Marriage & Divorce: Question: How to impress a girl? |
- Question: How to impress a girl?
- Question: Do I have a better chance of getting sole custody or supervised visits for my husband & my baby?
- Question: How can she become good?
- Question: Is getting married hard these days?
- Question: What are the mostly question of the judge for divorce?
- Question: Next month is our first hearing for the divorce and custody of our son can you pls give me some tips what are the question in our divorce?
- Question: How to Be a Good Wife ? When you have near-perfect husband ?
- Question: Husband refuses to tell me where he is going, can I track his phone?
- Question: Divorce money question?
- Question: Need advice!?
- Question: What to do when a partner pushes you away and rarely wants to connect?
- Question: Is there any way that you can fix a relationship after he hit you? Is there a chance that he really does love you?
- Question: Follow your dreams or Play it safe?
- Question: My ex wifes not showing up for the kids?
- Question: Your spouse to your siblings spouse?
- Question: How can convince my husband to have another child?
- Question: Why do people want to be married?
- Question: How long should you date before marriage? 3 years?
- Question: Will child support system end in 2016 ?
- Question: A question for men during sex?
- Question: Engaged after a few months of dating when is it a good time to tell friends/family?
- Question: Feel like cheating on my husband?
- Question: Why did he choose to cheat and why did he choose to use me after all these years?
- Question: Engaged to get married after 3 years together?
- Question: Why didn't this woman want a child with her husband?
- Question: Anyone else here married to a drug addicted partner?
- Question: How should I react to my wife being raped?
- Question: How does the state find out you married twice?
- Question: Social Security Questions?
- Question: Pros/Cons of having sex before marriage?
- Question: She married me and i didnt even know it, She did it through a mosk, my wife was foreign and i didnt find out until she left,?
- Question: How can i get him back?
- Question: I admit it! It's hard being a mother, a wife, and a worker!?
- Question: Awkward sexual tension between single guy friend and me (married) Should I confront him about it?
- Question: My bf tries to have sex with me and if I don't he will hurt me. What do I do?
- Question: Why does everyone get upset when someone who is married is in love with someone else and has children want to leave the marriage?
- Question: HOW to BE friends WITH guys? (I'm girl)?
- Question: How can i finally get divorce finalized?
- Question: Birth control.. when will i start my REAL period?
- Question: He is made at me because I was too pushy and it's been 20 days not talking to me?
- Question: Being independent from family?
- Question: So depressed?
- Question: Is it Right my wife has Male Friends but She protests my female friends?
- Question: I am a virgin and I'm missing my periods?
- Question: About time to get engaged?
- Question: Will I be able to get supervised visits?
- Question: Should I ask him to meet for a drink?
- Question: If a guy cheats on his wife does that mean he doesn't like her?
- Question: I'm 19 and dating a 24 year old guy I love. He's asked me to move in. I'm unsure but seriously considering it. I need advice ASAP!!!!!?
- Question: Period question?
- Question: I want to separate from my husband, but he won't let me leave? Help?
- Question: If you was in my shoes would you walk away or stay and fight? what if you are fighting a lost cause?
- Question: How to deal when it feels like your life is falling apart?
- Question: I have recently gotten married, how can I add my married name?
- Question: I could not move on from feeling insecure of my husband's dead ex-fiance...?
- Question: Why is my husband don't this to me?
- Question: In your opinion, what is the key for successful. marriage?
Question: How to impress a girl? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:53 PM PDT true love |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:50 PM PDT Husband arrested, neighbors called police because he took baby drove off with her not in car seat in DEC: * Tried running me over; didn't want him to leave with her not in the car seat * Was pulled over w/ her at GUN POINT,witness statements got him arrested * CPS said he only had no contact; case went to social worker; social worker said call police if he comes * He moved in our house, barred me access * Jan. he said wanted to reconcile, move to IL, come back for me & baby * Got rid of all my stuff, drove to IL w/o me * I paid all bills: insurance, phone, storage, his car note ect. * He asked for money: food, gas, glasses, ect. * Brought him a round-trip plane ticket for court in Apr. * During court hearing he decided he wants to move back here * May told me the he wants a divorce; he's been unhappy since Dec. * He came again in May * Didn't see baby because he didn't want to see me * He barely asked about baby while we were "together" * He constantly yells & curses at me in text messages & the phone, name calls * Says I don't allow him access to baby but he's not in same state right now * He driving back to town next weekend * He is plans living with friends who coerced him to walk out on me and practically kick me out at 8 months pregnant with our baby * He hasn't lived in the home with baby for 6 months * I take care of baby by myself * He wiped the joint account * He only brought our 10 month daughter ** a toy ** pack of bows ** an outfit Can I win custody? |
Question: How can she become good? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:46 PM PDT first my mom never hits me. me and my bother got into a fight at mcdonalds we threw ketchup on each older im 15 he is 13. i got some ketchup on some woman clothes and my mom had to reinburst her for the damage. my mom freak out on me told me i was a immature baby and my brother to in front of people in mcdonlads. Leaving mcdonalds she told us that she should get us some pacifers and some pampers and a playpen. people were looking at me. like she was right. she took away my x box my i pod and cell i cant go out on weekends now. on the car ride home she is yelling at us telling us when she goes to wallmart she should buy us a crib and stuff.telling me we made her look like a bad mother shes being a total ***** to me. Can i turn her into CPS for abuse saying those things to me? isnt it slander or something saying lies about someone. saying i need pampers and making me look bad in public.For the record he started it my brother not me. its not fair shes doing this. she took away my games and i cant go out now cause of that *****. i want her to chill out and respect me |
Question: Is getting married hard these days? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:45 PM PDT It seems like back in the day everyone got married. Now it seems like women are lucky to even get a key to their boyfriends place. A lot of women think it's an "accomplishment" to be married, even if it ended in divorce. Just to say "they did it" what do you think? Is it hard in today's society for a woman to get her man to tie the knot & is it considered an accomplishment to you? |
Question: What are the mostly question of the judge for divorce? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:44 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:43 PM PDT |
Question: How to Be a Good Wife ? When you have near-perfect husband ? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:36 PM PDT |
Question: Husband refuses to tell me where he is going, can I track his phone? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 07:29 PM PDT My husband is bringing drinks and a change of clothing and won't tell me where he is going. Can I track him so that I could have a peace of mind? I worry about him a lot and him getting into an accident. I also worry because he isn't always honest with me. |
Question: Divorce money question? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:50 PM PDT My dad and his wife are separating. However all the bank accounts are in her name. He has moved out but now she will not give him any money in the bank account even though it is his from a disability settlement. How can we get half of the money or put a hold on the account so she cannot spend it all? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:45 PM PDT So please no mean comments: My husband and I have been together for 11 years married for 9. His dad died about 9 years ago. In reality his dad was a drunk and abusive but my hubby puts him on a pedestal for years. My husband and I moved to NY so he could attend school, since he graduated he has been unable to find good work in his field(cooking). This left me to pay the bills as he bounced from job to job for almost 2 years. I started a business as well that helped make ends meet so full-time job and business for me nothing really for him except for occasionally helping with the business. n October our landlord foreclosed on our house so we ended up moving to another house, my hubby got a job in November that he loved and worked hard at. Not making much money though. His best friend came into town a couple weeks ago, he has a great job cooking, makes money, etc. We had a blast with him. BTW since October we have also been thinking about having children and trying to have one. I will say I went a little crazy with the trying to have a kid part when I turned 30 in January! Anyways, last week my husband was talking about how he needs to live up to his dads standards, and know on chefs doors to get his career started. We were watching tv and I was like ok go ahead we started talking again and then out of the blue he said I want a divorce. MORE:Then walked out. He will not respond to my calls or texts and I just recently stopped (yesterday) texting/calling him. He got pulled over twice and called me to bail him out but as soon as I did he walked away. He quit his job. The kicker is he got on a plane to PR to go bunk with his sister. WTF?!?! He wont call me about other things that I need to know like where the truck is that is in my name so I can pick it up from the airport, what about cell phone bills, insurance, etc. MORE: It is like he is running away from everything. His sister said that he said that getting married was the one thing keeping his career stagnant. Seriously?!?! I worked my *** off for him! With this said I still want to make things right should I just give him time? Do you think this is daddy issues? We were fine and like I said talking children! I just need some advice as I said I feel as if this is related to his father, depression? but what should I do? Also his sister is taking my side on this. Of course though she can not turn him away! I do want my marriage to work we have been together for a very long time but I have no clue what to do. When he was still around I would text him and he would say not interested. Before he left for PR, he was supposed to meet with me but cancelled but we had just redone the office and I was missing an office chair and he bought me one and left it outside but said it was best for him if he didn't see me. |
Question: What to do when a partner pushes you away and rarely wants to connect? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:31 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:16 PM PDT I have always heard that as soon as someone hits their partner in a relationship then it's over. They say it gets worse and the person doesn't really love you. I believed this until a few days ago. My bf and I have known each other for years and dated for 2 yrs. Well the other day I saw that he was getting into a fight on campus and I went to stop it. I yelled for him to stop and tried pulling him away he finally turned around and yelled for me to "go the f-ck home" I was suprised but he can't afford to get in trouble so I continued to pull him away. Out of nowhere he stopped and pulled me away and it was my fault for making the dumb comment but I told him to stop acting like a stupid child and picking fights. I didn't realize it at first but he punched me in the face hard enough to knock me to the ground. When he saw me crying he had a look of instant regret. He carried me to the campus nurse and she said my nose was broken. Once he took me back to my apartment he asked if he could stay for awhile. I agreed to let him stay the night and the whole time he kept apologizing and holding me even crying a bit himself. He said the fight was because that guy had been saying things about me and it made him mad that I was angry at him. Is this an exception to what everyone says? I really do think he loves me and I hope he will never hit me again. I don't know what to do. I know I asked this already but I keep eating an error page when I click on the question so Im asking again. |
Question: Follow your dreams or Play it safe? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:15 PM PDT Would you leave your spouse for 6 months-1yr in order to pursue your dreams? If you were offered an amazing job in country that you've always wanted to experience? I am torn because I love my husband incredibly- I can't imagine not being by his side. But I also desire this experience... |
Question: My ex wifes not showing up for the kids? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:07 PM PDT Ok so we've been dovorced now for a year. I wanted 50/50 and settled for every other weekend amd every tuesday because i got backed into a corner by a lawyer. Lately the last 3 months the kids have been here at my house over half the time. I would say a good 80 percent of the time which i love. She will come to me and say, youre taking the kids for the week or just drop them off and not pick them up. She was suppoed to be here tonight and once again didnt show. I am paying her child support for our two kiddos, but i haven't the slightest clue to why im paying ot anymore because i have them all the time. My question is...what should i do? Is this a good time to go for 50 50? Ive even though of goimg for me being to custodial parent of shes not going to be there for them but im not sure how hard that is. Any ideas or insight would help. Thanks |
Question: Your spouse to your siblings spouse? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 06:06 PM PDT what is the relation with these two people? |
Question: How can convince my husband to have another child? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 05:06 PM PDT We have 3 children ages 8,7, and 4. But I really want another one though. Plus I think we can afford it, since my husband hasn't told me about any finance problems or anything (I stay at home and he works). But he told me that he doesn't think it's a good idea but he didn't really tell me why though. I don't get what the big deal is. I have three and I think I do a great job with them but now I'm ready for another baby plus babysitting my brother and sister in law's baby during the day while they are at work is making me want another one even more. How can I convince my husband that this the right choice for us? Now we had planned on having just two but our second daughter was a surprise but now that she's older I want another baby in the house. |
Question: Why do people want to be married? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:49 PM PDT |
Question: How long should you date before marriage? 3 years? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:32 PM PDT I think 2 is short, how long do people wait? Can you spot your partner's weaknesses? |
Question: Will child support system end in 2016 ? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:30 PM PDT |
Question: A question for men during sex? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:29 PM PDT I'm just curious. What does it feel like for a married man to be having sex with his wife? Everything from the physical intimacy and thrusting to the orgasm... What doe sit feel like to ejaculate inside her? And of you're someone who has kids or is trying to, how does that factor equate into the sex over all? Be very descriptive. Not just simple answers like "it feels good." What does* it feel like? And if* you're someone |
Question: Engaged after a few months of dating when is it a good time to tell friends/family? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:26 PM PDT My fiance and I are 27 and been only dating for 4 months before he proposed to me on my birthday. I'm very happy and excited, I feel he is the one for me and vice versa. We don't want to move too fast and get married right away so we thought about getting married in Feb 2016. I want to tell my friends and family but I wonder will it better to keep it on the low for now because of the amount of time we been dating. We might not have a "typical" wedding ceremony. If we decide to do that then we will prolong the engagment to book a place and stuff. |
Question: Feel like cheating on my husband? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 04:13 PM PDT Hi everyone, I got married a yr and a half ago. Things were fine until my husband's mom came to visit us for a month. She was very critical and demanding. I told my husband about it but he didn't do anything to fix this. I stay in US while my inlaws and my parents stay in a different country. After she left, my husband and I fought on and off for around 7 months We had calls on skype with her and she would not treat me well. Finally after 7 months, I actually called his parents and told them to stop doing whatever she was doing and also told my husband that this is a serious issue that just has to be sorted out. My husband is a mommy's boy. And he recently told me that his mom is not able to let go of her son and wants to control his life. She has reduced her nagging and constant demands a bit. But she calls repeatedly, sometimes when we are having sex or when we are on a romantic vacation. My husband is a nice guy but is unsupportive when it comes to his family. I live far away from my own family and friends. I don't have anyone to talk to about these things. And I am craving emotional support of some sort. I am not looking for physical intimacy but I really feel like having a friend who appreciates me, makes me feel good and who I can turn to when I feel low. Also I am only looking at having an online friend. Please help. |
Question: ENGLISH CLASS PLZ HELP FAST? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 03:57 PM PDT Explain how Ji-Cai shows the effects of the Cultural Revolution on the landlord's wife, the tall woman, and the short man in "The Tall Woman and her Short Husband." Give an example for each. |
Question: Why did he choose to cheat and why did he choose to use me after all these years? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 03:19 PM PDT Our history is I previously asked him out years ago in college but he declined stating he had a GF. Now 5 years later we have kept in touch on FB casually. He asked me to hang out and made moves and said he always had a thing for redheads, I later found out he has a steady GF who is tall and blonde, total opposite of me as I am petite, why the heck did he do this I cant help to feel envious she has this man I have like for years, him recently contacting me has been confusing since he is with her. |
Question: Engaged to get married after 3 years together? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 03:16 PM PDT |
Question: Why didn't this woman want a child with her husband? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:53 PM PDT Scenario: A woman with a child (son, age 7) from a previous relationship and has been married to her current husband for the past four years. However she has been having an affair with another man and became pregnant as a result. She separated from her husband until she delivered her lover's child (daughter). After months of pleading to her estranged husband for reconciliation through counseling, he finally agreed. During the counseling session, her husband asked why did she "choose" to have her lover's baby instead of his and she responded by saying that it was an "accident ". He asked her if she was. on her birth control during her affair, then she remained quiet before telling him " no". Lastly, he asked her why would she marry someone with whom she didn't want to bear any children and she started to cry. He left the counselor's office and immediately moved out of the home. Why would a woman choose to have children from other men, but not her own husband? Thanks for your response. |
Question: Anyone else here married to a drug addicted partner? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:44 PM PDT Sometimes I feel like leaving w/o looking back and just live by myself. Never allow someone to come so close to you that shatters your heart every minute you look at them. Other times I feel so resentful that I like to go out find someone else to mask my pain, give me some emotional support. Then there are times I just want to give so much love & stick to my vows and be there forever & be faithful as I have promised. I am still with my partner, suffering day in & day out. Don't know what to believe, what to think and I feel just as lost as my partner. I do not know what marriage is anymore. How do you deal with it? I am trying to be strong and not let it affect me, but how? At times I like to scream out loud and run away. |
Question: How should I react to my wife being raped? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:24 PM PDT While I was deployed my wife was raped by the one person that I told her not to ever hang out with because I had a bad feeling about him. I'm not a controlling person and have never told her who she can and can't associate with at any other time. She hid it from me for years because she was afraid of my reaction. She had a rape kit done at the hospital supposedly, but never turned this guy into the cops. I've been a good husband, but it always crosses my mind as to whether she was telling the truth or not. My wife is a very trustworthy person, but at the same time she was friends with a person that I asked her never to hang around with ever again. And hung out with him behind my back. Should I believe her that she was raped? |
Question: How does the state find out you married twice? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:19 PM PDT I am less than a month away from the divorce being finalized. But I wanna marry my fiance. Can I? What happens if I do but then from my 1st married the divorce gets finalized days after?? |
Question: Social Security Questions? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:16 PM PDT I m using my son s account since I don t have one. My name is Jannie. My disability check amount is $733 per month. I m 65 years old. Been on this check for 21 years. They use to call it ssi but now after I turned 65 they call it something else but amount stayed the same. My son gets $745 per month off my ex-husband s social security record. A friend of mine told me that when my son turned 18 years old that he would stop receiving money off my husband s record and that I would get that money added to my check since we was married for 14 years........Is that correct? If it matters my ex-husbands social security check is $1,540 per month. I ve tried to contact the social security office but they seem to always either be closed or so busy it takes hours and hours of waiting in line. My health is not all that great and the waiting in line is very hard on me. I hope someone on here may know. Thanks for your help on this matter. Have a good day. Jannie |
Question: Pros/Cons of having sex before marriage? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:11 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 02:09 PM PDT |
Question: How can i get him back? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:53 PM PDT Me and boyfriend of 2 years broke up after a fight He didnt answer my texts phone calls for 3 days today he answer my call and told me that he hates me and doesnt want me he sounded very hurt .how can o approach him . |
Question: I admit it! It's hard being a mother, a wife, and a worker!? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:45 PM PDT I have been so stressed out since i feel like....forever! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and I am constantly worried about their futrure and education and making sure that i spend enough time with them. I work full time so my husband is the house husband. I told him in the beginning that I wanted to work otherwise he would be the one working. the problem is......things at home are not getting done, like cleaning, teaching the kids, taking them outside or anything. He play the video game or he is on the internet. i feel the kids are not getting enough attention. when i come home from work his focus is on going out with his friends. its like i have 3 friends or like he is a teenage babysitter. we are both 25 and have been together since 16. I dont know what to do. It goes so much deeper than this. I am sooo stressed out. i feel like im a zombie. i cant smile as often. he is a sweetheart and he loves us and i have talked to him about the things i want done and he says he will change but after a week of changing it goes back to them same. I feel like i am babying him. If i asked him i know he would get a job but i would rather their dad watch them than complete strangers. i feel like i have the world on my shoulders. i am so tired and weak i dont have the energy for myself or children and i feel sooooo bad. I am wondering if i should just let him work but he has no work ethic and does not handle work well. he changes and becomes grumpy but here i am trying to keep I mean its like i have 3 kids |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:39 PM PDT He has said things out loud around/to my husband in the line of "I heard your wife was here so i had to come over." and "I could have her (me) if i wanted her!" It is not unlike him to say crazy funny things, but when we speak to each other one on one it is always very awkward like we re kids with crushes on each other trying not to sound stupid. But I dont like him in that way! I m just responding to how he acts towards me. I don t act this way with anyone else. Do I confront him on it or let it go? We don t see each other that often (just friend gatherings/ weddings/ parties). I d like to just be friends with him without the tension. Oh and I ve pointed this out to my husband, but he just brushes it off. |
Question: My bf tries to have sex with me and if I don't he will hurt me. What do I do? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:38 PM PDT His name is Dillon and he keeps trying to have sex with me. He is 15 and I am 14. I can't tell an adult or he will hurt me. He will find a way. I don't know if I should just let him do it to me or not Should I listen to him or not. I can't tell anyone or he will hurt me. Should I just get hurt or just do it with him Also you have to understand that he hasn't raped me yet. He wants to **** me and if I refuse I get hurt. And I am kicked out of my house and living with my friend. He wants to **** her too. We are having the same problem. He knows if we talk to the police. I think I should just go with it |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:37 PM PDT Would it not be the right thing to do. You won't be living a lie, you won't be angry /miserable which can show and will be bad for the kids and so on! What would you do? If you just don't love your husband/wife and want someone else that you want to be with. p.s. I am not doing any of this. Just asking a question of what you would do. Thanks. I am not upset. Just asking a question. :) |
Question: HOW to BE friends WITH guys? (I'm girl)? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:36 PM PDT I'm 13)) So my best friend is leaving the school now and I have no friends.. In my class there are 9 girls left, who are in the groups of 2 and i'm that forever alone. I decided that i want to be friends with guys.. One problem how should i tell them that... I have one boy's number, who i hung around with 3 years ago and then he told me that we are too young and etc. How should i text me I really badly wanna be friends with this guy and his guyfriends) I'm pretty shy so idk.. Thx for attention)) |
Question: How can i finally get divorce finalized? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:36 PM PDT Firstly I'm not Debra I'm a male using her PC . On two separate occasions, in ok I'd filed for divorce and pd quite a bit of money both times , only to learn I'm still not divorced . I haven't even laid eyes on my ex for 12 or more years and she even lives in a different state . I have been informed she won't sign anything . We've no kids or assets . I want my divorce and I'd like not to have to pay again . is there a easy and free way to do so? |
Question: Birth control.. when will i start my REAL period? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:19 PM PDT I started taking birth control and I was sexually active while on birth control but I would still make him use a condom. I lost my sugar pills so I couldn't take them I then started my period but I'm not sure if its a real or fake period ??? If its fake when will I start my REAL period I'm off birth control now !??? |
Question: He is made at me because I was too pushy and it's been 20 days not talking to me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 01:11 PM PDT |
Question: Being independent from family? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:47 PM PDT I am married. My mother recently decided she wants nothing to do with me after being my only family. My question is has anyone just had a relationship with their husband or wife and been ok? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:19 PM PDT Ice been married for four years. Earlier this year i found out my husband cheated on me. We've been together since i was 15. He seemed sincere so i gave him another chance. That was January. After that i fixed my errors as well. I kept the house real clean, cooked, treated him as well as i could, made him feel wanted, etc. He seemed more loving too. But now the same signs of chasing are coming back. He goes gets gas late at night and reopened his video chatting app (the woman lives in another city). Her doesn't talk about kids or future anymore. just feel so depressed. In 27, my click is ticking and i feel like i wasted my life. Please help me. |
Question: Is it Right my wife has Male Friends but She protests my female friends? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:14 PM PDT My wife and I have been married almost 5 years.. During the first 4 years of our marriage, I kinda let my social life go and focused on getting serious at work. I got a management promotion. Stopped going out to bars and parties. Just wanted to get my life together. My wife on the other hand on average goes out about two nights a week with her coworkers from work.. She has a few close guy friends, who text her and she even goes out to eat with.. I don't have a problem with this. On my birthday though my wife invites one of her male coworkers out to dinner with us.. I was furious about this, and at the dinner table ( Restaurant ) My wife talked to her male friend the entire time. I was bored out of my mind. I did not get mad but I decided to even the playing field.. This girl at my job named Aurora and I are very good friends at work. She's never meet my wife but I decided to invite Aurora out for drinks with my wife, myself and some of her friends from work. After leaving the bar with my wife, my wife flips out about Aurora. Said she looked like " A slut ". Aurora is a single mother of 3. Shes very pretty use to be a professional model before she had kids but I didn't tell my wife this.. Ever since that night my wife has been accusing me of having feelings for Aurora. I point out my wife has guy friends. But she said that's not a fair comparison because they are " Ugly ". I don't think her male friends are ugly people. So how is this fair? |
Question: I am a virgin and I'm missing my periods? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:11 PM PDT I am a virgin and I am missing my periods... On the 20th of this Month it would be complete 2 Months. It's crazy I am only 14. My period always gets delayed for a long time after running normal but not this long. I am having backbone pain and sometimes more like spinal cord pain. I feel symptoms of periods coming but they are not. I also feel breast pain and my right ovary sometimes kind of feels heavy. Plz help I already checked the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome but they don't match. I don't know what's happening plz reply fast | Thank U | peace |
Question: About time to get engaged? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 12:00 PM PDT My girlfriend & i have been together for 6 years now, is it time to get engaged? I'm planning on proposing to her because i want her to be mine forever and we are truly perfect for each other, we have been living together for 5 & a half years now. I know she is ready. What do you think? Is 6 years together long enough to get married? |
Question: Will I be able to get supervised visits? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:50 AM PDT I have custody of my two kids with my ex. i filed for child support 3 years ago & in the papers it says their dad can get them every other wknd. He's done that for maybe a year now. His gf that he has, they've been together maybe 2yrs. Her & I have never seen eye to eye much. She's always wanted to run things her way including my kids. A few months ago she started telling my 4 & 6 yr old to call her mom & that she's mommy too. & upset when they don't call her mom. Recently my 6 yr old told me she's been spanking & yelling at them. When I told the her since the begining it is not her job to disipline or ever put her hands on them. She agreed. But here lately she has not cared about the agreement we made. My kids do not like her & wish it was just them & their dad. Is there anything at all that I can do??? Also, my ex & his gf have been fighting in front of my kids. Not often, but at least 3-4 times in the past 4 months theyve seen & heard them. Reminder- they're only with their dad every other wknd. |
Question: Should I ask him to meet for a drink? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:44 AM PDT I got out of a two year relationship about three weeks ago. We lived together, and I moved out. I think I'm now ready to get back out and date again. If anything, I think it might help me to finally get my ex out of my head. I originally met my ex on a dating site, and at the time, I was dating another guy from the site and had another date lined up. Once I met my ex, however, I told the other guy I was seeing that I had met someone else, and the guy I had plans with, I told him the same thing, never meeting up with him. Would it be weird to reach out and contact the guy I never met up with? He seemed like a really great guy, but I'm not sure if he'll think I'm weird for it. |
Question: If a guy cheats on his wife does that mean he doesn't like her? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:39 AM PDT They had an arranged marriage and just days before and after his marriage he had been talking to another woman for sex. Does that mean he doesn't like his wife and wasn't interested in marrying her? |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:25 AM PDT I'm asking this on Marriage and Divorce because I know this is a big decision and I want to ask people who have had more life experience I've been dating an older guy for a year now (I'm currently 19 and he's 24). He is the best boyfriend I've ever had, mostly because I know he cares about me and not just sex. Even when we're doing it he puts forth a lot of effort to give me pleasure. He can always make me laugh, he's very supportive, and he is my best friend ever. He recently asked me to move in with him. I'm seriously considering it. I would love to spend a lot of time with him, share a bed with him, and be in that level of commitment with him. I am starting nursing school in the fall. Living with him could make spending time together easier since nursing school is so time consuming (he also lives super close to the hospital for whatever that's worth). I easily can see myself marrying him one day. I love him and I know he loves me. On the other hand part of me feels too young. He's 24 and I do think he's seriously thinking of marriage (which is why he probably wants to move in together). As I said before I do think I want to marry him one day and I know he will be a great dad to our kids, but I don't feel prepared to be married yet. Part of me feels too young, but the other part of me really wants to move to the next level with him. Should I move in with him or not? Why or why not? I want to clarify if I move in with him it wouldn't be just because he wants to. It's because a big part of me wants too as well. The thing is another part of me doesn't feel ready. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:24 AM PDT Hi so I got my period may 9 for the first time ever and it's now June 5 (28 days later) and it's the end of the school day and I still haven't gotten it im new at this and I know you might be a few days late your first time but can someone explain to me? |
Question: I want to separate from my husband, but he won't let me leave? Help? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 11:17 AM PDT Hello to anyone. I need help. I'm young & married with young children. Got married in my early twenties & am approaching 30. I love my husband, but our marriage has changed. He has changed & in very negative ways. I want to temporarily separate & us attend counseling, together & separate, but when I pitched this to him he told me that was a terrible idea. He said if I want to leave then I should file for a divorce today. I never once mentioned the D word, but I need space & heres why. My husband terrifies me. He's 6'4, very large & was a college wrestler. Our fights have crossed dangerous lines & he gets very angry with me very fast. I'm someone who hates confrontation so dealing with this has been so difficult. Our fights began over normal things & I learned I had to seriously watch what I did or said to keep him from screaming & cussing at me. I know it's normal to have a filter & think before you speak.. But this is like "think before you piss off the bear" because I don't want to get my head bitten off. I used to think he would never hurt me, but there was an incident over a year ago where he became so drunk that he held me down, held my wrists together & chased me when I ran. It was terrifying & he claims he dosnt remember it bc he blacked out. Maybe so. He claims he's never done some of the things he has. Says I'm crazy. It's in my head. It's all my fault. I don't want to live like this anymore. I feel trapped. Please.... Anyone. I need help. |
Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:36 AM PDT my husband left his phone home this morning and i went through it. he goes through mine all the time too. while reading his texts i found out he's apartment hunting. so when he came back home (10 mins later) i asked him about it. he lied...i don't know what you're talking about. did my research and found out that his ex(who i believe he's still messing with ) told him he has to. i asked him for a sit down as mature people to discuss this. they have two children, one while we were still together. his reason was i have to find another place because she will never allow them around another woman. supposibly the ex is traveling and needs to leave the kids with him. they have never been to our home he wont bring them. i am so upset about this because he makes decisions all the time without me knowing. we have a baby on the way. and i can't imagine how this whole thing is gonna play out. |
Question: How to deal when it feels like your life is falling apart? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:09 AM PDT I just don't know what to even think. Sometimes I think that I am a selfish asshole because I have food on the table and a house, but yet I can't help but feel like everything in my life is bad. My husband has Asperger's Syndrome which is high functioning autism. He and I have communication issues because of it. And he has rage. He has thrown things at me and thrown me across the room. I've had some bad bruising in the past from him hurting me. He's broken furniture, and he even broke my computer. We are seeing a psychologist now to try and correct his rage and autism issues, but I still feel affected by it. Like the pain never goes away fully. We haven't had a fight like that in about a month now which for us is pretty good. I have no friends. I am very socially awkward and people don't accept me for who I am. It's tough. My husbands boss is trying to fire him. He hasn't got anything on him, so he hasn't made it happen yet, but he has made it clear that he wants my husband gone. And we rely on that salary, because my job cut my hours down to almost nothing because business is doing badly. My passion in life is travel, camping and hiking. And I feel really unfulfilled because I can never go. I sit at home and wait for my husband to come home, but his boss is making him work continuously. So by the time he gets home, there is no time to even cuddle together. Weekends are when my husband is off work, but my job won't allow me to have weekends off. I feel like it doesn't matter what I do, but that everything will be bad. I want so badly to just have a break. A time where we could actually enjoy life a bit. I feel so depressed because I have been waiting hopelessly for nothing. How do you deal when your life is falling apart? |
Question: I have recently gotten married, how can I add my married name? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 10:00 AM PDT |
Question: I could not move on from feeling insecure of my husband's dead ex-fiance...? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:25 AM PDT |
Question: Why is my husband don't this to me? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:14 AM PDT I've been married for a year and a half and I'm pregnant with my husband's first child. Throughout this pregnancy I had so many complications. Light bleeding, horrible abdominal pains, anxiety, stress, anemic, los vitamin D deficiency, I even had OCD for a while. We've had many arguments and most of the time it would start with me being mad and saying something under my breathe and ignoring my husband. He'd get mad when I'd ignore him and then he'll fight with me. Yelling, and hitting things. Most of the time I'd sit and just listen to everything he'd say. Our last fight was the worse. He went drinking with friends and he wouldn't let me leave. I tried to take the car and he wouldn't let me. He threatened to call the cops and say the car was stolen. I pushed him twice, and accidentally hit his fingers on the patio door and he left. I called my family member crying and I calmed down. When he got home he wanted to keep it going. I laid in bed trying to ignore him when he called me pathetic, a loser, a *****. I slapped him in the face and he called the cops saying I was punching him in the head. Now three weeks later I see that I did wrong by hitting him and being 8 1/2 months pregnant isn't and excuse. I'm seeking psychiatric help and counseling. He's been treating me like pure **** though. I'm living with family and he tells me to come home and when I say no he says I'm a bad person. What should I do? I love him and I'm trying to change and he's just isn't even trying. I'm going to guess whoever told me to give my child up for adoption don't have kids. My son isn't the problem. And just because I'm arguing with my son's dad doesn't mean the baby isn't the top priority. I left my husband to be in a stress free environment for my baby. I left ti stop the abuse. |
Question: In your opinion, what is the key for successful. marriage? Posted: 05 Jun 2015 09:05 AM PDT |
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