Friends: Question: Am I in the wrong? |
- Question: Am I in the wrong?
- Question: What should i do here?
- Question: What is a nice gift to give to a 10 yr. old girl that is in the hospital that is around 10 dollars or less?
- Question: Best friend Breakup?
- Question: What reasons are enough to end a friendship of a friend from College? He's starting to really annoy me. Like, alot.?
- Question: Vacation help?
- Question: Thinking of "ending" a 11 year friendship (20's-30's), he's just a selfish prick. Also, always sending me crap.?
- Question: How to tell friends about parents divorce?
- Question: My friends hate me?
- Question: What is wrong with me that I m being bullied am I such an easy target or something? What did I do to deserve getting bullied for no reason ?
- Question: Is it ok to send her a little message by not texting her much tomorrow? (READ MORE)...?
- Question: My friend's German and he doesn't know i'm Jewish yet. i'm scared to tell him and that i don't support his Nazi regime. What do i do?
- Question: My friend wants to be a vet, what should I get her for her birthday?
- Question: How do I stop getting offended when people point out my height?
- Question: Friendship?
- Question: Advice please please please help me!?
- Question: Why do my friends treat me like I am stupid?
- Question: Would telling her how I feel make her go back to normal?
- Question: Husband BEGS me to go with him to his friends house that I hate!?
- Question: Kids at school say I smell?
- Question: How do I make my friend feel better when I'm down myself?
- Question: I like my friend and I need someone to talk to?
- Question: Do you tell your best friend everything? why or why not?
- Question: My best friend is not talking to me.?
- Question: How can I convince my mom to let my old BEST friend see my Instagram? Please someone?
- Question: My married friend said he is trying to hide his ***** for me?
- Question: Can I have some advice involving friend drama?
- Question: A man in my greek organization is getting some kind of cold feet...what can i do?
- Question: Okay, Im in trouble, I let this guy borrow 40$ from me last Saturday and he hasn't been seen since. I'm afraid I'll never get my money back.?
- Question: I'm really starting to hate my best friend! What do I do?
- Question: Does this guy seem interested in me? Please answer?
- Question: Friend Problems?
- Question: How do you handle a friend who constantly acts funny towards you?
- Question: I'm leaving school, I have to! it is not my choice. But I can't handle the fact I'm leaving my friends too!?
- Question: Sever social anxiety out of nowhere?
- Question: Mom destroying my social life?
- Question: Why cant i go to this school?
- Question: I asked if i should go to public high school on here and most people said yes, but i have had some problems in public school before.?
- Question: Friends talking behind backs?
- Question: They say people look for their type when it comes to dating. Do they also use the same approach when it comes to choosing friends?
- Question: Are my feelings on social media/life in general weird or normal?
- Question: What do I do about this?
- Question: What should i do to gain my respect back?
- Question: If you were a middle schooler, how would you react to this situation?
- Question: What can I do about a rude employee?
- Question: Is it ok for me to take a break from school for one day for this reason?
- Question: Her friend told me she used to have an STD?
- Question: How can I not feel lonely at school?
- Question: All of my friends doing a sorority?
- Question: How can I prank my Internet friend?
- Question: I have 0 friends and my Mom always has something negative to say about people when I do make friends.?
- Question: Should I leave my group of friends????
- Question: Was I wrong here? Really insulted?
- Question: Im scared for tommorrow?
- Question: Friend Problems? Am I right or wrong?
- Question: I am super excited to have a sleepover at my friend, Zara's house but I keep dipping in at our sweets. How can I resist the temptation?
- Question: Is it weird that I tell my mom everything?
- Question: How come women I know don t make eye contact with me?
- Question: 20 yo whats going on with my life?
- Question: Why cant i go to this school?
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:57 PM PST My bestfriend told me that her class was talking about my other friend having and std(which she did) now my friend is mad because I didn't tell her before my bestfriend told her . She said I was being fake because I didn't tell what my bestfriend told me even though my bestfriend told me not to tell or I'd be a flaw when my friend asked me about it I said it's not my business to tell so my bestfriend decided to go ahead and tell her my friend is mad because of that and my other friend took her side and now both refuse to talk to me... Is it wrong that I didn't want to tell my friend the rumor that I heard because I don't like spreading around he say she say stuff If i dont know the truth myself? Does it make me a fake friend for not getting involved? |
Question: What should i do here? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:52 PM PST Ok so a really close friend (named A) told me a secret and told me not to tell anyone. I told her bestfriend (named B) for a legit reason, and she went behind my back and told 'A' i told her the secret. Now A is mad at me. I had to tell my best friend (named C) the secret to explain the situation. 'C' also went behind my back and told 'B" i told her the secret. 'B' then went back and tell 'A' that 'C' knows the secret. Now some stuff was said and words were exchanged how both A B & C are angry at me. This bish B keep telling me **** that my mouth is too big and ****. Now tell me, who has the bigger mouth me or B? and what to do about this situation? Should i abandon these people and find new friends? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:50 PM PST |
Question: Best friend Breakup? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:47 PM PST I used to have a friendship that lasted 7-9 grade. In 9th grade he payed less and less attention to me now im in 10th grade and its like we dont even know each other. It felt like our bond was special and stronger than most other friendships. HELP! |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:43 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:43 PM PST My family is going on vacation. All of my cousins are bringing friends, so that means I can bring a friend too. But so far everyone I've asked can't go, and it makes sense because the place that we're going is almost six hours away. But we're only going for three days and missing one day of school. Last time we went to this place, my cousin brought a friend and I didn't. So I was the awkward third wheel, I'm the same age as them. So i have three other people I can ask, and if they say no then I won't have a friend to bring. And if I can't bring a friend then I'm not sure I'll want to go. But my dad really does want to go. What should I do? I'm 15 now so I won't want to hang out with my dad the entire time. I won't have much fun without a friend. So why should I go if I won't have any fun? What should I do? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:39 PM PST My friend is always well, just "worthless", unreliable, in fact, he'll send me messages that say, "You have to have certain friends for certain things" to basically justify his selfish actions or ways. His girlfriend of 4 years left him, and he doesn't understand why, but now that I have to deal with him, alot. I see it. He's unreliable, annoying, needy, and cannot do anything for anyone. Also, he argues insane. you'll tease him about his weight, and he'll say something like. "You're a loser, and you failed out of college" or something like that. Also, he has started to claim our "traditions" are immature, or whatever, but when we talk, he only wants to talk about girls, though all my other friends speak on economics, money, work, school, not him.. but, I'm the immature one. Also, you can't address anything with him,he blows up, and runs out the room... I'm getting over it. Help |
Question: How to tell friends about parents divorce? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:25 PM PST Very recently, my father broke the news that he is going to divorce my mom. This is heartbreaking, but truly a longtime coming and kind of a relief. In some ways, I want to tell my friends because I feel very alone. I have a sister and we are very close but talking about issues or feelings can be incredibly hard, especially because I hate getting emotional in front of people. The worst part is that my parents imment divorce is stemming from a long, grueling history of my moms alcholism, which has been going on for as long as I can imagine. Its bad and humiliating. My family has tried to keep it on the DL for as long as I can remember, but my mother would drive my friends home typsy and the police know our house. My friends comment (after bad nights) how tired I look, and if I am alright. Ive even had a couple of breakdowns when things were at there worst. Even so, none of them know whats going on. I wish so badly that I could just vent or explain or just have a hug and feel like everything is going to be alright. But i almost feel like its too late now. The story is long and depressing and I hate thinking about it, but its always on my mind and I wish they could understand. So what should I do? I dont want to weigh them down, i also dont want them angry that I kept it a secret for so long, and I dont even want to tell them details. But i feel so lonely and so sad sometimes. Advice? Thanks |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:20 PM PST My friends are being so mean and told me they want nothing to do with me because of all of my faults. I'm way jealous so I want to be someone's #1 friend. That's an issue. I don't want to be friends with those bastards anymore. What do I do? Any tips on making new friends in 8th grade. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:15 PM PST I m not going to mention names but I will just use a letter. It all started in elementary school when a kid became tormenting and kicking me. In middle school i continued getting bullied by A at lunch all the time she called me fat,ugly, and a b**ch just because I was sticking up for my gay best friend. I told the teacher but the vp just called it elementary bullying. The teacher basically got the principal in with it and the bullying kinda stopped. The next year the girl started it again I would cry to my other best friend wondering why cant leave me alone the teasing didn t stop on me or my gay friend she kicked him and teased us everyday. I talked to a teacher about it to other students she was kinda mean but to me she was really nice I told her about it and she told me she would stop it and gave me a hug. But it didn t stop it continued on until high school then stopped. Then there was N I hated him he cussed at me and hurt me as well as feeding lies to everyone he sprayed a bottle of Axe in my eyes for no reason it burnt so bad I almost cried. But there was also another middle school bully J she would make fun of me in school and on the bus and some other kids joined in too I was close to breaking down everyday my bff tried to stop it but it didn t work and now the girls starting up again on me for no reason bad mouthing my whole family and cousin. What did I do to deserve this punishment? |
Question: Is it ok to send her a little message by not texting her much tomorrow? (READ MORE)...? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:06 PM PST We have been talking for months. I flirt with her a lot. she doesnt flirt back. she just texts me with flattered emojis and sometimes hearts when i flirt with her. Today I sent her 2 snapchat videos. in one of them I called her beautiful. and in the second one I went on the a new topic. she replied but she ignored the flirt of me calling her beautiful and just went straight to addressing the second topic in my second snapchat. Tomorrow I want to ease up. not text her as much. wait for her to text most of the day. maybe she will stop taking me for granted. is that acceptable?? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:06 PM PST |
Question: My friend wants to be a vet, what should I get her for her birthday? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:01 PM PST My friend is a senior in high school and for her 18th birthday I want to get her something really special. She wants to be a vet, most likely a horse vet, and I want to get her a really special gift related to that. A gift that she can always remember. Does anybody have any ideas? |
Question: How do I stop getting offended when people point out my height? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 04:00 PM PST I am just really tall for a girl . I'm 17 and I'm either 5'8 or 5'9 and a lot of people always point it out. I'm always known as the tall friend and when people describe me they always say the tall girl and it gets me really pissed off because I've been insecure about it since I was about 11 or 12 and I was 5'6 back then ugh..... when people stare at me I feel like they are just staring at how tall I am and it really bothers me a lot I don't feel attractive because how tall I am I just feel really gross and I can't get over it no matter how hard I try to be confident about it I end up crying over it |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:56 PM PST i was i a class with someone for a year and we started talking to each other last by the end of the year we got close like sisters.we know everything about each other i know everything in her life and she know everything about me .Last week i told her something that i never told anyone EVER .When i told her she took it easy but after a couple days she started to act totally weird and she wont tell me why .before u say anything it not in her life, its in you think that my friendship is doomed? |
Question: Advice please please please help me!? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:55 PM PST 1st things, I will award a best answer. Ok now on to why i need advice. So recently my best friend and I "broke up" and we aren't friends anymore. Today while I was at a student council meeting during lunch, she decided to tell the guy I like's best friend that I like him (him being the guy's bff). And then the guy was all like "oh if ~so and so~ got a *****/liked her (her being me), it would be as if he was gay." And well that hurts bad af. Ok and the part I'm upset about is that my old bff decided to tell everyone, going off the basis that everyone already knew. Which is a lie. I feel really horrible because a guy said that I was a boy. What should I do? Should I try confronting them? P.S. I thought the guy who said I was a boy was my friend. the little astericks are supposed to say b(o) ne r |
Question: Why do my friends treat me like I am stupid? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:53 PM PST whenever I am around them, they always tell me everything I say is wrong, or they just make me feel stupid. Like when I am saying something that I know is true, they just automatically assume I am wrong. And they always judge me for expressing my opinions about stuff, or they just judge me for being myself. I really don't feel comfortable around them because I am almost always attacked, I have no idea what to do. I can't tell them because they will say I am overreacting, but I'm not, seriously I'm not. I deal with this daily. What should I do? Please help me |
Question: Would telling her how I feel make her go back to normal? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:45 PM PST I'm 22 and she's 24. I Recently decided to go to Harvard for grad school and when i let her know, at first she was really happy for me on that same day. However her best friend told me that she started feeling she's not good enough for me even tho I don't feel that way so she just talks to me a lot less and less hanging out time. I also really like her more than friends I just have not had a good time to tell her. |
Question: Husband BEGS me to go with him to his friends house that I hate!? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:43 PM PST My husband was working out with his best friend for a while. Things ended up not working out so well after about a year and so hubby signed up at my gym and we have been working out just the two of us. Every once in a while (once every two week to a month), he wants to go to this friend s house to work out. His friend works at a gym so his workouts are ridiculous and long. With the three of us it takes three freaking hours to get a workout in. Then there is usually an hour or more of time AFFER we work out to go get something to eat. I have never been a big fan of this friend, so I have always said no to the invitation. My husband will BEG me to go with him and I explain to him how much I dislike being there for so long and just like to get my workouts done and move on with my day. He has gone a few times without me, but he makes me feel rather guilty for not going. Is it wrong of me to not want to go with him ever? I just dislike it so much! I hate that going there takes such a huge chunk of my day and with a person I am not very fond of, nevertheless. |
Question: Kids at school say I smell? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:38 PM PST Hi. I'm a senior in high school and I'm a female. Okay since October this guy and his friends say that I stink. And they tell other people at school I stink so I guess my reputation is ruined. I feel like I'm known as the stinky girl. The thing is, I don't smell anything. I asked my friends did I smell and they don't smell anything. I've even asked 5 random people at school to smell me and they all said I didn't smell. One day I was so self conscious I went to the school nurse and asked her did I smell. She said i didn't stink but I smelt like vanilla. She suggested that maybe my perfume was bothering them. So I stopped wearing it and they are STILL saying I stink! Then the girl I sit next to in choir put her shirt over her nose in class and it really embarrassed me. She's friends with the same group of guys that bully me. I asked my friend on the other side of me did I stink and she said I didn't. I'm a very clean person, I shower morning and night but this group of guys is still saying that I stink. I'm at the point I hate coming to school, I'm really self conscious, I'm spending hours in the tub and I'm just not comfortable at school. They bully me EVERYDAY!! and the thing is, they won't say it directly towards me but they say it loud enough for me to hear it. What should I do I hate coming to school? I've never done anything to them, why do they keep picking on me? |
Question: How do I make my friend feel better when I'm down myself? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:38 PM PST I'm just in a bad mood not angry just sad and I don't know what to do with myself but my friend is sad too she doesn't want to do anything that involves many people. Um the only one she's talking to but I don't know how to react because I'm afraid I might say or do something wrong. |
Question: I like my friend and I need someone to talk to? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:37 PM PST Im gonna call him Dean In this story So I met Dean last year in my chemistry class and we were both sophomores. We'd gotten really close since then. I invited him to my birthday thing in August and he invited me to his dad's lake house for his birthday thing which was 2 weeks after mine (the weekend before school started up again for our Junior year). He cancelled it because no one could drive all of us to the lake house. I decided that I still wanted to do something and I told my friend Liz that my parents said we could go to king's dominion, which just so happened to be near Dean's lake house, so we stayed at the lake house after going to king's dominion. The original plan for when we got to the house was for us to eat, watch movies, boating, and then sleep. The girls would sleep upstairs and Dean would take the basement, where we would be initially hanging out. Eventually everyone was asleep except for me and Dean because we were playing video games in the basement. I was about to go upstairs but I decided that I would just sleep down there as well. Junior year starts and we sit next to each other in physics and he moved his seat to sit next to me in calc. My friends who sit at our physics table keep saying we would make a cute couple. All he says is "what?" as if he didn't hear and makes no further comments. I'm right next to him silently agreeing with them. Oh, and he has a girlfriend who I've become friendly with. If you want more details, just ask |
Question: Do you tell your best friend everything? why or why not? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:25 PM PST |
Question: My best friend is not talking to me.? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:14 PM PST Me and my best friend who is also a girl is not talking since 4 months. It was my mistake. I called up the guy she was meeting for marriage purpose. I being her best friend told her the bad things i found about the guy. She did not believe me so i called up the guy from unknown number just to check his reality but to my badluck my best friend was with him and she heard my voice. She got mad at me and said i shouldnt have done this. And to top it up the guy took advantage of the situation and told her that i have been calling him since few days and talking bad about her and her mother. This made her more upset and she told me that she doesnt trust me anymore and she will never talk to me ever. That was the last day i spoke to her. She is not even marrying that guy because she did not like him in that sense. Now my problem is that i tried my best to message her and apologise lot of times but she never replies. I miss her a lot and want her back in my life like old times :( |
Question: How can I convince my mom to let my old BEST friend see my Instagram? Please someone? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:13 PM PST Alright so it's kinda a LONG story but I'm gonna try to summarize it. I used to live in New York. I had a BEST friend. Let's just say her name was Delilah. She always did acting and stuff, always very dramatic and not afraid to state her opinion. My mom never liked her but i LOVED her. So I lived in NY all my life my life until 6th grade when I decided i wanted to move to Florida to near my grandma ( we were VERY close) so we moved to Florida in the summer. I could NOT believe I moved to Florida - worst decision of my life I missed my best friend so much I'd cry for months. Okay so now it's a year later. I have an Instagram. It is private. She requested to follow me. U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WANTED TO ACCEPT HER. my mom would not let me and this made me cry and give me anxiety. Something about it made me depressed. All I wanted to do was let her see my profile but my mom goes on and on how she's a bad influence and bkah bkah bkah. I know she does it for my best interest but I REALLY wanna let her see my pics. I've had so many chats with her before but she won't give in. I'm desperate and depressed. How can I convince my mom? Thank u SO much for reading all of this please comment ideas. Thx SM |
Question: My married friend said he is trying to hide his ***** for me? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:11 PM PST I laughed it off, we were both drinking but was that just a metaphor for he thinks I'm a cool person or he is attracted to me? |
Question: Can I have some advice involving friend drama? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:11 PM PST My friend group is amazing. I love them. However two of my friends told us (my friend group) that apparently half the grade hates us and we are loud, cliquey, and exclusive . We were all shocked this, especially since we were told more individual problems people had with us personally. When I found out who told my two friends this I was shocked. It was another one of my (less close) friends. She had felt excluded lately and either this was her way to get us to involve her more, or she actually heard this from people. Normally, I would totally ignore this and move but the two friends I mentioned before believe this girl. They think we should be less exclusive. I am having a party soon and one of my friends asked if I was inviting the girl who was saying this stuff behind out backs. I, of course, said no because I don t want to deal with this kind of rumor spreading. But then I felt bad because this friend of mine is friends with the girl who was spreading these rumors. I hope I explained this well, if not I can add some more clarity, and more specifics. Thank you (: |
Question: A man in my greek organization is getting some kind of cold feet...what can i do? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:11 PM PST My friend, let's just call him "A", just got initiated with me into this unnamed co-ed greek organization. He is thinking about leaving because it goes against everything he stands for. A says that because he did two years in prison, that all these rules and repression reminds him of being locked up again and he doesn't like that. My girlfriend is in the organization with us, and we all went away to UNI together. I feel that if he drops this, it will drive a wedge between us that we will not be able to help. I really want A to do this with us, so I guess my question is, did joining a fraternity or sorority make you feel like this, and how can I help him get through it? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:08 PM PST |
Question: I'm really starting to hate my best friend! What do I do? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:05 PM PST Let's call my friend Lily. I feel like life favors her over me. We do the same thing, act the same way, yet people always talk to her and ignore me. She says she's socially awkward but she's more like a social butterfly. It's actually hard for me to talk to other people without making a fool of myself and trying to make a funny face to cover up how embarrassed I am. Lily messes up on purpose, and is oblivious to how she has hurt others. People see that yet they still prefer to talk to her. She constantly calls me fake for being myself yet she does the same thing that I do. The problem is, when I try to distance myself from her, she confronts me and calls me fake. She makes others feel bad and they still love to have her as company. This might seem like a more trivial situation but it's really getting to me. Help!! I need to add one more thing. I also try being nice and helpful to everyone. I try being polite but I always get glares or bewildered looks. |
Question: Does this guy seem interested in me? Please answer? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:55 PM PST When I first saw this guy, we held eye contact and he smiled at me. Then when I saw him again (a few months later) I caught him staring at me, and he looked away really fast and looked back and away again. My friend saw him at the store and she asked him if he knew me and said he did know me and he said that I was nice. But I've never told him my name and we've never spoken before. I do think he's very attractive, but I don't know if I'm reading too far into this. He has not approached me, but I don't think he's shy, but I do think that our age difference might cause some problems with people. Too many people judge me about dating older men, and maybe vice versa. I am 18. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:47 PM PST Ok, so I m in the 7th grade (almost 8th grade) and I have kind 3 or 4 friends I like to be with. There s one problem though, 2 of my friends hate my other friend "group". I m stuck in the middle. My 2 friends even flat out told me "It s us or her" and made me choose. I said I didn t want to choose because I like all of my friends. Apparently, that s not good enough for my 2 friends. Now they ignore me and tell me that I m a screw up and I m not a good friend. No matter what I do there s still somebody with hurt feelings, I don t like that. I just kind of figured that I m going to give on making friends. Whenever I make friends there s always some sort of drama that starts. Tomorrow at lunch I m just going to hide in the bathroom and do my best to avoid everybody. I don t know if this is just typical teenage drama, or this is just some bad choice in friends, but all of this makes me feel awful and I can t stand it. |
Question: How do you handle a friend who constantly acts funny towards you? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:45 PM PST It's a friend who I have known for almost two years. We're supposed to have a sister like relationship, but it's hard to maintain this friendship with a few unnaceptable behaviors. She can act possessive and jealous when it comes to other people I'm close with. She will act hostile and mean when she is jealous or not getting all the attention. I also feel that she's jealous of my relationship with her Aunt, who she's also close with. There's times when she will not respond back when I say "hello" or try to give her a hug. During church service, she'll sit there and stare at me constantly or have a weird attitude as if I did something to her.Later that same day she'll all of the sudden speak to me or wait another day to say something. The only time she'll call my phone is to be nosey or when she need something. Lately I decided to give a dose of her own medicine by not speaking to her at all, but she gets upset when it's done to her. What I will like to know is this, should I just cut her off completely, or ask some questions as of why she always act like this? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:34 PM PST especially I know that they will not Contact me or ask about me! + I know deep inside me that I'm not that important to them :P Should I care ? I mean, I really love them....the choices I have are limited and if I decide not to leave, my acadimc years and others stuff related to my future will affect me (medical school I really can't explain) The thing is, should I care about my relations more than my future ? :( |
Question: Sever social anxiety out of nowhere? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:27 PM PST I don't understand why I'm like this. Growing up from elementary through the 1st year of college I was really socially awkward and quiet. Even at family reunions and stuff. In social situations I'd sometimes even get physically sick. Then around then around the age of 20 I became real talkative and loved being around people. I'm 24 now and about a year and a half ago the awkwardness came back. It's actually might be even worse than before. Now even around my parents. When talking to pretty much anyone I get all shaky and sweaty. I even sometimes stutter. I honestly just hate being around people. It sucks because at work and stuff people think I'm sneaky and weird. My manager even suspected me of stealing **** because I act so weird around him but in reality I act like that around everyone. Why am I like this? What happened |
Question: Mom destroying my social life? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:24 PM PST My mom only allows me to go to the park. I cant go anywhere else, and when I ask why she always said "because I said so." I used to have 1 friend, but my mom never lets me see her because its not her job for other people to entertain me. I usually just spend my days using the internet 6-8 hours which causes me to get frequent headaches and eye pain. I tried talking to my mom about getting friends but she always tells me its a personal problem. I dont know if this is normal or not. But either way, im getting kinda sick of not having friends / using the internet all the time. Ps. I'm a 14 year old female who is currently being homeschooled, if that helps. |
Question: Why cant i go to this school? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:16 PM PST im out of the district,? but i live literally less than 6 blocks away from the school and my home school is 3 times farther, why cant i go to the closer school how tf is it out the district if it is way closer than my home school, is there a way to go to that school or convince them that the school is way closer to my house (which is true), my address even has the name/same city name,of were the school is? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:15 PM PST so if id go to public high school id be for only 12th grade(one year) im homeschooled right now and in 11th grade want to go to public high but cant decide because ive been bullied before and dont want it to happen again, also it would only be for one year of high school so how hard would it be to make friends and would those friends even matter because we would be going to college after 12 grade. so should i go or not? will i be a loner for the last year of high school if i go/will people want to make friends in the last year of high school? will i be bullied? should i go? |
Question: Friends talking behind backs? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:14 PM PST My friends(all girls) are fighting with eachother and 2 of them said something to another and I told that other. Then the one who was talking behind her Back texted me asking if I told the other...what should I say!?! |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:08 PM PST We all know that many people , well most people end up dating people who are "their type." But when it comes to friendship, do people use the same approach when it comes to choosing who their close friends are? For example your best friends shares the same humor as you and fashion sense along with enjoying sports and moral values. |
Question: Are my feelings on social media/life in general weird or normal? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:08 PM PST I open up to people way too quickly & seem to tell everyone my business without even realizing it. Often times I get scared that people are going to say bad things for example I just got a new job & I refuse to post where I work on Facebook because I'm afraid that someone from my previous job may say something to an employer at my new job. (I know there were a few ppl who didn't like me) I'm also afraid to bring my best guy friend around my new boyfriend because he knows something VERY personal about my past that I'm in no way comfortable sharing with anyone else. M I've been contemplating getting rid of social media/Facebook all together but I like the idea of keeping in touch with old friends. However, now that I'm a bit older I kind of want some "privacy" in my life & don't really want everyone knowing my business. Thoughts? |
Question: What do I do about this? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:07 PM PST for the past couple of days, my so called "best friend " has been treating Me like ****. We get into fights often but she always ends up crying and saying how much we are best friends and she can't lose me. But yestersay she ditched me at lunch and went off campus with her friend and this guy and she didn't even tell me and I spent my lunch alone. I went home early because I'm sick and I'm home rn too and she was talking smack about me to the girl and she told the girl to subtweet me because they assumed my tweet "this ***** tryna take my best friend away" was about her which it was about my sister that lives in las vegas. And so she told her friend to subtweet me and she did so I replied to it and @ the girl and my "best friend" and I got into a fight about it and she got mad I put her on blast when I have the right to stand up for myself. I just don't really need a friend like her. She said sorry but there are still people bullying me and like she keeps snapchatting me to keep our streak but I said we aren't best friends and she said ok.... And I just don't really know what to do |
Question: What should i do to gain my respect back? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 02:06 PM PST i have a lot of friends in the university. and they all liked me until last week when i got really drunk and kissed one of my groupmates.. apparently everyone was secretly watching, i had NO IDEA. so, now all of my other groupmates have lost the respect they had for me, as they say.. i feel really bad, i never wanted it to happen, i was just having fun and went a little far on drinking.. but now people don't even wanna talk to me. this is really disturbing :( what should i do? |
Question: If you were a middle schooler, how would you react to this situation? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:53 PM PST You are on school break with your best friend and all of a sudden, your best friend is imagining she's somewhere else and is talking to someone clearly not there. When you ask her what she's doing, she says "Oh, I'm just playing with my imaginary friend and am pretending that we are going to a faraway place!" What would your response to this be? |
Question: What can I do about a rude employee? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:52 PM PST A guy friend of mine (who also has a massive crush on me) has an older coworker who is constantly talking badly about me and saying he needs to stop associating with me and constantly insulting me since I don't want to date him. He has continuously told her to stop saying the rude things she does, to no avail, I'm getting tired of him telling me all the nasty comments she has to say about someone she's never met. I know that the store owner probably wouldn't care about the situation so I'm not sure how to get her to stop other than calling the store and going off myself. |
Question: Is it ok for me to take a break from school for one day for this reason? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:50 PM PST One of my close friends decided to start up some drama. She said that I was saying stuff I wasn t (because I guess someone told her something or she took a joke the wrong way). I never said anything... She s trying to get people to turn on me and I m just getting a little sick of it. Can I just take a break for one day from school? |
Question: Her friend told me she used to have an STD? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:35 PM PST I went to my girlfriends hometown & met a few of her friends. Her one friend pulled me to the side & said "you know she had an STD right?!" I asked my girlfriend about it & she was really upset. She said she didn't know why/didn't understand why her friend would make that sh*t up. I asked her tell me the truth & she flipped out! She told me she'd go get an STD test done tomorrow if need be & was shocked I'd believe someone I just met over her. I'm not sure what to think. Should I end things with my girlfriend? |
Question: How can I not feel lonely at school? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:32 PM PST I recently stopped being friends with 1 of my 2 bffs. My second BFF decided to go with the first friend. Now I have no friends in or out of school. How can I keep myself from feeling lonely at school? |
Question: All of my friends doing a sorority? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:23 PM PST This is my second semester of college. It is a very small university, maybe 400 just in my class. and it is definitely hard making friends. The few friends I do have are all doing a sorority. They convinced me to do one as well, I tried it out for a week and I HATED IT. It was just everything I didn't want it to be and I am just really not that kind of girl. I have a boyfriend so most weekends I home. Anyway. I depledged from the sorority. They still have 4 weeks left. But they have no time at all to hang out with me or even go to dinner with me because they "aren't allowed" while pledging. Will things go back to the way it was before? Or will I just lose the few friends I have made. I haven't even spoken to my one friend in a week, which is the longest its been since school even started. I literally don't have anyone to even eat lunch or dinner with. I don't know what to do. I completely hate sororities, and I know I made the right decision by quitting. But I am just finding myself feeling upset and feeling like I am going to lose the friends I did have. I don't know what to do or even how to make more friends at this point. I am kind of on the shyer side, so its hard for me to go out of my way to be friends with someone I barely know. Any advice?? Sorry this is so long Update: I am not sure if i really have the right to be mad at my friends since they really wanted to do it in the first place. And literally the entire day revolved around the sorority. Like you aren't given any free time to just go out and mingle with other people. So its not like my friends are just dumping me, they just don't have time and have to put all of their focus into the sorority |
Question: How can I prank my Internet friend? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:20 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:15 PM PST Like, just be careful, or, maybe you shouldn't hang out with him/her, so whenever a problem arises between me and my so-called friends, I go to my mom for support, and she always just shoos me away. So, how do I make friends and keep them when I am so used to telling my mom everything? I'm 26 and I still don't know how to drive that is how dependent I am on my mom. My mom is 63 and one of these days she's gonna die. I won't have anyone to depend on then. I'm involved with agencies that help me with mental illnesses. Basically caseworkers/nurses/therapists. But I still have no one to spend my freetime with and I have a lot of freetime being on disability and not working or the past 10 years. I am so alone. No one around here wants me to work for the even though I can be a good worker and even when I apply to 35 places in 3 days, no one calls me for an interview. No one around here likes me. I have had friends in the past and falling outs with every single one of them and I blame it on my mom for not supporting me whenever I needed help with an issue between a friend or boyfriend. No one gets me please help |
Question: Should I leave my group of friends???? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:11 PM PST SO basically I have a friend Beronica, she always swears when it is not necessary, she calls all of us B**** and told me and my good friend in the group Jasmine we are idiots. The other friends in the group are kinda nice, so we stayed wit h them anyways. But they sometimes leave us out a lot.She likes football, and after she discovered me and Jasmine don't like football, she always brought it up and started being nosy. She started insulting a show we like and said she hopes all the people in the show dies. She was super annoyed today when me and Jasmine were talking to each other about the show, she started frowning and acting all hurt. The four other people all went to her and asked her if she was okay, I heard her say f***ing annoying, Lily in our group laughed, and she continued to whisper LOUDLY about us. She said THEY ARE SO ANNOYING! Mia in our group saw Jasmine's teary eyes, and she shrugged and didn't care, while she cared A LOT about the frowning and sad Beronica. I seriously cannot take this anymore. We want to leave the group, but if one of us is absent, we will have no one to sit with which will be very annoying. I want to leave the group, is it the right thing to do? |
Question: Was I wrong here? Really insulted? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:07 PM PST I called my friend to hang after work. She got out early due to an impending snow storm & we decided to meet at this place across the street from her office. It started snowing pretty hard. She had text me saying she couldn't stay too long since it was starting to snow. I hadn't left my house yet & I guess she had ordered already. When I found out she had already ordered I didn't see the point of meeting up & I told her let's just reschedule she said that was fine. I changed my mind & asked her if she minded still meeting she said ok. Then, she called me back. She said she'd been waiting a 1/2 hour (I admit I was running late.) & that she didn't feel like getting my cold & it was starting to snow very hard so she wanted to leave. I kinda flipped out at her & told her I had no intention of rescheduling & that what she did was inconsiderate considering I was just leaving to go there! I told her I did not intend to speak to her again. She sent me this text Her: Gia you are 32 years old not 12. It's honestly time to grow up. Please seek some help & counseling for your behavior it is not normal for someone of this age! This could be why all of your friends want nothing to do with you & the reason you've never been in a relationship just saying! I wish you the best in your endeavors. WHAT A B*TCH!!!! Was I honestly wrong here or her?!? |
Question: Im scared for tommorrow? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:05 PM PST I was absent today because i had a doctors appointment wnd i didnt help my group with the powerpoint and tommorrow are presentations and i feel like its wrong to take credit for something j didnt put any effort in |
Question: Friend Problems? Am I right or wrong? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:53 PM PST Okay so I've been friends with three people since fifth grade. Let's call them B, C, and T. Even in fifth grade, they ran away from me and stuff and I never felt like they really liked me. Yesterday, C said that I have a Pinocchio nose and T said I had heart attack lips (not sure what that means). What C said really hurt my feelings because I really do have a disgusting nose. So today at lunch, they all wanted a chip from my lunch, so I gave all of them one except for C. This made her so mad at me and she wondered the whole lunch why I was so mad at her. There's this cute boy that C, T, and I met at the mall and they refused to give me his snapchat, so I asked him myself. They said to me at lunch that he would never like me and don't bother snapping him. On my bus ride home today, I texted them a screenshot of my phone saying I had a snapchat from the boy. C said go f yourself. Then C and T started telling me how it bothers them that i laugh all the time. B asked if we could sleepover so I texted her and asked if I was invited too and i told her she was being such a follower and I'm dying of laughter and is she mad at me. She said: stfu I'm not a follower and i can invite anyone i want and they r right it gets annoying when u laugh for no reason. Seriously this whole situation is hilarious they're awful friends am I right? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:46 PM PST |
Question: Is it weird that I tell my mom everything? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:39 PM PST I'm 14 and my mom and I are really close and I tell her all the drama that's going on at school and basically just everything in my life. Anyway, I was talking to one of my friends, and she said that it was weird that I tell my mom everything, but I've met a lot of people who have also said that their mom is their best friend. Do you think that it's weird how close my mom and I are? Thanks xx |
Question: How come women I know don t make eye contact with me? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:28 PM PST I have noticed a strange phenomena where women that I know (even pretty well) will pretend to ignore me in passing. I always want to say hello to them, so I look at them, waiting for them to look back at me, so I can greet them. But they never look at me. Are men supposed to be like, "Hey so-and-so!!!"??? It s rude as hell, from the way I see it. I just take it as them not noticing me, not recognizing me, or not being interested. So I just don t say anything and move on. Am I wrong? Would I be stupid to greet them anyway? This is something I have never understood. |
Question: 20 yo whats going on with my life? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:22 PM PST hi there, im in Uni, and my roommate is a guy ive known for a large part of my life, we played a lot of games, from mmorpgs to anything else...the thiing is, i no longer click with him...since joining uni ive got new interests in guitar, languages and other things, my whole perception of life is differrrent to him..whereas he is still really immature and plays games all the make it worse, he uses voice IP with another friend i have who is also still playing im listening to them talk about their games a lot...and im in my room, just feeling trapped...i want more from life and want to live more i the one who is wierd? am i being too mature? i dont know,,im going through a lot of changes and discoveries about my life, i used to be depressed and fap a lot, but im on No Fap too and i wanna improve myself...i feel as though my whole life is changing...its got to the point where being around that roommate friend is draining me..and making me sad..i wanna break free from him, but i dont know how? can you answer my questions thanks |
Question: Why cant i go to this school? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:09 PM PST im out of the district,? but i live literally less than 6 blocks away from the school and my home school is 3 times farther, why cant i go to the closer school how tf is it out the district if it is way closer than my home school, is there a way to go to that school or convince them that the school is way closer to my house (which is true), my address even has the name/same city name,of were the school is? |
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