Family & Relationships: Question: I feel uncomfortable around my dad? |
- Question: I feel uncomfortable around my dad?
- Question: What is this called?
- Question: Does cutting trees hurt them?
- Question: So my mother inlaw has been sending hints my way for about 2 months now?
- Question: What percentage of guys come back to their ex - and WHY?
- Question: What products can cancel/isolate the noises around you?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: Is this normal?
- Question: Give my ex best friend another chance?
- Question: Does this mean anything or no?
- Question: If I'm her first boyfriend, should I be worried about her curiosity?
- Question: Crees que el amor entre parejas debería de tener condiciones? Debe el amor tener alguna condición?
- Question: Situazione pericolosa? Cosa ne pensate?
- Question: What to write on a sympathy gift tag/ card for my grandad, his wife passed away... Ideas?
- Question: Why does my son enjoy being pampered?
- Question: Can someone please help?
- Question: So does it mean she likes or did she moved because of me?
- Question: How do you deal with creepy guys that approach you?
- Question: Why would a guy rather play with your pussy then **** you?
- Question: Why did my colleague randomly ask me if I still talk to my ex when we were outside of work alone?
- Question: Please help. I don't know how to be unattached!?
- Question: My boyfriends mother wants me to speak at his eulogy. But I don't think I can keep it together?
- Question: I need a serious help !! I want to kill my c*nt brother?
- Question: La county jail?
- Question: Is this girl fighting feelings for me?
- Question: How to continue conversations?
- Question: Why did he go back?
- Question: I'm a girl but have a guy voice..?
- Question: Parents, are you more approving of your daughter-in-law or your son-in-law? And why?
- Question: I need some advise to cope with the place I'm renting.?
- Question: Why never go directly to the clitoris when giving oral sex?
- Question: I'm worried that my dad is cheating on my mom?
- Question: I m really in need of money so I did something kind of reckless?
- Question: Is it selfish of me to want time with my mom alone?
- Question: Anti-gay you see demand you the storm?
- Question: Can I get emancipated because my parents treat me different because I'm bi sexual?
- Question: Is this appropriate to ask a female coworker?
- Question: Why am I thinking about shooting up when me and my fiance have sex?!?
- Question: How will getting married affectmy open cps case?
- Question: Did I deserve to be called a b*t*h? Please be honest with me?
- Question: How to stop being second best?
- Question: How to leave my Au pair job nicely?
- Question: Asif lhan pan tan lan?
- Question: Do I need to worry about age difference?
- Question: Aslkm teman2 saya bingung teman2 bntr lg kan lebaran tuh klo orng itu tetap jengkel ama qw n benci ama qw harus gmna ya teman2 terhadap dy?
- Question: Should I come out?
- Question: Why did my coworker randomly ask me if I still talk to my ex when we were outside of work alone?
- Question: Caught smoking weed?
- Question: Ideas for boyfriend birthday?
- Question: Am I over reacting when I think my personal trainer may be hitting on me?
- Question: Why is everything going so wrong in my life ????!!!!!?
- Question: I am confused about myself and my twin; hodge podge of questions?
- Question: How do I stop this pedophile?
- Question: Tengo 19 años y me da miedo pedirle permiso a mi mama para salir? ayudaa please!!?
- Question: He left me and re-married, now treats me like I hurt him?
- Question: How attractive are both guys?
- Question: What to do when you feel lonely?
- Question: Cheating Husband?
- Question: What does it mean when a guy say that will u give me sex when I come back after 2 years.?
- Question: Have you let someone borrow something from you?
Question: I feel uncomfortable around my dad? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 03:23 PM PDT My dad has never done anything to me he was in the army and he's nice and loves me! But...... I always feel uncomfortable around my dad like he's not my real dad I don't like to call him my step dad except I've known him since I was 3 and he fell in love with me my mom said😀 I'm 12 and I developed breast when I was 10 going on 11 some times I feel like he's starring at it!! Like when I come down stairs To get some clothes from him I think he stairs!!! But I don't know what I should do I just always feel uncomfortable around him and have thoughts about him raping me or something! I don't know should I go with my gut? |
Question: What is this called? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 03:20 PM PDT When I was little I had a friend and I went to her house one day and I fell asleep and I woke up to her naked and kissing me. I remember her trying to do stuff with me (we are both girls) and I didn't want to and I told her but she wouldn't stop. What would this be called? I'm just curious. And what should I do now, like 9 years later, should I tell someone because I get paranoid around people because I am scared that someone will grab me and take me away to do stuff. It might not be related but I just want to know. |
Question: Does cutting trees hurt them? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 03:10 PM PDT I need to trim a tree but I don't want to hurt it. |
Question: So my mother inlaw has been sending hints my way for about 2 months now? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 02:55 PM PDT So my mother inlaw has been sending hints my way for about 2 months now Today I decided to test the waters she was on the side of me in the kitchen and made sure to take a lon brush against her boob to my suprise she put her knee on my croch and began rubbing it with her knee so of course I immediately grab full boob I don't know what to do I want to keep it going |
Question: What percentage of guys come back to their ex - and WHY? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 01:39 PM PDT This is like a survey -- I'm in my mid 30s..almost every guy I've dated since I was 25 came back to me eventually after we parted (except for two who got married right after dating me). A guy I was dating a year and a half broke up with me a month ago - and even though I suspect he's seeing someone else right after me - is there a chance this one will come back one day too? I don't want to count on it - but what's the deal with men always, eventually coming back? Why wouldn't they stay away for good when they left a woman or treated her like they didn't want to be in a committed relationship? |
Question: What products can cancel/isolate the noises around you? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 01:39 PM PDT My family and I moved to a new house, but the whole neighborhood is making a lot of noise even at night at around 3:00 AM. One night I was sleeping and the noises were inside my dream. Also, I feel distracted while studying. I tried to listen to music, but didn't work because I can't focus while the music is playing. I was just wondering if there was such a thing as a product to isolate those noises? I mean I want to put something on my ears, so I can hear nothing at all. |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:42 PM PDT In August I have to go to and camp. It is for one week 3 sessions a day each session for about 3 hours or more. About one hour berk in between. So added altogether it is about 12 hours a day. I just got my music today and I don t get it it looks confusing. And it is way to tiny. I have low vision what should I do all the songs that we are playing are stupid. And confusing I don t even want to go to band camp this has just basicly ruined my hole summer. |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:24 PM PDT . My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 8 months. We just graduated college and are 25 years old. We live 10 hours apart. His dream job (which may be hard to get) is where he lives, and my dream is stay living where I grew up. Can two people truly be in love if they are both unwilling to sacrifice their dreams in order to live in close proximity? I understand if neither will give in, it won t work. But should it be a huge issue between it normal to take this long to figure it out? Or should it be easier for one of us to give in if we were truly in love. |
Question: Give my ex best friend another chance? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:01 PM PDT I apologize in advance if this is long. I have this ex friend named Samantha, We have been friends for years. Nearly inseparable, but everything changed the week before I went to college. I found out from her that her other friends had a problem with me. I never understood why because I never had a conversation with her other friends. I then found out that she has been talking bad about me with her other friends which made then prejudge me with out even knowing me. Mind you, I have said somethings about her friends as well but that's only because Samantha would come to me talking about some drama she was going through with them. Apparently she has been going back and telling them everything I said, and vice versa. After I found out, I confronted the issue and made it clear that she could not be trusted and stopped being her friend. Fast forward: today which is 4 yrs later. I decided to let the petty drama go. I've tried to reach out to her and told her that I was there for her. She still hangs out with the other girls because I went off to college so she did not have anyone else. I don't want her to think I'm still holding on to the grudge but I still have a hard time trusting her. I want to start this friendship over, but I don't think she does because the only time we talk is Snapchat, or random calls from her. I never thought it was sincere, just convenient. I miss the friendship but I don't know if she's being fake or trying to be friends 2. Update: Update: BTW: Our friendship had its up and downs. And a lot of people want us to not be friends because of incidents we went through. We have matured and are old enough to understand situations more clearly. Well, I have..I'm not sure about her. Its hard to talk to anyone because people are still stuck on the past. I just want to know if I should try this friendship again. Every time I stop talking to her, she always contacts me out the blue and gives me mix feelings. I just need advice Update 2: I've forgave her numerous times in the past, but I'm not sure if she still wants to try to make this friendship work again |
Question: Does this mean anything or no? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 11:52 AM PDT Okay so today I was walking at the hallway with my friend & I saw the girl I liked walking at the hallway too & I just looked down while I was walking & when she walked past us she said hi but I didn't say hi because I was looking down but my friend said hi. Then last Friday we were all in class & I decided to get a drink of water at the hallway & when I got back to class she said Hii jake? |
Question: If I'm her first boyfriend, should I be worried about her curiosity? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 11:52 AM PDT Well this girl, I grew up with her. We were best friends in 4th grade, but I always had a crush on her (since kindergarten). We're in our junior year of high school now, and we've been dating for about four months. I'm her first official boyfriend, and we have done quite a lot together (making out, finger stuff, oral ((to her)) ) and she's becoming more open to those things. Well recently she's shown a interest in male strip clubs (thanks to magic mike) and that really worries me. Her family encourages it too, when she comes of age, and she wants to go to one (if we get married) on her bachelorette party. I'm really worried that she'll get curious and become infedelitious. I know I can't stop her, but is there anything I can do to at least keep her from being unfaithful in any way? I've shown discomfort towards those types of things but she insists that they're harmless things and that I am more than welcome to go to a female strip club. The thing is, I can't. I would feel uncomfortable there and I just can't find any attraction to anyone else at all. I feel like she wants me to do these things so she doesn't feel guilty about doing them herself. And I hate to assume or have expectations of her, but I figure it's common decency not to do something that would hurt your partner in the relationship. I just don't know what to do or how to deal with this mentally and emotionally. |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 10:33 AM PDT |
Question: Situazione pericolosa? Cosa ne pensate? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 10:30 AM PDT Da circa sei mesi frequento un corso di tiro a piattello, sono una ragazza di 25 anni, e l'ambiente è frequentato più che altro da uomini. ho cominciato fin a subito ha notare un comportamento particolare da parte di due soggetti: due uomini, uno di circa 60 anni (l'insegnante del corso) , l'altro circa 40 anni, molto amico dell'insegnante. L'insegnante si dimostra da subito cordiale, rispettoso e quasi ogni volta che lo vedo loda in maniera quasi affettata il genere femminile:"a, le donne sono meglio degli uomini, perché sono più in gamba, più precise, ecc", senza un apparente motivo. L'altro fin da subito mi lancia occhiate con un chiaro invito sessuale, uno dei più aggressivi e sfacciati che abbia mai visto, io evito i incrociare il suo sguardo varie volte, finché da un giorno all'altro cambia atteggiamento: diventa cordiale, premuroso, paterno, proprio come l'insegnante, e penso "bene, si è arreso" e mi rilasso poi però mi accorgo di aver abbassato la guardia, perché ricomincia a fissarsi. Io allora ricambio con totale freddezza e lui sembra che ora mi lasci stare. l'insegnante invec3 ha cambiato atteggiamento, mi ignora completamente, non sostiene il mio sguardo, mi parla soltanto quando a fine lezione si fa una bevuta (alcool), io all'inizio rifiutato di bere ma a forza di proposte è già la seconda volta e lui, anche se dico "solo un dito" mi versa almeno mezzo bicchiere di birra (e la seconda volta un po di più della prima). Tutto questo mi insospettisce. |
Question: What to write on a sympathy gift tag/ card for my grandad, his wife passed away... Ideas? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 10:23 AM PDT Hi everyone, My Grandad lost his wife recently (My Nanny) they have been married 51yrs and 52 at the end of the month, I've bought a sympathy card & a candle that is dedicated to the wife in memory, I just don't know what to write of the tag (on the gift bag) or what to put in the card for is, it's a hard loss especially for him... Please anything helpful... Xx |
Question: Why does my son enjoy being pampered? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 09:40 AM PDT Recently my 16 year old son got into a car accident when he was blind sided by another driver. He's fine, but suffered a concussion and busted his right and a rib. So far he's been staying in a hospital to recover, but can't get up on his own and is bed bound for now. Okay here's where it gets strange. My teen son is forced to wear a diaper in order to relieve himself since he can't get up. Strangely he enjoys using it but enjoys more when the nurse assigned to him comes and changes him. My son also gets sponge baths from her, and he told me it really excites him. He also likes it that his nurse is like 25-30, and yes she is a pretty woman. So why does he like being babied by her so much? Personally I just couldn't stand being bed ridden like that. |
Question: Can someone please help? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 09:17 AM PDT In dire need of diapers (size 6), milk, food, and toddler clothes (size 3T-4T). Not asking for cash but that would help too. Prefer if you could donate the items above instead of cash though. Email me I am located in long island ny. PS - this is my last resort, already tried everything else (local church included) |
Question: So does it mean she likes or did she moved because of me? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 08:54 AM PDT So there's this girl I like in class & I was talking to my friend joey & their was this other kid who kept on bugging me. I guess the girl saw him looking at me & she told him to spot & he did. But then I just kept on talking to my friend. I decided to look at her & I caught her looking at me & then looked down idk why. I looked away & started to do my work & I looked back again & she wasn't at the same spot. |
Question: How do you deal with creepy guys that approach you? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 07:13 AM PDT I was just minding my own business taking the downtown bus picking up some food and heading back to work. I get off the bus and some random guy approaches me. He said, "I want to go out with you and you know... I wanna fill you up." I was taken a back by this and just said, "not interested" and walked away. I wish I would have just told off that disgusting pig... I also sometimes get these random guys that check me out like I'm some sort of piece of meat and I feel disrespected and violated. It's not like I'm wearing anything that would attract attention... Just jeans and a t-shirt... How would you deal with unwanted attention?? Thanks. |
Question: Why would a guy rather play with your pussy then **** you? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 06:57 AM PDT So I have been with this guy for a few months now and it's seems to me he'd rather play with me for hours (and I am not complaining !!!) but it has me wondering why would he rather spend hours playing with me but not **** me it's like I totally want to it always seems like we both have condoms so we don't but I know if a guy wants to hell have condoms so I guess I'm jst asking why would a guy prefer to pleasure the girl always than rather than having sex???? |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 05:36 AM PDT I relocated out of state for a job, but at the time of the interview, I had mentioned my boyfriend randomly during a casual conversation. So I think my 2 interviewers then got the impression I relocated FOR him (which really wasn't entirely the case, but that's besides the point). This apparently was told to everyone in my small company I work for. Since I've started working there, he hasn't been brought up since week 1 when I told *one* coworker that we weren't together anymore (at the time I relocated). Randomly today (3 months later) my coworker asked me out of the blue if I still talk to my ex... why would she ask this? Gossip? Or genuine curiosity? I couldn't tell if she genuinely was trying to get to know me/why I relocated or if this was a gossip thing. It's hard to tell with her. But she brought him up out of the blue...we weren't even talking about relocation she suddenly just asked: "So do you and your ex still talk?" Edit: He hasn't been brought up since week 1 when I said we weren't together. But yesterday I ended up telling her that we don't talk and I broke up with him. It totally caught me off guard when she asked though, so I probably didn't respond in the best way Oh, and she asked when she gave me a ride home from work and it was just the 2 of us |
Question: Please help. I don't know how to be unattached!? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 05:28 AM PDT I'm forever questioning my decisions. I'm not even sure if this is the right thing to do or if I'll even get feedback. I usually don't. Well anyway, my ex and I are in a complicated relationship. We broke up for a while but right now we're trying to work things out without officially dating. We act like couples though. I'm happy that when we're together, we act like we're together. I have 95% of his attention and we're so happy! I mean, I think he is, I know I am! When we're not together, I get upset but it's my own fault for getting upset because it's not his fault! It's all me. I expect so much out of him when I know he's extremely busy with work and his own family problems. I expect him to be like he was when we were dating before but he's changed and I know that. It's just hard to accept. So, if anyone could help that'd be fantastic. I don't want to feel like I'm crazy because he's all I think about when I know I'm not all he thinks about. I feel like I'm lucky if he thinks about me once. Well, anyway, thank you for your time. I'm sorry this was so long. Have a good day/night. |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 04:58 AM PDT A few days ago my bf of 18 months died. Words can not describe how I feel right now. And having to bury the person that means the most to me in this world is heart breaking. It wasn't suppose to be like this. We were suppose to be grow old and boring together. I think going through this is worse than dying... You know what bothers me the most? I didn't think 18 months was a big deal. He made a beautiful present. He handmade a music box that played my favorite song and made the sweetest video of him singing it. Or trying to sing it. He sounds like a dying cat. What did I give him? Nothing. His mother wants me to speak at the funeral. I don't know what to say and I don't think I can hold it together. Is it wrong to say no? |
Question: I need a serious help !! I want to kill my c*nt brother? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 02:15 AM PDT I hate my family! I want to kil my brother he keeps on shouting on my mom and say **** to her keeps on swearing her ! He tries to scare my mom ask money so that he could spend that on drugs! And he starts breaking things If someone tries to say something to him ! My dad is actually a fa**ot ! He said ,he can't not do anything about this ! He stay out of the house most of the time.! Im being mentally sick because of this c*nt brother! I just want to kill him ! And im making plans for this ! I don't want him to get away so easily after doing this to my family. ! Help me i need advice Please don't say ,he needs help, because he doesn't deserve it ! |
Posted: 14 Jul 2015 01:44 AM PDT What do the uniform colors represent in L.a County Jail Located in California los Angeles Background on imate Hes in for sellin drugs hardcore drug lord... Gang affiliated |
Question: Is this girl fighting feelings for me? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:42 AM PDT I'm 24 and in love with an older girl named Tara. She is 33. I really like her, and she always showed subtle signs she likes me too, like smiling and ackwardness around me in a good way plus biting her lip. She keeps saying and doing things lately that hurts me but I still love her so much. When I saw her yesterday she started shouting and cursing at me for approaching her a few months ago outside a local pub. She even said 'You're lucky I didn't punch you in the jaw. She doesn't know how much I cried over her. The pain of this is doing real damage in fact I feel like I'm really sick. Even though she said these things, it comes across as though she's fighting feelings for me because she was always nice before we got a little closer. I'd love a hug or a kiss from her, her very touch could make me feel miles better. I'd make her my wife if I could. What can I do any suggestions? |
Question: How to continue conversations? Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:40 AM PDT I started at fidm I have a hard time talking in groups but I talked to one girl n we like similar things but she's kinda quiet too we would talk at random times but we would be awkward n silent a lot I'm bad at continuing convos Any advice |
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 11:47 PM PDT I met this guy and he had a girlfriend at the time, but he claimed that he was unhappy and he was going to break up with her. I made sure he was broken up with her when we started to date. Everything so was going fine and smooth and he seemed like he was happy. We got very close and we had started to get physical. But then I found out he was still sleeping with his ex. I tried to wrap my head around the whole situation and I just can't understand. Hes back with her now but he still tells me that he loves me. I don't get him at all. He tells me that I'm amazing and he could talk to me about anything. But then he says that he loves her too but usually has nothing nice to say about her. This is going to sound bad but I'm so much better then her. Looks and personality. I just don't understand why he went back. God saved the best for last so why go back? |
Question: I'm a girl but have a guy voice..? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 11:13 PM PDT So everytime I pick up the phone they think it's my brother. And when I play Xbox EVERYONE automatically thinks I'm a guy and when I say in a girl they think I'm lying to them. |
Question: Parents, are you more approving of your daughter-in-law or your son-in-law? And why? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:51 PM PDT |
Question: I need some advise to cope with the place I'm renting.? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:35 PM PDT I recently moved in with this family this small family That's letting me stay here for 700$ a month.They seemed like a nice family at first but since the 5 weeks that I've lived with them... These people are creepy. Every week they have people over and I can hear them all crying really loud and obnoxious. It's really hard to ignore because it's just so loud and creepy. They've invited me to church several times and I can't because I work a lot and I'm not really a church person either. On my 3rd week I started feeling really uncomfortable when I felt these bad vibes between the family and me, they have a 8 year old kid who's always bothering me when I'm in the bathroom he'll bang really hard that he has to pee and when i come out he starts laughing but what bothers me most is the kid calls me a "bruja" or at least he refers to me as that when he talks to his mom. The dad is the only one who is nice with me, he offers me rides to work or controls the little kid when he bothers me. At first I was getting along with their daughter because we were both looking for jobs at first but yesterday I came home from work and my laptop screen was broken and someone was snooping in my mini fridge and some milk spilled on my text books. I know i should be yelling at someone and asking them to pay for everything damaged but I am a very shy person and afraid of speaking up.I have a 1 and a half year contract with them and I really don't know what to do. Please help! |
Question: Why never go directly to the clitoris when giving oral sex? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:33 PM PDT |
Question: I'm worried that my dad is cheating on my mom? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:31 PM PDT Recently, I have noticed that my dad has been much more secretive with his phone, and texting constantly. I looked at it, and saw he was using a messaging app, called Wickr, which requires a passcode. I saw heart emojis the other day, and they are constantly making calls. I heard him the other day asking "Do you still feel guilty?" on a call, and saw messages of her calling him a hottie, and asking to meet up on a weekend when I was going to be gone. He has sent her pictures of himself with me in them, which I find odd. In addition to this, I have woken up on weekends where he will be gone early in the morning and when I ask him about it, he seems nervous. I want to confront him, but I'm not sure how to. Although I know it is a bad idea, I wanted to try to call her. Before I ask him, I wanted to see if other people thought he was cheating. Let me know, thanks. |
Question: I m really in need of money so I did something kind of reckless? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:25 PM PDT I went to OKcupid and set my location to russia and set up my profile so that it heavily implies that I m willing to marry a russian chick for 5k. I know that these kinds of marriages usually run for 10k. If you ve ever married for money how did it turn out? |
Question: Is it selfish of me to want time with my mom alone? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:18 PM PDT when I was 10 my mom moved away and I didn t see nor talk to her for 4 years. I moved in with her after all that time and she refused to spend time with me. I ended up moving because of some issues and I was gone for 7 months and when I got back she still refused to spend time with me because she also has a 2 yr old and a 6 month old. I understand that the babies need attention but my mom has missed out on my shift from being a little girl to a young woman and hardly knows me. I feel like the odd one out all the time. I don t want to do anything fancy. But I d like to talk to my mom about girl stuff without her boyfriend around constantly. I ve talked to her about this but she keeps throwing my "selfishness" in my face. |
Question: Anti-gay you see demand you the storm? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:11 PM PDT Anti-gay you see demand you the storm like this of course in the upper portion de prober the slide India's small bowel incontinence in the stomach the technique very much involved in buying this domain vertically as you can see the in the slide I that Parkas told Mike that is the body's is removed and the partner States looks like banana shape or sleeve say this will call gastric sleeve or hysterectomy now what happens when I E that cheeseburger that you offer me op I only will the product couple bites. Amazing Information, visit this site >>>>>>> |
Question: Can I get emancipated because my parents treat me different because I'm bi sexual? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:01 PM PDT I'm a sophomore in high school and I've been bi since 7th grade. Well my parents found out and they treat me so differently then my other siblings. I can't have a phone I can't go hang out with friends or anything bc I'm bi and my parents are religious freaks. Does anyone know if I could get emancipated because my parents treat me differently bc I'm bi sexual? |
Question: Is this appropriate to ask a female coworker? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:59 PM PDT I work with this Chinese woman at the bank and she has long beautiful nails. I want to ask her to scratch my back in the break room. We are kind of friends but not outside of work. |
Question: Why am I thinking about shooting up when me and my fiance have sex?!? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:57 PM PDT I literally got off by the thought of it. I couldn't get off thinking about him. It freakin sickens me. I've done dope before. Off and on for a few years. And I've been thinking about it a lot lately. We've been fighting a lot. And me doing dope was one of the reasons. Could it be that I'm such a ***** that I'm craving hurting him? I need some help here. I'm going to go crazy. |
Question: How will getting married affectmy open cps case? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:42 PM PDT |
Question: Did I deserve to be called a b*t*h? Please be honest with me? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:36 PM PDT Like I was talking and he kept saying something like "you know you're your girls follower" and I said "nope I don't follow anyone I follow myself" and then he says that "I can't deal with your hoodrat ****" and then I get confused and say "wait I wasn't being a hoodrat" and he says "do you really need to control everything? I know what I heard so how can you tell me?" Then he starts saying "who are you talking to? I'm not the one *****" and I'm confused like I didn't know what I did wrong and then he says ***** again and then hangs up. He said he saw a video of a man punching girls who hit his daughter. Then he said Brooklyn girls are violent and he says out of the blue that I have no femininity nor do I know to be dainty. Then he says that there are no cute girls in Brooklyn just fat and unattractive and even when I asked about myself he said nothing, only that he has yet to see a cute girl from there. Then he said California has attractive feminine women etc. I'm crying and I don't know what I said wrong. I thought it was a joke. |
Question: How to stop being second best? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:33 PM PDT I feel like second best to everyone. I invited my friend to go to Cedar Point but she ditched me to go hang out with her other friend instead. If anyone ever has a chance to hang out with someone other than me, than will. This is how it's been all my life and I'm tired of it. |
Question: How to leave my Au pair job nicely? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:18 PM PDT |
Question: Asif lhan pan tan lan? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:15 PM PDT Asif lhan |
Question: Do I need to worry about age difference? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 08:13 PM PDT I had sex with a 17 girl. When this happened, I was 20. We soon found out that she was pregnant. We are now separated. I pay her child support monthly. Our daughter just turned one and we are having issues with when each of us gets her and also child support. If I take her to court, would I have to worry about the age difference when I first got her pregnant? |
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 07:44 PM PDT Bingung |
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 06:53 PM PDT I'm 14 and I think I'm gay. I'm not sure and it's been making me feel horrible for weeks. One week I'm gay, then strait, then both, but personally I know I'm not 100% strait... I am religious and so is my family. Most of my family is ok with it but I know my sister isn't. I need to tell someone but I don't know for sure what I am. I've been seeing if I should wait for school to start, be around all genders ((I'm a bit of a loner in the summer)) and see if im just confused from not being around people?! Im so confused. |
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 06:49 PM PDT I relocated out of state for a job, but at the time of the interview, I had mentioned my boyfriend randomly during a casual conversation. So I think my 2 interviewers then got the impression I relocated FOR him (which really wasn't entirely the case, but that's besides the point). This apparently was told to everyone in my small company I work for. Since I've started working there, he hasn't been brought up since week 1 when I told *one* coworker that we weren't together anymore (at the time I relocated). Randomly today (3 months later) my coworker asked me out of the blue if I still talk to my ex... why would she ask this? Gossip? Or genuine curiosity? |
Question: Caught smoking weed? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 06:28 PM PDT My neighbor told my parents that I was smoking weed and they freaked out about how it s a gateway drug and where really pissed I denyd everything but I don t think they entirely believe me. I wanna keep smoking because it really helps with my depression from family problems and stuff. What should I do ????? |
Question: Ideas for boyfriend birthday? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 06:11 PM PDT So my boyfriend of ten months birthday is coming up. Trying really hard to think of something thoughtful and great. Because he really is! A great dad and a hardworker. He loves the classic funny movies and is a passionate person. I know the cake I want to do for him, but am at a loss on a gift(s) it's tough too, since our birthdays are just three days apart! (Mine being first) obviously I know him better than strangers would. But any advice from men about what they would like from their girlfriend/ significant Other after only 10 months together. Helpful and respectful ideas, advice is great! |
Question: Am I over reacting when I think my personal trainer may be hitting on me? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 05:50 PM PDT My husband of one year agreed to pay for a pt for me since I have been working out a ton. I am only 29 and my pt is 32. I finished my third session today and walked away feeling weird but I tend to always always over react. He calls me baby, beautiful, tells me I smell good. He always asks questions about my hubby like for example today, I got super dizzy during a work out and almost passed out. He had me lie down on my stomach in the middle of a busy gym while he tried to massage the kinks out of my back, legs and YES, inner thighs. He had some sort of tool or bar that he was using. He asked me if my husband ever massaged me and of course my hubby hates to give me massages so I said no and he said really? Wow! I said I had tons of knots in my back and in my inner thigh ( I didn t know legs could get knots) but I felt uncomfortable but didn t want to make a scene because I didn t know if this was normal or if I was overreacting.i haven t told my husband yet because I think he would go off but he paid close to $1,000 for this person for a month. Thoughts?!? Oh and he also asked what I like to do for fun and I said I enjoy drinking wine and so later after the session, he texted me and said if I ever wanted to grab a glass of wine he would be up for it.. Is this guy hitting on me knowing I am married or is this normal? I am sure he treats all Of his clients like this? Maybe not, don t know |
Question: Why is everything going so wrong in my life ????!!!!!? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 04:52 PM PDT Whhyyyyy ?! It could be anything you could think of. Besides my mom called me worthless. Why tho ? And idk maybe when you do something stu pid. Like i liked this guy like I had a crush on him but like i don't even talk to him. So stupi d waited got my heart broken . I try to go back but like.. Idk. Maybe life just doesn't work like that but so many directions. Is it because of this and why how. Like we don't know each other. Everything is so wrong and messed up my mom almost kicked me out of the house and called me worthless. Idk help so confused. What do I do with my life so little time for everything. Am need of help I just wanna be normal achieve something accomplish something be a important person and be successful. Idk help me. I try not breathing and I almost stab my heart with my iPhone. Help me now. All my sibilings are not that good either and some or like me but I only have 1 sister who is so much better than me and very smarter than me. I feel like cra p or compare next to her. At least same level or what not like I need help. Why has it became so shitty. Was it because I was living off lies life don't work that way. Just help me now |
Question: I am confused about myself and my twin; hodge podge of questions? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 04:47 PM PDT I am 14 years old and going into my freshman year of high school this September with my twin, she is the "better one". I am writing this question to get my feelings out and ask for advice on my situation My questions are as follows: 1) How do I make friends if whenever they meet her they like her better? 2) I know this is a stupid reason to be jealous, but she has regular periods and I don't, how do I get over that? 3) I had my first period in the beginning of January (2015), 20 days before I turned 14, and I haven't had one since (6, almost 7 months), is this normal? When will I get my next one? (my twin has had hers every month since she got her first) 4) I was going to do student council before her to meet new people (I don't have many friends), and applied, then she decided to apply and we both got in, all of the people that got in were her friends and I really don't know what to do because I feel bad around her friends (and in middle school I was known as "Allie's twin", not my real name Daniella, I don't want that to happen again). 5) I have a speech impediment and I am embarrassed, have gone to hospital therapy once, and school therapy at two different schools and I still talk funny, no one likes it and people tend to pre-judge and not talk to me because of it, how do I gain confidence? |
Question: How do I stop this pedophile? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 04:23 PM PDT So I got this app called line play. It was cool at first cause I was just being an aviator talking to friends of mine from Japan, and meeting new ones too. But then something happened. This girl came to my "house" This girl wanted me to do something dirty like have sex. I quickly left. Now I m worried that something bad would happen to other girls. I m 13 but there are young girls on the app. I ve seen 8 year olds go to guidence for this in elementary school. I can t tell my mom cause she will get mad I was on the app. ( I was playing as a guest.) but it s killing me! What can I do to protect young kids from phedophiles |
Question: Tengo 19 años y me da miedo pedirle permiso a mi mama para salir? ayudaa please!!? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 04:21 PM PDT El problema es que tengo 19 años pero me da miedo decirle a mi mama que si puedo salir a un parque acuático es solo un día. Ayuda porfavor nose que hacer y mi novio se molesta conmigo por eso. :( |
Question: He left me and re-married, now treats me like I hurt him? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 03:42 PM PDT We were together for 4 yrs and have a 4 yr old son. He broke up with me this Jan. and I HEARD he got married in june. Prior to that he moved out in May of last yr and then tried to reconcile with me in Aug. He wanted me to move back in with him, but when I set some criteria on what it takes for me to move back in, he didn't like. We have 50/50 custody of our child and I wont lie to in Jan. I was distraught about the breakup and very hurt, but as time wen by I stopped calling and texting him. Every wk I see him, he does not even speak to me and looks at me like he hates my guts. The thing is that he got married and I am still single, so technically he should be happy. Yesterday, when I seen him he looked very unkempt, hair greasy and very thin. Why is it that he left me but is treating me like i hurt him |
Question: How attractive are both guys? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 02:40 PM PDT |
Question: What to do when you feel lonely? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 02:25 PM PDT I know there are other people who feel just as lonely or more lonely than me, but I feel conflicted, like I hate feeling lonely but I also need it? |
Posted: 13 Jul 2015 01:58 PM PDT One of my friends think her husband is cheating on her. She has caught him in the middle of the night texting someone on whatsapp. He is always on his phone and is displaying all signs of cheating.... Being too protective of his phone, putting passwords on his phone, taking his phone everywhere with him. He also recently started going to the gym and dressing nicely. She thinks all of it is happening over whatsapp and with some girl who works with him. She has no access to his phone and can't just randomly pick it up and check. What should she do? Please help. |
Question: What does it mean when a guy say that will u give me sex when I come back after 2 years.? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 01:30 PM PDT And also,what does it mean when a guy say that I don't plan for marriage and telling me that he might have plan to marry in future. |
Question: Have you let someone borrow something from you? Posted: 13 Jul 2015 01:14 PM PDT I am a nanny and I have tons of arts and craft stuff to do. I let me neighbor borrow my paints and brushes and told her I will pick up on Monday. I gave it to her on friday. Now she is no where to be found. I feel ridiculous to give it to her. but she had nothing to do with her grandson so I wanted to be nice. |
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