Marriage & Divorce: Question: Will my significant other (residing in Jamaica) be required to get a divorce abroad before getting married to me in the United States? |
- Question: Will my significant other (residing in Jamaica) be required to get a divorce abroad before getting married to me in the United States?
- Question: Am I a sex addict ?
- Question: Is it normal to do this ?
- Question: Please come back today?
- Question: Do you think my father in law is a pervert?
- Question: My mom called me and asked me to take her to the beach on Sunday at 5am in the morning.?
- Question: Is it true if wives loved their husbands they would be dropping like fly's?
- Question: Am I losing it ? I'm usually nit this way,please help.?
- Question: Is the ring on the left or right hand?
- Question: Ive been married for three years to my wife. I am in my mid twenties amd she is just about thirty. She was previously married and has..?
- Question: Why do some people get married, when you don't have to be married to your partner for sex, kids, or to grow together.?
- Question: I don't love my alcoholic husband?
- Question: What can i do with joint custody?
- Question: What are the steps to amend a divorce petition?
- Question: What can i do with joint custody?
- Question: What was the hardest part about your divorce? And how do you rebuild your life afterwards?
- Question: A married man in his 50s, unemployed, having an affair with a younger woman who thinks the world of him. How is this happening?
- Question: Isn't it gross when you see a tall guy dating a very short woman?
- Question: Is it weird that I'm not attracted to guys of my own nationality?
- Question: I am not physically attached to my husband at ALL, is that normal?
- Question: My sister in law hates me and all of a sudden is best friends with my husbands ex girlfriend who cheated on him?
- Question: Is it irresponsible for a married couple to have more kids than they can financially afford?
- Question: My chilld hits me throws dfinks in my face. Iys gotta stop, but how?
- Question: My husband loves me, and I love him. I know I shouldn't make a big deal over "special days", but I feel hurt and ignored.?
- Question: Is it adultery if I go with someone whilst seperated? He has and we might get back together?
- Question: Any women online here who were Happily married in the 1950 s?
- Question: My FIL molested my 4 year old son and my husband didn t believe me and left me.?
- Question: Reading my wife texts?
- Question: Is it wrong that I don't offer to pay for my boyfriends sons things?
- Question: A question for married women: what would you do if your husband decided to run for high political office (mayor, governor, senator, etc.)?
- Question: I found out my husband of less than a year has been cheating on me with another woman. Previously during engagement he?
- Question: I found out I'm 9th cousins 4 times removed with my wife from a geneology website. I'm so ashamed should I get a divorce?
- Question: Baby daddy drama??????
- Question: Seperated for a month now, no sign of him returning do I Still wear my rings or do I have to wait for divorce?
- Question: Do women get mad when their ex gets joint custody?
- Question: Older men, do you ever get crushes outside of your marriage?
- Question: Husband going to wedding alone?
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:51 PM PDT My significant other is currently married and lives in Jamaica. We met online and wish to take the next step. Would they be required to get a divorce in their country to being married here in the US or will the foreign marriage not be recognized in the US? All results online specifically address a US Citizen traveling to Jamaica to get married and NOT a Jamaican citizen who is currently technically married wishing to remarry in in the United States. From what I gather, the legal process in Jamaica is more expensive and more of a challenge than here in the US. If we can skip that step entirely, that would be great. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:30 PM PDT I'm wanting sex with my wife every night she doesn't seem to mind it. She's 6 months pregnant. I just love licking and feeling her pussy. Am I an addict ? |
Question: Is it normal to do this ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:18 PM PDT My wife is 6 months pregnant with our daughter I love rubbing her belly and kissing it. Is this normal ? |
Question: Please come back today? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:08 PM PDT and marry me. I just popped the question, pls. |
Question: Do you think my father in law is a pervert? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:47 PM PDT My husband is deployed. My father in law always invites me to every trip that he and his wife take. He forces me to sleep in the same room as them everywhere that I go. We went on a cruise and he made me share a room with them. I took professional pics on the cruise and he said that I looked so good in them, and I was very photogenic, and he wasn't sure how his son got me and how I can get anyone. He was obsessing over my pictures. Still talks about them a month later. He said he wanted to send one of the pictures to my husband because of "how I looked in the short dress". I won't forget to mention that he told me to send a porn style video to his son. He invited me on a trip to a beach house he and his wife took last week. I said that I would sleep on the couch in the living room but he forced me to sleep in the bedroom with him and his wife. (who the f does that) Woke up to him one morning in his boxers standing over me. When a room in the house freed up because my brother in law left early, he didn't want me to take that room. He also told me to pull up that picture I took on the cruise and show it to him again. I showed it to him and he just said "wow"... Should I be concerned guys? Is this strange behavior? Should I bring it up to my husband?? THANKS! |
Question: My mom called me and asked me to take her to the beach on Sunday at 5am in the morning.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:13 PM PDT She wants to go in the water to wash away the bad luck. She is diabetic and 70 years old. She has nerve problem and her hand trebles a lot. I told her it's not a clever idea. Please help me with what to do or say. |
Question: Is it true if wives loved their husbands they would be dropping like fly's? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:36 PM PDT Atmospheric Morse And Clairvoyant Myopalmus |
Question: Am I losing it ? I'm usually nit this way,please help.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:35 PM PDT What's going on with me !? I'm acting like the guy! I've been dating a guy for 7 months who proposed and loves me but lately after we have sex(which I try to resist because I want to be a good Christian) after i always want to leave . This is totally out of character for me. What's going on here ? |
Question: Is the ring on the left or right hand? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:02 PM PDT Ive been married for three years to my wife. I am in my mid twenties amd she is just about thirty. She was previously married and has a son with another man. Her son is 10 years old. We currently stay at my uncle s house since its a much better part of town and her son goes to a better school. The problem is this: She insists on us buyi g a home or moving out and renting a home. Problem is this... She only wants to live in the same area where her son now goes to school. Houses in this area rent for about $1,800 a month or sell starting at $150k. I dont hve that money.. not even close although I work two jobs to support our lifestyle now. She fights with me and insists on calling me a failure because I cant afford a home in the area she wants to live in. Mind you that she and her son have lived in a ghetto for all of their lives and have never traveled to this side of the city. I love her and want to mke her happy but I cant afford to make her dreams come true. Kepp in mind I pay for three car loans and some of her past debts. Im stretched out to the max. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:30 PM PDT |
Question: I don't love my alcoholic husband? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:17 PM PDT I have been with my husband for 17 years he used to be physically abusive whenever he got drunk, so I got fed up and hit him in the head so hard he had a knot and a black eye for two weeks and he was never physical abusive since. Now he is verbally abusive and goes out of his way to embarrass me in front of his family and neighbors. The most recent incident was last night where he was drinking heavy and has a habit of wanting to drive while drunk. Most times I hide the keys, but last night he got the keys before I did. Then he grabbed a big bottle of liquor, I tussled with him to leave it but it broke and cut his hand. He called the police on me and told them that I cut him and pulled a gun on him. I live in a very quiet neighborhood that is friendly and peaceful. Last night, they came out of their homes to watch the circus he was performing because not only the police came, but the paramedics and the fire department. The whole street was lit up in front of my house. The police questioned me and I had to explain what happened. This is not the first he humiliated me like this. One neighbor told me she overheard another neighbor say, she needs Jesus. He came home the next day from the hospital like nothing happened and started drinking alcohol again. I used to feel sorry for him thinking he has a problem but I see a pattern where he gets a kick out of embarrassing me in front of my neighbors. |
Question: What can i do with joint custody? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:15 PM PDT Well, my wife & i (separated, not legally) try our best to co-parent. We live in two different states (WA her, AZ Me) which take a bit of cooperation between the two of us. Our custody is still joint and normally we do a good job sharing time. But in recent years shes become bitter and out co parenting has turned more into a dictatorship on her end not really allowing me to step up the way i like. Most of the year our son lives with her n for the summer he'll come down but needless to say, thats dwindling. Im growing impatient n frustrated with always working her terms when ive honestly never been satisfied considering she gotten more of what she asked n ive gotten the leftover. We have a parenting plan (drawn up by her) which she does not at all abide by but Currently im on child support, which im not caught up with but make payments whenever i can. He'll be here soon, but my time has been cut in half because of her family. I need to know what exactly im entitled to so i know what power moves i can make once i have him physically because i cannot keep lying down for her to walk on in fear of a court ligation not swaying my direction. Im a devoted father, a great influence and an excellent roll model so my character in the eyes of any third part will agree, just not her. I need to make a power while i have him. Any suggestions? Thanks |
Question: What are the steps to amend a divorce petition? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:10 PM PDT One simple mistake I made in the form the first time I asked to have it ammended caused this delay . I didn't check off the box stating that I wanted a dissolution . I was told that I would have to petition for a hearing in order to ask the judge to grant me the opportunity to amend the divorce for a second time. I just need help with how I would go about this ? I'm in California thanks ! |
Question: What can i do with joint custody? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:05 PM PDT |
Question: What was the hardest part about your divorce? And how do you rebuild your life afterwards? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:49 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:40 PM PDT He's 55 and she's 26. He's been married for longer than she's been alive and has a son just 1 year younger than her. He loves his wife but has been having a deeply emotional and sexual affair with the same younger woman for over a year. He believes deeply in God. He's attractive and has a high sex drive. He was successful but lost his job and has been unemployed for 8 months. She's young, beautiful, smart, attractive. She pays for everything when they go out because he's unemployed. She says she's deeply in love with him and thinks the world of him. Can't get enough of him. She has other single men her age after her but she is not interested in being with anyone but the married man she's in love with. She defends him and gives him the benefit of the doubt no matter what. He tells his mistress he can't hurt his family by leaving; they need him and he loves them, but he continues the affair, and he's fully vested in it. Constant, non-stop communication throughout the day, every day. Good morning and good night phone calls. Stories of dreams, faith, and life shared between them. Wild and passionate sex only once or twice a month when they see each other. What the hell is this? What does she see in him and what is his problem? How could a man be so selfish and hypocritical and how could she see the world in him? Shed some light, please. |
Question: Isn't it gross when you see a tall guy dating a very short woman? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:30 PM PDT for a example why would a 6'5 guy date a 5'6 girl? People are just not well in their minds..... |
Question: Is it weird that I'm not attracted to guys of my own nationality? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:27 PM PDT ok so I don't know why but I've never been attracted to guys of my own nationality... (it doesn't have to do with having high standards, it's not only about looks, it's also about mentality) On the contrary, there were some foreign guys that I've found attractive So what do I do abo it? I like my country so I don't want to move elsewhere but I don't find guys of own nationality attractive.. ps: just to clarify I am not a lesbian, I am not attracted to women either. |
Question: I am not physically attached to my husband at ALL, is that normal? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:01 PM PDT *Attracted..........not attached lol |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:06 PM PDT Basically my sister in law who hasn't exchanged words with me ever (she simply doesn't talk to people she considers less than her) she all of a sudden added my husbands ex who is the same nationality as they are but that's besides the fact, she HATED his ex when they were together, called her a whore and adult and then when they broke up because she admitted to cheating on him with 6 guys and got pregnant and found out it wasn't his and then she got an abortion... that's shameful and terrible to do to someone if you ask me but my husbands sister all of a sudden is so friendly with her, they hang out, she brings her around, she write on Facebook with her public posts about me, using my name, saying mean things, they've (I'm sure it's them who else would it be) have put my number(home number both my husband and I share) and faceboook photo on Craigslist's for a personal ad saying I'm basically trashy and I like "rape fantasies" I think they're crazy I blocked them online but every time I'm at the parents house (which I go less and less now) I presented his sister and her boyfriend with a gift for Christmas (just simple coffee mugs that say "his and hers") and she didn't say anything to me, didn't acknowledge me, so I stopped trying to tell "hey girl these are for you" and she just straight up ignored me and later I saw that the mugs were in the trash with the rest of the wrapping paper from everyone else's gifts... what do I do |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:47 PM PDT I have a friend who is a traditionalist Catholic that follows the Catholic religion the old traditional way before all the modern changes took place in the Catholic Church during the 1960's from the Second Vatican Council. My friend told me that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. Therefore, any kind of birth control is a mortal sin. Married couples are to have the children that God wills for them. This means that married couples are to just accept the number of children that come along in their lives, whether it be 6 kids or 12 kids. My friend even told me that Natural Family Planning (NFP), that is, the natural form of birth control, is sinful in the eyes of God because it has the same intention. There has to be a serious reason for married couples to use NFP, such as if the mother might die from child birth or if the family is destitute. Also, a married couple has to get permission from a Catholic priest in order to use NFP. Is it irresponsible for a married couple to have more kids than they can financially afford? |
Question: My chilld hits me throws dfinks in my face. Iys gotta stop, but how? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:47 PM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:11 PM PDT We've been married for 17 years and have 3 kids 8-12 years. I love him very much, he's affectionate and hugs me and tells me he loves me every day. My birthday and Mother's Day are days apart. I know I shouldn't care about being treated differently on those days, but I feel hurt that he didn't do anything to acknowledge them. He told me "happy birthday" and "happy Mother's Day", but that was it. He didn't even get a card. The same thing happened back on Valentine's Day. I got him a card, but he didn't do anything. I asked him to spend the day with me on my birthday since it was his day off from work, but he didn't want to and instead I went out with my kids while he stayed home and binged Star Trek. I don't expect jewelry or expensive presents, or dinners out, or anything like that. But I do feel hurt that he wouldn't even spend the day with me. I've been trying to hide it and act normally, because I don't want to turn into some bitter, pouting, nagging wife after all these years together. I know everyone will say "tell him how you feel", but I feel like if I do that right now while I'm hurting, I'll start crying and he'll get angry and defensive. So I need more time to calm down, but how long is too long to wait to bring up that something upset you? At what point is it considered too old an issue to bring up? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 12:02 PM PDT |
Question: Any women online here who were Happily married in the 1950 s? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 11:09 AM PDT I d love to hear any positive comments you might have to say about American life,living and especially marriage. |
Question: My FIL molested my 4 year old son and my husband didn t believe me and left me.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:35 AM PDT Now he is having affair with his married coworker. I'm devastated and wanted him back. Sighhhh |
Question: Reading my wife texts? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:23 AM PDT So for the last month or so I have signed into my wife iMessage account on my mac. I've bee reading her text conversations. There is obviously nothing in them except boring conversations. I've been more of her conversations between her and her stay-at-home dad friend. It's all just friendly conversation. What the heck is my problem. I deleted the account last night because she asked if I was reading her messages because of something I said in a conversation we had. Why am I doing this? And I hope by deleting her account off my cpu I can spend my time doing other things that are way more important. |
Question: Is it wrong that I don't offer to pay for my boyfriends sons things? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:11 AM PDT I watch my boyfriends 7 year old son once a week. I babysit him, take him to the park, take him to play basketball, take him out to lunch for which I pay. However when I take him to the store with me to run errands he often will ask me to buy him clothes, shoes, toys etc in which I will not do. He will ask why and I just tell him he needs to ask his mom or dad to buy him these things. This is where I draw the line. Is this wrong of me? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:05 AM PDT |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:53 AM PDT cheated on me with another 2 women which I only found out a few weeks ago. I gave birth to my daughter last week and today I learned that our daughter's first name was based on his current mistress' name. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:49 AM PDT |
Question: Baby daddy drama?????? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:24 AM PDT my husband & I have been together for 5 years now. when he got with me I had a 3 year old child with someone else who I was only with for a few months but it was such an unhealthy relationship & I left because the guy was using me. he moved over 1,000 miles away and got married and had more kids. now I'm w/ my husband & he is extremely jealous of the situation. he says I wish u could see what it's like for me to have to be w/ someone who has a kid w/ someone else. first of all my son doesn't even have a relationship w/ his father. he talks to him on the phone maybe 1x a year & hasn't seen him in 3 yrs. my husband throws a fit when my ex texts me and says "can you have my son call me" or "can you text a pic of my son" yesterday my husband snatched my phone away and started looking through everything. he found a friend request that I did not accept or deny from my son's dad. and he went crazy. my son possibly might go out to visit his dad this summer. and when my husband saw the friend request he told me when my son goes out to his dad's next month he's divorcing me! I didn't even do anything wrong! my husband does not want me doing co-parenting. he wants me & my son's father to hate each other. when he saw the friend request from him he msgd him & told him to never send me a friend request again that's crossing the line. the only reason he requested me was so he could see pics of my son. my husband is over reacting. he knew I had a kid when we got together. idk what to do?! |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:20 AM PDT We split a month ago because he cheated, I am so hurt and angry I want to take my wedding ring off but am struggling in case he wants me back? I am not looking around just don t want to wear it. Do you normally wait for the divorce to remove them? |
Question: Do women get mad when their ex gets joint custody? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:21 AM PDT It's sad that they want money more than there child to see their dad. |
Question: Older men, do you ever get crushes outside of your marriage? Posted: 31 May 2017 10:24 PM PDT Do you ever get crushes outside of your marriage, but don't do anything about them? Say a younger woman is attractive and has a great personality and flirts with you and gives you attention, do you get a crush on her without acting on it? |
Question: Husband going to wedding alone? Posted: 31 May 2017 01:36 PM PDT Husband got invited to co-worker's wedding. I'm guessing since I've never met the coworker, I didn't get invited. My one worry is my husband drinks too much at open bars and becomes a complete jerk....when I'm there. So I have trust issues with him drinking like this "alone". His coworkers enable him to drink (I've been at company parties etc) and he doesn't seem to realize his limit until he's passed it. Like I've said, I've never met this one specific co-worker, but I know his others and they aren't great influences to a married man, IMO. Husbands issue with not knowing his limit has gotten better since I've been able to remind him not to drink too much. I basically have to babysit my husband so he doesn't barf all over resulting in me carrying him home. Slow clap for me. Anyways, I don't particularly feel comfortable with him going alone. His defense is he hasn't gotten drunk like that in over a's been a year since he's been drinking anywhere's also been a year since he came home and puked outside my 2 year olds room at 4am. I also feel like it's kinda rude not to invite a person's spouse to a wedding, but I guess it's financial and none of my business. On one end I don't want to be THAT wife who doesn't want her husband to go to his coworkers wedding and on the other hand I really don't want to take care of the kids all day and my presumably drunken husband all night. Thoughts? |
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