Family: Question: Will i ever see my cousins again? 10 points for everyone if there is atleast 7 good answers? |
- Question: Will i ever see my cousins again? 10 points for everyone if there is atleast 7 good answers?
- Question: I reallllly need some help people of yahoo. So, I was snoopin (not gonna lie) and I found this horrible not in my sisters stuff.?
- Question: My mother cares more aboutmy dad than she does me?? Why?
- Question: My dad has a 1966 shelby cobra. I read online that there is only 1 left in the world and it just sold. Is that true? cuz my dad actually has?
- Question: How to deal with parents the come home and barge out orders?
- Question: My sisters never get annoyed or angry with me. They argue and hurt each other but never me. Why is this?
- Question: Is average a bad thing?
- Question: Is my husband being unreasonable about this?
- Question: Should I talk to my son about this or jus forget it?
- Question: What could I have said so my wife would not be mad at me?
- Question: Please help me with a problem with my daughter? THANKS?
- Question: Why does this happen at every therapist i see?
- Question: How come some family reunions have surnames attached to them if not everyone goes by that surname?
- Question: Scared to be friends with someone cause family wouldn't approve?
- Question: Should I let go of the toxic relationship with my dad?
- Question: Do you think my mom's comments are mean? I need some opinions.?
- Question: Why is my boyfriend so annoying?
- Question: Should I get in touch with my father whom I've never met?
- Question: Was my dad being harsh or just honest?
- Question: My mother dislikes her own siblings, how do I avoid letting this affect me? I don't get to see her family as often because of this?
- Question: Am i a bad person for not being sad that my father died.?
- Question: Why are people so into children's sexual liberation?
- Question: Can't even leave my room HELP PLEASE?
- Question: My mother tells me the relatives that like us and the ones who don't like us, how do I know if she is right or if she is misleading me?
- Question: How can some people live in a world of pure fantasy and denial?
- Question: If parents are divorced, can they still visit the kids outside of the schedule?
- Question: My grandson, age 15, is literally becoming an embarrassment to the entire family! What can I do about this boy?
- Question: Help in finding biological parent?
- Question: I'm having trouble with my sister. Any advice?
- Question: My brother always wants to play with me?
- Question: What do you think? Preferably guys help?
- Question: I caught my dad cheating on my mom twice.?
- Question: Why am I sad to go on Vacation!?
- Question: How do I tell my mom I want to live with my dad?
- Question: My twin sister is always pissed off at me?
- Question: How can I talk to my mom?
- Question: Need help with family matter?
- Question: Hey I m 20 years old. D my boyfriend is 22 , He has a problem ,grew up without a father and he has problems with life and do sent know? 2do?
- Question: How to get over my anxiety with others seeing my baby?
- Question: My grew up in a home where my mother and sister enjoyed being bitter at people, how do I avoid developing this myself?
- Question: How do I move past hurt from the past such as my parents divorce or my brother's death?
- Question: How do I avoid my cousins thinking poorly of me because my mother won't speak to two of her siblings, their parents?
- Question: Moving out issues?
- Question: I have made a mistake against my parents! What should I do now to make them happy?
- Question: Should I go to the funeral and wake? I don't think I can handle both.?
- Question: Is this kind of BJ normal with a guy?
- Question: How do I find a death record of an estranged family member?
- Question: Need some opinions?
- Question: Is this against the law what my teacher did?
- Question: How can I have a better relationship with my parents ?
- Question: How to tell if your parents are divorcing?
- Question: Do my parents love my brother more?
- Question: If you were my parents what would you think is the best move for me to take?
- Question: Can a parent tell when his daughter secretly prefers not to be around him?
- Question: How do I break up my dad and his girlfriend?
- Question: Don't wanna see my dad ever.?
- Question: 16 Years old and I ve never had my own room?
- Question: What's the point in anything?
- Question: Anyone else hate linda belcher from bobs burgers.?
- Question: Is it time to go back to regular school or stay and force myself to try harder?
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:55 PM PST so 5 years ago, there was a fight with my mom and my aunt, my grandparents were on our side and. and there was less contact between my uncle/aunt and my parents after the fight. so for 2 years my grandpa and grandma and us had no contact until 3 years ago, 2 of my cousins, there are 3 in total) went to my grandmas house for a day, and went to my house and we had fun after so long, and so then my cousin started crying for a reason i dont remember and my uncle got mad cause of it when she went back to he home and that was it. my uncle said nothing and had no contact until a month ago, my mom asked, and he said he doesnt want to talk. what do i do! i miss my cousins so much |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:45 PM PST It was my sister's handwriting. It says stuff like idiot, *****, slut, dumb ***, etc. I'm so scared. What does it mean? It even says that it would be better if she died. I can tell it's recent because it has my other sister's current boyfriend. PLEASE HELP! I don't want my sister to do something she regrets because of this note. Should I show it to my mom? |
Question: My mother cares more aboutmy dad than she does me?? Why? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:34 PM PST Nope my dad is a lazy bum and my mother goes to work when I leave for school and isn't back till night.(she is a doctor) so no. My mother does not believe in God so shes not going to listen to that stuff let alone follow it. But it is still selfish as I'm related to her he isn't. She carried me for months, I am her blood so she should love me more or at least equally |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:27 PM PST That's what I thought. Thanks for answering! |
Question: How to deal with parents the come home and barge out orders? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 11:41 AM PST |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 11:38 AM PST I have 3 sisters (2 older) and I've been the only guy in the house since my father moved out around 7-8 years ago. My mother can be harsh at times but I don't remember my sisters ever being angry with me. Even when they should be they just aren't. It's weird because they can be really mean to each other at times. |
Question: Is average a bad thing? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 11:28 AM PST I don't know but my mom and dad (way more my mom) yell at me for having a C or two. My mom acts like it is the worst thing in the world and it brings me down. I spend all my time from when I get home to when I sleep doing homework and don't always get a good grade. She yelled at my brother for coming home with green (red: bad, Green: good, Pink: great, Purple: Excellent... etc) and tells him "no, green is average get purple" Thanks... |
Question: Is my husband being unreasonable about this? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 11:06 AM PST I was on the layoff list where I work. I had a stroke of good luck and found another job at the company will a larger salary that I took immediately. Then I found out I had an unexpected problem. At my new job I am the boss of several guys. They are all great guys and they accepted me as their boss without any hesitation or problems working for a woman. My problem is my husband. He wants me to quit my job because he said "I don't want you to working closely with all these guys who want to get into your pants." I told him they can want all they want but it is not going to happen. I pointed out to my husband that we need my income to make our mortgage payments and I would be happy to quit work if he got a job that would cover all our expenses. Are all husbands this way? I have never given my husband any reason not to trust me. Why does he think every guy wants to get into my pants? |
Question: Should I talk to my son about this or jus forget it? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:56 AM PST I was late to leave for work and I forgot to lock the bathroom door and my teenage son walked in just as I was getting out of the shower. I quickly got a robe on but not before he said "Wow mom, you really have a beautiful body". It did not embarrass him any but it sure did me. He has not said a word about this since it happened. Should I just forget about it or should I tell him that was not an appropriate comment to say about his mother? He acts like it was not a big deal. |
Question: What could I have said so my wife would not be mad at me? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:49 AM PST My wife and her mother Jill and I were having a fun conversation at the kitchen table recently. Jill said she would like to start dating again and hopefully some day get married. Jill asked me if I thought men would want to date her. I told her that with her good looks and great figure, she would not have any trouble finding guys that would want to date her. My wife jokingly said how do you know mom has a good figure? I told her all I had to do was look to know she had a great figure unless there was something fake in there. Jill said "These boobs are real. Would you like to have a look and feel to see there are no implants in there? Before I could say anything my wife (jokingly I think) said to me "You would NOT want to look at and feel my moms boobs would you?" Every guy reading this knows the truthful answer but I can't say that. Gals (and guys also) what could I have said to not make my wife mad at me? |
Question: Please help me with a problem with my daughter? THANKS? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:43 AM PST My 15 year old daughter was failing in math so I asked a family friend Bob to tutor her. He did and it did wonders for her grades. She went from failing to a B+ student. Instead of hating to go to school, she now enjoys it. She even raised her grades in all of her subjects. However this created an unexpected problem. Her tutor Bob is a 25 year old single great looking guy. He is the nicest person in the world and my daughter has a huge crush on him. I told my daughter that Bob has NO romantic interest in ANY 15 year old girl. He is just here to help her with her studies. I have known Bob for a long time and I TRUST HIM COMPLETELY. He is not interested in my daughter any way, shape, or form. He does not encourage her. Perhaps crushes for 15 year old girls are normal. Are they? I am not sure she understands and I don't want her hurt when she realizes that what I am telling is correct. I would like to have Bob continue to tutor her but I don't want it to cause a problem for my daughter. Any advice on what to do if anything would be greatly appreciated. |
Question: Why does this happen at every therapist i see? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:30 AM PST I haven't visited any therapists... but a while ago i went and the therapist would often point fingers at my mom and how she's not a good mother. And they just leave me with this info and tell me how to "work with her", and I can't really do that since she's unreasonable and the only way i can deal with her is by avoiding conflict with her and pretending i'm happy even when I'm sick. But it's a good coping mechanism until I get a job and finish school... But therapists drive me crazy telling me she doesn't love me. why would they do this to me? I mean that's devastating for a child to hear their parent doesn't love them.. I need help with feeling depressed and getting no where in life due to a lack of support at home and confidence issues. Recently I've been having a better "relationship" with her by utilizing her for her abilities like helping me get better when I'm sick, making me food (i can cook for myself but she likes cooking), and asking her to do my chores, i understand this sounds terrible like i'm using her but she genuinely enjoys doing this for me. And this is all i can get out of her. Anything beyond this like speaking openly about topics or getting support from her is like a lost cause... so my question is it really important if a parent doesn't "care" or "love you"... |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:10 AM PST Think about it, some members have grown up and changed their names via marriage. Or some of them were cousins to the people organizing the reunion and never had that surname. I don't get it. Who decides which surname to use? What do you base it on? |
Question: Scared to be friends with someone cause family wouldn't approve? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:06 AM PST I'm 23 So I come from a family that are very judgemental when it comes to "properness". My parents were super strict with me, and my mom still is, and my sisters. They are extremely nosy and overly protective. There is a man in my course in college, he looks quite intimidating by his size and speaks completely different to me, he is from a different aide of the tracks, slang words I don't know he openly talks about drugs etc...anyway he seems really down to earth and laid back and can be funny. He asked me for my number and I gave in and gave it to him. If my family found out they would think I am crazy, and need help. I find it awkward texting him and feel I shouldnt be. What should I do? Cause now I feel it would be even more awkward to ignore him since we see eachother every week?? Please help |
Question: Should I let go of the toxic relationship with my dad? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 10:06 AM PST HI. I called my father for new year to wish him well. It did not go well. He was angry that my adult kids didn't call him. They missed out on a relationship with him growing up for 15 years, because he disowned me for an argument we had when i was fast forward, he was arrested when my kids were teenagers....and I bailed him out of jail for a large sum...we started talking after that...We tried to have him and my kids form a bond, and when they were younger, the relationship was tolerated, but never really blossomed. He also has a habit of patronizing them, and telling them what to daughter is not one to accept this kind of behavior, especially from someone who was out of her life for so long. He also didn't like my husband, and said that if it weren't for him (my dad) not going after him when we were young, that my kids would never have been born...basically, he's taking credit for their existance...They choose NOT to speak to him...they are adults...I still WAS speaking to him...but he yelled and said he's done with me unless my kids call him...I never ask anything from him...I always call and check on him..I can't believe he stooped so low to disown me again...I have a lot of stress, because my youngest has severe autism...I think my dad is a narcissist....should I just forget about him? It really hurts when a parent rejects's like his love is conditional. He also unfriended me and my husband from facebook....I'm just shocked |
Question: Do you think my mom's comments are mean? I need some opinions.? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:59 AM PST Hi I feel like my mom makes inappropriate comments. Please tell me if I'm wrong. One day we were looking at pictures on the internet of different models because my mom and I like to watch beauty pageants on TV. And my husband was with us too. Then my mom said to my husband: "Jim look at this girl. don't you think she's pretty?" And she showed my husband pictures of her asking him his opinion on the girl. It made me feel like I'm not good enough. Besides, the prettiest girl for my husband should be me because I'm his wife. So I don't understand why my mom asks him what he thinks about other girls.Yesterday it happened again. My husband were in the car with my parents and he told my parents that the other day we saw a famous celebrity and we were very close to her. My mom already knew which celebrity it was. But still asked my husband "Was she pretty?" because my husband told her that he was right next to her. I felt humilliated. And the worst thing is that my dad asked my mom: "Jim and Laura make such a cute couple don't you think?" Referring to me and my husband. And my mom stayed quiet or pretended that she didn't hear. Then my dad asked her again and all she said was: "Hey, watch the road. you could get into an accident!". Would you be upset if your mom was like this? Am i right to think her comments are out of line? I don't understand why she asks my husband if other girls are pretty. It just doesn't make sense to me. Or am I overreacting? |
Question: Why is my boyfriend so annoying? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:58 AM PST Okay so he has a weird personality which I love. But a lot of the times it can get really overwhelming & annoying to the point where it's almost child like. He's constantly singing. Which is okay every once in a while but he does it like all the time. It's usually the same part over & over again too which doesn't make it any better. Then what makes it even worse is he tells me to join sing along so I end up singing the same part of the stupid song the whole day. Then when k refuse to go along with his annoying *** **** he thinks I'm mad. Which I'm not mad I just feel like for being 24 years old he shouuldn't be this annoying & hyper. Like he's always jumping all over me like my little brother & making weird sounds, & getting all up in my face & growling at me. It's just really annoying & it's starting to push me away. I want to be with someone who can be romantic with me. Which he never is. He seriously acts like a child & I can't take it anymore. Even during sex he makes these weird annoying sounds & it honestly kind of ruins the mood. He says he does it to make me laugh but it's just really getting on my nerves now. He's also super loud & like always yelling. His laugh is also super obnoxious. Am I falling out of love with him? He never acted like this crazy/weird until we got our own apartment together. Like yeah he's always been weird but not to this extent that it's annoying |
Question: Should I get in touch with my father whom I've never met? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:56 AM PST My mom is a single mom, and by that I don't mean she's single because she got divorced but I still see my dad, I mean she is completely on her own and has been for all these years. I'm an only child (as far as I know, because I'm not sure if my dad has kids or not) so I have no siblings to help me with this. I have worked really hard on finding my dad and his family online. My mom told me his name, hometown, and what he looked like. I found a man that matches every description she gave me. My grandparents helped me find his job and phone number and we did. Now that I have his phone number, should I call him? I don't even know if he knows I exist. And if I do call, what would I say? Thank you for any answers, they are appreciated. |
Question: Was my dad being harsh or just honest? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:54 AM PST I grew up knowing only my parents and younger sister. I do have extended family, including two older half-sisters. The thing, none of them visited me when I was growing up. Even my own half-sisters talk to me. One of my half sisters, I haven't seen her since I was 11. I'm 27 now, nearly 28, and it's been nearly 20 years since she visited me. I had a talk with my parents about my extended family's lack of presence and help and support. My dad said: "They had a problem with us because we exist. That's why they don't like us" I think what my dad was getting at was that because me and my immediate family are different "types" from the extended family (they are mostly drunks living in suburbs and we are not like that), the extended family couldn't "relate" to us and because we are related to them, they hate it. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:25 AM PST She has always been this way but it has gotten worse with age and maybe menopause. She has five siblings and she has always disliked two of them. I miss out on family time as even though I am an adult they don't ask me as much because they would be forced to see my mother. I am not on my mother's side but I guess people think I am. I am reluctant to trash my mother to her siblings even though I am not on her side. What do I do here? I am an adult and live on my own but it still has these affects. |
Question: Am i a bad person for not being sad that my father died.? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 09:04 AM PST My father committed suicide on tuesday. i am the bastard child. he has another family that he cares for and he has never done anything for me. not once. most of his family dont even know about me. im wondering if its bad that im not sad he died. im angry. im angry he wont ever acknoledge me. does this make me a bad person. |
Question: Why are people so into children's sexual liberation? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:59 AM PST These days (on the internet), if you mention anything about NOT exposing your kids to sex or porn, people jump all over you for it. I get that at a certain age they need to have "the talk", but I wouldn't start buying pornos for my kid or anything like that. Ages: 10-14 |
Question: Can't even leave my room HELP PLEASE? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:44 AM PST Ok... So in one of my heavy sessions, I've seemed to mistake my super glue bottle for my lube bottle. And now I have a huge problem in my hands.... hand whatever. Now my moms yelling for me to take out he trash! I CANT TAKE OUT THE TRASH WITH MY HAND ON MY PENIS!!! What do I do?!?!?!! |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:28 AM PST They all seem nice around me. She said for example that my cousin does not like us who got married last June and did not ask us to the wedding but had my other cousins. I said it is just because we live out of town and they might not see us that often but she said it is because they think less of us. So my question is how do I know which it is |
Question: How can some people live in a world of pure fantasy and denial? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:20 AM PST My parents were very terrible to me growing up and even abandoned me onto my grandmother at age 7. Everyone says I was a great kid and easy to take care of and I was because I remember. The weird thing is that now that I'm an adult and before I've asked them why but they are in complete denial of everything and live in a world where no one has problems. It's like they've successfully brainwashed themselves. Even stranger is there is no pictures of me in their whole house but murals of my sister who was born later. They seem bothered to even deal with me and I was a very ordinary kid. |
Question: If parents are divorced, can they still visit the kids outside of the schedule? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:16 AM PST One of my friend's parents, are getting divorced soon, and we all wanted to know if her dad could visit them even outside of the visitation schedule? |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:14 AM PST I love my grandson, but the precocious little boy from a decade ago is LONG gone. We'll being with his schooling. Last semester he failed ALL eight of his classes, including English and gym. I sat him down and asked him how on earth you fail those two classes, considering he SPEAKS English and gym is simply a matter of participation. It turns out he does not participate in gym, he sits in the bleachers every day and he does absolutely NO homework whatsoever, and fails ALL of his exams. While the family is upper-middle class, he dresses like a homeless bum, has worn the same outfit to school 3 days in a row (because he goes home and sleeps from 4 PM until around 11 PM and then stays up from 11 PM until its time to go to school playing those video games) and my daughter has told me that he has gone three weeks without bathing and literally months without brushing his teeth. His body odor is horrible, his breath smells like a rotten skunk wrapped in feces and his teeth are rotting out, but he doesn't care. He has no friends, no girls are interested in him, and all he cares about is playing those video games. This isn't normal. I don't care what generation you are from or where you live or what you do, acting like this is NOT normal, but I cannot convince my daughter that he needs some kind of intervention! His grades are so bad he is going to have to repeat his sophomore year, but he doesn't care and she doesn't seem to either! He is so lazy, its beyond description... He has NO chores to do, one evening I was there for coffee and my daughter asked him to take out the trash, he moaned and she ended up taking it herself! I was taken aback. I never hear anything out of the boy other than a grunt here and there, "I don't know," "ugh!" and when he wants something. There is a part of me that wonders if the boy is retarded, that maybe he needs some special testing, but shouldn't the school be taking care of that? Especially with him failing ALL of his classes? This boy wanted a bowl of Spaghettio's one night and asked my daughter if you "just stick the whole can in the microwave?" He meant stick the actual can in the microwave. And last week I dropped some papers off for my son-in-law and the house smelled like a dirty lavatory. It seems the boy was playing a game and defecated himself, went to the toilet and dumped the feces in and just went back to playing his game, with feces stuck to his undershorts and didn't even bother to wipe himself. We're not talking about a toddler here, we're talking about a boy who is old enough to DRIVE with a learner's permit! This boy shouldn't be anywhere near the driver's side of a car, by the way he acts he should still be in a car-seat! I am just at my wit's end with this whole situation. |
Question: Help in finding biological parent? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:10 AM PST Okay so long story short I am the result of a one night stand and I have no ides who my father is, my mother passed away of cancer when I was only 2 years old and no one knows anything. Just wondering if anyone out there knows how you can find biological parents in this situation or hire like a private investigator who could help? I m just tired of not know and I want to do something about it. Thanks |
Question: I'm having trouble with my sister. Any advice? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:06 AM PST So, our parents are out of the country, so I'm at home with 3 of my sisters. I'm nearly 16 and the sister I'm having issues with is 20. She's ordering me and my 17-year-old sister around, telling us to do stuff, while she does almost nothing to help. I want to say something, but knowing her, she probably won't take it well. What can I do? It's getting annoying. Thank you! :) |
Question: My brother always wants to play with me? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 08:01 AM PST I am 14 and he is 4. I love him so much but I am also very introverted and I prefer staying alone. He always wants to play in my room and just.. mess everything up. What should I do? I don't want to hurt his feelings. |
Question: What do you think? Preferably guys help? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 07:47 AM PST I met Johnny sophomore year after I won homecoming, he was a freshman.I lost and gained my vision back before sophomore year due to injury, I have vision but still need help getting around.. Johnny had offered to walk me every day to my next class, we got really close, he told me he liked me a lot & my visual impairment didn't faze him, he thought I was beautiful.. We talked more, Hung out, even had a movie night together! We held hands, laughed so much, we both admited to never having a BF/GF nor have we ever held hands or had a movie night with anyone. We liked each other so much, then 1 week he suddenly just became distant. I figured maybe it was because it was the week of his sisters anniversary, when she passed 4 years ago. he never told me why he stopped, his Bestfriend didn't know either, Johnny stopped walking me but his Bestfriend Ed continued to help. I'm a junior now, he's a sophomore. We see each other in he halls, we smile big & give big hugs. He's still very sweet, but I never knew why he stopped talking with me. I gave him a letter/candy cane for Christmas saying "thanks" for all the fun we had & hoped to have another movie night someday. That's my grandma had died recently and I wanted to let my loved ones know that I care for them (including him) He said he loved it & gave me the biggest hug ever. But now he gets all nervous when he sees me, even his Bestfriend notices. What do you think of all this? Is their hope in ever getting close again? I'm 17 he's 16 |
Question: I caught my dad cheating on my mom twice.? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 07:45 AM PST My family was always happy, to me my mom and dad were the best thing in my life.I was in 5 grade, I remember going on our computer one day and saw that my dad left his email logged on and at that time Facebook would send your conversations to your email. I still remember being shocked at what i was reading. I didn't tell anyone for about 3 months, I printed out every conversation they ever had. I didn't look at my dad the same anymore. What did the women have that my mom didn't? My mom gave him everything, she loved him. One day me and mom were arguing and I accidentally told her that my dad was cheating and showed her the messages. I felt so bad and to this day I still wish my mom didn't find out like that. She cried for so long and I felt so guilty. It was my fault she was suffering. One day my mom and dad went to their room and both came down crying, my dad told me and my siblings that it was a mistake and that he never meant to hurt us. We all moved on from it. Last year they got married and I felt like we were a family again. Just yesterday I went on our computer and tried to log on my Facebook, I saw that my step sister left her Facebook logged on and when her profile appeared she was having a conversation with her mom, the lady said that my dad has been planning to see her and that they both still have feelings for each other, both me and my other sister saw this conversation. I kept thinking about the time i caught him. im so mad, I don't know how to tell my mom |
Question: Why am I sad to go on Vacation!? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 07:29 AM PST So Im going to be going on vacation for ONLY a WEEK! But im super sad that im leaving my family and going with friends. I know im going to have fun but I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach like butterflies. Im really connected with my family but I try telling mysef its only a WEEK! But i still want to think of every excuse not to go. Why? How can I think more postively? |
Question: How do I tell my mom I want to live with my dad? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 07:25 AM PST So I m 16 and I m female. I live with my mom and I have not seen my dad in 8 years. Well I just recently got in contact with him and his wife. Well I want to go live with them. But they live in Tallahassee and I live in Crestview (it s a small town in Florida) it s about 120 ish miles apart. My life doesn t suck here its just I think it would be nice to have a father in my life. So how do I tell her? Like there s no abuse in the house we re well off with money. So it might seem like it s just for no reason.. but I know there is. Please help |
Question: My twin sister is always pissed off at me? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 06:19 AM PST I have a twin sister who's 16 and an older sister who's 17. Me and my twin sister are extremely close. During this past summer vacation, there was about a week period where my twin (let's call her Allie) was pretty pouty and quiet and seemed on the verge of tears no matter what was happening. Finally she broke down into tears and told me that she was really upset because she thought that I didn't like her anymore, that she thought I liked our older sister (Jennifer) better, than I was always ignoring her, that she felt left out, and unwanted, blah blah blah. I reassured her that I didn't like Jennifer better than I liked her. I don't know how many of you have a twin, but generally the bond is VERY close, and you're very territorial over one another. I DO like Allie better, however, just because we're a lot closer. But anyway, lately, what's been happening is that Allie is seeming to become very distant. Whenever things get tense between us, runs to Jennifer and tells her what a b*tch I am. She texts everyone including my mom, b*tching to her about me. She called me the "she-devil". I mean...what the f*ck? She ignores me for days on end, not having a care in the world because she knows she's turned everyone against me. I seriously feel very alone and don't know what to do. This has happened like, seven times in the past two weeks. I'm very sick of it. She's treated me the exact same way I supposedly treated her over the summer, but so much worse. What do I do? |
Question: How can I talk to my mom? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 06:11 AM PST First off, sorry for constantly asking, but I need different ways of convincing her. So last Saturday, she made me and my boyfriend break up because she went through my Facebook messages with him, and made me tell her the truth about what was going on between us, which I told her. She was angry that we did it, and also angry that I didn't go to her while this was going on (I didn't because of this whole thing happening). Not only did she make us break up, but she also took my phone away, I have to be supervised at school, and I also can't have any form of communication with him. I understand what we did was wrong and we are young, but I feel that it is unfair she is doing this. I tried talking to her, but she only says to me, "You guys are done". We and my boyfriend are 16 and sophomores in high school, while dating for 14 months. I think what is fair is that she lets us be friends (but no more than that), but to monitor our messages on Facebook. To me, that's fair and reasonable. I am sadden that we can't talk, and I even cried for two days (to the point to where I couldn't breathe). How can I try and convince her? All help is appreciated! NOTE: I am only looking for helpful answers and advice. I don't need the silly or insulting answers, so please refrain from answering if you are going to do that. Thanks! |
Question: Need help with family matter? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 05:50 AM PST My mother in law recently passed away from cancer.Since her diag I have done everything I can to help her and her family.Last night my husband said he and his brother had decided that I should back off and let them do everything to take care of his father and special needs sister in law. They do not want me involved at all. At first my feelings were hurt because I have done nothing but try to help. Now I am pissed.Not sure how to handle this situation without telling my husband and his brother to shove it, and to NEVER EVER ask me to another thing for their family. Please help After posting I found that my m-in-l disliked of my b-in-l wife.They asked her to stop calling and back off prior to my m-in-l passing.It seems that my b-in-l said if his wife cant be involved I cant be either and even though my f-in-law desperately wants me to be I will respect this because after all it is fair.When my f-in-l calls and asks for help, I will call my husband to see if it's ok. If anyone else in the family calls and asks for help I will direct them to my husband. Its not really personal bodily care we are talking about. I was helping with cooking and laundry. Stopping to check on them in the morning on my way to work and bringing their paper in. I seriously think this boils down to jealousy of my b-in-laws wife towards me. She is angry that the inlaws asked me to help and not her. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 04:32 AM PST He been raised by his grandma,been to jail and mom like a prostitue,she works part time and then men are paying her to be with them . How does he cope and figure out how to be a man. I will say his grandma has taught him to be a real "Gentelemen", always pay for my food and open doors and helps when he cans but he lacks a lot of stuff. |
Question: How to get over my anxiety with others seeing my baby? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 04:22 AM PST I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible. I've been with my fiance for over 5 years now. We had a baby 4 months ago. When I first had my baby, my fiance sister in law (we'll call her T) would constantly text me and try to come over. She would text me saying "send me a picture of the baby" and constantly stop by my house without any notice. Now let me tell yoi, before I had the baby me and T never had that kind of friendly relationship. Yes we talked at family gatherings and such but never super friendly or anything and she never texted me that much not even when I was pregnant. Well I felt like she was on some power trip wanting to control when she saw my child. And whenever she did come over she would just take the baby from me even when she was sleeping in my arms. Most people say oh can I hold not T cause she thinks she's the boss. So now I have this thing where I'm just not comfortable going around her cause Its almost like I feel like T is trying to be my baby's mother and I know she's not. And in the beginning I was obviously trying to bond with my newborn. Now she's almost 5 months and she knows I'm her mom but km still not that comfortable around T. I wanna get over this without having to cause arguments between the family. Any advice on how I can move past these sour feelings with T? I know the way I feel is kind of ridiculous but that's just how I felt. Please no rude comments that's not gonna help anyone. Tia. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 04:10 AM PST I naturally am drawn now to the fun of having an enemy or a few enemies as it was a hobby where I grew up. How do I avoid this? I find myself falling into the trap about people where I used to work and my sister's ex-husband. |
Question: How do I move past hurt from the past such as my parents divorce or my brother's death? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 04:04 AM PST My parents divorced in 1998 and I never moved past it and my brother died in 2004 and I don't think I ever moved past that. I am in therapy and just looking as well if anyone on here knows and cliches or good ways to move past stuff like this. My parents divorce caused me trauma because of my age and my mother handled it so poorly by trying to trash our father to us. Then my brother's death was a suicide and I feel guilt I wasn't there for him more as I was having my own problems. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 03:53 AM PST My mother won't speak to two of her five siblings and I worry their kids will think less of me because I am my mother's son. Over the years my mother has avoid people whose parents she disagrees with or doesn't get along with including two cousins of hers whose father (her uncle) she didn't like. So how do I avoid my cousins thinking less of me because of my mother the way my mother though less of her uncle's two kids because of the uncle? |
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 01:58 AM PST i told my family that i wanted to move out and im ready to do it, my mother saw me packing and told me that if i didn't stop unpacking she'd call the police and lie saying that i was suicidal and threatened suicide, my mom has a lot of control issues and i cannot put up with her anymore, im 21 years old, want to move as far away from her as possible so i decided to move out of state, what do i do? My mother does not have problems with me leaving she has control issues, and has done stuff like this in the past for leaving to hang out with friends for 1 night, im not putting up with it anymore, so staying is absolutely out of the question, she has made her bed and it is not my fault if you cannot lie in it |
Question: I have made a mistake against my parents! What should I do now to make them happy? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 01:48 AM PST I made my parents sad please help me! |
Question: Should I go to the funeral and wake? I don't think I can handle both.? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 01:03 AM PST I need your opinion. My grandma died the day before my birthday and the next day was no better. I received birthday wishes and condolences. Her funeral is this saturday. The closer I get to the day, the stronger I know and feel that as soon as I get there( Arkansas) I will break down, just like I did when I got the news at work. Work has already sent me home twice for breaking down. I am supposed to with my sister on Thursday so that we can make it to the wake and funeral but, I don't think I will be OK attending both wake and funeral.I would like to only attend the funeral and not the wake. I know my dad will be disappointed but understanding. I get paid Friday and I thought knowing me, that I should only go to the funeral because I don't think that I can handle both. Should I just tell my sister to just go in on Thursday without me and I will be there on Friday? My thing is, we were taking her car but if things get too heavy for me I don't to feel stuck. I might want and need to get away from the atmosphere for a while and so I thought if taking my car on Friday and just driving myself. Is this a good idea? |
Question: Is this kind of BJ normal with a guy? Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:38 AM PST I am talking about the kind of BJ where a guy grabs the back of your head and starts ramming his penis down the back of your throat so far that you are gagging and you can't even breathe. The first time I had a guy do this to me, I didn't like it. But for some reason, I changed my mind and now I do like it and I have no idea why, I should hate it. It can hurt a bit and it makes me gag a lot, but strangely I find it attractive. Like, really attractive. Even though it's supposed to be bad or whatever when a guy does that to you. I don't know if I'm alone on this, or if other girls enjoy this too? I feel weird about it. |
Question: How do I find a death record of an estranged family member? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:59 PM PST I have an estranged Uncle in my family. My mom, uncle and aunt have not seen or heard from him in nearly 30 years. There has been many family issues with him, but my mom would like to know where he is, if hes alive or dead. We have reason to believe that he last lived in Hawaii and may have died there. We are not sure how to find out though. Any help would be greatly appreciated! |
Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:58 PM PST I'm 19 & my sister is 16. And I do whatever she tells me to do, she calls me her *****. I don't like it but it doesn't bother me that much. I do her laundry, clean her shoes, make her breakfast & clean her room. Is this a bad habit ? My mom thinks it's nice of me , and my dad doesn't know. |
Question: Is this against the law what my teacher did? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 11:24 PM PST Okay, so today in class I was caught chewing gum and then my teacher she said "give me your backpack" and she took my whole pack of gum ripped it and threw it away. I paid money for that! Can she get arrested for this? Can I get her in trouble |
Question: How can I have a better relationship with my parents ? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:56 PM PST I've just been grounded for a month because every time I go out I am home a little bit past curfew and my mom says I "go out too much" except they always give me approval to go out. They put excessive pressure on me regarding school and don't realise that totally banning me from seeing my friends will make me upset and depressed and angry and will just make me worse... How can I communicate with them so they understand me ? (btw I have a super conservative asian mom) |
Question: How to tell if your parents are divorcing? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:19 PM PST My parents have been arguing lately. I asked my mom one day as a jokingly question saying "But you guys would never get a divorce right?" and she didn t want to say it. This really hurt me and I haven t told my brother yet because he is 10 and I am just a. few years older and it probably wouldn t make sense. I m really scared and worried and I try to listen into their conversations. I don t know what to do anymore. Does anyone know how to tell if they are divorcing? |
Question: Do my parents love my brother more? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:06 PM PST 1. whenever my brother does something wrong, they almost never yell at him unless its absolutely necessary. but when i do something very minor wrong, they will look for every excuse to yell at me. 2. My parents greet me my brother a lot more warmly than to me. 3. Sometimes my parents look for every reason to criticize me or pick a fight with me 4. Whenever i get into terrible fights with my parents, their moods are never ruined. When my brother get into dumb useless fights with my parents, their moods are ruined for the night. 5. My parents don't care for electronics that i want the most, they care more about what my brother wants. |
Question: If you were my parents what would you think is the best move for me to take? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:58 PM PST I cheat on my tests and anything school related because I go to school online. My parents don't care that I do so I need to ask you guys for advice. I want to go to a private ivy league college and I know that I can do better than this but I am lazy and impatient now. Last year as a freshman, I had a 3.78 gpa and went to regular high school. I now have a 3.1 gpa and go to school online. I left because I was bullied but now that I think about it, who wasn't? I was tired of being insecure for being skinny. I am now confident and now what I would like to do after high school. I want to become an architect, interior designer and a successful business owner. Last year I was accepted into all AP classes but this year I unexpectedly decided last minute to attend school online. I have been placed in all REGULAR classes for some reason. For my whole life until this year, I have alwys challenged myself and loved being in a competitive environment |
Question: Can a parent tell when his daughter secretly prefers not to be around him? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:41 PM PST |
Question: How do I break up my dad and his girlfriend? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:41 PM PST I NEED HELP!! My dad is dating someone who is literally evil. And I know a lot of people say that if he is happy to just leave it alone but she is so rude to me and my sister. She moved all her daughters stuff into my sisters room and all my sisters stuff into mine. She quit her job because she knows my dad will pay for her stuff anyway. She is always trying to one up me. She is always pushing my little sister to lose weight and teaching her about sex and stuff without my dad or my moms consent. MY SISTER IS ONLY 10 YEARS OLD!!! My dad pays for this house all by himself with no help from anyone and she has the audacity to lock him out of his own house and then got mad when he had to break into his own damn house. She yelled at my sister for putting her dog outside for trying to EAT HER ******* PET BIRD!!!!! She sleeps all day and doesn t take care of her kid and is always smoking in the house even when my dad tells her not to. I have tried to talk to my dad about it but he just tells her to stop. I don t even think that he likes her... It s just that my dad is too nice of a guy to throw an unemployed lady and her kid out onto the street. And to top it all of I think SHE IS CHEATING ON HIM WITH HER STEPBROTHER!! She was talking on the phone with him and I overheard him saying I miss cuddling you and I miss our late nights followed by giggles from the both of them!! Someone please help me because I don t know what else to do. |
Question: Don't wanna see my dad ever.? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:23 PM PST Hello. My mom has full custody over me and my dad says he has visitation rights. My mom and I live in indiana. He lives in California..... He got mad at me and stuff bc we don't get along and we butt heads a lot. He said I'm coming out there for spring and summer break and I told him no I'm not. I'm 14 boy . So since I'm old enough (14) to kind of have a say, Would I have to see him. He's an asshole. Any idea? Don't tell me to go to court . |
Question: 16 Years old and I ve never had my own room? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:23 PM PST I ve always had too share a room with my older sister (she is 18 now and im 16). I live in a home with only two bedrooms, one is for my parents and the other USED to be for me and my sister, until one day my mom agreed to my sisters request of having the room to herself. I had no say in the decision. So now I have to sleep in the living room where i have absolutely NO privacy. And a 16 year old needs privacy obviously. It really sucks, I wish I had the opportunity to call a room my own. |
Question: What's the point in anything? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:13 PM PST I'm 18, a senior in high school and I feel like I've had it with life. I'm fat, my parents are divorced, my dad doesn't like me, I'm failing my senior year, I don't even have a ******* car yet, let alone have no idea how I'm going to pay for a car and car insurance... Not to even mention how the hell in going to pay for college, which I'm practically being forced to go to by the government. I hate school. I hate being fat. I feel like I'm worthless. I mean, seriously, what's the point in living if we're all just going to ******* die in 70 years anyway. I hate my life. |
Question: Anyone else hate linda belcher from bobs burgers.? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:05 PM PST Linda annoys the **** outta me!! The BB episode, forcing people to participate, locking them in their rooms, she s always disrespecting bob in front of his kids, (bringing up his most embarrassing moments in front of the BB guests) forcing bob to do what she wants ALL THE TIME! no one else matters but linda. Her voice makes me wanna kill Fran Drescher (obviously not serious because I know how freaking sensitive people are) she s a useless pointless character! Like when her parents were swingers. It was her needs before everyone elses, "they re moving in and that s final, I won t have my parents involved in this" bob had no say. It s not funny it s just insulting. I m good with every other character, I just hate her. It d be better without her. All she does is make **** awkward for everyone else. Ok, end pregnancy rant. Oh! And she puts everyone else s needs before bob. Her sisters anus art, bobs dick head dad. Didn t care how upset it made bob, it made HER happy. God...worst character EVER |
Question: Is it time to go back to regular school or stay and force myself to try harder? Posted: 10 Feb 2016 09:04 PM PST I cheat on my tests, quizzes, assessments. I go to school online and I'm in tenth grade. I know that I am a better person deep down but I've gotten so lazy and impatient ever since ive started school online. I want to go to the private ivy league colleges but I'm only cheating myself. I have big dreams but I can't get myself to study hard everyday. I now have a 3.14 GPA and last year in regular school I had a 3.79.. The smart choice would be to go back but should I? I would then have to wake up and take the bus and sit in a class for hours and see people I would not prefer seeing and wear uniforms. I left because I was tired of being insecure of how I'm so skinny. I am now confident and I know what I want to do after high school and I have a fear that if I go back to regular school. , I would loose sight of what I truly want in life and start being insecure again. My parents are very easy going towards me. They don't care about my grades as long as its not failing. They really don't pay attention to whether I look up answers for school tests or not. They just do my attendance and then get on with whatever else they were doing. I used to like being in a competitive environment but now I think that's too stressful. |
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