Marriage & Divorce: Question: Should I sell my home or not? |
- Question: Should I sell my home or not?
- Question: Is it okay to pretend to be okay with my friend cheating on her boyfriend?
- Question: Can kids find out they were born because of an affair?
- Question: How do I get a guy who sees me as a friend to marry me?
- Question: How do I deal with parents who hate my husband & his family?
- Question: How badly did having kids ruin your sex life?
- Question: Do you feel your ex husband or wife is just a distant memory that you can't imagine ever being with them?
- Question: Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo, wat it dooooooo, little homies!!! Is it da time 2 git crunked ALL UP IN HURRRR? Wutz cracka lackin, cracka bìtches?!?
- Question: Asking out older married woman?
- Question: If you married a husband who did this would you be pissed off even if it is self defense?
- Question: Should I divorce my husband?
- Question: Is sex twice a week enough for men? I try and do it for my husband but wonder if it's enough?
- Question: Getting married soon he's my only lover the girls tell me to have a fling before to make sure he's the one?
- Question: How can I find an older, rich man?
- Question: What make a divorce invalid?
- Question: My divorce is not in my legal name. Am I legally divorce?
- Question: Do you have to get a divorce in a legal name?
- Question: I want to go on vacation with my husband but?
- Question: Our plumber asked me if I wanted sex to reduce the bill, he's a good looking guy and I said no, is this common?
- Question: Can you ever really trust your wife not to cheat?
- Question: Our divorce is not in our legal names, Is it null and void?
- Question: What should i get my boyfriend for our first year anniversery ?
- Question: I've dated a lot of married women you husbands have no clue what the little wife gets up to in the right hands?
- Question: If a man treated you like this when dating? Would you think he was dishonest/hiding something?
- Question: My best GF is cheating on her husband she tells me all the details and I am shocked at what goes on do I tell her to stop?
- Question: Why did Don Black marry the wife of his White Nationalist leader, David Duke?
- Question: My husband asked me to watch porn now he keeps asking about my previous lovers penis sizes?
- Question: My husband of 20 years has a collection of trophy crunchy old panties from his conquests before we married!?
- Question: What should a couple who both have divorced parents do to make sure they don't fall into their parent's footsteps?
- Question: Guys would you forgive your girlfriend if she did this?
- Question: Can you pretend your my wife and we can argue about money?
- Question: What would you do if your wife/husband said one of your parents names instead of yours while making love?
- Question: Wife held my erection and said 'it's never exactly been big as it?'?
- Question: Would I exist if my parents had never met...?
- Question: Married Young, throughout 10 years we grew... can it still be love?
- Question: Husband won't speak to me, it's been 2 weeks. We are still together but he's really mad at me and refuses to speak to me. What do I do?
- Question: My husband snatched my phone and saw my colleagues sexting of his erection haven't slept with him but he won't believe me?
- Question: How can I get my wife back?
- Question: Got a text from my husbands friends mom because they keep meddling in between our marriage and we cut ends with them. what do I do?
- Question: What can I do ?
- Question: Trouble with sex?
- Question: I want to marry but Ramadan is coming but I don't want to wait. Help?
- Question: A lady friend of the family who I never met before asked my husband if he had a brother as we ate dinner with some of my late dad's family?
- Question: Had a bawdy girls night out, manhood came up and I was shocked from what they said ...seems my BF has a tiny penis?
- Question: Had revenge sex after my husband cheated on me thought I would feel guilty but I really enjoyed it!?
- Question: My husband and I went to?
- Question: How do married people resist not having so many kids?
- Question: I have Divorcee Syndrome, I am enjoying it, but how long does it last?
- Question: Question for married 30-40 something year old women with kids. What do you do for fun?
- Question: Watched porn with my BF now I keep thinking of trying large penises he's tiny are they really better?
- Question: How long after my late husbands death can I take off my wedding ring?
- Question: Would it be crazy if I asked my husband's ex-girlfriend a question?
- Question: I run a at home daycare, my husband does insurance customer service and is offered to come home will this work?
- Question: I think my husband has a secret about himself or something?
- Question: I am looking for my husband LEAH CLEMENT?
- Question: Waking up easier?
- Question: Is it ok for my stay-at-home wife who takes care of our 3 kids to befriend a stay-at home dad with 2 kids?
- Question: Is one year to soon to renew wedding vows?
- Question: How do I handle my wife betraying my trust again?
Question: Should I sell my home or not? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:47 PM PDT My brother went through a bitter divorce several years ago, I helped him out for two years battling his ex-wife and her family so he would stay out of jail (his ex charged him with abuse when she was more abusive than him), and so she wouldn't get all his money in the divorce settlement. Now he is friendly with all his ex's family, including his ex-wife and stays at her apartment a few times a week, and tells me it's all water under the bridge, and now I am the bad guy because I refuse to speak to them and he says I'm mentally ill. We share a two family house and I want to sell it, I can't stand to look at his face anymore, he betrayed me. |
Question: Is it okay to pretend to be okay with my friend cheating on her boyfriend? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:28 PM PDT So my girlfriend comes over and she says she has some "tea" to share with me. I didn't think anything of it so i casually said, "do tell" and she tells me she's been hooking up with another guy and she also says he's the best sex she's ever had so she cant stop hooking up with him. As a friend i never been in this situation before, so i just encouraged her to keep doing it. I feel bad for her boyfriend though because he's really sweet and doesn't deserve this. But now is getting to the point i'm lying to her boyfriend and telling him she's hanging out with me when really they're hooking up. He almost caught me in a lie the other day because i told him she was out with me and he caught me at the mall by myself. I played it off by saying i lost her. I HATE lying. What do i do? As a friend do i keep encouraging this stank behavior? Update: She seems very pleased with my responses so im just trying to be a good friend. idk what to do :( |
Question: Can kids find out they were born because of an affair? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:17 PM PDT We don't intend to tell our kid this because we are biologically her parent. Years ago I slept with her mother when she was married to someone who used to live close by. We were caught cheating twice. The first time we were caught, one of his friend walked in on us while he was staying over. He told everyone. The affair ended for a while but we went back to it and this time she got pregnant. Her ex husband knew it wasn't his because they haven't had sex for very long time. We have a negative reputation and everyone knows about it. I get really nervous someone will open their mouths and tell our kid if we slip up. I didn't know her ex husband's friend was at home at the time. We assumed he went out with his buddy so we thought we were by ourselves. He's the reason everyone knows. |
Question: How do I get a guy who sees me as a friend to marry me? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:04 PM PDT |
Question: How do I deal with parents who hate my husband & his family? Posted: 08 May 2017 08:32 PM PDT My husband & i grew up together because our dads were very close friends. My husband had a drug problem that I didn't find out abt until we were together. He got locked up because of it & neither I, nor his dad told my dad or family. As a result my dad felt betrayed by his friend when he found out & by me & my husband because he had a 1 on 1 talk with him about "anything" he should know. Me & my husband separated due to the fallout that ensued, my frustration with how he handled the situation &, i moved home for various reasons w/ our 4 week old. I understood his right to privacy but I felt that he could have tried to do some damage control. He reached out to reconcile after 7 month, he's sober, he's in individual counseling, working, enrolled in university & we are in marriage counseling. The issue is that my parents hate him; think he'll just live off of me & his family & they essentially threatened to never speak to me again if I reconcile with him..counseling has enabled us to see where we both went wrong, forgive each other, & preserve our family. There was a lot of hurtful things done from each side but I'm ready to move on cautiously based on evidence-based actions that show me he's changing. Idk how to tell my parents without them hating me. My husband isn't perfect, but I meant my vows. I believe showing him compassion and care will help him more than condemning him as a liar, criminal, etc & nurturing the seeds of greatness i saw in him when i chose to marry him. |
Question: How badly did having kids ruin your sex life? Posted: 08 May 2017 08:32 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 08:29 PM PDT Assuming you don't have kids. My ex husband (separated 4.5 years ago and divorced 4 years ago) is like a stranger. I was looking at our wedding pics and I can't believe that event in my life ever happened. I never looked back. I would NOT have expected I'd feel this way. Do many other people have this same separation from their past? We were together for like 13 years total but only married for 1. |
Posted: 08 May 2017 08:14 PM PDT |
Question: Asking out older married woman? Posted: 08 May 2017 08:10 PM PDT A week ago i met my financial advisor for summer shes really beautiful and classy. The only problem is I'm 19 and she's 42 and married. Should i ask |
Question: If you married a husband who did this would you be pissed off even if it is self defense? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:37 PM PDT like if your son pushed him and he punched him really fast hard numerous times head and face or would you denie your husband did that how would you react to this not admit your husband did it would you lie to the authorities about this I dont have a son |
Question: Should I divorce my husband? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:35 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 07:26 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 07:10 PM PDT I do wonder what other men are like in bed but can't cheat They keep egging me on to try another before the wedding saying I'm niaive and will regret it later |
Question: How can I find an older, rich man? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:08 PM PDT |
Question: What make a divorce invalid? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:05 PM PDT |
Question: My divorce is not in my legal name. Am I legally divorce? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:04 PM PDT |
Question: Do you have to get a divorce in a legal name? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:01 PM PDT |
Question: I want to go on vacation with my husband but? Posted: 08 May 2017 06:58 PM PDT I'm afraid to fly. It isn't flying that scares me so much but the thought of radical islamic terror. It wasn't too long ago that someone from that terrorist group in Syria shot up an airport in South Florida. I was SOOO scared. I really want to go on vacation, but Im so afraid that something is going to happen and terrorists are going to do something. I know I shouldn't let this impact my life, but I'm just scared. How do I get passed this and enjoy my vacation with my husband? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 06:54 PM PDT Sexually I fancied him but would never cheat I was wondering if this goes on have any women fallen for this? |
Question: Can you ever really trust your wife not to cheat? Posted: 08 May 2017 06:50 PM PDT I read so many YA statements about married women whoring themselves it makes you wonder? Can you trust them... really? |
Question: Our divorce is not in our legal names, Is it null and void? Posted: 08 May 2017 06:47 PM PDT My divorce is not in our legal names. Is our divorce legal? Does a divorce have to be in legal names? |
Question: What should i get my boyfriend for our first year anniversery ? Posted: 08 May 2017 06:32 PM PDT I really want to make it special for him |
Posted: 08 May 2017 06:25 PM PDT I am single and would never marry I've had a lot of flings and these quiet housewives are tigers in my bed. Over the years I have been amazed at their lust and passion outside their marriage Never trust them guys!!! Never!! |
Posted: 08 May 2017 06:15 PM PDT I met a man at a party, hit it off and he invited me for dinner. Had a nice night..he asked me to tell him three things about myself so I told him I was single, never married no children and then told him more about my job. So I said, now it's your turn. So he told me all about his job/career and nothing else. He said nothing about his love life. We kept seeing each other but I kept it slow..just in case. On our 4th date I asked if he had children. He says, yes 2 adolescents. So I say 'Ah, you're divorced?' He replies: 'Separated and divorcing'. Then I say (feeling a bit put out and upset) 'Why didn't you tell me before?' He replies: ''Because you never asked me''. He tells me he's been separated a year and all because his wife cheated on him. Would you feel that he was being dishonest with you? Possibly not a good person? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 06:09 PM PDT She is seeing a guy who is 24 she is 38 they are screwing like high school kids at every opportunity her husband is an angel but is older and can't compete in bed with this guyHow can I get some sense into her when she is infatuated and in lust with the younger guy??? |
Question: Why did Don Black marry the wife of his White Nationalist leader, David Duke? Posted: 08 May 2017 05:52 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 05:24 PM PDT As we watched he says 'were they that big?' It's become an obsession with him. He knew I was promiscuous before we met and yes one guy was hung like a horse but it's none of his business and I can't see the value in telling him, not that it matters to me anyway after 15 years! |
Posted: 08 May 2017 05:19 PM PDT I found them in the shed and he refuses to dump them saying it was before my time, I am so angry with him this is weird? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 05:14 PM PDT I'm dating a girl I'm very much in love with right now. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. At the same time I'm super scared of marriage. I know most people are scared at some level, but I think my level of fear is significantly above the typical. My parents got divorced a little after I left high school, and even before then they didn't have a good relationship. For most of my life I've been a romantic skeptic. I've always considered romantic love the weakest form of love for many reasons, but largely because it's the kind of love that is the most un-unconditional. For the longest time I didn't want to get married or be in serious relationships because I was so terrified of them. That has obviously changed since, but I'm still scared. I know marriage will be harder for me than it would be for someone who had been in a home with happily married parents. My girlfriend's parents didn't have a happy marriage either, so that's doubly the case for us. I don't think it's impossible for us to happy relationship, but I do think it is important tor recognize it may be significantly harder many ways. What should a couple who both have divorced parents do to make sure they don't fall into their parent's footsteps? |
Question: Guys would you forgive your girlfriend if she did this? Posted: 08 May 2017 04:30 PM PDT You have a fight and she retaliates by going to visit a male friend of hers who lives out of state who is single that you've never met and stays at his place. She says he's a platonic friend and probably is in her eyes because he's a dork and very short but you can tell he has a thing for her and she does it to make you mad would you forgive her?. |
Question: Can you pretend your my wife and we can argue about money? Posted: 08 May 2017 04:05 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 03:48 PM PDT |
Question: HUSBAND AND ADULT KIDS THINK I"M A TERRIBLE PERSON? Posted: 08 May 2017 03:03 PM PDT I have been married 45yrs,my husband is a liar and a sneak,,,,,I am outspoken so when things are said to kids it's me who gets in the arguments while he sits quietly like he's the good guy.3yrs ago he spent $40,000 all of our savings never told me until I looked up our account.My son pretended like he was going to 2 semesters of college but didnt go,his dad has said nothing to him where as i'm angry that my son would do that,,,$20,000 down the drain not counting the $60,000 from the semester he did go.I had to set rules that my son will have to pay us back,his dad says nothing.My problem is I gave too much to all my kids and grandkids thinking I was helping but they don't care.We're stuck in this house together because of the loan on the house but I am heartbroken that for 40yrs I cared so much for my 3 kids and now they've turned on me.WHY???? |
Question: Wife held my erection and said 'it's never exactly been big as it?'? Posted: 08 May 2017 02:06 PM PDT This really upset me we have been married 11 years and I know from a third party that her ex had a huge penis, I am 6 inches erect and when I asked her what she meant she just said 'Nothing really I have handled bigger ones' I think this is a very callous thing to say to your husband Is she cheating? |
Question: Would I exist if my parents had never met...? Posted: 08 May 2017 01:22 PM PDT Would I be born to a different mother or father? |
Question: Married Young, throughout 10 years we grew... can it still be love? Posted: 08 May 2017 12:47 PM PDT My husband and I married when I was 19. he was 21, we had our first child 10 years later. We had a great 10 years. Now that I'm older I realize what I thought was love at age 19 was not love. I think we both came together because it was nice to have somebody, someone to be intimate and close with and that we were attracted to each other. I realized that over 10 years my husband and I grew closer and closer together and we fell more in what felt like love. Now that I'm realizing this does this make our marriage or love different or fake? because of how it started? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 12:44 PM PDT My husband and I got into a huge fight a couple weeks ago. I've been feeling unappreciated lately and I'll admit I caused the fight for no reason and threatened him that I was going to leave him, but I had no intention of ever leaving. When he found out I had no intention of leaving and that I said what I said to test him he got REALLY angry at me and was screaming at me and cursing and calling me names. I got really upset at the name calling and I told him that but he said he doesn't care. I've been trying to fix things cus I realize it's my fault I started the fight cus I was feeling insecure and I know it was all in my head but I'm also mad at him for the way he reacted. He was screaming at the top of his lungs calling me all sorts of names and swearing. I told him he needs to apologize for that and he said he is not apologizing because he meant what he said because what I did was really crappy. He hasn't spoken to me since this happened 2 weeks ago.. but he also screwed up by snapping the way he did. He should have known I was only joking instead of calling me all sorts of bad names. I'm willing to forgive him but I also think he should apologize. I don't know if he will speak to me or when but I really think he should get over it because his reaction cancels out what I did. I don't know what else to think? What can I do at this point? I love him I never meant what I said and I had no intention of ever leaving him. he said he won't speak to me because he's really mad at me for what I did and needs time to think about what happened and what he wants. he said he refuses to talk until he's 100% over it because he doesn't watn to say something he doesn't mean and he's not sure how he feels right now |
Posted: 08 May 2017 12:40 PM PDT I flirted with the guy at work and really that is all, he sent me some lurid texts but that's it, I should not have encouraged him then he sent me a sext if his erection my husband saw the look on my face grabbed the phone and now is talking duvorce but I didn't do anything how can I convince him??? |
Question: How can I get my wife back? Posted: 08 May 2017 12:35 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 12:01 PM PDT I dont have a block button they have an android phone I have an iPhone.. |
Posted: 08 May 2017 11:29 AM PDT I want to move out of state with my child . My husband is emotionally and verbally abusive to me infront of our 5 month old daughter . I want to move to Florida with my daughter and stay with my mother. Down there I can go back to school and work towards my diploma/GED. I can go to college and get a really good job for my daughter and I. I m her primary care giver , he never helps out with her. Yes he is the one working , but that s because I can t find a good babysit that I can trust. What do I need to do to do this ? Will it affect my chances on getting sole custody If I up and leave ? I have proof that he smokes (weed) and is verbally abusive (such as voicemails) .. please help me I want out ! |
Posted: 08 May 2017 11:16 AM PDT We have been trying to conceive. Even when it's not her fertile days, I experience ED. I can go 2 days without sex and then sometimes when I try, I become soft and can't finish which leaves me frustrated. My wife will then roll over and become cold. Tell me not to touch her and leave her alone... I then feel inadequate. I'm worried something is wrong with me. The fertility specialist has me increasing my antioxidants (Vitamin e and c, 4 cups of tea and 3 cups of orange juice) daily. I eat only fruit, vegetables and some meat. I cut out fats, processed food and extra sugar. I just started swimming to lose some weight and get in shape. My blood test results are all normal and only my sperm morphology has a problem. I'm 33 and can't work out why every second or third try at sex is causing me to lose my erection and inability to orgasm. I can orgasm through masturbation although sometimes that's even hard and takes a while to finish. What's wrong with me? |
Question: I want to marry but Ramadan is coming but I don't want to wait. Help? Posted: 08 May 2017 11:03 AM PDT Could we get married at Ramadan and just break fast with everyone at the masjid? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 10:47 AM PDT My husband and I went to dinner with some of my relatives on my late father's side of the family and there were a few unfamiliar faces I've never met before. As my husband and I sat down for dinner and conversed amongst the group this young lady who sat on the other side of my husband inquired on rather or not if he had a brother. I took it as though she was trying to tell my husband how attractive she thought he was. He mentioned it to me and it kind of bothered me but I didn't react. What was more interesting is how the question was asked after I got up to take my newborn to the restroom to change his diaper. Also as we were leaving after dinner my late cousin's widow made her way to the exit door where my husband was sitting alone with out newborn waiting for me she walked over there for small talk and proceeded to give him a hug. Are these women inappropriate? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 10:39 AM PDT We all giggled and one by one we said how big our BFs were I was shocked when they said 6 inches 7 inches 5 inches 8 inches I lied and said 6 inches because he is barely 3 inches hard. I went to a girls Catholic school and this is the only guy I have been with. I started reading here and it says 5.5 is average, his isn't 3 and I have never felt full when we have I missing out?? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 09:58 AM PDT Never ever thought I could do it, but after he went with a younger woman I went straight out and met a guy at the local golf resort I was nervous hadn't dated for twenty years Even had to put make up on the white skin where my wedding ring had been It was so nice to feel wanted and desired by a very fit younger guy It was a bit awkward stripping off in front of a stranger but he was all over me. I stayed overnight at his apt and we had sex many times. I always thought the guilt would start later but it hasn't I feel euphoric. Any other woman found this ? |
Question: My husband and I went to? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:41 AM PDT |
Question: How do married people resist not having so many kids? Posted: 08 May 2017 09:10 AM PDT when unprotected sex is just so amazing, u just gotta have some of it once in a while. If i were married to someone im completely head over heels in love with, i would have probably 5 children. Chris, contraceptive pills and sterilization/surgery is not a common thing. Its not something that people just play around with or take like bubble gum. Use your brain Chris, do you realize long term usage of contraceptive pills cause hormonal imbalances, cancer, all types of diseases? Its not tic tacs you're taking. Contraceptive pills aren't commonly taken by married people. They are taken by single or dating people who are desperate for sex. |
Question: I have Divorcee Syndrome, I am enjoying it, but how long does it last? Posted: 08 May 2017 08:02 AM PDT Been divorced 7 months now, my counselor said I have Divorcee Syndrome I (apparently) am emotionally abandoning my ex by having one night stands with strangers. I went wild when we split he had been my first and only lover, when he cheated I went straight out and had sex with a businessman at a hotel downtown. It was amazing to be lusted after and wanted. Since then I have had 5 different guys ( one twice because he was so good in bed) tried to keep names out of it just lust and fvcking. Counselor says it grows my self esteem back but usually it stops after a while and you seek a new relationship But I can't stop! It's so exciting! Any otherdivorcees out there found this? |
Question: Question for married 30-40 something year old women with kids. What do you do for fun? Posted: 08 May 2017 07:58 AM PDT What do you do for fun that is just for you? My husband has several outlets for fun. Golf, softball, occasional hunting or fishing. All good clean fun (not at the bar with his buddies) I'm happy for him, but a little jealous because none of my girlfriends do anything fun without their kids. Even when I try to suggest all going out to eat, everyone is busy with kids or work. My kids are a little older now and I don't really need a sitter anymore, but now there's nothing to go do! Any suggestions? Edit: I'm specifically looking for something to do with other people. Not scrap booking or gardening. I guess the main point of my question is, any suggestions for finding people to do stuff WITH when all your friends seem jammed up with work and kids. |
Posted: 08 May 2017 05:47 AM PDT |
Question: How long after my late husbands death can I take off my wedding ring? Posted: 08 May 2017 05:21 AM PDT I'm 32 years old and 3 years ago my husband died. It's been a few rough years to say the least. At first I just couldn't accept it. The cruel but simple fact was that he was dead. After a year of grief a good friends told me: "You can twist it however you want but the fact is that he is gone and is not coming back. The world keeps on turning and at some point life has to go on. It will be a long and even more difficult journey if you don't move on". So I have tried to move on. I've been on a couple of dates. I was on a date the other day. I'm meeting him again later this week. He asked me about my wedding ring, which really stuck to me. I understand that it sends the wrong signals on a date. However I do not know if I want to take it off yet. Is that weird? How might my date take it if I don't take it off? |
Question: Would it be crazy if I asked my husband's ex-girlfriend a question? Posted: 08 May 2017 05:20 AM PDT My husband is treating me like a **** and I don't know who he really is and think he has some secrets so I want to ask his girlfriend a question and see how he treated her so I could know who he really is? |
Posted: 08 May 2017 05:17 AM PDT I run a at home daycare, my husband does insurance customer service and is on the phone answering calls all day. He was offered to leave the office and work from home, will this work? It will save us lots of money, thought about making our attached garage office space so it s more seperated and quiet. It s my own daughter I worry about, we just really want to make thus work, and worry of jeopardizing his job. |
Question: I think my husband has a secret about himself or something? Posted: 08 May 2017 05:16 AM PDT |
Question: I am looking for my husband LEAH CLEMENT? Posted: 08 May 2017 04:57 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 May 2017 04:55 AM PDT For years I've had to wake my husband up in the mornings. It's hard for him to get up to the alarms, even the sonic boom one we bought. I can try for a good hour almost two hours trying to get him up but he says he wakes up more tired when I try to do that. I need to figure out what I can do to get him up the first time, allowing him to sleep for another 5-10 minutes before he really needs to get up. I need help! |
Posted: 08 May 2017 02:47 AM PDT |
Question: Is one year to soon to renew wedding vows? Posted: 08 May 2017 01:54 AM PDT My husband and I got married in a courthouse. We are wanting to renew our vows on our one year anniversary. We got married because the stress of planning the perfect wedding that we cannot afford was getting to it. I feel like we just got caught up into it and just want to really take a moment to look at the cow and our commitment to each other do you think it s too soon? |
Question: How do I handle my wife betraying my trust again? Posted: 07 May 2017 11:05 PM PDT So 5 and a half years ago my wife cheated on me with a guy that went to class with her in high school while we were dating and engaged. I caught her a few times sexting him during the early stages but I blew it off when she said there was nothing else going on and she would stop. She had been sleeping with him continually for about ten months and then they resorted to texting and only hanging out a few times when our daughter was born at the end of 2012. I ll add that she was still sleeping with him when she knew she was pregnant with my daughter. I always knew she had a thing for him but I never knew it went this far. I found out about all of this a year ago when she admitted (after trying to lie) she was on her knees with him in his house while on a visit home. During the resulting conversation she tried to lie about what happened 5 years ago, how many times it happened and whether they were still talking. She said they slept together once but it was actually 15 times over 10 months. They ve also basically been talking continuously for the past 6 years. We had a lot of long conversations about my feelings and how she regretted her actions and regretted lying to me. She promised she would block him on social media and never talk to him again. Against my better judgement I moved on for the most part. Continued from original post: However, I found out recently that they have had several text conversations since September, she friended him on Facebook, had him block me, and had a nice conversation on the phone late at night as soon as I leave for work while she's laying in bed saying who knows what to him. She doesn't know that I know. I know that I'm going to confront her, I want to know when the best time is. Should I wait until we visit home next month for her high school reunion (where he will be) to see if she tries anything or should I do it now? Keep in mind that we've talked about this thoroughly and I've given her several chances to not talk to him and make amends with me. It's hard to keep it to myself but I feel like there might be a better opportunity later to put the nail in the coffin when there is better evidence |
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