Family: Question: Do brother and sister share bed together? |
- Question: Do brother and sister share bed together?
- Question: New mom in need of advice? how to get time to yourself?
- Question: My Uncle posted a video of me singing and I'm embrases?
- Question: Ideas for 40th bday? plz read?
- Question: My mom constantly makes fun of my glasses.?
- Question: Why is my daughter growing up so fast?
- Question: Why do you need to ask your girlfriend/boyfriend's parents permission to marry them?
- Question: How do i deal with an awkward family dinner?
- Question: Help me with this??
- Question: My mum hit me so I hit her back?
- Question: Is there a reason why my parents restrict me from doing activities?
- Question: I cant get over my sisters death?
- Question: My daughter still sleeps with me...?
- Question: My dad has completely over reacted?
- Question: Problems w/ my dad?
- Question: I'm crying non stop because I miss my cousins (look at details)?
- Question: Why does he act like that?
- Question: Worried my sister is spoiling my son?
- Question: What does it mean when a depperesed person says you made feel great about myself?
- Question: My step-kids hate me, help?
- Question: Does a nother have to respect her child? Or can she just do w.e. the h*ll she wants?
- Question: I witness something bad; what's the best thing to do?
- Question: My sister?............?
- Question: My cousin picks her bfs over me, what should i do?
- Question: My parents prefer my brothers over me what should i do?
- Question: 18 years old and running away, kind of.?
- Question: How can I get my mom to stop blaming herself?
- Question: Everyday that goes by it just gets worse. Help?
- Question: I really want a brother my age is the weird?
- Question: My girlfriend is a fat pig!?
- Question: Have you ever felt like you've outgrown your sisters?
- Question: So this girl i am friends with is really nice to me?
- Question: What do to do when my mom hits me ? I cant hit her back?
- Question: I know I am not realted to my cousins cousins or my cousin cousins cousins but do we still kind of have connection to degree?.?
- Question: How can I forgive my dad for cheating on my mom and tearing our family apart?
- Question: My 14 yr old daughter is mean to her siblings and to me sometimes but not to her dad and her friends?
- Question: How can I get my cousins to leave? I can't take it anymore?!?
- Question: Is my Dad behaving "inappropriately" towards me? Please help me!?
- Question: Is it bad parenting if a mother beats her child in front of company?
- Question: My mom always puts me down?
- Question: How to keep unwanted relatives from moving near me?
- Question: How do I deal with coworkers that are jerks?!?
- Question: I think I am unstable?
- Question: How do I convince my parents to give in on an expensive birthday gift?
- Question: I have a serious problem and it's draining me of all of my energy?
- Question: Easter gifts for a baby?
- Question: I ruined my parents macbook and I cover the truth for a year how can I tell them the truth?
- Question: I ticked my unruly cousin and he cried?
- Question: Our house is too hot?
- Question: My parents have gone insane! Help?
- Question: Parents divorced; My Mom wants the Hostess Honour for my baby shower but expects my dad to chip in? Is this reasonable?
- Question: Ok my name is Mark i am 16 anyway i am GROUNDED for 2 moths because i supend from school for calling names a taecher?
- Question: Do many parents fondle caress, kiss, infant genitals?
- Question: Parent's kicking me out?
- Question: Is my wife really OK with me doing this to her mother?
- Question: Birth Control / Pregnancy?
- Question: I asked a question here when I was 16 -and now am 20- my dad is still abusive nothing changed , am in college but am treated like a?
- Question: Should u still be around this person or help this person?
- Question: Could his family be cursed?
- Question: Anybody have a cousin they think is hot?
Question: Do brother and sister share bed together? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:26 PM PDT We were sharing together bed and room since we were 8.We have no other room in our house.So we have to share.We never hide our bodies.Our parents are knows this well too.That we sleep together naked.Also we are home nudist.So its never big deal for us.We even masturbate in front of each other also we bath together.Do you thing its normal if its non sexual. |
Question: New mom in need of advice? how to get time to yourself? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:04 PM PDT Im a new mom to a 6 month old I find myself getting burnt out easily. I feel very tired mentally and emotionally and physically. my question is how much time to yourself to you get daily. im always with the baby all day long im a stay at home mom. I don't have much help my sons father comes by to help once a week maybe. so I don't have that person to come home and take over so I could relax...I been thinking maybe get a baby sitter every once in a while to get a break? that wrong?. what do u moms do? how do u and your partner divide taking care of the children? |
Question: My Uncle posted a video of me singing and I'm embrases? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:01 PM PDT I'm so embrases my uncle posted a video of me singing and my whole 9th grde class knows and some of there parents know and one of the parents works with my mom and said something about it and I feel so stupid . I ask my uncle to delete it and he says he does not know and my family makes fun how I don't want it to be on YouTube plz help I feel like crying because all my friends make fun of me about it because at the end of the video I say I don't want to do this anymore im a annoyed mad face after I sang and this video was posted last yr and people still talk Abour it . |
Question: Ideas for 40th bday? plz read? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:56 PM PDT So I'm coming up on 40 in June and 40 is a milestone for anybody, but for me, it seems even more special. I will keep this as short as I can, but I accomplished a lot in my 30s. On my 30th bday, I still lived with my parents. I had a job in an office but basically had no social life, didn't have a ton of friends and hadn't had a bf since college. I decided I wanted things to change. My dream was to become a wife and mother, it always had been but until my 30th, I always felt like "a kid" still. I told my parents about this and they suggested online dating. I started with that and went on a few dates for about 4 months. Then someone at my church introduced me to this guy who also went to church with us. We were perfect together. We dated for 8 months then on my 31st bday we got engaged. We now have 4 beautiful children. I feel like 40 is gonna be big and a good reason to celebrate |
Question: My mom constantly makes fun of my glasses.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:54 PM PDT I have worn glasses since about 5th grade and now I'm a senior in high school. My mom hates the way they look on me. She constantly calls me a nerd and tells me that the reason I have no friends is because I have glasses. She is always begging me to get contacts, but I don't want to because I don't like the thought of having to touch my eyes. I just want to talk to her and have her actually listen to me for once. Any suggestions on how to stand up to her? Just wanted to add that no one at school has ever made fun of me for them. My boyfriend tells me he thinks I look fine with them, so I don't understand why my mom has to pick on me! Just wanted to add that no one at school has ever made fun of me for them. My boyfriend tells me he thinks I look fine with them, so I don't understand why my mom has to pick on me! |
Question: Why is my daughter growing up so fast? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:45 PM PDT I have a 10 year old daughter she likes rock music dark colors,and stuff like that.I just wanna know if this is normal for her age or she's just trying to follows someone's lead. |
Question: Why do you need to ask your girlfriend/boyfriend's parents permission to marry them? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:43 PM PDT Before I do my rant, got another question: Is it just her/his father you ask or do you have to ask both parents? I personally think that if you HAD to, you should ask both. She/he's still their mother's child and it would be disrespectful. Most people, when they do ask, only ask the father without the mother's knowledge. Anyway, my rant! I think it's stupid. It's the 21st century. What if the parent(s) said no? The people can still get married. If the parents don't support it, big deal. They (the son/daughter) are adults and are free to live their own lives. They could elope, as long as they're happy. |
Question: How do i deal with an awkward family dinner? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:42 PM PDT To keep this short and brief, me and my uncle basically werr shouting and cussing each other out (normally no cussing is ever exchanged) and we have a family Easter dinner we both have to attend in less than 48 hours. Should we just ignore each another? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:29 PM PDT Ok so when I was 8 my mom died and then my aunt (mom's sister) and my dad got together. They got married 6 months ago and are now about to get a divorce. My dad is like a total bum and could not support me and my 7 year old sister, but my aunt takes care of us all the time and is WAY more responsible my dad. Is there any way that my aunt could get custody of me and my sister? |
Question: My mum hit me so I hit her back? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:26 PM PDT Right so I was literally not doing anything and I swear my mum just hates me she critisizes me 24/7 she calls me fat (I'm not even fat at all seriously she asked the doctor to check of I was overweight) she basically hates me. I was just walking up to my room and she goes wipe the table and I was like why can't my sister do it cos she'd done nothing and I'd literally done loads. And she slapped me so I obviously just slapped her back really light so the whacked me round the head so I slapped her back again on the arm and this happened about 3 times but then now she's screaming were done that's it were done. Am I wrong cos I don't think I am she always grew up slapping me but I was always a good child had straight a'a ect but I can't put up with this anymore. Am I Wrong? |
Question: Is there a reason why my parents restrict me from doing activities? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:19 PM PDT I am currently 14 and I have not been able to ride my bike with my friends. Keep in mind that my friends are varying of age 13-15 and their little siblings have also been able to ride their bikes around the neighborhood. I also cannot go to any nearby store or restaurant. (I live behind a walmart and near a dairy queen) Whenever I ask my parents if I can bike with my friends, they'll always say its too dangerous for me to bike. Even though they know I am able to bike. This leaves me with a feeling of being left out and being the oddball of the group. It makes me feel like my parents are too overprotective, even to the point of picking out my own clothes for me and making me wear a sweater and jeans in 60-70 degree weather. I frustrates me because it makes me feel like i'm a caged up animal. I feel like this relationship with my parents will lead me to lashing out at other people to make me feel better about myself. I've already seen myself do this to other people to make myself reassured that theres nothing wrong with my relationship with my mom and my dad. I am an only child if that makes anything different. Many times I have even made people cry because I've lashed out on them because of my problems and I feel like that isn't a healthy way of life. If my parents keep restricting me of my freedoms I feel like when I'll grow up I won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship with my wife or my children. |
Question: I cant get over my sisters death? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:17 PM PDT so i am 17 years old and she was 14 years old. she had suffered with depression for about a year and this past friday night she commited suicide. i loved my sister and i miss her so much, but i feel so bad because i know that a big reason why she commited suicide was because of me. my sister had always had weight problems and it even got to the point were she was 300 pounds, and i always made her feel bad about it. i would always make fun of her and put her down. I am popular in school and she wasnt and i let my stupid petty-ness get over me and i ignored my sister and pretended she didnt exist. she would always get bullied in school because of her weight, and instead of standing up for her i just stood there and laughed. Her death is all my fault and words cannot describe how im feeling right now. i have not stopped crying since she died, im even crying right now. when ever i go to sleep i get these dreams of my sister asking me "why were you so mean to me, what did i do to you." I just cant handle the fact that shes gone and if i could go back in time i would do everything differently. i would give everything to just hold my sister and say im sorry. My sister was the sweetest, kindest, most caring person in the world, and she didnt deserve what people, including my self, did to her. my sister is all i think about and idk if i will ever get over her passing away. what can i do to calm my emotions. |
Question: My daughter still sleeps with me...? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:14 PM PDT My daughter is 14 and STILL sleeps with "mommy". i have no time with my husband and he yells at me to do something about it. my daughter sees nothing of it. and shes still scared of the dark. please help! |
Question: My dad has completely over reacted? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:11 PM PDT Okay so I'm 14 and so is my bf. He lives in wales and I live in england and he cane down with my nephew (our age, friends with my bf). Basically it was 7:30am and my bf came into my room. It was really cold so we went under a blanket, and as we were really tired, fell asleep. My dad came in at around 8:00am and saw us. Now he is very over pretective and was immediately disappointed in us. He told my mum and basically it all got out of hand. All we did was hug and hold hands, which my dad didn't see, WE DID NOTHING SEXUAL AT ALL!! My parents know we didn't do anything. Now my dad thinks we were really disrespectful and is really disappointed in me, and I am in a lot of trouble, but is it really that wrong for two 14 year olds to fall asleep together? Is my dad over reacting? And considering NOTHING HAPPENED, should I really be in trouble? How would you react if your 14 year old did this? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:02 PM PDT Hello, like the title say says, my dad and I haven't been getting along. Ever since I turned 18, he's tightened his control over me. He gets mad when I get home late. (10PM) He gets mad that I don't wash my car 3 times a week like he does. (California is in a drought) but I think the biggest problem I have with him is his attempts at trying to take my stuff away. Along with paying several bills at the house, I pay my own phone, and my own car. My dad bought me the car as a birthday gift, under his name and credit. I'm the one who has made all the payments so far. So yesterday, I went to see a premiere and this morning, he threatened to kick me out, and take the car away. Since I make the payments, can he take the car? Would he repay me? I don't want to sound like a stubborn teen, but I'm tired of dealing with it all. I don't make enough to move out and live on my own because of college, which he doesn't help with and I have no where to go if he ever decided to kick me out. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks. |
Question: I'm crying non stop because I miss my cousins (look at details)? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:56 AM PDT Their parents are having a fight but aren't divorced yet and their mom is my moms sister so my cousins are getting controlled by their dad and they have a license but their dad dosent let them come to me because their dad hates my family AND I HAVENT SEEN THEM SINCE MORE THAN A YEAR!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 |
Question: Why does he act like that? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:46 AM PDT My husband is strange I was with my sister and cousin we were hanging out I never go out I'm always home and the day I decided to go he calls his girl cousin and ask her if she wants to hang out with us then he calls me all of a sudden. He has his cousin on three way and says can u pick her up and hang out. I was so pissed and confused. First of all he acts like he brought me a car parked outside and he wants me to go pick her up it was my sister car. I go out with my sis he gets jealous and wants me home when he isn't with me he get nervous so he wanted his cousin with me so he can ask her question of what we did to check up on me. It was so awkward but I told her sorry I can't pick u up we can make other plans but now I'm busy and it's not my car. he's so dumb he tries to take control of people even when his not around.tried to make plans can't just let me hangout. Force people to chill I feel bad for his cousin cause I know she didn't wanna chill that bad it was all him. I just don't know what to make of this. What do You guys think. And the thing that pisses me off my older sister is married to and whenever we go out her husband never calls her and says stupid **** like that. I wish he was normal he is so unusual but u know what I think people like this u have to ignore and just laugh and treat them like the retard they betray. I'm just so weirded out I don't get y he acts like a weirdo and y sister can't stand him so I don't know y he expected her to pick his cousin up |
Question: Worried my sister is spoiling my son? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:36 AM PDT I'm 20 and my son is 5. I'm a single dad. I have a 15 year old sister Hailie. I'm sure she does what she does because she loves being an aunt. 9/10 times she comes over the apt. she has a present for him. One day it might be a giant teddy bear, another day it might be an action figure, another day it might be a giant cookie from the mall. The joke is in order to get his gift he has to 1) give her a kiss on the cheek 2) Answer " Who's your favorite aunt?" with " Hailie". Now, I'm not against the actual gift, I'm worried about the frequency, she's spoiling him I fear and I fear that it'll get the to point where he views a visit from her that has no gift as a letdown. What do I say to her? |
Question: What does it mean when a depperesed person says you made feel great about myself? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:17 AM PDT |
Question: My step-kids hate me, help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:10 AM PDT So I married my husband about 2 months ago, but i moved in with him about 7 months ago, so i have gotten to know his 3 kids for some time now. He has 3 kids, all boys, one is 17, one is 14, and the youngest is 9. I LOVE them so much, we have only known each other for less than a year but i feel such a love for them. I know they are not my kids, but i hope one day they can maybe see me as like a secondary mother figure. Despite my love for them, i sometimes feel they dont like, especially the oldest two. The boys mother passed away 3 years ago from cancer and while they are recovering well, i know they miss their mommy and i feel so bad for them. I know i will never replace their mother but i want them to know i am here for them whenever they need me. The youngest and I have gotten along very well. I am always taking him out to just hang out and i think he is comfortable with me because one day i saw him alone crying and holding a picture of his mom and he let me hold him and wipe away his tears. unlike the youngest, the oldest two hate me. I understand that things might be weird for them considering im actually only 25 and am considerably younger than their father but i think if we worked things out we can move past that. Its been a year and there is still hostility between us and i dont want there to be. These two kids are: smart, athletic, and so funny, I want to get along with them. I want them to like me is there anything i can do to get them to like me, im out of ideas? |
Question: Does a nother have to respect her child? Or can she just do w.e. the h*ll she wants? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:05 AM PDT My mom is very disrespectful to me, even when I don't deserve it. I never curse,around her or to her, but she does it to me and my sibilings all the time, and just now she was threataning me with getting rid of my dog and that I need to move in with ny dad if I didn't do what she said, but I didn't like how she was talking to me so I stopped doing what she had just asked me to, and I told her that I'm not going to do anything till she gives me some respect, and she started yelling and cursing, and said that I NEED to show her respect, that she's my mom and she can do w.e. tf she wants and I have to obey. Ik she's my mom and she gave birth to me and all, but I didn't ask for that, for 2 yrs when she divorced my dad she left and didn't say bye, and would occasionally show up to sleep in my bed when she had no where to go. Also she fought for custody of all 6 of us, she shouldn't have done that just so she can order us around, and complain when my dad hasn't sent in the Child Supoort money. And whenever one of my brothers or sisters do something bad, I get yelled at, and I'm not even the oldest. I think she just hates me cause I'm gay. When I left because I didn't want to hear her yelling and I didn't want to argue with her she sais she wasn't going to give me any money for food, because she's leaving this weekend and I'll be kn my own, there's not much food in the house right now, and even less that I actually know how to make. What should I do? |
Question: I witness something bad; what's the best thing to do? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:29 AM PDT Yesterday when I visited my aunt's house I saw my cousin and his older step brother in the kitchen and the latter grabbed my cousin's private parts which caused him a lot of pain. They didn't know I saw it, tho'. And while my cousin was seemingly in pain, the other forcibly opened his mouth and poured milk so that he choked and spluttered. The step bro laughed and told him that he looks good and he's going to strip him. I was so afraid that I tiptoed back out and ran back home. I didn't tell anyone but I feel kinda bad about it. I couldn't do anything though, as I'm a girl (I'm only 14, my cousin is 17 and his step bro is about 20 I guess). I also feel shy telling my parents about this. If they (my cousin and step bro) deny, then I'd be a complete fool (or even regarded pervert for "telling such tales"). And Idk if boys do horse play like this. I also don't know my cousin that well since he used to live with his dad and step mom; he just moved in here like 3 months ago to live with his mom, step dad and step bro. I like my cousin tho', he's always sweet to me so I'll feel bad if this isn't just some joke but I just feel shy to talk about this with anyone. Is it safe to presume that my cousin would tell his mom (my aunt) if this isn't mere some boys' horse play? |
Question: My sister?............? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:25 AM PDT Ok so I'm a 9 year old girl and my sister just turned 16. She always yells out my name and tells me what to do for example: "Go get me something to drink." I always feel frustrated and sometimes I cry (very rarely) thinking about why she always does this. Shes been doing this to me since I was around 5 years old. And when I feel bored I walk around to her room and ask if I can play on her laptop. She says no and when I tell her I walked around the house for 30 minutes in boredom (which is true) she says "I don't care." I know I sounds really stupid but its the only best I can do. But shes not always like this, she lets me on her laptop sometimes. And when I ask her "Why do I have to do everything for you?" she says "Because I'm older than you." or something similar to |
Question: My cousin picks her bfs over me, what should i do? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:24 AM PDT Well whenever my cousin is single we're really close and we act like sisters but every time she has a boyfriend she drops everything to be with him. I know she's gonna wanna be with him but literally all our convos are about him and how sweet he is and how they had a good time together but when i try and talk about me she turns the convo back to him. Also me and her made plans for her birthday and we she got a boyfriend she forgot about the whole plan and spent the day talking about her plans with him, she literally just forgets me, she never has time for me but always him. Every time they have an argument she always runs back to me but when she's made up with him she forgets about me again Shes done this to me every boyfriend she's had, i just feel abandoned and i dunno what to do |
Question: My parents prefer my brothers over me what should i do? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 10:12 AM PDT I have always thought that it is just something going on in my mind. But i am sure it's true. When my bros ask for something my parents directly it without hesitating but when i ask for something i should keep on nagging for days and they say no and my "thing" is like half what they ask always. Lets take money for example my bro takes as much as he wants but when i ask for quarter of it from mom she starts saying that they have other expenses. I always point this out to my parents but they always deny it even though it is as clear as the blue sky. What should i do? |
Question: 18 years old and running away, kind of.? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:57 AM PDT Im 18 years old. I have a boyfriend and ZERO friends to hangout with. My mom is super strict with me, I never go anywhere and if I do I can't be out past 9:30. Im not a horrible daughter. Im constantly alone in my room most of the time. If I get invited anywhere I say no before even asking her because I already know that would be her answer. If it's ever a yes (rarely ever) , I always listen to her, and respect the time she wants me to leave and be home. For Valentine's Day I was gifted two concert tickets for me and my boyfriend to see our favorite band together in Los Angeles, and it is three hours away from where I live. I've asked my mom and she said no more than once. I never get out of town and literally have nothing exciting to look back on, just shitty memories. I want to sneak out late at night and leave a letter explaining why I did what I did but the major consequence is me being kicked out of my house. I feel like if I don't do this I'll regret it forever. My dream is to travel and go to awesome venues with awesome people. My mom has held me back from so much and I know 18 isn't so mature but I do feel like at 18 you should have a little more trust and freedom. I also feel like my fear of my mom has been holding me back. I just want to see what other people's opinion on this is and if it would be worth it to you? |
Question: How can I get my mom to stop blaming herself? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:49 AM PDT I am the 4th of 6 kids (all by the same parents) and every time one of us mass up or makes a mistake my mom blames herself. It is really is not her fault in anyway. Whenever something like me being unable to go to an FFA event because I have no ride to get there she gets all sad and blames herself like she has failed me. It is like that for all of us, my oldest sister has anger problems (she is on some pills) and whenever she has a fit my mom cries later saying it is her fault. the list goes on and on? So how can I make her see that no one blames her and that is not her fault? |
Question: Everyday that goes by it just gets worse. Help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:48 AM PDT So it first happened when I got a 15 on my act. My parents were mad I was so depressed I was crying and everything. Then yesterday I was out with my friends and my mom droped me off to the resturant we were gonna meet up, and she told me not to get in anyone's car I said ok. So everyone came and the resturant was full we had to wait an hour and 20 min so they said let's go to a different resturant so we went to it from his car and we went to the other resturant. I got home and my mom was like why did you go in someone's car. My sisters saw my snapchat story and told her. I told my mom I didn't go in anyone's car. She kept asking me I told her I didn't. I slept I prayed to god saying I just want like a month of happiness and no problems. There was more bad things thy happened not just the act score. So when I woke up the next morning I hear my older sister telling my dad, I go down stairs and say why are you talking behind my back and then I told my dad I did go in a car because we were gonna go to a different restaurant because the other was full and then my sister was saying why did you lie to mom and stuff and I was like shut up you don't know what happened go away and she said I like my friends more than my family which I don't know why she said that she's stupid. But I just want my parents to know noting ba happened and I want them to forgive me idgaf about my sisters I will never talk to them but I only care about my parents. Please help. |
Question: I really want a brother my age is the weird? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:40 AM PDT I want a brother my age. Because I feel like I can trust my brothers more than my sister I have two brothers that are older and they are in college right about know I don't see them as much as I want too but I want someone my age. |
Question: My girlfriend is a fat pig!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:35 AM PDT My girlfriend is 5'7 and 210 pounds but she doesn't care she just eats constantly, cakes chocolate Etc. She is so fat I cant bare her like this when she sits on me like a girl does to her boyfriend she crushes me, I can hear her breathing aswell she's breaths loud its annoying and its all due to her weight I don't want her anymore how can I duno her and tell her why is the nicest possible way? |
Question: Have you ever felt like you've outgrown your sisters? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:26 AM PDT I'm the youngest sister (its 3 of us). I'm the only one that moved away and have a successful career, marriage, and I'm involved with a lot of other things. I love my sisters but I have NOTHING to talk to them about because they don't like doing anything and they blame it on their kids. But I have a lot of friends/co workers and they all have children and they still go out and do things. So I barely talk to them (maybe 1 or 2 times a month) Do you ever feel bad about not talking to your sisters often? Have you outgrown your sisters? |
Question: So this girl i am friends with is really nice to me? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:18 AM PDT Recently my step mom said some very offensive stuff to me in front of my housemates and they said it was out of line and not to listen to her, because some stuff she said was mean. She basically stopped my funding for school because of my lifestyle saying I am going now where in life, while I still have a job, good/decent grades. I relied on them for paying tuition then the day before classes they say they aren't paying for school and are buying a $2,000,000 house in miami. I basically got kicked out of the family in a way all because of her views of me smoking cannabis. Now this girl keeps having me over to her house and has had me live with her for a bit and said I can live with her as I have to work and pay for school. Is this girl becoming more than a friend? The thing is I like this girl so much that what ever she does that make her happy makes me happy and I think she like being around me. Maybe I could see my parents with her some night so they can realize I don't just sit around and get high doing nothing all day? I am afraid of going back home to my place alone just because of how they treat me I still love them though. |
Question: What do to do when my mom hits me ? I cant hit her back? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:15 AM PDT Last night I was talking on the phone with my friend i started to walk around the area we live and she called me and told me to get home I was close so it took less than a minute to be at the door. She took my phone said I was sneaking out and all this other stuff. We went inside ad i sat down to do some homework she said something and i responded with ok and she came from behind and slapped me 2 times. I stood up and she hit me again. I'm 16 with A's and I never go out she takes my phone away typically at 7 but i do online school and when she works i get it till around 9-10 depending when she get home. She doesn't accept me as a person she wants respect but she can't even give me any, im not even her child she adopted me. It is like this all the time she hits me so hard sometimes that i start to bleed. |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:58 AM PDT I know I am no realted to either but i ma just saying we sort of have connection as we always be either cousin cousin or cousin cousins cousins. |
Question: How can I forgive my dad for cheating on my mom and tearing our family apart? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:51 AM PDT I never thought my parents would divorce, they always seemed happy! But lately my dad has been acting weird and staying out later than he said he would and acting different. Then a few nights ago he told my mom and I could sleep because of all the yelling. Then the next day my parents told me they were divorcing and I thought it was a joke at first. My dad also said he had been seeing someone and that's why. I was so angry!! He acted really sad and guilty for doing this when he could have totally preventing it. He told us that now that he was leaving he'd have nothing and for some reason I kind of felt bad for him. I felt horrible for my mom for having this happen to her and I wanted to yell at my dad tearing the family apart and making me and my 8 year old brother go through this. I couldn't stop crying thinking about how many changes there would be in my life now. Where Am I going to live? Why did he do this if he knew what would happen? How will my brother take it? What is gonna happen on holidays? I'm scared and I just want to know ways I can forgive my dad and ways I can cope with the whole divorce. p.s: sorry at how much I wrote :p Also other than this whole thing, my dad has been a good dad and I want to know how to just see that side of him and not the cheating side |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:50 AM PDT |
Question: How can I get my cousins to leave? I can't take it anymore?!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:44 AM PDT So my aunt, uncle and two younger cousins have been living with us for eight months (eight months this month) now and my younger cousins sometimes bring their friends over. Its fine but not all the time! They're living with us because they got evicted from their own house and my uncle lost his job so my parents invited them to stay with us. My dad said they had no place to stay and they're staying with us and that's final. We have the biggest house so that's why. I complained about it and I usually have my own room but now I'm sharing my room with my 8 year old cousin and my little brother is sharing his room with our 14 year old cousin and he doesn't seem to mind but not all the time. I was told not to be selfish. I hate sharing my room and my cousin waking me up in the middle of the night because she had a bad dream. I'm a 16 year old girl and I need my privacy. My little cousin even begs me to play with her or with her little friendsm I don't know how long it's going to take but I want then out NOW!!! They do help us a lot but I miss having the house to ourselves and I just want them to find a place and leave! |
Question: Is my Dad behaving "inappropriately" towards me? Please help me!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:44 AM PDT Well, first off, I come from a very.. "affectionate" family. I guess I gradually was fine with a good hug and a kiss on the cheek but my family is super touchy-feely. My Dad, in particular. I have a younger brother (2 years younger) and my Mom, of course. It's just my parents actually, that are touchy-feely. I'm 16. And as long as I can remember, my Dad has always given me hugs, and touched me on my arms and legs and stuff, not inappropriately, but in the affectionate fatherly way. As of late, and I can't remember if this had been going on since I was a child, my Dad has been slapping my butt very often... IN FRONT of my Mom, and she doesn't seem to care/mind. I've expressed that it hurts and told him, "Hey, stop, hehe," but he keeps doing it. I don't know how to say stop without making it seem awkward. I try to be firm but he's not getting the message. He notices that I wear short shorts to bed and he has expressed that he doesn't like it. This wouldn't have concerned me as much as when, last year, my brother and I found porn sites on his computer, as well as a advertisement for a hooker (with naked pictures). I don't know what to make of this, since my parents have always been affectionate and touchy-feely towards me and my brother (My Dad doesn't slap my brother's butt). Can someone tell me if this is normal? I don't know anymore and I'm kinda scared. This is my biological father, and I don't want to think of him this way but I'm sorta uncomfortable... Thanks! |
Question: Is it bad parenting if a mother beats her child in front of company? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:32 AM PDT My 30-year-old cousin (same age as me), who has been in and out of jail, has six kids by six different women. When we were kids, he was not very well-behaved then, either... At the age of 8 when he and the family were visiting, he kept bothering and hitting his 15-year-old sister. Their mother, who was in the bathroom, heard the commotion through the door. I'm assuming she was on the toilet, because otherwise she would've came out the bathroom and said something to him. But instead, she hollered his name in that "I'm warning you" soft tone. He wouldn't listen, though. Next thing you know, she stormed out the bathroom with a high heel shoe in her hand. As soon as he saw that weapon, he backed away out of fear, flapped his arms, and said, "No! No! No!" Next thing you know, he was sitting on the floor Indian-style, crying. I'm not against disciplanary actions that are firmer than time-outs. But I think it's really sad when not only is beating your child your first decision before even attempting to law down the law verbally, but that the parent instills fear in the child. I mean, the way my cousin reacted to that high heel, clearly tells me that he's gotten plenty of beatings, and therefore recognizes what's coming to him. Is it possible that his behavior attrbutes to his careless breeding and prison time? |
Question: My mom always puts me down? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:29 AM PDT All the time my mothers keeping telling me that's it going to be impossible for me to get the points for collage and its makes me so upset it makes me feel so stupid and hurt . I feel I will be able to get the collage points but she thinks I wont |
Question: How to keep unwanted relatives from moving near me? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:28 AM PDT I have an unwanted in-law that neither me nor my husband like that wants to move near us. I'm pretty sure that she has deluded herself into thinking that she is more important to us than she really is, and that we want to be around her more than we really do, which is never. My husband doesn't want to talk to her about how he feels but I don't want to be miserable either (she is VERY clingy on top of being unreasonable, annoying, frustrating, and self-righteous). She is currently visiting us now. How can I subtly help her to get it that we don't want her anywhere near us and she would do better to stay where she is from? |
Question: How do I deal with coworkers that are jerks?!? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:23 AM PDT Well, I'm dealing with some bullies in the workplace.I have no idea where its coming from, I have always been cordial and friendly, but for some reason these group of girls, lie on me, sabotage my work, try and embarass me in front of my superiors, and I notice the hostility, when this guy-very handsome guy who is a contractor started helping me with my computer.This guy comes in every friday and assists with IT issues, and a few months ago, i was having some problems with my computer, and he would spend hours in my office, and now he will come into my office and sit at the other desk..and so I guess I got my confirmation last friday that he the hostility I am getting from the other girls REALLY is about him.So he comes in last friday as usual, and he comes and sit at the other desk for HOURS,and so as soon as that happenned they start making complaints against me, so I go up to the guy and ask him straight out..Does he know anyone personally and he said not really, he went to one of the girls birthday party a while ago..and I said ok, because I get alot of slack.from these women, and Im not sure why, and I told him..I think one of them like him or something..and he laughed and said 'well they are cowards" ..and I just told him Im not one to gossip, but its getting out of hand, and I will be leaving very he then asks me when am I leaving, I said in a few weeks, and then he asks me'Well would you like to go out with sometime" and I just stood there shocked. and so fast forward to this week: the guy came into the office on monday, and he NEVER comes in twice a week, and he sat in the conference room behind me and again they start ignoring me, by only giving work to my cowkrer, making stupid complaints, going into the computer system and deleting my work,..its just a mess... and they have been doing this all week, jus trying to make me look bad and trying to get me fired I dont know what to do or think! then to top it off..Im still getting complaints about all my work..someone is going in deleting information and its making me look bad..on top of that some lady just came in here asking me if my hair was real..and asking me Do I wash my hair.. and all this stuff..I just thought it was rude to ask me that when she doesnt even know me personally..Im just tired |
Question: I think I am unstable? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 08:03 AM PDT So I'm 13, and I have never told anyone this before. No one knows. But I'm going insane and I want to kill myself because of the pain it causes. My father... Sorta... rapes me in my second hole almost every night. He says that if I tell mom he'll be forever disappointed in me. He says I should just enjoy it but it is obviously SO wrong. My father practically rapes me every day. I wish I could believe him when he says all he wants Is a little pleasure from me. But he hurts me if i ever say anything. I attempted suicide last week and i'd like to attempt and be successful this time. Any tips on how I can kill myself? Then I won't feel like a sick whore because I enjoy it. So hanging? Or something else? Ps, the username is fake for my protection. Gtg I never want my parents to find out about this! |
Question: How do I convince my parents to give in on an expensive birthday gift? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:59 AM PDT So, my birthday is coming up and I have been wanting beats studio headphones for quite a while now. I told my parents about them and they think that they are ridiculous. I can't convince them and I have tried things like I will pay half or do chores. However my grandma is fond of that idea and is willing to get them for me but my parents won't let her. Any tips to get my parents to give in? |
Question: I have a serious problem and it's draining me of all of my energy? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:54 AM PDT When I leave my dad on visitation I go through a week of depression and cry. It's so physically draining. I only see him every 3 months because of him being in another state. Help plz |
Question: Easter gifts for a baby? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:49 AM PDT First of all, I'm vegan and somewhat of a minimalist. Not necessarily, but I really don't see the reason to buy something that will just be clutter. It's a waste of money, material, and space IMO. It would be different if my daughter wanted something but she doesn't. She's 10 months old. My parents are saying id be a bad mother not to get her anything though. Thoughts? Something I could buy her that wouldn't just be clutter? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:46 AM PDT It all started Last year,i was playing magent around my parent's macbook pro which also my gift,it accidently ruin the hard drive and at the same time a key from the keyboard lose from it,my parent spot it and tell me to fix it one day,which 2 days later from today,i hid the truth for a year,it will find out no matter what it just a matter of the time,i want to say the thruth but i afraid my parents will be angry because it is expensive and my parents know I werck an other lap top 2 year again cos I was curious at that time,i dont know what to do |
Question: I ticked my unruly cousin and he cried? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:40 AM PDT My unruly cousin always annoys me and disregards my warnings to stop. He lights matchsticks and throws them at me, sometimes hits me with stones, and yelling will only make him continue. So I tickled him twice today to punish him, and he started crying both times. The tickling didn't last for more than 6 seconds max. Is this acceptable? Should I hit him instead? |
Question: Our house is too hot? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:30 AM PDT We live in Lousisiana. Our parents keep the air conditioner at 82 degrees at night, and during the day they raise it upstairs (where we are) and put it at 82 where they are. Upstairs temperature can peak at 87 degrees before the air conditioner picks up again. I lose sleep because in a comfortable position I sweat puddles, and in a stretched out position, I'm uncomfortable and sweat wherever I come in contact with the mattress. Of course, it's even hotter if I move, so I avoid exercise because it takes me an hour to cool down from it. How can I convince my parents to turn down the AC, or if i can't (been trying since I could talk,) make my room cooler? And no, just being in Louisiana doesn't make me enjoy hot temperatures. Most people I know keep their house 68-75 degrees. |
Question: My parents have gone insane! Help? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 AM PDT First off, I'm 16, almost 17, and a senior in high school. Basically, I'm locked inside my house 24/7 because my parents won't let me go anywhere by myself. I live in literally the safest town in my state. I'm not aloud to go jogging/walking by myself, or walk over to a shopping center (literally right across the street from my house). I don't have many friends to go hang out with, but even the friends I do have, my mom rarely lets me hang out with them. She acts like it's such a big deal that I go away for a few hours to go out to eat with someone, or that I don't deserve it. She is constantly yelling at me for not cleaning enough or leaving something out. Like yesterday, I cooked something for my sister & I (my mom doesn't eat my food) and I cleaned up everything, but I forgot to pick up a few crumbs on the floor. I don't know why, but my parents were so pissed off? I told her I would clean it up, and she said she already did. She yelled at me for at least 30 minutes and told me how much she didn't like me and how I'm going to fail at life. My dad just follows along. This happens every day I'm at home. I don't know what to do, I can't leave my house, I'm just trapped in my room. I'm getting so depressed, and my parents know that. |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:16 AM PDT I realize this is not very traditional however, revolvimg this party i needed to be IN on the planning because my schedule for work is quite unpredictable, and I dislike surprises. Last night my mom asked I come to her house to plan, coordinate the party, create a list of guests etc. My dad lives in a different state, they have been divorced for over 15 years but he is still very active in my life. I asked if he would do the honous of creating the baby shower invites since he hadn't had much involvement in the planning. Even though I explained to my mom that I only asked my dad to create the invites, she slyly asked if he offered to pay for them too. I looked at her like she was crazy, and defended my dad. I honestly thought the Hostess was financially responsible for everything. She flipped out telling me how dare I for defending him and how inconsiderate I have been towards her for all her hard work in the process of this event. I offered to pay for the invites if need be. She made me feel like crap; is it true that the Hostess is responsible for everything? |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:13 AM PDT IS THAT FAIR my punishments is no tv no moblie phone no laptop i am not allowed to get out of my room no bedroom door lights off 9 pm help what can i do ?ps i am secretly to the laptop right now |
Question: Do many parents fondle caress, kiss, infant genitals? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 07:02 AM PDT |
Question: Parent's kicking me out? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:47 AM PDT I graduated college last year and I have student loans and only make 19k a year. I can't afford an apartment or anything really. My parents are kicking me out now. What should I do? |
Question: Is my wife really OK with me doing this to her mother? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:40 AM PDT My mother in law Jennifer (my wife's mother) is in her early 40s and really enjoys life. I can truthfully say Jennifer is a very good friend of mine. She has a wonderful sense of humor and loves to tell me sex jokes. I am not sure how I should feel about this. Nothing gives her more joy than telling me a sex joke except when I joke back with her. She REALLY enjoys that. Her jokes are usually funny but I am worried that my wife who is usually around will think I am flirting with her mother or have a thing going with her mother. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Should I ask Jennifer to stop telling me these jokes or should I ask my wife again if she has a problem with what her mother is doing. My wife usually laughs at these jokes and she has never said anything to me about joking back with her mom but I am still worried she has or will have a problem with this. PLEASE tell me what you think I should do to stay out of trouble with my wife. |
Question: Birth Control / Pregnancy? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:39 AM PDT Hey, I'm just curious to know what's going on? I'm on the IUD Minera, before I continue I know it's a 99% of not getting pregnant but something isn't right. My IUD has fell out of place & been pushed back by my sex partner. (Only reason I'm really nervous) I believe a month ago I had felt like throwing up, bad heartburn, gas, tired & one tender breast. Now it's just when I lay it's a fairly gut, when I sit down a gut & when I stand up it's either disappeared or a little curve into a gut. My upper stomach hurts really bad when being pressed down on, which is the only hard part on my stomach. After pressing down feels like I have gas & is painful. Only one breast hurts. I did take a pregnancy test & went to the doctors both were negative. Could this be a false pregnancy symptoms? (By it hanging it was in view of me seeing but my sex partner placed it back, yes I got a exam & they said everything was fine) |
Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:38 AM PDT 8 years old : sleep at 9:30 ,breakfast before 8:30 am and then off to your room and don't show your nose till its allowed no cell phone , not allowed to use pc except for studying the thing is am Egyptian and in Egypt you are not of legal age until 21 I wanna move out to live with my mom but am scared shitless first I know my dad will be pissed off and he will keep throwing problems un my way second am afraid that I will be cursed by God as I will abandon my dad and he wont talk to me for the rest of my life and that in islam-as am a muslim- is a sin so what shall I do |
Question: Should u still be around this person or help this person? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:37 AM PDT If a famliy member that u love very much kick u out of their house in a time of need while u were pregnant but let another person stay there that's not even family and then call CPS on u trying to get your kids took away and spread lies on u. Then watch u struggle to get on your feet in a shelter with ur kids. This person has left u hungry and stranded more than once. The person is bow struggling to stay a float and is about to lose their home and is the only family u really have. U have the means now to help out but dont know what to do. Should u still be around and help this person. |
Question: Could his family be cursed? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:27 AM PDT So i was debating on asking this question but i had to be open minded and maybe some one can answer my questions. So ive been with my boyfriend for 6 almost 7years now. And it seems every good thing that happends to us something bad happeneds after , not right away but it could happend in the spand of a couple of days. His father has mentioned it to me, that he feels cursed. This has happend for a long time. And now that im part if the family i Feel it too. Ill give you a couple of examples. 1.We gotten tax money back and finally had enough money to enjoy it. BUT then our dog gotten sicK and need surgery unless she will die. 2. We finally had a baby after 5yrs of trying BUT she came early bc my water broke at 28weeks and be came an nicu baby.( shes almost 5Ms and dowing well) 3.After he ffinally landing a job after years of looking days later we gotten to a meager car accident and lost the car, the guy got away, and our insurance will not cover to give us a new car and we have to buy a new one Out of our own ppockets. So you see i feel like everything good happends something bad Aways has to happend. My questions to you is. Is his family cursed? Is there any way to lift it? If so how? And who do we contact or could we do it our selfs.? Thank you Please be open minded |
Question: Anybody have a cousin they think is hot? Posted: 03 Apr 2015 06:21 AM PDT Don't you hate it when you have that super sexy cousin and you can do anything with them. |
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