Marriage & Divorce: Question: Why would my husband of 19years start crying after sex?? He s never done this!! We are stressed and have much going on but he s not a cryer.? |
- Question: Why would my husband of 19years start crying after sex?? He s never done this!! We are stressed and have much going on but he s not a cryer.?
- Question: My boss and I are sexually attracted to one another and I am married. How doI get over this?
- Question: My wife and I got into a fight because I said she should be more like her sister?
- Question: My husband was a heroin addict for 15 years. Both his parents died in accident and promised them he will get clean. He went to a rehab.?
- Question: How to fix problem on one of yahoo answers sections, some level 7 troll deliberately moves random questions to other sections?
- Question: Do you believe that marriage is supposed to be serious and taken seriously?
- Question: What are the most common insults that people hear from their spouse? What do they mean to them when they say it? Why do you condemn insults?
- Question: Respect, humility, modesty, manners, etiquette, professionalism, and politeness. Are there any other marriage things I need to avoid?
- Question: Weird Headache From Subway?
- Question: My wife and I are starting a discussion that we should have had before marriage and having children. Any best practices you can offer me?
- Question: If I was willing to change and give my wife only 1 of these 2 things which is more important - Accepting her as is or complaining less? Why?
- Question: My wife & I just can't seem to get this anti-social (off the mainstream) marriage to work. How do I approach her to tell her to be "normal"?
- Question: Found out my husband has taken nude photos of me for years and I am not sure how to proceed?
- Question: My neighbors are dog sitting.....the lady has been walking down to my place and has allowed the doggy to poo where my kids play?
- Question: Guys please answer, why do you avoid eye contact with a girl?
- Question: If you have SSI Can you Get Married ?
- Question: Is it not possible to have both?
- Question: How do you keep wife occupied so she isn't bothering you during Super Bowl?
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:20 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:05 PM PST I just started a new job and when my boss was first introduced t me, it was almost awkward how he looked at me. He is extremely attractive but i hid my attracfion in front of my manager. Now, when we have to meet, it is very intnse. He looks very intently at me, sometimes looks a few seconds foo long. His hands quiver and he seems nervous. He is a new attorney and told me that he hopes to learn a lot from me. He is definitely younger than I am. I believe he thinks I am younger than my 36 years. I am married to a man who drinks too much and is not able to satisfy me. He is also very negative, angry and just negative. I have tried to get him to get help but he ignores it and blows me off.Now, i find myself fantasizing about this younger hot, white guy who seems to be infatuated with me. I dont know if its because I am black with a certain figure and he has interracial fantasies. I dont want to lose my job or do somwthing wrong but i cannot help this attraction. What to do? |
Question: My wife and I got into a fight because I said she should be more like her sister? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 07:53 PM PST I know it's bad to make comparisons between women. It's worse because I think her sister is attractive because well she looks a lot like my wife and their personalities in some ways are similar. Her husband and I are close friends. Here is the issue I have. Her sister goes out of her way to do nice things for her husband and my wife has hardly ever done that in the last two years. Like one time I was over and he asked her to get her a beer and she said sure honey and just got up and did it and offered me one. If I try the same in my house, she'd tell me I'm not her slave and to do it myself. So I asked her sister if she minded doing that and she said no, I mean if I didn't feel like getting it, I'd tell him. But most of the time, I don't mind doing stuff for him because everything I give, he gives back to me. Sometimes it's in big ways and sometimes it's little things like turning on the coffee pot in the morning so it's ready when I wake up. She's gracious whenever he does something for her. No matter what I do whether it's open a door for my wife or cook for her, she never says thank you and she acts like if I ask her to do anything it's a chore and I'm so tired of doing my part in our marriage when she doesn't. The only time I've seen my sister in law and her husband fight, they argued but they didn't raise their voice or swear whereas my wife has screamed at me and cursed me out in public multiple times and I don't do that to her. How can I get her to change? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 07:48 PM PST He has been clean for 4 years in Jan but this pass year he can't sleep and he has gained so much weight and he is irritable and always wants to keep busy and only sleeps less than 4 or 5 hrs and then he has do much fatigue at work. When he sleeps his hands are wondering hid legs are shaky and he has something to drink near by every night and he has running nose every night. Can he possibly be using again? He swears he hasn't touched it since his parents died. And, he said he will never hurt me and the kids again. I ask him to do a drug test for me since I am insecure but he says no that he doesn't have to prove anything. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:58 PM PST On yahoo answers marriage & divorce, there seems to be a level 7 user who has the ability to move questions from other sections to marriage & divorce. This user continues to move questions from pets, women's health, iphones, or any random section onto marriage & divorce. Many users are frustrated with this immaturity. All I am asking is what can I do at my part? Is there a way I can figure out who this level 7 user is and block them? I should also point out that EVERYDAY this happens. Starting from morning to late evenings, someone continues to move questions around. How do you stop this person? I think that user just answered my question with one of her troll accounts "latonya." |
Question: Do you believe that marriage is supposed to be serious and taken seriously? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 03:55 PM PST I was going to put a picture of the Joker with "Why so serious" but I figure that's been way over done. Talking with many of you online, I can't help but wonder what kind of marriage you have with your spouse. While many of you pity my wife for my arrogance, disrespect, and my lack of self restraint; I pity your spouses for your uptightness, concern for moral righteousness, and your lack of playfulness and ability to "chill". Honestly, if marriage was like a business, I would have never got married. I'm going to step out for a bit, if you see this in any section other than Marriage & Divorce, can you move it back for me? K, thx ^_^ |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 01:53 PM PST We all have feelings. Each and every one of us. But if we followed social norms, we would have to push those feelings deep inside ourselves and use a calm, rational voice to express these feelings in some kind of robotic verbiage that would sound like a research paper or a college essay. I'm sorry, but humans didn't evolve to have our feelings pushed down like this; we evolved to learn and speak a language so we can describe precisely how someone is acting through our perspective. We have a colorful language palette, even if we never cuss! Yet, here we are with our I statements, our mental disorder diagnosis to tip toe around, and our modestly hidden egos.... I seriously don't buy it that it feels "satisfying" when you have someone give you face service like this. Why would we want someone to be "proper" to us? So they can save face through their anger? Because psychology says that we have to show respect and courtesy when talking? ....In other news, study just came out saying that fewer than half of 100 psychology studies gave the same results as the initial study. And here you are basing your entire social life around a social science that can't even properly fit people into neat little binto boxes? Explain to me again why we trust psychology at this question: Examples of insults that I think are good - Shoehead, angry panda, Wednesday (from Addam's Family), butt face, face butt, poop brain, etc. Examples of insults that I think are terrible - a**hole, d**khead, b*tch, prick, d*ldo, cu*t, p*ssy, etc........ Seriously, THIS is the reason why I find these forums interesting. You all let go of your childhood and "became an adult" but why? Have you REALLY benefited from adulthood and "Maturing"? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 12:29 PM PST I am none of those things. I don't live life based on a list of rules to standardize my marriage, communication, or my self. You can argue with me until the next meteor does a near miss to the Earth, but it doesn't matter, I don't value any of those things up there. This is probably why you either love me or you hate me. And I'm fine with that. I'm not here to play by the rules of social norms and have taboos I can't discuss. I'm not a sociopath, I'm not a psychopath, I'm not a narcissist, I'm not bipolar, I'm not a misogynist, and I'm not a loser. I just don't care about the pro-social rules that some of you play by. So what other social construct do you and your spouse play to make sure that you and your spouse are held accountable for the same methods of communication? And how do you hold them accountable when they decide to forego these rules like "disrespect" or "dishonesty" or "egotistical" or "arrogant" or "slutty" or "rude"? What if they decided to be this way all the time and it became a part of them and they decided "I don't give a crap about these stupid rules" and they just did what they wanted and cared very little about the rules of communication and more about being a real, raw person? What would you do? Let's face it, the reason some of you don't like me is because I'm not fearful of what would happen breaking social norms. And the ones that don't feel this way are the Authoritarians who make sure EVERYONE is following these social norms. I know who's who. @Bentley - Don't answer my questions if you're going to have me blocked. |
Question: Weird Headache From Subway? Posted: 09 Feb 2016 07:17 AM PST I knew I would be crunched for time, so at around 7 this morning I went and got a steak and cheese sub from subway. When I got home, I cut it into fourths and got a piece. I nibbled on it while I completed some online assignments and suddenly my head started to hurt so bad. I figured it was just a random headache so I laid down for about a half hour. So, fast forward to 9:50. I wake up, still feeling a bit empty. I went to get another bit of my sub. My head hurts so bad! It's weird. Any idea what's going on? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 06:50 AM PST I know most of you are going to disagree with me when I say this (because that's what some of you ladies do best, is argue) but I love my wife 100 percent unconditionally. No matter how good or bad she treats me, no matter how hard or easy it is to communicate with her, no matter how pleasurable or miserable I am, I will always love my wife with my whole heart. So I'm confident we can work this out WITHOUT counseling. (Remember, love is one of those words that can hold MANY meanings, so my definition of love will probably NOT coincide with yours.) But despite us loving each other, we don't really act like it, do we? I didn't know why this was, but then it hit me like a rock this morning (and I opened a discussion with my wife already about it) - we are walking aimlessly through life without a dream/purpose. We are quite literally, living for the sake of not dying. Our existential enlightenments have contributed to us realizing just how pointless life really is, and we haven't really given it much thought on how we are going to give purpose to our life beyond surviving. My wife did kind of have an idea on what she wanted though, she said her purpose is to be the best she can be. I told her to think about that. How do you know when you're the best? How do you know when you've succeeded? A dream without measurements is an uphill battle and a waste of resources. We are discussing our purposes this week, but what's a best practice to resolving differences should we have any? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 11:33 AM PST Answering both is a violation of the Q&A format. I gave a choice between two, I need you to choose one and explain WHY it is more important than the other if ONLY one was to be offered. Currently I do not accept her as is. She plays victim and acts like she has no money. I want her to change and at least have a better grasp of reality - she is NOT a victim and we DO have money (just not right now due to medical bills, which will be paid off by June). Currently I do complain a lot. Since I'm tired of her constantly playing the victim card, I get tired of her blaming me for her problems. So I complain to offload the stress since exercising isn't an option at the moment (no money for the gym and working out at home is like trying to read a book at a live concert). I can see the benefits of both, but which one really is the greater value for my wife? If I accept her, I'd still find things to complain about (life sucks); if I stop complaining, I would still resent her for not being more in line with the girl of my dreams (I've become the guy of her dreams - long hair and all). So what would you answer and why? ***Completely forgoing the dichotomy and saying "love and respect" is just a cop out. Why? Because this my wife and I both are not capable of love and respect. So give me something I can actually use; like these two things I'm presenting in this question.*** MIND YOU WHILE ANSWERING --- MY WIFE DOES NOT ACCEPT ME AS IS AND SHE COMPLAINS --- THIS WOULD ONLY BE A PRIVILEGE TO HER AND SHE WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO DENY/REJECT ME AND COMPLAIN TO ME. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:47 AM PST How was the Super Bowl yesterday? You enjoy it? How was the party? Fun? Kids have a good time hanging out with their cousins/friends? Great, great, sounds great. Enjoy those hot babe and funny commercials? Sure you did. And that half-time show with glamorous/sexy stars, were they excellent? Sweet. Glad you had a good time. I'm not a sports watcher or follower though; so yesterday was all about "family" like any other day. Meanwhile, every guy around me identifies with their favorite teams/hobbies, and the women aren't allowed to have friends that are guys, so yeah, I'm kind of an outcast. I can't even relate to my wife (she's a loner by choice)... This just isn't functional, is it? My wife and I have been living off the beaten path for a while now. We watch anime, play video games, we aren't "oppressed" by norms or gender roles, and we don't do ANYTHING American (except fake it so we can get the benefits). I used to be proud of this, but the older I get, the harder it is to stay relevant. And my kids are suffering from this anti-social lifestyle too. My son isn't allowed to play M rated video games and his peers (he's 13) are all playing serial killer and army "kill Islam" simulators. My daughter isn't allowed to watch TV, so all that fashion stuff isn't in her life to make her dress and act like her peers. While I think we're better off without it, they are outcasts like us... How do I tell her this anti-social life just isn't working for anyone else but maybe her? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:45 AM PST I went to use our computer and I noticed a file listed as Favorites that I hadn't seen before. We don't have secrets from each other, or so I thought. I clicked on it and I found nude pictures of me showering, sleeping (he took pics when I was in a deep sleep, but not nudes) and nudes of us having sex together. They were all cataloged with the dates we had sex together. I didn't think he was capable of doing this. He has such a "nice guy" demeanor. He is always helpful around the house, does chores. He doesn't drink or smoke. He works hard. I am stunned. It's like I am living with two different people. Now I wonder if any of these nude photos have made it onto the internet. I am scared to confront him because maybe he has these nude photos on a hidden flash drive or something and I will never find the flash drives and who knows what he will do with them. Sorry, my mind is on overdrive at this moment. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:29 AM PST Was it wrong of me to take all those turds on a shovel and fling the $h!t into her yard? The worst part about it is that when my kids and I were playing in the snow fort, I seen her standing behind my car with this stupid mutt and then she yelled at it saying, "Come on! Let's go." and she turned around and kinda started running......I was like, "Wtf, lady?" One night I was out back smoking and she walks this dog by where we set out garbage cans and she says, "No not there again." This WHOLE time I thought is was the old guy across the way. When I saw it was her, I felt burned. Right or wrong, I helped her son after he almost ripped his arm off in a saw at work. Gave him a blend of castor oil and nerve repair, pain relief essential oils and help him heal double time. Whatever.....I just thought she'd have a bit more respect for my place. I probably shouldn't be like this, but I felt good about shoveling those turds back in her yard, in broad daylight. I'll say something to her next time. |
Question: Guys please answer, why do you avoid eye contact with a girl? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:11 AM PST There is this guy in my workplace I like and he avoids eye contact with me whenever we come across. Like, as soon as we come across, he turns away his face or immediately looks down. What does it means ? Why would a guy do this ? |
Question: If you have SSI Can you Get Married ? Posted: 07 Feb 2016 09:40 PM PST |
Question: Is it not possible to have both? Posted: 07 Feb 2016 09:30 PM PST I have had the worst luck when it comes to love - I have had 2 serious failed relationships 1st one he cheated & the other our parents simply didn't like the fact we wanted to be together for various reasons - he said family was important to him and due to our families not liking each other...things ended. I have a fabulous career, I love what I do & I'm proud of myself in that aspect. I've been told before (by friends) that maybe I wasn't meant to have love and a great career. I'm starting to feel like it's true...does anyone ever feel this way? |
Question: How do you keep wife occupied so she isn't bothering you during Super Bowl? Posted: 07 Feb 2016 01:10 PM PST |
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