Singles & Dating: Question: Why does this girl act like this with me? |
- Question: Why does this girl act like this with me?
- Question: How can I forget about my teacher?
- Question: Do women know how hard dating is from a male's perspective?
- Question: Is friends with benefits considered a relationship?
- Question: A guy friend bought me a diamond tennis bracelet. That must mean he's interested, right?
- Question: I have a fear of my house stinking without me realizing it. How do I know if it does?
- Question: Is he a f***boy?
- Question: Any ideas for a bio for my finsta that are funny and clever?
- Question: Why do some people love someone and don't think there is anyone else out. They are so loved in them and no one else. When it's their first 1?
- Question: Hi what up?
- Question: What do I do if I'm lonely?
- Question: Why is he being so hot and cold?
- Question: Should I be concerned if my boyfriend thinks of dead birds when he's aroused?
- Question: Women have you ever made fun of a guy with your girlfriends because his dick was little?
- Question: What was your age when you were fell in love for the first time?
- Question: How long should a 14 year old boys penis be?
- Question: Emotions n loyalty... urgh!!!?
- Question: Does it sound like these girls are giving me a hard time?
- Question: My boyfriend told me I needed liposuction today and grabbed my two chins... should I stay or should I go?
- Question: How do i get over this person?
- Question: Why does James get so many free throws?
- Question: When's was your first kiss and what age did you lose your virginity?
- Question: His best mate watching me at the gym - what's going on here?
- Question: Is my friend manipulating me?
- Question: This Guy I m Dating And He ll act like he ll DO Anything For Me But When His Friends Come Over He Acts Like I m Not There please help me?
- Question: Favorite smell on a girl?
- Question: Letter how you was brought up in life?
- Question: Women would it be a bad idea if I were to dress my penis up in costumes like hello kitty or mickey mouse?
- Question: Isn't he cute?
- Question: Does God still love and forgive me on days like this? If so, do my parents still love me?
- Question: What keeps you up at night?
- Question: How do make a living; what do you do?
- Question: Ok what's this?
- Question: I sometimes blush around boys even tho I don't even like them!?
- Question: If a girl calls you bud are you in the friend zone?
- Question: Would you talk to her?
- Question: I m having problems with relationships :((?
- Question: Have you masturbated to wonder woman yet since shes an amazon goddess?
- Question: What to do with a friend that is obsessed with her boyfriend?
- Question: Would you ever pursue someone you weren't attracted to.?
- Question: I banged your girlfriend last night. What you think about that?
- Question: Should I help my boyfriend pay for his car?
- Question: Me and my girlfriend have been together for about a year now and considering ourour past and that we known each other for so long we moved?
- Question: I am 36 years old and have only had sex 6 times due to a huge mental issue. Is this bad? Am I too old to start?
- Question: I want to approach the one that got away please help?
- Question: Just wondering if any girls out there would rate me 1-10. My instagram is @lutzmatt17. Also I'm 20 if anyone was wondering?
- Question: A girl broke up with boyfriend, my friend ask her out for me she say no cuz it too early,what do I do if I still want to date her(days=2)?
- Question: Which guy would you choose?
- Question: Why do so many guys always stares at me???HELP!!!!!!?
- Question: Why do most young, college educated black men go with non black women?
- Question: Help me make him like me please!?
- Question: How can I stop feeling bad for my boyfriend?
- Question: Is he uninterested?
- Question: (NSFW) What weight do you think she has?
- Question: Relationship advice?
- Question: What do girls think of guys that are short and stocky? 5 7 185. Muscular and thick. Do girls feel like they are settling With a short guy?
- Question: I'm still not over him?
- Question: Is she intrested or is it in my head?
- Question: What does it mean when a guy keeps looking at you?
- Question: Should I get pregnant to make my bf ex jealous?
Question: Why does this girl act like this with me? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:57 PM PDT She's been nervous ever since I met her. The first time we spoke she couldn't keep eye contact at all, and the second time she asked me a question and she basically froze up. I seem to be the only guy she is nervous/shy around. I see her glancing over at me a lot and also staring, and she'll look away immediately if I catch her. She mirrors what I do a few times, even one time where after two minutes of sitting doing nothing, she literally turned completely and looked right at me. When we talk, she genuinely smiles now for no reason, like one time I asked her for directions and she was smiling for no reason. Also, another time I apologized to her for embarrassing her and she gave me this real cute smile and blushed very badly. |
Question: How can I forget about my teacher? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:56 PM PDT What used to be a little crush has slowly turned into an obsession. Tomorrow is the last day of school, I want to give her a hug, but I'm afraid she'll reject me. Every time I think about her I get this terrible feeling because I know I'll almost never see her again. What should I do?? |
Question: Do women know how hard dating is from a male's perspective? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:55 PM PDT Like guys who are shy, short, don't have a car, money, a house, or average looking are at a disadvantage when it comes to dating. Women want guys to be outgoing, tall, have money, have a car, house, handsome, etc. Yeah sure there are women who don't care about those things but that's like very small amount of women in the U. S. and other first world country. All women need to do is bat their eyelashes and put on makeup and brush their and that's it. Do women actually know how hard it is for men when it comes to dating? |
Question: Is friends with benefits considered a relationship? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:52 PM PDT So my girlfriend and I were having an argument whether she was my first girlfriend and I'm saying that she is while I disagree. I use to have a friend that I had friends with benefits with and we did stuff. We did stuff like cuddling, touching and flirting jokingly, etc.. But one day me and her were in the mood and started making out and this only happened one time. However, she liked someone at the time and was planning on dating him so we probably made out for fun. So I recently told my girlfriend this and she says that she would count that as a relationship and she wasn't my first girlfriend. So do you guys think that this is my first or second relationship? Thanks |
Question: A guy friend bought me a diamond tennis bracelet. That must mean he's interested, right? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:48 PM PDT He bought me a diamond tennis bracelet for my birthday yesterday. He's never given me jewelry like this before. We've always just been friends and he's never made a move.. but this screams "interested," doesn't it? |
Question: I have a fear of my house stinking without me realizing it. How do I know if it does? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:48 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:48 PM PDT He snapchatted (abbreviated sc) me 1st after he saw me on one of his friend's sc and thought I was cute. We then began sc for a month, and became each others number #1 bffs on sc, until we finally hung out. The convos weren't that great since he didn't really reveal much about himself through sc since he was shy, but when we hung out, we had nice convos abt about our goals in life, families,etc. The next hangout, we kissed, but I initiated the kiss and everything was perfect after. Few days later, he got into a bad crash in which is car was completely totaled, but every1 was fine. After this things changed. He didn't even tell me about the car crash; I found out from his sc story. I texted asking how he was and if I could call him and he replied saying he was fine but dealing with a lot and preferred not to talk atm. After this I noticed him talking to me less and less. His sc score would go up and he would view my stories while he hadn't even opened my sc that day, he would only sc me once a day, sometimes he would open my snaps and not even answer until I had to double snap him to save the streak. Eventually, our streak ended and that was the end of whatever we had. I had one of my friends add him on sc to befriend him and my friend asked him if he was seeing any girl now to which he replied, "Nah, I don't gotta focus on only one girl." So,Do you think he was a f***boy the entire time, or simply decided to change after his accident since he was so deeply traumatized by it? He said he wanted a relationship with me. He evn told all his friends about me and we took pictures together and everything. I honestly do not know what I did wrong. A lot of my friends are saying that he's so traumatized by the accident that he finds the need to hurt others which is why he totally ended the relationship with me. We did talk about intimacy and I said that we should be intimate when we were both sure that we loved eachother, and he was completely understanding about it. I even snapped him two weeks after the accident (it's been a whole month now) asking if he was still interested in me and he said that he was and just needed time to adjust. If he really was a f***boy don't you think he would have waited and continued to try to get in my pants? |
Question: Any ideas for a bio for my finsta that are funny and clever? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:47 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:46 PM PDT girlfriend/boyfriend |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:44 PM PDT hi |
Question: What do I do if I'm lonely? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:44 PM PDT |
Question: Why is he being so hot and cold? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:43 PM PDT I went on a date with a guy I like, we have been talking for a couple weeks now. The date seemed to have gone really well, and he asked me when I was free for another date and asked where I would like to go. A few days later he asked me again where I'd like to go, so I took that as him wanting another date. Typically he would initiate conversations but would also be the one to end them. So I occasionally started them because I didn't want to be a bother. For the past couple days he has hardly shown any interest. He was short when I tried to talk to him, and didn't seem to want to talk. I decided to leave him alone and see how it played out. He then texted me today as if nothing happened. Why is he being so hot and cold?? |
Question: Should I be concerned if my boyfriend thinks of dead birds when he's aroused? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:42 PM PDT |
Question: Women have you ever made fun of a guy with your girlfriends because his dick was little? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:40 PM PDT |
Question: What was your age when you were fell in love for the first time? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:40 PM PDT |
Question: How long should a 14 year old boys penis be? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:40 PM PDT |
Question: Emotions n loyalty... urgh!!!? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:38 PM PDT So, I've had a best friend for 12 years. We have been through a bunch and she is the only friend that's lasted this long. I would never do anything to hurt her. Also have another friend, I meet 7 years ago we turned into good friends and during that time I introduced her to him and they ended up dating. I was not single at the time. Time went on she was terrible to him and they broke up but I remained friends with both of them. Over time, he began to express feelings for me and because he once dated my best friend I rejected him, continuously over the years. I find myself now feeling for him in return and I don't want to. Even though my best friend has dated one of my ex bfs I feel like I'm wrong for feeling this way. He calls me the love of his life, the one that got away but we have never taken any steps to try. What would u do?... |
Question: Does it sound like these girls are giving me a hard time? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:36 PM PDT So I have been trying and trying for years to get my aunt who is in vietnam to set me up with someone. I am supposed to be going over there to meet a group of these woman and they are making me mad. One said she isn't thinking about marriage right now and the others said that they would decide when they meet me if they want to marry me. I am 26 and I am tired and depressed. I am so lonely and I feel like killing myself. Does it sound like they are giving me a hard time ? What should I do ? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:36 PM PDT |
Question: How do i get over this person? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:30 PM PDT In school in my gym class (4 years ago) a boy had asked me to be his girlfriend via his friend and I had said yes via his friend because I didn't have the heart to turn him down especially in front of my whole class so for the rest of the year I kept being his "girlfriend"during it we weren't very close and didn't talk much and many people called us out for it, it was very awkward, I remember one time in my music class he had mouthed a song which mentioned the lyrics "I love you" to me in front of the class and my friends teased me which made it really uncomfortable and he also tried to comfort me while crying (for certain reasons I don't want to get into atm). For some reason I remember him so fondly even though I didn't know him well and at the end of the year I had to move so I planned on breaking up with him. In the end my friend kept saying it out loud that I was going to break up with him and he might have heard which she apologized for after. Anyway, after that I never got a real chance to say I was breaking up with him, even if I was younger then, it didn't give me closure. I'm not sure if it's a big problem anyway but even now I still wonder what if we miraculously meet again? What would I say? I still keep thinking about it and I want to forget him as I've changed and moved past that time. I do also want to mention that I haven't dated since that "relationship." Also I would like to get an answer that includes not having to date someone else. Please and thank you! |
Question: Why does James get so many free throws? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:29 PM PDT |
Question: When's was your first kiss and what age did you lose your virginity? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:29 PM PDT |
Question: His best mate watching me at the gym - what's going on here? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:28 PM PDT A few months ago I was dating a guy who I really liked, but I ended it after a few months as he was not only a womanizing jerk but also a narcissist who'd started showing emotionally abusive behavior towards me. I knew him and his best mate used the same gym chain as me, but they've a bigger gym right round the corner from where they live so as mine is out of the way I didn't expect to ever see either of them there. Last week this guys best mate showed up in my gym - he noticed me as soon as I walked in the weights room, he looked at me a few times, and he then positioned himself directly in front of me in the mirrors. I've never met this guy and I've no way of knowing if the guy I was dating had told him about me or shown him a photo of me, thus I've no idea if this best mate of his knew who I was while we were in the gym. Maybe I was unknowingly watching him so that made him watch me, or maybe he doesn't know who I am and was looking as he found me attractive - if he's anything like his best mate he's a womanizer too. But if he does know who I am then why was he watching me? If I see him again how should I behave? He had no way of knowing I'd be there, so I doubt he was sent to spy on me. |
Question: Is my friend manipulating me? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:26 PM PDT My friend asked me to help him move so I did I didn't ask for anything in return but he bought me lunch. Then asked me if I can help him do a job for his boss, and he would pay me $100. He said I can do it whenever is convenient for me just pick the day. I picked a day and ask him if we can do it sometime between 10:30 and 3. He said we couldn't do it at 10:30 so it would have to be 11:30 and up I said okay. When I told him I had some stuff come up and I may not be able to make it till 12:30 to 2 he said if I don't make it by 12:30 then we can't do it and he's screwed because then he'll have to call the glass company. Apparently he made all these plans that day and I'm thinking to myself why couldn't you just tell me that wasn't a good day and why did he make plans on that day if he's telling me to come at my convenience. On top of that he wants to pay me 80 now... So I said maybe I can do it Monday but now I find that Monday is probably not a good day for me |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:25 PM PDT |
Question: Favorite smell on a girl? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:25 PM PDT |
Question: Letter how you was brought up in life? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:24 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:23 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:23 PM PDT |
Question: Does God still love and forgive me on days like this? If so, do my parents still love me? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:23 PM PDT I feel like today has been a bad day for me. The reason is that I feel sad because of the ways I've made this day dark? You see, my mom got angry with me on a few occasions like ignoring her on doing things I had to do, I shouted at her because of how mad she got on me, and I said some bad words at her when I shouldn't have said them. And after some time, my brother told me that I should ask her to forgive me on what I have done, and so I done what he said I should do, but afterwards, it seemed like that she just wouldn't take my apology for granted because I've been doing those same mistakes multiple times before. It just seems like that inside me, I felt as if she wasn't going to love me again because of what she kinda said to me, and that is also how I felt with God and Jesus. Can you please answer my question on what I have said to you today. And when so, please help cheer me up from how I've been feeling today? Thank you for your time reading this message. |
Question: What keeps you up at night? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:19 PM PDT |
Question: How do make a living; what do you do? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:18 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:17 PM PDT |
Question: I sometimes blush around boys even tho I don't even like them!? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:15 PM PDT It's annoying I don't always blush around boys it's just really weird I sometimes do when they are friendly to me but they don't notice I'm blushing and nobody notices but why do I blush for no reason? |
Question: If a girl calls you bud are you in the friend zone? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:14 PM PDT |
Question: Would you talk to her? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:13 PM PDT Yes , I've asked questions about this already sorry. Just trying to make sure about something. Let's say u messaged a girl that u thought was cute and she responded and u guys agreed u wanted to hook up with eachother. You exchanged pictures. HOWEVER, she lives in another state and she is willing to fly out to u just to hook up ( lol) and visit the city. And you say you want her to stay at your house for two days. She agrees and you guys don't talk much after this but exchange likes on Instagram here and there. U guys hook up and she flies out to u and she's a cool fun and nice girl. She stated she moving there in 4-5 years depending on when she finishes her degree. Blah blah blah. Anyway would u still chat and talk to this girl after u hook up with her considering she lives across he country basically. But she was a cool person and good in bed? Or would it just be a hook up and never talk to her again? |
Question: I m having problems with relationships :((? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:11 PM PDT As you can tell I m having troubles with relationships, it s mostly finding and getting one to last though. Long story short I have a mild case of PTSD because I was raped as a young girl, this causes me to feel really scared around any guy alone. I don t really know how to cope with it. I know this is really selfish but a lot of my relationships end with me breaking up with them because I get so scared to be alone with them. Which is the point of dating... Anyway I guess I could say that I want to be in a relationship really bad but I don t know how to get comfortable around guys. What do I do? I didn't realize all the spelling errors sorry |
Question: Have you masturbated to wonder woman yet since shes an amazon goddess? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:08 PM PDT |
Question: What to do with a friend that is obsessed with her boyfriend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:08 PM PDT I am very annoyed that all she talks about is her boyfriend and I try to change the subject, but it always goes back to him. Even if it isn't relevant. She has been dating him for nearly eight months. I am supposed to hang out with her tomorrow but should I say that I have other plans? I want to, but I think that she is way too obsessed over him. And I know he isn't good enough for her considering he is 17 and she is 19. And he sounds way too possessive over her. Like he doesn't want other guys talking or touching her. And many other things. |
Question: Would you ever pursue someone you weren't attracted to.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:04 PM PDT Then get in a relationship and pretend to care and love them? Would you ever pursue some one you weren't interested in? |
Question: I banged your girlfriend last night. What you think about that? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:04 PM PDT |
Question: Should I help my boyfriend pay for his car? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:03 PM PDT We've been together for 3 years and we also live together with his 2 buddies. Im 21, hes 27. He currently doesn't have a car but his buddy has a car to lend but my boyfriend has to make monthly payments on it. He asked if I would help with paying for the car too. Should I? I won't be using it because I don't have my license yet. But he plans on picking me up or dropping me off at school. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:03 PM PDT Together and after awhile I noticed she didn t like my hobbies I am a big video game player and she doesn t like when I game like really hates it. I been in the dog house cause I went on a raid with my guild on WoW and it took about 2 hours and when I came back she was mad cause I didn t come to bed at the time she was in bed and I always encourage what she wants to do so i don t know what I do wrong I really enjoy gaming I been doing it ever since I was a little kid and I don t plan on stopping but I am tried of getting put in the dog house for doing something I enjoy greatly and it s just not games it s when I clean my car which is a acrua tlx 2017 I love that car I clean and wax it once a week and she gets mad that I do it once a week and just I can t do it have you ever found yourself in this position? And what did you do? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:02 PM PDT My question sums up what is wrong, but it is crippling me Is this a really bad thing? If I would have had my way I would have started at least in my mid twenties, but my mental state wouldn't let me (it is a hard thing to explain, but a lot of issues mentally crippled me, most of it through up bringing. Describing it here would take too long) I am not bad looking, but..... I am absolutely messed up at getting to this stage, and really feel hope less I am very attracted to women and sexually minded, plus have a goid heart. I can not under stand how I have got here Any advice would be appreciated |
Question: I want to approach the one that got away please help? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:02 PM PDT My freshman year (last year) a boy in my Spanish class would always stare at me and after finding out my name decided to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat. We spoke on Instagram almost everyday for two months. He would direct message me and we would talk about the beach, hobbies, interests, etc. he would always message me to ask how I was. Last year I was really insecure due to my smile (I have missing teeth) but this year I got my braces off and a retainer to replace those 2 missing teeth. One night in particular leading up to his disappearance from my phone, he asked if he could tell me something and he said "I think you're really pretty." I was shocked because he is super shy in person. We've never spoken in person, only by Instagram. To this day I can't stop thinking about him. He still stares at me in my art class and from afar. I miss him dearly and he unfollowed me on social medias last summer. What should I do? I want to know what can happen rather than just pine over the thought of "us". Thank you. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:00 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:59 PM PDT |
Question: Which guy would you choose? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:54 PM PDT This issue has been causing me to loose sleep and I really need to hear other perspectives. There are two guys that both have feelings for me. The first guy had decided to join the national gaurd, which is amazing, but I m worried I ll be spending most of my time basically single since he might be deployed at random for months at a time. The other guy is a great guy, but in the past when I had feelings for him, he rejected me.. and now he wants another chance. I still have feelings for him, but honestly I do like the national gaurd guy more. I just hate worrying about him not being present. Who would you guys choose if you were me? Please help! |
Question: Why do so many guys always stares at me???HELP!!!!!!? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:51 PM PDT Ok so whenever I'm somewhere in public and I'm just calm and minding my own business like always I tend to always notice that guys stare at me and when I catch them looking at me for a while they smile at me or smirk sometimes or in other times again the same story at the beginning but when I don't notice anybody looking at me for a long time but sometimes I even hear whistling and I know the type of whistle it is its from a guy and guys that keep doing stuff like that to me are like way older than me like maybe in there 20s and I'm only 14 |
Question: Why do most young, college educated black men go with non black women? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:50 PM PDT I am a black girl and I am a junior in college. I am not overweight and I workout 5 times a week. I would also say that i'm not too bad looking either. I am an accounting major and plan to get a masters degree eventually. I noticed that most college black American guys aren't interested in black women. Many decide to go with White or mixed race Latina women. My black female friends say the exact same thing in college. I have tried to talk to black guys but they just seem uninterested. Most non black men avoid dating black girls. Even men from Africa date a non black girl whenever possible. I am not sure why that is. I was wondering why this is. Thoughts? |
Question: Help me make him like me please!? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:45 PM PDT Okay so there is this guy at my school I have been really attracted to ever since I met him. He is incredibly gorgeous and amazing. We talk a lot when we see each other and people tell us that we would be really great together. We are in the same grade, go to the same school, and spend most of our time in the same building. I am friends with his general friend group and we always have a lot of fun whenever we are together. He has flirted with me before, but he is known to have caught big feelings for another girl. However, he and the girl aren't dating and due to that I think I have a better chance. I know he and the girl have known each other for a long time and spend lots of time together but she is a grade ahead of us and I know that they don't see each other during the school day as much as he and I do. What do you think? Could it work? Tips and advice are highly appreciated:) thank you x |
Question: How can I stop feeling bad for my boyfriend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:44 PM PDT Ok so we were moving into an apartment and I knew the neighborhood was kind of bad but my boyfriend said it was not bad. We agreed that I would pay the light bill and he would pay everything else . Today he started off paying the light bill and we were expecting them to be on in two days. He paid half the rent and all we were waiting for is the key. I live with my grandma and I told her that I'm moving and she told me that I shouldn't move into that neighborhood and that my bf shouldn't even want me to live there. I talked to my bf and I told him that I can't move there and he was pissed because he paid hundreds of dollars for everything and it's money wasted. I felt bad but then he calmed down and said it's okay. Should I still move there though I'm nervous about the area? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:42 PM PDT There s a guy I ve been talking to for the past 7 months. We live a couple of hours away and have known one another for almost 12 years. Yes there s history there. Last time we met up we got pretty inibriated and somehow I ended up away from my friends and on a carriage ride next to him. I expressed my feelings for the 1st time and he kissed me saying he felt the same. Even went as far as telling me he wants to have kids with me. So then next thing I remember we are at his apartment. I came out of the restroom and sit on the bed next to him. He started to hug me and I instantly felt like I was going to hurl. I told him I had to leave and ran out. I made it out of the bldg and once I felt better I tried going back in but the door couldn t be opened without a key card. I had no phone and I was alone in the middle of the night. (Yes I made it back to my friends house safely) and the guy did text to make sure I was okay the next day. But ever since then he hasn t initiated any conversation with me like he normally does. And takes forever to respond to my question is: Is he trying to let me down easy? My friends hate him for what he did that night but I feel bad just leaving him high and dry. I dont know how to so back and forth with it all. Was he only wanting to get in my pants? me. |
Question: (NSFW) What weight do you think she has? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:42 PM PDT |
Question: Relationship advice? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:41 PM PDT About three months ago, I started dating this guy whom I thought was the love of my life! He moved in, in early April.He cooks, cleans, helps me study, helps take care of my kids, pays bills, etc..Once he moved in, I helped him get his license, get a job, and stay out of trouble. My family is kind of skeptical about him. When we go out to certain places, I have to remind him to act civilized. Earlier this month, he left his Facebook open, I went thru his messages and saw him talking to a ton of females. I packed his things up as he promised me it would never happen again. He even gave me his Facebook password. He went back to being the perfect guy. A week later, very early, we were just waking up. I was still laying down, I m not a morning person. He had went thru my phone while I was sleep and saw a few messages i had with a guy telling me to come over for his birthday party(the guy is my sister s boyfriend). He decided to confront me about it. I told him it was nothing to worry about. He didn t believe me and kept asking questions, so I started ignoring him. He then pushed me on my shoulder, I hit him back. He pushed me again, this time in my face. After he realized he hurt me, he started hugging me and crying. Even though he s being the perfect guy again, it s like everything he does irritates me! Today, he came home from work telling me how some girl asked him if he had good d***. Im drained.I don t know how to tell him without hurting him. What would you all do? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:39 PM PDT |
Question: I'm still not over him? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:38 PM PDT So the whole thing is kind of a long story, so I'll try and cut it down for you guys. So basically, there was this guy last year who was in one of my classes and he originally had a thing with my friend, even though he had a girlfriend of almost 3 yrs, and then my friend stopped liking him, so i started having a thing with him. He broke up with his girlfriend soon after (maybe for me but I don't really know). Anyway's we started talking a lot and we both talked about liking each other. We would FaceTime almost every day but we were never officially going out. One day we hung out after school and it was so fun we were just talking about what we each want to do in the future. When he left we hugged for like 2 minutes just standing with each other and it was so cute. A few days later I found out that immedietely after we talked, he sent nudes (I never found out whether they were wanted or unwanted) to my best friend from the beginning of the story, and I was heartbroken. It may sound like we didn't ever even have a relationship, but it was real between us, at least I thought so. I talked to him about it, and I was crying so hard and I literally felt my heart sink to my stomach (idk how that even happens). About a month later him and my best friend went mountain-climbing together and he tried to kiss her, and during the kiss my friend started crying because she was in love with someone else. After all this happened and he broke my heart, I still can't get him out of my mind. Help |
Question: Is she intrested or is it in my head? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:38 PM PDT so i just recently started going to this high school and theres this girl who would never even glance at me, everytime i would walk by her or she walks by me, or just standing next to each other she always either is looking at her phone or she doesnt look in my direction or at me at all, keep in mind this school is really small. only 4 classrooms and everybody knows everybody. weve only made eye contact twice an ive been going there for a month. suddenly today i caught her multiple times actually looking at me while we were near each other. everytime we made eye contact she would look away or act like she was looking at something else. at one point i was standing behind her while everyone was waiting by the door for the bell to ring and she turned her head and i saw her look af me for a second but then she quickly turned her eyes to the ceiling and then turned around. is she possibly intrested in me and if so should i talk to her? |
Question: What does it mean when a guy keeps looking at you? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:35 PM PDT I was at the store with my mom and when we were walking through the aisles there was this guy who works there im assuming hes 17-18 anyway he was moping the floor when I saw him and I ended up passing by him multiple times because I was following my mom around trying to look for things around the store and every time I passed by him he would always look up and look at me for a while btw I'm 14 what does it mean?? |
Question: Should I get pregnant to make my bf ex jealous? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:33 PM PDT Me and this guy really like each other. I feel madly in love with him. There's nobody in the world that I rather be with than him. We are both 24 years of age. But there's a little problem I absolutely can not stand his ex she has not moved on, she hasn't deleted any pictures, she's always including herself into his life mainly "social media" ..I bet that she still has "hope" and this guy have lots of sex we don't even use protection now I'm trying to get pregnant because I'm in love with him but also to "show off" and make his ex really move on lol I bet she would be so shocked..anyway should I do this or not? I really love him and I feel that the only way to prove our love is being getting |
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