Friends: Question: I am 17. I caught my mother pooping on my best friend. Should I move out of the house when I turn 18? |
- Question: I am 17. I caught my mother pooping on my best friend. Should I move out of the house when I turn 18?
- Question: How to deal with a hypocrite friend?
- Question: Is it okay to not party/be reckless?
- Question: Why does my co-worker act this way?
- Question: How do my friends have so many followers on their social media?
- Question: A friend of mine whenever he visits me advises me on creams like coco butter and Vaseline for skin care. He has a weekly regimen. Thoughts?
- Question: How bad is it to have no friends?
- Question: Jealous of friends body?
- Question: How can I convince my parents to let me buy a graphics card with my own money?
- Question: So, this is a long one. I'm trying to cope after something that happened to me. Any ideas?
- Question: Chicas como se sienten cuando rechazan a un chico que había hecho mucho por ustedes y las quería con toda el alma y luego lo ven deprimido?
- Question: I really need help with this?
- Question: How do I avoid being a loner?
- Question: Am I wrong?
- Question: Today was the last day of elememtary(I know I m young). I m really sad and I m going to 7th grade next year,I m nervous and I feel separated?
- Question: Does my friend like me ?
- Question: I feel so paranoid?
- Question: Professors , any opinion?
- Question: How to break up with a rude, negative, draining best friend?
- Question: Should I give up on my friends?
- Question: Why are popular people so boring?
- Question: Do you have fake friends and/or family ?
- Question: Do I always have to text my friend back?
- Question: Do I always have to text my friend back every time she texts me first?
- Question: Help please?
- Question: Would this be an example of a toxic/fake friend?
- Question: My best friend insults me...?
- Question: Why did my friend do this ?
- Question: How am I supposed to bear with my parents?
- Question: Freind has suddenly got really bad at replying?
- Question: My friend(s) keep calling me ugly?
- Question: Will I go to a jail or a prison for not trying to to help someone from doing suicide? Is it to late to do that?
- Question: Does anyone else who are a female just have male friends? No female friends at all or use to have female friends, but not anymore?
- Question: Should I try to be friends with my ex-best friend or is it useless?
- Question: Should I try to be friends with my ex-best friend or is it useless?
- Question: I need help determining wether to still be friends with this person?
- Question: Being forced to bottle up emotions?
- Question: I have no friends :(?
- Question: Should I delete old pictures of my ex best friend and I off Instagram?
- Question: Friend tried stealing something and now has confided in me for her guilty conscious?
- Question: How do you deal with someone that kept asking the same question?
- Question: Does gender effect autism?
- Question: I know everyone asks this but is there a good chance my crush likes me?
- Question: Why will my old friends talk to me without offending me (not in a racist way)?
- Question: Help me, how the hell do i get out of this?
- Question: I need gift ideas for a friend.?
- Question: Una mujer puede impedir ser penetrada apretando la vagina solo para aserle la Vida dificil a alguien?
- Question: Ever had a friendship that started out very nurturing and supportive but then eventually became very negative?
- Question: Is there anything I can do?
- Question: Imin 7thgradenow but2years ago I moved then I moved to my oldschool and with myfriends from 5thgrade butnow, back now I have no friends,why?
- Question: I wanna bang my friend's sister?
- Question: Girls in my gymnastics class hate me?
- Question: Does my friend have autism?
- Question: Is it weird to give your friend a foot massage?
- Question: How can I spy on someones webcam with their gmail?
- Question: I think my friend is toxic?
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:51 PM PDT |
Question: How to deal with a hypocrite friend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 05:51 PM PDT There is this girl I know since last eight months. She acts so nice at my face pretending she cant live without me whenever i try to avoid her. We both go to two colleges(morning & evening time) together. We have a few friends M & H in common. She bitched at my bad few things i dont even know about. Both M & H didn't even came to my birthday. She is also a slut. Currently dating 3 boys. Trying to seduce a forth one (M). Whenever i talk to this M friend she gets so upset about it. She even advices me never to trust both these friends. When she is actually doing exactly opposite of it. How should i confront her about it? How Should i clear off matter with H & M? Should i know what else she bitched behind my back? |
Question: Is it okay to not party/be reckless? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:50 PM PDT So like I'm almost 16 and I feel like this past year my whole grade has kind of grew a lot. I mentally grew so much but I also learned much more about my peers. Everyone is dating. People talk about indulgences like sex,drugs, drinking a lot. I don't really like hearing about it. I don't do any of those either. This year has really sucked for me so I'm working to rebuild myself and so far it's going good. I've been taking care of myself. I hang out with friends every so often but it's just going to malls and stuff like that. I feel like though people my age and young people in general tend to get really messed up with those indulgences to get it out of their system. Or they do it until they realize how it hurts you. Like how drugs and getting drunk are only temporary distractions and when you're done, you'll feel worse than you did before. As for sex idk. I don't know enough about that. I mean they want to feel satisfied I guess. Why do I feel like I know all of this without actually doing anything? I've always felt more mature for my age and just a couple years behind everyone socially. Music is kind of my drug. Idk. Weird sh!t. I kinda feel like I'm not enjoying my teens cuz of school (it's more vigorous than college for me). Is this normal? |
Question: Why does my co-worker act this way? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:32 PM PDT A little over a year ago I started working for the same company as my dad. It's a private water company so a lot of families work together. I am the receptionist in the customer service department. I haven't had a lot of issues and I do like working for the company but I have butt heads with a co-worker quite a bit and I've hardly done anything wrong to her. She's a single mom and has never been married. She seems to bring a lot of personal issues to work, she's very negative, bossy and at times can be rude. She's the type of person who feels that she needs to be better than everyone. It depends but we try to be civil and sometimes we can carry on normal conversations that isn't work-related. I try to keep it mature and professiona.l There is a huge age gap between the two of us. She is in her mid-forties and I will be 24 in September. This is just how I feel but she treats me like a child and thinks that I don't know anything. She has tried making things a competition between her and I even if it's over silly things. Sometimes I will approach her in a nice way and she will always have a snarky attitude towards me for no apparent reason. Even if I'm asking her simple questions or informing her about something. it's like she is okay with everybody talking to her but me. And I know sometimes females look at each other as a competition and I don't know if she's maybe jealous... She would have no reason to be jealous though. Ignored this the best of my ability. |
Question: How do my friends have so many followers on their social media? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:22 PM PDT I have like 100 followers on insta and twitter, and my friends have like 500+ How do they get them? I doubt they actually know all of them and it's not like they just go around asking people to follow them. I get that this is really stupid but now I can't stop thinking about it. One of my friends has never even posted anything and still has 300 followers. I'm fairly popular at my school and have a lot of friends too so idk. Is there something I missed? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:15 PM PDT |
Question: How bad is it to have no friends? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:59 PM PDT Ever since going away to college I have made no friends and now I've completed my master's degree so it's even harder to meet people around my age. My boyfriend and I only hang out with one another and can't find any friends. I've become so numb to having no friends I don't really care, but I wish my bf had a bro to have a few cold ones with. We are just so different from everyone else. We are nerdy, yet love to party and are avid dancers, we are educated, but smoke weed oil all day and take acid and shrooms often, we can both play music and have a deep appreciation for art, we have traveled the world. It's so hard to find people that want to be classy, high and talk about deep things and have great taste all at once. I've found literally no one who entertains me even slightly besides my boyfriend, and I don't know if there are others like us out there haha. Anyone else a ragging hippy who goes to camping music festivals and is also a professional in corporate America? |
Question: Jealous of friends body? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:34 PM PDT I have a friend who s in the same grade as me and we re pretty good friends. I see her on a regular basis but I always feel bad cause of her body. She s skinny and has a flat stomach (so do I though) except for her boobs and butt which look too big for her but it looks really good. I m also skinny but my skinniness applies everywhere. My mom says that her kind of body type is not all that common and that mine is beautiful but all moms would say something like that. I know i can t make myself look like that but what are ways to feel better about it mentally? |
Question: How can I convince my parents to let me buy a graphics card with my own money? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:24 PM PDT This is going to be pretty long..just warning you. I'm 14. I am a gymnast, but I have been out for a few months for a serious wrist/knee injury. I've been sitting around with not much to do around the house, so I started playing Xbox with a few friends as I don't have many friends at school and I'm not too popular. I met some people online that I started playing with more often, and I felt as if they were closer than my irl friends. I started an Instagram page to post my gameplay. The account quickly grew and I've been starting to take gaming seriously, and it's an easy way to earn money (I have a job too). I've already joined a team and played in a tournament, we won 300 dollars to be split amongst 5 players (not much but a start.) Now, I've been considering switching to PC, because I don't like the feel of a controller and I was looking at graphics cards to upgrade a PC with an i7, but a bad GPU. My parents don't like the idea of me gaming and spending "all this money" (only 139$) on my gaming "habit." I can assure you that it's more of a hobby right now because I still dedicate my time during the weekdays to schoolwork as I'm a straight A student. The reason I was in this section of Yahoo Answers was how can I convince my parents to let me buy a graphics card? Thanks in advance, Alan |
Question: So, this is a long one. I'm trying to cope after something that happened to me. Any ideas? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:16 PM PDT I am in 8th grade and a month or so ago my friend introduced me to her friend Joe(not his real name). We were studying in the library and she invited him to tag along. We all kind of hit it off so we went studying more often. Me and Joe both had to study for the same upcoming placement exam so we started going without her (she no longer needed to study and didn't want to come along). People kept saying we were dating and we would both just brush them off. Then one day we were texting and he asked me to send pics of my chest. I thought he was joking and just said no, but he kept insisting and said he'd delete it right away and I realized he wasn't joking. I said no way in hell and sent my friend the screenshots of the conversation. She said to block him which I was about to do, when my mom came in and searched my phone. She was furious and completely blamed me and I felt horrible. My friend eventually started to do the same and now we're not talking. My mom sent him a text saying that she was my mom and to stay away from me. I blocked him and thought it was over with. He now avoids me, but my friend, knowing he hurt me is still hanging out with him. People haven't stopped shipping us and it hurts. Some noticed we weren't hanging out and when they asked my why I said, "Because he's a jerk" I was told I was overreacting. I'm trying to move on but I have nightmares at night and every nice and bad moment I had with him just hanging out comes back. Help please. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:46 PM PDT No digo que este mal... solo me gusta ver los dos lados de la historia |
Question: I really need help with this? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:35 PM PDT Okay so I'm a 25 year old female and I have a friend that's 57 and one time I didn't text her back when she texted me first and she got worried about me and she said that she was about to come over to my house since I didn't text her back so now I'm feeling so paranoid that she's going to show up to my house unannounced anyway. I thought about just moving out of the house I'm in and moving into somewhere else to where she can't find me. I just don't know what to do about this. I feel like I can't go to her with this |
Question: How do I avoid being a loner? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:18 PM PDT I'm Autistic - but I'm not shy, introverted, or socially anxious. I hate being on my own, but I've always been constantly on my own. I've spent most of my life being lonely, I'll go through phases of having friends but it's short lived and it seems people easily drift away from me - last time I had friends was years ago when I was working, being long-term unemployed (due to disability) has ruined that as it has meant drifting apart. I'm working on getting back into work and I've started working in a few voluntary positions recently, hopefully I can consider trying to get back into work in a few months but still not sure what sort of work to look for and even then it's no guarantee of friends: working in a new place it can take months/years to form friendships. Being in my thirties it feels so much harder to find friends, being a woman it's tricky as there are places I can't go alone and I prefer male friends but it's tricky to show interest in guys as friends without them getting the wrong impression. Being unemployed also means no money to attempt to find hobbies or go out places. I'm so much happier when I've got friends, when I'm around large groups of people and out places like gigs or bars...I'm so lonely it's causing severe depression. As I'm Autistic I'm used to being alone, I do everything alone because I've had to, but all human beings need other people in their's getting too much. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:17 PM PDT Need help. So about 6 months ago I found out my wife was texting and sending nudes to another guy. We have worked through that. Around the same time she used to go out with her best friend to bars without me while I stayed home with our baby. Her friend knew, supported, and facilitated her endeavors talking to men etc. This girl was at our wedding as one of the brides maids. My question is .. am I wrong to ban my wife from hanging out with this girl? Personally I'd rather her drop this person as a friend completely. They have been friends for years. Longer than my wife and I have known each other. I feel guilty and justified at the same time... thoughts? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:07 PM PDT I want to see all my friends but that s not going to happen and I hate making new friends bc I always talk about my old friends and it s heartbreaking. How can I make new friends and also get used to middle school? |
Question: Does my friend like me ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:06 PM PDT My friend is really sweet and gentle me and him are the same age. We both like the same stuff. I like him he's kind of cute. I just went through a rough break up he was there for me through it all. Whenever I feel sad he always hugs me and talks to me even though we're both really shy. He even let me lean on his shoulder and cry. I've been really depressed lately too. He really likes coming over he likes being in my room it's his favorite color too. When he's sad or going through depression like me he lets me hug him. He always wants to go somewhere with me. He wanted to go to lunch with me and my brother today. He said he wants to go on vacation with us next week I don't know if my parents will let him but he is my best friend. I kind of like him a little I still miss my ex though. I'm still friends with him. Does he like me ? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:01 PM PDT Okay so I'm a 25 year old female and my friend that's 57 got worried about me when I didn't text her back one time and she said that she was about to come over to my house unannounced and ever since then I'm scared that she's going to actually show up to my house unannounced anyway. I have felt so paranoid about that and I feel like I can't talk to her about this either. I don't know what to do. I'm starting to feel like I need to move out of this house and move into somewhere else so she won't know where I'm at. I'm sorry to keep talking about her on here but I just don't know what to do |
Question: Professors , any opinion? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:42 PM PDT This lecturer is cold, distant and very serious , but when she looks at me in the hallway , she always nods and gives me a brief smile. That is a little awkward because she is an indifferent type of person and she smiles only at me and not other students and we are around 70 students in her lecture . I am really quiet and never speak during her lecture , so its weird that she remembers me . Is that a bad sign ? Is this going to affect my grade in the end ? |
Question: How to break up with a rude, negative, draining best friend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:41 PM PDT Hello, I met thiss girl, let s call her Nicole, about 8 months ago and we became friends. She was always complaining, was always in a state of apathy, and depressed. I went to her birthday party at the end of March and she WAS SO rude and depressing. As soon as my mom picked me up, I started bawling because of how dark she was. Nicole asked awful questions like "Who do you think is most likely to commit suicide out of us?" She was always cursin and calling me names. After her birthday party I started avoiding her. It s been about two months since. SHe still texts me and stuff. In a group with some people from school, she got mad because I texted in the group chat and not to her. She called me a b*tch in the group chat and idk what to do. Please give me advice on what to do!! |
Question: Should I give up on my friends? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:13 PM PDT We're in our final year of high school yet my "friends" don't show any signs of seriousness. During class, they talk about their lovers, rap or sing disturbing/sexually explicit songs they composed LOUDLY, etc. It's become annoying to the point that every other classmate and teachers are starting to dislike them. One day, the teacher was absent & all, except them ofc, were busy studying/doing homework. One of them (say "A") lost her **** and kept singing embarrassing songs about me in front of the entire class, even more after I requested her to stop. I tolerated it for like 5 mins and finally lashed out at her. She was known for never stopping once she started. Our fight dragged on for a long time till others intervened. Now, my "friend" (say "B") who's madly in love with "A", stopped talking to me. "B" was the one I thought I was the closest to, until 2017, when "B" started avoiding me like a stranger, for no reason at all. So this was the final straw. "B" finally found a VALID reason to completely cut off contact with me. "A", despite knowing that "B" was head-over-heels for her, does her best to hurt "B", like hooking up with several guys & breaking up soon after. "A" cut her hands after a break up and (deliberately) showed "B" who did the same thing. "B" did anything "A" wanted, and "A" knew even if she murdered someone, "B" would definitely stand by her side. I've always found their "friendship" to be unhealthy and others agree, but no one dares to bring it up. |
Question: Why are popular people so boring? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:07 PM PDT whenever they hang out they never do anything except for drive around town so why are popular people so boring |
Question: Do you have fake friends and/or family ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 12:53 PM PDT I have a few fake friends n family, i know who they are. When your doing great n everything is lovely, everyone wants to be apart of your life. Its when your DOWN N OUT is when you find out who REALLY cares i have come to realize. |
Question: Do I always have to text my friend back? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 12:45 PM PDT |
Question: Do I always have to text my friend back every time she texts me first? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 12:24 PM PDT Okay so I'm a 25 year old female and I have a friend that's much older than me but sometimes I get in these moods to where I feel like I don't want to be her friend anymore and I wanted to do a lot of stuff with her this summer but she acts like we probably can't hang out a whole lot this summer is the way I understand it so that just kinda makes me not even want to talk to her anymore. Maybe I'm just not meant to have any friends and I'm not at her every call either so when she texts me first again if I don't text her back then I'm afraid she's gonna show up at my house unannounced like she said she was about to do before. I sometimes feel smothered by her. Please help me. I sometimes feel trapped in this friendship and she even called me her best friend forever |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 12:15 PM PDT Hi I'm 13, I have a problem basically I have a friend in school and a few others whenever I make a friend something goes wrong and The don't talk to me. My school has very small options for making friends they are all rude,I thought of changing schools but I think that will make it worse, will it ? Then outside of school I want to join activities. I'm afraid when I grow up I won't be able to have fun like every one else. It's not like I want to be popular just friends I can hang out out of school ???? Please help meh |
Question: Would this be an example of a toxic/fake friend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 11:33 AM PDT This girl I used to hang with I thought she was very cool and so nice, but after a while, she got annoying and I saw her true colors. She is maitupating, bossy, rude sometimes and whatever. Also she did care for others, she needs to stop being lazy and get a job. Anyways she started being rude to me sometimes and always ask how much money I would bring. I though she would bring money too or I can help pitch in. She always never has money. She acts like she's been working and act like the money is hers. I tried to tell her that it's mine but she acts like I never bring money. One time she asked me to bring $30 to order pizza. I told her I didn't have it it only had $10. She was disapointed. She always asks when I get paid. We even try to help her get a job but she wouldn't. She would get angry if I didn't do **** her way. We end up having fights. She does get happy with my success but at times she doesn't seem supportive at all. I hate to be brutal but I was never excited to see her at all. Sometimes she always wants me to spend the night. Her mom, brothers and sister are nicer to me than she is. They don't judge me at all and I rather hang with them than her. The girl and I are no longer friends and to be honest, I'm glad she is out of my life. My life is so much better and less stressful without her. What I being to paranoid and too harsh? We haven't spoken since August 2015. Almost a year. She wants to be friends again and her guy friend has been trying to call me. |
Question: My best friend insults me...? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:03 AM PDT We've been friends for almost 11 years and I know that sometimes she feels a bit jealous... now she has just started to insult me, she said that I'm ugly and that I am a bad person. What can I do? I don't want to ruin this friendship. (Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Italy) |
Question: Why did my friend do this ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:31 AM PDT My best friend hugged me yesterday when I was feeling sad. Why did he do this ? |
Question: How am I supposed to bear with my parents? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:42 AM PDT I'm 16. I have the category of parents that would come under 'strict parents'. They follow the no boyfriend rule, no guy friends rule and no chatting rule. I'm not allowed to have guy friends. But my whole entire life, and my friend circle are mostly made up of guys with just one or two girls. It is a very very hard thing for me to do as if I followed what they ask, I would be lonely. It's also very very difficult for me to make new friends. I have always gotten in trouble whenever they see me hanging around guys. I'm also not allowed to go out with guys. I mean that's pretty obvious as I can't be friends with them, right? I would sit in my room watching my friends' social media's posts and just wonder to myself, why can't I have fun? I have one girl friend that I would go out with every month since my parents would make a fuss about it if I go twice or three times a month. It's just her, yep. It makes me sad, honestly. Don't get me wrong though. I don't obey their rules. I still chat, I still hang out with guys, and I also have a boyfriend. I have been with him for a year. My parents had found out about him once and I got into a huge trouble. Well, that's another story. It's just, I wanna have fun, you know? I don't wanna be stuck in my room all my teenage life not knowing what I'm doing. I've always thought about running away, but I know it wouldn't end well. Please help advice me on how I'm supposed to bear with this for 2 more years. |
Question: Freind has suddenly got really bad at replying? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:30 AM PDT Does anyone have that friend who is the only person who u actually care that answers u when u dm them or sc them? Well we just became friends again after a long time and during the not so comfortable phase she answered really well and stuff and now I feel like that we are more comfortable, she is not answering as much and doesn't really care which is part of the reason we stopped being friends a couple of years ago. What can I do to not come out desperate but also not stop talking to her at all over social media as we are off skl ATM and she is on holiday. Can anyone relate to this and if so what did u do. |
Question: My friend(s) keep calling me ugly? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:39 AM PDT my friends know how insecure I am and they call me ugly all the time like every chance they get they make me feel bad idk I thought it was jealousy at first but now it s getting to my head I can t I hate myself I was already insecure and they also make me feel dumb but I only have them as friends maybe it s their way of showing friendhsip? |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 04:11 AM PDT I use to have a friend who was depressed? She use to take medication for her depression, stayed in her house all day long and only left her house if she had to. Other then that she does not go to college until the fall. A few months ago she texted me saying that she wanted to kill herself. She begged me to not to tell anyone. I told 1 friend who I am friends with for a few years. He told me to still tell someone about ber problem or call 50/50 (I think that is what it is called), but I refused because I did not want her to be mad. Her and I are not friends anymore because she claimes that I did not want to help her and she called me names. She did not want me to tell anyone or do what was right so I did not know how to help her. My new friend told me yesterday that I still should've told someone and if it is not to late I would tell her mom because I have her cell number. I am hoping and preying to God that she doesn't do anything crazy because I am afraid that i will spend some time for not doing anything about it. Thank you so much for whoever answers my question and please no negative comments. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:56 AM PDT The reason why I am asking is because I use to have more female friends then males. As time went on I kept losing friends. Really because I had bullys in high school who talked crap about me, so as a result the friends I use to have back then ignored my text and phone calls and I had to hear from other people that they didn't want to be my friend anymore. Then I had 1 female friend who was depressed, but she only did 1 favor. That was to take me where I needed to go. Well that friend and I stopped being friends yesterday because we got into a big huge argument about how she was acting. Calling me names and telling me things that were not true. So now i just have a few male friends. No female friends anymore. I know that i will make new female friends as time goes on. My question is who else are females and just have male friends only? Thank you from the bottom of my heart to whoever answers my question. Please no negative comments. |
Question: Should I try to be friends with my ex-best friend or is it useless? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:47 AM PDT Me and my friend had known eachother for about 2 1/2 years and she's honestly the only person I've ever gotten close to. There had been multiple occasions where I noticed her trying or actually stealing from me. After years, it gets annoying. It was always small, cheap things so I let it slide. This time it was a $40 makeup product so of course I was mad. I told her that I didn't want her around anymore because you can't just do whatever you want and disregard that I worked my *** off for the stuff she'd taken. (It's blatantly obvious she took the makeup, I've caught her stealing before and she was the only one in my house alone for hours). When I confronted her, all she said was things like "believe whatever you want lol, i didn't take **** but okay, etc.". I even went to her house to get my things back and she just started crying and making everyone around feel bad for her as if I'd done something wrong. I do truly miss her and I know she's not in a good place right now. I'm just really confused. |
Question: Should I try to be friends with my ex-best friend or is it useless? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 03:37 AM PDT |
Question: I need help determining wether to still be friends with this person? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 01:54 AM PDT So a while back to be 8 months exact I had made a funny post on Facebook about 2 of my friends one of my friends had got very upset and blocked me and stopped talking to me. So recently I had invited his little brother who I'm friends with and our other mutual friend over for a party. And now after 8 months he wants to talk to me again. Should I talk to him still? I mean he only wanted to speak to me again after finding out I was having a party and was inviting people he knew. I haven't spoken to him since then. What do you think? |
Question: Being forced to bottle up emotions? Posted: 31 May 2017 10:37 PM PDT I'm an teenager and I recently saw (by accident) a pro and con list on whether we should move back to our old house by my mum. She noticed that I saw and asked me to not tell anyone, of which I have tried to respect. Seeing this just destroyed me. I know it not definitive, but it still shakes me up. When we moved to the home we live in now, I went into what I could only describe as a deep depression (suicidal thoughts, fatigue, loneliness) for 8 months which went completely untreated. I am aware that logically moving may be a smart decision for my family, but I still don't like the idea of it. The only person I have told is my best friend who lives in my old hometown as I just could not keep this all to myself (I told my mum and she said it was fine). That caused me more problems. She is excited at the prospect of me moving back while I am not as excited. I have where I live now which has my new friends, new dance studio, and new school and my old hometown. I feel stuck. I can't tell my parents how I feel, I can't tell my new friend group, and I can't tell my best friend how I actually don't want to be in the same place as her. It seems my only option is to just keep this all bottled up as I can't find really anyone who has been in the same circumstance as me. Help! |
Question: I have no friends :(? Posted: 31 May 2017 10:25 PM PDT this isn't really a question but I'd like to lift it off my chest and finally breath again... I have no friends, In real life, Only 2 friends, and they only hang out with me out of pity... When Im with them I feel empty inside, knowing that they've known eachother for over 12 years and I never really had a friend longer than 3 months. When I play games, I play them solo... When I go watch a movie, I watch it alone When I eat food at a restaraunt, I eat it alone When I talk, I talk to myself... All my brothers and sisters are older than me with atleast 11 years, I cant really get to know any of them :( Whenever I play games, I see two people together, wether they're friends IRL, or brothers, I feel empty inside and try not to cry... My mother wanted a girl, I came out a boy My father wanted a man, I came out a lonesome loser My brothers wanted someone they could relate to, I came out completely different than both of them My sisters wanted someone who they could love, trust, and protect them, I came out boring, untrustworthym and weak. Im just counting the days til I day as I do not want to kill myself I know my parents love me, But I cant bring myself to let my heart accept that fact Please, please please, Do not let down your family and friends, Dont be like me, Im sad, alone, and pathetic, I do not want anyone to be like me. |
Question: Should I delete old pictures of my ex best friend and I off Instagram? Posted: 31 May 2017 10:12 PM PDT Should I delete the pictures of me and my ex best friend off Instagram? We haven't talked really since April and the last text I sent her was a happy birthday text which was almost a month ago. Things ended badly between us and even though those pictures are happy memories I personally feel bad when I see them. Should I delete it? She's tagged in them but idk if she still goes on Insta so idk if she will know or personally care? What do you suggest? |
Question: Friend tried stealing something and now has confided in me for her guilty conscious? Posted: 31 May 2017 09:59 PM PDT My friend text me and wants advice. She said she went to a store and tried to steal a phone charger but 5 minutes after she stole it a store worker came up to her and asked her for "the stuff" and she then gave it back and was told to never visit the store again. She says she feels guilty and wants to know how she can get past it, but I really don't know what to tell her, any ideas? |
Question: How do you deal with someone that kept asking the same question? Posted: 31 May 2017 09:53 PM PDT Hi, I'm currently seeing someone but I'm getting annoyed with him because he kept asking the same question every single time we talk. He told to try to find another job and I repeatedly telling him that I'm trying and he kept asking me if I find a job? I was thinking of quit talking to him. |
Question: Does gender effect autism? Posted: 31 May 2017 09:42 PM PDT I was unusually shy and anxious as a child. I barely even spoke to anyone. However, I was still able to make friends. I remember I used to like fidgeting with pencils and I had an obsession with rubber band bracelets. I also used to flap my hands repeatedly and rocked back and forth when sitting when I was 5. As I reached my pre-teen years, I didn't have very many school friends because one girl transferred to my school from a private school, turned my best friend against me, and both bullied me for two years. People followed along because she was quite scary sometimes, for example telling other kids that her dad gave her permission to slap and beat kids up if she dislikes them. As I started high school in grade 8, I made tons of new friends. I am 15 now and I lost a lot of autistic symptoms - nobody notices anything different about me. I attend regular classes and have typical teenage friends. One teacher told me that females' autism is different from males - we are generally more social. Another weird thing, I lost almost all my autistic symptoms without even realizing. It's like they're gone and forgotten. Besides the fidgeting and my love for daydreaming all day. What happened to my symptoms from my childhood? |
Question: I know everyone asks this but is there a good chance my crush likes me? Posted: 31 May 2017 09:27 PM PDT Hi we're in high school and I like everything about this guy, he's different. He's introverted and doesnt let anyone touch him and rarely hugs his friends, but recently he's always touching my arms, neck, and back, play choking me and teasing me, he doesnt do this with anyone else. He always makes sexual jokes about me which was shocking at first until I learned that he's actually a dark person. Few days ago we were talking about dumb trends and I said how trends are stupid I never follow them then he said people who follow trends are a turn off for him. This gave me hope! But today we were talking about personalities someone asked me if I'm more cheery or a downer like chill and I said cheery and spunky, he said "I can't stand spunky." I dunno if he's teasing or telling me he would prefer someone like him?? Or that opposites attract. He has a dry dark sense of humor. |
Question: Why will my old friends talk to me without offending me (not in a racist way)? Posted: 31 May 2017 09:07 PM PDT So I'm a male and I'm in 7th grade and I just moved back from a different state and now I go to my old school with my old friends that I knew up to the point until I moved, my friends still talked to me then but after a few months I hanged around them tried to be funny cause everyone I knew either wanted sex or drugs( or both) so I tried to funny still up to this point and I realize that they give me this look that means the hate me and want nothing to do with me. But why? I don't bother then as much now cause I promised myself that I wouldn't be annoying so I have been quiet but they still judge me and now it's gotten to the point where everyone judges me even though I dint even know them. I don't do sports I get good grades and I like to draw and I don't socialize at school unless someone talks to me I'm happy but now that I'm realizing that they are giving me this mean look I have been kinda sad that no one will cwanna hang out with me so yeah I'm. Oh I'm not gay either si i have no clue e what make me so weird |
Question: Help me, how the hell do i get out of this? Posted: 31 May 2017 08:59 PM PDT ok. so about a week ago someone messaged me on quotev. them: wanna rp (stupid me makes a decision to respond and on top of that makes a unconscious invitation) me: what do you wanna rp them: supernatural *i ignore them for a week. i think theyve forgotten about me but then they message me again.* them: so want me to start me: *panicking a few days later* i dont mean to come off as rude, but i cant roleplay. im sorry im just kinda busy :P also im terrible at it so you wouldnt really be missing out on anything XD me: sorry again!!! maybe some other time (that line was probably where i ****** up. but i really didnt want to come off as a jerk.) them: tomorrow. and thats it. just a blunt tomorrow. why do they think i could be available tomorrow? the reason i dont want to roleplay is because i dont know them, and i have anxiety. and i suck at roleplaying. so my anxiety is telling me "dont rp youll be humiliated" and its also telling me "dont turn them down that will make you look like an asshat" so it took me a while to summon the courage to decline as politely as possible, only to be shot down with a blunt "tomorrow." god, what the **** am i supposed to do? i really dont want to roleplay. i cant ignore them again. i cant decline them again. i cant accept. w h a t d o i d o how can i get out of roleplaying with this person? |
Question: I need gift ideas for a friend.? Posted: 31 May 2017 08:44 PM PDT One of my best friends is a foreign exchange student, and she's going back to Switzerland soon. I really want to get her a going away gift. Ideas? (My budget is 100$, but feel free to use that loosely) |
Posted: 31 May 2017 08:14 PM PDT Urgente |
Posted: 31 May 2017 07:58 PM PDT Why does this happen |
Question: Is there anything I can do? Posted: 31 May 2017 07:34 PM PDT My friend whom I have known for a few months now, just turned eighteen and finally graduated from high-school.My brother also graduated this year, and I'm coming back in August for grade 11 year of high-school. A part of me that I hate feels jealous. Mostly because my brother and her went to the same competitive school I go to, so usually the work is twice what they give you for regular school. I guess I'm just jealous because I still am stuck here in 11th grade. I'm also worried about if she will like me after she graduates. She's a very good person and the first female I've managed to get along with in a long time. I just worry about how she might change after she's graduated. We usually only text. I also thought of breaking it off with her since I don't want to be jealous of her. I don't want to be that way towards her or feel that way. I don't want to have any sort of negative feeling towards her, even if I don't use it for malicious intent. Maybe I'm a bit sad since I'm not really on the same level as her anymore. I'm behind. I'm just not sure If I should break it off for the better, I'm not sure how to fix jealousy. It's not something I want. Not something I wish to have.I'm just not sure if there's anything I can do to fix it or better ways I can maintain my friendship with her. Also the age gap, a year and a half is nothing, but still. (Serious answers only, please.) Is there anyway I can feel less bad about it? I feel so horrible about it that it's almost impossible to not think about it. I feel disgusted with myself. |
Posted: 31 May 2017 07:24 PM PDT |
Question: I wanna bang my friend's sister? Posted: 31 May 2017 07:18 PM PDT We're both adults. How can I make this happen? |
Question: Girls in my gymnastics class hate me? Posted: 31 May 2017 07:10 PM PDT The popular girls in my gymnastics hate me because I'm shy. Every time I nod instead of saying yes or no, they laugh. Every time I mess up on a gymnastics skill, they laugh. And one time the teacher called me short (not to be mean, she said it as a joke) and they laughed so hard at that, meanwhile they are only 2 inches taller than me. I did nothing to them, they barely know me because I only see them once a week and they hate me. I'm sensitive and don't know how to deal with this |
Question: Does my friend have autism? Posted: 31 May 2017 06:40 PM PDT He keeps saying he does, but I can't tell if its a joke or not. |
Question: Is it weird to give your friend a foot massage? Posted: 31 May 2017 06:38 PM PDT I give my best friend a foot massage every single day We are both 19 year old guys and have known one another since we were 5. I'm really good at foot rubs and he really loves the feeling. It's just a nice gesture but so many people think it's weird or gay. What do you think? |
Question: How can I spy on someones webcam with their gmail? Posted: 31 May 2017 06:08 PM PDT I heard a friend my friend keep saying stuff behind my back and I just want to see what goes on at his house as he always visits, but I want to use my android phone to see what happens |
Question: I think my friend is toxic? Posted: 31 May 2017 05:58 PM PDT Okay so I'm not denying she has problems but she has a habit of bragging about them. Like she bought a fidget spinner just so she can talk about how she has anxiety and she went on Tumblr and announced eating disorders as safe because she's claimed to have one before and she will even use her anxiety as an excuse not to do certain things or so she can have certain things, like a fidget spinner, and it gets to the point where I feel like she is pushing how she thinks disorders should look on other people and judges them if they don't match each one. Not to mention she pushes people away and blames it on these disorders so she doesn't have to take responsibility. I really think she is toxic and I'm not sure if we should be friends anymore |
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