Family: Question: Why won't my parents let me have my PC in my room? |
- Question: Why won't my parents let me have my PC in my room?
- Question: No relationship with your mom?
- Question: My parents keep talking **** about each other to me?
- Question: I'm almost 20 is it strange to sleep in the same bed as my dad on rare occasions?
- Question: My son is not a good dad and my granddaughter is a brat?
- Question: My parents yell so much when they're mad?
- Question: Can my 18 year old sister adopt me?
- Question: Mom's of adult sons: Would you act this way with your son (who will be 40 soon)?
- Question: Please someone help if am 19 and my mom is forcing me to go see my dad and I hate him so much please help?
- Question: How do I get my mom to give me allowance?
- Question: How should I react to my dad's abuses?
- Question: Can my child's fathers mom get custody of my child?
- Question: Same Mother but Father's are brothers, what does it make the children?
- Question: A HUGE problem, even I cannot fix.?
- Question: My mom won't buy me shoes?
- Question: My dad has been cheating for months. Help Please.?
- Question: How can I convince my mom to let me participate in gishwes (greatest international scavenger hunt the world's ever seen)?
- Question: Scared to let go and live my life.?
- Question: What happens if a single mom raised her son on her own up until his 12yrs and suddenly the father reappears and demands to take away the child?
- Question: Should I feel sorry?
- Question: My sister doesnt want to come to my baby christening :(?
- Question: Locked in my room!i have to pee?
- Question: Why do some people still think people in their early 20s are not capable of making their own decisions?
- Question: Rude Sister? Advice?
- Question: Mom is not healthy, very depressed.?
- Question: What am I doing wrong?
- Question: I'm afraid of my parents dying? :(?
- Question: Can my parents send me to a Juvenile Correction- Whatever for no reason, no crime, just for the purpose of misbehaving at home.?
- Question: I need things with my parents to change?
- Question: Is it okay for your step dad to give you a black eye?
- Question: In desperate need of inspiration.?
- Question: I wanna run away from my home?
- Question: Hi i'm 13, i have recently come to the conclusion that my whole life at home is a lie. HELP?
- Question: I wonder if my family thinks I'm hopeless?
- Question: How do i take care of my children when going through depression?
- Question: How do I stop my dad bullying my brother and make peace in our family?
- Question: My dad limited me and my siblings to two hours on any electronics.?
- Question: How do I become more patient with my kids?
- Question: I want to move back in with my parents REALLY DEPRESSED?
- Question: Help my parents are the world's strictest !?
- Question: I'm spending the night at my friends house, what should I get for them for easter?
- Question: How to convince my parents to let me get a phone faster?
- Question: I'm 13 and I have to babysit every day?
- Question: What are the laws regarding eviction of family in California?
- Question: How do I keep my brothers hands out of his pants?
- Question: Wtf can I do about this?
- Question: Window open or shut?
- Question: How can I get my mom to understand that I already do and pay for a lot?
- Question: How do i make 4 years go by faster?
- Question: How do i make my little brother shut the f up?!?!?
- Question: I feel like its my fault my dad died.?
- Question: I hate my life... Advise?
- Question: Should I visit a dying relative?
- Question: How to please my parents.?
- Question: How can I find my father?
- Question: Why does my friend think this is a bad idea?
- Question: Helpful advice please!?
- Question: I'm just sad?
- Question: My mom wants me to go back to her so child support doesn't end..Please Help?!?!!😕?
- Question: Hey i always study when my parents leave to the point where i ... can't like exhuation or wheteves and i alays feel sick after... hlp?
Question: Why won't my parents let me have my PC in my room? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 01:27 PM PDT I built a PC for my birthday and my parents keep complaining that I am too loud when I play games. And then they kick me off if it happens again. Whenever I ask my parents if I can have it in my room, they say no. And it pisses me off because I am just trying to help the situation! All of my friends have PC's in their rooms, so why won't mine!? My dad always says "it's unhealthy." What the hell does that mean anyway? It's not like the computer is going to kill me in my sleep or any thing! It's makes me so upset, and I plan on making YouTube videos this summer and how the hell am I supposed to do that if I am out in the game room where everyone can hear me?! There is no convincing him and whenever I bring it up, he moans. All I want is to be able to play in peace and not have to worry about being loud! Why can't he realize that there are only positives? I would only play when I am allowed to. I don't get it? Is the computer going to give me some terrible disease or something? Is that what he means by "unhealthy?" I ask for valid answers and he gives me the same crap every, dang, time. Thanks for your thoughts |
Question: No relationship with your mom? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 01:20 PM PDT Does anyone else have a mom who always treats them bad? Treats the other siblings better and treats you like you won't be better than that sibling. My mom ran off with me and my older sister when we were young to get away from my father who tried to get custody. My mom ran away with us and then had my little sister who she treats like a queen. I've always felt less than her and that's how my mom makes me feel. She never lets me express my thoughts to her without belittling me. I'm 21 and in college studying psychology and my mom makes me feel like I'm not going to make it. I don't have love from either side and times are just hard for me. Some motivating thoughts or stories would be nice. Thanks guys |
Question: My parents keep talking **** about each other to me? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:59 PM PDT Hi, My parents are going through a divorce and they're still living in the same house. I'm 18, and gonna be off at college in six months, but before then, my parents are both doing the best they can to try and convince me that the other one is evil. My mom is preaching some sort of delusional garbage about my dad being an evil sociopath and my dad is spewing **** about how my mom has become insane and needs to be institutionalized. I have a younger sister who has to hear all of this stuff too, but I think my mom is having more influence over her because they spend more time together. This whole divorce thing started over my mom's stupid principles and pride. On Thanksgiving, she was yelling stuff from the kitchen non-stop and my dad rudely asked her to "stop barking" and it's escalated from there. How the hell do I put them in their place without insulting them? They still technically control whether or not I go to college because they are paying. I should have specified, but my parents aren't talking for three months. It tried to get them to couples therapy but they refused. My mom called the police on my dad to try and spite him when they were arguing and now my dad thinks she's trying to get him arrested. There has never been any physical violence between them, only delusional arguments. Nobody cheated on anybody, nobody lost any money, nobody hurt anyone. Nothing happened. |
Question: I'm almost 20 is it strange to sleep in the same bed as my dad on rare occasions? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:57 PM PDT I am going to college just outside of my hometown so I live alone with my dad since he is closer. Well I know I'm too old to be getting scared of nightmares but sometimes I dream of a loved one dying or something just as horrible. When it happens I can't go back to sleep by myself and I ask my dad if I can sleep next to him. He always says yes and it's never been a problem with us. Well I have been in a serious relationship with this guy from my college and he came over the other night for dinner. My younger brother did as well just to visit. Long story short my brother made a joke about how I still sleep with my dad and my boyfriend got grossed out. He talked to me about it and said it was weird and disturbing for someone my age to do that. I explained to him that its just sleeping, we dont even really touch. I said it wasnt a nightly occurrence just when I cant get back to sleep. None the less it didnt change his frame of thought and now he feels awkward around my dad. I guess I've always been so close to my dad that I never really thought about it too much. I guess it is a little weird but is it disgusting or is my boyfriend just taking it a little too far? |
Question: My son is not a good dad and my granddaughter is a brat? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:54 PM PDT My son is engaged to a wonderful person who has worked for 8 months to try to get my spoiled granddaughter on track. I love my granddaughter but both my son and his ex wife have given into her every whim her whole life and now she's got a stepmother coming in expecting structure and rules followed. My son fiancé has her own kids, too, and they are so well behaved I just love them.. But my granddaughter says terrible things to her new stepmother like "You're fat" or "You're stupid" and "My mom says I don't have to listen to you." My son has custody because the mother only wants to parent on weekends and my son works long hours so his fiancé is usually in charge of the child and the child has never been told to show her stepmother any respect and she treats her terrible. When I tried to address this to both my son and his ex wife (I caught them both in the same room while picking up for visitation. They got furious and told me to mind my business. His fiancé won't speak up because she doesn't want to feel like a a wickt stepmother, but I'm afraid this child's behavior is going to push her away. The child has hit, kicked, punched, and bit her beside just the ugly words. |
Question: My parents yell so much when they're mad? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:53 PM PDT When my parents are angry at me, they scream at the top of their lungs and it hurts me so much, it feels like poison coursing through my veins. It doesn't happen often, maybe once every month or so, but I feel sick when it does. What do I do? |
Question: Can my 18 year old sister adopt me? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:49 PM PDT I live in Missouri, I'm 14 years old, I live with my mother-who although I love her, I don't want to live with her anymore. I have been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety due to the suicide of my stepfather. I want to live with my sister, who is 18 and has a job. She has her own transportation, and she is buying an apartment. She can do more than provide for me. I feel like I would have a better chance in life with her than with my own mother because my mother has a boyfriend (who has two kids) who I don't particularly like. They are more than the reason I have been prescribed antidepressants, but the reason I stay locked in the basement of the house my stepfather died in. They are horrible people, and I just want to leave. We're moving to their town because they don't want to switch schools, but I want to stay where I am. I have family here, and I don't like the town they live in. The school is horrid. What can I do to live with my sister? |
Question: Mom's of adult sons: Would you act this way with your son (who will be 40 soon)? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:32 PM PDT Jealous that he bought his fiance a ring, and demand that he buy you the same one. Refusing to buy clothes when you're out with your daughter because you only want your son's opinions. When you're cooking a family meal for yourself, your daughters, your son, and his fiance you only have him taste test because you don't care about any other opinions. Which then leads to so much pepper only he likes it, and you're happy he likes it, and don't care your daughter is made sick by the pepper. Call your adult son babe, boss him around, make him your handy man (when one is available where you live for free), stare at his butt, tell him you think his pants are too tight or too loose on his groin, make him go with you when you grocery shop even though your daughter is willing to go and he doesn't want to. Treat him the exact way you treated your husband, and get jealous if he hugs/kisses his fiance then hug him longer than she does. Get jealous whenever he does something for her that he doesn't for you. Expect your son to spend the night in your studio apartment at least once a week even though you live 10 minutes away from him, and expect him to sleep in your bed. Tell your son who he is and is not allowed to invite to his wedding that his fiance is footing the entire bill for, including inviting people he hates. Call him over 8-12 times a day just to talk - with nothing new to say. Text him the entire time you aren't on the phone with him. |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:31 PM PDT My dad lives in Oregon he never calls us or anything. Him and my mom separated when I was in elementary school. He doesn't help out or send money to my other siblings . I don't understand why I should be forced to see him when I hate him and don't want to be around him. I went there once again I was forced to go.... And I had a terrible time and my mom was about to leave me in Oregon with him. I really don't like my dad and don't understand why I should be forced at 19 to go somewhere that I am just going to be miserable the whole time and wanting to leave . Every single summer is never good for me because she bosses me around and decides how we are going to spend our summer...., it's really annoying and for once I want to be happy and do what I WANT to do since I am 19. My dad has never been there for me and seeing his face just makes me upset and hurt . What should I do? |
Question: How do I get my mom to give me allowance? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:27 PM PDT Ok I'm 13 years old and I really want allowance. I don't help around the house too much now, I do what my mom tells me to do though. I keep asking her if we can get a chore chart and keep track of stuff, but she never listens to me. I have a sister, but she doesn't want to do any chores. I want money so I can buy what I want without begging my mom. I am babysitting some, but I don't have enough jobs to really get a lot of money. Also, my mom doesn't make a lot of money, and my parents are divorced, so. I really would be okay with like $10 a month as long as an income. That way she wouldn't have to pay for like birthday gifts for my friends and stuff. Please tell me how I can convince her! |
Question: How should I react to my dad's abuses? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:23 PM PDT My Dad works abroad.He comes home once in 6 months.I am not on talking terms with my Dad since a very long time.He has insulted me before my relatives and has also tried to hit me once for no reason.He often speaks rudely to me and keeps on complaining about me to my mom.He has also spoken vulgar things about me sitting amongst a group of people.He expects that i should support my brother all the time even in his wrong doings.when i argue about it he scolds me.when i ask him why does He behave like that,he says he has never misbehaved with me and that according to religion i am supposed to be respectful to him even if he misbehaves.He has refused to finance me for higher education..and said he doesnt want me to study further..He also behaves unjustly with me if there is a matter between me and my brother.He ignores me all the time and if I do the same with him he becomes violent or says I am misbehaving. Now he is coming back home for a month or so...I am terrified...How should i respond to his behaviour this time? |
Question: Can my child's fathers mom get custody of my child? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:21 PM PDT I want to move out soon and I will be moving to a permanent housing home shelter with my daughter she keeps threatening me that she's going to fight for my kid my baby's dad has domestic violence she knows that too and I live therei want to move .. :( |
Question: Same Mother but Father's are brothers, what does it make the children? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:18 PM PDT Say a mother stays alive with a few children born to her first husband. The husband dies and the mother goes on to marry the husband's brother. They have more children. What does that make the existing children in regards to being siblings. Are they half or full since they are sharing similar genetic genes? |
Question: A HUGE problem, even I cannot fix.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:14 PM PDT Hi, my name is Daniel. I have a really big problem that even I cannot fix. My mum has lost her kindle and she thinks I have stolen it and flogged it. The thing is I have stolen from her before but mainly sweets and little bits of money so I can buy sweets. But I haven't done this. I haven't seen the kindle for a while now myself but her account has been deactivated so it cannot be in the house. It's like someone else has the kindle. But what do I do now? I don't have money. I cannot go and buy one. I want her to believe that I haven't taken it. I am really clueless about what to do as I don't want to be the family thief. I have changed. Can someone please help? The kindle has been missing for some time now... about 5 months, everyone was in the house but my stepdad would not have done it, my 9 year old brother would not do it so that leaves me and my mum. She has checked all around the house and we do not know who deactivated her account. |
Question: My mom won't buy me shoes? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:09 PM PDT I'm 14 years old and my mom seems like she won't buy me shoes. I don't want to sound spoiled or anything but she just won't buy me much shoes. We're not poor, I mean we're pretty wealthy living in a 2 story house and going on vacations every year and my parents both each have their own cars. I also have a ps4 with couple games and a VIZIO tv in my room. I only have 3 pairs of shoes which are Jordans, white nikes, and vans and everybody at my school have literally 8 pairs of shoes or more. I even ask if i can have a summer job to make my own money to buy myself shoes but my mom won't let me. |
Question: My dad has been cheating for months. Help Please.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:03 PM PDT Hi guys, I'm an 18 year old male and I have one brother who is 15. It's a long story, so I'm going to get to the main points. Back in Late November my mom had suspensions because he would start to hide his phone a lot. She eventually found messages of the other woman saying I love you, etc. She found a necklace hidden in his car, a bracelet that was in there and then it was gone the next day. She confronted him with the bracelet and he said it was a mistake and to throw it out. He has gone out for a full night and didn't even answer my mom, and then my mom said let me see your messages and he kept saying no, so he left for two nights about three weeks ago and then he came back and then he wouldn't show the messages again. My mom called us out in the living room and called him out again about how he wouldn't show the messages and she said who are you talking to! Then he said nobody anymore! So, after that a couple days went by and it was fine and then my mom tapped into his phone and saw they were texting again and she flipped out and so did I. He left again just yesterday and said I'm sorry to my mom. He's probably at this woman's house right now. He toyed with my mom for months and the worst thing is, is that he kissed her all the time in front of us and they were even still intimate. my mom was trying to keep the family together and all he did was hurt her and put her through hell for months. Today, he picked up some bags that we left outside and he left. |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:00 PM PDT its an event hosted by my idol Misha Collins and part of the proceeds go to his charity random acts. basically you register for 18$ minimum (which I offered to pay) and on august 1st you get a list of things posted online that you need to complete make or find and you video tape it and post it. the best part s the winning team or teams get to go to costa rica with Misha Collins. I was super excited and showed my mom (im 16 btw) but she wont let me do it because she doesn't think its safe and im mature enough. she said " I already showed my immaturity with social media" but that was 4 years ago when I was 12 and was talking to strangers online which I haven't done since because I was grounded for two months after she found out. how can I convince her its not dangerous and t is a professional organization and that I AM mature enough to participate? |
Question: Scared to let go and live my life.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:59 AM PDT I'm 23 (female) I have no friends or any sort of love. I grew up the scapegoat of the family... and I am the youngest of 5 older siblings. They have always made me feel worthless. I have been every and anything for them... I've done anything they ask just to gain their approval and never do. They give people the impression that I am retarded, bad person, and that I deserve the mistreatment... and a lot of my other family members know that none of that is true.... but some people treat me like ****. I never could fight back with my siblings because my DAD would come along and destroy my feelings... He love my siblings very much and value them. Mom works in and out of town and plus always taking trips with her boyfriend.... never had time for me. My Dad never wanted me around him and his other children. I'm quiet and barely talk around other people... I don't trust people... I feel like I will be slammed and belittled to open up. So everyone thinks I'm slow. Well, a month ago I landed a job... i been working 10 hours a day and saving every check to save up to move out of state in 2 more months. However, I'm scared... what if my siblings ruined that? they are so powerful. What if I meet good friends and become the person I want to be and my siblings come along and turn them against me like they always have done? They make me out of a bad person but I'm not... i swear. I have so much anger, and wounds from not being loved or cared for it hurts. I'm scared to let go. |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:58 AM PDT The guy left the mother when she was still pregnant but now that she grew her son the fathers wants to take over. |
Question: Should I feel sorry? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:52 AM PDT So a few days ago my grandmother passed. I know this sounds weird but the day it happened I woke up and felt like I knew it was going to happen, so when i was told she passed i wasnt surprised. So my parents and my grandparents on my dads side didnt exactly get along. We also didnt go to visit them often maybe 4 times a year. One day my mom told me that a story where my mom asked them to watch me my brother and my 2 sisters. They said they would only watch the 2 older kids. Later they told my dad that they didnt want to watch me and my sister(2 youngest) because they didnt like us. Ok i know this is going to sound wrong but at the funeral i didnt exactly feel sad. I was the only one not crying. Look i felt bad but i didnt really "love" her. Am i wrong? My parents just think i didnt cry because i didnt want to look like a girl but i didnt tell them. I guess what i want to know is should i miss her taking everything in account? |
Question: My sister doesnt want to come to my baby christening :(? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:45 AM PDT My Sign Out Ask a Question Answers Home Notifications 1 My Activities Categories Community Guidelines Send Feedback Help Other Sites Yahoo Mail News Finance Sports More View Desktop Version About Yahoo Privacy & Terms © 2015 Yahoo! Inc 1 my fav sister isnt coming to my baby christening? Me and my oldest sister always been close..but i can say for the past year or 2 our relationship has been struggling. Long story short..i am a first time mommy of a 7month old baby girl. She is getting baptized this sunday on easter. Its being held at my boyfriend (the father of my child) family church. I invited all of my relatives. But my "favorite sister" who i thought i was extremely close with doesnt want to come. She doesnt want to come to watch my first child, her neice get christening bc she doesnt want to be around my boyfriend family who she thinks is upity. Regardless of how she feels about his family, them people have never done a thing to her for her to not be able to stand being aroung them..they are nice to her whenever she see's them..she doesnt know them well enough to even be like that. It hurts my feelings bc this isnt about how she feels about them..its about my a day to celebrate her dedication to christ and i want my family the people i love to be there as well to show love and support to my daughter. His family has been great to me..they are so warm and loving towards me and EXTREMELY helpful.. |
Question: Locked in my room!i have to pee? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:43 AM PDT My little brother locked me in my room that locks from the outside! I can't get out and there's nowhere to escape from.. I have to pee badly How can I pick the lock? |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:37 AM PDT For example, if I'm out with my mom and at a restaurant, and if my mom says dont have this or dont have that and the waitress overhears (cuz they at the table behind us), when she takes our order she'll start asking my mom if certain things are ok for me to have. Another example is if we at a family party, if someone were to talk to me (without parents near by) or if I'm at a store, when they see my parents they'll be like oh i saw your daughter here and was talking to her, she said this, blah blah blah. Take the previous example. Rarely does anyone in this situation comment on what I wear. Even though I am in my early 20s, most people will ask me if I want to do something (like help with something, or ask if it okay if i participate in something, etc) and than they go ask my parents. Even though I say yes just cuz they asked me, they still ask my parents. If my parents somehow dont want me to do it, they'll say no and make sure they tell me they said no so I dont show up. I examples like this. I still dont know why society still does this at 23 y/o. It seems like most ppl my age doesnt have this happen. Im so clueless why. Im an adult - not some 12 year old kid. I do understand a little kid like 12 or something since they still a kid, but why a fully functioning adult? Everyone says "act like an adult" but then they ask a 23 y/o's parent if it ok that I do something or what i can n cannot eat (or still need parent permission for something). |
Question: Rude Sister? Advice? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:19 AM PDT So, my sister has been giving me a hard time lately. It's obvious that she's the favorite child in our house. She's always mean to me, and whenever I treat her how she treats me, I get in trouble. She doesn't get in trouble when she's mean to me. She always insults me and it hurts my feelings. She acts like a brat, and my parents always take her side. I always hear her and my other sister making fun of me and laughing at me. My sister will insult me, and whenever I tell my parents, they always say,"She's just kidding! Learn to take a joke!" I need advice on how to deal with this. I really feel bad. Thanks. |
Question: Mom is not healthy, very depressed.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:18 AM PDT My mom has been depressed for a long time. About two years. I'm concerned because she sleeps in till 2 in the afternoon, till the point where I have to be taken to school and everywhere by my grandpa, who has low stage cancer and is disabled and in his 70's. I feel bad for him because the burden of taking me everywhere and bringing me stuff to eat is always weighing on him, and I feel it does not help his health situation. We often talk about my mom, and he always says how there is nothing we can do. She gets angry when I try to wake her up, sometimes cussing at me telling me how she's exhausted. My room is across the house and her alarm that she sets gets my attention when my door is closed but it's almost like she can't hear it. She doesn't do anything like she used to. Like on holidays, I used to get a present the day before (Christmas) and all my presents the day of the holiday. This past one, we didn't do anything. She didn't put lights up, nothing. She got me 2 presents that cost maybe 10 dollars each (I'm appreciative, cause I know other kids probably didn't get anything, but I felt no thought was put into it). Anytime anyone says anything about her acting strangely, she goes off. She'll cuss and make Facebook posts saying she's too good for that person and people on Facebook commend her. I mean, it's crazy. I don't know. I try talking to her and it always back fires or turns into me apologizing for asking. What should I do? |
Question: What am I doing wrong? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:18 AM PDT So I'm 14, I wake up at 6:30am my bus is 7:00am, school starts at 8:00am ends at 6:15pm I'm at home at 7:30pm. Every single day is like this, I come home start doing my homework, then my mom comes home at 8:00pm and says what have you been doing for the whole day? Why is the house is such a mess? Am I a house wife? You never do anything! She says this every single time. She wakes up at 8:00am gets to work at 10am, and comes home at 8pm, and pretty much doesn't do anything after that. She maybe cooks 3 times a week, and cleans the house once. I'm not saying I don't do S*** the whole time, I clean my room, the basement, care after our dog, clean the whole kitchen maybe 2 times a week, I do the dishes almost every day, clean the whole house maybe once two weeks. Do the laundry whenever I'm asked. I think that's pretty good if I have tons of homework, and I come home that late. I barely get any rest on the weekend because my mom tells me to clean for her. She thinks I don't do anything at school, I have class until 5pm, and then I have to run 6km after school every day, then I get home exhausted, and hear my mom complaining how hard her day was. She's a compliance officer by the way. She hates cleaning, like HATES, she breaks plates, and cups, two weeks ago she broke a window in our door, last week our shower's window. I help, but I also need rest, I never go anywhere, not once in the whole school year have I gotten out with friends, not once. Now she's complaining to her parents how much she hates her life, hates me, and my dad. This makes me cry, because my dad is someone you find one in a million, loves her, loves, me, always spends time with me and my mom, wants only best for us, always loves me, never wants to leave me, never goes out without me. She says she never haves time for herself, and that me ******* idiot doesn't do ****, that she hates her ******* life and wants a divorce. She doesn't deserve my dad, not at all. The only time I get pissed at her, maybe raise my voice, and talk back is when she sits at her computer, cooks, or goes out and tells me to do everything just because she doesn't want to. |
Question: I'm afraid of my parents dying? :(? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:16 AM PDT My parents had me young and are in their mid-40s. My mind wandered to the time my grandfather died and I saw my mom dad talked about how I would have to take care of my siblings because he's getting close to the age his father died. I'm getting really scared and I don't know what to do :( |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:14 AM PDT I have never hit my mom, or my Step Father, I used to refuse to go to school so my parents sent me to a Boy's Ranch and I uh...ended up in juvie because a teacher put his hands on me and I defended myself, but now that I'm out they keep using Juvie to threathen me and I'm worried that they might be foreal, I'm taking the dog in the afternoons and at night not so much in the morning I get way too lazy and my mom raises her voice a bit and wakes up my dad and that starts a big arguement, I take out the trash when I'm told to, I have ADHD and Anxiety so I freakout and scare easily and I'm so hyper that I forget about things, but I'm worried that she might lie about somethings, and should I use what she did to me in the past (abused me, beating my teeth out, and permanently giving my jaw an unnatural position and has given me a slight lisp and on occasion a slur) Please help me, I saw and felt what juvie means and I really don't want to go back especially for something like not taking the dog to the bathroom in the morning |
Question: I need things with my parents to change? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:12 AM PDT I'm 13, almost 14, and I need things with my parents to change. They treat me like I'm a little kid. For instance, I got my first phone in august of this year to keep in touch with friends, as I moved counties. In November, they took it for a very small reason, and I haven't heard a thing about my getting it back. Honestly my grades are not the best at all but I do try. The problem here is my grades are really important to my dad and mom both. Another issue is my room. My dad doesn't care about how clean I keep it, but it's almost an obsession with my mother. For instance, as I write this, I am unable to go out with a group of friends for one of their birthdays, because I didn't clean my room enough. I need ways to show them I am responsible, ways to get better grades, and ways to get my room clean and keep it that way. Sorry if this is asking a lot, any help is appreciated. |
Question: Is it okay for your step dad to give you a black eye? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:11 AM PDT Even if you two had a small argument? Do you agree? |
Question: In desperate need of inspiration.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:11 AM PDT I just turned 17 in October. I graduated 5 months early from high school in December 2014 because for me all four years were miserable experiences. Somewhere in March I got accepted into Vogue Beauty & Barbering school. It's not April 2015 & I want to drop out but I'm only staying because I would still have to pay my 20 grand tuition regardless. I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth & the school is raggedy. I like the instructors & everyone there is 23 & up so I am the youngest one. There is this one woman who I'll call "QB" QB is a mixed raced woman that is Black & Chinese. I am black, latina, native & white. Well QB is a very negative person. I've been through so much in my life & I've gone through long periods of depressions. I've been molested, kidnapped, shot at & I've had my little brother murdered while I was holding him. My parents have been in prison my whole life & my grandma is very hard to get along with. QB has helped me a lot that is the only reason that I'm tolerating her but her negative vibes run off on me & I can't take it. She's always talking negative about other races. She bashes me for wanting to help causcasians or for saying something nice about another race. I was raised in a black household but racism bothers me. She downplays all of my beliefs & is rude when I don't agree with her. She is my ride to school so I have to tolerate her. Another thing is that I dated this guy for 6 months & we broke up on March 3rd. (I'll continue in the comment |
Question: I wanna run away from my home? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:02 AM PDT my dad usually kicks me out when I have a meltdown. I have autism and I'm 13. I just hate how they don't understand. This happens every night and life is just poo for me. my mom doesn't really care and neither does my dad. the next time my dad kicks me out, I'm going to run away, but I don't know where to go, there are a lot of creepos at night.... |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 11:02 AM PDT NO, im not gonna do the cliché 'sit down with my parents and tell them the truth.' i don't think i can explain my head. basically a depressed suicidal mess with intense anger issues. probably the human form of utter trash. i seneak out, i drink, i steal, and i lie about everything. my best and only friend lives with several other people she doesnt know and i lie to my mother that she lives with her grandparents so that my mom doesnt flip out. let me explain my parents, my mom has worse anger issues tahn me and is basically psycotic. and my dad is an alchoholic who is rarely home. im almost always alone at home making it very easy to sneak out. i rarely talk to my parents and constantly with i was dead. i think to much and never sleep. most of the thinkgs i do, such as wear all black, dye my hair, and lock myself in my small room to make my mother angry. but i am deathly afraid of my father. i constantly cheat in school and skip classes. i want to kill myself but don't have the commitment to actually kill myself because i simply dont care about ANYTHING anymore. my cat is the only reason i havent completly went wild. if they take away my cat i am definitly running away from home. I JUST DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING |
Question: I wonder if my family thinks I'm hopeless? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:59 AM PDT My mom & sister, I sometimes feel (deep down), don't take me serious/respect me. And for good reason, as I admit I don't always do what I say I will due to laziness & lack of motivation. I also go through a small depression that nobody gets either. All I want from them is a little HUMBLE motivation, not the tough love kind that makes me feel pressured to prove them wrong & feel low about myself when I don't. Getting away from everybody & no longer having to be criticizes for my flaws is my main reason for longing to move out. I also try to avoid talking about my problems. |
Question: How do i take care of my children when going through depression? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:58 AM PDT I'm battling bad depression I'm a stay at home wife of two beautiful children my husband is on and off jobs as a trucker and we have loads of bills We are trying to pay off Im trying to find a job and child care but can't afford it I want to get help for depression but I don't want my husband to stop work cause of me it's our only income I asked for help but the sitters near me won't take my children pass a 8pm and I need a job to help us witch is why I'm so down I feel like a burden and a low life what can I do how can I get any help I've looked at CCA and family everyone has their own thing it's like we don't matter |
Question: How do I stop my dad bullying my brother and make peace in our family? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:50 AM PDT As long as I can remember my dad always bullies my older brother. My bro is not the macho type and my dad has a problem with it (I'm a girl so I'm spared). For example when our mom passed away some years ago, my bro was still devastated long afterwards (me too, naturally), and my dad would slap him around telling him to stop being a sissy. My bro wanted to study literature but my dad forced him to take up economics instead (since he's a successful financial analyst himself). Although his GPA isn't bad at all, my dad still beats him since it's "not good enough" and accuses my bro of being not serious with his studies. He wanted to move out and live in the college dorm but my dad wouldn't let it, saying dorms are full of queers. Last year my bro had a nice g/f but my dad insulted her and they finally broke up. My bro was into self-cutting for a brief period, and I know right now he's seeing a much older man. I love him but lately he's so reclusive even to me and I can't make him listen to me that he should stop. I dread the day my dad would find out about the man, but my bro said it doesn't matter anymore and he hopes that when our dad does find out he'd just kill him and be done with it. My dad doesn't listen to me, either, and told me not to meddle in how he "educates a son". I can't tell my granny b/c she can't do anything anyway. But I so want my family to be a normal one. What should I do to mend things between them? And I don't want my bro to see a man, either! Advice? |
Question: My dad limited me and my siblings to two hours on any electronics.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:40 AM PDT Me and my sibling are always on technology because we make too much noise when we play,its always raining,and he won't let us go outside EVER is this even fair? |
Question: How do I become more patient with my kids? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:35 AM PDT Trying to find new methods to help with my irritation/frustration/temper issues when my kids are acting up. |
Question: I want to move back in with my parents REALLY DEPRESSED? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:31 AM PDT I'm 22, have a husband and two kids 3, and 1. We have always been close to my parents & my daughter is really attached to grandpa. Well we use to rent a house about 2 minutes away from my parents. & it was great because I could visit everyday. We decided that we were tired of renting and wanted a place of our own. My parents let us move in with them so we could gather enough money to build next door on their lot or buy a mobile home & move it next door. ( they have a 2 acre lot) well as time passed we weren't saving just spending. & we decided instead to move 30 minutes away to a home my mom rents out, she gave it to us. I know I should be greatful but I'm just so heartbroken that I won't be able to live next door. It became a little dream of mine, I'm so so so depressed, I feel so lonely away from them, all I do is cry. I can't eat I can't sleep. I just keep kicking myself, wishing I would have made my home next to them. I just want to go back to my parents. They tell me that we are still close & that I made my decision, my mom lost her tenant, etc. |
Question: Help my parents are the world's strictest !? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:31 AM PDT Okay so I am 16. My mum and i have never gotten on . We always argue about the stupidest of things. She grounds me for a month at a time and takes my phone my make up my tv off me. You may think she probably has a good reason. She doesn't. She makes me out to be a horrible child bitches about me all the time to her friends. I do nothing wrong I get good grades I don't do drugs I don't drink too much.The latest thing she grounded me for (still in grounding process ) was bevause I painted my nails in the downstairs living room and told me not too. And also then today she gave me my make up back so I would go out with her to the garden centre. After we got back and she realised I did my make up in the bathroom upstairs she just flipped and said why do I get this **** all the time from her. Why doesn't she listen. I just want to be a bad child to make her see that the things I do aren't stupid and worth making me cry every night for. There is more too this but there is only so much I can type. I just want to know how to get her to understand how I feel. I cry all the time. I have never swore at her ever or said I hate you or anything hurtful because I know how much it would hurt her Instead I cry she calls me every name under the sun she calls me stupid ***** horrible selfish ***** she has told me to **** off. She has said everything. I want to write a letter saying how much she make me upset but I can't it will never work it will cause more problems. Please help. |
Question: I'm spending the night at my friends house, what should I get for them for easter? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 10:03 AM PDT |
Question: How to convince my parents to let me get a phone faster? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:56 AM PDT So my parents are thinking about getting me a phone sometime soon. (I'm currently 14 years old and in 9th grade). Before you read my question, let me just say that if I could buy my own phone then I would, but my parents don't let me work or get a job, like I can't even mow neighbor's lawns or babysit, and I do chores but I don't get an allowance. They give me money to spend, but it's only for like when I go to the mall or get fast food with friends. So please don't say I'm a selfish brat who doesn't work for anything, because my parents won't let me. Anyway, they're getting me a phone when they see a good deal on eBay, but I don't know when that will be. I wanna get a phone before I go on vacation (I'm leaving on May 28), so how can I convince them to get me one before then? Thanks in advance! :) |
Question: I'm 13 and I have to babysit every day? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:39 AM PDT My mom and dad have a plumbing company. They work every single day from 9am to 5pm. I get home from school at 2:30 and have to watch my brother and sister until they get home. It is spring break right now, and every day I have to babysit from 6am to 5pm. I cannot have sleep overs or hang out with my friends. I am getting payed only 20$ a day (maybe) and my mom makes me buy my own clothes. This is very very difficult for me. Any advice????????? |
Question: What are the laws regarding eviction of family in California? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:37 AM PDT Hi My brother and I are on the lease but my Dad isn't (there was talk of putting him in a nursing home but it fell through.) I don't want to evict him but my brother does. I believe he is hard to live with and at times annoying but not incapable of making decisions for himself and I want to keep him here as long as possible. Can my brother give him a 30 day notice without my cooperation? (Most likely he will make his life miserable enough where he will leave voluntarily but I am hoping we can all work this out and stay together.) I just really don't want my brother to have that power, tbh he is harder to live with but I don't know how I can possibly get rid of him without moving out myself. Long story just wanting to know what rights my dad has and how I can help him. Money is a huge issue. Also, my landlady is aware of the fact he lives here (has lived here as long as we have) and only recently took him off the lease due to his age and the expectation he might not live here in the future (she sees is as the main rent payers and he is like a child we take care of etc.) She has no idea my brother is contemplating this. My dad has done nothing seriously wrong, just pet peeves like taking the trash out when it isn't completely full or not rinsing his dishes etc. |
Question: How do I keep my brothers hands out of his pants? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:35 AM PDT My younger brother is 9 years old and his hands are constantly down his pants and it kinda grosses me out. I keep telling him to stop and so do my parents but it doesnt work. |
Question: Wtf can I do about this? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:30 AM PDT Okay so I'm seventeen and have been having dreams about my dads side of the family.. Not necessarily bad dreams but it really gets to me sometimes. My father had abandoned me as a child. Come Christmas of my 16th year I decide to give him another chance (I've met him before but he once again gave up on me idk why) he said I have a sister.. My heart sank. So cutting to the chase we make up and I meet my sister for the first time and it was life changing.. She was so beautiful and innocent. Well as it turns out that side of my family are all f*cking child molesters and nut cases. My father's wife grabbed my penis a numerous amount of times (at the time I didn't mind cause I was stupid and thought she was what I wanted.) So I brush it off as nothing until my actual father does it to me. I grabbed his hand and looked him I'm the eye and said "NO. " He looked pissed. We were all drunk at the time .. ( yes they bought us alcohol which now I understand why) His wife called him in their room after she had seen what happened and all I heard was whispering. My cousin who was there said "he's just drunk" I'm like the f*ck!?!? I don't come to see family to get my d*ck touched and barged out the door after giving my sister a hug (never seen her again :/) I had to drive 100 miles home sh*tfaced drunk cause I had nowhere to go.. I made it safely. My mother reported them to the police and they didn't do jack sh*t because my cousins covered for them.. Sorry for the wall of text. |
Question: Window open or shut? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:28 AM PDT My window has been broken since my entire family moved into this house in a better part of the neighborhood only sad thing is I got the hottest room in the house and I got dogs who pee and poop everywhere and I cant keep my bedroom door open.Also I got a ceiling fan in my room but its not very powerful and it gets very hot especially in the summer and it took some work just to shut it since its broken and its almost next to impossible to shut so should I open my window or keep it shut? Also I'm on the 2nd floor and we got a huge private fence blocking any view of our back yard |
Question: How can I get my mom to understand that I already do and pay for a lot? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:22 AM PDT I graduated college last year. I don't want to move out because I want to pay my school bill off as quickly as possible, and THEN focus on getting out of the house. I'm working 60 hours a week, I have a direct sales business, and I volunteer at church. I pay for my car, medical insurance, phone, toiletries, school bills, gas, gym, and $50/week spending. Everything except groceries. ALL my extra income goes towards my school. Lately my mom keeps trying to add more and more things to my plate. She complains all the time about everything. She never recognized what I do around the house and complains if I don't do something. I do the dishes, clean the kitchen/bathrooms, vacuum, dust, mow the lawn and take care of the cats! The only thing she has left to do is the laundry, and she does do the grocery shopping right now. She complains that she works 40 hours a week, and has to spend her spare time grocery shopping... we've decided that this June I need to start shopping for my food. That's fair, but it really frustrates me that she complains about getting groceries when I have so much more going on and help out so much as it is. Her free time is filled in with sitting on the computer playing casino games. She has no friends. What free time I have is filled with exercising and cooking healthy meals... not because I love doing them but because it's good for me. I hardly have time to sit down and do something I enjoy or catch up with only friends. She's trying to add other bills on too. I know I'm an adult but I keep trying to explain to her my money's going towards my school bill. I'd really like to pay that off, and then if I'm still living at home after that I'd completely understand having to pay rent and help with house hold bills. But if she adds all the bills she talks about right now I'll never be able to pay my bill off as quickly as I'd like. |
Question: How do i make 4 years go by faster? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 09:14 AM PDT I just want to move out. But I can't do that till I'm 18.. In may..of 2018. My mom is like bipolar. One day she's all happy and then the next she's yelling at me calling me names, insulting me, just.. Being mean. She makes me suicidal. She's very creative with her insults I'll give her that. And I cant leave to another family member because they don't get it. And I can't talk through it with her because I don't have that type of relationship with her, and I honestly don't want one like that with her. How can I make these last 4 years go by faster, preferably without kill myself haha, thanks .. |
Question: How do i make my little brother shut the f up?!?!? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:58 AM PDT Im 14 yrs old and im trying to ******* sleep bcz i didnt last night. Now my stupid 4 yr old brother wont shut the **** up even if i literally, TELL HIM TO SHUT THE **** UP. Im going insane and i think im gonna kill somebody. Help. Cant beat him up . Sadly. |
Question: I feel like its my fault my dad died.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:56 AM PDT A year ago from now my dad died. But about 5 years before that i was 7 my mum and dad got a divorce. I never saw my dad again. I didn't want to after the horrible things he did to my mum. I then realised that I cant hold a grudge forever.When I got a little bit older about 3 years after the divorce I wanted to see him again. We got back in contact and we started going swimming. He taught me how to swim. and he was really into cycling and he taught me how to ride a bike. We spent so many happy memory's together after that. And then when I got older because I started secondary school I just couldn't be bothered any more we lost contact again and I gave up on him. I stopped seeing my dad again! After a 2 years of not seeing him I said to my friend one day "who need's a dad? I don't" and then around 3 months afterwards. my dad died in a cycling accident. And I was devastated. Every time someone mentions my dad I just burst into tears. and I think it's my fault my dad died because of what I said. It's like god was trying to teach me a lesson, to always be grateful for what you have. And now I am just convinced that it is all my fault my dad died. I am 13 now, am I just still greaving or is it truly my fault? |
Question: I hate my life... Advise? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:40 AM PDT So my brother just came home from college and of course my parents treat him like he's god on earth. They always make me do everything, even when he wasn't here but it gets worse when he is here. I become the slave of the house. They would drop anything for him. When he does good in school they become so proud of him and constantly tell him good job and to keep it up but when I do good they tell me its expected and in order to have a good job I have to do good. They never give me the motivation or the sense that I am worth something. I am overweight and I have tried to lose weigh so many times but I just can't. I know its wrong but I saw my brother texting his girlfriend saying how fat and lazy I am and every time he comes home I get fatter and lazier. He's always making fun of me and making me feel like I shouldnt be alive anymore and I can't deal with it anymore. He tells his girlfriend everything about me and makes me seem like Im a fat piece of nothing. I just can't wait to move out and never speak to him or my parents again. I wanna move far away and never see them. I can't take the favoritism anymore and when I tell my mom she says of course not we are only happy he's home and we haven't seen him in a while and all the lies to cover it up. He's the biggest lier I've ever seen, last night he wanted a new phone because "his phone doesn't charge" but instead he's been texting all day so of course we have to get him a new phone. Please does anyone have any advise for me? |
Question: Should I visit a dying relative? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:30 AM PDT Hi. One of my family members is dying. She's 94 years old and at this point can't move, talk and is not even awake. I'm debating wether to see her or not. I don't want to see her now because I want to remember her as she was when she was better. I'm also afraid it will be too upsetting. My sister went to go see her and she had a panic attack because it was too hard to see. What should I do? Please help. Thanks. |
Question: How to please my parents.? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:26 AM PDT Ok so I'm 16, I am the middle child and I pretty much have a boring life. I rarely go out with friends and to parties. My parents are very negative towards me. They never notice the positive it's always the negative. All day it's "You need to lose weight." "You need to bring up your grades." "Grow up." "You are not mature." "No college will take you." "You are stupid." "Your getting on my nerves." "Shut up." Now it's bad enough I'm the middle child and overlooked now they don't do anything but fuss. I'm overweight yes. I want to get healthy and my grades aren't all that's good. I want better grades I try in school. I keep gaining weight and my grades are terrible. I feel like I can't please anyone I need help. My aunt uncles cousins and grandparents no nothing but the negative about me. My simple accomplishments go unnoticed. I eat when I'm sad after they do Nothing but yell at me and tell how terrible I am and I think that's a factor of why I'm still fat. I can't stay focus in class and I think that's a factor of my grades not being amazing. I have a date on Wednesday with my boyfriend my Mom kees saying "as soon as a guys shows you attention he's he world to you. Your desperate." No it's just this guy makes me feel good and fills a hole in my life that my parents are supposed to fill. But I'm just a fat stupid whoore in their eyes. How can I get positive attention and make them happy? |
Question: How can I find my father? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:20 AM PDT When my mom was younger she went through a devorce. After the devorce she went to a lot of parties and had sex with people she barely knew. Several months later I was born. Every time I ask about my father she tells me to leave. When I was 12 my great grandmother showed me a paper with my name on it and my dads name on it. She is told me it was a blood test. Im 15 now and I would like to find my father. I tried websites but they always try to charge me. I would also like to see a picture of him. Is there any web site that will help me find him for free? I know I'm a bastard. |
Question: Why does my friend think this is a bad idea? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:15 AM PDT A couple of days ago I received an invite to a family reunion ( my side of the family) for this coming summer ( July). My sister, who adopted my little b!+ch of a daughter ( younger one) is also going. I came up with the idea that I would have shirts made for the reunion, the front will say " Team ( older daughter's name) A.K.A. Perfect Princess. The back will have my younger daughters name crossed out with A.K.A. Little B!+ch under it. I think this is a great idea! My angel even stated she was surprised that someone as restarted and stupid as I could come up with such a good idea. I told a friend of mine this idea, but she thinks its terrible! Why? The plan is for me and my husband foot the bill, tell my family I'm getting the shirts as a gift, then our first night of the reunion I'll have everyone put one on, even my sisters family and younger daughter. I'm doing thus to show my younger daughter that the whole family is on " Team Perfect Princess " and not hers. |
Question: Helpful advice please!? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:13 AM PDT My biological mother has always been a bi nneglectful she never really parented me. A neighbor stepped up and the couple are kinda like my parents now. As a girl I am more emotional and she is very emotional sometimes too. When I ask her how she meant something she gets upset saying she hurt me and would never want to hurt me. As hard as I am trying to be a good daughter and not be dependant or emotional it feels impossible. She said if we can't change this we may have to go back to being friends and that would hurt me so much I don't know it I would want o be around them anymore. She seems to blame me for it all. I don't know what to do. |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:13 AM PDT I'm 15 and my parents are divorced. they both remarried a couple years ago. at my dads there are two babies and my younger brother. at my moms I have four younger brothers. I'm always stressed out when I go to my dad's. I don't have a proper bedroom. when the first baby came, my brother and I moved downstairs and our "rooms" are separated by curtains. over my "room" is the kitchen. you can hear every footstep from down here. even talking. it wakes me up in the morning, earlier than I would have woken by myself. my dad comes downstairs and yells to take the dog out so that wakes me up if the walking hadn't. it's not even my job to take the dog outside. I can hear babies crying from every room in the house. I do help as much as I can but it just adds to the stress. I have to do laundry, the dishwasher, garbage, ect. and just when I sit down, a baby starts crying. my dad rolls his eyes like always and gets up groaning. he struggles with getting the baby to stop crying and eventually puts her down and says uGH I CANT DO THIS and I sit there. he says he's a bad parent. I'm so sick of this routine but I don't have any other options. I'm at my moms half the time and my dads half. I wish I lived alone. advice? |
Question: My mom wants me to go back to her so child support doesn't end..Please Help?!?!!😕? Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:09 AM PDT Ok so I'm 19, I'll be 21 next year next June. I've lived with my mom in NY,we have no money were like dirt poor. And when I did have a job it would go to bills and food, my mom doesn't work. She's on dissability and gets child support. There are times when we had no food and no money. Now I'm in Florida with my dad,I like it here I pretty much have everything here I say.. Even though I'm stuck at home sometimes cuz my dad has to go to work. Now,he says he doesn't have to work as much if he doesn't have to pay child support and he'll be home for me more and can do more Things with me. I've only been here a week btw. My mom hates that I'm home alone here,and she hates how he wants child support to end..... Cuz she needs it badly. So she wants me to come back home so child support won't end. Now,I'm stuck in the fcking middle of course. On Tuesday I was crying Bad ccuz I missed my mom and I wanted to go back home. I just got here on Sunday .. Then after that day it's not so bad and I'm ok here. I feel like maybe I have more of an opportunity here for myself. But my mom is mad and keeps damanding for me to come back ASAP. A part of me doesn't want to ,cuz it's just bullsh*t in NY there. I know child support ends next June anyway and my mom would have to get a job or something. I feel guilty if it were to end now for her (child support money) then at the same time I love being in Florida,just hate being home whiles he's at work ........ WHAT DO I DO HELP 😥 |
Posted: 04 Apr 2015 08:07 AM PDT |
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