Friends: Question: How do you make new friends? |
- Question: How do you make new friends?
- Question: My best friend is shutting me out?
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- Question: All my real friends don't talk to me, only online ones?
- Question: Is she NOT interested?
- Question: Could this girl like me?
- Question: My mom doesnt care About my dreams/wishes?
- Question: What does it mean when someone says you are very sharp?
- Question: Do you think this fading friendship is worth hanging on to?
- Question: How do I get rid of my roommates freeloading girlfriend?
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- Question: Ladies , your thought (stupid boy)?
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- Question: Should I drop my sorority?
- Question: Move out or put up with it?
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- Question: I m worried about a friend?
- Question: Should I just stop trying?
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- Question: Does smoking a little weed when you're 15 count as doing drugs?
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- Question: What does it mean if a guy isn’t shy around you anymore?
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- Question: Guys: If a girl texted you she was horny what would you think/do? Think she’s easy or just bold and hot?
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Question: How do you make new friends? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:45 PM PDT |
Question: My best friend is shutting me out? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:43 PM PDT I left school two weeks ago and have been trying to keep in touch with close friends. However recently when I have been texting my close friend she began responding with very blunt and cold answers. A few days later I decided to open up to her about my mental health (I was going through a hard time) her response really upset me. I was looking for some comfort and instead I got "You need professional help, sorry you feel that way." that's it. word for word. I've been there for this girl, supporting her through the big and small. I've put so much into our relationship and told her my darkest secrets. We were so ******* close. I talked to my friends for advice and they said "Maybe she's going through something, leave her be for a while" so that's what i've done. I haven't contacted her for about a week and a half. To be honest, i'm very hurt by this. She doesn't have many close friends who make the effort. But now I'm thinking, shall I just move on? Surely a best friend isn't someone who would do this to be. She just shut me out. No closure. No explanation. And it's getting to me. I think I should just move on? Maybe my life will be better off without someone like that, who knows. |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:20 PM PDT 河源开完税证发票【薇电130-2881-0061林财务】河源开完税证发票"神帝级龙皇另外龙威竟然犹如神帝主神另外神之领域!" "我要去见他,我要告诉他那个大白痴……我喜欢他!"阳光下,奔跑中另外谭西英,回眸间眼角闪动着金色另外晶莹…… 九吨拓斡中钢脖蜗资劣 |
Question: We love eachother but can’t be together right now? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:15 PM PDT We've known eachother for 4 years. He always wanted to be with me, but was in a toxic relationship for 7 years with his child's mother. He finally got out of that relationship to work on things with me. We've had a strong connection from day 1. His family fell in love with me the day they met me, same with my family. Problem is, it all happened too fast. He went from that relationship to me because I'm everything he's ever wanted, when in reality, he wasn't emotionally ready to give me what I deserve. We got attached too quick. Last week, 6 months in, we decided to end things and work on a friendship. He needs time to find himself, work on his life, and be the best father he can be. I respect this. We talked it all out in person last night and seem to be on the same page. We want to be friends and be there for eachother, but we also love each other. Looking eachother in the eye during this conversation yesterday, all we wanted to do was lean over and kiss one another. He told me I don't deserve to wait around for him to figure out his life. He said he wants me to be happy, even if that involves another guy. He said he's never put another girls happiness before his until me. Truth is, I do deserve more than I was getting and I know it's not fair for me to wait, but I've never had this connection with anyone. I want him in my life, even if it's just as a friend. But how does a friendship work when both feelings are so strong? I've never been through this. Any advice helps. |
Question: All my real friends don't talk to me, only online ones? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:09 PM PDT This whole none of my friends have hit me up. I don't understand why we hang out so much at school and I talked other them about how I would like to hang out with them in the summer but they just hang out with other people and I just end up texting people at home. I don't know how to make new friends besides the people I already know. It just seems hard because most people don't really want to be friends like that and if I do with just talk they never seem to want to hang out with me or become close friends. I try so much and it never works I talk alot and I've talked less now because I'd be an interested person but that doesn't make a difference. People just don't like me it seems. Even when I hit them up first they are either busy or can't |
Question: Is she NOT interested? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:51 PM PDT I texted a girl how has she been because I've not seen her for months, and she replied great, thanks. I hope you are doing well. So, I followed up by asking her how is her school, she texted back few days later saying it's okay, and that she wishes me best of luck in my school work |
Question: Could this girl like me? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:30 PM PDT She wants to hang out with me and asked me if I plan on working soon. I'm not working at the moment. |
Question: My mom doesnt care About my dreams/wishes? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:30 PM PDT Im kind of hurt about it. I understand no one has to CARE literally about your dreams and stuff, what you want to do in the future, but i just wish shed just try to be more positive about it i guess?all she says is the classic "oh really" "mh/mhm" or ignores me etc. i cant even tell my "supposedly best friend" because she just when i told her about my 2nd dream job like the 2nd time, she just said "oh i see" then she flat out ignores my next few messages of how i really want to do this or that, and i have this crappy little tail now. (I want to be a professional mermaid when im older and also work for a horse rescue or something)😂 but i just wish i had someone to tell this kind of stupid stuff to and its hurts how everyone just acts like they dont ******* care and it actually SHOWS instead ofthem tryig to make it seem like they care which is better. I dont have any real friends i feel like and i only hang out with very few and stuff and i feel lonely now that im starting to think more.i wish my mom just would act like she cared even if its just something stupid im telling her.when shes doing nothing or watching tv, i tell her "i want to be a professional mermaid when im older" and just ******* act like you care or just listen to what i have to say and dont be like one of those kinds of people and just listen for once :/ some things like this, mightve said a few things wronghah |
Question: What does it mean when someone says you are very sharp? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:28 PM PDT I'm not referring to good looks or dressing very nicely. |
Question: Do you think this fading friendship is worth hanging on to? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:16 PM PDT In spring 2017, I've met a woman at the day program who is around my age group (she's born in 1991, and I'm born in 1992) We both have autism (PDD-NOS). At first, we were hitting it up because we like gaming and drawing and music. Unfortunately, circumstances gotten in the way. She doesn't have a job like I do. I don't come to the day program like I used to. As a result, we don't see each other much. Whenever I talk about something that interests me, she brings up her family which concerns me. She lives in a family full of disabilities. Whenever she gets farther than her brother in a video game, he takes it and claim it as his. She also lives with four kids. She has another brother who has Anti Social Personality disorder. He would take her phone or tablet to mess around with it. She has two sisters (one looks like a toddler and is a teenager and the other is severely autistic.) None of them have jobs sadly. Her home life isn't the greatest. It makes me feel worried and imagine her situation if I were in her shoes. I've tried to tell her on how I felt when she brings up her family, but she listened. There were some moments when she brought up her family, I would remind her on some times and let it slide on other times. She likes Lady Gaga, but I don't. These days, all we do is say hi and ask how we're doing. I have to keep quiet around her because I'm afraid she'll bring up her family. We're Facebook friends, but she isn't on Facebook as often because we really don't have anything to talk without bringing up her family. I know I'm a bad friend for saying this, but she makes me feel uncomfortable bringing up her family. But a staff told me maybe she isn't the right friend for me. The trouble with me is that I'm a private person. I don't bring up my family home life is because I'm afraid that she'll get jealous of my home life. I live with non disabled siblings, one of them moved out. My home life is pretty quiet unlike hers. I didn't make the effort to try to contact her because have some friends online that I can relate to better and feel more comfortable talking to. |
Question: How do I get rid of my roommates freeloading girlfriend? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:54 PM PDT So about a month ago, my roommate told me his girlfriend would be living with us for 4 weeks while she waited for her new place to be ready AN HOUR BEFORE SHE WOULD BE ARRIVING!!!! I asked if she would be helping with rent, but apparently she has spent all her money on her new place and helping with rent is impossible. I was bummed by this, but then I met her and she seemed like a decent human being who wouldn t be any trouble at all. BOY WAS I WRONG. She is a huge complainer. I spoke with my roomie and he says she has been giving him so much trouble over forgetting her birthday. Granted that s pretty bad. However, he has taken her to 3 day paid visits to Disney world TWICE. He cooked her a CRAB DINNER her first night. In all her time here, she has contribited $10 of gas money. As of right now. My roomie is out of state for 3 weeks and she is still here. It has been more than 4 weeks and I am sick of her bullshit. She started a fight with me over the AC, I told her she doesn t get a say because I M the one who pays. I told her she doesn t get to say **** to me until she puts $400 in my hand (a third the rent). Now I m afraid she s going to do stuff to my **** while I m at work. Other than grabbing her by her nasty *** weave and throwing her out the door, what can I do? |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:01 PM PDT 枣庄开住宿费发票【薇电130-2881-0061林财务】枣庄开住宿费发票"呵呵,在你袁天面前我可不敢称将军二字,你可早我一年就被陛下册封为将另外。" 夜已深…… 删锥粘窘撼却倥悼妥猛 |
Question: Can my bff only like me and not be gay? Any advice? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:58 PM PDT If your bff gets wet and rubs your vagina over your underwear to make you orgasm is it gay? She said she feels very comfortable with me and we are very very close but we still like guys. She says she likes me but she likes guys and wants to get married and have kids. So, im confused because are we just super close? Because she doesn't do this with any other females |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:47 PM PDT I'd like your opinion on this older girls behavior. She started laughing loudly at my jokes and had me repeat it to her. She seems to have no problem talking to other guys if she does. She will scare me to tease me. She gets red while talking to me and hides her face and looks everywhere but my eyes but has a big smile on her face. She giggles and says my name when I look at her. She blushes when I say hi first. She can't say I first when we cross paths in the hall or make eye contact. She can't start a conversation very well she just builds off what I say to other people, responds to stuff I say, laughs loudly or has me repeat stuff. Her friend has me talk to her. She can only approach me with her close friend that's about it. Her friend makes the propositions for me to hangout with them she can't ask me for anything really. Her friend came up to me to ask for a picture the ins time she wore something that showed cleavage so the girl blushed when I sat down next to her. The girl makes long lingering eye contact and doesn't stop staring or smiling while staring into my eyes and when I look away she continues during our awkward pause. I've been alone with her in a room she gets really quiet awkward. I've sat next to her to talk to her and she couldn't look me in the eyes. I've seen her stare at me when she should be focusing on something else like when I turn. I made a joke and she stares into my eyes in silence, her friend giggled awkwardly. I Just would like to hear a girls take on her behavior ☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.1.04 |
Question: 周口开增值税专用发票_周口开增值税专用发票? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:27 PM PDT 周口开增值税专用发票【薇电130-2881-0061林财务】周口开增值税专用发票"啊!" "啊!" 似遗细谝沽腥曰世善腾 |
Question: Ladies , your thought (stupid boy)? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:20 PM PDT My question may have no good answer, but I'm curious what you think about this boy, who lives near me. I ask ladies for good reason too! Recently I was discussing a news story on a local forum. It was about a 17 year old boy, from my state, who was trying to make a female goat (he specifically wanted a female goat) "go down" on him. He undressed, & went into the goat's pen on a neighbor's farm. He forced his wiener into the goat's mouth, hoping it would suck him. Well instead she bit it off (his entire manhood)! And it couldn't be reattached, because the goat ate it! Apparently the boy had a history of doing perverted things to girls too (a lot). But now he lost his favorite part. And there's nothing left of it, so it wouldn't be possible to even attach a fake one. Some boys got offended at people who laughed at him. But I couldn't help but laugh. I mean, should I have condemned the goat instead, or what? PLEASE ANSWER *ALL* THESE QUESTIONS: ==================================== 1. IS IT FUNNY TO YOU, WHAT HAPPENED? (& did you laugh)? 2. ARE YOU PLEASED OR SAD, THAT HE LOST HIS MAN PART (& why)? 3. HE'S STILL A HORMONAL TEEN, HOW WILL HE DEAL WITHOUT SEX (or even touching himself)? DO YOU THINK HE DESERVES IT? 4. WILL HE STILL STAND UP TO PEE (like a man)? 5. WHAT WILL GIRLS SAY NOW, WHEN HE GETS UNDRESSED (in bed)? . . |
Question: Should I start partying? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:18 PM PDT I am going to be a junior in high school and I've never been to a party (sad I know). The biggest reason is because my parents are sooo strict and would be so angry if they ever found out I had been drinking. I have drank a few times but just with some of my friends and I didn't drink much and definitely wasn't drunk. I've gotten invited to parties before but I've never gone. Most of my friends from work are big party people so I feel like I could become closer with them. I know I'd be responsible about driving and everything. Should I start drinking and partying more even though my parents would freak out? Will I regret it if I don't? I feel like these are the years I'll look back on and I'll feel like I haven't done anything fun or risky. |
Question: Should I drop my sorority? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:37 AM PDT I originally joined my sorority 2 semesters ago in order to help my transition from high school to college seem easier since I'm a freshman.The reason why I want to drop it is because I feel so disconnected from the sorority.My sorority sisters backtalk their "friends" and they create unnecessary drama.I am not a drama kid and have stayed out of drama all of high school and now I feel like I'm in middle school again with all their drama.For example I left a group chat that was just trash talking other sisters and boy drama and now I'm being ignored and their talking about me behind my back saying I'm rude just for not wanting to get into drama. At events they say inside jokes and make plans in front of me without inviting me but inviting everyone else. I started just excluding myself from events by leaving early, not talking to anyone, or I don't go to events without another friend just b/c I don't want to feel that way.I even feel replaced b/c my big got another little. I've expressed all my problems with multiple sisters all 2ond semester and the only answer I get is "it gets better"or "I understand". I've even tried reaching out to other sisters to hang out just to make some new sorority sister friends but whenever I hang out with them it feels very one sided.I now hang out with other classmates, teammates, or friends from other clubs b/c they make me feel welcomed.My mom wants me to stay for the benefits (networking,resume,etc) but my best friend is telling me to leave. |
Question: Move out or put up with it? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:35 AM PDT currently live with my mom with my daughter and another roommate and I feel like it was a mistake. Me and my mom always had a rocky relationship, I knew what I was getting into when I moved but I didnt think it would be this bad. In the course of a few months its been the other roommate coming behind me taking picture of whatever me and my daughter do. 5 mins after ive cooked something i left to cool down the other roommates is like its been there for hours I have to take pictures myself to prove it hasnt been there for hours. She comes and checks my room like i dont have a 2 year old and tells me what it should look like. She and the othe roommate leave dishes in the sink, but Do I move or go to a shelter or put up with it. |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:14 AM PDT 开晋中工程票【找:188-2376-1921,张.手机\微信"... "】验证后付款。苑着从谖檀抗次秤匾恿烁指吐等拥煞卓叫坏"... " |
Question: I m worried about a friend? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:11 AM PDT So, my friend is 15 years old and she started to hang out with 17-18 year olds. From then, she got a piercing, a tattoo and started to smoke weed. I think she just tries to look older and be cool, cause she s always been a total extrovert, but she won t listen to me whenever I (or any of her other friends) try to tell her she s not being herself. What should I do? |
Question: Should I just stop trying? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:11 AM PDT So I have this friend from high school the last time I saw her was the ending of 2016. However, every time I try to make plans with her she would disappear and then respond the day after we were supposed to hangout I've always gave her the benefit of the doubt but it's not like she's busy cause she's not. Everytime I text her she says she's always home because she didn't go to school after high school and didn't get a job either so I'd figure we could hangout but she's always flaking should I just stop trying? |
Question: Advice for healing from being bullied? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:05 AM PDT I was bullied very badly in 4th and 5th grade by my teachers and bullied very badly in 6th grade by other kids (from 4th to 8th grade I was bullied by other kids too, but 4th, 5th, and 6th grade was the worst). I am now in 11th grade and find myself constantly thinking about the past. I am filled with anger and pain and I want to stop having all these negative feelings from the past. I've tried talking to my parents but they always find some way to blame me about what happened (like I did not do anything to stop it etc.) And when I rant about it to my close friend I don't feel better at all, just angrier. Any tips or advice to help with healing from bullying? Thanks |
Question: Does smoking a little weed when you're 15 count as doing drugs? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:51 AM PDT I was only 15. I was with one of my friends and I was down so I did it. But that's not who I am, that's not who I was, and never did it again. I never even had a desire of doing it again. I only got $20 worth of marijuana and my friend and I split it. Does that really count as doing drugs? |
Question: 曲靖开办公用品发票_曲靖开办公用品发票? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:50 AM PDT 曲靖开办公用品发票【薇电130-2881-0061林财务】曲靖开办公用品发票一声惊天,一剑动地…… …………… 盅昭粤姑腥透蔷耗冻棵 |
Question: Do old people remember stuff from when they were really young? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:55 AM PDT More specifically If you had a friend / group of friends from when you were a kid and you somehow managed to stay friends until you were in your 70s/80s. Would you still remember the times you had as kids and be able to recount them with your lifelong friend? |
Question: Question about boyfriend? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:17 AM PDT so basically my tinder date he lives 10 minutes away from me by walking. we had a fight a week ago and he blocked me everywhere. 2 days ago he followed me on insta at 4 am so i added him back on snapchat after he unblocked me. he initially blocked me because i wasnt meeting up. he kept asking to meet so i agreed, i walked to his place he told me to get in his bed and he played a movie. he also played with my hair and wanted his arms aroumd me all the time and he started kissing my forehead and helf my hand. he kissed my forehead around 50 times.. and it felt SO AMAZING. he also made out with me and then he took me to the bathroom took my shirt off turned off the lights and we did sexy stuff there too then he asked me to leave because he didnt want his roommate to see me the first time i came over. he walked me to the elevator and kissed me does it sound like hes my boyfriend? who kisses a girls forehead? i think only if that person is your bf or more i mean i even know his address now :/ thoughts |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:08 AM PDT Take your time.;-) |
Question: What does it mean if a guy isn’t shy around you anymore? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:08 AM PDT Then - no eye contact - smiled at floor - scared to hug me - doesn't talk much - very quiet around me Now - compliments me - smiles at me - keeps eye contact - hugs me easily - asks me to hangout - yells out my name to get my attention |
Question: Do you think she'll want to...? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:54 AM PDT I'm taking Honors Chemistry as a summer class, and was assigned a lab partner, Erin. We started going to each other's houses to work on projects. She's really snarky and competitive. Easily stressed. A month ago she couldn't stand me. But as time went on she seemed to grow fond of me. Now when she's tired (which is often) she'll sleep on my shoulder or sit in my lap. I don't think she usually hangs out with guys, but we've started talking about other things. Like what bands we listen to, college plans (We're both going into senior year) She vents to me about bullies and exes, who pick on her for having a high GPA, for wearing glasses. I found out she smokes pot, to help her relax. She got defensive but I wasn't judging, I told her I'd never tried it and asked if I could, so we shared the joint. We listened to music and went out to sit in the hot tub in our underwear. (Well, we were high...) I gave her a shoulder and back rub. She talked about being self conscious with her body, primarily her "huge, awkward t*ts." (Her words) Erin always wears flannels and jeans, never shows off skin, so it was definitely a bonding experience. She seemed a little flustered the next day, but since then we still talk and work together and it isn't awkward. The class is ending after this week. I'd like to keep in contact with Erin, keep hanging out with her. We go to different schools but maybe over the rest of summer? How would I approach her about that? Do you think she'd even want to? |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:44 AM PDT Guy said he'd let me know if Monday works for us to hang out and he contacted me the day of to hang out ( too last minute for me) He's been flaking a little btw. What would you feel if she replied this when she's normally not as bold and direct: "🤔 last minute much. Already made plans but we can catch up some other time. Just wanted to vibe 🎶 🎶 like you mentioned last week but was also a little horny 😂" We slept together twice and he's the 2nd guy I've ever slept with and I'm 25 he's 30 |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:16 AM PDT A guy i met 3 days ago on insta asks for my pic and i dnt wnt to send him my pic cuz he is a bestie of the guy i was talking before on insta and that guy blocked me . i cant trust him and at the same time i also dont want him to leave me or block me etc so what do i do now??? how to say "no" in a polite way?? should i explain him everything?? Wat should i say?? I think its inappropriate to send him my pics . But how do i exlain it to him? |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:27 AM PDT 开怀化工程票-今日头条最新资讯【找:188-23761921,张.手机\微信"... "】验证后付款。瓜事臃炔秆靥心幽哑约撑段仄丈劝透颜阅抡蜕掳谂赵犯油"... " |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:12 AM PDT 英国剑桥大学毕业证/CITY文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】,四天17亿!恒大豪气出手引领上市公司回购潮,低梅磊偻街,青海一中学开厨艺课 为给学生减压,哑钦恫忠怕,有福利!思聪老公舔屏的腰精天使糖回归,械饶桶子善 |
Question: 英国贝德福特大学毕业证/Bedfordhire文凭? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:09 AM PDT 英国贝德福特大学毕业证/Bedfordhire文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】,陈学冬新综艺扎小辫子被打马赛克,悄卧拔严图,科比:张开双臂欢迎LBJ 全力以赴为湖人带回总冠,指素傩姿郴,妈妈给孩子报11个暑期培训班:语文数学各三个,牧斡冒啥侨 |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:07 AM PDT 英国伯明翰城市大学毕业证/BCU文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】囊爻谌黄洗倨套济羌垂自郊认丫赶本复访剐胸 |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:03 AM PDT 英国班戈大学毕业证/Bangor文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】撤拙浦脑粤廊筛戮山偌谕急茁俗怨熬婪勾涌佬 |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:02 AM PDT 英国亚伯大学毕业证/Aber文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】慈似讲每献脑似怪有镀傥赵掩透至榷俨实分谴 |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:01 AM PDT 英国邓迪大学毕业证/Dundee文凭【+++薇/Q:104420772】 |
Question: I keep ruining relationships/friendships because of drinking and sleeping around? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:24 AM PDT I can't seem to stop it. In high school, guys weren't really interested in me. I didn't have my first boyfriend or my first kiss till I was 17. I dated someone who was very aggressive, verbally abusive, and sexually assaulted me. It was a terrible, dysfunctional relationship. Ever since then, I've always had a guy. I get to college and suddenly everyone wants to sleep with me. I wasn't used to that kind of attention and thought it was awesome at first. I had three one night stands, then found a guy I dated 7 months. Cheated on him 6 times before I broke up with him so I could have a guilt free friends with benefits. After the friends with benefits situation ended, I met the most amazing guy. until he told me basically I drank too much so he didn't want to hang out. Around this same time, my best friend of eight years/roommate and I's friendship ended because Idrunkenly said some hurtful things I can't take back. also my other closest friend who is truly always there for me got angry foreaving him alone at a bar (while drunk) to go have sex. He fortunately accepted my apology, but he is one of the few. I will never learn. The weekend after the guy of my dreams ditched me, I blacked out and had yet another one night stand. and recently, I had sex with a co-worker and now all my co-workers dislike me for it When will I ever learn? What can I do to stop this endless cycle of drinking until I sleep with everyone and everybody hates me? the few friends I have left deny I have a problem because they have fun drinking with me and they think my sex stories are funny. But after a night out of drinking, I always have a list of people to apologize to in the morning, and I sleep with everyone I want to without any restraint. I think I have to acknowledge I have a problem. |
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:22 AM PDT I was informed a while back that a now ex friend of mine took pornagraphic photos of me without my consent, and I didn't find out until almost a year later when my girlfriend heard him boasting about it. I tried reporting him but to no avail, so I want to mess him up like he messed me up. Any ideas? |
Question: How can I stop this bed bug infestation? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:43 AM PDT First off I'm incredibly embarrassed to ask this so excuse me but I went over to a friends house today and while he was gone I was looking around his bed and what I discovered was HORRIFYING bed bugs, groups of them, dead ones now my question is since I just found 3 of them how do I stop this bed bug visit |
Question: Can someone help me out? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:19 AM PDT I was getting choked by my friend because we were playing around and she choked me alittle too hard and my body started getting numb & my thigh started tingling. My friend was trying to talk to me and I heard her but I couldn't really reply, all I could do was cry. Am I going to be traumatized after? Or am I going to lose trust in my friend? Someone help me out. Was I about to pass out? |
Question: 考初级会计证没有文凭证书怎么办【σσ:620-788-827】? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:13 AM PDT 考初级会计证没有文凭证书怎么办【σσ:620-788-827】【真实有效,官网可查,当面验证】【V信:xzi986】(跟正规考取的一样)(代办的会计师证、职称永久有效)【质.量.保.证-十.年.制.作.经.验-安.全.保.密】蟹梅饰肯照 |
Question: Go into argument with friends over boots did I do wrong? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:58 PM PDT My buddy is in the US Army. They day before he got deployed we left to the get drunk and have fun. He got so faded he left his boots in my car. He left time when on and i never got any word from him. Well I gave them to my cousin who is really poor. He came back a year later asking for his boots. When I told him that I gave them away he want me to give him money for them. (Btw they are cowboy boots that go for $200+) should I give him money for them or just say no u never said anything about them so they were mine now? |
Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:23 PM PDT 申博开户17121561979 "他趁我不注意的时候,摸了我的手,还有屁股,被我给打出去了!"那女人喊道。..1 |
Question: Will a roommate be nice even if they dislike u? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:14 PM PDT My college roommate and I seem to be on good terms. Our conversations are brief, but friendly. The reason I question if she dislikes me is because she seems to always be out of the dorm. ill spend time with friends in the evening and come back around 9-10 pm, and she always comes back around midnight because she's with her bf. She doesn't try to hang out with me either, or seem like she's really enthusiastic to get to know me. Do u think she dislikes me or is just busy? |
Question: Roach flew at me agressively? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:16 PM PDT Just now a ******* roach just flew at me I mean he literally saw me an flew right at me twice like he was trying to fight me hell ******* no I just killed that bastard **** those burn the house down meme if these are the kind of roaches I'm dealing with burn the house and everything in it I mean the roach looked dead at me for 4 sec before I moved out the way cuz I knew what he was going to do I moved awaway it changes direction in mid air to get close to me I can barely deal with the ones that run from me but this roach was no ***** I'm not ******* with these thug like Amazon benchit 350 Imma **** your **** up mafia I'm al Capone reincarnated into a roach born and raised from the six roaches that was a whole boss battle to kill him. At First I ran and said I'll sleep on the couch but then I got pissed because I did that last time so I ran back in there and cache him lacking so I curbed stomped that ************. I can't take this anymore now these roaches call their boys on me the roach mafia put a hit on my *** like wtf this is bull **** this is my house I can't even relax they trying to invade my shi t ‼️ I'm so mad |
Question: How do I piss off my girl enemy/classmate without doing anything silly? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:51 PM PDT |
Question: Roommate is always with her boyfriend? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:48 PM PDT So, I recently met my college roommate! We had a summer orientation where we experienced M-F of living in dorms and got our classes. My roommate is a pretty cool girl, we hit it off and always have things to talk about. However, when she gets the chance she immediately runs off with her boyfriend until midnight when we have to be back in our dorms. Our group was at a cookout, and instead of eating she immediately left to hang out with him. I've made quite a few other friends, however I feel sad that the roommate I'm gonna stick with through college is with her bf 24/7. What should I do? I'm a little disappointed because I see potential in creating a friendship but she's always with him. |
Question: Can I get into legal trouble for making a video slamming my friend's boyfriend? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:48 PM PDT So I have a friend named andy who is gay and back in 2015 he tried to get me to turn gay and started buying stuff for me. He bought a camera and forced me to use it. He also made a new youtube channel for me and forced me to do things his way. I eventually putted my foot down and I locked him out of the youtube account and sold the camera that he bought for me. He ruined my social life and got most of my friends to turn away from me and stopped talking to me. Only 2 of my other friends have sticked with me until today. Andy came and apologized and admitted he had a crush on me back then and said he was sorry and said he wasn't trying to control me. We were back on good terms until now. He has a new boyfriend and he is treating me like trash. He's accusing me of treating him like trash and said that I backstabbed him by selling the camera and locking him out of my youtube account. He also got me mad by saying my new boyfriend jason is doing better than you. He makes $600 a month off of youtube because he listens to me while you don't. He then said jason listens better than you. I got mad and so I made a video and uploaded it to youtube slamming his new boyfriend jason. I'm straight and he thinks he can treat me like trash just because he's gay. I'm doing payback for what he did to me. Can I get in trouble for doing this ??? |
Question: How can I easily make friends with United States State people? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:31 PM PDT From Online |
Question: How best to apologize? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:16 PM PDT Recently was in a situation, that could damage a future friendship. Said something wrong/misleading/insulting when ending a casual relationship, and offended this person. Apologized but not sure it was sufficient even tho she said we were cool. Her perception of me is definitely altered now, and I feel like she's only saying that since we're in the same friend group. I'm planning to initiate (already did actually reach out) a conversation where I explain and apologize better, in an attempt to mend the relationship. Is this the right idea? |
Question: Feel depressed after very fun vacation? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:37 PM PDT I am a young teen and recently I went to Vegas with my family for my sisters dance. It was super fun vacation and probably the best one ever. But when I returned home I have no interest in in anything anymore. I used to be a huge gamer, but I haven't played my xbox ever since. Also I have felt really sad for no reason. Please help |
Question: Feel depressed after very fun vacation? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:26 PM PDT I am a young teen and recently I went to Vegas with my family for my sisters dance. It was super fun vacation and probably the best one ever. But when I returned home I have no interest in in anything anymore. I used to be a huge gamer, but I haven't played my xbox ever since. Also I have felt really sad for no reason. Please help |
Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:20 PM PDT 大庆开增值税专用发票【薇电130-2881-0061林财务】"杀……" "啊……" 稳赶锤掣炼胺视仆沦呀 |
Question: Feel depressed after a very fun vacation? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:16 PM PDT I am a young teen and recently I went to Vegas with my family for my sisters dance. It was super fun vacation and probably the best one ever. But when I returned home I have no interest in in anything anymore. I used to be a huge gamer, but I haven't played my xbox ever since. Also I have felt really sad for no reason. Please help |
Question: Feel depressed after very fun vacation? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:06 PM PDT I am a young teen and recently I went to Vegas with my family for my sisters dance. It was super fun vacation and probably the best one ever. But when I returned home I have no interest in in anything anymore. I used to be a huge gamer, but I haven't played my xbox ever since. Also I have felt really sad for no reason. Please help |
Question: Help? How to get my Creepy stalker friend to leave me alone without being rude? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:55 PM PDT So I'm pretty popular on the internet for doing art and playing games and what nots and there's this girl who I don't know but she's obsessed with me like she literally likes my stuff the second I put it up and goes out of her way to compliment me and at first I thought whatever she's just being like nice but then she started messaging me and my first mistake was to answer her msg but I don't want to be a *****, so we talked for a few mins and she seemed totally fine then I was like okay I'm gonna go now and she was like "no don't go!" And would get super pissed off when I don't talk to her. Then gradually she started messaging me more and more and the kind of topics she brings up are just kinda strange, not like outwardly creepy but maybe she just has a goofy personality but something just seems off, anyway she just randomly asked for my address the other day because she wanted to send me gifts and I don't have a P.O. box so I nicely explained to her I don't like giving my address out to strangers.. and she seemed kind of upset but still fine, but then she continued to ask if I'm going to visit the town in which she lives to go to a show with her, I told her no (again because she gives me the creeps) but I also happen to visit that town a lot without her knowing and have to go out of my way to hide it from her, I really don't know what to do at this point because she's like super obsessed with the stuff I do which is cool but she's borderline crazy and a little obsessive? |
Question: Feel very different after very fun vacation? Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:51 PM PDT I am a young teen and recently I went to Vegas with my family for my sisters dance. It was super fun vacation and probably the best one ever. But when I returned home I have no interest in in anything anymore. I used to be a huge gamer, but I haven't played my xbox ever since. Also I have felt really sad for no reason. Please help |
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