Marriage & Divorce: Question: Please help does he find me attractive anymore? |
- Question: Please help does he find me attractive anymore?
- Question: Why is everyone so offended that I don't want to get married?
- Question: Why is my Dad so paranoid about my mom cheating?
- Question: Is It Wrong to Pay This for an Ex, if I Am Married Now?
- Question: Husband's sister just calls him or texts him when she needs something and I point it out to my husband and he gets mad at me. Need advice?
- Question: Where can you get married in mississippi immediately before waiting for license approval?
- Question: Can i marry same day as we fill out marriage license in mississippi?
- Question: Relationship Advice Please- Found husband's profile on a cheating site!?
- Question: Still Okay with Same-Sex Marriage?
- Question: I dont want my mom to marry him what should i do i dont kno how?
- Question: What can I do when I hate my husband's son?
- Question: Husband's sister is asking him to add her new car in his car insurance and add her as the driver. Do or dont?
- Question: Is this Domestic Abuse?
- Question: My husband put on our divorce papers that he wants 50/50 custody of our son. When i files my response papers i put i want sole custody.?
- Question: Do you ever forget friends when you get married ? Stop seeing them?
- Question: Is it a good idea to share each other's passwords in a marriage?
- Question: My ex girlfriend has started talking to make 2 years after we broke up. What should I say to her if I want our relationship back?
- Question: Are all attractive people bad spouse material?
- Question: Why i never fight with my man and we've been together 8 years?
- Question: How to obtain marriage license at 17?
- Question: My wife cries and because I don't let her go out by herself. Should I reconsider?
- Question: Hi my husband cheated me by not telling his previous marriage ? What should i do?
- Question: How do I access divorce records in California without giving out my credit information?
- Question: Can anyone help me to raise the money for holiday please?? want to make surprise to my husband as we never had honeymoon holiday :(?
- Question: I think my wife is going through a mid life crisis,with all of the shenanigans she pulled this month?
- Question: My husband is texting a college girl he works with. Should I be concerned?
- Question: Valentine's night or bust?
- Question: Are you afraid that your loved one will someday leave and hurt you badly?
- Question: Can anyone tell me why it would be a turn on for some men to see their women with another man?
- Question: Why do studies recommend that children are best raised when both couples are married, in comparison to not being married?
- Question: Why would a married man stalk his ex with his kids in the car?
- Question: How can I make my husband see the seriousness of our situation?
- Question: Do you think marriage is boring?
- Question: In the long term, are most men and women sexually incompatible? (as in, we don't want it every single day, but they do?)?
- Question: I asked my wife a question how she would spend her time if she wasn't burdened with responsibilities. Please help me understand her reply?
- Question: Is it fair to ask this from my husband?
- Question: Does having sex at a young age, screw people up mentally as they get older ?
- Question: Does a relationship really ends when one or both find someone else?
- Question: Ladies how would you like your man to tell you to stop mothering him?
- Question: Got any advice for the cons of my marriage?
- Question: Ive been married her mid to my wife for ten years shes a overall good person, shs a people person who likes to go out and be happy,?
- Question: Relationship help please. ..what do you think would be best ?
- Question: In sickness and in health doesn't include in ignorance now does it?
- Question: What to do? Life?
Question: Please help does he find me attractive anymore? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 09:40 PM PST Help me please my husband use to love going out every night & he loved showing me off he couldnt keep his hands off me but now after years together & kids he doesn t want to do anything but sit home & he keeps to himself just watching tv playing apps on his phone his sex drives not What it used to be & I can t seem to get his attention even when I wear sexy things I went out & purchased a negligee with matching panties & he didn t even notice me does this mean he doesn t find me attractive anymore or does it mean that he s just getting older & prefers to unwind at home quietly doing his own thing but why doesn t he notice me why is our sex lives diminishing I don t think hes cheating he doesn t have time to |
Question: Why is everyone so offended that I don't want to get married? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 09:26 PM PST I am a 20 year old guy, and well I live a rather unusual life for today's time. I don't drink alcohol, coffee, I don't smoke, I don't do any kinds of drugs, I don't masturbate... And one thing I really hate is when someone thinks they know my future better than I do, and they keep talking about it. So yesterday, my parents invited me to a family dinner. Everyone was there basically, my parents, my brother, and both Grandparents. And, they brought up marriage and asked me if I plan on getting married to which I said no. They didn't even bother asking why, but they immediately started saying things like "You will get married, you just have to meet the right girl.". Not once, but that was the subject for more than 10 minutes. Basically that I will want to get married sooner or later and I can't do anything about it. It got me to a point where I stood up and told them that "I'd rather cut my own dick off and live alone for the rest of my life, get that?" and I went home. Now, my dad's really upset. He's "What was I working for all my life and building this house if you don't want to have kids and pass it on" which is ridiculous since all my brother ever says is how he can't wait to reach an older age and finally get married and have kids and stuff. I just don't get why does it matter so much that I don't want any of that? |
Question: Why is my Dad so paranoid about my mom cheating? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 09:18 PM PST My dad has been going through depression since my sister and his dad died... Ever since he's been really paranoid about my mom cheating I've heard them arguing over it... When she's at work he'll call asking where she's at, I don't know why he's so paranoid about it? My mom will tell him that he's not and he will accept it but still be worried. I'm scared for my parents marriage because I don't want them to get divorced. What do I do? Not to mention, this has been going on for 3 years. |
Question: Is It Wrong to Pay This for an Ex, if I Am Married Now? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:46 PM PST My husband and I have been married for a few years and were together about 3 years prior to that. Before I got with my husband I was head over heels in love with my ex who I dated through my last two years of college. Unfortunately my ex and I ended our relationship over a lot of drama, and my now husband came along about 6 months after we ended it. I really loved my ex and thought we would marry. Anyway, after my ex broke my heart my husband came along and we've been going strong every since. I love my husband, but I honestly do think about my ex from time to time--sometimes I even cry that we ended it. I have only heard from him once since i've been with my husband...and it was back when we were engaged. He told me he'd been thinking about me and I told him I was engaged, the conversation ended, and i've never heard from him again--I didn't even save his number because I knew it would mean trouble. Recently he crossed my mind yet again and I googled him. I found some minor information that showed me he's living in another state, but I have the option of getting a report with much more detailed information, but I have to pay for it. My question is, is it wrong for me to pay for this report to find out more about him? I don't plan to do anything with the information and I definitely don't plan to cheat on my husband...I just want to know. Any opinions? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:44 PM PST For example only when she needs him to co-sign an apartment, car or when she has problems. It really bothers me cause she just uses him and then doesn't even call or text him to see how he is doing or her 2 little nephews. She hasn't even made an effort to give my sons their christmas gifts when her kids already got their presents from us. My husband says that it doesn't affect him so why should it affect me. He says he likes helping others without anything in return. |
Question: Where can you get married in mississippi immediately before waiting for license approval? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:40 PM PST |
Question: Can i marry same day as we fill out marriage license in mississippi? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 08:35 PM PST |
Question: Relationship Advice Please- Found husband's profile on a cheating site!? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:27 PM PST A little background.....we've been married for 11 years and have two children. He works away from home usually anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months at a time. It's hard but I've gotten better with it. I just ask that he keeps in touch as much as he can. He works with a group of other men some single some not. Last night a friend sent me his picture on a website called cheatinghookup. I went to the site and was able to guess his password. There weren't any messages between him and anyone and he didn't have any buddies as they call it. When I confronted him about it, he acted like it wasn't a big deal. He said he was bored and knew that the site was a scam and just signed up because it was funny. I don't see it as funny. At all. I can't help but wonder what intentions were there. I don't want to end our long relationship over this but I don't know how to move on from here. He's not had any indiscretions in the past. I don't want to let this go and give him permission to hurt me in the future. As a side note: I've always tried to keep things interesting with us, even with the distance. |
Question: Still Okay with Same-Sex Marriage? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:13 PM PST I hopefully am not offending anyone by this. To not offend anyone, i will NOT state whether i have a religion or not, or if I'm pro- same sex marriage or Against. Are you for or against same-sex marriage? What religion are you? EXAMPLE: Christian - For Marriage EXAMPLE: Atheist - Against Marriage |
Question: I dont want my mom to marry him what should i do i dont kno how? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:10 PM PST I dont want my mom to marry him what should i do i dont kno how to tell her that thou |
Question: What can I do when I hate my husband's son? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:08 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:57 PM PST She told my husband that she cant get insurance under her name because she is a registered volunteer. What does that even mean? |
Question: Is this Domestic Abuse? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:52 PM PST I am going to be as thorough and honest as possible so you can evaluate this correctly. I cheated on my boyfriend (of 5 years) 8 months ago. In another relationship b/c my bf & I couldn't stop fighting. I ended the relationship w/ the other person when the drama was too overwhelming. My bf and I worked things out. 7 months later my bf and I get married. I have been loyal. Nothing unhealthy occurring besides me hitting him about a month or so ago, I have no excuse for doing that, I was on my period, I was taking double shifts all week, I was very upset that he turned off the alarm and tried to skip out on getting up to take his niece to school (I had promised his sister that we would do that for her while she worked. I know completely that it is WRONG and should never be used to solve any problems whatsoever) I recently started a new job working in a restaurant and gained new friends. I wanted to go out to this party with a bi-sexual friend of mine from work. I am not bi-sexual. I asked husband if I could go, (I didn't ask him to come b/c gays aren't his crowd) He was furious and to sum up his prospective, "I do not trust you" my responses included "I married you, things are different now, If you love me you wouldn't control my life, I do NOT pester you or even question you having friends. Let me prove myself" Trying to be open minded. I feel he's wrong. Though, I see his point of view because he has not been unfaithful except years ago but we were only minors 14-15. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:51 PM PST If and when they schedule a court date what all would i need in order have a case against him to get custody. Other than providing financial means for my son he does not bother with him in any shape or form unless my son is physically with him. what chance would i have to get 100 percent custody. He is active duty army, works morning to night,has barely enough time with our son and has currently moved in with his girlfriend. I just want to know what information would i need while going to court or anything that could possibly help me. |
Question: Do you ever forget friends when you get married ? Stop seeing them? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:35 PM PST |
Question: Is it a good idea to share each other's passwords in a marriage? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:29 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:12 PM PST We broke up 2 years ago because of long distance but I do still love her. We don't really talk unless we run into each other. A week ago she showed up at my door she was dressed up but she'd been crying and she just she didn't know why she was here she just drove and she drove here. We sat on the couch and she told me her boyfriend had proposed that night and she immediately thought of me and when she saw him holding a ring she realized she didn't want to spend her life with him she broke up with him and left and ended up at my house. She said she knew it was crazy but I was the person she wanted to see and I said I'm here if she needs me but I wasn't sure what to do and she asked if we could just talk and she asked how my day was and we just talked about everything except the situation. It got late I gave her clothes to change into and offered to sleep on the couch so she could have the bed and maybe 10 minutes later she came down and cuddled up with me. The next morning she explained the whole situation in more detail but it's too much to write here. She went to work and every night called and asked if we could hang out like we'd never broken up like it was normal. She spent every night with me and it really felt like it was before it's probably the weirdest feeling I've ever felt. Just to have this back in my life like it never left and I love it but I feel like we need to talk about what's going on but I'm scared if I bring it up I'll mess something up. |
Question: Are all attractive people bad spouse material? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 05:54 PM PST My husband, family, and in-laws say my close cousin is a good wife because she's less attractive but more average and doesn't attract much attention from the opposite gender, except one person only, her current husband who looks more average and less attractive like her while they, along with my relatives, close cousin and her current husband (whom I don't see as my cousin because he is much younger like my close cousin is), think I'm a bad wife because I attract attention from more people of the opposite gender which they think makes me a slut, whore, playgirl, etc. compared to my cousin and they say that I'm too beautiful (attractive) for my husband (and out of his league) who's just right-looking in which other people don't like him, except my family and relatives. Do you believe my husband, family, in-laws, and relatives about this? Are the least attractive-looking people better spouse material? I swear, my family is very collectivist and they always think this way. In my family, people who extremely attractive are judged as slutty, vain, selfish, narcissistic, etc. If I ever introduced a guy who is extremely attractive compared to my husband, my relatives would nitpick at him as well as be mean to him. Another thing, me and my close cousin get into arguments a lot because of my family, husband, in laws, and godfather who is her dad comparing me to her saying she's a good person while I'm a slut. She calls me a slut too and so does her husband. My family, in laws, husband, and relatives judge attractive people as always disloyal, fake and untrustworthy while the least attractive people are loyal, real, and trustworthy. Anyone who want to look and feel their best is always seen as selfish and vain |
Question: Why i never fight with my man and we've been together 8 years? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 05:35 PM PST we've been married for 5 years and we have not fought once, whereas when i loved at home with my single mom me and her would fight a lot and it would get escalated often over silly little things. i assumed people just cant ALWAYS get along. but my husbadn and i never fight, or at least not the the level of anger i had with my mom over petty nonsense |
Question: How to obtain marriage license at 17? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 05:07 PM PST I am 17, and my boyfriend is 20. We want to get married in June, which is 2 months before my 18th birthday. We were gonna wait until after I turned 18 but he is in the military and is going to be deployed soon. I currently live in Florida, but am in the process of moving to Alabama with him. My mother gave him her blessing and agreed that I can marry him now. Please, no judging. I am going to call for more information tomorrow morning, just curious now. Thanks in advance! |
Question: My wife cries and because I don't let her go out by herself. Should I reconsider? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 04:54 PM PST my wife doesn't like that I refuse to let her go out anywhere by herself. Anywhere that she goes I ask that I drop her off and pick her up and unless it is work I must accompany her. I do this so she doesn't look at any other men or do any other inappropriate behavior, |
Question: Hi my husband cheated me by not telling his previous marriage ? What should i do? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 03:49 PM PST Hi I got married in 2006. My husband has been working in USA since 2000. He had a girl friend before our marriage. And they got married in 2002 in LA. They thought they would convince their parents after marriage. After their marriage she went back to her home Canada. Since then my husband didnt have any contacts with her. She didn't respond to anything. After few days My husband went to Canada to meet that girl. He said everything to her parents about their marriage and showed them marriage certificate. Her parents got shocked and asked few days to take opinion on that issue. After one month again he went to Canada to know what would they tel. But this time they didnt agree that marriage and ask him leave her for ever. They threaten him. and had beaten that girl. And that girl also asked my husband leave her for ever. He didnt have choice and came back. He filed a case in 2005 as his marriage was not worth. And the court made the case nullity as they didn't even live to gather a day. He married me in 2006. But he didnt tell anything about his previous marriage. After 9 years of our marriage he admitted today because we are applying for US citizenship. Now what should I do. He cheated me by not telling about his previous marriage. I want to file a cheating case on him. will court punish my husband. What about my children custody. I am not working. will court give me alimony. if it is how much percentage i can get. Please advice me on this. Thanks in advance. |
Question: How do I access divorce records in California without giving out my credit information? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 03:38 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 02:16 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 02:09 PM PST For Valentines day i think she needs a swift kick to her butt rather than flowers...Should i buy flowers anyways. i don't need more drama. |
Question: My husband is texting a college girl he works with. Should I be concerned? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 01:22 PM PST My husband works with a lot of young college age kids. He tells me all about work so I have heard about basically everyone there. I have noticed he has been texting one of the college girls there. It is all either work related or friendly stuff and there is no sign of anything romantic. He is 47, she is 20. He sends her a minimum of one message a day, she replies to about half of them. Should I be worried? Is this inappropriate? I honestly don't know how to react to it. |
Question: Valentine's night or bust? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 12:15 PM PST so I'm separated for almost 2 years. As bad as that sounds, me and my wife hang out 2 to 3 times a week. She keeps saying she "needs more time." When it comes to sex, she says "she's not ready yet." If I go to far with her she will tell me to stop. I think it's time to do it. So what do I do to get her in the mood. No answer is too dumb. I've made mistakes and we are doing better. Some couples would have had a divorce by now or earlier but we are sticking it through. |
Question: Are you afraid that your loved one will someday leave and hurt you badly? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 12:06 PM PST Im sometimes feeling this way about my spouse. He tells me he loves me but I think its just to make himself think he does. Lets say, I don't feel that Im special to him, he may love anyone. I care for him and Im deeply scared that he may hurt me someday without knowing it. He may love another person and not realize what its doing to me. Ive been hurt in the past and it tore me apart. So badly that I it took me years not months years and years to breathe again. If I get hurt again, I'm not sure if I can overcome it. |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 12:00 PM PST My husband gets very turned on imagining me with another man. Don t get me wrong it turns me on as well just because he is the only man I have ever been with and it kind of a fanasy of mine to sleep with another man. I understand why I would want that, I am just curious of what it would be like to intimate with someone else. What I don t understand is why is it for him? I mean he really wants to see me with another man, just watching is fine with him. He said he don t care if I find a man to have sex with as long as he can watch. I am confused. I would at least think he would be a little bit jealous, but he wouldn t be. I don t get it?? I don t want to see him with another women, and would not let him. Sometimes it feels like I love him more than he loves me. Can anyone give me any understanding why he wants to see me have sex with another man? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 11:06 AM PST In terms of raising a child, what difference does it make between the two (raising children while being married vs. not being married)? Stop moving my question. Here is one study: Apart from legal benefits, why does getting your relationship legalized makes such a big improvement vs the people who don't? Oh oops, recommend wasn't the right choice of word. Poor Little Jay... |
Question: Why would a married man stalk his ex with his kids in the car? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 10:17 AM PST Why would he go to her neighborhood with his kids in the car? Does he still love or care for his wife if he would do that to the kids bring them around strange woman? Why won't a woman take responsibility for her husband creeping? |
Question: How can I make my husband see the seriousness of our situation? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 10:03 AM PST At the moment I am 8 months pregnant, with 2 year old twin daughters. I left work about a month ago when I was in too much pain to move (sciatic nerve pain). My husband's job has been very inconsistent since Christmas and we are two months behind on our rent. This apartment is very tiny and only two bedrooms, we don't even have room for a crib (unless we put it in the living room which is really small also). We had plans to be out of here by March, which is when baby is due. But obviously as you can tell, it will be very difficult scraping up rent, and first and last month's rent forms new place at this rate. I'm kind of stressing about it since the baby is due soon, and I've mentioned to my husband that he should find a new job so at least we can catch up on our debt. He says we are "doing fine" and he thinks I should be content with our life right now and that I'm just finding something to stress about. He says other people have it worse so I should be happy. He is very cold to me and treating me like I'm some sort of brat because I expect things to be at least somewhat in order. His excuse for not getting a new job is that "things will pick up soon." I'm basically not allowed to talk about our financial situation now as I am just "dragging him down" "depressing him" "blaming him." I just feel neglected and abused when he responds to my pleas like this. And apparently because I didn't suggest sooner that he find a new job, I'm somehow responsible for this rut we are in. |
Question: Do you think marriage is boring? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 09:27 AM PST What does it suppose to mean? Thank you. Can someone provide a good example of a good marriage?? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 07:11 AM PST In the long term, as in, past the honey moon phase, are most men and women sexually incompatible? (as in, we don't want it every single day, but they do?) Therefore, monogamous relationships are doomed to fail? OUTWARDLY, women and men may stay married, due to peer-pressure, for the sake of their image, for the sake of their kids if they have them, but INWARDLY, we all know they are ready to move on from each other, since like, yesterday? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:37 AM PST I gave a realistic (but unlikely) scenario like this: If the kids were able to completely live their life without us (hygiene, food, money, time, etc.) and I was able to do all the chores she already does PLUS the ones that I do, how would she spend her time. She said "I wouldn't spend my time any differently than I already do. I would see if anyone wants to hang out (meaning me and the kids - not friends), and if not then I'd do a hobby and post about it on Facebook". I don't understand her reply. Not because she didn't articulate it correctly because she did just fine; it's because she always complains about all these things that she hasn't done with her life, and here she's choosing to do EXACTLY what she's always been doing. Plus, her answer kind of sounded like this to me - "Well, if I didn't have chores to keep me and my mind busy then I would try to do something else to keep me and my mind busy. No one wants to watch TV with me? Then I'll go on Pinterest and duplicate something I saw on there and get credit for doing it on Facebook with a bunch of Likes and feel-good compliments." ......... Maybe I'm just weird, but if I was able to be dismissed from all my responsibilities, I would do more than just hobbies to "pass time". I would go make friends, go get a 2nd job, go back to school, go join a group and take on some amazing cause. I wouldn't just lay around and craft all day and end up with a collection of JUNK that takes up space. Why are we so different? Mind you, when we first met, we were in our late teens early 20's, and she just got over a nasty relationship and her parents really didn't have money to enrich her life with culture other than church (free) and manners (again, free). So I had no clue who she was underneath all that; she admitted she didn't know who she was underneath all that either since she never had the money that we do now (which explains her spending problem). So if you say anything about "should've known" - you're wrong. |
Question: Is it fair to ask this from my husband? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:20 AM PST My husband and I have been married 5 years. I'm financially well off, he isn't. I have noticed sex dropping off. I'm not everyone's cup of tea but I'm young and decent and keep myself up well. Men and women pay a lot of attention to me. In trying to resolve the issue and not having to justify his actions, he has angrily shouted at me multiple times that not only do I have a big mouth, I also don't have the curvy woman's body he really likes. He says's he proud he's a real man who likes a real woman and that I'm a little Asian boy. WTF? Is this some messed up effect of our media marketing? So I told him to buy me a brazilian butt lift, half as a joke. LOL. He said OK, which I didn't expect. It'll probably make him resent me in the future, and probably not even solve our issue, but given the current situation, is it OK for me to go this direction? What are your thoughts? |
Question: Does having sex at a young age, screw people up mentally as they get older ? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 06:19 AM PST I dated/knew a guy for a couple of years and he had sex at 13. He was promiscous from 13-18, and then went without sex for over a DECADE. So all his memories of sex are from his teen years. He is now late 30's almost 40 and all he is interested in is teenage girls only. Teen sex is all he watches, the kind where the girl is dressed like a high school cheerleader and acts dumb and looks really young... When we use to go out to public, he wanted to go to an amusement park and he actually slowed down to hear what two 13 year old girls were talking about ! As I turned to walk a different direction, he stopped me so he could hear what they were talking about, and then was giggling like he was a 12 year old boy who never saw a female before. He doesn't feel attracted to women his own age or older, he says they are nasty and have been around, but yet he will go online to look for teenage hookers on backpages and doesn't think it's gross for them to have slept around. He would go on youtube and make perverted comments on underage girls videos like " only reason she has so many views is because men like watching attractive underage girls ". The girl in the video he KNEW was 14 years old. Another instance he tells this young 13 year old boy to "hurry up and have sex with as much girls as he can in high school because after that it's illegal". He did admit to talking to a 17 year old girl when he was 28 years old, and watching her on webcam, he has her pictures saved. Is this what happens to men when they have sex too early ? He even told me a story about him an this 12 year old girl when he was 14 years old and he was talking about her "little breasts" I thought he was just a creep and stopped talking to him since then, but now am feeling disgusted that I had any relationship with this freak, like I can't tell when a person is a good person or not. Also, he is a drug user (weed smoker) and he was always talking about "rebellious" teen girls and how hot that was when they were 14-15 and sucking off different guys to get weed. It's now affecting me, that I had sex with him. Like I'm feeling dirty now. It's change the way I look at men now. I don't trust my judgement anymore. Rd68.... it's not kiddie porn it's porn featuring young 18 year old girls who are dressed up to look even younger and act like they are 13 and never had sex. It's legal porn but still disturbing Thank you all for answering am feeling better that maybe he is just the creep and that having had sex young had nothing to do with it. |
Question: Does a relationship really ends when one or both find someone else? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 05:41 AM PST My wife wants to get divorced and I want to stay together, maybe just separated, at least for our 2 kids. I hope that my wife just needs some time alone and eventually will come back to me. I think that me finding another girl would really end the situation, so I am trying not to see anyone else and I don't think that my wife wants to see anybody else as well since she is 43 years old and now has to watch 2 kids full time. What do you think? |
Question: Ladies how would you like your man to tell you to stop mothering him? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 05:37 AM PST My wife has taken it upon herself to make sure that I am wearing my coat and that I have it zipped up to show the kids. Im grown and out of my 30s. I know that her intent is well but it also makes me feel like a child and that I dont know when its cold. I do want to set a good example for my kids but I also dont want my daughters thinking this is how you take care of your husband. I dont have the kind of relationship with her that I can bring up concerns without it turning into something offensive. So ladies how would you like your man to tell to stop treating him like a child? I do realize I have to handle my "crap". I am pretty much a chicken turd when it comes to later telling her, honey this bothers me. I would almost prefer to touch her shoulder an affectionate smile of " I got this". She will likely say "Fine" look away and not repeat. I am a firm believer in only ramping up more effort if the previous did not work. Bottom Line: I don't know how to communicate to her. |
Question: Got any advice for the cons of my marriage? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 04:40 AM PST Relationship Pros : we still love each other and want to he together But I don't want to mother him I want to budget money together We can't afford to pay $400 per a month to his mom for his car . Hubby doesn't realize he can't pay that bill off like he single .. We have to budget together. If not I'm gonna be hurt as well . We haven't had sex for two years !!:( He doesn't make me feel special . He calls me cute names and comlments me but that's it . No help after a stressful day at work . We only watch tv together abd talk . That's all we do ! No dates , no sex , no cooking together, no nothing :( Is this why I feel like I need a divorce? We been married for 1 year abd 6 months . |
Posted: 08 Feb 2016 04:37 AM PST We have two kids and Id like suggestions for a romantic adventure or gift for this decade long anniversary for just the two of us, thanks |
Question: Relationship help please. ..what do you think would be best ? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 04:29 AM PST I live in my husband 's parent's house . It been 2 years with us living here and it been 2 years since last had sex . This house drives me crazy and I get hurt every single day about something .. I'm my kidding . Ex. Hubby and I agreed with a meal to cook together but then his parents destroy our plan to cook together and offer him a meal to cook for him . Our relationship is being ruin by living in this house . Hubby agreed to move out with me but in afraid I have to keep mothering him ! Sometimes I like cooking for him just not every single day .. So far I forced by self to cook his breakfast every morning so his mother won't do it instead. I don't like mothering my husband. He doesn't even have a job yet. I work . Once we move out , we still have to give his mom ,$400 a month for his car :( but that's not in the budget ! We are in our 20s. |
Question: In sickness and in health doesn't include in ignorance now does it? Posted: 08 Feb 2016 02:04 AM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2016 10:13 PM PST I m married and have a new born baby, and living in huge family which is very strict, I m not happy with the girl I am living even the baby. The reason is I love another girl who I can t live without. I m in relation with her from 1 and half year and the girl is very open who likes to make new friends go clubbing etc. I told her to stop this all she s saying marry me. Now I decided to marry her and leave everything I have my family( mother father wife baby) and marry her but still she s saying I ll have social life I will make friends go out with them after knowing I m going to marry her. And I don t want her to have friends which I don t know or which she go out without me most of them are male it s like a group. So please I need some advices shall I leave my everything and marry her and start a new life? With doing this my family with beat me kick me out and be problem between my family and my wife s family. I m very confused :( I don t know what to do I m in the middle one side my family and other side this girl. Some good advices please And I m very weak. |
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