Family: Question: Is it weird that I just want to be with my sister and mom for my sweet 16? |
- Question: Is it weird that I just want to be with my sister and mom for my sweet 16?
- Question: My daughter's father is denying a child with another woman. The girl is now 9 years old. She looks exactly like my daughter.?
- Question: My mom is crazy?
- Question: My parents smoke weed, I do too but They don't know... And I'm afraid to ask them to let me smoke with them..?
- Question: Virtual Families 2? Daughter and Dad are weak?
- Question: I have anger problems? 10 points?
- Question: My twin dosen't want to have fun with me anymore, help!?
- Question: How do I not miss my mom when she is gone?
- Question: Would Aunts kisses bother you?
- Question: How should I depart from them?
- Question: Help! How do I convince my parents to let me play the drums?
- Question: What do I do??
- Question: Can a woman make false pretexts to police to get you arrested.?
- Question: My father is psychopath?
- Question: Why does my mother care about money more than me?
- Question: How to turn down invitation?
- Question: My mom threatened me and I don't know what to do.?
- Question: I'm sexually attracted to my cousin! What do I do?
- Question: How much should I get off babysitting?
- Question: Hey grandparents, why don't you think children/teens/young adults who still live at home should have privacy?
- Question: Have you given your little brothers a piggyback ride?
- Question: Should I drive to Los Vegas with my Mother?
- Question: Help! I caught my 7 year old brother looking at pictures and videos of naked girls!?
- Question: I'm 13 and my mom treats me like I'm a little girl?
- Question: My mom won't let me see my best friend?
- Question: I'm an adult male and my mom yells at me for being short?
- Question: Im scared my dad will die?
- Question: Just fought with my dad?
- Question: Family Issues?
- Question: I hate driving with my parents. Does anyone else think this way?
- Question: How do I tell friends and family that I'm moving in with my boyfriend?
- Question: If you was raised in foster care and was beat, and the parents didnt have an elemtary education...and it took you to age 35 to find?
- Question: My child is so unmotivated?
- Question: Why do I have to go through this?
- Question: Can you help me run away?
- Question: Am i wrong for wanting my parents to continue to let me live in the house for 10days til my place is finished?
- Question: How do I stop being super jealous of rich people?
- Question: I fought with my dad?
- Question: Should i leave?
- Question: Why do I always feel guilty?
- Question: Family won't celebrate anymore?
- Question: Does my mom hate me ? Please read the information thank you?
- Question: My boyfriend is grounded for the rest of the year, his parents hate me?
- Question: Why do women murder an unborn child every month?
- Question: Was it wrong what my mom did?
- Question: I want to be 6'2 i am 5'10.5 dad is 5'11 or 6'0 mom is 5'3. family most are tall. Some ppl in my family r 6'2. I am 14.4.?
- Question: How to deal with moving to a small town?
- Question: My sister never picks up after herself?
- Question: I'm worried about my daughter?
- Question: How to make my dad let me have fun ?
- Question: Whats the best way to respond to incorrigible rude negative disparaging family members?
- Question: My parents disapprove my girlfriend. Im confused.?
- Question: My mom slept with a black guy?
- Question: Growing up my mom always had a good career, however she loves to gamble and wou spend all her money at the casino.?
- Question: My mom found my weed.?
- Question: How can i keep my mother happy and do what she expects from me?
- Question: I'm a new middle child?
- Question: Bad Fight with mom?
- Question: Why would a family member not want want to give you their phone number and only be willing to communicate via email?
- Question: My mom says I won't get anywhere in life by going to college?
Question: Is it weird that I just want to be with my sister and mom for my sweet 16? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 01:15 PM PDT So my birthday is coming up soon and it's my 16th. Both my sister's had huge extravagant parties with music and dresses and limos and everything. Basically what you see in the movies. But I'm the odd ball in my family. Well that's what my dad says. But is it weird that I don't want a huge party. I told my older sister this and she looked at me like I had roches coming out of my eyes or something. When my mom was younger she did the same thing for her 16th. So I just feel like I really am odd For not wanting a huge party. Honestly, all I really want to do is spend it with my middle sister and my mom. Maybe just go out to dinner to a casual restaurant and then come home and have cake And then like watch whatever I want on Netflix (I never get to chose what we watch so letting me chose would be pretty big) and then before I go to bed I want to do all that facil, and a bubble bath and that stuff. Maybe do like one of those hair conditioning things that makes your hair really soft. Lol. Idk maybe this sounds super lame but I really don't want a party.I don't really even have any REAL friends anyways. They never want to hang out with me and they turn into ******* whenever we don't agree on something. Is this idea weird? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 01:13 PM PDT Can I somehow file a petition to have him tested on that child? The mother now lives in a different state and has never wanted the dad in her life. I'm sure I would be overstepping my boundaries, but thats a sister that my daughter can get to know. Any thoughts? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 01:02 PM PDT I went to a friends house and she knew where I was and then I even sent my location to my dad and then she knocked on the door and then she started threatening to call the police now I'm not aloude over anymore because there afraid my mom will call the police. She always does this! She always threatens to call the police on people and I'm sick if it. This was my really close friend and I got so upset I started cutting myself. I hate her. I hate my mom and I hate my life. I just wish I could die so I would never have to see her again. She ruins my life and I hate her for it. She always threatens people probably because she thinks it gives her power but I'm done with her she can go kill herself for all I care! |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:56 PM PDT |
Question: Virtual Families 2? Daughter and Dad are weak? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:55 PM PDT Both the dad and daughter are weak. They wont sleep, whenever I drag the daughter to rhe bed she starts jumping on it, and the dad just sits down? Ive wasted all my money because they were recently sick and I had to purchase medicine. I only have 120 coins left. What do I do? |
Question: I have anger problems? 10 points? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:44 PM PDT I used to have them when I was younger and would have temper tantrums all the time. But when I was 9 I saw my grandma get hit by a truck and die. I learned to control my anger problems but sometimes I will bump into something and feel a rage so blind and white I will just stand there shaking. Or I will punch a wall or something. It is only on certain days though. Also I am a girl and I am 15 |
Question: My twin dosen't want to have fun with me anymore, help!? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:44 PM PDT My twin and I have played with stuffed animals for years. Its been an outlit from school, ect, ect. She was always getting mad at me while we played, but I didn't care it was fun to play while we did. Now she dosen't want to play. We haven't for a few months and I've tried everything. Video's, stuff, words, kindness, food and much more. She still won't and I'm really sad Help! Can someone tell me how to get her to play with stuffed animals again! |
Question: How do I not miss my mom when she is gone? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:37 PM PDT Right now, my parents are away and I'm staying with my adult sister. I'm 16 and I'm best friends with my mom, I love more than I can describe. This might sound really wierd coming from a 16 year old (btw I am normal and have lots of friends!). She calls me a few times a day, but I am constantly crying because I miss her. She travels a bit and I was wondering if any of you have ways to cope with missing your mom? Thanks x |
Question: Would Aunts kisses bother you? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:29 PM PDT My wife and I visited her Aunt with our kids. We don't do kissing on the lips. When we were leaving the Aunt kissed our two year old on the lips. I said "we don't like people kissing our son on the lips". She said "too bad" and kissed him on the lips again.... Its like my authority is just ignored! What would you have done (I just didn't say anything more. Would it annoy you? |
Question: How should I depart from them? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:24 PM PDT I am going to end my life, for reasons. However the thing holding me back is my family, I have two sisters and both my parents. Should I leave them with some final words? Or just get on with it? I have worked it out so it will not appear to be an intentional suicide, so I do not mean last words as in "You are going to do just fine without me". More like something they can think back on in times of hardship after my demise. What would be better (except not following through with this), talking to them or just doing it? |
Question: Help! How do I convince my parents to let me play the drums? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:07 PM PDT My parents don't say no but they don't say yes either, they just ignore me or deflect it with a different topic. I have a feeling that they think I will give up. Background on me: I quit piano after a year it just wasn't my style, been playing the cello for almost 2 years now (learning in orchestra at school). They also think it will hurt my grades in school. Please answer I will greatly appreciate it! |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:06 PM PDT Okay so I visit my dad in the breaks since my parents are divorced and I love visiting my dad. Yesterday I bought a curling iron and my mom asked if she could use it and I said no Cuz I just wanted to use it since it was new and then she got all mad and flipped out for no effin reason and said I can't see my dad and I was pissed AF and I need help someone pls give me advice in what I should do I have to see my dad I live him to death PLEEZE answer thx |
Question: Can a woman make false pretexts to police to get you arrested.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:56 AM PDT My father and mother have martial issue where to the point of reading this you wonder if that will happen with your spouse. It started about 4 years ago when my dad was dropping off my mother at her job because at the time she didn't have a car. Then my dad gets hit with a 18 wheeler USPS truck and he was hospitalized. Having broken ribs, broken jaw, broken teeth, and many more places. As he was recovering my mother served him as like a nurse. She also made fun of him alongside my sisters saying crawl like a baby up the stairs because he couldn't walk he was healing he had metal rods in his feet and metal pins in his back. At the moment he is 65 years of age she is 54 years of age. She always tells him to f*** his mother who has been dead for three years now. My sisters and my mother team up to sabotage my dad. Now he trying to fill out important documents and she throws the papers on the floor which those papers need to be given to a judge for civil court case. Then last year my dad cheated with two ladies but the relationship was merely platonic and my mom was hurt by it. Then she goes to his job looking for him because he slept in his car the night before to avoid her chasing him out of the house and he owns the house completely his name is on the deed not hers. She makes him lose his job he can't come back their unless I need to go to that hospital. She trying to take his key now and he said if anyone leaving its her. Then she calling the cops lying to them about my dad. |
Question: My father is psychopath? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:54 AM PDT So, my father threatens my mother with I'm going to get you and whenever my mother shouts at him he shouts ******* hard and starts swearing, he threatens also by wanting to destroy the house. He says my mother is a slut, and today my mother threw away old water in the toilet and he took a sponge to save the old water and started taking the water out of the toilet. Oh and sorry for the bad grammar |
Question: Why does my mother care about money more than me? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:52 AM PDT My mother has two kids, my brother and I. He's 32 and I'm 27. We're both adults obviously but I feel like because my brother puts money and image above everything in his life, she respects him more. But I'm more of a faith-based person and I'm introverted. It doesn't take more than a book and a cup of tea to make me happy. But I feel like my mom hates that! She's always looking for drama and she HATES to see me doing well. And she HATES that my dad pays more attention to me than her. She never asks me how I'm doing, she just TELLS me what to do and she's always making sure she's in control of my finances. She seems jealous that I'm finally losing weight on my own and going back to college this summer. Is it because she sees me as a younger version of herself who has an easier life and more opportunities and that pisses her off? Because I don't want to be a fat, miserable loser just to make her happy! |
Question: How to turn down invitation? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:45 AM PDT My grandpa loves riding bike and nearly every time I see he he asks me to go on a weekend bike trip or a whole day trip. I don't know how to tell him that I hate bike riding and really don't want to go. If he asked my like once or twice a year I would be fine but it's almost every weekend that he asks me and I don't know how to tell him no with out hurting his feelings. |
Question: My mom threatened me and I don't know what to do.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:32 AM PDT So today my sister got baptized and my mom went into a different room and helped my sister get dressed and prepared ... so she asked me to take a video of it for her so she handed me a camera and left I did not know how to use this particular kid of camera so I dident get video but my dad got pictures. When my mom got back she asked if I got the video and I explained why and she argued with me in the middle of church. Then when we got in the car she kept taking about how kids kept her from living her life and having money and she told me to pack up and leave and that she hated me and she was sending me somewhere else to live. This all happened over a video. What do I do? im 12 and a half by the way so its not like can drive or anything. And my parents are split if that helps I really don't want to live at my dads house |
Question: I'm sexually attracted to my cousin! What do I do? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:26 AM PDT First of we AREN'T related by blood since my grand parents on my dads side had all adopted children. I'm 14 and she's 30 I don't know why but I'm sexually attracted to her and I have been for awhile what do I do? |
Question: How much should I get off babysitting? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:24 AM PDT I'm 14 and I babysit everyday when my brother and sister get off the bus. My mom and dad work so I have to babysit them. I don't get paid for this. On days off from school, my mom and dad still work and I babySit from 7am to 5pm. My mom promises payment but I never get any. When I do get paid its only about 15-20$. Please don't tell me I should be happy for what I get. My mother makes me work for money and I have to buy my own clothes. How much should I be getting paid? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:20 AM PDT Y'all who don't think they should be able to lock their door, y'all are sick! And just walking in without even knocking is what a pedophiles does! Even if they're an adult, it's still sick! You want to watch then masturbate! You are disgusting and need mental help! They could be masturbating, they could be changing clothes, you think it's ok to just walk in without warning? You are sick! You're like Herbert the pervert from Family Guy! Stop trying to look at children when they might be naked or masturbating! You are sick and need serious mental help! Even if they're 18 or older it is still sick! I still consider you a pedophile! |
Question: Have you given your little brothers a piggyback ride? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:19 AM PDT I'm still giving piggyback rides to my baby brothers (11,9 and 7 years old) my 11 year old brother really enjoys it same with my 9 and 7 year old brothers, they always ask me for one everyday and I always give them one What's your story and what's there age? |
Question: Should I drive to Los Vegas with my Mother? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:15 AM PDT My mom would like me to drive to Los Vegas with her from Seattle so that she can go to a convention. The drive is about 20 hours long and would take two days in each direction. We'd only be in Vegas for two days and would be staying with relatives in the suburbs about a 30 minutes away. I'd have to take four or five days off work and would have to to concider my lost wages as part of my cost of the trip. I'm a 27-year-old guy and only child living on my own. Growing up I was quite docile and pretty much went along with whatever my mom said, but this road trip isn't my cup if tea. If I were to go to Vegas I'd like to fly and stay in a hotel in the city so that I could experience the night life (instead of spending evenings with some reletives I've never met in the suburbs!) I'm also not comfortable taking so many days off work. And the rushed drive there and back sounds excruciating. I did the math and it would be cheeper to fly down and rent a car. I asked me mom if we could fly and she said, "No. I don't like flying." however, she flies places all the time! Well, she got mad and said "Well, don't come with me then! I guess you don't like fun! I'll never invite you on a trip like this again!" Should I bite the bullet and go with her or is my mom being unreasonable? |
Question: Help! I caught my 7 year old brother looking at pictures and videos of naked girls!? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:11 AM PDT My brother is 7, we have a family IPad that only me my mom and brother use, I got it for Christmas a few years ago but gave it to them to use too . I needed to use the iPad to search a song on YouTube and when I typed "you" a bunch of stuff that said naked girls pics and videos and all of that show up in the history. I went on the settings and cleared it because I didn't know who viewed it and I didn't want anyone else to. Earlier today i typed in " N " to see if it would pop up again and surely it did. So I asked my brother if he did it he denied it at first and then said I did but please don't tell anyone. So I cleared it again and said don't ever do it again or mom will see it. What should I do? And what if he does it again? Im 14 and shouldn't have to watch out for him everyday and make sure i clear his history.. he is a sweet kid too and doesn't seem weird! He's nice and not a mean brother and I was shocked by this! Please help this shouldn't be my responsibility ! |
Question: I'm 13 and my mom treats me like I'm a little girl? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:10 AM PDT I feel like no matter what I do I still get treated like a little girl.My mom still wants me to hide my eyes when a violent commercial comes on.I'm watching this movie I'm really into and it has a kissing scene then it ends and after the commercial it comes back and they are in bed together (the girl has a gown on and they are under the cover so not like anything is showing) and my mom changes the channel.She still thinks I believe in Santa and the Easter bunny and buys me clothes from the little girl's department.They're ok clothes and I would wear them even if it was just to please her but they just don't fit (I'm not fat, just very, very tall) and when I say they don't fit she thinks I mean I don't like them.I don't ever want to stop being 'mommy's little girl' I just want to be treated more like a teen and not a 6 year old. I don't want to hurt her but I just want her to understand I'm not this little girl anymore.How can I get her to understand?She doesn't even like me to listen to songs like All About That Bass because it has curse words in them and she curses a lot herself!I don't get it.I can't get a dress if the middle is out.I can't do anything.I just want to gain the respect from adults, not just her, and when an adult I know says 'hi' to me I don't to hear, "Hi, _____! My you've grown!"I'm not being taken seriously.I act very mature, that's not the problem, my age is. I've considered suicide (for more reasons) and when I say something I just get laughed at. Help? |
Question: My mom won't let me see my best friend? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:08 AM PDT Okay, I had a friend last year and she was like my sister, we were always together, she meant the world to me and I meant to world to her. Around September last year we had a really bad fall out, I went in a bad depression and had to move in all my classes just to get away from her. We weren't talking for AGES, my mom hates her so much, she won't let me talk to her. now we are talking and i miss her like hell. She invited me to a party and she said I could sleep at hers, I cant lie to my mom and say I've gone somewhere else, I just want to be best friends like we were before. I'm 15 and I have a pretty good relationship with my mom, I don't want to upset her and rebel, but I don't want to get pushed away from my best friend again. Please help :( |
Question: I'm an adult male and my mom yells at me for being short? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:02 AM PDT I'm the same height as my dad (5'8). My mom says I'm short from not eating healthy. |
Question: Im scared my dad will die? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:01 AM PDT My parents had me in there 40's and I am 13 so they are obviously older parents. My mom passed away in February after suffering from a rare disease with no cure. My dad is 65 so I am scared I will lose him too soon. :( |
Question: Just fought with my dad? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:01 AM PDT I'm 19 & in college. My parents have been divorced since I was 6. I prefer my mom and my moms house bc my dad is overbearing & manipulative. His house isn't welcoming. My friends hate when I go there for a few days bc they don't like the 'feel' of his house and so I never get to hang out with them when I'm at his house. He's slightly abusive bc I'm overweight & when I was younger, I would barely reach 800 calories in a day and then he'd make me work out. He always tries to guilt trip me into doing what he wants. I thought that when I got to college and came back, I wouldn't have to change houses bc I'm an adult and can make that decision. I'll be 20 this year. I tried to have an adult conversation with him and he blew up, saying that I was selfish, ungrateful, and he's cutting everything off. He's not going to pay for anything anymore. I told him I would spend says with him but I would just prefer to spend nights at my moms house (the place I refer to as 'home'). I really hate it over here and would love to just come home to my moms house but he does carry me financially. Like I actually dread coming home just bc I know I have to spend a few days over here. Do I give up my own happiness? I feel like if he forces me to stay here by holding financials over my head, I'm going to actually start to hate him but he doesn't understand the conflict he has caused. I don't want to hate my father but it's going to get to that point of I have to stay here. Help? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:47 AM PDT Okay, so about one year ago we moved in with my grandparents. Mostly because I kept harping on my mom- biggest mistake of my life... She says things like, "I put my son on this earth, I can take him off." Which scares me. It results in self harm. Long story short, friend found out, she told her friend, that friend told her mom, that told my friends mom, friends mom told my mom. My mom is nice, kind of, but my aunt and grandparents I'm afraid of. My mom was found out she had breast cancer, she put my grandparents on for...not adoption, I don't know what its called, but if she does.....pass, ) I do plan on suicide, I'm afraid of my grandma and she would be the one to adopt me. I WOULD rather live with my dad (who i never met) or foster, anything but her. Not even a half an hour ago, she was doing dishes and she apperently said something to me. I didn't hear aunt said somethign to me and i replied, she went "I say something to her she doesn't even reply." I brush it off, too afraid to say something, then i go to the bathroom and she said it again, and i went "I didn't hear you" I forgot what she said, i think she said "I don't know how you wouldnt hear me" My mom wants to move, but i don't think thats happening soon, our car broke and we have to buy a new one...she starts chemo soon and it just feels like my lifes crashing down on me. (I'm 13, and I'm homeschooled so i don't get out much. i have one real life friend) |
Question: I hate driving with my parents. Does anyone else think this way? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:47 AM PDT I am not close to my parents and I just don't like being in a car with them, especially when both are in the car. When they are really helping me, they disagree to everything they want to say to me and they can be annoying. And it is so hard for me to please them. My dad is a know-it-all, which is why I like driving with my mom better (with her alone). My mom actually helps and she is a safer driver. My dad is still a know-it-all even outside of driving. He talks about the same stuff every day and I can't do anything. I hate going anywhere throughout my teen days because he tells to do this and than and unnecessary things. Being a kid sucks. By the way, I'm only 16 and I have a permit and I did 6 months so far, but I don't get my license until I'm 17 in June. At least it's April. Now I only have two more months of this **** to do. I won't ever have to drive in a car with them again and I will regret my teen days. My parents always act like a bunch of party animals when I drive. |
Question: How do I tell friends and family that I'm moving in with my boyfriend? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:42 AM PDT My boyfriend and I are 26 and been dating for a couple months now. The situation is my boyfriend is not getting along with his roommates and wants to move out and we agreed to move in together. In my situation I live with my dad and I'm looking forward moving out but I worry I might face criticism from my dad and friends about us moving in together because we haven't dated for that long. How can I go about it? The plan is that we move in by June if we find a place. My boyfriend doesn't have any close friends or relatives he can stay with right now. Also it's expensive where we live |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:35 AM PDT The meaning of life..are you blamed for errors |
Question: My child is so unmotivated? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:34 AM PDT My daughter is 12 years old and the only child. she is not motivated at all. I live in a bad neighborhood so she doesn't go outside unless we walk to a near by park. I want to sign her up for some activities at YMCA but she likes I want to do that. She is on the computer from sun up to sun down on this game on the computer. I keep telling her she has to do something outside of the house but all she does Is care about her online friends. How can I get my child motivated to make friends outside the home and off the computer all day? |
Question: Why do I have to go through this? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:20 AM PDT My life is horrible. Im in high school and I live with my dad and his psycho wife. She been abusing me since I was 13. Every fight is started by her and always end up in my dad defending me. Before he married her, me and him was cool and never fought. But now he has another son and a daughter coming on the way. She doesn't know how much I do for her and her son. I translate his school papers and I did her doctors papers for her to have a another baby. She would make mean faces to me when my dads not looking. Talk crazy when he's outside smoking. Go in my room and take my stuff. Im missing shorts, boxers and shirts. One day I found one of my jackets with slits in it. I can't take it anymore. My dad knows that she crazy but doesn't see it. I tried talking to him about it but he tells me to forget about it. Her son is a brat. He's only nice to me when he wants me to download games for him. Half of the fights started because of him. She yells at him and then blames me after for it. I don't wanna be here anymore. Only a few ppl know she mistreats me. Not even family members. She act all nice when ppl are around but she's different when they're not. I have no college to go to because its late for me to apply. I have no license and no car. I have no one to turn to. Why do I have to go through this? She gave me a crazy look today and my arm started shaking while I was eating. I live in fear of this woman everyday. I want to find my real mom but ik that's impossible to do online. |
Question: Can you help me run away? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:06 AM PDT Hey, I'm 15 turning 16 in 2 months. I have thought about this many times before. I've had enough. Maybe I'm just thinking about running away for the summer, or maybe till I'm 18. I'm homeschooled, barely have any friends. I don't get out much, I get grounded & yelled at for the stupidest reasons. I'm not aloud to do what most kids my age are doing. I want to have fun & have an exciting teenage life before it's over. For the most part I stay in my room. I'm so bored with my life. I want to get out & see things. I want to have the freedom of living on my own. I'm tired of hearing all the arguments & struggles about not having money. I want to be happy & staying here isn't what's going to make me happy . I have places I can go, my boyfriend is turning 17 a month after my birthday. We've been together for more than 2 years. If he wants to do this too then we can go upstate with his dad. Can anybody help me with figuring out a plan ? I know the struggles of running away & I didn't ask this question to hear about the negatives. I ask for your opinion to help me. If you knew where I came from you'd understand. Looking out the window everyday seeing the same shitty town.. |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:59 AM PDT im 24 and i moved back in with my parents in january i paid them rent 400$ which is almost half the rent to sleep on the floor in the room with my two other brothers i go to school in the day and work at night i dont eat at home so i gave them 20 a week for food im gone all day im really just go there to sleep i clean up after myself my parents want to put me out because i said i was not going to. pay full rent since my apartment will be ready on the 10 i offered to pay them for the days i stay their but they said they wanted the all the rent money im just gonna go ahead and stay with a friend for a couple of days but the reason im asking is because our relation has just gone awry because of the money thing i would just give it to them but i need it to furnish my apartment am i really selfish someone give me some difrrent points of view please |
Question: How do I stop being super jealous of rich people? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:56 AM PDT Dont give me the starving kids on Africa Bullsh*t. I dont care about the ugly black kids in Africa. So, Im 19 & work at a warehouse. & its so f*ckking boring & that pay barely makes my rent. I just get pissed off when I see rich people being a bunch of sh*t for themselves & always eating cool expensive food. While Im stuck with eating a f*ckin cup of $0.99 noodles everyday. & I hate school, so dont tell me to go to school & make more money. F*CK school! I hate school more than working & U dont even get payed to go to school. & dont tell me that grass is greener on the other side bullsh*t. Its so damn cliche. No one cares. I guarantee you, My grass would get super green if a magically got a million dollars. & it wont be like those gay cliche movies, where the guy gets what he wants, but then at the end, he realizes what he had b4 was better, UGH! F*ck that! I hate those cliche movies. I hoesntly want to kill myself, cuz Im lazy as hell & dont care. I dont feel sorry for myself, I just dont care about myself. & for the love of god, dont say that weak @ss cliche,"Money doesnt buy happiness." UGH! Hear that weak @ss sh*t a million times & i dont care. Dont tell me to talk to my family, talking to my family wont get me any money & only waste time. |
Question: I fought with my dad? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:47 AM PDT I just fought with my dad and I am so sad and I am holding tears so hard. What can I do? My heart is broken. I don't really have anyone to talk to. It wasn't a physical fight, we fought verbally. |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:43 AM PDT Please dont be sympathetic just imagine yourself in my position . I have alot of family issues all of which get blamed on me and my sister. Im 16 shes 12 my mom is suicidal when frustrated and her boboyfriend is a loser with no job and a 6 yr old son. Today is easter and a arguement happened early this morning . eventually it turned to me and they were saying that we are devils and we ruin every holiday. My mom again threatened to kill herself and her boyfriend said that I should just leave because im a horrible child and he doesnt love me. No one does. I came to my room and cut myself on my shoulder and started to think. Should i do everyone a favor and just leave? Will It benefit me in the longrun if i do leave? |
Question: Why do I always feel guilty? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:38 AM PDT Well i'm 15 and when ever I get mad at my mom or dad I start raising my voice and I know it's disrespectful and I always regret doing that. Also I feel so spoiled because I get everything I want but my parents tells me all the time that I spend to much money (but they still spend money on me??) Anyways my older sister didn't get as much things as I did so they would always compare me any my sister.. my sister would always get jealous too. I don't want to be some spoiled brat.(my sister calls me that all the time) I know they worked hard for money too. I don't even do anything i just sit around and watch netflix. And whenever people offer me food i try denying because I feel bad for eating their food or when someone offers to pay for me because I feel like a bothersome. |
Question: Family won't celebrate anymore? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:36 AM PDT Hi. I'm a 13 year old boy. Let me just start off by saying I'm very nostalgic and don't like a lot of change. My family used to celebrate easter by coloring the eggs and stuff, I really liked it and treasured it as part of my (younger) childhood. We didn't do it last year because we were on vacation in South America, which is OK. But this year my sister is going to a sleepover today (easter) and it seems like she just doesn't care about our traditions anymore. She is 17 and my only sibling. It makes me so sad that she just couldn't care less about any of these. All she cares about is hanging out with her friends and nothing else and it makes me so mad...why?! She used to want to play with me but now all she gives a **** about are her friends. I've told my parents that I want to do it but they just say "that's something you did when you were younger". Why?!?!! Am I the only one who wants to have some kind of tradition? I remember being so happy on easter but now all I feel is sad, loneliness and anger at my sister for being so selfish. Please help. |
Question: Does my mom hate me ? Please read the information thank you? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:29 AM PDT My mom keeps getting angry over me for like the most trivial things let me explain . I usually do the house's grocery since my dad is very busy and stuff . So like shes been getting angry at me for the most useless things and keeps grounding me . She has taken me phone like 3 times in a month or less than a month. Recently i went to get grocery there were 3 things on the list i couldnt find 1 so i got a bit of more of capsicum and when I got home I thought she'd be happy that i had thought beforehand but she started screaming at me legit and threw her shoe on my face and didnt stop screaming for like 10 minutes she slapped me then took my phone's charger as well and kept on screaming about how i hate her and stuff like that WHEN I DONT ! Could I be adopted ? My parents love me i guess im in one of the best schools in the country and I live a life better than most people and I know i shouldnt be ungrateful about all they have given but I have been getting beat up by my mom as long as I can remember and ive never done anything major to her ; its always stuff like this and after she hits me and screams at me stuff were all okay and stuff but idk im sorry I cant type anymore my head hurts from this I feel like the need to cry like I do every night before i sleep. In any case youre wondering I am a perfectly normal 17 year old guy :) Thank you for reading . |
Question: My boyfriend is grounded for the rest of the year, his parents hate me? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:27 AM PDT So my boyfriend and I are both 17. He turns 18 in December and I turn 18 in January. We go to the same highschool. He recently got grounded for having a 63 in Spanish class. Which is understandable, but. Living with his aunt and uncle, he has a 9 pm bed time. AT 17! Isn't that ridiculous? Well, about a week ago he broke his phone, so I gave him my old one to use on wifi so he could still text me at home. Two days later he was grounded for the Spanish thing. His uncle found the phone, so then they grounded him for the rest of the school year. He's forbidden to see me outside of school, and now his aunt has been trash talking me, saying our relationship isn't going to last, that I'm not welcome at their home, and that they hate me. Wtf?!?! I gave him the phone before he was grounded, they shouldn't hate me just for that! I guess they also hate me because they know I'm from a bad neighborhood, and my family (single mom in college and 20 year old sister, also in college) is poor. They think I'm trash. Which is extremely weird, parents usually love me because I'm nice and respectful. My boyfriend says if they don't stop treating him like this, then he's going to move to Washington this summer to live with his mom. He doesn't have a car and can't drive. Washington and Tennessee are very far away from each other. I'm distraught and don't know what to do, please help? |
Question: Why do women murder an unborn child every month? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:22 AM PDT Even if there has been no conception,it is still unborn.That one egg could become a person. Womencommit infantcide monthly. |
Question: Was it wrong what my mom did? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:09 AM PDT So I was sat down playing with my cat and my mom said let me take a picture of you two. I hate having my photo taken and she knows that but does it anyway. I tell her to delete it and she won't. Then she points out how fat my arms are and yeah they are fat but was there any need to say that? So i start crying because I'm upset but she doesn't care. Is that earring when she knows I don't like it? I know it sounds pathetic but you know. Thanks xxx |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:05 AM PDT i started growing like in the summer |
Question: How to deal with moving to a small town? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:03 AM PDT My parents recently got divorced and, well, my mom has decided to move once I finish this school year. I live in Chicago, a city with almost 3 million people, and a lot of awesome places. We're moving to a town in North Carolina of 12,000 people. It's not the most exciting place on Earth. Have any of you ever had to deal with that? And how did you cope? |
Question: My sister never picks up after herself? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:51 AM PDT I share a bathroom with my two younger sisters. Which can be a challenge. My youngest sister rarely picks up after herself. Mom and dad have tried taking away her things hoping that will motivate her to clean up but it never works. I am 18 and work and go to school both full time. When I get ready in the morning I get so frustrated because I spend more time cleaning up the skin and putting stuff she left back. If she brushes her teeth she will leave toothpaste in the sink bowl and its so disgusting. My mom has showed her to always wipe the sink after with the clorox wipe and she never does. Recently she left items on the sink out sneakers on the floor and stuff on the window sill for three days. Thats because I didnt remind her to pick it up. She Is 12 years old and should be picking up after herself. How can my parents and I get her into the habit of picking up after herself? We are fed up with it Sincerely girl who wants a clean bathroom again |
Question: I'm worried about my daughter? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:32 AM PDT My 15 year old daughter spends anywhere from six to eight hours a day reading. She goes to her room after school and reads very late into the night once her homework is done. She's usually up until 3 in the morning and falls asleep with a book and flashlight in her hand. She stays at home on weekends and spends the entire day from sunup to sundown laying around in a t-shirt and panties reading books. She doesn't go out of the house, she doesn't socialize with anyone. And she does the same thing all summer. She gets through books so fast that it feels like every other week that she begs me to take her to the bookstore to get more books. She always spends several hours in the bookstore and comes out with a huge stack of books she can hardly carry. She's filled every bookshelf in the house and now her room is overflowing with books. Books are all over the floor and in stacks by the walls. She only has 3 friends who are all girls, and the only thing they do when they get together and sit next to each other reading books for hours. She told me yesterday that she's never spoken to a boy in her life. She's always been this way and I'm worried. Should I just leave her alone? |
Question: How to make my dad let me have fun ? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:21 AM PDT Well , I have a brother who is older than me (1 year older) and he is in an important year in school (last year for him) ,because this year is so important , My dad took all the computers,Tablets and phones and took down the internet in order to prevent my brother from getting carried away from studying. This also affected me as now I am sitting in home doing nothing as my year isn't important at all and I cant play or access the internet .I wanted to play this year because the next year will be that important year and I will have to focus on my studies. So, is there a way that I can play on my PC and have the internet back without my brother getting distracted as he spends alot of time on the internet ? He also play online pc games so if he saw the pc he would have the urge to play a Game .. Thanks for your time. |
Question: Whats the best way to respond to incorrigible rude negative disparaging family members? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:19 AM PDT My family members relentlessly verbally and emotionally abuse me bcus they are judgmental by nature. They find every force to control and change me. Every simple mistake i make, they make it a big deal and use it as an advantage to harass me verbally. Please keep in mind that these people WILL NEVER change. They will remain the verbally and emotionally abusive animal that they are. Ignoring them can be a pain in the ***. So whats the best way to respond to it? I avoid them as much as i can. But they always manage to shove their negativity down my throat. Your advice? |
Question: My parents disapprove my girlfriend. Im confused.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:17 AM PDT We have been together for 3 years and she came over my place sometimes and so do i..recently I found that my girlfriend cheated on me through her phone text that she had with her colleague...we had an argument & my parents are aware about what happened. Later on, she explained to me that what I found out wasn't true & it was a misunderstand ...she cried all night trying to apologize to me & even begged me to forgive her mistake...and she have explained that what I found out wasn't true to my parents too and still encourage me to stop our relationship because they dont trust her anymore..but I can see through her apology, she's sincere and really wouldn't make the same mistake confused now...whether to listen to my parents or to go on with her because I still love her despite what happened between us and her impression that she has given towards my parents |
Question: My mom slept with a black guy? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:11 AM PDT I'm 15,and my mom told me she did before I was born. I'm white,pure white,but I'm so upset over this. I'm not racist,at all. But it really bothers me. I've also been told she was a whore. |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:10 AM PDT She wouldnt buy me new clothes for school and would sometimes wear my brothers old t shirts which was embarrassing because im a girl. Now that im older and 4 daughters, I spend all my extra money on buying them toys and clothes that they dont need. Theres clothes in the basement, clothes in the upstairs closet, clothes in the hallway, clothes in my closet, clothes in two different dressers, clothes in my daughters room hanging up, clothes stored under their bed in long totes that have wheels on them. All the clothes are either in dressers, totes, hampers or hanging up, it not messy but am I becoming a hoarder? My family makes fun of me when they come over to my house. They say "dangggg" even my coworkers joke with me because I work in a store that sales clothing and always buy a ton of clothes. My mom says stop buying them things andtreat yourself every once in a while but when I try to go shopping for myself ill never buy anything and end up buying something for them instead. Is this a gokd or bad thing, am I creating a problem? They are 8, 5 2 and 1 Sorry for the misspelling These clothes are from all different types of stores, target, walmart, babies r us, their not all exspensive clothing or anything like that, if its cute I buy it and I start thinking if I dont buy it someone else will wth I need help. I dont want to throw their stuff away because then my older 2 girls will think why is mommy getting rid of our things |
Question: My mom found my weed.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:05 AM PDT So yesterday my mom was outside and and found my weed in my tree house while looking for nails. Idk how she found it because it was in the couch cushions. Anyway I told her the truth and was like yeah that's mine and I apoligized to her saying I didn't mean to bring it on her and that I didn't mean for her to find out that way. Anyway, I'm kinda embarrassed because it was 9 grams of loud and she flushed it all. She accused me of stealing money to but it but lucky for me she found her missing money, ( I would never steal money, let alone use someone els's money for my bad habit) im 17 and I'm gonna be 18 in half a year, I'm probaby going to continue when I'm out of the house but has anyone been caught before? My mom won't even sit down and talk to me about it, she just punished me saying im grounded for a month, and I have to pay her back for my car. Not so bad because I can do all of this but I wish she would sit down and talk to me about it instead of avoiding the situation. Everytime I try to bring it up she gets really mad. My dad on the other hand kinda laughed it out with me and just said you shouldn't be doing it, he understood im a teenager and I was just curious about it. I can't get my dad to talk to my mom about it because they are divorced and my mom hates my dad. I don't really wanna say what do I do because there is nothing I can do but take my punishment. But has anyone els been caught? What happened to you? |
Question: How can i keep my mother happy and do what she expects from me? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:02 AM PDT so what do a mother wants from her son...i dont talk to her much as i'm always busy doing college work....last few days, she's quiet and it make me sad how i dont give her much time.. |
Question: I'm a new middle child? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:01 AM PDT Okay, well I'm 11 years old and I have a younger sibling who is 5. We aren't very close, but I love her to death. But anyway, I always though I had no chance in being a middle child, because I was the oldest! But, my mom told me in November that I had an older sister, my mom was 17 when she had her and she wanted her to have a better life so she gave her to a couple who couldn't have kids. So she told me, and we met her! She is 22 and she is at my house like everyday, it's like she has always been here. So now, I get treated as the middle child but am supposed to act as the oldest! I don't think it is fair! Please help!!! |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:49 AM PDT My mom and I were sitting in her room...we got into an argument about Easter. My mom claims she's "sick" is to why she didn't even wish me a "happy Easter" or anything. She egged me on about how I need to grow up (I'm young) and how she hates me. Then she started to scream and I started to scream, and she got up and started hitting me. Defending myself I told her to STOP, she didn't I hit her back A lot. I feel horrible but I also feel like I'm being tortured each day by her bipolar mood swings. Help me please. Answers to end this toxic relationship? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:42 AM PDT But yet they give their number out to their friends. |
Question: My mom says I won't get anywhere in life by going to college? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:41 AM PDT My mom and brother just spent the last 20 minutes yelling at me saying that I'm a loser, I won't get anywhere in college, I'm just going to end up owing a whole bunch of money and living with my mom for the rest of my life, I won't get a good job, etc. My mom even told me I'll end up like the 'loser of your father' when I'm older and she won't take care of me and etc. All because I'm going to the University of Connecticut. A little over $24k a year. I wanted to pursue law enforcement/criminal justice when I'm older in order to become either a homicide detective or a forensic technician (probably the latter tbh). I wanted to get a Bachelor's Degree. Mostly, though, I just wanted to learn more about things. I love school because I get to learn all these new things and that excites me. And now, after I registered to attend UConn, they are telling me this. I'm just scared and frustrated and annoyed. They're probably speaking from their hearts but also they both never went to college while all their friends did and maybe that could be a part of it? idk. I just need some reassurance. If I went to UConn undergrad for a BD, will I make it in life? :'( |
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