Family: Question: How Does My Mom Know Everything About Other People, Including Me if I Don't Tell Her Anything about it? |
- Question: How Does My Mom Know Everything About Other People, Including Me if I Don't Tell Her Anything about it?
- Question: How do I get my Dad to stop singing to himself when he drives. It makes me so mad?
- Question: Why do we love children even though they're useless and incapable of complex emotions?
- Question: I'm a 30 y/o male and the legal guardian to my 15 y/o sister she backtalks all the time and I'm sick of it. What should I do?
- Question: How do i get my little sister to stop hitting me in the balls?
- Question: Why do moms hate their daughters?
- Question: Republicans, how can I ever forgive my father for betraying me?
- Question: Why is my boyfriends female side of the family very unattractive?
- Question: What should I do?
- Question: My Dad is as ignorant as a pile of dirt. How do I enlighten him or should i just cut him from my life like he does to family members?
- Question: Can someone give me an example of their chronosystem and explain why they are a chronosystem?
- Question: My 12 yr old daughter got mad at me because I will not buy her Capri Sun drinks anymore. Help?
- Question: What can I do about my coddling grandma?
- Question: Why do people look down on others just to make themselves feel good ?
- Question: My sisters boyfriend is heavy on drugs. Help?
- Question: Family promblems please help?
- Question: I want my MIL in the delivery room but not my mom?
- Question: I disapprove of my daughter's boyfriend?
- Question: Did I mess up here?
- Question: My Dad is mad at me that I am traveling for Thanksgiving but my Mom's drinking makes me nervous. How do I get him not to be mad at me?
- Question: My narcissistic sister is turning on me and my aunt who is a narcissist is mad I posted a Facebook photo of her enemy sister. What do I do?
- Question: Is Miranda Cosgrove a good singer or Jennette McCurdy?
- Question: My dad threatens to hit me? What should I do?
- Question: What should I do about a cousin that hurt me?
- Question: What's up with him?
- Question: A situation of Two Brothers living with Elderly parents?
- Question: My dad passed away today?
- Question: Should I leave the past by moving away from my families house to my own home?
- Question: How do you know if your parents love you?
- Question: Are there generally any differences between Canadian and US children?
- Question: Should a 40 year old son be moved out of his parents home even though he doesn't want to get married or stay single?
- Question: Mom blames me for all of her problems, what can I do about this?
- Question: What does it mean when someone doesn't care about you ???
- Question: I hate doing chores?
- Question: A friend of mine tell his friend to go kill himself and his friend actually did?
- Question: I am breastfeeding in my college dorm and my tutor came to study for my exam and she asked me to stop breastfeeding what should I do?
- Question: My mom's birthday is on Saturday?
- Question: My sister was mean to me this weekend. Should I tell my parents since she is their kid?
- Question: How do I get my Mom and Dad to stop using me as a weapon against others in the family they like to hold grudges against?
- Question: Help!!! My parents!!!?
- Question: Is my mom bein controlling or protective?
- Question: I'm a 15 y/o girl and my brother is like old and my mom wants me to call him sir. I call my mom ma'am. Should I do it even tho it's weird?
- Question: Is it good to spank?
- Question: Do parents who leave their children ever regret it?
- Question: Family problems?
- Question: How can I get my Dad to talk to me again?
- Question: Help My mothers a troll!?
- Question: Why do my step siblings dislike me so much i don't understand?
- Question: Grandmother gave everyone in the family money except me...?
- Question: Since my Dad is ignorant and arrogant how do I reason with him?
- Question: Why does my mom always argue with me?
- Question: Is it right for a mother to go through her daughter's diary?
- Question: My aunt resents her daughter and resents us in the extended family being good to her daughter. What might be behind a mother doing this?
- Question: I am being kept from ever seeing my aunt again cause my Dad doesn't like her or her husband. Is this fair?
- Question: My Dad likes to insult mentally ill people. What would make someone have such low class?
- Question: My Dad shames me. I don't need more shame. How do I tell him this?
- Question: My parents don't feed me anymore, what do I do?
- Question: Why does my family treat me like crap ???
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:22 PM PST My mom always seems to know things I don't. And if something has just happened she knows immediately after it happens. I don't know how, and she hasn't said. |
Question: How do I get my Dad to stop singing to himself when he drives. It makes me so mad? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:19 PM PST |
Question: Why do we love children even though they're useless and incapable of complex emotions? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:01 PM PST We love them more than everything, but why when they just cry, sh*t their pampers and talk gibberish? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:52 PM PST She's so disrepecful to me and I need to do something about it I can't stand her attitude anymore |
Question: How do i get my little sister to stop hitting me in the balls? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST My little sister is 3 and i'm 12 and she always hits me in the balls! I know she doesnt understand and doesnt do it on purpose but she always manages to hit my balls! This afternoon when i got home from school she came running up to me to give me a hug but managed to punch me in the balls pretty hard! How do i get her to stop hitting me in the balls without seeming too mean coz i know she doesnt understand?! |
Question: Why do moms hate their daughters? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:47 PM PST |
Question: Republicans, how can I ever forgive my father for betraying me? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:42 PM PST I thought he was my best friend. I thought I could trust him! But when I least expected it, when my guard was down, I woke up in the middle of the night to find my dad, that back stabbing traitor, fcuking my mom! I feel so betrayed! |
Question: Why is my boyfriends female side of the family very unattractive? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST I'm in love with this guy who is so hot but his 3 older sisters and 1 younger sister are just so ugly. His mother is also very ugly. His 1 brother is good looking like him but his other 2 brothers are ugly like their sisters and mother. His father is good for his age and not ugly. Why is that? How can all the females in that family be so ugly but the guys are so good looking? BTW I'm not being horrible for no reason because his ugly sisters are very very nasty to me (because I think they're jealous). I'm worried though if we have a daughter together she'd look like his ugly sisters. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST I'm 16 and my dad molested all of my sisters and raped one of them since they were little my mom supposedly just found out a year ago from one of us and now wants to keep it on the low and brush it off because she doesn't want to struggle with money,now all she cares about Is finding someone new to date while my dad lives at his new apartment. I still see him everyday and she gets mad when I bring the subject of my dad up she asks me "well what do you WANT me to do?" I had kept it a secret for so long that when the truth came out I thought my mom would take care of me and tell me everything's going to be ok but she doesn't care and now that her new bf is moving in today she says if I dont like him I can move out.. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:11 AM PST He's cut three family members from his life and calls it a divorce (though it is not anyone he's married to but rather a sister, a brother--in-law on my Mom's side, and a set of cousins |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:53 AM PST Capri suns are baby and kid drinks. At 12 she should start on adult beverages such as coffee, water, tea, orange juice, etc. She also should be making straight A's in school and helping me with chores. Am I wrong for telling her to grow up and act like a big kid? |
Question: What can I do about my coddling grandma? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:49 AM PST Hi everyone I'm 17 gonna be turning 18 in a few months and I live with my grandma and brother. My mom lives away from home because it's closer to her work but she visits often. Anyways, my grandma is so annoying and overprotective. I honestly am at my whits end! Whenever I'm out for too long, she calls my mom getting all panicky pretty much making my mom think I ran away or something and this makes my mom all upset. She exaggerates so much and is so overdramatic. She thinks this world is such a dangerous place and it is but it's not at the same time. She literately doesn't give me any room to breathe. Simple tasks around the house like lifting heavy things or climbing on latter, she'll stand right over me and try to "help" me and I get so pissed I push her away. I have been applying to jobs because I wanna save for a car and have my own money. She's like "That's a long way to walk. Are you sure you wanna do that?" or "Going on busses is dangerous. Anyone can pull a gun on you or stab you." like UGHHH just leave me alone already! These are just bits and pieces of her annoying behavior but the list goes on. It'd take me a year to type out all her annoying behaviors! I just want advice on how I should deal with this. I know she does it cause she loves me but there is such thing as being ridiculous and just asking me to be cautious. She has crossed the line way beyond ridiculous into outrageous territory. What do I do?? Thanks for your help!! |
Question: Why do people look down on others just to make themselves feel good ? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST To any reason... Also like they don't do what u always do it seems lots of people just want to put me down. A bad customer i had has gone out of her way to try to ruin me, and my company is tryign to take her side though she is a liar and weird. I go to a social gathering and people treat me like crap put me down or ignore me. people are always tryign to use me, put me down or make me feel less..i dont get it. How to get them to stop treating me like this for any reason |
Question: My sisters boyfriend is heavy on drugs. Help? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:45 AM PST He is on very bad drugs he is never sober and he is aggressive, im scared of him because of his behavior. My mom doesnt let him in to our house because of his drug addiction and all that. my sister says well im pregnant i will have to let him see my baby but my mom always talks to her about it. cause we are scared of his aggresive personality , he always says he will stop doing drugs but he still does drugs he went to rehab about a thousand times still didnt help he is sleeping in a hostel. he doesnt have much money because of his drug addiction. He always sits at the garden with my sister and always shouts, throws chairs on the floor . He cheated on her she knew that and got his password on facebook and she found some horrible things like him messaging girls saying they are hot and asking them out and all that horrible things like nudes. What do you think will he quit taking drugs? Like people that take heavy drugs like the vain thing do people stop taking them or is it impossible. thanks for the answers i appriciate it i also have other part about it but different question i forgot to ask this one. I dont really want to share this but i want to help my sister to move on and find a better guy that will respect her. |
Question: Family promblems please help? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:40 AM PST My sister is 25 years old and still living us... with her 2 children. In a 3 bed room house all together we have 6 people here.. My sister lives with us Because she had a kid and can't take care of him because she is always spending her money and going on her phone. so my mom helps her out and buys the baby stuff for her. So mostly my sister is fighting a custody battle since my nephew was 1 and her ex is really crazy. He bangs on our door and threatens to take the kid and run away and brake our Windows. The cops still has not arrested him. But beside that point . I just turned 15 and never have time with my mom because of this. I also have not got an new clothes or shoes sence 7th grade Im in 9th grade now because she dosent have the"money" because she helps my sister. And idk why she does she hits and beats her (mom)... . She puts me down everyday calling me names she 25 and hits me and acts like she's 12... for instant last week I saw Apple earbuds on the counter and I took them to school without finding out who's they were.. today my sister asked if I took her earbuds and pointed to the ones I used and she screamed at me and said and I quote " there are not my earbuds you F-ing dumba**" I replied This are the ones I took to school if they arnt yours I do not know who's they are. She slammed the door and told my dad. My dad told me I have to buy her new IPhone 7 earbuds witch cost brand new $23 dollors it may not be a lot to you guys but to me it is |
Question: I want my MIL in the delivery room but not my mom? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:30 AM PST I am expecting my first child in 7 weeks, I've started thinking about who I want there and of course my husband will be there, but I want his mom there instead of my mom. Me and my mom have never been close and I've gotten quite close with my husbands mom and that's why I want her there. How do I tell my mom I don't want her in the delivery room and want my MIL instead? |
Question: I disapprove of my daughter's boyfriend? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST I don't get it, she's 17. In the past she's dated guys in the past that I've been a fan of, but this new guy, dresses like he's just gotten out of bed, constantly touches her in front of me, and seems to have 0 motivation. All I can get from her is, " he's such a sweetheart". Yes, I know, the more I openly dislike him, the more she's going to like him, but, what can I do? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST My girlfriend and I are both 22, we have a 5 year old son. She works these shifts as a waitress. Usually he's asleep when she gets home for these shifts, but, last night, he couldn't fall asleep and was begging me to let him stay up until Mom got home. I didn't want to make him sad, so, I let him stay up. She was not pleased when she got home. She took him straight to bed and then laid into me about being a weak parent. Was I wrong? It made him very happy that he was able to say good night to her. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:41 AM PST I hate it when a parent or other family member is mad at me. It makes me so nervous. My Mom is an alcoholic and I am nervous when she is drunk cause it gives me flashbacks to when I was a teen and living at home. I also feel guilt like I somehow should feel shame for her drinking. I go to Al Anon and decided to be home for Christmas when there will be lots of other people there but travel for Thanksgiving. Two of my three siblings will be home but the one who is travelling is not getting grief cause he has a wife and two kids and their going to his in-laws. However, I am single and will be travelling alone. How do I get him at least not to act mad around me? I learned at a young age not to be mad at a parent so I am the submissive one in the family who is 30 years old but submissive like a 5 year old. |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:36 AM PST The narcissists are after me, I am so scared. I can't cut them out of my life or I'll never see the rest of the family again. What do I do? My aunt is especially scary cause she controls what my grandmother thinks of people so if she dislikes me my grandmother will dislike me. |
Question: Is Miranda Cosgrove a good singer or Jennette McCurdy? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:24 AM PST |
Question: My dad threatens to hit me? What should I do? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PST Ever since I did not want to go to youth because I was not feeling like I wanted to go my dad got really mad at me when he got home, we got into a big argument, I didn t want to argue so I went outside to play basketball. I was bouncing the ball pretty hard on the ground and wall because I was a little mad and he yelled at me through the window to stop, so I bounced it again and he sprinted outside and was chasing me around the table in the backyard. He eventually cornered me against a wall behind the table and somehow pushed the massive table into me and was about to climb over. I started yelling stop and so was my mum inside, my eyes were tearing up and he was yelling at me, and he looked like he really wanted to hurt me. Ever since then he stopped really talking to me and when he was it was just him yelling at me about my grades and stuff. I would say things like "yep" and "are you done?" and he would continue to threaten me and sometimes shove me. I m a little scared and worried for my mum as he has almost done this sort of thing to her and all my other siblings, what should I do? |
Question: What should I do about a cousin that hurt me? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:28 AM PST On the day of my father' memorial service I arrived from out of town 15 minutes later than expected. The small service was over. Heartbroken and devastated, I was deeply sad. That was not meant to happen. I had driven there with little advanced notification that morning. My brother had the service to spread my father's ashes. A cousin I hadn't seen since childhood had been there. By the time I arrived, she had left. That fast. I contacted her and told her that while we had never been in touch over the years, I sure could use a friend right now. She lives in a different state and I was thinking we could rekindle a friendship by phone. She said she was too busy for that. I have not been able to get over it. Is it important for me to express my feelings to her? That her 'rejection' really hurt? |
Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:53 AM PST He and I broke up 2 months ago and I started going to church and found him staring at me 2 weeks in a row so I texted him but he said he was offended which is why it wouldn't work and why he wouldn't allow himself to have feelings for me again. I didn't respond. I've been going to church since then it's been almost a month, i don't look at him and have given him a dirty look couple times. He literally doesn't take his eyes off me my family says...confused. My friends say it's a longing stare |
Question: A situation of Two Brothers living with Elderly parents? Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:09 AM PST My parents are in their 80's. My Brother has lived at home for 15 years which he is 56 years old an alcoholic. The sad part is now hes battling cancer which is stage 4, My other Brother had it going until a year ago when he left the state without telling anyone. In turn we had to clear out his things from where he was living ,walked out on his job, when he came back last month after living in a trailer home in Arizona he had no money, no place to go, no job, no drivers license, no medical, now he is imposing on my parents at 61 years incentive I'm not joking about this. He lives in a Dream World thinking playing a guitar writing poetry will make him famous while the other is drinking hard liquor getting loud violent with my parents,My Mother is so under the gun at 82 my Dad at 85. I have another Brother at 57 nearby 10 miles away he's married has a home, wife,son high paying job. The idyllic Son as one in the family put it. I realize that his priorities are what is at home That leaves me I'm standing aside at the moment age 50 ready to intervene should anything occur.I live two blocks away care giving for a disabled woman.I'm like in the middle between the two extremes. My question being what would be the most productive way for each to handle their situation making productivity of the situation???? I could present thoughts yet my parents have two grown sons , both self centered to say the least the other is an elitist that he wouldn't want to stoop to help if needed. . Yes the same Brother has Cancer , drinks , gets medical from State, no job just disability from the state has lived with my parents for 15 years hes 56 he has been violent at times yet my Father treats him like a pet in which goes against my Moms will. The other Brother is 61 is living a poets dream no incentive to do anything lives home at 61 with no see able future for employment My parents are in fairly good health I can't talk to my Third Brother he thinks its all funny, |
Question: My dad passed away today? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:43 PM PST I am 28 year old man who works at a average company and my mom just called me that my dad has passed. It did shock me but with everything that was going on with my personal life, I feel tired and makes me feel that I just want to digest and rest first. What kind of excuse will it be to ditch work in this circumstance..? |
Question: Should I leave the past by moving away from my families house to my own home? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:07 PM PST I keep bringing up the past and had incest with dyfunioned family. All I can think about is moving away to anywhere where I am happy. |
Question: How do you know if your parents love you? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 10:09 PM PST My parents never care about what I do. They only pay attention and love my sister who is going to Community College for 2 years then transferring to UC Irvine. I've gotten all A's so far I've taken Calculus during the summer in community college ( got an A) and now I'm in Stats as a sophomore. Nothing I do impresses my mom and dad. Whenever I try to talk to them about something other than school they try to get away from the conversation or at least I feel like they do. Sometimes it's like they don't even like me when I feel like I've done nothing wrong. |
Question: Are there generally any differences between Canadian and US children? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 10:03 PM PST If you compare a group of American kids to Canadian kids of the exact same ages, is there a significant difference? I don't see any changes in behavior. However, they live in different environments (e.g a province where it's always rainy to a state that's boiling hot). |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:48 PM PST |
Question: Mom blames me for all of her problems, what can I do about this? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:18 PM PST Recently, I have been having a lot of trouble with my mom. We used to be close like when I was a teenager but now that I am 25, things have gone sour. I am her daughter but throughout high school, I lived with my dad and brother and would visit her because she had a boyfriend she had been seeing for a long time and they were living together. Things didn't work out with her and her boyfriend, he ended up kicking her out. So she went to go live with her sister (my aunt). Things didn't work out there because they were constantly fighting. So she came to live with my brother, my dad, and I even though my parents have been divorced for years (they are living as exes). I thought I was going to college but didn't get accepted so I started attending a community college and working. My mom complains a lot. She says that kids can support the parents. She thinks I should be financially supporting her, even going as far as to say I should have a house by now so her and my younger brother could move in. My younger brother stays with his dad a lot because his dad has his own place and she one time blamed me because I should be moved out?? She doesn't like being stuck at home. She doesn't work, doesn't pay for anything. She complains about having no clothes, no food, etc. She is always blaming me for her problems. When there is a lack of money, she gets all uptight and angry. Please what should I do about this? She is blaming me for anything and everything. |
Question: What does it mean when someone doesn't care about you ??? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:15 PM PST When they act like they don't care about you... Ex: Walking in front of u. What does it mean ?? It could be anyone a family/friend/boyfriend |
Question: I hate doing chores? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:09 PM PST I'm a girl and i hate doing chores because i feel as if the only reason my parents want me to do chores is because I'm a girl and they want me to be an obedient wife. I don't want to get married to someone who expects me clean/cook right when i get home from work while they just sit on the couch and do nothing. Any advice? |
Question: A friend of mine tell his friend to go kill himself and his friend actually did? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 08:26 PM PST What can i do to help my friend? He is feeling guilty because he told a friend of his to go kill himself. They had like a fight and it wasnt all that serious but his friend did kill himself. You know like friend always say stuff to each other when they mad but not meaning it |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:59 PM PST |
Question: My mom's birthday is on Saturday? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST My mom and I are currently apart from one another communication and living wise. I am twenty three years old and she's the reason I am on my own now with an apartment, which i'm grateful for. We simply do not get a long, she's a drug addict and I have made fun of her about this. We haven't spoken since July, because of an argument and I blocked her via text and phone call. Her birthday is Saturday, and i'm becoming emotional because deep down I love her and care for her, but I don't want to be in her presence for her birthday, as I feel like she might start trouble with me. Your comments are helpful guys! |
Question: My sister was mean to me this weekend. Should I tell my parents since she is their kid? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:11 PM PST She is an adult but acts like a kid and still lives with them. She is 12 in behavior but legally 23. I am 27 and immature myself. So if I tell my parents will this just be childish or should I tell them since they made her after all. |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 06:57 PM PST I am 31 and yet they expect me to avoid any family member they are mad at. They have a long history of doing this and they live on the same block as my grandmother so they know when I am at her house if enemies of theirs are also there. It causes me great anxiety especially at the upcoming Christmas-Thanksgiving Holiday Season. So how do I get them to stop? Recently my Dad flipped on me cause he found out from my grandmother that I saw my Mom's sister while she was in town and my Mom's sister is an enemy of my parents. Forgiveness is not a value to my parents unless the person changes and repents. "My enemy has to be your enemy" is their philosophy. |
Question: Help!!! My parents!!!? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 06:57 PM PST My parents hate the way, i am. They want me to change. They also yell at me for a stupid reason. How do i stand up for myself?! Im a pussy to do it. :( |
Question: Is my mom bein controlling or protective? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 06:43 PM PST Ok I have been talking to someone and hanging out with someone he's just a friend wants me to go to his nephews birthday in December I want to go we want it to be just us, when I was talking to my mom about it she said get to know him first then maybe and maybe I'll go with and get him a present, like she just invited herself. She wasn't invited. Honestly what should I tell her? I am old enough to make my own decisions and if anything does happen I make my own mistakes. He has his own car so can pick me up either way and she has no choice. |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 06:19 PM PST My mom said next time he visits if I don't call him sir she'll take my phone away??? |
Question: Is it good to spank? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 06:02 PM PST |
Question: Do parents who leave their children ever regret it? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 05:21 PM PST My Dad left when I was 21 to move in with his new mistress. He did an awful lot of evil things, taking away my sister and I's college fund, selling our car without telling us, never calling, visiting, writing, etc. He has my phone number blocked and refuses any contact with me. I just want to know why? My parents 27 year marriage ended, one month later he moved from where we live (Michigan) to Arizona with his mistress, new job, find out he's engaged from his lawyer. Does he regret having children? Did I disappoint him that much? How can a father knowingly hurt his children and not care? Is he mentally hill? |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 05:12 PM PST My sister is 25 years old and still living us... with her 2 children. In a 3 bed room house all together we have 6 people here.. My sister lives with us Because she had a kid and can't take care of him because she is always spending her money and going on her phone. so my mom helps her out and buys the baby stuff for her. So mostly my sister is fighting a custody battle since my nephew was 1 and her ex is really crazy. He bangs on our door and threatens to take the kid and run away and brake our Windows. The cops still has not arrested him. But beside that point . I just turned 15 and never have time with my mom because of this. I also have not got an new clothes or shoes sence 7th grade Im in 9th grade now because she dosent have the"money" because she helps my sister. And idk why she does she hits and beats her (mom)... . She puts me down everyday calling me names she 25 and hits me and acts like she's 12... for instant last week I saw Apple earbuds on the counter and I took them to school without finding out who's they were.. today my sister asked if I took her earbuds and pointed to the ones I used and she screamed at me and said and I quote " there are not my earbuds you F-ing dumba**" I replied This are the ones I took to school if they arnt yours I do not know who's they are. She slammed the door and told my dad. My dad told me I have to buy her new IPhone 7 earbuds witch cost brand new $23 dollors it may not be a lot to you guys but to me it is. |
Question: How can I get my Dad to talk to me again? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 05:03 PM PST I'm 20 years old, last year after my freshman year of college my Dad moved across the country with his mistress after being married to my mother for 27 years. We were a "normal" nuclear family of four, my parents, myself, my sister. My Dad disappeared, and up until June we hadn't heard a word until he and his new fiancee petitioned the court against my parents original divorce decree, stating that he had taken a "significant pay cut" when transferring jobs (load of crap) he came all the way to Michigan with his new fiancee, they sat together in court holding hands as the judge told my mother who makes far less money and was emotionally abused by my father for almost 30 years, that he had sided with my father and released him of any financial duty. My father hates me. I think he wouldn't really care if I died. I just want to see him, hug him, tell him I love him. Tell him I miss him. I can't do anything, every single day something or someone reminds me of him. We were so close. I can't help but think my entire life is a joke. My own father hates me, what kind of disappointment and loser am I? The last thing he said to me before he left was that I had yellow teeth from my bulimia. Does he have a brain tumor? Is something wrong with him? He wasn't always like this....this evil...horrible person that only cares about money and public image. |
Question: Help My mothers a troll!? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 04:24 PM PST My mother is trolling! How do I get her to stop trolling! |
Question: Why do my step siblings dislike me so much i don't understand? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 04:02 PM PST Everyday i see them i try too give them attention they are 8 and 4, when i have something they like they'll be all pretend nice to me which i catch on to there antics but on most days when i touch them on the shoulder or pat them or whatever they get into crybaby mode and have my dad get all mad at me they have a different mom, so the other day i had enough and said watch when they get older i won't be all loving and playful because of how they treat me and being deceitful and i stand by what i said...did i say was honesty and true or did i go to far |
Question: Grandmother gave everyone in the family money except me...? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST My grandmother inherited a lot of money when her son died and has since given her three daughters each 30,000 dollars a piece. She's given me and my cousin nothing. She asked my mother not to tell me but my mother did anyway. I'm struggling financially and am now watching my whole family splurge on what I feel are ridiculous purchases. I can't speak to my cousin about it either because I don't know if her mom told her about the money or not. Knowing them, she probably did tell her and probably cut her in. This whole thing has made me incredibly resentful, especially since my grandmother has always made me feel like I wasn't a true part of the family. How can I get over this? I need a new way of looking at the situation. |
Question: Since my Dad is ignorant and arrogant how do I reason with him? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:50 PM PST He is better then all and very ignorant to things like the anxiety issues my mother and I have. He thinks it is a choice. |
Question: Why does my mom always argue with me? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:46 PM PST I don't know if this is something teenagers go through with their mother at age 16 but this is always going on.:: my mom bitches so much.. also she is never proud of me. I'm a really good kid no drugs , sex, drinking, I do good in school! I don't understand why she's does this. It honestly breaks my heart, and I'm starting to get depressed because of it.. |
Question: Is it right for a mother to go through her daughter's diary? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:46 PM PST To me I believe it's very wrong because when I was 10 years old I had a diary and it was very precious to me because I was the quiet sensitive type I have always been a great kid I never stole or did drugs or sleep with boys ok so here it goes I have always been extremely intelligent I read at 3 grades above my level and I wrote sensual poetry and short stories in my diary I wrote at a college level due to my vocabulary my mom found my diary while I was out of town with my class so when I came back home she greeted me happily like she usually does and then she told me she found my diary and she read my short stories about a man and woman feeling love and sexual attraction she started asking me if I was sleeping around which was ridiculous because I wasn't allowed to be alone with a guy even if we were best mates and plus I started puberty when I was 8 to narrow it down I felt so emotionally and mentally violated because that diary was where my private thoughts and feelings were. Any advice or thoughts |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:43 PM PST Her daughter has some trust issues as her father abandoned her at age 6. There is another sister who my aunt worships and thinks is the greatest in the whole world. So one daughter is praised and spoiled silly the other ignored and resented. Both daughters are in their 20's. Their Dad was a deadbeat and is out of the picture. |
Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:33 PM PST I am an adult but my Dad has made it clear I am never to talk to my Mom's sister again. |
Question: My Dad likes to insult mentally ill people. What would make someone have such low class? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:32 PM PST I am embarrassed to be his son. |
Question: My Dad shames me. I don't need more shame. How do I tell him this? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST He shames me for being a week and anxious Mommy's girl at 16. |
Question: My parents don't feed me anymore, what do I do? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 03:22 PM PST |
Question: Why does my family treat me like crap ??? Posted: 08 Nov 2017 02:56 PM PST Like they always tell me to do something that they already done.. Why do they do this ??? Like they don't care about me or think kindness my kindness is weakness or take advantage of me. What is this ?? Do they think their above me or something their playing mind games . Because it really making me mad now and their treating me like dirt. Why do they do this like they react to me. What is up with this ? They do me really bad why do they do this. |
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