Marriage & Divorce: Question: Please help me. I have no friends to turn to.? |
- Question: Please help me. I have no friends to turn to.?
- Question: Was I wrong for breaking up with my boyfriend Because he moved into an apartment without me?
- Question: Why would a nice person marry a mean person?
- Question: If I file for divorce in florida is anything I gain after the date I file also available for my ex to take half of?
- Question: What do couples do on honeymoon ?
- Question: Gf soon to be wife isint sure about kids she just wants me as step parent I think ?
- Question: Can I marry my mother in the state of New Jersey?
- Question: How can someone be so mean after being married to him/her for many years? My sister is going through a divorce?
- Question: How would you feel about your spouse meeting this person?
- Question: I am american soldier and i want to divorce my american wife but she does not want to give me divorce ! what shall i do ?
- Question: Would you father a child with an ex-girlfriend only because she wants it?
- Question: Hi are you sleeping with my wife?
- Question: Is it wrong to tell my husband I'm grateful towards my ex husband?
- Question: Is this enough to break up with someone over?
- Question: Why would anybody want to have an affair?
- Question: Newlyweds and our mother in law live s with us. How do I tell my wife we need to ask her to leave?
- Question: I think my wife is cheating on me but I want to trust her. what's your opinion?
- Question: Is it disrespectful for a man in a committed relationship to be friends with his ex-wife?
- Question: My husbands female co worker seems to know intimate details of his manhood?
- Question: How many married couples make sex tapes? He says everyone does it now!?
- Question: So I am a personal trainer... Successful and been told that I'm good but miss my abusive x husband 3 1/2 years ago?
- Question: My wife is mad at me because I am going along with my mom madness to leave the house early in the morning to take my mom at the beach.?
- Question: About three weeks ago I found out that my husband of 14 years has been talking/trying to talk to woman on dating sites for the past year.?
- Question: Help, my husbands female co worker is driving me crazy.?
- Question: My husband is an angry person but until today has never laid a hand on me out of anger.?
- Question: What should I do for my husband and I for our 1 year anniversary ?
- Question: Would you work for and under your spouse , can you imagine if your boss and superior at work is your spouse ?? Wouldn't that be weird ?
- Question: Am I wrong?
- Question: If your husband is in the process of divorcing you to be with his girlfriend....?
- Question: Do you think he should've gone in late?
- Question: Why do I abuse my husband, I'm also a sad, lonely lesbian woman and I hoard turtles?
Question: Please help me. I have no friends to turn to.? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:21 PM PDT I was played around with by a sociopath from an online dating site. We never met but this has been going on for 1-2 months until today when I said bye to him. He said he was a sociopath that's why I'm calling him one. I never would have figured it out on my own. He led me on thinking we both liked each other. He played with my emotions. Yes I know how you're not supposed to invest in someone online. I have mental issues of my own so forgive me. I am realizing now the whole intimacy or connecting thing was fake... What I felt was only what I felt. He never had emotions for me. But now I remember him in little things like waking up lookig at my phone to see if he texted in the morning, afternoon, etc. I felt really close to him as if he was my boyfriend. Yes you may not understand how one can feel that way online. But please dont judge and dismiss me. I feel like everything is a lie now. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:13 PM PDT At first I was okay with moving in despite the bad neighborhood but at the last minute I changed my mind. I told him that I didn't like the neighborhood and wouldn't feel safe but he had already paid rent and the light bill. The lights are on so he's moved in and I got pissed and broke up with him. |
Question: Why would a nice person marry a mean person? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:24 PM PDT I knew this couple from a couple of years ago. The wife was the sweetest lady on earth, beyond an angel though she was occasionally impatient and had a bad, vindictive temper. Everything she does is for other people. Ridiculously good person and very polite most of the time. The husband was one of the meanest supervisors at work. Though he was very brilliant, everyone had a disfavorable view of him. He wasn't the nastiest person on earth but just not a nice person. Unnecessary strict rules on employees and may shout insults at you if he feels his own personal need to. Generally he pretends to be nice/professional but everyone knows hes not truly like that. Just surprises me why someone so kind can respect someone so mean Sometimes the wife actually scolds the husband for acting in such a unnecessary lowly way to people. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 07:42 PM PDT |
Question: What do couples do on honeymoon ? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 06:41 PM PDT Me and my wife are going on our honeymoon we're going to D.C. for a few days. It's gonna be our first honeymoon she's 6 months pregnant with our daughter. She's had enough of sex we have it every night she getting kind of tired of it. What should we do on our honeymoon ? |
Question: Gf soon to be wife isint sure about kids she just wants me as step parent I think ? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:38 PM PDT Hey guys my gf of two years are soon to be married next year she's an all around amazing girl but there have been a lot of bumps but we have overcome them all we live together her mom lives with us so she has someone to take care of her child while we work and stuff everything is going good until she mentioned that there's a age in your life when you just marry to be a step dad or marry a milf she said your just a step dad but I had talked to her that in the future I want a family like my own kid as well I treat her child like if it's my own I pay bills clean spoil her cook work on the cars paint the house the normal things take her out spoil her respect her every thing you can think so I asked her you know I want a kid in the future she said she isn't sure so my question is why would she marry me then ??? If I want a family in the future |
Question: Can I marry my mother in the state of New Jersey? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:22 PM PDT Her husband cheated on her for almost 2 yrs, she found out late last yr and to my surprise she forgave him and wanted to work on their marriage. He would confuse her and want to work it out them he'd say he wasn't sure what he wanted and had her in a yo yo for some time after 4 mo she moved out and lost their home she's not getting any $ back. He is being a$$hoe to her trying to make things worst!? Why though??? He cheated the least he can do is make the divorce and custody easier by not being an A$$ho! I feel so bad for my sis, everyone even his parents are disappointed in him |
Question: How would you feel about your spouse meeting this person? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:15 PM PDT I asked the question once but thought I would provide more details. My husband is getting his PhD and needed to learn a second language to pass a test. He got a tutor and he met her weekly for a couple of months last year until his test. He passed and no longer needs tutoring. She is also a PhD and had an academic event she invited her students and my husband to. My husband and I went out with her and her husband once. They have since separated as he wants a divorce and she tells my husband via text he suffers mental illness. She asked my husband to meet her for coffee. My husband has a lot of female friends he spends time with and I am okay with that. I do not feel comfortable with him meeting this woman for coffee as she is in a vulnerable state, I hardly know her, and her husband is mentally ill. I am wrong to tell my husband I am not comfortable with him meeting her for coffee? My husband would claim she is a friend and just wants to talk. Or wrong to tell him I do not want him going out with her. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:06 PM PDT well the story is this i have 2 kids ( 5 and 6 ) with my wife and now while stationing in germany i met superhot german girl and i want ot marry her! My wife does not want to give me divorce ! what the hell i must do , my commanding officer threatened to me also ruin my career ! i love that german girl and want to live with her not that hag in home ! i am little over 30 german girl is 17 and i love her!!! she knows several DUI and has threatened to tell cops ! She is blackmailing me |
Question: Would you father a child with an ex-girlfriend only because she wants it? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:05 PM PDT Like a sperm donor who is willing to provide financial help but will have no emotional involvement with the child. She wanted marriage, real commitment but the man did not give it. So she says let s at least have the kid. Can such an arrangement work? |
Question: Hi are you sleeping with my wife? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:56 PM PDT I like ****** my wife |
Question: Is it wrong to tell my husband I'm grateful towards my ex husband? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:59 PM PDT My ex husband gave me our children. Even though he's not a great dad and I don't force him to try to be I am grateful he gave me our children and I tell my husband this who finds it offputiing.? Why wouldn't he be happy I'm not hateful and angry towards my ex and why wouldn't he be grateful for the children he now has. |
Question: Is this enough to break up with someone over? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:59 AM PDT You catch your significant other talking negatively about you behind your back. You also always invite them on trip you take and have paid for them in the past to go on vacations with you however they decide to take a trip without you and dont invite you nor offer to pay your way like you have them. Its essentially very one sided. et they still expect you to invite them and take them on vacations with you when they do not do the same. |
Question: Why would anybody want to have an affair? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:42 AM PDT I was thinking the other day.... To have an affair you would have to spend more money and more of your time with a person. How do you even have the time to do that? Or the extra cash flow? Haha! If I were to get a secret Hotel Room, it would be so that I could get some alone time. Haha! |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:16 AM PDT My mother in law moved in with My wife five years ago to help her with her son but we just got married and Its weird her living with us. |
Question: I think my wife is cheating on me but I want to trust her. what's your opinion? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 06:04 AM PDT My wife and i have been together going on 5 years. Our sex life is nonexistent and I will take some of the blame on that. anyways, I caught her lying to me and she said she was out with a friend I knew. I found out she was with a guy. she lied to me cause she knows I get jealous about guys being around her. that's her excuse anyways. i told her she couldnt see this guy anymore cause she lied to me about it and it really hurt me. we started working on our issues. I find out that they hadn't spoke in a couple of days but then started up again. I read through some messages to a friend of hers. She talks about how he turns her on and she can't help it. how she was going to call out to work an spend the day with him but I asked her to lunch on that day so she couldn't. She apologized once I found out and said she wasn't really going to call in, and that it was just girls talk. Her friend is telling he to file for divorce and take my kid. Her and I are trying to work things out and I believe she slept with him but she adamantly states that she was lonely and spent time with him. She spent it at his apartment and lied to me for over a month. she brought my 2 year old son there as well. I want to believe that she didn't and that she was just frustrated and was acting out. She flew out of town this weekend back to her folks and I know he isn't there for sure. I went to grab some stuff out of the car and I found a full set of her dirty clothes in there. pants, underwear and all. |
Question: Is it disrespectful for a man in a committed relationship to be friends with his ex-wife? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:34 AM PDT The ex-wife continually tries to poison the man and his children s minds against his girlfriend. Even going so far as to make up vicious lies about the girlfriend. The girlfriend is respectful towards the wife and has never spoken bad about her to or in front of the children. And for almost the whole first 2 years of the relationship the girlfriend would defend the ex-wife to the children(trying to be the bigger person). The girlfriend takes care of the children when the exwife doesn t, and for the most part never has. |
Question: My husbands female co worker seems to know intimate details of his manhood? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:13 AM PDT We see his co workers a lot and one women is always around him We were joking about over a drink and she said I was lucky he was so big (he is very!) I said nothing but questioned him later he just said he had bragged about it to her. I can't have this and now I think she has seen it too How do I stop this? |
Question: How many married couples make sex tapes? He says everyone does it now!? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:45 AM PDT |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:39 AM PDT I don't get it... I lost 100 lbs 2 years ago. I am the embodiment of success in some ways however I am truly hurting a lot and miss my x husband who was very abusive to me. I am remarried to a man 18 years older than me who used to be emotionally supportive but I don't know anymore. Why am I so confused? I also have a Bachelor's in Psychology and have a Master's Degree line measured up in Psychology. I've been through over 20 temp jobs in my life and hurting a lot. I miss my house with my x husband and I'm afraid if he saw me now he might not even recognize me. He has a live in girlfriend but I have a live in 2nd husband. What should I do? I have no idea if he has changed or not and he married and kept our house running that we got married in. In some ways I have a feeling that he still loves me and it hurts me a lot to think that it could be the case but my new husband threatened him so I have no idea anymore. My 2nd husband got really pissed off and thought he was protecting me. Am I wrong for being so confused? I thought I would still stop loving my x husband but sometimes I miss him so much and don't know where it comes from. My 2nd husband who is 18 years older than me could not guarantee a future with me but after I left him he refused to give me up at one point. Every single one of my friends and family members told me that he went crazy. I left him for 3 months. He has a 16 year old son but I have 0 children. I sometimes miss my x husband who was closer in age. My x husband was my whole life I would have given anything for him as my 2nd husband would give anything for me. I'm hurting because for some reason even after I left my 1st husband I still had some belief in him but I was terrified of him at the same time. He was hurt from his family and I was hurting really bad from mine. Even if it's not my x husband why is it that I feel something is missing from my current marriage? I work on my own personal success so many hours of the day. But yet I'm not understanding this somehow. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:47 PM PDT How can I please both my wife and my mom? Please help with this situation. My mom called me and asked me to take her to the beach on Sunday at 5am in the morning. She wants to go in the water to wash away the bad luck. She is diabetic and 70 years old. She has nerve problem and her hand trebles a lot. I told her it's not a clever idea. Please help me with what to do or say. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:34 PM PDT One chat site "HANGOUT" actually texted my phone their conversation. For the last two and a half weeks I haven't been able to sleep, eat, or think about anything other then what's been going on. I am at a loss. I have been with him sense the 11th grade. We grew up together. We were best friends sense the 7th grade. We have two kids together. My whole life has been focused around him. I did everything for him. Made sure he had nothing to worry about when he came home from off shore. But throughout our marriage I have had to be pushed aside for a game on his phone, be shown very little attention to other then when he wanted sex and even that I didn't need to be awake for. He just took it. I've had to fight with him over weither or not I've been cheating "never once looking, but always defending". He says he was only talking to the other woman and had no intentions of ever meeting up with her. He was just looking for excitement because he was bored off shore. But everything he was saying to her he never said to me. Everything he told her made it sound like I was being replaced. I even found a condom (only one) unused in his night stand. I have been fixed for 7 years. No need for a condoms. They exspire within 3-5 years right and it has an experation Data for 2021. Meaning he got it in 2016. I don't know what to do. He says that he won't be doing anything like this ever again because the thought of losing me was a slap in the face and it's not worth it but I can't get past this. |
Question: Help, my husbands female co worker is driving me crazy.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:08 PM PDT |
Question: My husband is an angry person but until today has never laid a hand on me out of anger.? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:42 PM PDT My husband and I are under an enormous amount of stress. After a 10 year battle with the healthcare system and various doctors, we finally found a diagnosis. He has systemic lupus (it sucks so hard, omg). In january, I was diagnosed with MS (sucks less but /shrug). He officially got fired from his job this feb after being on disability and we re waiting for his disability to come through. I, in the mean time, have yet to find an MS medication that works and so I am having frequent flare ups that cause me to miss work. Because of all this, we re having a lot of trouble paying our bills. We ve been together for 15 years and have always resolved any fights or issues. Tonight, however, he slapped/pushed me. Like he pushed me on my chest so hard, it felt like a slap and I could have sworn I would bruise. He s never done this in the 16 years I ve known him. I know he gets self destructive when he s angry but tonight, he crossed a line. He literally put his hands on me in anger. As he s never EVER done this before and he s under extreme stress, I can forgive him. He didn t hit me and truth be told, it didn t physically hurt me as much as it scared me. How do I deal with this without over reacting? |
Question: What should I do for my husband and I for our 1 year anniversary ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 06:00 PM PDT Any recommendations or ideas? Thanks He is 25 & I am 22. We're not too crazy about going out for drinks, we drink at home when we do.. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:29 PM PDT My wife wants to work for me at the family clinic. She says she wants to help me with my job and work. I said "No , you can't because I share that clinic with 2 other Drs, and we split the costs ,and share the receptionist ,and our receptionist all need to have experience as medical receptionist and have diploma in office administration." "If you want to work for me you need to go to school get a college diploma in office administration to be a receptionist or a degree in nursing to be a nurse. " She said "ok I'll study to be a medical receptionist and help you." In that case if she works for me she gets same starting wage as the other receptionist 17 an hr plus benefits dental medical etc I'll be her boss she'll be working for me and I'm paying her. I talked to The other Drs, I share the clinic with they are fine with it so long as she's certified , but their wives are not working for them, At first I thought it would be weird and awkward being her boss and paying her working with her, but My friend told me this could work to our family's benefit , because if my wife was my employee and get paid same as other receptionist I could write off some tax on my income and transfer it to her in form of her income so it gets tax less and our household gets to bring home more and pay less tax to government So I agreed and now she's taking community college classes in office administration to get diploma liscence to become my medical receptionist. Not sure about this. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:17 PM PDT Need help. So about 6 months ago I found out my wife was texting and sending nudes to another guy. We have worked through that. Around the same time she used to go out with her best friend to bars without me while I stayed home with our baby. Her friend knew, supported, and facilitated her endeavors talking to men etc. This girl was at our wedding as one of the brides maids. My question is .. am I wrong to ban my wife from hanging out with this girl? Personally I'd rather her drop this person as a friend completely. They have been friends for years. Longer than my wife and I have known each other. I feel guilty and justified at the same time... thoughts? |
Question: If your husband is in the process of divorcing you to be with his girlfriend....? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 11:41 AM PDT Then you two decide to repair the marriage without telling his GF, do you become the other woman? (Yes, I am half joking.) ;) :p This was not meant to be taken seriously. Haha |
Question: Do you think he should've gone in late? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:18 AM PDT I have a really bad cold with body aches and super fatigue. My skin actually hurts, and when I cough, my head hurts really bad. I asked my husband to go in late this morning so he could get our kids ready for school. He has 3 or 4 weeks left of vacation time. He refused to do stay and help me. |
Question: Why do I abuse my husband, I'm also a sad, lonely lesbian woman and I hoard turtles? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 02:23 AM PDT |
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