Friends: Question: Why do gay people not talk to me? |
- Question: Why do gay people not talk to me?
- Question: I miss my bestfriend so much...?
- Question: My friend doesn't want to do our "Tradition" anymore, and I'm pissed about it, I think he's spitting on our friendship.?
- Question: Am I overreacting?
- Question: What is wrong with this chick?
- Question: Getting bullied and I don't want to snitch?
- Question: Friend wants me to do drugs?
- Question: Complicated Friendship?
- Question: Is she feeling insecure, and how do I make her feel okay?
- Question: How do i make myself less boring?
- Question: How do I tell a special Ed kid that I'm not his friend?
- Question: Catfish friend?
- Question: Help!! I m in trouble for weed?
- Question: How to remain confident when getting banter?
- Question: My friends want me to try edibles but I never have smoked before?
- Question: Is our snapstreak gone forever?
- Question: Wishing Health, Recovery and Love to a friend.?
- Question: I can't forgive my friends! What should I do?
- Question: Did I deserve getting suspened for cussing?
- Question: Educated friends vs. Uneducated friends?
- Question: Why do people copy me a lot?
- Question: How to turn away a special needs boy?
- Question: Can you be my friend?
- Question: I'm scared to kiss a girl :/?
- Question: My best friend called me fake ?
- Question: Why does she act mean and nice afterwards?
- Question: Friend problems. Please help.?
- Question: I hate my "friend"?
- Question: My friend told me her friend threatened to fight me tomorrow?
- Question: How can I help my stressed out, friend?
- Question: Fake instagram of me?
- Question: My friend is a communist?
- Question: Looking for new intellectual friends?
- Question: My friend ended our friendship?
- Question: I'm still really sad that my best friend changed schools about two years when I was in 5th grade. What should I do?
- Question: My friends are turning Emo?!?
- Question: Have you ever had a friend that whenever you texted them, they always always texted you back?
- Question: My mum's constantly being bitchy to me for absolutely no reason, she never let's me go out so everyone stopped inviting me she's basically?
- Question: What is wrong with me if I'm afraid to meet people and talk to people I do not know?
- Question: Is it right for friends to tell you that you don't smile much?
- Question: You r a very nice person i watch you every day im mary harris?
- Question: Why does she act mean and nice afterwards?
- Question: How to ask new friends to hang out?
- Question: How do I meet new people to hang out with im 19 and looking for a new group of people my old friends aren't who I wanna be with?
- Question: Como animar a mi amiga?
- Question: Inspiration book?
- Question: How to get rid of someone on Skype?
- Question: Am I going to get fired for doing this?
- Question: My friends think I m a dick for being mad after one of them said "Are you grumpy" in a little kids voice, Am I?
- Question: Did I make the right decision to keep my job?
- Question: Will things be awkward?
- Question: Why is my family so boring? I constantly invite them to do participate in activities and they always say no.?
- Question: I forgot my best friend's birthday?
- Question: A friend told me that I was sentimental ? Can someone explain what they might have meant by that?
- Question: I can't stand my sister's friend?
- Question: Why does social media rule some much friendships?
- Question: Roommates brother saw me naked. Help?
- Question: Lost superbowl bet. What should I do?
- Question: My friend is doing drugs with minors. How do I deal with this?
- Question: Is my friend okay?
Question: Why do gay people not talk to me? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:01 PM PST So at school i remember that this boy (He was gay) I sat by would just like avoid all contact with me. I sat right next to him and when I tried to interact with him he would just shake his head or nod. But he has friends he talks with all the time. I am not annoying at all I don't try to hard to be his friend but he just won't talk to me. Anyway, a few weeks ago he pulled me out of class (because hes a office assistant) and while we were walking he was walking faster trying not to stand next to me. I obviously just stopped trying to make contact with him at all. I did nothing to him. And I was not clingy or annoying. Plus I noticed a lot of gay people just kind of doing the same thing. Only a few hasn't. I Honestly Idk what it is. And I'm not pushy or rude or anything and I did nothing to him? |
Question: I miss my bestfriend so much...? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:01 PM PST I haven't talked to my friend in a long time. The last time we talked it was in November and we stopped talking because we got into a fight. I apoligized and she forgave me but things were not the same as they used to be. About 3 weeks ago we got into another fight and I got really mad because what she did really hurt me and all she said was "sorry". We never have fought it was always good between us, sometimes we might have gotten annoyed of each other but not to the point were we stopped talking. Every time I tried talking to her it felt as if she didn't care to talk to me and she would just respond to my messages because she was bored. I miss her, she's the only person I really talk to in school. I mean I have other friends but I much rather hang out with her because we connect with each other and it's never a dull moment. Lately I don't go to lunch because I have no one to sit with and she sits with other people. I feel so lonely because I have no one to talk to about how my day went or about my problems, the way I did with her. I miss our friendship but I don't know what to do. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 05:00 PM PST A friend of mine, told me in an angry text that our "tradition" was immature, and he wanted to "evolve" or some utter illogical thing. First off, he's the friend that only likes to talk about "girls" or getting"Girls" but all our other friends we talk about economics, business, life, career... but we're the ones that are "immature"? Then on top of that, our tradition is the "Sac tap" game, that guys play, though it sucks, it's our tradition and our years playing football together, I feel him saying that, its "immature" or he doesn't want to participate, is "spitting on our friendship and those memories" and he was in a fraternity (a bullshit one), and played football, he understands the context.. I feel he just lashes out on people, randomly, I think he's a head case. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:53 PM PST I have a friend. He's a pretty decent guy but recently, he has been getting on my nerves. He asks me questions that he should already know in class and he relies on me when he doesn't know what to do on homework, even though the homework is either self explanatory, or the teacher already explained it in detail. he also relies on me too much when a class has been cancelled and he doesn't know about it. and if i don't tell him, he'll get upset, even though teachers usually tell us in class or send out an email. Sometimes he asks me questions about really asinine things. and it pisses me off. I feel like a personal assistant. Most of the things he asks me is common sense, or can be easily found if you look for yourself first and it bugging me. I don't bug any of my friends with questions, nor do my other friends do it to me. they have their own stuff to worry about. I just dont want to feel like im overreacting. I am diagnosed with depression and I hate being around people sometimes but more importantly, I like to do my own thing. I get easily irritated when people push crap on me when they can figure it out if I did it without a problem. I know everyone doesn't have the same mind as me, but still, I'm 22, and he's 21, we're both in college. if you don't have problem solving and troubleshooting skills learned by high school. or at least the decency to ask the professor himself if you don't understand what you need to do, this i don't see how you can function outside of school. As much as I don't want to, I'm close to blowing up on him. I already deal with a bunch of ****. I don't need to help him with his petty problems. |
Question: What is wrong with this chick? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:49 PM PST Every time anyone breaks a rule, she freaks out and may even rat you out, but if her or one of her buddies breaks rules, she lets it go. |
Question: Getting bullied and I don't want to snitch? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:29 PM PST Im a freshman guy in HIGHSCHOOL and this junior is bullying me. He is 6 inches taller and way bigger than me. He is always harassing me and he sexually harasses me saying stuff like "I want to have sex with you" and he keeps trying to touch me. I don't want to snitch but it is bothering me pls help |
Question: Friend wants me to do drugs? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:18 PM PST Let me start with this, I'm pretty smart, I may have a scholarship to Harvard Law, and I'm only 16. However, my friend wants me to vape with him on the bus (people do it often and bus driver don't care). I've always wanted to try it, but I WILL NOT put my future at risk, no matter how minor the infraction. I'm smart academically, but not socially. How should I tell him no? It's not that easy to just say NO. |
Question: Complicated Friendship? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:16 PM PST I've been friends with my bestie for nine years. We're in high school now and all she talks about are her problems and boys. I just play along to most of that. She's also so full of herself and sometimes brings me down with her honesty. I like honesty but sometimes it's embarrasing. We are total opposites. I'm sensitive and quiet. She's talkative and social. I'm in advanced classes and she's not. Mostly because she procrastinates a lot. I try to not engage in this but I sometimes act like her and I don't want to. I want to be at the top of my A game all throughout high school. I don't want to break our friendship. She's fun to hang out with during parties and stuff. She only acts like this at school. How do I not become influenced by her behavior and stay like myself? |
Question: Is she feeling insecure, and how do I make her feel okay? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:03 PM PST This girl has a crush on me and always tries to talk to me. However, lately she's been avoiding me but I'm guessing it's because she's feeling insecure as she had a burn on her cheek. I even tried to approach her but she seemed reticent and quickly started to talk to another girl. Is she just feeling insecure around me? Also, what would you advise I do to make her feel better. I really think nothing of it, and still find her beautiful despite the burn. |
Question: How do i make myself less boring? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 04:00 PM PST Im a pretty boring person with a boring life. I wake up, go school , go home and play computer or watch anime. I pretty much do this every day. Whenever im with my friend or people at school, i barely have anything to talk about. I feel really lame, and plus im shy. So i wanna be in love or do something in my life |
Question: How do I tell a special Ed kid that I'm not his friend? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:40 PM PST This guy is a sophomore at my school. I'm a junior. I think he wants to be my friend but I don't want to be his friend. Here is a list of things he's done to me (or near me): 1. Attempted to join my 8th grade Unified Theater skit group (Which was all girls) 2. Told me a bomb was gonna blow up near where we were (Never actually happened) 3. Repeatedly talked to me even though I was talking with someone else 4. Repeatedly used a different last name than mine (kept using the last name "Murry" even though that's not my last name) 5. Once when I was waiting for comp class to be over, he stared at me through the window of the door to the class (other kids in my comp class probably saw) 6. Talked to me when I was doing something else during unified theater Here is a list of things I've TRIED doing: 1. Ignore him 2. Tell an adult 3. Avoiding him (has not worked at all) 4. Told him that I'm busy 5. Told him that I'm not his friend Can somebody help me because I'm all fresh out of ideas to try and tell him we aren't friends. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:36 PM PST I've been talking to this girl recently on tumblr, email, and through letters and she's super awesome. We've become really close and I like her a lot. Calling her a catfish makes her seem sleazy, but she's not. We haven't exactly shared photos or anything, so she's still a little mysterious. The only photo I've seen of her is her tumblr icon, but she's in a wig and her face is all made up so you can't really see who she is. Basically, I thought I found her instagram yesterday because everything posted is relatable to her. She has the same face shape of the person in her icon and I was really excited to know what she actually looks like for once. But today in her email she sent me photos that aren't the girl on the instagram I found. She's definitely lying about the photos, but my question is: Should I tell her that I think she's lying or should I leave it alone? She may not want to share with me what she looks like, so should I just respect that? I should tell you that her mental health isn't the best, so I'm trying to think if that might be why she's lying. I'm not angry with her or anything, but it all makes me anxious now. It makes me wonder what else she's lying about. I also haven't answered anything yet because I really don't know what to say. I'll feel so uncomfortable saying "you're so pretty!!!" when I know it's not her lol. |
Question: Help!! I m in trouble for weed? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:35 PM PST Ok so I m in eighth grade I ve been smoking weed since a year ago and my mom has caught me a handful of times and she saw the bong that I ordered in the mail yesterday and she took the tv and ps4 out of my room and she said that I m grounded till I m 40 and she s super pissed last time she caught me she didn t do anything but take my pipe and weed while I was grounded from getting caught at my friends house smoking weed on new years (I was grounded for a month) I need to know how to pass drug tests and never get caught again or quit but I don t want to quit smoking weed plz any advice |
Question: How to remain confident when getting banter? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:31 PM PST I've got a problem especially directed towards social media with my friends always bantering the pictures I choose to upload. Personally, I like the pictures and I know that they are bantering, but it makes me feel unconfident. I usually upload a selfie to feel good about myself and when I get banter, especially from close friends, it makes me want to take it down even though it gets hundred likes. I just wish they would say something to compliment it as well, not just make fun of it. How do I become one of those people who just brushes it off like it's nothing and laugh along? |
Question: My friends want me to try edibles but I never have smoked before? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:25 PM PST Is there anyway I can hide the fact that I m not eating it, or even just take the smallest portion so that they think I did? I really don t want to be a downer |
Question: Is our snapstreak gone forever? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:13 PM PST So, my friend blocked me on snapchat in a fit of rage last night and we had been each other's top best friends for almost two months, so we had the little red heart and had a 111 day streak, it was 110 and then we were snapping, it went up to 111 and then they blocked me and everything disappeared. They said they'd unblock me when they got their phone back after school because they calmed down and I'm wondering if the streak will come back or if it's just gone forever. |
Question: Wishing Health, Recovery and Love to a friend.? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:10 PM PST |
Question: I can't forgive my friends! What should I do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:05 PM PST So basically what is happening is, my friend Brooke is very bad tempered, and she swears a lot and called me a b****, but then I consider all the things she and I did together, I kind of forget about it. but yesterday, me and my friend Jackie were talking about our favorite show, she freaked about because she doesn't like that show. But we continued to talk about it because that is what we like not what she likes. She then started acting sad and gloomy, and all of our other friends went to ask her if she was okay and if we were mean. Our group often lefts us out. I heard her say f******* and many bad thing about us LOUDLY. One of our friends laughed. My friend started crying a little, and they all saw but didn't care. They acted very mean. Afterwards Brooke said sorry briefly in a bad attitude. I want to forgive her, but she called us really bad names. She was meaner than what I described also. What should I do? |
Question: Did I deserve getting suspened for cussing? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:01 PM PST I wrote a joke on a piece of paper and a girl got it and got offened. I didn't mean to hurt her, but she snitched on me. I had to write her an apology, but she still told the principle and all her teachers the next day. I got suspened. My parents are so upset about me, Should I just kill myself, I am already failing in classes ad I probably got even worse grades for being gone? |
Question: Educated friends vs. Uneducated friends? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 03:01 PM PST So today I got into an argument with a coworker. I told this coworker that when I was growing up, my friends at the time were in the streets. When I decided to go to college, my friendships started changing. I was now able to associate myself with people who had a more positive outlook on life and were accomplishing goals. Soon, those old friendships stop existing because they were bringing a lot of negativity around me and didn't seem to want better for their selves. I told my coworker that my friends now are all diverse and have college degrees... Well that clearly struck a nerve in my coworker who got offended and responds to me by stating that I think I am better than other people and I'm wrong for not being friends with people who don't have degrees??? My coworker does not have a college degree, so I assume this is why this struct a nerve. I tried to explain that people have to make choices in friendships, I refuse to be friends with people who are not like minded. It's not really about having a college education, but more so wanting better in life and doing things to accomplish that. My friends are far from perfect but I feel good about them being in my life. Am I wrong? Please give me some feedback? |
Question: Why do people copy me a lot? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:54 PM PST So, doesn t matter what i do or what i wear...someone always copies me! It s just so creepy! They copy the way i talk, the way i dress and this friend of mine even DYED HER HAIR a colour quite similar to mine. I really don t know how to feel about this. I do not follow trends really so it can not be a coincidence, besides almost everyone i get close to ends up kind of "obsessed" with me. I m not kidding. Its scary. WHY!!???? |
Question: How to turn away a special needs boy? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:49 PM PST So there is a special needs boy who rides my bus and he really likes me and my friend. Like alot alot. And at first it was no big deal because I love special needs kids and I'm always really nice to him. But lately it has just gotten way over the top. Last week he asked me to be his girlfriend and like I said I love special needs kids so I was being nice and I said sure because I just thought it was whatever. Well yesterday he asked me to marry him and I told him I can't get married this young haha because I wanted to be nice. Well every day on the bus now he talks to us non stop. Today is where it got REALLY to be too much because he started putting on chap stick and said I should kiss him and I got really uncomfortable and said I can't kiss people yet. Well I got off the bus and he sat right next to my friend and was super SUPER close to kissing her. He also does really innapropriet stuff, like you know..innapropriet actions with his body. Haha but anyways I need to find a way to make him stop doing this stuff because it's gotten way over the top. I dont want to be rude though, so please help!! |
Question: Can you be my friend? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:44 PM PST I'm lonely :( |
Question: I'm scared to kiss a girl :/? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:44 PM PST Well Im a 16 year old in high school, and hope to join the Air Force when I graduate. So I want to make the best out of my high school experience. I really haven't done anything exciting yet, except when it comes to hanging out with my dad. However I usually go to my friends houses and they always have parties. Usually I just sit there, sometimes Ill have a drink, or if one of my friends offers I'll smoke weed (YES I KNOW YOU CANT SMOKE WEED TO JOIN THE AIR FORCE I BARELY EVER DO IT) but this past weekend my friend Ben had a party. I went over, played beer pong and had way to much, so I just went on the couch and slept. Then this girl, Alexa (literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen), her friend came up to me and told me that she wanted to hook up. However I was scared to do it and just acted like I was to tired. Now, a couple days later I can't stop thinking about how stupid I am. I'm going to another party this Friday, and she will most likely be there, what should I do? |
Question: My best friend called me fake ? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:15 PM PST My friend would call me fake because I wouldn't talk to her when i'm clearly talking to someone else. To me it would be rude to just start talking to her and leave my other friends. She called me fake twice and I don t talk to her because she s always around dudes and i'm not really comfortable around dudes so I just say hi and move on but she doesn't even say hi back. My friends would say she bullies me because she always smacks me, hits me etc. She once dragged me out of my seat by my weave and I just got it done. It was embarrassing because it was at lunch too .. |
Question: Why does she act mean and nice afterwards? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:10 PM PST She acts mean to me on several occasions, like if I'm on my own studying or reading at school when my friends are gone doing exams she will make remarks about everything I do and simply tease me. However sometimes she says nice things to me and if I get bullied or anything she asks me if I'm doing fine and stuff. But I don't really get her. We used to be best friends last year until some girls changed her and took her away from me. Basically we had a huge fall out but it wasn't over anything serious it was just a misunderstanding, but I will admit I said I no longer wished to be her friend because she had betrayed me. So I'm wondering why she is nice to me sometimes but then again when she's around those mean girls she becomes mean but when we talk alone (rarely) she talks without any sarcasm in her voice. |
Question: Friend problems. Please help.? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:09 PM PST so my friend recently has been treating me really rudely and she's just at been plain rude and idk what to do. Everytime she gets sad she always what's people to be like AW NO but it's so annoying to me. She snapchatted me and she was like when u finally stop crying..and I don't respond she sent me more and she was like u know u hit rock bottom when ur best friend doesn't respond and u get suicidal. OK SO IM THE REASON UR SUICIDAL!?? and then she texted me this super long paragraphs about she thinks she a fail at life and so ugly and dumb and I responded back like trying to tell her she wasn't. But she would just keep going on about how she's ugly etc..but ugh idk it's like she wants ppl to validate her all the time. And I can never be honest with her bc she will get all mad. But today we were waiting for the bus and I wanted to wait inside bc it was really cold and she was like NO WE HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE OR THE BUS WILL LEAVE US and she made this sound and this face at me and she left. Like idk what her problem is. She wants everything to go her way or else it's the end of the world..I have a lot more to say but I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. I'm sick of this. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 02:08 PM PST At school there is a girl who thinks I m her friend, but I hate her. She won t ever stop talking, she always thinks she right, copies all of my answers, (I put wrong ones down on purpose ;) ). She is super annoying and I can t stand her and no one else can either. So anyway, this has happened before and I suspect it s because 1. I don t have friends in my class and 2. Though this sounds bad, I m to nice. I don t know how to tell her that I hate her and hope she breaks her legs, but I have tried being quiet and boring but that just means she gets to talk more. She doesn t have any other friends to play with, and thankfully she doesn t sit with me at lunch and she she doesn t play with me at recess because that is when I play with my actual friends. I don t know what to do and none of my friends are in my class so I cat hang out with them to show her that i don t like her. Please help! P.s. She sorta stupid so she doesn t get the hint that I hate her. |
Question: My friend told me her friend threatened to fight me tomorrow? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:59 PM PST my friend (lets call him D) told me my bestfriend (calling her B) s friend (lets call her G lol sorry) told D i was talking **** about him. So i asked D who said that and D finally spilled. He said G said she overheard me saying ****. i told him thats funny bc i dont talk to G nor have i seen her near me, and that I haven t talked about him at all. B came up to see what was wrong and she asked me whats wrong. i told B that D said i was supposedly saying **** about him. I told B it was G. My teacher saw us and asked what was wrong and asked if we might want to go talk to the counselor,my teacher told D either way the counselor would pick him up. he still decided not to go. i went to the counselor s office and talked to her. she later on brought D in and ended it saying to not believe something unless the person itself said it to you.At the end of the day B came running to me telling me to run bc G said she was gonna fight me.I was never scared of her from the start so i just told B "look if G wants to come and fight me let her, bc she already has enough probs with the principal. She will end up expelled for being in ISS and Detention soo much" now i started to remember the principal had addressed to go up to him and tell him if we have heard about any fights that will happen. Fake or True, he said its best to take precautions before anything happens. Tommorow morning should i go up to the principal and tell him? And if B knew this, why didn t she go up to him and tell him? |
Question: How can I help my stressed out, friend? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:51 PM PST For starters, I'm in the 7th grade. I don't have many close friends. My best friend, Sage (fake name), is stressed. She suffers from depression, and she lives in a very small house with her mom. Her mom (so I've been told) yells at her about absolutely nothing on a daily basis. Sage is a straight A student, calm, quiet, thoughtful, and an artistic person. She texted me "Hi", so I said hi back expecting to have a hilarious conversation, like usual. Instead, she sent me a video. Then, she texted "I hate it." The video was of her sobbing saying "It's too much. I can't do it." I asked her what happened and she stated that she got into her house. Then, she said she told her mom that the bus was very noisy and people bullied others. Her mom responded by saying she would make a complaint to the school, but Sage said she didn't want her mom to do that because she could do it on her own. She sent me another video of her sobbing with those "hiccups" when she breathed. Her mom was screaming "NO NO NO!" in the background. Sage keeps telling me she wishes I was there with her. She says I hate, I can't do this, etc. repetitively. She doesn't have a lot of money and she has to deal with horrible people at school. I'm just glad she looks up to me. She says even though I'm a tad younger than her, she looks up to me because I'm always with her and I'm positive all the time. "Hello." I gently spoke to a wonder. "Nice to see you again." ~ To: Mimi From: Sage |
Question: Fake instagram of me? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:37 PM PST in homeroom monday this girl jayden asked me if i had an instagram and i said no and she said there was an instagram of me and it had a picture of me and my dad which they probably found from facebook and then posted stuff like i hate alexis and i told destiny and destiny said she saw it the other day and she said the bio thingy said people call me ugly but idc and i saw the instagram and the posts because my friends sent me what it said, keep in mind i CAN'T make instagram because it's incompatible with my device and i remember me and this girl were sending funny faces to each other and one of the faces I sent was on the account posts. i even heard some girl talking in the back about how SHE did it. but they say i'm not sure and today the guy at my school who i told said it should be deleted and i asked my friend to look it up and she said it's still there, the posts were just private because maybe my friends were commenting on there saying she needed to delete and stuff so.. what would YOUR school would have done? because ovbiously mine doesn't want to punish whoever did it |
Question: My friend is a communist? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:36 PM PST Hey!! I have a really great friend and he's definitely my best friend and someone I like being with a lot. He share a lot of the same interests but the only thing is politics. My friend is a pretty hard core communist. He often posts all over social media pro communist, Marxism stuff. He even has a soviet flag and a hammer and sickle keychain. I try not to talk about it with him because I know we obviously have different views. When we have talked about it, it didn't go to well. It kind of bothers me though but I understand everyone has an opinion. It's just how extremely communist he is, it's a bit creepy. Should I just keep trying to ignore it or not? He's my best friend and everything but it's just hard sometimes when he thinks in a totally different way than me. He even wants to join a communist group here in the US. Thanks! |
Question: Looking for new intellectual friends? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:14 PM PST im shy in person but im working on my social skills, I cant seem to find what im looking for on social media anymore, I just need NEW friends. best places to find them? |
Question: My friend ended our friendship? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:04 PM PST so we have been friends for a year or so, and this is what happened so for a few months, she has been ignoring me at school and only replies when i text her, never starting conversations!! so i text why, and she says she wants to sit with her other friend so i say you havent sat with me in months and she says i know, so i say do u want to me friends and she says gotta go, so i repeat and she says "i said i gotta go!" and i say "then why did you answer? im starting to think you are lying" and she says "how dare you accuse me of lying!!!!! im leaving!!!" and no replies for the rest of day, so today, i text im sorry for accusing you and she says she doesnt want to talk so i say are you still mad, and she says "I said i don't want to talk" so i say "why dont you want to talk" no answer so i say "IM SORRY!" still no answer so i say "what did i do! and she says "Bye" so I SAY "So you blocked me?! FINE SO I GUESS YOU ENDED OUR FRIENDSHIP!" And "I can't believe you!" and no reply at all. what do i do! IM NOT MAKING NEW FRIENDS CAUSE SCHOOL IS SMALL AND I KNOW EVERYONE AND DONT LIKE THEM OR ARE NEUTRAL! please helP! and if you are anonymous or potato, this did actually happen, this is actually a real question -_- |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 01:02 PM PST I was lonley and sad though kindergarten to 3rd grade before I met my best friend.In kindergarten, I was always quiet and wanted to make friends but, I never really talked to people that much before( there were no kids in my neighborhood and I was nervous) so, I was quiet all the time and I would talk to some classmates but, they weren't friends. I would watch my classmates be happy with their friends and would always be with them. I wasn't that lonley but, I was( Idk hoe to explain) and In.... ....2nd grade was the worst of the lonely/sadness, I would play on the swings at recess and again, watch everyone play sport games, playground, swings, the field's+ I would always swing because, I liked it but, it was just a reminder to me that, I was lonely and didn't really have friends- friends( like u have friends but u never hang out with them and ur still lonely/ they don't talk to u- friends.) I mean, I loved swinging but, everything I did, was just myself and I hated to be all alone ( I have friends right now, I'm just missing my old best friend, I'm just telling this was how I was before I met my old best friend)....In the middle of the year in 3rd grade, a new student was going to be in our class, and even though I was quiet/shy I LOVED new people! I always wanted to be their friend and stuff =) Anyways, It was my best friend that was the new student. I quickly became her friend and then I soon later became best friends.( I always wanted a best friend) She was funny/nice ....Weird, and was someone I could rely on and get along with really well. It was soo fun hanging out with her and I wasn't so down and lonely like before. We would talk everyday at school and I would always be happy and actually had a best friend to be with and play at recess and partner stuff in Music, P.E.+ and a friend to sit with at lunch =) Even before I met her, I wasn't ever sad at my house, I loved my family and I was hyper and talkative and happy/random. In 5th grade,.....My best.. .....Friend changed schools. Now, she stayed though out 4th grade( and we met our other friend in 4th grade. We were friends of 3) and changed school's in the biginning of 5th grade. She told me the reason why she switched schools from her other school and then why she has to go back. I understood but, I was really really sad. She told me that she didn't want to change schools and she didn't like her other one but, she had two friends at the school. I also remember we eat breakfast together at .....Our school together. Everyday felt like a count down till complete sadness again. Except, I felt like back in 3rd grade, I became more social since I was best friends with her. So, I had friends and our other friend from 4th grade but, she was why I was really really happy in 3rd grade and didn't feel left out anymore and now,... she was leaving me. I was so sad and I still remember that last week we had together, and It was unfair. I remember having breakfast at school, Sitting at our .....Table and in our usual spot. Everything was fine but, one thing. My best friend wasn't there. and wasn't coming back. I would be with our 3rd friend and we were really good friends. I kinda count her as my other best friend. We mentioned our friend, once. and that was it. I have friends now and I'm still friends with our friend in 4th grade. Well, she moved to Georgia. So.... But, I'm fine! I mean, I miss her but, I have friends so I'm not lonely and stuff. I felt like, the three of us. Just Separated. I just don't know how to not get sad over it anymore. Even now, the present. I don't have a best friend, or a one like my old best friend. SO, I'M SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH UPDATES, I THANK EVERYONE WHO IS STILL READING!!!!!!!!! and I'm not depressed( well, Idk) I was just really really sad. If anyone can give me advice, I'll thank them! Thx! XD xoxoxoxoxox, Breanna. =) |
Question: My friends are turning Emo?!? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:52 PM PST So all my friends used to be peppy, and now they all claim to be Emo! Two even cut themselves! I know that defidently is NOT me, and I m tired of getting in trouble and people thinking I m dark. I really don t want to find another friend group, being an 8th grader is hard enough already!! Is there any hope? Any advice? |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:45 PM PST Like they never ignored your text or call? Ever have friends like that? I never have unfortunately |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:40 PM PST Ruining my social life for absolutely NO reason and now all my friends think I am bailing on them do they stopped talking to me a lot WHAT DO I DO ?? |
Question: What is wrong with me if I'm afraid to meet people and talk to people I do not know? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:34 PM PST It's even worse with women. I went to a party this past weekend, and I didn't talk to anyone. I just drank and pretended to be listening to people near me. |
Question: Is it right for friends to tell you that you don't smile much? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:30 PM PST A lot of people tell me or indicate to me that I don't smile a lot. I'm going to try to keep this short. But I'm not sad. Sometimes, I'm sad. Sometimes, I feel happy. I don't feel miserable. So far, in like the past 4 months, at least 2 people have told me that I don't smile a lot. These 2 people happen to be my friends. The 1st one was a few months ago and the other one was today. When people tell me that I don't smile a lot, it kinda makes me feel self-conscious. It makes me feel like a jerk. I'm actually a nice person (I think I am nice). I don't think I am unfriendly. So is it right for people who are your friends to tell you that you don't smile a lot? Am I wrong for being mad about it? What is your opinion? |
Question: You r a very nice person i watch you every day im mary harris? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:10 PM PST |
Question: Why does she act mean and nice afterwards? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 12:03 PM PST She acts mean to me on several occasions, like if I'm on my own studying or reading at school when my friends are gone doing exams she will make remarks about everything I do and simply tease me. However sometimes she says nice things to me and if I get bullied or anything she asks me if I'm doing fine and stuff. But I don't really get her. We used to be best friends last year until some girls changed her and took her away from me. Basically we had a huge fall out but it wasn't over anything serious it was just a misunderstanding, but I will admit I said I no longer wished to be her friend because she had betrayed me. So I'm wondering why she is nice to me sometimes but then again when she's around those mean girls she becomes mean but when we talk alone (rarely) she talks without any sarcasm in her voice. |
Question: How to ask new friends to hang out? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:25 AM PST So I ve recently made 2 new friends and I ve known them for about 2-3 months or so now but we get along really well and we snapchat and text often, but I really wanna be closer with them and form better friendships but I don t exactly know how to ask them to hang out. Like me and one of my close friends are wondering how to ask them if they wanna go see a movie with us or something lol.. It s really awkward and we don t know how to ask them.. It s two guys we are asking if that makes any difference lmao |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:15 AM PST |
Question: Como animar a mi amiga? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:08 AM PST |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:19 AM PST one of my friends is struggling with depression and I want to make her an inspiration type journal... kind of like the "open this when you re feeling..." cards. what should I include in the book? and ideas? thanks! |
Question: How to get rid of someone on Skype? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:18 AM PST Ok so i am this kind of person who would usually accept any Skype requests and then i make new friends. But Like last month there was this user who requested to be my friend. I accepted it. We started talking and the talk quickly for into a relationship topic after that they told me that they are a half naked and want to send their pic to me. I was terrified!!!! ( i am a girl and 14 years old) i begged the person not to and than i blocked them and deleted their contact. but the contact icon was still in my contacts. After a few weeks someone else with a different user name requested to be my friend. I thought those kind of things don't happen twice so i accepted the request. Can you even imagine. this usr said the same exact thing as the one before! i was not terrified anymore and i decided to see what happens if i keep talking to them. So later they will send you a link to a website whites actually blocked in my country. but the more i talked to them the more it was obvious that they are not real people. so I blocked that one as well. Now that a few months past a user with the same name as my class mate requested to be my friend. Of course i accepted it. this time they said a completely different text but they send me a link to some kind of sexual website. I quickly left and blocked the user. how can i stop those kind of people to request to follow me? why does it only happen to me? How make sure that some type of users in Skype will never request to be your friend again on Skype? I REALLY REALLY NEED AN ANSWER!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! |
Question: Am I going to get fired for doing this? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:44 AM PST I got laid off from my job and I have tried but I have been unable to find another one. A friend of mine told me there was a job opening where she worked. I was very excited to apply for the job. My excitement turned to tears when she told me the bosses name. It was a guy I had dumped in high school. It would be totally embarrassing to ask him for a job but I was desperate and when you are desperate, you do desperate things. Can anyone relate to this? I was scared to death at the interview. I just knew he was going to humiliate me and throw me out of his office. The interview went very well. It appeared he did not remember me. Perhaps because I am now using my married name. He asked me if I could start to work tomorrow. I quickly said yes before he could change his mind. For the first month I lived in constant fear that he would remember what I did to him and fire me. I have worked for him for 5 months and he is the greatest boss ever. I can not help thinking he is going to remember I dumped him and fire me some day. Would it be stupid of me to remind him I dumped him in high school and apologize or just forget about it and hope he has forgot about it also? Could it be possible that he knows about what I did but is just too nice of a guy to say anything about it to me? What do you think I should do if anything? I love my job and don't want to lose it. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:39 AM PST I was kind of pissed off because my friend was being annoying and I m like "F8ck off" and hes like "Are you grumpy" and I flipped my ****. Am I a dick for flipping out? |
Question: Did I make the right decision to keep my job? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:29 AM PST Where I work the company owner, my boss brought in his new wife and introduced her to us employees. Our boss John is in his 40s and his new wife is in her early 20s, my age. A few days later he ask me if I thought his wife was cute. I said, "I had not give it much thought but yes she is cute". It became known at the office that John was very jealous of his wife with other men. One day John ask me if I would like to "fool around with his wife". Wanting to not get involved with his personal life and wanting to keep my job I said "I would not fool around with any man's wife". He said "then you are the person to train my wife to use the company's computer system so she can help me with the business. I did not want to do that but I had no choice to do it if I wanted to keep my job. I did train her but it took a long time. After the training she told me "I owe you big time. Please let me take you to lunch to say thank you for being patient with me during the training". I told her I could only do that if her husband John came with us. She said he is very busy and probably could not find the time to join us for lunch. I told her a thank you lunch was not necessary. My thoughts were that a lunch with her without him would put my job on the line. Do you think I made the right decision about this or was I worried for nothing? |
Question: Will things be awkward? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:25 AM PST My co worker as a joke, asked me to get her a gift for Valentine's day but I was not sure if she was joking or not, so I asked her what day do you want your gift. She said she was just kidding and that we are co workers, we should not do that. I told I meant just just as friends and that I don't want things to get awkward between us. I really like her as a friend and I don't want to mess that up. Will things between me and her be awkward? What do you guys think? Thank you. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:13 AM PST We're all adults and live in different cities. Over the years, I have tried to coordinate family trips to places we've never been. I've even tried coordinating local things but all they ever want to do is go to lunch/dinner. I'm interested in creating shared experiences and memories. I'm just sick of eating being the central and only activity we do together. I would rather just hang out by myself. Am I wrong for simply refusing to make time for them anymore? |
Question: I forgot my best friend's birthday? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:56 AM PST I'm currently in my last semester of college, and the semester (for me) started yesterday. I was trying to add into a class I need for grad school (this is my last chance to take it, and all the classes are full) so yesterday/these past few days, that was all I was thinking about. Also, uncharacteristically, I decided to take a break from social media that day because it always makes my anxiety a lot worse. Any time I spent on a computer yesterday was due to work or school. I didn't check Facebook, Snap Chat, or Instagram at all. Yesterday was also my best friend's birthday. I didn't realize until this morning when I saw her birthday snap chat (from yesterday). I know her birthday (it's the 9th!!) but I was so distracted by adding the stupid class I wasn't even thinking of the actual date. I had a nice present for her and everything, and texted her a long apology this morning. She hasn't responded (and she's one of those people who's always glued to her phone) so now I"m assuming she's really mad. I feel absolutely AWFUL and have no idea what to do. I've never forgotten a friend's birthday before, ever! I've just been so stressed about this class all week that I haven't been really thinking of anything else. How can I make it up to her? I feel so guilty and like a terrible friend. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:37 AM PST And how should I respond to that ? |
Question: I can't stand my sister's friend? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:28 AM PST My sisters friend Nigel is really rude and I find it very hard to tolerate him. I'm 18 years old and I went to school with Nigel. Nigel has always been weird and awkward since kindergarten and never had much friends. I was nice to him and stuff because I felt bad but we just never really chilled. My sister works with him so he keeps bring Nigel around sometimes. I try to be nice to him but he makes it really hard. He tends to ramble about pointless **** and if you try to interrupt he gets louder. On top of that he will do really rude **** like say "no offence but.." and say real offensive ****. One time I picked them up from work and as soon as they got in he reached up from the backseat and shut my radio off because It was too loud. I straight up told him he could walk if he wants. Then he called my sister and asked why I was bullying him. WTF? That's the kind of **** he does. Or another time we had a cookout and my sister invited a few of her friends and brought Nigel. My cousin was in from the army and Nigel started bashing the military calling them child murdering ******* followed by "no offence" my cousin just laughed and was just like who is this clown and Nigel got all offended and walked home and made this huge facebook status asking why does everyone pick on him. What is wrong with this dude? btw him and my sister aren't dating. My sister has a boyfriend.I asked her why she hangs with him and she said she feels bad because he has no friends. I thought it was weird at first because Nigel graduated with me and my sister is only 16 but I know there is nothing sexual going on but I still can't stand this dude I tried telling my sis about him and she even knows how annoying he is but she always says "he just doesn't realize he's being rude". Why the hell would I leave the house that I live at just because someone I don't like is over? That is dumb. Also I don't care if my sister hangs with him, I just can't stand him when he's around. I'm not an angry person but sometimes I wanna crack him upside the head, I use to just leave when he was over but **** that, I ******* live here. |
Question: Why does social media rule some much friendships? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:27 AM PST I hate talking on it. But people these days seem to think that to keep a friendship you must constantly talk over facebook. Then once you hang out with them in person all they do is TEXT ON THEIR PHONES. A friend will invite me over one sunny day then sit on her phone playing some game the whole time we are "hanging." Does anyone else ever get frusterated at this stuff? Or do I need new friends? ha ha.. |
Question: Roommates brother saw me naked. Help? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 08:11 AM PST So me and my roommate have been best friends for years. Her brother is kind of annoying but she's close with him. Anyway he walked in on me naked in the bathroom after a shower when I was drying off with a towel. I accidentally dropped the towel because he came in so quickly. I'm really pissed because he got a good look at my body and saw everything in the 10 seconds it took me to realize what happened and pick up the towel. I dont want him to tell anyone, including my roommate, that he saw me. But I don't know what to say to him because it's really awkward. I know he thinks I'm attractive which is why he looked at my privates and I'm really embarrassed about this. Should I bring this up to him or hope he doesn't say anything? |
Question: Lost superbowl bet. What should I do? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 07:11 AM PST So I bet on the Panthers and lost big time. I was really drunk when I made the bet, hoping Cam would make a comeback. I had to do naked jumping jacks in front of the guy I lost to. It was really embarrassing because he watched me and saw everything. So, um, he recorded it (I didn't realize because I was distracted) and wants me to do more jumping jacks, naked, or else he'll show all our friends. What should I do? I'm not that close too him so I really don't want to show him my stuff again. But I don't want him showing our friends of me doing this! |
Question: My friend is doing drugs with minors. How do I deal with this? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:48 AM PST I recently found out that my friend, who is 18, has been dealing and smoking weed with a 13-14 year old. Several of our mutual friends have confirmed this to me, and one even has a video of the minor being high. I know she smokes weed a lot, but I don't know how many times she's done this with the minor. This is really heavy on my heart, and I don't know how to deal with this. Do I tell an teacher, and adult, the police? Thank you for your advice. |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 06:45 AM PST A friend i just see in the hall sometimes just said "the thing about regrowing muscle tissue.... eh..." then left. he didn't explain anything. Is something wrong with him? he looks fine... I can't tell. |
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