Family: Question: Am I asking too much? |
- Question: Am I asking too much?
- Question: My neice and nephews have a new auntie?
- Question: Heredity question?
- Question: What do I use to lock my door?
- Question: Does you dad say this sometimes to you or anyone else when he wants to say what he has to say?
- Question: Moving out under the radar?
- Question: Girlsfriends parents forcing dance class on her?
- Question: How to talk to my mom?
- Question: Please help why did he do this?
- Question: Why does my brother suddenly hate me??
- Question: Do you think stepparents are important in the lives of kids?
- Question: I absolutely hate my stepmom?
- Question: Is this kid suffering from low self esteem?
- Question: Mother in Law wants me to call her more?
- Question: What would you do if a close friend constantly acts funny towards you?
- Question: Should I tell my brothers what I thought they wanted me to do?
- Question: What should I do about what my class mates are doing to my dad?
- Question: Should my sister stop doing this?
- Question: How to talk to my mom (I'll answer yours)?
- Question: My nephew was called gay as an insult as school and came home crying?
- Question: Is this kid suffering from low self esteem?
- Question: Is this wrong? should i tell my wife?
- Question: How do we get our teenagers destructive behavior under control?
- Question: I am the son of the daughter of the husband of the sister of the mother of your mom... are we still considered family?
- Question: I'm wondering if my mom can file for food stamps without me living in her household?
- Question: Am I spoiled?
- Question: My daughter just told me that my husband (her step-dad) told her he's attracted to her. what should I do? I am so confused and hurt now?
- Question: How to help a 19 yo with ADHD who is addicted to video games follow rules and get through college?
- Question: I need to say something very important to my dad, but i can't talk? only force words out?
- Question: Mother of my children brings a man in our infant children lives what do i do?
- Question: How do I get my mother to forgive my father, she hates him post-divorce but it has been 8 or 9 years?
- Question: Is it wise to not answer back to a mother who is extremely negative, prideful and autocrative?
- Question: How do I know if my relatives like me or not?
- Question: Travelling to Spain in 20 Days, How to make time go by fast?
- Question: My parents disowned me and I don't know what to do?
- Question: How to kindly tell your man to stop being a baby when he's "sick"?
- Question: How to help my younger brother feel better about himself?
- Question: How to prevent yourself from crying in front of your mom?
- Question: I hate a lot about my life?
- Question: What do liberals order at Starbucks?
- Question: Kind of odd. Feel dirty. What should I do?
- Question: How to get privacy I'm 18 my parents are ****?
- Question: Are you married?
- Question: How do I overcome the guilt of not seeing my father very much as a kid?
- Question: Should I return the gift?
- Question: Will my mom lose TANF if I get a job?
- Question: Starting to resent my divorced, unemployed, depressed, hypochondriac brother. What to do?
- Question: Can i hope for a good karma/good luck at least when I am old?
- Question: Baby name Wyatt vs Clayton?
- Question: Should I Tell My Mum That My Dad Is Hurting Me?
- Question: How should I ask my mother to let me move in with my brother?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: My daughter was killed by an exploding KitchenAid Mixer. Help?
- Question: What do you think about a young child being alone with a stranger? And an infant going to daycare? Do you trust strangers?
- Question: Can't deal with life right now ):?
- Question: High expectations, Middle Child in Shadow of Older Sister?!?! Please read :(?
- Question: I spent my brothers money please help!?
- Question: Parents, would you ever allow your child to attend such programs with this kind of attitude?
Question: Am I asking too much? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:58 PM PST My bf and I have been going steady for almost a year now. We re both engineering students and he is about to finish. This semester he is taking 9 credits and only has two classes left until graduation (one in the summer and one in the fall). He is 40k+ in student debt and doesn t really want to work. I have been encouraging him to get a part-time because he has a lot of free time but he is saying that he doesn t need to work. His parents aren t rich and he is the oldest of four kids and has a paralyzed sister. His father lost his job a year ago and has been driving taxis since to provide for the family but also gets sick sometimes because of his diabetes. I come from a family that values hard work and dedication, while his values education over anything. Maybe it s just my opinion but am I unreasonable in thinking he SHOULD be working? He is 23. |
Question: My neice and nephews have a new auntie? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:52 PM PST So for the past 10 years i have been actively involved in my sisters kids lives. Every birthday, movie night, school play, name it. Now they moved and they met my sisters half sister and they call her auntie and she calles them "aunties babies" and how much they love her and ect ect. Always posting pictures with them and tbh im jealous as hell. I feel like i put in all this time and work with them only to be replaced by someone whos never been there for do i stop feeling like this?! I feel like shes rubbing it in my face saying stuff about her "aunties babies" |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:43 PM PST So if my mom is Swedish and my dad is British but they moved to the U.S. and had me in the U.S. would I be a Swedish British American or does it not work that way ._. Like, what would I be? |
Question: What do I use to lock my door? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:27 PM PST I have a older brother, and he steals stuff from me which I hate. Recently I got some books and I thought it was a good idea to make a selling profit, though I wouldne get much, but my brother saw dollor signs so he stole one of them and sold it on ebay, I get SO mad, so I need some way to keep my door locked. But my door locks are one of those which you can unlock with a penny, so theres no security. How I make a lock/barricade which stops the door from opening with extreme force. I have carpet so most stuff slides. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:19 PM PST Every time I would be talking on the phone or talking to someone. He would come in and if he needs to talk about something, he can t wait and would say stop looking at non important things. I have to tell you something that s meaningful. Not always has to do something that isn t really that urgent. Every time I would have like just a nice casual conversation or anyone is having one he just can t wait and would say this. So annoying. Do you have and family members that happen to do this too? |
Question: Moving out under the radar? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:16 PM PST For years, my parents (alcoholic father and micromanaging mother, both in a domestic verbal abuse situation, both disappointed in me in general) have made me want to leave as soon as possible. I'm 19, have a 20yr old boyfriend an hour away (we've been together since September, are very very serious about our relationship), and am employed full time in a factory. We have decided to move together to a nice apartment in his town at the beginning of June or end of May. Problem is, knowing my parents, they react extremely unwell to me being away from home for more than a few hours and demand constant status updates from me and have me set at a 10pm curfew. So I've decided it's best that I move when they're out of the house and I leave a letter behind. I don't want them to know my address or track me down and drag me back to this sorry excuse of a home. How can I move out without telling them and how can I be sneaky? |
Question: Girlsfriends parents forcing dance class on her? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:58 AM PST My girlfriend has been passionately wanting to quit dance classes for 4-5 months now. She has no desire to go anymore and her parents don't seem to except that so they have tried to make her believe that it is gods "plan" for her to do it. I do not mean to disrespect any religion as a whole, but only her parents view on the situation. They have told her that going to dance classes are more important than basic schooling math, literature. When I say she has been very passionate about quitting I am not making an understatement. She has attempted to stay home, but they only ended up dragging her out and putting her in the car. Last night she would not go to practice and when her dad came home from work he went in her room and started hitting her. Of course as someone who cares about her this really angers me. It's almost funny seeing how seriously they take DANCE classes and then try to brainwash her into believing she has to do it or she will be nothing. So I finally decided to come on here and ask for opinions on what I could recommend to her. Believe me she doesn't want to hear the "just go until youre of age". She wants to quit now. |
Question: NEED SOME MOTIVATING ADVICE FROM MOTHERS!? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:43 AM PST Im 23 years old and i have 3 little ones 4, 1, and 6 months of age. I became a stay at home mom at the age of 19. I only had 2 jobs in my life so far so i dont have alot of life experiences obviously. Me and my childrens father are together, but i still have to do all the household duties and take care of the kids. Alot of times its hard because first of all im dealing with the kids all day we have no set schedule which im working on now. My thing is how do I keep a stable happy clean household. How do i keep him happy because i constantly hear that im not this and not that and that basically i dont do anything right and just very chaotic if i try to explain myself. HOW TO FIX MY HOME? |
Question: How to talk to my mom? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:43 AM PST Please read this before answering. This is the previous question: So I want to talk to my mom to try to get her to let me and my boyfriend be friends. I decided that I would be cool with us being friends and being monitored on our messages on Facebook, as well at school. To me, that's a compromise and we could manage that until we are responsible enough to be back in a relationship. But my mom is angry with me and my boyfriend about what happened, and I tried to talk to her before. She told me that me and him are done and I can't talk to him. Not only did I get my phone taken, I'm being watched at school and we were forced to break up. My boyfriend told me that my family members are watching him very closely. I won't say what we did, but you would say we "fooled around'. My sister also went through stuff similar to this, but she is still with her boyfriend. i'm 16 and a sophomore in high school and so is he if you want to know. Thanks so much for your help! It will be appreciated! I'm looking for helpful answers. |
Question: Please help why did he do this? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:28 AM PST My nephew whos around ten years younger than me... Im 23... He choked me! For few seconds! Because i wasnt cleaning my room! Is this normal behaviour? No one said anything when i told them.. My sister said she teaches her sons to keep their rooms clean and i should do the same while living in their house |
Question: Why does my brother suddenly hate me?? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:17 AM PST Me and my twin brother we were always best best friends and never argued and i always tried to be a good sister but since last year when we turned 14 he didnt want to play with me anymore and got annoyed by me and started calling me stupid and dumb :( what did i do, why does he suddenly hate me?? its been a year and im still trying to get to him but he wont talk with me and doesnt want to spend time with me anymore :( |
Question: Do you think stepparents are important in the lives of kids? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:08 AM PST It seems to be that everyone has a different opinion on this. To me, it depends on the kids and how the feel. As a former stepchild who chose to move in with family after being left orphaned at 16, I didn't have a close enough relationship or enough fondness for my stepmother, to continue the relationship once my father died suddenly, despite her wanting to continue being a mother to me. I have a friend who loves her stepparents as much as her parents and she would have fought to see both if her bio parents divorced them. Another friend lost her mom at a very young age (like me). She has a twin who adores their stepmom and she is very much indifferent. To the point her kids don't call her grandma, but her sisters do. It's interesting to me. And the opinion can differ even with siblings who share the same stepparent. I know one friend who hates her stepfather, but only because he made sure she knew she was less than the bio kids he had with her mom. |
Question: I absolutely hate my stepmom? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:47 AM PST Hello! :) I'm a girl, 16, and really dislike my stepmom. I'll make a list of the things I pretty much hate about my stepmom. - She never tells me she loves me - She never hugs me - She never does things with us - She brags to everyone about what great kids we are, but when there's no one to see she treats us as if we're the most untrustworthy, selfish, sneaky, sly children she's ever met. - We walk to school, and she does not drive us, even when it's dangerous weather outside - She has a padlock on her bedroom door to keep us out, even though none of us have ever entered the room before. - When it was my birthday, the power went out because she was too lazy to pay the electric bill. - She said that me and my siblings are not allowed in the living room anymore - My father is not allowed to have a password on his phone so that she has full accessibility to it and can search it whenever she wants. Meanwhile, she is allowed to have a password. - Yesterday my dad slipped on some ice and fractured several ribs. He went to the doctor, having trouble breathing. She made him drive home by himself, and did not pick him up. - My sister had a really horrible migraine headache and asked to be picked up from school. My stepmom made her walk home, and did not check on once after she had arrived home. Please, any advice? Is anyone else in a situation like me? |
Question: Is this kid suffering from low self esteem? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:38 AM PST When I was 13 I was a bit fat but I had self confidence, and my scrawny 7 yo girl cousin at first seemed nice but then I caught her spying on me, and then she didnt care about me until I said I like to write a book. She said she didnt care and She all of the sudden started to imitate me in my hairstyle, the way I spoke, and she used my opinions as her own. Then she called me fat for two weeks. What made her all of the sudden look up to me, be nosy, and be clingy and then she became aggressive? Doesnt a 7 yo old have to be playing with her kiddie friends? Doesnt she have anything better to do than to imitate a middle school girl? Why would she be jealous of a teen? (13 is a teenager). She is just still a kid, I have my period, my breasts, and different agenda. What was she thinking? Her mom taught her to call me fat. Her mom was 45 years old and she was INSECURE and STINGY! Her mom is really short and unattractive, (She is from Kuwait) and she hates me for no reason (probably due to jealousy and insecurity). She hates all my uncle's relatives because they are taller and prettier than her. She gets easily envious and she is MEAN! my cousin has an older bro (13 yo old) and he is aggressive. He called me a fat **** and he scoffs at my belly fat. Her whole family has self esteem issues. |
Question: Mother in Law wants me to call her more? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:57 AM PST So here is a little background, I go to my in laws house with my husband twice a week for a few hours. I also work from home during the weekdays. Basically my MIL is mad that I don't call her at least once a week or go see her. Am I wrong? Should I do what makes her happy for the sake of my husband. go see her by myself without my husband* |
Question: What would you do if a close friend constantly acts funny towards you? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:54 AM PST This person will ignore me when certain people are around her, won't speak to me unless I initiate the conversation sometimes, will act jealous when someone she's close with becomes close friends with me, and screw face me behind my back or stare. I've confronted her about her behavior, but she claims she doesn't have an issue and that she loves me like a sister. I'm confused because she says one thing and her attitude speaks louder. We've had some fall outs because of her jealous and childish behavior... and she's 50 yrs old (I'm 29)! I thought we made up ever since we've talked it out, but she still acts funny every now and then. Is cutting her lose the best decision? I'm tired of her denying her behavior and gets mad when I avoid her- she can dish it but can't take it. I need advise because we're supposed to be like sisters. what would you do if a close family member or friend constantly acts funny towards you for no reason? |
Question: Should I tell my brothers what I thought they wanted me to do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:42 AM PST I have 3 older brothers. They were watching TV upstairs and one of them ask me "Would you come up and measure to see which one of us has the biggest one". I told them NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would I do that. They said "Sis, all we want you to do is measure our head to see what size cap we should get". Oh My God, that was not what I thought they wanted me to measure. Should I tell them what I thought they wanted me to measure. I am sure you can figure out what I thought. Will they think it is funny what I thought? |
Question: What should I do about what my class mates are doing to my dad? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:34 AM PST I am a high school girl with a stepfather that is 10 years older than I am. My mother remarried a much younger man. He is the greatest dad any girl can have and I adore him. After hearing other girls my age talk about their dads, I think I am the luckiest girl alive. He is always there when I need help with anything. I have learned so much from him. My problem is when I have my friends over or I go to a school event, they all want to flirt with my dad. They tell me how lucky I am to have a hot and sexy dad. I sure don't think of him that way. He totally ignores all of their flirting and never says anything to me about it. I am not sure how I feel about their flirting. Should it embarrass me? Should I just accept the fact girls my age like to flirt with good looking guys and my dad is a great looking guy. Since it does not seem to bother my dad as he ignores these girls, should I just forget about it? |
Question: Should my sister stop doing this? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:22 AM PST I am a high school guy with a 14 year old sister that I really like and care for. She as developed into a VERY beautiful girl. I try to protect her as much as possible. When I have my buddies over for a visit they really like her also. Probably because she tells them how great they are. To her this is NOT flirting. It is just having fun with my buddies. She told one of my buddies "You are a great looking guy". "You never have trouble getting a date do you"? That really stroked his ego. She told another one of my buddies he was such a great guy, that he should not get married until she was 18 so she could propose marriage to him. That made him feel great for weeks. I told her she should probably stop doing this as these guys will think she is flirting. She said if what she is doing makes my buddies feel great about themselves, it is a good thing she is doing. Is it? |
Question: How to talk to my mom (I'll answer yours)? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:21 AM PST Please read previous question before answering: So I want to talk to my mom to try to get her to let me and my boyfriend be friends. I decided that I would be cool with us being friends and being monitored on our messages on Facebook, as well at school. To me, that's a compromise and we could manage that until we are responsible enough to be back in a relationship. But my mom is angry with me and my boyfriend about what happened, and I tried to talk to her before. She told me that me and him are done and I can't talk to him. Not only did I get my phone taken, I'm being watched at school and we were forced to break up. My boyfriend told me that my family members are watching him very closely. I won't say what we did, but you would say we "fooled around'. My sister also went through stuff similar to this, but she is still with her boyfriend. i'm 16 and a sophomore in high school and so is he if you want to know. Thanks so much for your help! It will be appreciated! |
Question: My nephew was called gay as an insult as school and came home crying? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:14 AM PST I'm not by any means homophobic or sexist, but the rest of my family is. My nephew came home crying because he was called gay by other kids on the bus for having a boy best friend. I know how stupid and cruel kids can be and since my nephew is a kid himself, he can only be so mature in knowing that having a best friend as a boy doesn't have much to do with sexuality and kids his age are ******* stupid. I want to explain to him that but in kid talk. How do I do that? Also, if you can, how do I explain to him and his younger sister to stop correlating sexuality to everything. (colors, toys, clothes, etc.) Like I said, my family is sexist so I'm the only one who thinks like this. By the way, my brother said he was gonna teach my nephew to start calling kids out of their name and start insulting their mothers (like b-itch and h-oe) smh. If you could give suggestions that include games or activities that teach equality? That'd be cool |
Question: Is this kid suffering from low self esteem? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:42 AM PST When I was 13 I was a bit fat but I had self confidence, and my scrawny 7 yo girl cousin at first seemed nice but then I caught her spying on me, and then she didnt care about me until I said I like to write a book. She said she didnt care and She all of the sudden started to imitate me in my hairstyle, the way I spoke, and she used my opinions as her own. Then she called me fat for two weeks. What made her all of the sudden look up to me, be nosy, and be clingy and then she became aggressive? Doesnt a 7 yo old have to be playing with her kiddie friends? Doesnt she have anything better to do than to imitate a middle school girl? Why would she be jealous of a teen? (13 is a teenager). She is just still a kid, I have my period, my breasts, and different agenda. What was she thinking? Her mom taught her to call me fat. Her mom was 45 years old and she was INSECURE and STINGY! Her mom is really short and unattractive, (She is from Kuwait) and she hates me for no reason (probably due to jealousy and insecurity). She hates all my uncle's relatives because they are taller and prettier than her. She gets easily envious and she is MEAN! my cousin has an older bro (13 yo old) and he is aggressive. He called me a fat **** and he scoffs at my belly fat. Her whole family has self esteem issues. |
Question: Is this wrong? should i tell my wife? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:38 AM PST My step daughter is 15.. Im 32 (Just turned 32) but her mom left for work this morning I walked into my daughters room to see if she was ready for school when i walked into her room I seen her touching herself.. Is it wrong that I watched? |
Question: How do we get our teenagers destructive behavior under control? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:17 AM PST Our 13 year old daughter has many health issues, has had a rough life spending a good chunk of time in the hospital over the years with 25+ surgeries.(Vater Syndrom) but overall, is functional and smart teenager. Her responsibilities are greater than most, as she has medications, daily IV's, catheter usage, ect. But as parents, we still want her behavior to be that of any other child. We have had her in counseling for destructive, defiant, and abusive behavior since age 5. They chalk it up to her wanting to make other people feel bad, because she feels "different". I get that, but counseling does not help. She has a history of physical abuse towards her siblings, parents, school mates, verbally abusive to everyone, lying, cheating, self-harm, ect. We have tried time-outs, taking away tv, video games, all entertainment, chores, spanking(when younger) nothing has worked. She was crowned Queen of our town, which was really important to her. As she was in weekly parades, festivals, ect. We had to make her step down after we caught her stealing! Please help with any advice. We are running out of ideas. How can we get this under control before she becomes a hoodlum adult. I will add, they have wanted to place her on anxiety medication, however, due to renal function this is not possible. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:15 AM PST |
Question: I'm wondering if my mom can file for food stamps without me living in her household? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:11 AM PST I'm 18 and I've been living at my uncles with my dad and was wondering if I could file for food stamps my self. My mom has me on food stamps with her but, the thing is I don't live with her and I would really wanna file for myself and later on this year she will be moving to Dallas for a job. My mother and me don't get along because of her boyfriend. She quite her two jobs because he told her that a mother should not be working two jobs and she was dumb enough to put her money in his account ... So , I don't trust her with anything . He's ruined the family by getting us kicked out of apartments making us stay with family ... That's why I'm here with my uncle . Just can you help me with getting my own food stamps ASAP! I don't want any contact with my mother ... |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:04 AM PST I make about 500 euro a year and I am 12 years old. Am I spoiled? |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:03 AM PST |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:40 AM PST My stepson from a less than two year marriage is 19 and has ADHD. He is also addicted to video games. He made it through high school in spite of staying up most nights playing games and due to his mother begging and pleading with the high school administration. He went for one semester to college out of state under full VA benefits due to his father being a disabled veteran. His father has played little to no role in raising the son and my wife has carried the load. He failed his semester at college due to staying up playing video games and not applying himself. He is now back home and the video games all night and sleeping all day have started again. His mother and I sat him down and told him that there would be no all night games and he would get out and find a job in order to hopefully pay tuition for him to return to the local college. He has ignored these rules and his mother is now at odds with me for being the one that stands my ground and tries to enforce it. In addition to being a serious problem for the stepson, it is causing problems between my wife and I to the point of her telling me to butt out. I am at a loss and want the best for my stepson as well as my wife and I. What direction should I head now? Thx! |
Question: I need to say something very important to my dad, but i can't talk? only force words out? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:39 AM PST I need to tell my dad to help with me with something important, with a layer.. he knows lawyers so i need to tell him to give me one.. it's very very important for me.. but i can't speak.. i don't know what to do.. words are not coming out, it's always have been like that, i have something important to say but i can't speak, i do usually force my words out because it's important. but that ruins my entire day + it impacts the other person, he probably senses the forced words and i beat my self down afterwards.. i have social anxiety, schizoid (similar to aspergers), selective mutism, more disorders. what do i do?!!? i force the words out because it's super important and let my day be ruined for the rest of the day?!? |
Question: Mother of my children brings a man in our infant children lives what do i do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:37 AM PST I feel as if there is nothing i really can do but suck it up. my 9month year old triplet girls are new to the world and still learning who i am. their mother and i have split up, i still love her but i know she is seeing a guy. i feel as if she still cares for me but it could be my hope that she does. I am super uncomfortable with him around my children. he is taking them to doc appointments and its only been a few months but they are talking living together. i would do anything to get my family back she is 20 i am a few years older, is this a phase? and i holding on to false hope? |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:34 AM PST |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:34 AM PST my mom is a very negative person. she finds a way to say something negative about everything even during a positive situation. She gets mad so much even on things which shouldnt get mad about. She is wrong most of the time and uses her authority to punish you if you answer back or tell her that she's wrong. my grandfather told me it's no use arguing with someone so close-minded and negative. But sometimes, she is CLEARLY wrong yet she;s the one who is mad. I debate with her and tell her that she's wrong and i explain why. She calls me rude. My point it, she gets angry on trivial things and gets mad even tho she is the one at fault. So annoying!! I cant move out yet so whats the best thing to do to not be pissed off by her ****? |
Question: How do I know if my relatives like me or not? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:31 AM PST My mother is always warning me that her relatives don't like me that much. She says she is telling me so I won't be disappointed. She is very mad at them herself so I can't tell if she is just saying this to sway me to be on her side as I am neutral but lean on the extended family's side. Now as time goes on I am becoming worried that she might know something I don't. However, most the relatives seem real nice around me when they see me. So how do I know if they like me or if my mother is right and they don't and they just act nice for their conscience like my mother says. I am an adult, 29, so now can see them as I choose. |
Question: Travelling to Spain in 20 Days, How to make time go by fast? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:20 AM PST |
Question: My parents disowned me and I don't know what to do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:56 AM PST I am 17 years old. My parents disowned me because I came home late from the library. I was there doing research for my AP Psychology class. I came home on my bicycle because I can't drive. It was after dark in the middle of a snow storm. They yelled at me, and now I am only a "roommate" at my house. They want to sell my violin and viola on E-bay because I was being irresponsible. Those are my prized possessions, and I cannot emphasize how truly irreplaceable they are. Their condition is that if I don't practice for 4 hours a day, then that is the last I will ever see of them. I have been playing these instruments for over half of my life, and am in several of the top orchestras in the region. But my orchestra director is considering kicking me out for skipping because I was really nervous and broke down crying in the hallways several times. I can't drive, nor do I have a job, and they want me to move out when I turn 18. My grandparents have disowned me as well because I am a shame to the family. I do have a boyfriend, and he is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is disowned for associating with me, because his mother doesn't like me for my religion and race, and refuses to meet me. I feel really bad about this, but he insists that it is fine because he hates his family, too, and wants to get away from them. I'm just really scared and I don't know what to do. Sorry for the crazy number of details, but this is an incredible delicate situation. |
Question: How to kindly tell your man to stop being a baby when he's "sick"? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:39 AM PST My bf has the flu.... THE FLU! And he decided to go to the ER instead of a doctor. The last time he went to the ER he had a cold.... I never go. If I have the flu; I'm no Sherlock homes but I know I have it and I sleep it off like a normal human being. I understand that most men are babies when they are sick and want to be taken care of, but he's 42 years old. I don't take sick days. Most women; can't. You can't tell your 2 year old son "hey hunny I can't be a mom today I need to call in sick." He wants me to baby him, and i wish I could but I can't get over being annoyed. I need a nice way to say "okay dear, pull your big boy britches up, stop being an over dramatic wimp and be an adult..." I obviously can't say that without hurting his feelings which I would like to avoid |
Question: How to help my younger brother feel better about himself? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:37 AM PST Hi, I am 15 in high school and my brother who is in 7th grade thinks that I am better than him. For example, tonight I am accepting an award from the mayor for a scout thing. I can tell he envys me. My parents are constantly trying to help him improve his self image. They are worried he will turn into my uncle.He also tries really hard yet can't make honor roll. I even caught him saying well they have won the sibling wars I will be preparing for my life failures. I want to help him think that he's not the ugly one and that he IS smart. Any advice |
Question: How to prevent yourself from crying in front of your mom? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:12 AM PST A couple days ago, my grandfather died. My mom cried continuously and had a horrible time coping and death was pretty sudden. We live in Canada but my grandparents and siblings live in Pakistan. My mom has booked her flight to go back to Pakistan for 3 weeks to be with her family. She was scared and first but now she had the courage to go. Her flight is tonight at 10:30 and I really want her to go see her family but I know I m going to cry and yesterday when she told me she s leaving, I started crying. And she told me if I start crying then she won t be able to go. So how can I not cry in front of her when she leaves? I m really sad, I know it s just 3 weeks but I ve never lived without her except one other time for a week but I was with my family in Pakistan that time (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) This time I m with my dad and 3 brothers in Canada. I m really sad but I can t cry or else she might not be able to go seeing me like that. :( |
Question: I hate a lot about my life? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:50 AM PST Hi, im 16 and i need help. Im the 3rd child of my family and i feel my life has nothing. I cant trust anyone in my life and especially my mother because she never cares what i want. My parents always fight and this has been happening for a long time; long enough to make me hate my family as well. Every small bad thing makes me sad and i cry very easily, i cry at night and i actually like crying more that laughing. My life has become bery boring i feel like every day is the same. I feel nobody really cares about me and im alone. I hate my attitude i hate the way i walk the way i talk the way i do almost anything i even hate to live because im just wasting matter for nothing. Im good at my school but my family never cares, they only care when they want something from me. Just last week i got a phone call from my mom at school and she told me to wait after school so we can go to another city in the weekend! I had no will of doing so because i had many important exams that week and when i disagreed for a good reson and offered to go to my sisters house that weekend they disagreed strongly, they became very upset like the things i say dont matter AT ALL. I just think if im wrong and i hate myself so help me please |
Question: What do liberals order at Starbucks? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:49 AM PST What are liberals allowed and not allowed to order at Starbucks? |
Question: Kind of odd. Feel dirty. What should I do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:33 AM PST My cousin and her husband have been the legal guardians of his niece since her morther passed away. I am currently living with them for the time being. My problem is I have a small thing for the niece. She isn't biologically related, her uncle is married to my cousin, but she is still family. She is also 10 years younger than me and underage. I am hoping things change by the time she turns 18. I only want to see her as my little cousin and not a very gorgeous, and very intelligent, potential wife. The worst part is, I know she has a thing for older men. She hasn't tried coming on to me yet, but I'm not sure I can resist if she does |
Question: How to get privacy I'm 18 my parents are ****? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:04 AM PST Don't tell me i live under there hours bla bla bla there shitty parents they don't deserve to be parents they have done nothing but be abusive the system is **** so there's no help with that ether and just because I'm young don't mean that I'm not responsible so can u just please ask my question I want to buy a lock boxs to put my money in so my parents can't steal it so I can save up and move out and then later adopt my brother but I'm sure she will try and open it or make me open it and take the money saying Ito here's cuz she raised me when she didn't she was to busy being drunk on the couch I got to school and work I elk my self there until I can buy a car i need to save my money and I can't get a bank account there's no way so how should I go about keeping her out of my lock box |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:57 AM PST |
Question: How do I overcome the guilt of not seeing my father very much as a kid? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:26 AM PST My mother managed to alienate me from him as a kid and convinced me he didn't love me. Now as an adult I see him but I fear he thinks less of me though he says he does not think any less. I am overcome with guilt about this as he died last year. I am now 31 and was close to him starting at the age of 15. It was ages 8 to 15 when my mother managed to alienate me so for 7 years. She has even mellowed now a days though still tends to be bitter and justifies what she did. So how do I get over this guilt? I feel the most guilty that I believed what my mother was telling me and therefore was mad when I though he didn't love me but loved his kids with his 2nd wife (they are now early twenties). |
Question: Should I return the gift? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:07 AM PST My sister and I got into an argument and ended up talking about the Christmas gift her fiancée got me. Her words were "I bet you won t send it back, as if you deserved it. We re talking a little, on decent terms, but now I m really thinking about giving it back. Should I? I text the fiancée about the argument, but he ignored me and my sister told me he read little because I was too emotional. |
Question: Will my mom lose TANF if I get a job? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:47 AM PST If I get a job will my mom lose TANF? I'm 16 and am only being raised by my mother. We get the TANF because my dad is not in the picture and my mom cannot work. I don't want to risk getting a job that gets less than we get from TANF now as I've heard from my mom that they will deduct all family income (even including birthday money) from what you get monthly. But I'm not sure if that's only for adult income or if it would happen to me too even though I'm 16. If anyone knows anything that might help just slightly I'd really appreciate any and all input. Thanks. |
Question: Starting to resent my divorced, unemployed, depressed, hypochondriac brother. What to do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:42 AM PST My brother is 42. He has had some bad luck in life for the past few years. I am a single dad living in a large house, so i let him and his dog stay with me and my kids for the past year and a half. He moved states to come here and told me he was going to go to an automotive school and get a job. I wanted to help him. His wife had multiple affairs on him and left him, taking their two kids. This caused him to become depressed and lose his good paying job. He couldnt get partial custody because he was unemployed. She has spent significant efgort brainwashing the kids and now they have pushed him out of their life. My brother is a good dad and didnt deserve this. My dad became terminally ill and my brother helped him through that as a caretaker. He hasnt had a full time job in 4+ years. He got a job at walmart, which i celebrated as a success with him. He worked there for about 6 weeks and said it was cutting into his time with his dog and really wasnt a good job. He has a facial nerve condition that he manages with prescription painkillers. His days are soent on Facebook, ebay, sleeping, playing with is dog, and watching sports on tv. He keeps going to the doctors and talks a lot about various skin conditions, etc. Hes had a rough few years, but i need to see him taking actions to try to move his life forward and become self sufficient. He isnt doing that. I lashed out at him via text yesterday |
Question: Can i hope for a good karma/good luck at least when I am old? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:26 AM PST My family was destroyed at birth,my mum had mental illness,my dad never wanted to see me,only the parents of my mother gave me some attention,they died,i am alone.. I have a small pension and a small flat,I live in an awful poor European country. Can i ever hope for a better future somewhere else when I am old? I am 32 in June this year. |
Question: Baby name Wyatt vs Clayton? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:10 AM PST Which one is good for a boy 🤓 |
Question: Should I Tell My Mum That My Dad Is Hurting Me? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:53 PM PST I apologize if this is not the most appropriate thing to post here. My name is Brendon and i'm a 17 year old guy. Okay, so ever since i turned 16, my dad has been hurting me really, really badly almost every night. He doesn't let me have friends or talk with people outside our family. He's always following me around and gets aggressive when people start talking to me. I'm really scared and depressed. He told me he's gonna kill me if i tell someone about what he does to me. I can't handle my Dad anymore and the sex just gets rougher and worse. I always bleed and my legs are sore. I just want him to stop. Should i tell my mum that my Dad is raping me? I think she knows that something is happening, but i'm not sure. Would telling her make things normal again? If i tell my mum and my dad finds out, would he kill me or hurt my mum? I need help, please. |
Question: How should I ask my mother to let me move in with my brother? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:50 PM PST I am extremely unhappy and unmotivated in my home for a few reasons that I'd rather not go into unless one of you asks. Anyway I would like to move in with my brother who is an adult with a very good job who has already said if my mother will agree to it he will take me, but this is the hard part. My mother is extremely attached to me because I am an only child and because it was just me and her living together for a while until she married my stepdad. Because of recent circumstances that have come up in my home I am very unhappy there and not motivated in school. I am confident that if I were to move in with my brother I would be more successful due to a massive decrease in drama and an all around more stable home. My question is how do I go about asking my mom to allow me to do this and at least have a chance of her saying yes? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:49 PM PST I have very hard time making friends. Alot of people get jealous of me, they think Im stuck up, and they also think I am too good to be hanging with them. I dont get it. I never talk about myself or brag. I am a good listener, I approach people friendly, I am always there in any situation and I joke, smile and laugh all the time. |
Question: My daughter was killed by an exploding KitchenAid Mixer. Help? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:36 PM PST I am SO distraught from all this!! She was only 7 and didn't knead to die like this!!!! |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:26 PM PST My nephew goes to speech every week. At first, my sister went back with my nephew, and the lady, but then after awhile the lady started saying that she wanted him to start going back by himself. He was two at the time, just turned 3, and it goes without saying that he cannot talk sentences yet, just a couple words. Right away, my red flag radar started going off, and I cringe every time that I know my sister is taking him to speech. My problem is, that the lady told my sister he would learn better without her in the room, and it doesn t make any sense at all. My sister is his mom, not her. I don t even think he needs to go to speech, but my sister does, and I don t have a problem with him going to speech, all I ask of my sister is to go back with my nephew when he goes. She protests, and says that there are other kids back there with him, and that another lady is always back there, but I think that she is lying to me, to make the situation look better. My sister is too trusting of people. She thinks just because this lady works for the speech department at our local hospital, that nothing bad could ever happen, and she s wrong. I m not distrusting of everyone, but I m the type of person whos trust has to be earned, and a phd doesn t change that for me. Bad things happen all the time, and children who can t stick up for themselves, need to be stuck up for, and my sister isn t doing that. She won t even say anything to anyone if someone is mean to my nephew... Someone please tell her that you can't trust nobody now a days, and to not let my nephew go places by himself except for when he starts school, and is talking. I'm talking about the same woman who wanted to put her kid to sleep for a catscan to check his brain because he wasn't talking, but thank the lord his insurance wouldn't pay for it, because they deemed it unneccasary. Recently, a man passed his background check, and was working at a daycare, and was later found by another dad raping a small girl. Right now it's all over the news on cnn and nancy grace about how a denist tourtured his child patients like by not giving them numbing medicine when he pulled more teeth out than they needed pulled to begin with and the kid was screaming bloody murder, and he would hit them, and choke them, and apparently video tape them. This world is a mess. I know I'm not my nephews mom, but damn, can someone figure out what's wrong with my sister? My babyboy cant even talk, or tell anyone anything. Don't even get me started on daycare for my nephew, and his infant baby brother. My sister dresses her kids nice, but she's constantly yelling at them, and worrying more about her pos boyfriend over her kids. I don't like him around them either. Hes weird. I can't take it anymore. What do I do? Am I being irrational? I seen in the newspaper that you should be worried whenever a teacher, and preist, the like want to meet with your kids alone. wtf should I call CPS? You guys are just as dumb as my sister. Great parenting. Idiots. You don't even know. You should never leaves your kids alone with a stranger when they can't talk, and tell you if something is wrong. That's nuts. I'd never do that to my kids. My nephew comes home acting weird everytime. I'm sure both of you are the type of people that I am talking about that would hurt a child. |
Question: Can't deal with life right now ):? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 11:10 PM PST Ok so my mom is depressed because most of her cousins are making fun of her on social media bc they're all doctors and she's not and also her ex boyfriend is having another kid with his second wife and she's jealous and calls him a man whore and stuff like that. And now she's thinking about getting back with my biological dad but she knows he's abusive towards her and idk why she wants to get back with him. I also have a half sibling but she can't take custody of her and she's depressed of that and desperately wants another child. Now she has to move back to her country bc my grandparents live there and they're about to die and she's becoming more depressed cuz of that and sometimes she takes it out on me but I can understand why. Today we got in a huge arguement and I think I made things worse for her, and I feel bad. But she was yelling at me like crazy and she usually doesn't get mad over really small things. (It was for a stupid reason) now I'm starting to get depressed and idk what to do. And idk anyone to turn to except here ): life has been a huge downfall for the past 2-3 years and I haven't been anywhere but in my room for most of the time. I'm losing all my friends, and everything feels like ****. Idk what to do I'm just really sad ): |
Question: High expectations, Middle Child in Shadow of Older Sister?!?! Please read :(? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:36 PM PST Hi, so for as long as I can remember, I've been neglected. I never get as much attention from my flawless older sister. She is perfect. She is intelligent, an amazing dancer, hardworking, etc, etc. My little brother is funny, clever, and of course, the baby of the 3. And then theres me.. Im independent, but because of the lack of attention, I feel thirsty for attention constantly. Im always depressed. My sister is on dance team, while I am on the junior dance team. My sister encourages whatever I want to do, but my parents always say no. I wanted to do cheer but my mom said since Im so small I would break my neck. Dance was the closest thing, but Im not really that good. Im not confident and I hate messing up because people laugh at me. I don't like standing out at dance, and everyone has these high expectations for me to be great like my sister. They say, "Oh, you're nina's sister, you'll be amazing." Or "Hi, mini-(my sisters name.)" Im just in her shadow, and I cant even do the one sport I want to do because my mom wont let me. Plus, I cant seek attention away from home really because my mom always gets mad at me for having a "bad attitude" when she expects so much. She always takes my phone for weeks on end and my friends think Im ignoring them. Im not doing as good as I can in school and as hard as I try, I know my dad will never look at me the same he does to my sister.. |
Question: I spent my brothers money please help!? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:26 PM PST So for Christmas, I got 25 dollars worth of iTunes music and my brother got 25 dollars worth of iTunes music. I spent my 25 dollars, and decided to enter my brothers card in today. There s only 2 dollars left... I went on a spending rampage and now there s no money left. Can I get a refund? I m scared for what will happen when my mom finds out. Listen, my brother is disabled and I didn t think that he would use it considering he forgets about a lot of stuff. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 10:14 PM PST A child who has assaulted both parents and siblings, being in trouble with the police and just being a rebellious child. I was defamed by my eldest brother who attended such programs when he is the bad one. He only defamed me to prevent me since I missed out due to working in the office when parents took him and teen siblings to such thing. I'm currently depressed by his actions when he only told lies about me that were consistent with what he did or does.. I'm starting to lose interest in life as a result of him defaming me and excludingme from something for simply missing out. . |
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