Family & Relationships: Question: My mom told me I broke her heart and trust. What should I do?! (LONG STORY)? |
- Question: My mom told me I broke her heart and trust. What should I do?! (LONG STORY)?
- Question: Im 15 and a guy but i really want to have sex with my dad. How should i do it? Please dont judge me?
- Question: Is this a stupid thing to say?
- Question: Argument with Fiance! I need an honest unbiased opinion.?
- Question: How can i change my life?
- Question: Am i a bad person?
- Question: Necesito un buen consejo para mi relacion alguien que me ayude?
- Question: My boyfriend called me a b... and I slapped him, and then he slapped me back really hard! Whose fault was it?
- Question: Contemplating coming out?
- Question: Why in the USA white Jehovah's witnesses would marry a Hispanic before a black JW but I Europe the JWs many black JWs all the time?
- Question: Should I save my relationship or end?
- Question: Need help fixing life?
- Question: How can I get out of my parents house for about a day without them asking questions?
- Question: Tell me about lars?
- Question: You know how you can sponsor a dog and get updates on them is there a way you can sponsor a child in the uk?
- Question: Married ex texted me?
- Question: How to deal with this feeling?
- Question: Me and my bestfriend have been together for 7 years now and she has helped me through the good and the bad. What do I do??
- Question: Micheal Dean Perdue disappeared in early 1980s,Does anyone know what happened to him? Please contact his family@nosnorbATT?
- Question: Hello drinking heavily !!?
- Question: Why would a guy act like a lady's dad?
- Question: This song is always in my head.?
- Question: I'm tired of living?
- Question: My dads leaving & idk what to do?
- Question: Do you hate when a you have a relative who passive aggressively metions god all the time.?
- Question: How does one deal with a coworkers overly obsessed with diet and exercise?
- Question: Does he have feelings for me? (he's my professor...)?
- Question: People who didn't want kids and then ended up having them: what was the experience like for you?
- Question: Should you stay in a Relationship if your Truly UNHAPPY with your partner?
- Question: Will my husband ever come back?
Question: My mom told me I broke her heart and trust. What should I do?! (LONG STORY)? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:10 PM PST For the past couple of weeks I have fought a lot with my mother, and it all worsened on thursday (last week). That was also the day I had lent my sister's visa card (since i am not 18 yet) to order some stuff online. I had the urge to order even more, because I thought, "well, my mom is going to give me money anyway... Why not just pay for some of it so I can get it faster". With that thought in mind, I went through my moms purse and snagged her visa card. Ordered some stuff for a total sum of probably $30 dollars, and thought i wouldn't get caught. I did battle with my self concious, though, since I had been angry with mom and we had fought that day as well. It still doesn't justify my actions, but that was what really went through my mind to actually do something as stupid as this. I have never done something similair to this or just simply stolen something from a family member. I had and still have no job since it is very hard for a 17 teen year old to get a job (i'm not from the states, i live in scandinavia). Well onto the story. Not many hours afterwards my mom started freaking out wondering how anyone could have gotten her card information since money had been taken from her account. She asked my sister who is 22 (not the one i lent the visa card from) and she wasn't sure, but helped mom. Now mom did have in mind that I was responsible, and when she confronted me, I chose to lie instead- thinking this would help the situation (I'm stupid I know).- - Mom even was suspicious before I even snatched her card and decided to go on this "online spree". She noticed how I was acting strangly, and even commented. But yeah. She then carried on, calling her bank cancelling it, and ordered a new one, and while all this happened I still continued to lie. Then I started complaining that the only card I had used was my sisters and how I wasn't stupid enough to do something like that (FACEPALM). Mom calmly told me that if I told the truth she wouldn't- be mad, and I did come clean. Breaking down and crying. Now my whole family knows. Nobody wants to talk to me, I even had to drag my oncle in to this mess by explaining to him what had happen (today).. (He's like a second father). They all concluded with taking all my privilige away, and I am not allowed to get a job nor do anything, and I get that. I did wrong. My mom told my just now that it really broke her heart because she never thought any of her kids could do something like that- - "moma didn't raise no fool" would be false to say. Because i was foolish enough to do that. I haven't even spoken with my sister, and they think I used her as a bait as if she was the one to use moms card, which weren't my intentions, but now I have to live with the guilt and the lost of my whole family's trust. I am so mad at myself for doing this. I can't believe I did this. I have cancelled everything, but I still have to live with the guilt of even attempting and going behind mom's back. This is a matter of principal. Although I have cancelled everything and "lost" the items, I have also lost my family. And this empty void I am feeling is probably one of the worst feelings I have ever felt. I don't know that to do!! |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:06 PM PST |
Question: Is this a stupid thing to say? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:24 PM PST Is it stupid for a grandma to say she will always have a fondness and affinity for her son in law because he is the biological father of her grand children even though he's a sex offender and a dead beat dad? |
Question: Argument with Fiance! I need an honest unbiased opinion.? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:23 PM PST We have a neighbor who plays their music moderately loud randomly, 3-4 times a week sometimes till 5am in the morning no matter if it is a weekday or weekend, this has been going on for a year and I have let it go on without a word. Then I decided to discuss it with my neighbor and they said Thank You for speaking directly to me about the issue. They stopped for about a month, and has now continued to do it again, so I decided to talk to the landlord but my fiance was totally against it saying I would cause problems by including my landlord but after an argument he said I DONT CARE what you do, so after another week of the loud bass ridden music I talked to the landlord but apparently the neighbor doesn't care cause now they purposely leave their door open and sing along with the music I guess to taunt me. So I decided along with other factors that I am going to move so i guess I have to deal with it for now. Now my fiance is pissed and tells me that's why she is laughing at me and taunting me. And I did what I wanted to do, basically telling me I told you so. How would you feel if someone who is suppose to support you makes that comment? I am not saying agree with my solution but don't kind of side with them knowing this issue is causing me stress. My Fiance must feel bad about his response. he just called me to tell me that he SWEARS that he does have my back he is just upset because I went against what we talked about. I just said i made a mistake on judgement to keep the peace. In all honesty I still feel unsupported and disappointed. :( |
Question: How can i change my life? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:09 PM PST everyone i know views me like an idiot or a loser, everyone seems to pick on me for fun. the girl i want so bad deosnt want me. my grades are all F s i doubt any good college would want. i feel so unwanted by everyone. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:57 PM PST Im a girl i had sex at 13 after being with a guy for 1 1/2 years Now im 16 and i just broke up with my bf who i was with for two years and i also had sex with him because i hought wed stay together forever. I have deep feelings for him but he dosnt seem to try anymore so i broke up with him. I feel like dying i feel like a horrible person! What do i do ? Will god still love me? what do i do with myself? |
Question: ¿¿¿¿SOY SU AMANTE QUE HAGO TENGO 21 AÑOS NECESITO AYUDA???? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:55 PM PST El me busco y solo era sexo llevo saliendo con el 9 meses . el tiene una relacion con un chava de 21 años llevan casi 3 años juntos. le pidio matrimonio el primer año. ella le pone los cuernos con quien sea y el lo sabe. el pues tambien. El tiene 27 años , al principio solo era una 2 veces cada mes, pero ahora es entre semana , fines de semana, platicamos, escuchamos musica , salimos a tomar, a charlar, el sexo cambio antes solo era a lo que ibamos. ahora no primero platicamos, me cuenta sus problemas, lo de su trabajo , y los temas de converacion son extensos. El me ha contado cosas muy profundas , es una persona muy cerrada a sus sentimientos, y conmigo se ha abierto de una manera buena por asi decirlo. Yo estoy soltera y pues en cualquier momento le pondre un stop bye. Dure en una relacion 6 años de noviazgo y pues de ahi no he querido nada serio, soy una persona fiel y leal conmigo , y el dia que quiera tener algo bien se que le tengo que decir adios. Pero una parte de mi se encariño con el, me he enamorado de el, y el de mi solo que el jamas me lo dira. no se que hacer... |
Question: Necesito un buen consejo para mi relacion alguien que me ayude? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:36 PM PST llevo 4 meses con mi novio pero ya hace 2 semanas el se a distanciado mucho, ultimamente nos veimos todos los dias y puede que eso lo tenga asfixiado como me dijo pero tambien dice que se le esta apagando la chispa y no sabe si quiere dejarme o no solo me pidio espacio para el pensar pues dice que no quiere estar soltero y teme que el tome una mala desicion ya que me dice que soy una mujer especial y la mejor del mundo y no quiere perderme luego para cuando el se de cuenta lo que perdio volver a buscarme y no encontrarme esperandolo decidimos vernos solo dos veces a la semana y hablar por whatssap no mucho tiempo para que ambos tengamos nuestro espacio y lo acepto muy bien pero aun asi sigue distante y esto ya me esta confundiendo yo tengo claro que lo amo y veo mis planes con el ayudenme que debo hacer |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:16 AM PST My boyfriend called me a b... Because of a misunderstanding that he realized later. We were on a trip and I was just checking my phone, he took my phone and went to the bathroom and locked the door! I got angry but tried to stay calm and I just knocked at the door 2 or 3 times. He came out and was very angry and called me a b... And I slapped him, and he slapped me back really hard on a level that I had difficulty keeping my balance not to fall. He had seen a mesaage in my phone that I sent to my sister saying not to answer unknown callers on her phone! And I explained why I had done that. Beacause of this he had called me a b...I just had sent a text to my sister not to answer her phone. I thought it was all his fault but the next day he switched his phone off and when I finally talked to him his mother said to me that it was all my fault and I had been aggressive and I was the one who slapped him! And I was the one to blame completely!! Was it really my fault? |
Question: Contemplating coming out? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:09 AM PST I'm contemplating coming out. I'm almost 17 and I've missed out on so much. It's not only this, I've struggled with my weight my entire life and I know this sounds stupid but deep down I'm afraid of losing weight because people might actually imagine me being with a girl. Right now it's like a joke. I havent gone a day without thinking about killing myself in years. It's becoming too much to handle and I don't think I can keep hiding anymore. I am popular, have a huge group of friends and am probably the last person anyone would expect to come out of the closet. My family is conservative and I don't know how they'd handle it. The worst is my grandma. I love her and it will kill me to disappoint her. I just don't know how much more I can take. I was looking at somebody today who I know from another school and he's out and his life seems great and I want that so much it hurts. I want to come out to at least somebody, but I don't know what to do. There's no one I trust enough |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:48 AM PST |
Question: Should I save my relationship or end? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:27 AM PST So we have been knowing each other for 4yrs. When I first met him he had me believing he was around my age, come to find out he's 10 1/2 yrs older, met him when I was 28. He told me he only had 2 kids...found out he had 3 and his oldest was in her early 20's. We have lied and cheated on each other. We broke up for 8mons because I wasn't happy with the fact he just couldn't trust me and get over my past. He promised to pay half of the rent which he didn't, I had lost my job earlier that year and unemployment had ran out. I had to pay back bills with my 401K That I cashed out. I told him to return my keys, he didn't therefore I had to change the locks cause he would pop up and attempt to come in my apt and my grams paid for it cause I had no money. By this time he kept emailing me and leaving notes at my door, cause he cut my cell off. I went to a bowling alley with friends he emailed me later that nite saying he saw me, that was the point I reported everything to the cops to attempt to get a restraining order. He popped up at my apt once more once I was granted the serve papers. I had cops serve him. We had to go to court. Fast forward we're back together. My fam has accepted my decision except my grams she still doesn't like him. I lost a friend. His fam doesn't know we're back together living with each other only his girl cousin knows. I spoke to his mother months ago to apologize she still couldn't understand and pleasantly dismissed me. He wants me to speak to his mom |
Question: Need help fixing life? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:16 AM PST Okay Hi, my name, is Jack, and I am 15, 5 3, 10th grade, and 140+ lb, I just need help fixing my life,I get home from school, sit to eat 2 hotdogs, play bo2 until sleep time First off, I m fat, I don t like this, I play video games, only bo2 tho, i dont have money for bo3. I love FaZe censors videos, and I love how he went from skinny and scronny too all ripped, I wouldn t want to be that ripped I just want to get rid of the tummy fat I have, my family has started to tease me and I want to prove to them I can change. In 2nd place, my school life, I have friends in every class, at least 3 different from other classes, but I think it s affecting me and my grades, reason being, I only got 2 full credits last semester, I can get them up and I m going to tutorials everyday and morning, I m supposed to be doing E2020, but I struggle, I either procrastinate alot, or I just don t know the topic at school. In last, my family life, my little brother is 10, he thinks he is grown and stuff, and he hits me but I punch him back, I don t like doing that, he s mean and cold and hangs with my stepbrother even tho my sb, is always hitting him and ignroning him. I want to fix all if this, get fit, get better grades, and fix my family life, get in shape is number one priority though. Thanks... |
Question: How can I get out of my parents house for about a day without them asking questions? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:27 AM PST I want to take an 8 hour trip to see someone who they do not want me to see, but I feel as if I really need to. I am 19 and am a legal adult. How can I leave the house for a day to make this trip without them asking questions or getting suspicious of my actions? I do work only 8 hour shifts at work and have full time college classes. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:46 AM PST |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:58 AM PST Or like children who are lonely in care so you can be there for them write letters? I found lots on kids in different countries but no uk |
Question: Married ex texted me? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:56 AM PST I was shocked because I haven't heard from him for at least six months. I said who is this? He said his name, then jokingly said "did you forget about me already?" I didn't know what to say other than, you're married why are you texting me? To which he said, "I don't want anything from you." Okay? So I just said how are you? and he said good how are you? Congratulated me on my promotion, then I said you shouldn't be texting me, and he got angry and said "I love my wife" and basically a bunch of other things about how happy he is. I was just really confused by this whole text convo because we broke up on heated terms and was very heartbroken. I haven't heard from him for weeks afterwards, why did he do that? is it a sign he's unhappy in his marriage or what? |
Question: How to deal with this feeling? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:12 AM PST I have always been very worried about my future although most of the time things turned out the way that I wanted. The feeling that I am experiencing is something like this: I reminisce about my past experiences and discover how fast time passed. I am even scared that time will pass and some day I will be on my deathbed without any clue on how everything ended so quickly. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:11 PM PST so today is the anniversary of my older brothers death and I'm having a bad day because this is the first year without him and I thought she knew it well she decides to tell me that she doesn't approve of my boyfriend who I have been thinking about our relationship. so I don't know and then continues to tell me that my ex who cheated on me 3 times and in the past has said she cant stand him. so I haven't talked to him in 3 or so months. she told me today that they have been talking this whole time since we broke up and asked me if I was ok with it, given that he confessed his "love" for her. I told her I was fine with it that she knows how he treated me and hes just gunna do the same thing to her but its up to her. Was I right or no??? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:01 PM PST |
Question: Hello drinking heavily !!? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:00 PM PST Hello there .. Iam 23 years old ive been drinking sinse iwas 17 worst & worst each year... So friday night iwent out and got so drunk that when icame out the bar ididnt kno where iwas at .. It was like ididnt even who iwas .. Scary moment.. Iwas with a friend sadly he ditched me and left me all alone in a city where ive hardly go 2 .. So i remember walking dwn the city of pomona ( which ididnt kno iwas in pomona due to severly intoxication .. ilive in california by the way.. i ended up buying a bike from this homeless guy for a hundred dollers .. So iremember taking off into the city of pomona 3am as the darkness swallowed me ifinally get to a dead end & theres no way out!! Iam so thirsty and iknew iwas not going to make it back .. So ijumped this fence and islip and hit my head real hard.. Im dazed intoxicated still .. And wen iget back up im on the side of the fwy now ... I panic because i really didnt have a way out... My phone is dead .. Im thirsty no way out... but to cross the fwy!! I cross the fwy to the other side! Totally insane.. Im happy to be alive ! Truly blessed .. Chp ended up finding me .. Didnt even take me to jail .. He took me home.. I decided to give up the booze for quiet some time... Just wanted to share this story wit yall for alcholics/heavy drinkers |
Question: Why would a guy act like a lady's dad? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 09:35 PM PST Be all nosey etc! |
Question: This song is always in my head.? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 09:03 PM PST i keep wanting to hear "Tonic - If You Could Only See" i know this must mean something about my last break up but i dont know what. i need an out side perceptive. because love/sex can make you blind. im not going to write a **** ton of back story. spit ball ideas. |
Question: I'm tired of living? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:52 PM PST I know this might seem like a call for attention but I'm just tired of all this c**p. My aunt has cancer and she doesn't even care about her chances of living so she pretty much decided that she's going to die. And I'm getting bullied at my school so I'm sick of going through this sh*t every single day. I don't treat anyone badly and I'm nice to everyone but it doesn't matter. People still treat you like nothing. I just want this to end. |
Question: I NEED HELP! THERE WILL BE A FIGHT!? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:20 PM PST I need somebody's advice on a problem. This kid has been bullying me for a while, I'm in 8th grade. This kid always throws stuff at me in the hall and calls me a *****. And trust me I hate fighting. It's dumb and we should be able to reason with one another. This kid is a TOTAL jerk! He always tries to agitate me! For example he walked by me in the hall and dumped water on my head. I've tried being polite but he continues his bullying. My dad is dying of lung cancer and im extremely depressed. My dad taught me how to fight. I have succeeded in controlling my anger issues I had when I was younger and I don't want to do something crazy. I'm not a "tough guy", i'm actually kind of sensitive and sympathetic towards others. But when I have rage I act like a baby and smash stuff. I have succeeded in controlling myself like I said. But here's the 2nd problem. This kid would be easy to beat in a fight but he has a friend who is one of those kids who will gang up on me and bring a lot of people. I can't tell an adult, I've tried it before, they just talk to the bully and do nothing. I don't want to get ganged up on, but I don't want to go into one of my crazy blackouts and kill him. How can I deal with him?! |
Question: My dads leaving & idk what to do? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 07:28 PM PST I'm 16 & my dad is leaving. It's imminent & when he does I am to understand that all contact shall be cut off & that's the last I ever see of him. My daddy don't love me anymore. But I have to grow up I'm almost an adult I mean @ school I get bullied all the time the other kids throw chewed food at me & talk behind my back & black mail me. But by 16 I should be able to take care of myself. I don't really care he's leaving doe cause he knows I love him but my moms sick. She's a breast cancer survivor but she's a diabetic. On the other hand I'm a pinch from my dream job, I've been in contact w/ my idols if that makes any sense all I need to do is pick up the phone gain some confidence & set up a meeting God willing momy won't have to work again & daddy can come back. Life in Chicago SUCK'S TBH. I don't fit in & my teachers think I'm stupid. Somebody tried to enter our house my dad got rid of him but dad is 58 mom is 51. I'm the only kid we ain't got family to stay with and I don't have many friends I have no social life. I'm the product of a 1 night stand only reason I wasn't aborted is mom & dad r Catholic. I need to believe in myself but I always get bullied |
Question: Do you hate when a you have a relative who passive aggressively metions god all the time.? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 05:26 PM PST First of all not trying to fire shots at anyone but seriously if your atheist with a realitive who does this you know what I'm talking it's not that big of a deal but it's annoying when you could be looking at something that has nothing to do with religion at you look at a news article and see some terrible thing happen and you won't say anything about your beliefs because you don't wanna bother bring it up because you know the relative is religious but than they say "god won't be long now" when they know you don't believe than you sigh and than a conversation starts about it when you weren't talking about religion at all.look i love my grandmother and I believe everyone has a right to believe what they want and express but not all the ******* time especially when you know the person disagrees with you and they have a valid stand point.again not trying to offened people but it just gets ******* annoying. |
Question: How does one deal with a coworkers overly obsessed with diet and exercise? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:48 PM PST I work in an office. I have never had a positive self image, due to overeating as a kid, then starving myself as a teen. I ve just always been either fat or chubby. If this wasn t enough of a drag on my mood, everyone I sit near is obsessed with going to the gym and healthy eating. It s gotten so bad that I am too embarrassed to eat anything at my desk. I try to tune out as much as possible using my headphones, but that s still all I hear the few times I take them out during the day. One girl in particular is too obsessive. She makes sure all her fellow gal pals are going to the gym with her after work. If they don t want to, she makes them feel bad. She will go on and on about how many calories things are. How can I accept this person has an unhealthy obsession and just make myself feel okay and not drag myself deeper into my self hatred? |
Question: Does he have feelings for me? (he's my professor...)? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:41 PM PST I'm 22 and have a huge crush on my professor. He's about 30, and I'm pretty sure he's single (Facebook stalking....). I first wondered whether he liked me after he kept tripping over his words when I asked him a question one day; he said he was sorry, that he'd been talking for a few hours (which is perfectly plausible, I know). I guess what makes me think he likes (or *might like) me is that he always seems willing to give me extra help (which I don't ask for), in person or via email, but I just have this intuition when we speak to each other that there is a mutual attraction… For example, the first time he spoke to me in the halls, there was this moment where we stood quite close together and were just both smiling at each other. A few weeks ago. I was sitting in the library, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him enter the room; I knew he must have seen me because I was straight in his line of vision. He all of a sudden disappeared (hid?) behind a book case, and I thought he wanted to avoid me for some reason…But a few seconds later, he appeared next to me and said hey, asked how I was. When I said I was stressed over a looming deadline, he said, 'oh, should I leave you alone?', to which I replied no, it was fine, and then we talked for a while (not sure how long, 15/20 minutes?). I think it's the whole hiding, then appearing next to me thing which gets me….. I know I have very little 'evidence', but what do you guys think? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:34 PM PST Please be honest, no judgment here. |
Question: Should you stay in a Relationship if your Truly UNHAPPY with your partner? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:28 PM PST |
Question: Will my husband ever come back? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 10:30 PM PST I had left my marriage after 7 years of feeling ignored and unloved. A new man came into my life and I separated from my husband and went to another country to live with the new guy. The new guy started to abuse me emotionally and physically. I ended up getting pregnant and am 5 months now. I kept in touch with my hubby from time to time and he offered to pay my plane ticket to come back after hearing how bad it was for me. When I came back my husband helped me a lot - taking me to appointments, meetings, let me use his laptop, taking me out to dinner. He even offered to take me to the ultrasound but I said no because I feel so ashamed about having a child from another man... I was infertile for 7 yrs before this. We are like friends now but sometimes I slip and I give him a kiss. He tries to avoid it or sometimes he kisses me back. He has never once yelled at me or called me bad names... he is a good guy but very shy. We are not divorced yet- he says he is too busy for that. Do you think he will ever come back to me? I have been reading alot of boojs on how to fix the marriage and got rid of my cellphone just so he can trust me again. I know he's still hurt but I don't want to push him away. |
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