into every thing that isnt in my control. I want to go to things like concerts and youtuber meetups but my dad always says it's to far, which it really isnt and doesnt like my best friend and never EVER lets me go anywhere over some stupid sh*t. I have no where to go, so im trapped in my house all day, on my phone and eating tons of food which just makes me sick and fatter than i am all ready. My routine consists of going to school and getting rude comments and hiding in the bathroom at luch, going home and lay in bed. And the cycle repeats. Any advice |
Question: Does my ex husband have a right to be mad? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:58 PM PDT My ex husband left me for another woman and had a kid with her. I told our daughter not to be nice to her new little sister because she isn't my child, so she doesn't matter. When my daughter went to visit my ex, she told her new sister everything I said. My ex called and cussed me out and called me a c*nt b*tch. Now, he's trying to get full custody of my daughter. He says I'm not a good influence on our daughter. Is he right? He also added that my toxic attitude is what led him to cheat and leave me in the first place. |
Question: My parents are extremely strict and I'm starting to feel sad and lonely? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:44 PM PDT Imma 17 yr old girl and recently my friends have been pushing me to go to prom with them and I just tell them I don't want to but I really wish I could go. My parents told me that I will not be allowed to go to prom even my SENIOR year, I'm a junior right now. I told them that it's once in a lifetime nd stuff but they get even more mad and say no and tell me not to bring that up again. I've never hung out with anybody in my life because of my parents. They say I can't have a boyfriend in college nd stuff at all. I've never been to sleep overs, parties or anything of that matter. They just won't let me have a social life and I'm tired of it I just don't know what else to do and it's making me really sad. My life only consists of going to school and then spending another miserable day at my house. I'm also an introvert person nd I hate it and I blame them and they always tell me why I don't talk more to people like when we go visit some family and I tell them that how am I supposed to talk a lot if I don't have experience and that they don't let me hang around with friends nd stuff also what am I going to talk about if I don't really have anything to talk about since I have like no life |
Question: Is my daughter-in-law related to me by marriage? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:21 PM PDT |
Question: Is my boyfriend really taking me for granted, or am I just an emotional hormonal wreck? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:15 PM PDT I began an intimate relationship with my best friend. We are about five months in and are facing issues that I'd assume a typical couple has run into. He is just so inconsistent with the way he treats me. For weeks at a time he'll be the sweetest guy in the world, followed by a week or two of being an inconsiderate asshole. I don't think he intends to be, but that's how he comes off. I'm twenty one and going through a hormonal emotional rollercoaster, I'm just unsure of whether it's serious enough of a situation to bring up or if I'm being irrational. I created his resume, got him this job, I work full time while he smokes week with his friends and plays video games. When he was working, he met me with the same amount of effort but lately he's just a lazy ***. I've brought the situation up to him quite a few times, but there's no noticable change. Hopefully he grows up when he begins this 9 to 5 job, but what should I do in the meantime? |
Question: How do I deal with this person? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:01 PM PDT There's this girl who was in my school last year and she made my life a living hell, everyone hated her because of how mean she is. She's the type of person your afraid of bc shell squish you like a bug... So she left the school for one year and now she's coming back and my friends happen to be her friends, don't get me wrong my friends don't really like her , but when she comes she's going to come to my group, I don't know what to do I don't want to be around a person that makes me feel bad. I think about it constantly, what do I do? |
Question: Guy too busy to text first? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:51 AM PDT He's a very shy old guy friend (he used to have a big crush on me) I recently ran into a couple weeks ago and had lunch with. We're supposed to be going to dinner and the movies on Tuesday (my idea). Here's the issue: He never texts me first. He used to back in high school but doesn't now. If I don't text him, we don't talk. Except for the other night when he messaged me first on Facebook. When I do text him (which isn't every day) he always answers within like 2 minutes and always says I'm not bothering him (I ask to make sure he's not busy). So last night I finally just asked why he never texts me anymore and he said, "Because back then I wasn't driving and working. If I'm not driving or working, I'm at school. It's not anything personal, trust me!" He does drive over two hours for college and says his only totally free day is Tuesday. I would think he has absolutely no interest, but he makes time for us to meet up (there's no sex involved and he's waiting til marriage or at least engaged he said) but that other day he said he doesn't text me first because he's "socially awkward" which he kind of is. He's pretty shy. What do you think? We were pretty close back then and he asked me out but I said no because I had a boyfriend. Things ended kind of ugly between us. I guess I just thought if he had time to text back so quickly, he'd be able to text first. I probably should add that I also asked if he really wanted to meet up or if he was too polite to say no, so that we don't waste our time, he said, "No it's not a waste! I feel that any positivity in life is worth it and a long lost friend is worth hanging with!" |
Question: Help: I caught my dad wearing my mothers maxi dress, what to do? Could he be bisexual? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:38 AM PDT I accidentally walked into my parents room without knocking, and I was terrified! I seen my dad wearing my mother's maxi dress while video chatting with a guy. I wasn't suppose to stay home but I was home. Words cannot explain how sickening I feel right now. Several thoughts are going through my head. I'm not sure mom is aware of this. Could my father be bisexual? I asked his was he doing any April fools pranks, and he irritatingly responded no. And please, NO harassment. Mature answers only. I'm so afraid of what he might be bisexual. He's not gay because he's married to my mother. They've spitted, and is planning on getting a divorce. |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:33 AM PDT What is the meaning of this emoji :)* ? what the difference from this :* |
Question: Depression becoming present again due to lack of friends? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:30 AM PDT I've never had many friends. I was as much of a loner as someone can possibly be all throughout school. I'm 26 now and not much better. No one talks to me in public. No one talks to me through social media. I have to rely on 'likes' or the rare comment on Facebook for any satisfaction. Neither of which I get many. The very rare occasion I do get to know someone and become friends, it always ends after a relatively short time and usually on pretty bad terms, with the last "friend" telling me how it was funny because no one likes me and I have no friends. Any advice? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:23 AM PDT Although it may not be his or she really isnt pregnant. This girl is known to cause drama between my and my boyfriend because we took a break and she was his rebound chick.... I love him and still think about working it out after this drama is over with, we were doing perfectly find before she finally caught up with him. From what i was told, she would be maybe 3 or 4 months.... She talks about getting a abortion if she really is pregnant because all she seem to do from online social sites is drink & smoke.... Were young and i left so that he would get everything out his systen before being in a commited relationship. We have a 4 year old and 1 year old and i just want my happy back together but i dont know what to do and the time is ticking. |
Question: How to break up with a relative? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:08 AM PDT I have an annoying uncle who always wants to hang out with me. I thought he was cool when I was twelve, but now that I'm older I realize how immature and annoying he is. The problem is this, he lives in the same city so I will still have to see him on a regular basis at family gatherings and such. Because of this I have to find a 'nice' way to tell him I don't want to hang out. How can I do this? |
Question: Did you ever have a secret affair with a teacher? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:59 AM PDT You had to hide because age difference? |
Question: How can we avoid quarreling with siblings, friends, collegues? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:47 AM PDT |
Question: Why cant I go anywhere? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:44 AM PDT Im 14 and I want to go to the park across the street. I can't go anywhere except school and my family always says I'll get kidnapped. In so mad. It's not fair. |
Question: Why would men do this? How does this all play out? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:15 AM PDT Did everything possible to genuinely care, support and love a guy. He ran off to be with a woman that is still married with no divorce papers being filed. Even asked the woman to marry him with a wedding date a year from now. Why would men do this. Every other day the engagement is off. I know crazy but why would you leave a person that you know cares for you to chase an uncertain situation. He didn't even tell me had to find out on my own. How does this all play out? |
Question: Help! No confidence? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:04 AM PDT Okay first off, I know that there are wiki things about confidence, but they don't work for me. My family is going to be at my house in about 5-6 hours. I want to sing and play the piano infront of them but my confidence isn't at all high. So, the question is, how do I gain more confidence in myself and not worry what others think? |
Question: How do I deal with a guy who is probably just trying to intimidate me? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:33 AM PDT I was friends with L since we were little kids, we went through many ups and downs together in life when one day she just friend dumps me with barely any explanation. Her husband happens to work at my bank. He is an alpha male type guy who has bullied me in the past when we were still friends. When I happen to see him at the bank he says hi even though when we make eye contact I look away. He is saying hi for 1 or 2 reasons, because he must since he works there or because he is trying to get under my skin, because he knows it works. I'm not a very aggressive person my nature more timid. I've been told recently that looking away and not making eye contact is a very submissive thing to do and I'm letting him "win" (what ever that means). What way can I show him he doesn't bother me? BTW he isn't doing this because he is making an overture, they are clearly not interested in being friends anymore. They are/were my daughter's god parents They are/were my daughters godparents but when they quit being friends with me they quit having anything to do with her too. She never did anything to them because she was way to little and she and the husband were always special buddies. Trust me, it's they who don't want to be friends. I say hi back turn my head and keep moving but no, they don't want to smooth things over. They could have contacted me a hundred ways over the last several years to smooth things over yet they have never tried. Never a card or anything to my child who is just entering their teens. It's hard to explain fully in these forums but you need to trust me on that. |
Question: Can he still take my son? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:52 AM PDT I am currently 6 months pregnant with a baby boy (naming him Kameron) though I'm worried that my baby`s father (my ex) will try and take him from me. He says that he will take me to court and get full custody but the thing is is that he has a record of domestic violence and has drank and smoked a lot. He has also been in Fare Fax (mental institution) and has been reported doing "things" with little boys (he's bi) and has cheated on me and tried to get me to sign rights over to him so he can raise our son with someone who abuses her kids and have him call her mommy. I left him though and came back to my family and I've never had any substance abuse or anything though I'm still worried. He cant take my son right? |
Question: Will the boys be willing to share a bed? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:11 AM PDT They're young adults, four/five boys between the ages 16-23. There are two king size beds and a couch bed. They're all cousins/brothers. Lol, will they be willing to share the beds. The only problems they seem to have are; "he snores!" "He kicks at night." "N'uh! I don't want to kiss the floor." "It's a king size bed..." Honestly, they won't mind. They're a bunch that get on with it. |
Question: Why is it bothering me that I am going to church with my boyfriend? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:10 AM PDT Me and my boyfriend were thinking of something to do this weekend, and he suggested church, I am not a fan...I do believe in god but church is an awkward environment for me...and it bothers me even more that my boyfriend lost his virginity in a church ...the age difference between us is 4, years...when we do go can we go in the same class or talk thing? Im 16 hes 20. We've been together a year and a half.. how do I get over feeling awkward? Like my stomach hurts just thinking about it...also what do I wear? Its just a fellowship church |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:38 AM PDT |
Question: Who was Nthuthu Mabhala? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:13 AM PDT Eastern Cape activist |
Question: How do I tell my roommate I'm moving out? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:39 AM PDT I moved in with her in July 2013. Last July when I resigned the lease with her, the rent went up $100, which is a considerable amount (though it was only $50 each). Lease resigning is coming back around in May, and I want to move in with my boyfriend. Before we moved here, I asked if she would be willing to live somewhere cheaper (we're staying in a brand-new, top-of-the-line apartment, and honestly I could do without the fancy stuff), but she was intent on living somewhere extremely nice. If my boyfriend and I move in together, we know that we don't need something super fancy for now, but we would rather have something we can afford and have enough left over to save for a house. Not to mention, I'd just prefer to live with him. Having a roommate isn't exactly the ideal living situation. I love my roommate to death, and I know she won't be able to afford to stay here if I move out. How do I break it to her? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:14 AM PDT My long distant boyfriend and I just recently broke up, we were absolutely perfect for one another we had numerous thing in common, the way we viewed the world, ideals, music, what we want to do with our lives. Everything. Our goal was to meet so we were able to feel each other to kind of seal the attraction so to say, we grew so close over the span of 8 months, but money was always in the way of visiting, we both live in different countries and with balancing bills as a young person and spending over $1000 for a ticket plus more for passports and other things it just became stressful and we became very frustrated, because we loved each other very much. He broke up with me about a week ago, said he loved me, but this just didn't feel real. We go a couple days without speaking, but I'll get a random email asking how Things are going. I miss him immensely, that void is just too much. His last email basically said that the only reason we ended was because of distance. I agree it's huge toll on the soul. To have something so wonderful but to not tangibly have it. So I was thinking, should I come up with the money within the next few weeks and just show up? I feel I have nothing to lose now. I could use some input(sorry this is so long, just have a lot on my mind.) Thank you, Alissa. |
Question: Is pregnancy enough of a reason for emancipation? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:13 AM PDT I'm 16 my boyfriend is 17. He hates his home life and is mentally abused and now his mother has made him stop seeing me. We are still together just more so on the down low. He had previously wanted to get emancipated but didn't know if he would have had the grounds to do so. Him and I both have a job and make enough money to support ourselves. Would this pregnancy help with his emancipation? |
Question: My sister want my baby!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 05:26 AM PDT My sister wants me to impregnate her. We have beautiful relationship and we are very close, including sexual activities... Recently she got married and her husband wants baby but she wants mine instead and she asked me to impregnate her. What is your opinion about it? I don't need moral lessons, i know few people who has children from incest sex and some are between parents and children even! Thanks for answer! |
Question: Do guys get jealous of other guy's having? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:35 AM PDT It all? Looks, talent, money? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:22 AM PDT Actully m not happy with my gender.. someone plz help me.. and tell me detail about doctrz and hosptl of teansgendr in pakistan.. plzzzzz for God sake |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:01 AM PDT I am a guy and the girl I was dating for a year broke up with me about 3 weeks ago we had a horrible relationship she was abusive both physically and emotionally and I was emotionally avusive toward her... She won't leave me alone she always sends me random emails accusing me of being wjh girks... I was raped when j was 6 by my dads girlfriends son who was babysitting me at the time.. My ex just told me that my dad tried hooking up with Her while Her and I were dads always been a drunk very abusive in every way toward me and my mother.. I had a best friend in high school and he hooked up with my high school girlfriend and my ex is now telling me that they are talking... I've asked her Tj leave me alone but she won't... I don't know what to do with myself I hate the way that I feel and all the pain I've gone through I just want to commit suicide and end it all... My ex keeps telling me how I'm moving on so she's going to...I haven't moved on Thiugh is the thing... My dads always been very hurtful toward me and I've always gone for the girls who are unstable... I honestly don't know what else to do other then commit suicide I feel so alone in this world and I cannot take it anymore I don't have any friends anymore...I don't care to after seeing my friends go for the girls I was with.... I don't get why my ex keeps contacting me when she ended it and I keep asking her to leave me alone. Please help... Suicide is my only andwrr at this moment.. |
Question: My girlfriend slapped her younger brother across the face. Is it my business? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:00 AM PDT She's 19, and her brother's 12.As the youngest sibling, he is quite spoilt. She was sitting reading a book, and he felt like annoying her for some reason. He kept sneaking up on her and snatching the book out of her hands, feeding off her irritation. After the third time, he knocked the book away, and it fell to the floor. She sat him down, and gave him a painful smack across his face; it reverberated around the room. He looked down, and she placed her hand underneath his chin and lifted his face up, making him meet her eyes. He looked embarrassed; I'm guessing it's quite uncomfortable to look into the eyes of someone right after they've slapped your face. She said, "Go look in the mirror, see the mark on your face, and remember that when you annoy people again." His face went bright red with embarrassment (well, the cheek that wasn't slapped too). I wonder if I should stay out of it or say something. |
Question: How do I get my brother to sleep in his own room? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:58 PM PDT I'm still living at home paying my parents rent until I can afford my own apartment. I'm working full time AND going to school full time so I'm indeed working hard to move forward and move out as quickly as possible. I share a room with my 10 year old brother because we are limited in space (separate beds!!). I've noticed lately that my little bro won't go to sleep unless I'm in the room as well. I love him to death and would do anything for him but it bothers me when I get home at 11 pm because I just out of work and my brother still has the light on because he can't sleep without me in the room! How can I help him understand that I might not always be there when he needs him? I'd die for him but I have my own life and cannot always be there to comfort him!! Once, I got home at 2 am from hanging out with some friends and my little brother was not asleep because I was not home yet!! This cannot go on!! What can I do to make him understand that I can't always be there 24/7? |
Question: Are Only Children missing the fun part of life? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:30 PM PDT There are lots of articles, blogs, forum sites that enumerate things what set only childs apart from those with bros and sis, and yes they all relate to me. I dont know if its something I need to be bothered with I just feel like Im so different from others. I never had only child friends, classmates, relatives, and Im actually curious actually about having an only child girlfriend which is for gods sake nowhere to be found. Okay, here are some things maybe other oc can relate too: 1. Im not used at seeing somebody else's things in my bathroom. 2. Im not selfish but im just used to having what I know is mine. AND FINALLY, I have a hard time relating people at my age, I mean they act a little bit immature (in my perspective) which I know supposed to be normal at our age but Im the one which is not. Here I am, often spending business talks and some stuff with mid age people (im in my late 20's by the way) and we hangout differently. Do you think i missed the fun part of life? Oh crap, yeah I spend sometimes with my friends but its this feeling so disturbing that I decided to ask here. |
Question: How long can a guy go to jail for, for having a under aged relationship? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 11:20 PM PDT This has nothing to do with me as a person but it has a lot to do with my family, i am very worried and i would like to know how long a male in his late twenties maybe could go to jail for, for having a relationship and a sexual relationship with a teenage girl around 13-15 years old. please no bs answers really need help. |
Question: When someone says to you "im sorry u feel that way"? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:53 PM PDT If someone is trying to fight with you, and yohr tired of taking their **** and then tell them How rude they areand selfish, and then they try to apologize like this : "I'm sorry you feel that way" That sounds rude. It sounds like they are sorry you feel the way you say you feel but it doesnt seem like they are apologizing for their actions. Am i over-reacting or do other people feel the same about : "i'm sorry you feel that way" ??? |
Question: Is incest really that wrong? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:17 PM PDT Then why does it turn me on so much to think about my dad and his penis, and to spy him when he changes his clothes or take a bath... |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 10:13 PM PDT |
Question: Why is my bro in law so weird? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:52 PM PDT Last summer my hubby and I went on a weekend getaway with a couple friends and my bro in law and his gf. I get along with my husbands two other brothers. His middle brother for some reason is hard to talk to. I don't know if was shy around me, doesn't like me. Hfe barely talks to me but he's not rude. So on this weekend getaway we went to the beach and everyone had they're trailers. So long night of drinking dndedd in a lot of drunken people passed out and was left was the brother in law and I. We were pounding drinks back. And ran out of booze so hiked on the beach. Walking around talking about literally nothing like the stars or the tress or w.e was in that moment. So then we took a rest and layed in the sand and looked at the stars. Complemty innocent. Excited to spend time with him ( seeing as I think he hates me) Then out of no where he put his Hand on my knee, runs it down my inner high, leaves it resting there. Then does it again. Then he puts his arm across my tummy and just holds me. Doesn't do anything else. I keep rolling around and moving to not make it awkward. He says nothing. Just the stars are so pretty. And he just keeps trying to hold me. Not in a creepy way. Like a protective " his" kind of hold. And after that trip every to this day he still doesn't say much around me. He will text me no problem. But he'll say hi and bye to everyone but me. Does he just not like me? We have a lot of family gatherings and it makes it awkward. |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:33 PM PDT Also we go to the same school and if I do go with her what would we do like otherualsually go to dinner with a group and take pictures but it would seem weird and I'm sure she would want to do that stuff so final question yes or no also pls describe it would help. |
Question: I Could Be A 40 Year Old Virgin... So What I Don't Really Care!!!? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:27 PM PDT I don't go to the clubs, do online dating or go out of my way to find someone. Never was like Oh My God I need to find someone or I am going to die alone. I am perfectly happy with the way I live my life. I just never got the having sex for fun. I know many guys it was like a game to them see how many girls they could sleep with. I even have heard of guys that take a girls virginity and don't call them back. Women have feeling and it was totally wrong any time I heard one of these guys talk like that I wanted to tell them its not cool and punch their lights out. I didn't want to be like that I actually wanted to be loved and have sex with someone that I love and cared about. Could I of had sex yeah plenty of times but I choose not to be one of those assholes he tells a girl what they want to hear to get them in bed and then once he have done it with them you throw them away like a piece of trash. 1) I guess my questions are I know I am not the norm I don't fit in because I am old and I am a virgin, but would you accept me women? I find it funny that I ask that because virginity if often treated as a incurable disease that there is no cure for. 2) If he says he loves and cares about you waited all these years and he wanted to share that special moment with you, and aksed if it would be okay if they do it more than once because he has waited so long to do and just doesn't think once would be enough, would you be put out? 3) whats the best way to tell her im a virgin? |
Question: How can I get over insecurities? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:24 PM PDT I'm a 17 year old guy. I'm in pretty good shape and I'm told sometimes that I'm a good looking guy, but I have a big problem with not feeling masculine or adequate as far as being good at things. This has nothing to do with my sexuality, I'm not gay, and I'm only attracted to girls, but I just have a lot of insecurities. When I was a young kid, I was small and peaceful which caused me to get picked on and beat up by the other boys my age when I was 5-10 years old. They made fun of me because I wasn't good at sports, and I was shy. I got older and more outgoing and I definitely fit in ok with other teenagers, but I'm not the teenager I dreamed I would be when I was a kid. I'm only 5'5, not that great at sports (if I try to play sports with my friends I get embarrassed so I try to avoid it), I've never had one chance to shine. Physical or non-physical. And to top it off I have a blood disorder that prevents me from certain things due to a low immune system. I have a great Dad who I have a great relationship with and he was always a sports star in high school. I always wanted to impress him in some way but I haven't ever found a way. He's never been pushy about me doing sports, but I heard a guy on TV say the other day that every Dad, dreams to see his son be a sports star. If this is true, I've let my Dad down. And every kid dreams that he'll be a tall athletic sports star, but instead I became a short, unatheletic kid insecure about his masculinity. Any help? |
Question: What am I supposed to think? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:13 PM PDT Me and my Bf broken up 2 weeks ago but been in touch and been seeing each other during these days.He slept at my place on Monday.On Wednesday we had an argument on the phone and the hole night he didn't call or sent me sms,on Thursday had a day off and he came and slept again but nothing happened between us no hugs and kisses no nothing like he was on monday night or in general...What I am I supposed to think? Was he with someone else on Wednesday night ?? or all maybe all this coldness was just because he was tired and upset because of our argument? ? |
Question: Why did this happen? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 09:07 PM PDT So I'm a female and I had a sexual relationship with a married couple. About a month ago she's not the way she was she now seems annoyed by my presence and that spark is gone. I never approached the husband without getting permission what has gone wrong? Are they just tired of me? But now that I remember the husband did ask me if I wanted a three some again and I told him I wanted to talk to his wife and that we needed to talk is there anything here I'm not seeing please help me |
Question: My best friend is dating my brother? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:52 PM PDT So it all started in October when I knew they liked each other but I never thought it would get this serious. One night she invited herself to sleep over at my house. She kept asking me if we could go to bed because she was "tired." When I fell asleep she went into my brothers room and watched a movie, from what I heard they did, and she fell asleep in his room. I woke up in the morning and she was gone. I saw her walk across the hallway and knew she was in my brother's room. She checked up on me about 3 or 4 times and kept going back to his room. I grabbed my stuff and left. She kept lying about how she didn't use me but she finally admitted it. They are now dating and it really bothers me. She never asked for my permission or anything and she knows it bothers me. She is really the only one making an effort in mine and her friendship cuz I don't really care anymore ever since they started dating. Since then our friendship has slowly gone downhill. Should I be mad still? What should I do? We've already talked over this with each other but it still bothers me. |
Question: Why would she make a promise to him? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:52 PM PDT Why would a young lady write to a guy, nothing personal i promise? Why would she obligate herself to him? |
Question: What influences a parent moving a child from the north to the south? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:51 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:47 PM PDT |
Question: Why are there man who res that go after older women? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:40 PM PDT Even married women? |
Question: I was abused as a kid by my parents? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:19 PM PDT Spanked and pinched. I got molested by my priest. He is dead. Am I f****** in my head? |
Question: Are all marriages like this? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:04 PM PDT I'm 17, so obviously I've never been married. However, because of the relationship my parents have, I've completely sworn off dating and marriage. I've never so much as held a guys hand because the idea of becoming like my parents terrifies me. They sleep in separate rooms, say horrible things to one another and talk horribly about one another to me. My dad is never home and honestly, I can't remember the last time they showed any type of affection. Don't get me wrong, they don't have an abusive relationship by any means. And for that I'm grateful. But they're so alone and completely hateful towards to one another - the person they're supposed to love most. And when they found out I didn't want to get married, they told me to grow up. That that's how all marriages are and that I need to stop being silly and leave my childish fantasies behind. I don't want to be unhappy like them, and I'd never want to have kids and have them feel that there parents don't love each other. Am I being silly? |
Question: How do I tell my parents I feel like I'm a boy? Posted: 02 Apr 2015 08:03 PM PDT I'm a 15 year old girl and I have a big problem. I feel that my gender was misplaced. In my mind I consider myself to be a guy. I have masculine qualities and I wear guys clothes. I don't feel like a girl because it doesn't appeal to me in any way shape or form. I like girls and I don't like guys but I feel that I am a guy. And emotionally, physically and mentally I feel that I'm a guy. |
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