Marriage & Divorce: Question: Nowadays would love,honor and obey thy wife be more accurate in a marriage? |
- Question: Nowadays would love,honor and obey thy wife be more accurate in a marriage?
- Question: My wife and I are arguing a lot lately and our relationship could end. We don't see eye to eye. She doesn't even try to have sex with me?
- Question: Can a marriage where one spouse is bisexual survive....even when cheating is involved?
- Question: Do I look significantly overweight?
- Question: How to help a busy husband?
- Question: Is it normal for guys to be so protective of their heart?
- Question: Why are so many people torn apart when they get a divorce but I was happy and felt relieved?
- Question: How many of you wives have given your husbands permission to be the head of household.?
- Question: Why do I get enjoyment when my wife wears a t-shirt in public and no bra? Is something wrong with me?
- Question: How does one get over the pain of their ex leaving you and moving another woman in?
- Question: Why do SO Called Friends stab you in the back? MORE INFO?
- Question: Don't buy the cow if the milk if free? (Sex and Marriage question)?
- Question: My mother has bulimia & she hides it pretty well. As her only child, I know about it, but I am not sure if I should tell my wife.?
- Question: What counts as domestic abuse within married couples?
- Question: Need advice?
- Question: Mental Health Issues in relationship?
- Question: So what sorts of marriage proposals have you rejected? and why?
- Question: My husband get annoyed when he's teaching our son math.?
- Question: How can i find out if my husband is on adult friend finder or fuckbuddy?
- Question: I m a stay at home dad who homeschools our kids. Wife wants a divorce and wants me out. What are my rights ?
- Question: How many women would marry a short guy around 5 feet tall and why or why not?
- Question: How much sex is too much in a marriage?
- Question: How else can I convince my wife that moving to the suburbs is a bad idea?
- Question: I have fantasy about watching my wife get a sensual massage from a guy is that normal?
- Question: Why don't men ever marry women shorter than 5'10"?
- Question: What should I do? I came home Friday and my wife was in the room with my teenage nephew and wearing a see through nighty with no bra on?
- Question: I really need advice.?
- Question: I'm 22 she's 37, we want to get married?
- Question: Are interracial relationships/marriages accepted in the south nowadays?
- Question: Credit card for gift?
- Question: My husband and I are constantly fighting over his no good friend.?
- Question: My Wife is arrogant and rude, do u think she will apologize to my mother for her rude and erratic behavior?
- Question: What does a 26 year old man see in a 17 year old girl?
- Question: Will my Wife Every Apologize to my mother?
- Question: I've never punched anyone before, but what would you have done?
- Question: Should I still wait till marriage?
- Question: Does this girl want my husband?
- Question: I think my husband is emotionally abusing me . What should I do? I feel terrible?
- Question: This girl is in love with my husband what do i do now, he says he hasnt got feelings but they work together they have had a affair?
- Question: Wives, who wears the pants in your family, you or your husband?
- Question: My husband left me, I need advice?
- Question: I can't seem to find love again?
- Question: How do I confront my husband about his feelings towards my best friend?
- Question: Husbands ex wants me to help pay for their kids?
- Question: Can anyone answer it?
- Question: Should I call my marriage quits?
- Question: Wife feels like she always has to save me/us...?
- Question: Marriage: If you was raised in foster care and was beat, and the parents didnt have an elemtary took you to age 35 to find?
- Question: Spouse married 2nd wife 6 months before he died,no will, does she get any of property,state was never settled been 14 years?
- Question: Lost my job in CA and cannot afford to pay divorce support payments. What should I do?
- Question: Is marriage becoming outdated?
- Question: Is it worth it to try to keep a marriage together for the sake of your baby?
- Question: My husband is angry we didn't have Easter morning sex?
- Question: Is it innocent to talk to married men online?
- Question: Can I put my aspergers husband in an asylum?
- Question: While sleeping, do you like being cuddled or do you want to be left alone?
- Question: Why am I feeling this way ? If I'm engaged I'm suposed to be happy, right?
- Question: What do you think of couples in long term relatinships where one is stalling getting married?
Question: Nowadays would love,honor and obey thy wife be more accurate in a marriage? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:15 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:04 PM PDT We have a lot going on in life. Two one year old girls, financial trouble, and just a lot of bad energy in our home. I do my best to change my bad habits. I get angry with a short temper. As of lately I have been stopping myself from exploding and just take a break. Then come back and talk. However, she has the tendency of always trying to make it my fault. She is a great woman but she can't take constructive criticism from me. At all. Example: she will find a recipe for dinner, buy the ingredients, come home, make dinner but leave a huge mess in the kitchen. I asked her as politely as I could to throw away the trash next time so she has more area to work in and it will also be easier to clean the kitchen after. Her reaction was " ok I never clean! I never do anything! You always leave a mess! You! You! You!" Then it leads to a big argument. I feel like I'm living the definition of insanity. I'm doing my best to break the cycle and get her to realize what we are doing wrong and that we can fix it. She automatically goes into a victim role and makes me the bad guy in front of my girls. But no more! I won't let her win. I refuse to be the bad guy in my daughters eyes. And when she loses, she's the one who slams doors knocking pictures off the wall and punching holes in doors. I don't know what to do. Please help me save my marriage.. |
Question: Can a marriage where one spouse is bisexual survive....even when cheating is involved? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:02 PM PDT My husband and I have been married for three years, and after we married, I found out that he cheated on me with a man he met online. When I confronted him, he confessed that he's bisexual, and I was shocked. We are trying to patch things up but i'm worried that he'll find something lacking in our relationship again, and go seek men again. We'd planned to have children, and I know he'd make a great father, but now i'm afraid to commit to having children with him because i'm worried he'll get restless and start cheating again. I really love my husband and want to move past this; does anyone have advice on how I can get past this? |
Question: Do I look significantly overweight? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:41 PM PDT I overheard a friend of mine talking to someone else about my weight gain and that has made me aware of my emerging weight issues. I am not insecure but I was just wondering whether the average person would consider me to be obese. I am planning on doing something about my weight anyway but it would be nice to get some honest feedback so I know where I stand at the moment. Here's a picture: (my hands are covering my stomach but you still get the drift) |
Question: How to help a busy husband? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:39 PM PDT |
Question: Is it normal for guys to be so protective of their heart? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:34 PM PDT We've been dating for 3 months now, and our relationship is progressing wonderfully. I just moved to his city because of my job. We used to live 70 miles apart, and now only 3 miles. He is 35 and lives with his parents, never been married, no kids, and only 1 serious relationship that lasted 3 yrs. I am 38, and I was married for 11 yrs (no kids), and divorced for 3 yrs. He's been hanging in my place every day, and in our days off we do a lot of fun things and spend quality time together. He told me yesterday that his goal is to eventually have a family (with me). I have the same goal. He did tell me, though, that he needs time to open up with his feelings more, although he acts like he loves me dearly. He is tremendously helpful with everything, and he is always listening to me, and he treats me like a queen, with so much care (and love). He just hasn't said it yet. Anyways, I was wondering if it's normal for guys to be so protective of their heart and feelings for women. When do you guys finally "let go" and let your heart free to love again? Thanks a lot! |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:30 PM PDT |
Question: How many of you wives have given your husbands permission to be the head of household.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:25 PM PDT |
Question: How does one get over the pain of their ex leaving you and moving another woman in? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:50 PM PDT My ex broke up with me officially on Jan. 19th. Then a few wks later after silence he tried to be my friends and days later he threatened to call the cops on me. I am very sad, because he has already moved another woman in. How do I get over this pain that he has caused me? Thanks |
Question: Why do SO Called Friends stab you in the back? MORE INFO? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:38 PM PDT I had a friend that was very rude, she would cut me off as I was talking,she would bad mouth her husband,she ORDERED my Husband,and myself to do things,and yet when we tried to talk to her husband he got mad at her cussed her out,then SHE sends me a post on face book,and phone stating she never wanted to hear from me again, that I was the cause of a 35 year marriage (WHICH is has been messed up for YEARS,she got mad because he really fussed at her,and its stating we are the cause of her marriage falling apart.BUT she STILL keeps face booking me until I blocked her..Why can't some just grow up? I tried talking to her,and telling her she has always been like this but to her I am the LIAR,SEVERAL has seen how she has done me,but she thinks we are ALL liars... She left me another message saying My Hubby,and I broke up a 35 year marriage, that she had her husband arrested for beating the day lights out of her BUT then she stated they only got him for a misdemeanor battery charge. *MORE BELOW |
Question: Don't buy the cow if the milk if free? (Sex and Marriage question)? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:33 PM PDT I want the bitter honest truth from you guys on what you think about sex before marriage. (Please don't use religion to back up your opinion) Also: I am not religious but I am honestly contemplating waiting till marriage to have sex and I wanted to know what non-religious men thought about dating a women who wouldn't have sex with them till marriage. |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:27 PM PDT signs are dehydration always drinking water. mentioning how she has constipation and takes laxatives for bowel movements which is untrue. sometimes she will sing when she goes to the bathroom. Or if my office door is open, she will say I will close the door so won't be bothered by the noise in the bathroom. I approached her 5 years ago before we had a short sale on house and they we went our ways. She happened to spend 3 weeks at my place since we just had a baby. I am just surprised she hasn't changed. Not sure if I should approach her again or tell my wife about it. our family is small and so I don't want any issues too. |
Question: What counts as domestic abuse within married couples? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:27 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:17 PM PDT The guy from church who is teaching me to drive wants me to work on my attitude. He says I get cocky. Another person asked if I ever got counseling. He mentioned it completely randomly, so I'm not sure if it was the Holy Spirit who laid It on his heart or not. It really bothered me though because I know he was right. He was saying about how I need to deal with the things from my past that I pushed under the rug. I really don't want to, but need to. I don't want to get counseling, so I'm not sure how I can deal with them on my own. I'm really feeling overwhelmed because it's a lot. And the way I used to deal with stress wasn't healthy, so I'm not even sure how to deal with the stress. |
Question: Mental Health Issues in relationship? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:05 PM PDT My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. The first year was great, then I noticed abnormal behavior. He is adopted and after a year of dating his biological mother and family had tried to come in contact with him. From then on, our problems began. (Possible identity issues/ abandonment?) - He constantly thinks I'm cheating when I've never given him a reason to belive this. This is brought up at least once a day. (All the women in his life has hurt in him some way) - He's quick to anger - Addictive personality: He had issues with alchohol (gets very violent and emotional) He quit drinking a year ago, but has taken up smoking weed on a daily basis. - He used to work all the time, but now he isn't committed to anything and normally quits a job within a few months. He has also gained up to 30 lbs. - He gets these crazy ideas in his head that I'm doing all these things behind his back and he has these episodes of rage and crying and screaming that normally lasts 10-15 mins then he comes back to reality and apologizes. - Constantly testing me and questioning my where abouts I've always been very supportive of him. I have never cheated on him, nor gave him any reason to believe so. He has never became physical with me, but I fear he may one day. Bottom line is, all this adds up and is exhausting. He has been to counseling but claims it did him no good. I do not know how to help him, or if I can help him. Any suggestions or similiar stories is much appreciated. |
Question: So what sorts of marriage proposals have you rejected? and why? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:55 PM PDT |
Question: My husband get annoyed when he's teaching our son math.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:54 PM PDT Hello, my husband gets annoyed and impatient when teaching our son his math, our son is in special education and has a very hard time remembering numbers he'll try his best to make his father happy, but when I see my husband ask our son the answer to a math problem he'll start to get annoyed when our son starts to either use his fingers to count or get an answers wrong, my husband would throw the math book on the table he'll start saying things like. " this is f**king elementary stuff your dumb a** don't know sh*t". And my son would start to cry, and he only 8 I sometimes have to tell my husband to leave him alone, I'm thinking of an divorce because I can't have an abuses husband especially around my child. |
Question: How can i find out if my husband is on adult friend finder or fuckbuddy? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:53 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:49 PM PDT |
Question: How many women would marry a short guy around 5 feet tall and why or why not? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:47 PM PDT |
Question: How much sex is too much in a marriage? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:42 PM PDT your opinion. What's the most often you'd like to get some? |
Question: How else can I convince my wife that moving to the suburbs is a bad idea? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:39 PM PDT We both want to have kids in about 3 years. My wife started talking about buying a place in the suburbs, but I want to stay in the city. Here are my reasons: 1) Yes, housing is cheaper in suburbs, but we don't need a huge house. We just need a 3 bedroom townhome, which there are plenty of. They cost the same as a larger place in the suburbs, but the larger your place, the more time it takes to clean and maintain it, and the more it costs (i.e. heating/AC costs, etc). 2) The schools in the good parts of the city are just as good as the good suburban schools. 3) The suburbs are filled with box stores and stripmalls, and everything closes early. It's boring, and so are the people who tend to live there. You need a car for every trip. In the city, errands can be run much more efficiently. We are close to all forms of entertainment. The kids, once they get old enough, won't need to be chauffeured everywhere, and as teenagers they will appreciate the city much more! 4) My job is in the city. Currently, it is only 4 subway stops, and 1/2 mile walk. 20 min, and I get a little exercise with it. From the suburbs, my commute will be ~35 min. on a good day, but over an hour if there's an accident. Each way. That's a HUGE waste of time. I imagine I will be busier once we have kids, and the last thing I need is an unnecessary time waster. What else can I use? |
Question: IM A CHILD AN NEED HELP WITH CUSTODY PRO LET FIGHT WITH PARENTS? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:31 PM PDT I am 15 and I live in Texas.. my mom has full custody since I was 5... I want to see my dad but my mom won't let me.. Can I choose to see my dad and I want him to have 50% custody. . If there is anymore info you need to answer the question just ask!! Thanks please help ASAP |
Question: I have fantasy about watching my wife get a sensual massage from a guy is that normal? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:26 PM PDT |
Question: Why don't men ever marry women shorter than 5'10"? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:14 PM PDT and why don't they ever marry women who wear pixie cuts? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:13 PM PDT |
Question: I really need advice.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 06:08 PM PDT My husband is to tired for sex, or has a headache (which isn't a lie. He gets really bad migraines) or his too stressed for sex, or sometime he's just not in the mood. Which pisses me off because sometimes I want him to not show that he's not in the mood and just act for me and pleasure me. He never initiates sex and its unattractive that just makes me wanna say never mind cause he only initiates it when I tell him to so he does try. when he knows I was sex it seems like he's stalling time even though he says he's no or he makes me wait til bed or makes me wait so long that I lose interest.. hes so boring. He feels bad and with everything in me i try to understand and be patient. ive never gone more than a month without sex. But the littlest things seem to keep him from sex. I'm just getting really sick of it... I know once he gets his career going he'll be more into sex and stuff. Cause he used to be crazy, but here I am, crazy and adventurous and wild and I'm too afraid to come on to him because I know he'll say no and I hate hearing that all the time. And how am I suppose to just trust that things will change. He's an amazing man, but I need more adventure and I need him to be spotanious and such. We've been married for almost a year and when I look at him nothing else matters and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I just need him to show passion. I need to feel really wanted in a possessed was. And I need him to be eager for me. He also feels the same way |
Question: I'm 22 she's 37, we want to get married? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 05:50 PM PDT We have a TON in common, and we really like each other. O don't really care much about the age difference. I had some questions 1. Can you give me some tips on how can we keep a strong relationship going?2. We REALLY want kids. Can a women have kids at 37? |
Question: Are interracial relationships/marriages accepted in the south nowadays? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 05:41 PM PDT specifically, relationships/marriages between white men and black women? |
Question: Credit card for gift? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 05:12 PM PDT I always make my husband feel special. This year I made him an Easter basket with his favorite stuff. I know his job requires him to travel a lot. He gave me his credit card and had a note that said ladies night on me. I was kind of upset because there was no thought. Am I over reacting? |
Question: My husband and I are constantly fighting over his no good friend.? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 04:38 PM PDT My husband (33) of 11 years, with a son, has a bud who I totally hate!. The man smokes and drinks and messes around with women, saying that sex is a sport. He's been with his gf of 7 years and does not respect her. Well the problem is whenever my husband hangs out with him, he comes home at whatever time of morning, reeking of smoke and alcohol. Mind you that he is a is diabetic. He knows I hate it. We've had numerous fights over him. Whenever they are together, he acts like he is a single man with no responsibilities. A few nights back, my husband wanted me to go out with him and his friend. We went out to a bar which was nasty. Well his friend was beyond drunk, to the point he almost got into a fight with a stranger. I was furious and told him that his friend is no good and we are leaving. Well he loudly replied that he would divorce me instead of losing his friend. He even posted it on Facebook. I told him that I hated him and that what he did was absolutely wrong. He ended up deleting the post and apologized, however this was days ago, and I still can not shake off that comment he made. I have been giving him the silent treatment and he knows it. I feel like this friend is changing him into someone I hate. What should I do? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 04:26 PM PDT |
Question: What does a 26 year old man see in a 17 year old girl? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 04:24 PM PDT Why would a 25 year old man with a kid leave his family to be with a 17 year old?! |
Question: Will my Wife Every Apologize to my mother? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 04:18 PM PDT After i left from pakistan for canada, my wife had fought hard with my mom. She yelled & screamed at my mom on several occassions i called my mother, and told her to forgive her and i would take responsibility and now my wife talked **** about me, and my mom found it too rude so she asked my to pack up her stuff and leave. Now my wife will not cooperate & apologize to my mom. She even said " I will never have a kid with your son",play with others kids all your life. what can this mean? My Mother in law being a sadicistic psycho, supports my wife in her every wrong doing. 3 of my wifes older sisters have pulled this off with their in laws, and have failed misreably My wife refuses to aplogize to my mom, because she says she hasnt done anything wrong. i have witnessed her rude behavior many times when im on the phone with my mom and hear it in the background She said im important in her life but my mom is not. and she will never apologize what should i do? |
Question: I've never punched anyone before, but what would you have done? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 03:45 PM PDT It was our anniversary trip, I saw him see me and quickly turn the other way. When I caught up to him he had been texting another girl (one who we have fought about before, this was not innocent). I was already so angry that it just popped out of my fist and onto his jaw. I didn't have time to think about whether it was right or wrong, it was just a reaction. Again, I'm not advocating physical violence, but in my opinion, almost anyone in my situation would have done the same thing. Am I wrong? |
Question: Should I still wait till marriage? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 03:31 PM PDT I just turned 18 and I have wanted to wait till marriage for sex since I found out what sex was lol but all jokes aside I don't want to give myself to a guy who won't give me a ring. My boyfriend says it's not that serious but to me it is! What if I get pregnant? Why not have my husband's baby? I've talked to friends everyone says it's not that big of a deal, but like I said to me It is. I'm not saying I want to get married right now but I want to wait until I am married. Just want to know what other people think Because I have no helpful advice here! Btw I'm not religious or anything I just don't want to give myself away just like that! |
Question: Does this girl want my husband? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 03:13 PM PDT My Husband and I have hung out with this couple for about a year now on double dates and other things. I have asked the wife a few times if she has wanted to hang out just the two of us when our husbands are working and I always get an excuse like oh she's broke so I suggested she just come and hang out at my apartment which she said she would let me know and she never got back to me about it. Whenever we hang out at their house she will always sit down and talk to my husband but won't say anything to me even when I try and talk to her or if she does I get like short answers. I thought I finally got her to open up not too long ago when she and I were texting and I made a joke to her about how the times we went to the house for dinner I thought she was the one who made the plans not her husband and she all of a sudden flipped out and she accused me of saying that I was saying she was inviting my husband over alone I told her that wasn't what I meant and asked where she was getting it from. I never heard back from her she said she was done talking to me. I showed my hubby messages which he was confused at too. He and her husband still talk to each other and he never mentioned anything to my husband about the messages. Do you think maybe this girl wants my husband and that's why she got so defensive thinking maybe I caught on? She also usually texts my hubby once in awhile or plays words with friends I guess she has blocked him from all of that too....Any ideas? |
Question: I think my husband is emotionally abusing me . What should I do? I feel terrible? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 03:02 PM PDT I m a SAHM and I don t have the visa to work as well. I used to work when me and husband dated. But after marriage I ve stayed at home and with a 2 year old it s not possible. My husband recently started abusing me emotionally. He often call me names and also says he will be happy if I die. Recently he spat on my face while raging and today he called me a *****/prostitute and said I m like sewage so he will spat on me. We are fighting before my 2 year old and I feel terrible. I think I m getting depressed day by day and I have not much friends to talk to either. My husband says I deserve those words. I feel worthless and think I don t deserve happiness too. What should I do? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 02:29 PM PDT they had a affair a while ago now im scared,,,, what can i do |
Question: Wives, who wears the pants in your family, you or your husband? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 02:27 PM PDT |
Question: My husband left me, I need advice? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 01:32 PM PDT Well my husband left me, but just last week he said he said he's a new man and he loves me, but then I went through his phone and he left me and he said he didn't want to me with me cuz I'm crazy and all this other Crap, now he's posting all this bad stuff about me on facebook and telling people he's left me and he's so happy without me, Idk I guess I'm hurt he's doing me really wrong, anyway how do I get over it |
Question: I can't seem to find love again? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:47 PM PDT I married him six years ago right after our graduation from Oxford, he was in the same year as I. He was a man I loved, the only man I have ever loved in my life of twenty eight years now. No one before him, and no one after, until now. My husband died four years back due to chronic respiratory problems, and I've distanced myself from the rest of the world thereafter. My family insisted that I come back to Ireland where I belong but I'm still staying in our flat in Cambridge, his and mine. What's worrying me is that everyone around me is trying to convince me to marry another time (there are two suitors as of now, one a friend) but I feel I can't love anybody after Ralph now, that he's taken part of me with him. How am I going to survive without a man? I don't want to form relations with anyone else and fear I never will. This is really stressing my family and friends out. What do I do. |
Question: How do I confront my husband about his feelings towards my best friend? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:41 PM PDT My husband and I have been married for 17 years and have two kids. I am still very much in love with my husband. He is smart, funny, a great father and is very handsom. It isn't surprising to me that my best friend of 12 years likes him. For years I've noticed it, but I've been confident enough in my marriage it hasn't bothered me, but the last few years it has been increasingly getting worse and now it is really affecting my relationship with my husband and my friend. Last year we went to Mexico together. She and my husband hung out with each other the entire week, I got stuck with hers or on my own. She has recently lost a ton of weight. I've been her biggest supporter and am so proud of her! Her confidence has been given a major boost, I think that is wonderful. But her confidense needs to be given elsewhere. A week ago she was over at our home; she bent down in front of my husband on purpose, it was obvious! This weekend our families went on a weekend getaway. Us adults went out to the bar for a few drinks. Long story short, once again I got stuck with her husband while the two of them where in each other's faces talking up a storm. I took two pictures one was of the two of them so close it hurts my heart. The other one was of the four of us, I noticed her hand is in his lap and speaking of lap..he spilled a drink on his lap and she was rubing his lap, and pulling at his jeans like she was trying to air them out. I love my best friend, I don't know what to do. |
Question: Husbands ex wants me to help pay for their kids? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 12:07 PM PDT Because my husband and I both had kids from previous relationships, we decided to sign a prenup when we married. Part of it came from his ex (and the mother of his two kids) asking for more money because I lived with him. It escalated when she found out I make quite a bit more than he does. Anyway, the ex lost her job recently and has decided not to look for a new one so my husband will be forced to give her more money. He can't because he gives her quite a bit already. And now she's asking me (again) to give her money for his two kids. My husband has told her to leave me out of it, but she's started buying used clothes that aren't the right sizes for the kids. We have clothes here for them, at our house, but whenever we've sent them home with them in the past, they've ended up getting destroyed. It's why we ask the kids to keep them here and they accept that. It's a really frustrating situation. What would you do if you were in my shoes? |
Question: Can anyone answer it? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:52 AM PDT There was a common law marriage conducted according to religious rites in Pennsylvania. Marriage license was not obtained and they did not register the marriage. After a weak the bride and the bridegroom decided to separate because of behavioral incompatibility. They are living in different states. There are no children born, no common property, no name change. no joint IRS return and no common living address. They are working in similar jobs and getting similar remunerations. Now they want to get divorce. Is a legal divorce necessary/ possible in this case? If yes, how should they proceed. Thanks. |
Question: Should I call my marriage quits? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:43 AM PDT So my wife and I have been separated for about 9 months now. I asked her to leave because I found out she was having an affair for over a year and she wouldn't stop seeing the guy. Well a few months after she moved out they parted ways. She tells me that she made a mistake and apologizes for her wrong doing. I'm not upset any more, I just feel betrayed now... Anyways, every time I bring up our marriage she gets upset and shuts down or just stops communicating with me for a week or so. I genuinely love her and my stepson SO MUCH! It really breaks my heart to have him come stay with me for a few days and when it's time to leave he begs to stay with me. My wife is struggling financially and I know right now she's emotionally broken. But she cannot, and will not tell me what she wants. It's driving me crazy! She tells me she wants to stay separated and does not want a divorce. Then I get "I don't want to fix things in the immediate future". I'm really drained, it's hurts knowing that my wife doesn't want to move back in with me, it's becoming a chore to see one another. She asks for help financially/emotionally, and expects me to be a husband/father figure when she deems necessary. I don't mind helping her with our son, but the rest seems to much if I'm getting nothing in return. I'm totally confused, should I just call it quits ? |
Question: Wife feels like she always has to save me/us...? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 11:25 AM PDT Ok married for about 4 years now and wife has recently stated that she always has to come and save our family (we have kids). We have a business together and I just cant understand why she has to bully me so much. We have been thru some things and she feels like I am the one that has put us in all the bad situations. I tell her that we made the decision together but then she response by saying, "I only agreed because I'm trying to have faith in your decisions". Some of the situations have been pretty edgy and they havn't been the "same" mistake each time, more like learning experiences. Though it keeps happening so now I'm pretty much like a crap in its shell with my kids, we just stay at home and go to the park, to prevent anything from happening. I dont get involved with anything anymore, I dont even ask her because I get checkmated anyways by here agreeing and then blaming me if it all goes wrong. So every time something bad happens its always my fault, when anything good happens its only because of her. Even it this was true I don't understand why she would want to continue the relationship... It just seems unfair to me and like a bully him into mental abuse and submission. She has already bullied herself into the office so I stay home and watch the kids and just seem likes to treats me worse then an employee since she yells and calls me names. What do you guys think? |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:54 AM PDT Everyone matures different betch You cant spell Katie. But I like u |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:42 AM PDT |
Question: Lost my job in CA and cannot afford to pay divorce support payments. What should I do? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:34 AM PDT I lost my job last month and have no income. I am in the process of applying for unemployment insurance but that will not even cover my rent. There is a court order for me to pay my former spouse spousal and child support and arrears. My former spouse is employed as of recently. I received severance pay from my former employer but that will sustain me for, perhaps, a few months. Considering these factors, what should I do? Thanks! |
Question: Is marriage becoming outdated? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 10:33 AM PDT Isn't it basically about money and paperwork at the end of the day? If 2 people love each other, shouldn't they just live and love each other and not have to broadcast it to everyone else? |
Question: Is it worth it to try to keep a marriage together for the sake of your baby? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:53 AM PDT I want whats best for my daughter and I want her to have a good life, but this woman i'm with tears me down for things I can't help and I just think about giving up sometimes. We aren't celebrating easter. she threw a fit and left the cart when I said she was hateful. Thanks for the advice from most of you. @bonn? So describing someone as being hateful for being abusive for no reason puts me at fault? Yeah that makes perfect sense. @ sheloves. This is hardly about easter and it was her idea to celebrate. She doesn't have to approve of anything. Just human decency is all I ask. |
Question: My husband is angry we didn't have Easter morning sex? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:36 AM PDT Hi friends.. typing this while dinner is cooking. My husband has been miffed at me all day since I denied his morning advances- saying it is the best way to start a holiday morning. But we had to get up and out the door though! My plan all along has been to jump his bones at night. Is Easter sex a thing? Am i really a terrible wife? |
Question: Is it innocent to talk to married men online? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 09:09 AM PDT and don't say "if you have to ask blah blah blah," because that doesn't mean anything. |
Question: Can I put my aspergers husband in an asylum? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:49 AM PDT I'm from the Islands I thought I married a successful person who had it together. He did have a job and car when I met him but during the 2009 crash his job went to India. After that he has worked in low wage jobs since than. I'm interning at Disney world and want to work with special needs children due to my youngest son having Autism. I'm in Florida now trying to hopefully get a full-time job but I wanted to divorce him before I left. In the mean time he actually went and go diagnosed supposedly he has been able to pass himself off by having a high vocabulary. I was originally going to wait till around this time since I got my green card leave him and hopefully get alimony but he isn't worth much since he was already tricked by a black butch lesbian before me to try to get married and have a kid. So he never married her but she got child support. At this point he is useless can't I just put him in an asylum cause he really can't take care of himself and divorce him? I really don't deserve this and deserve more I watch E all the time and want to be famous eventually and can't do it with him and my son I can always leave with my parents. Can I drop my husband off somewhere? I deserve better |
Question: While sleeping, do you like being cuddled or do you want to be left alone? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:42 AM PDT |
Question: Why am I feeling this way ? If I'm engaged I'm suposed to be happy, right? Posted: 05 Apr 2015 08:20 AM PDT I just got engaged to my boyfriend of 7years. I love him so much I really do and I do want to be with him. The problem is , I'm feeling sad. He works alot so I don't really see him..We haven't had sex in ..well I can't remember so that tells it's been to long. He says he's tired etc. He tells me he loves me and I do belive hr dose. But sometimes I feel he just dosnt show it. He's been blowing me off the past couple of days ..He says things awh sorry have to stay back late and work or he just decideds to go out with his friends . He dosnt invite me to anything.. He dosnt take me out. .If I say hey let's go do something he's like ok u pick and when I do ..He's like making excuses for it. I just feel not tresuard enough . I just feel like somethings off. We don't live together. .and we are young. I'm 24 he's 25. We've had a wonderful relationship but just the last weeks I don't no what's wrong. I think it's just a mix of everything and the no sex ..and I'm not aloud into his anymore ( that's and different story) no one is aloud in into his and then he works full time so we see each other like a hour a night then he gose home ?? It's a joke. He has so much money and won't say let's go for dinner or something. I don't no :( anyone give me some nice tips or advice |
Posted: 05 Apr 2015 07:37 AM PDT I have a couple friends who always talk about their long term relationships and how great they are. But they tell me that the guy is taking a long time to commit to wanting marriage. The women really want to get married. These are couples who have been together 5 to 10 years. I feel that I would want to know at least in a couple years whether I would get married. Have you experienced this or do you know any like this? |
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