Friends: Question: My parents wants me to play basketball but I don't want to? |
- Question: My parents wants me to play basketball but I don't want to?
- Question: Why is my friend becoming so distant?
- Question: Invited to a birthday party but don't want to go. What should I do?
- Question: Advice on going to see someone in hospice?
- Question: I have no friends?
- Question: How can I invite my band director to a concert?
- Question: Is my friend a true friend? Does she even care about me?
- Question: Why should i believe in love?
- Question: What's wrong with me?
- Question: My best friend hid something big from me, what do I do?
- Question: Does this sound like this lady was friends with my friend, or just pushing to be a friend?
- Question: My classmates were being rude?
- Question: How to deal with negative people when it s the only friends you hang around?
- Question: Will I still be close to my friends if I move??
- Question: Suddenly he's talking to me again...??
- Question: Part 2 of drama?
- Question: Someone won't stop drama, and I'm fed up and don't know what to do anymore?
- Question: How can I fix this friendship that ended because I am an idiot?
- Question: What should I do? Should I move?
- Question: Someone won't drop drama and I'm tired of it?
- Question: I am doing a phD but I am feeling too alone. I don't know where to make friends.?
- Question: Haven't lived in Ashtabula Ohio too long ,can't find a group where I can belong lonely need 2 meet friends something to do. Any ideas?
- Question: Can I ask my friend for hugs?
- Question: How do you laugh?
- Question: Why do my friends forget that it was I 'who said that'?
- Question: I'm afraid of losing my elementary friends in middle school? Any middle school advice and friend advice?
- Question: How to cope with losing a relative?
- Question: Why are my friends drifting away from me? Help!?
- Question: Do girls like gray eyes ?
- Question: I am always ignored by everyone. Is everyone rude, selfish, and inconsiderate?
- Question: Why would a girl mess with a guy's head like this?
- Question: Should I delete the pictures of my ex best friend and I off Instagram?
- Question: Don't want to go to a new school because I'm afraid friends are going to leave me and I'm going to be lonely?
- Question: Roommate has no friends but is always on his phone and texting but he doesn't trust me he deleted all the stuff on his phone. Crazy right?
- Question: Please answer! Do my friends need help?
- Question: Is this considered cat fishing?
- Question: Why do my classmates expect that I am polite and kind when they find out I am from Canada?
- Question: My friend is being bullied. How do I help them?
- Question: Help I am being too clingy and fawning over my male friend too much?
- Question: Felt like I was dying or drifting away.?
- Question: Please help. I've been crying for a week since the last day of school. Having suicidal thoughts.?
- Question: Hola, como puedes saber cuando una mujer disfruta de tu sufrimiento y soledad? Ella te rechaza y sus amigos te dicen q te quedaras solo :(?
- Question: Friend wants to room with me?
- Question: Clingy Friend, What do I do?
- Question: My best friends have a group chat without me?
- Question: Growing very impatient with my friend; Really need advice?
- Question: Gift idea for a female friend I have not seen in awhile?
- Question: Is this a messed-up thing to say?
- Question: How angry should I be?
- Question: Why do people not say bye?
- Question: Is it sad that I like being alone?
- Question: Why do people I don't know well constantly ask me about what I am doing in school and my plans?
- Question: How do I help my (maybe) suicidal and (maybe) ex best friend?
- Question: How to stop loving someone ?
- Question: Does he really hate me?
- Question: What do I do if I'm lonely?
- Question: Why does this girl in my class hate me so much?
- Question: I think I made a big mistake. I betrayed one of my friends. Is there anything I can do, and what are your thoughts? (desc)?
- Question: My classmate whom used to be nice to me is so mean to me now!?
Question: My parents wants me to play basketball but I don't want to? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:53 PM PDT My parents compare me to everyone. Last year me and my brother transfered here to Philippines. Tbh I only agreed since we have a house here. My parents had no particular reason to come back besides having a house here but I think its because its more comfortable for them here. But not for me. I've made fake friends and I unwillingly celebrated my birthday at school. My classmates talked to me at first but when that was over, they practically ignored me. They think that I don't know filipino but I do-secretly. I heard someone say "Let's be friends with her when we need something. Her family's rich anyways". On vacation I went back to the US, I felt more free and my friends was in tears when they saw me, they thought I was joking when I said I'd be on front of the school. But when I came back here, my parents wanted me to play basketball. Our coach is american and is friends with my parents who also played basketball when they were young. They even compared me to my niece who is one year older than me who plays really good. (I'm 15 btw) I'm good at sports but except basketball. I wanted to do martial arts again since I stopped a few years ago but they said basketball is better. My parents never listens to my opinion. They said my grades would drop if I didn't. I did volleyball last year for the first time but I didn't get to play since they said I wouldn't understand them. They were surprised when I said I never played before but I passed the try outs. How will I convince them? |
Question: Why is my friend becoming so distant? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:28 PM PDT Ok so let me explain what s happening. Me and this girl have been friends for years, we re both in 7th grade. I m bisexual female and she is pansexual female. She has a girlfriend. They got together a month ago. Me and her girlfriend are friends and I used to like her. Her girlfriend is the school s it girl who everyone likes. Today I was playfully teasing my friend about her girlfriend before the field trip. When we went on the field trip I felt like she was avoiding me. I hung out with her gf and her gf s friends, she was with her gf there. Her gf playfully stole my sunglasses, so I tried to grab them back, my friend held me back forcefully, and not in a playful friendly way. I said I would steal her gf s glasses because she stole my sunglasses, and my friend threatened to punch me. Later today I joked about my friend having to adopt her gf s "rat child" (Her bff, who is a stale meme thief) and she yelled at me about how the joke wasn t funny. All of this stuff came out of nowhere and she hadn t built up to it. What is going on? My other friend said that maybe she thinks i m trying to steal her gf, but that s unlikely because my friend is funnier, prettier, and smarter than me. She is also much more confident and outgoing than me. I asked her gf why my was mad at me and she said she was just tired. What is the most likely explanation? I just remembered, Me and my friends were throwing grass at each other and calling it lettuce. (The friend I think is becoming distant wasn't involved) My friend's gf walked by and I threw "lettuce" at her. She threw "lettuce back". Could my friend have considered that as flirting? I do this with all of my friends. "Lettuce" throwing is not a new thing. Me and my friends do it all the time. |
Question: Invited to a birthday party but don't want to go. What should I do? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:19 PM PDT So I just got a dm invitation to this girls birthday. I've known this girl for a long time but I'm not really friends with her. Normally I would just say no and be done with it but she's gone through a lot. Her dad was arrested for some stuff and caused her to lose her friends. So I'm worried she won't have anyone there for her but I just don't like parties. And I know some of her friends from her new school will be there so ill be sortve an outsider. But I don't know how to politely decline. I do have work that day but it will be long over by the time the party occurs. What should I do? |
Question: Advice on going to see someone in hospice? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:10 PM PDT My best friends mother is dying. She was given just a few weeks to live. My best friend is incarcerated and can't go see her himself. She is like a second mom to me and I've never lost someone so close. I haven't seen her in a few years except a quick hello a few times. Her brain is bleeding and can't be stopped so I don't even know if she's coherent but if she is, I have no idea what to expect or what to say to her. What if she brings up the fact of the situation she's in? I have no idea what to say. 😔 |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:00 PM PDT So back then, I used to have 3 friends. Tbh, 2 years later, they left me. We are in the same school. Now seeing people play together makes me feel sad :(. Whenever I come to someone, they give a look. I feel so uncomftorable. The next year, I have been friends with a pair of twins. We do play and that next year, they found someone else. Why does this keep happening? |
Question: How can I invite my band director to a concert? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:58 PM PDT I know, this sounds very silly. I am doing a summer band camp, and on the last day we have a concert. I want to invite my band director to come, (if he wants to make the drive down there), but I don t know how I can, I guess, "word" the message correctly. Any suggestions would be delightful. |
Question: Is my friend a true friend? Does she even care about me? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:48 PM PDT We've been friends ever since middle school, i'm 17 years old and now I'm basically going to my senior year next year and we've known each other since I was in 7th grade, how we met was she was a new student coming in as a 6th grader and I was basically the first person that said hi to her and we talked to each other and yeah we've been friends ever since, I've been there for her a lot and she's been there for me a lot when we were feeling down and she used to be such a sweet and caring girl but now I kinda feel that she changed when her sophomore year of high school started..atm she had a lot of other friends now this girl that I've been good friends with for a while, her and I would be her only friends basically in middle school but now she basically has a whole group of friends. Literally the only time she talks to me is when none of her other friends are around and/or when she has a problem or needs something, she wouldn't talk to me for 6-7 months and she'd suddenly just come and say "ily you're my best friend" and stuff I honestly feel if you really care about someone you don't do that also recently she texted me and I texted her back and then after a while she suddenly isn't texting me back Bc her other friends came and text her, I also sent her like 2 text messages, she didn't reply and I literally saw her on her phone in school texting someone else idk what should I do about this? |
Question: Why should i believe in love? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:39 PM PDT i didn't believe in love, it was very stupid and girly thing (i was tomboy) and i used to make fun of my friends who believed in. but once i met someone really special and i thought that i fall in love with him but things didn't end up well. Now i am not sure, is love a real thing or it's a way to use someone or an illusion or something drama invented so they can sell movies and shitty novels. |
Question: What's wrong with me? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:35 PM PDT Okay so I'm a freshman girl and I have this friend who I've hung out with all year .We'd only hang out for one class and at lunch . we would always hang out and lunch and everything . And even when my other friends were in relationships & with their boyfriends and stuff she wasn't , me and her would always hang out . And she has friends that I don't get along with . Like if I were to be around those friends they'd talk mess about me and she'd like laugh and ask why they say such things. And when me and her would walk at lunch together. She'd start walking torwards one of those people . And she thinks it's okay for me to just sit in front of someone's face who I I don't like , like that's not okay . And I told her and she said " so I can't have friends , I can't hangout with my friends ?" When that's not at all what I said , I would just tell her not to purposely go to them when she's with me , like it doesn't matter when she's not with me cause those are her friends . But she got mad and kept saying I acted like she couldn't have friends when that wasn't at all the case . And she would just keep going with them or letting them approach us when the friend always knows that we don't get along . Like he would approach us( the friends a boy )and then start an argument with me and my friend would just let him talk **** .Who's wrong cause I might be in the wrong but idk |
Question: My best friend hid something big from me, what do I do? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:07 PM PDT My bestie hid the fact that he's been dating someone for 9 months and i found out from a friend. What do I do? |
Question: Does this sound like this lady was friends with my friend, or just pushing to be a friend? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:58 PM PDT I've had a good friend since high school. we were both valedictorians. My friend is now a big time NY attorney, and is VP and general counsel at one of the investment banks. My friend is very down to earth, sweet, confident. When we were in high school there was a woman on the board and PTA that was very gossipy and talked badly about the other students. I am also friends with this woman's niece (another girl), and the niece had to transfer schools because her aunt smeared her reputation and was jealous of her niece. Her niece and family believes the aunt is a narcissist. My friend that I mentioned was co-valedictorian with me is very nice and had very nice parents. Recently on facebook, this woman that did all the hurt, friended my lawyer friend and wrote on her page for her birthday, "Happy birthday. You look the same as when you graduated". Every post she is tagged in and every picture, this former PTA woman clicks like to, or will write you look so beautiful on her every pic, but doesn't do that to any other friends. What bothers me is my friend is very nice and so is her family and I cant think that they would be friends with someone like this. We graduated 15 years ago so if she said you look the same as h.s. that would mean she hasn't seen her since then and couldn't be friends, right? Does this sound like my friend and her family were friends with this woman OR that now that this friend is very successful this woman now wants to be her friend? Or is just nosy? |
Question: My classmates were being rude? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:57 PM PDT Anyhow, my whole class is made up of preps, and today happened to be bad day. As I usually sit alone and have no one to talk to, I usually hear everything people say. When a guy was asked to pass back papers, he asked me if I knew who the person was (on the paper), I replied and he went to the person. However, I forgot to look at the last name and forgot that there were two people of the same name. I looked over to see if he had found her only to see the mistake I made. Right after, I overheard the girl saying she hates it when people think they know her to her friends, making them agree and laugh. In my head after hearing them say that made me sink down, face flushed, and guilty. They looked over, and it made me feel terrible even though I was just trying to help. The guy passing out papers eventually stopped by me again to ask who another person was. One of the girls at the group saw what was happening and kept looking at me, so I politely said I wasn't sure. Would you be angry if someone mistook you as someone else?? |
Question: How to deal with negative people when it s the only friends you hang around? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:54 PM PDT |
Question: Will I still be close to my friends if I move?? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:52 PM PDT I'm currently living in an area where my mum and friends are but I want to move 200 miles away to live near my god father. My mum said she doesn't want me too as I would see my mum and Dad as much because of the money and it's so far away. But I don't see a lot of my godfather and want to see him more that's why I want to move so I'm stuck. Will I still be close to my friends if I spend time with them weekends when I come to visit my mum?? |
Question: Suddenly he's talking to me again...?? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:24 PM PDT So this guy and I were really good friends, then we started dating, then we went back to friends, but after that he just stopped talking to me. That was 8 months ago, today he decides randomly that he wants to talk to me, so I talked with him. About an hour ago, I get an E-MAIL from him. He has never e-mailed me before. He didn't treat me too great during the past 8 months, 3-4 of which I would try to talk to him, but he would sit there ignoring me, and reading a book. Why is he doing this all of a sudden? I just don't understand how you can go 8 months without talking to someone, and then just think it's okay to talk with them and e-mail them. Can any guys please explain this? As a girl, I do not understand why he is acting this way now..? The e-mail was about something he knows I like, and I have not opened it yet, if you were wondering. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:24 PM PDT But I was the follower so i did everything she wanted and that included partying, getting drunk with people I don't know, and other things, and smoking weed(I never did until I was her friend, and I don't anymore now) the only time I did was when I was her friend. She went as far as telling everyone on Facebook I was a pot head when she was the one who told ms to do it, and knowing I don't anymore. She is a hypocrite and I'm so tired if not being able to live my life anymore she ruined my friendships because people believe what she says, and sometimes I just want to die thinking about this situation. I'm a pussy *** ***** because I won't fight her. I don't know what to do anymore my friends don't see the extremity to it. Their advice doesn't help. When she was pregnant the second time right before she had her second kid she posted on Facebook how she was done with drama and that was a few months ago but she flipped me off the other day and I did it back and this is how it restarted. |
Question: Someone won't stop drama, and I'm fed up and don't know what to do anymore? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 03:22 PM PDT So a girl that I use to best best friends with won't leave me alone. She claims I tried to **** with her family and her life and so for the past year she has been saying that we are going to fight weather I want to or not. I'm not a fighter, I don't fight with people. Usually a little argument won't kill me but it's getting to the point where I can't even go out in town without her seeing me and saying ****, like what just happened. I was at the store and she saw me pull in I guess and then pulled up and said "hey" and told me to meet her somewhere after she dropped her two kids kids off(she is 18, as well as me, but I'm a few months younger.) she has made serval posts over the year about me on social media and told everyone my business about almos everything telling them everything she knew about me from when we was best friends. When I say best friends I mean it, we did everything together. (See the rest on second post on my page) |
Question: How can I fix this friendship that ended because I am an idiot? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:56 PM PDT I was friends with a girl for about 3 years, almost best friends. Then she did something (jokingly) that actually hurt me and scared me. I took it the wrong way, she didn't have bad intentions, it was a joke. A few months after than I stopped talking to her completely. I blocked her on facebook and deleted her number. It's been a year since then and I feel horrible. I deeply regret what I did. I feel that I was so unfair to her, I didn't even give her the chance to know that she did something that hurt me even though she didn't mean to do it. We can communicate again through a mutual friend. I want to apologize to her and be friends again. A year is a long time though. Another friend of mine says that I shouldn't do it because the past is in the past but thinking that I was so mean to someone who didn't deserve it just makes me feel horrible. I don't know what to do. It makes me feel like a horrible person. |
Question: What should I do? Should I move? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:48 PM PDT I'm currently living in an area where my mum and friends are but I want to move 200 miles away to live near my god father. My mum said she doesn't want me too as I would see my mum and Dad as much because of the money and it's so far away. But I don't see a lot of my godfather and want to see him more that's why I want to move so I'm stuck |
Question: Someone won't drop drama and I'm tired of it? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:45 PM PDT |
Question: I am doing a phD but I am feeling too alone. I don't know where to make friends.? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:37 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:21 PM PDT |
Question: Can I ask my friend for hugs? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 02:02 PM PDT Would it be okay to ask my friend for hugs even though she is "in a relationship"? She has given me many hugs before, and I miss them a lot, and I want to ask if I can meet up for some hugs or something. Do you think its okay if I ask my friend for some hugs? Do you think its okay to ask my friend for more hugs? |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:56 PM PDT I know this is a really retarded question, but I need to know the answer. You see when I'm around my friends they always say I'm serious because I never laugh out loud, I just grin, not even smile. Please help me how do I naturally laugh when someone or something is funny even if I have to force it. I wanna learn to laugh so I can laugh with my friends. 10th grade |
Question: Why do my friends forget that it was I 'who said that'? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:51 PM PDT Am always able to provide intelligent answers to problems and questions members of my small group of friends have. Most of the time, during one-to-one discussions. And when talking within the group and they are referring to my answers, they forget who gave them the solution and say that 'someone' told them, 'can't remember who told them' or refer another friend in the group as having given the answer. Why am I always 'forgotten' in this way? |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:35 PM PDT I don't want to lose all my best friends that I've had for 7 years in 6th grade?! |
Question: How to cope with losing a relative? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:26 PM PDT I've lost my big brother. It's only been about a month. He was 22. Everyone like him. He had just started his new job as a paralegal after completing a program and he had lots of friends. We figured he died because he got drunk and was hungry and he was so inebriated he didn't really he was eating rotten chicken. He got a bad sickness from it and didn't pull through. It really breaks my heart cause he was my best friend because I never had any in high school and we always played video games after school together. I've been in denial these last few weeks. Now I have to accept he isn't coming back and I've become really depressed over this. |
Question: Why are my friends drifting away from me? Help!? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:12 PM PDT So I had these two best friends and we went everywhere together, did everything together etc. People called us the three musketeers we were that close. Recently, I feel like my two friends are getting so close to each other and not bothering with me. If I ask them a question, I get a blunt answer if I m lucky to get one at all. Earlier this week our school went to the cinema ,one of my friends ditched me to go sit beside the other girl and there was no other seats so I was by myself, as per. I actually felt like bursting into tears, call me dramatic. They call each other, meet up, they re basically joined at the hip and I m like their shadow. I was always the outgoing one in our group, not being cocky but I was kinda the ring leader, now I don t even know if I have any friends anymore. I often cry myself to sleep, ditch school because I ve no one to hang around with, my moods have changed and I feel like my life is one big burden. I have other friends but they are all closer to someone else. It s as if every one of them has a best friend, except me. I am hating my life at the moment and would really appreciate any help/ advice on what to do, thanks in advance. |
Question: Do girls like gray eyes ? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:10 PM PDT I'm 14... Just wondering. Do girls like gray eyes ? Cause I have them and people say that they've never seen my eye colour... I'm white. |
Question: I am always ignored by everyone. Is everyone rude, selfish, and inconsiderate? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:04 PM PDT I'm ignored by everyone. I've never had a friend more than three years because they turn out to be fake. Even my online friends are ignoring me. I'm being ignored by my best friend. We never fought and I have never insulted her. My other friend I'm really shy around him because I like him so he especially has no reason to. I know him very well but he doesn't know me that well. he was the only guy to start talking to me first and he would start most of the Conversations. Then, towards the end of the semester, he wouldn't walk me to class anymore and wouldn't talk to me unless I talked to him. Sometimes he responds, unlike my other friend, but when he does, he'll respond super fast. I texted him today and hasn't responded yet therefore he won't today. I'm not annoying, I'm not fussy and go with the flow, i'm kind, and like to do things most people like to do. |
Question: Why would a girl mess with a guy's head like this? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 01:01 PM PDT There's this girl who I've been in love with for ages now, and about a month back, I finally told her so, to which, she replied: "I don't know why you're in love with me, because nothing's every going to happen between us." Now, as gutted as I was, having been told that, I thought: "Fair enough!", and I thought nothing more of it. Now, a few days back, while I was talking to some mates in the street, this girl comes up to me- (completely out of the blue), and puckers up to me, as if to say: "Go ahead! Kiss me!", which, for the record, I did, and I felt an instant connection with her, the minute we kissed. We've made out with each other several times since then, and I feel butterflies in my tummy and tingles all through my body, literally everytime our lips meet. I've asked her: "Does this mean we're going out with each other now?", to which, she replied: "Nuh-uh! We're just really good friends!", so I asked: "Does that mean we can't kiss anymore?", to which, she replied: "Nah! I'll still kiss ya." What's she playing at, and why would she mess with my head like that, knowing how much I love her?! Not that I'm complaining, because at least I still get to kiss her. I just don't understand why she's carrying on like this with me, if she just sees me as a "really good friend." |
Question: Should I delete the pictures of my ex best friend and I off Instagram? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:31 PM PDT Should I delete the pictures of me and my ex best friend off Instagram? We haven't talked really since April and the last text I sent her was a happy birthday text which was almost a month ago. Things ended badly between us and even though those pictures are happy memories I personally feel bad when I see them. Should I delete it? She's tagged in them but I'm not entirely sure if she goes on Instagram still so I don't know if she will know or personally care? Also her best friend whom I am aquaintened with, follow each other on Instagram so she will most likely see the deleted photos if she were to go on my page. And she most definitely knows about the fight we had. What do you suggest? |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:04 PM PDT I'm going to a new school next year and most of my closest friends will be there. But I don't know if they'll be that close to me anymore. I'm afraid of losing my friends and I'm not the best at making them. I'm really scared and worried for the years to come and I want to be the happiest person I can be but I feel like that's not going to happen. My last school was small and everyone in the grade knew eachother. Everyone wasn't friends but there were those fun times where we were acting like friends since we've known them for so long. I was so happy and I don't want that to change next year. Any advice on making new friends and how to be a good one? |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:59 AM PDT So my roommate will be on his phone while I'm trying to sleep. So one day when he was in the shower I looked through his phone, his fault for nit locking it right? Well he only has like 40 contacts the only person he texts is his mom and brother. How sad right? Well I forgot to turn his phone back off, when I confronted him he had a smug look because he said he knew I'd look through his phone so he deleted his friends numbers and texts and stored the contacts in a file on his Mac, how paranoid and lowering is that? Do you believe what he said and why wouldn't he lock it? |
Question: Please answer! Do my friends need help? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:22 AM PDT I think they need help. One of my friends said that she's suicidal unless she's, uh, on that time, and she feels homicidal then. Another one of my friends keeps talking about when she died 'how?', being dead inside and wanting to die. Another one of my friends calls her bed her deathbed, and she says her soul is just blackness. How do I get them to find the cupcakes, glitter and rainbow unicorns in the world? One of my friends says that she's too emo to be happy, and singing releases happy endorphins, but they scream at me whenever I sing. It's like they don't want to be happy! Do they need psychiatric help? |
Question: Is this considered cat fishing? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 10:14 AM PDT So on Snapchat, every month I send streaks to all of the people in my friends list. I sent this one person a streak and immediately started to chat with me about who I was. This person goes to my school so I thought it would be a good joke to play a small prank on her. After some time in the convo, she was starting to believe it and I immediately told her who I was. She took screenshots of the convo and now everybody at my school is accusing me of cat fishing her. What should I do? |
Question: Why do my classmates expect that I am polite and kind when they find out I am from Canada? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:19 AM PDT So recently I moved from Canada to California with my family for my dad's new position. But When I started at my new high school, and met the kids in California. They assume that I should be polite and kind when they find out I'm from Canada. why is that? |
Question: My friend is being bullied. How do I help them? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 09:11 AM PDT Uh. Hello, I have this friend -- let's call her Kate -- in the US (she's an internet friend), who's being bullied at school. It's gotten to physical injuries sometime ago and her bullies even went over to cyber bullying her on a certain website. Yet she refuses to get help from people she trusts, despite me trying to change her mind. She's scared and can't bring herself to actually talk about it. Kate had this friend -- let's call him Duke -- who has turned his back to her about a day or two ago. He's joined the bullies and now cyber bullies her as well. At first I had my doubts. Honestly, this situation seemed very unlikely and fishy, having all of your friends turn against you like in some cliché movie. ... I regret having had my doubts, but I just had to make sure I wasn't being lied to. That's why I checked both of their IP-addresses. I wanted to see if they were the same, but they weren't.. Me and another friend -- let's call her Lea -- of Kate have talked to Duke. Lea was trying to reason, whilst I immediately attacked verbally due to my over-protective personality. He's replied to Lea, but not to me (because I wrote him a lot later, so he might have not been online yet). Kate hasn't been online yet either, which is alarming. She's usually online a lot... I really want to help her now. Is there some way I can? Maybe something that could convince her to seek help? Or could I somehow get help for her? Seems impossible, though, seeing as I live rather far away. |
Question: Help I am being too clingy and fawning over my male friend too much? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:03 AM PDT I know how annoying that is cause my own mother has no husband so she fawns over me with excessive praise and ocmpliments it is so repulsive lol. I'm a girl btw. Or do guys like when you're wayyyyyy too into them? I think hes uncomfortable...especially since we aren't even an official couple. Gosh I'm such a loser!!!!! Help!!!! |
Question: Felt like I was dying or drifting away.? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 07:33 AM PDT The other night I was lying in bed watching TV. I was laying on my side and I felt odd and dizzy, so I turned to lay on my back. All of a sudden I felt like my body shut down. This might sound dramatic, but I thought that I was dying. Everything started fading away for a good 15 seconds. I couldn t breathe or move. It wasn t painful to me, but I just felt everything fading and there was nothing I could do about it. I kind of felt paralyzed or in shock. In a way, it felt like my soul drifted from my body. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 07:22 AM PDT I just left school and I'm really devastated. I loved school and being around so many people that I've known since I wasn't young. I'm really worried about my next school and about making friends. I don't want to leave my school I don't. I felt perfectly comfortable there and I don't want to leave. I just wish I had another year to prepare myself but I don't and I feel horrible. I loved my last year but I just want 1 MORE. I really do and I don't want to lose my friends making new friends and it's just all so devastating because I'm the worst at making friends. I don't want to live anymore I want to go back and live happy. |
Posted: 02 Jun 2017 07:02 AM PDT |
Question: Friend wants to room with me? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 06:49 AM PDT Known the guy since high school. He was my best buddy. Weve kinda grown apart but still hang. He Just got off heroin, has a kid, no job. My roommate is leavin for another place in 5 days but payed this months rent. So this whole month is payed for. Friend has track record of losing his job, he cheats on his girlfriends, hell he even ****** my old chick a couple years ago. But i let it slide and left her cause he let me crash at hus place for a couple months when i was down and out. I told him i dont wanna live with his kid who is 8. He brings her over last night without asking to spend night. I told him ok ine night but not again. He did it again. Left my back door open twice and left house. he has loser friends and theyre sketch. Hes loud and not very smart. I know his family really well and they consuder us like brothers. I love thr dude, but hes a little emberassing , imature, and not the brightest. He found me in another city when i overdosed and got us home. Its jyst a long list of **** like that. He just doesnt understand why i say no to things and i feel like ive outgrown him . i feel like a ******** to tell him to bounce to a homeless shelter to get his life straightened out, but i feel like thats what he needs(he treats people like **** sometimes)...not to use me a a sober buddy and give him a place to hang with his daughter, im 27 i dont wanna live with a kid. Whats your opinion? |
Question: Clingy Friend, What do I do? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 05:52 AM PDT So there was five of us and we were all best friends in first year. Three were in the same class, one was in a separate class and I was in a separate class. September came and I wasn t with the one that was clingy a lot because I became close with another girl in my class (I didn t know she was clingy at the time and she was in the class of three). In November she told me the two in her class were excluding her. I didn t understand why and there was a argument between the five of us over it. Afterwards she was with me a lot in school and the other girl. Then we realised. She was acting like she was so cool and also acted like us, not herself. We liked her as herself. The three of us went shopping and she got everything the other girl got. We became friends again with the other two girls and all four of us didn t like her. One day the three of them literally ran from her. I asked her do you know who they are running from? She said me and ran after them. Seriously? Run after them. She invited us all to her birthday then. Like sorry but how dumb. I was sickened by her and started ignoring her at school. She still acts like she s unreal. She text me then the other night saying why you ignoring me at school and did she do something to me. I don t know what to do with her. Should I end the relationship or tell her how I feel. All that I know is that I do not wanna carry on the way it is. Sorry it s so long but advice would be greatly appreciated. |
Question: My best friends have a group chat without me? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 04:38 AM PDT Ok, so my friends were talking about something funny that happened in a group chat this morning, and the chat is with a girl in our group I don't really get along with. Should I be mad? I mean, we have a million group chats of us without her, on Instagram, snapchat Facebook and regular message. And I think they only had the one, considering she only has message and isn't allowed to be on social media. But I am still annoyed, that my two best friends would make a group chat and leave me out of it just because she's in it and they know I don't get along with her. We low key hate each other but are like 'best friends' in school |
Question: Growing very impatient with my friend; Really need advice? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:27 AM PDT Okay, so here s where it begins this guy and I have been friends since middle school. We re both 20 now and I have been close friends with him and his cousin since we were 11. A few months back we were both at a low. I was dealing with a few deaths and he had broken up with his girlfriend and lost his job. He was very upset about his girlfriend breaking up with him and said he was depressed and asked if he could come over a talk about it, again this is all about 6 months back. Here s where the problem begins though. We talked and smoked that day, but afterwards it started becoming an every day thing for him to come over my house and smoke. For the first month or so it wasn t a problem and my family was very cool about it. But again this all has a reason to add up to a bigger problem bare with me here. I wasn t buying weed anywhere near as much as I used to because I was paying bills and wanted to save my money, so he would smoke me up a lot during that time and I d always get him back or smoke him up whenever I got the chance and always made sure I told him thanks for it. Eventually though my friend started being a dick and started becoming rude with coming over and creepy too. Again he s my friend, so I m not trying to throw him under the bus, but he honestly needs to stop smoking. It got to the point where he would blow my phone up a million times to smoke and then would get mad if I said no. |
Question: Gift idea for a female friend I have not seen in awhile? Posted: 02 Jun 2017 12:23 AM PDT |
Question: Is this a messed-up thing to say? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 11:03 PM PDT My friend was being a dick today and he kicked me, fairly hard, and it hurt. Typically, I'd fight or kick them back, but since he's my friend, I decided to stick the verbal "assault". He was abused by his parents as a child, and he had told me about this a while ago. So I said to him "just because you got abused doesn't mean you have to abuse other people" he got super pissed at me. Was that messed up to say? I think we're even now. |
Question: How angry should I be? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:41 PM PDT I am in the AF living in the single enlisted dorm. I have a roommate. We are friendly but not exactly friends. We can go days without seeing each other and if you don't count seeing each other when one of us is waiting for the shower, then it could be weeks. His mom died the day after mother's day. Something in her brain. She was only 48 and went from being perfectly healthy to dead in a few hours. It was a totally unexpected shock. I can't even imagine. He got two weeks' leave and got back Sunday night. Sunday and Monday he was what I would call more or less normal considering what he had been thru. Tuesday night he got very weird very fast and I was worried about him. He was tossing a ball for hours against the wall. I checked on him and asked if he was okay. When I asked twice and he didn't answer I opened the door to his bedroom and went in. He wouldn't go to dinner. He didn't want me to bring anthing back. Then he started talking but wasn't making a whole lot of sense then he totally broke down. He was on his knees in the floor crying. I thought the guy was about ready to split his wrists so I sat down in the corner and told him I wouldn't leave until I knew he was ok. He was like that for way over an hour and then he just stretched out in the floor and went to sleep. The next morning he told me that it was not OK for me to be in his room. Then he said if I had a mother I would understand. My mother is in prison and I was raised by my grandmother until she was 14 and got cancer when I went into foster care. I never really knew my mom. He has a really close knit family. I told him I knew he was hurting, but it wasn't ok to bring up my mom and he just shrugged his shoulders and said I'm just saying. That afternoon after work he told me he was sorry for what he said. He shouldn't have said it and he would take it back if he could. I just said OK. I'm still pretty mad. |
Question: Why do people not say bye? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 10:40 PM PDT Today I was at the gym I talk to these guys a lot there were three of them and when I said bye Karen cya Nate Karen replied with "have a good night!" And nates girlfriend said "have a good night" it took me three seconds to walk out the door at the time as Nate was next to Karen walking around the counter never said a word or even looked at me other times I ve been given a dull cya or bye as if they didn t care much even though they actually do a lot so I don t get it why do they sometimes not say bye back if they aren t occupied? Did Nate think I liked him less than Karen because I said bye to Karen first? I know he heard me so that isn t it or was it that I said cya instead of bye? We had just had a long talk and we were getting along great even though he hasn t been around for the past two months and we get along great in the past so I just don t get it |
Question: Is it sad that I like being alone? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:59 PM PDT I am 25 and Ive been alone since i was in grade school. no friends or close family. college i was alone, high school too. now I dont mind it |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 09:16 PM PDT People ask in detail questions and then I say I don't know exactly etc.and they keep asking more and more questions and it's really annoying & I felt so bad after this guy said "c'mon you can tell me" after I said it's complicated. Are people just bored? We're not close or friends & these people are married etc..Are people just nosy and bored? I can't take people asking me personal questions all the time? I just want to come and work & that's it. I don't get why they would care too when we are strangers :P I am not good at getting people so feel free to help me..Thanks guys! |
Question: How do I help my (maybe) suicidal and (maybe) ex best friend? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:20 PM PDT So this girl did some super mean stuff to a bunch of people, and we were all mad. I then got messages from her to me and my friend which the first one, excluding the spelling, said "guys I died". There was 3 more which were mostly gibberish. She then later that day basically said she was suicidal and needed help. What do I do? |
Question: How to stop loving someone ? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:17 PM PDT Please help me, I'm in love with my friend and I haven't seen him since February. I feel like I'm doing everything I can to make an effort o see him but I get nothing in return, he never offers to come and see me or says I can come round and just makes excuses. When I asked if I could come in a few weeks he said ''maybe'' He rings me every night to talk to me but I accruallt want to see him How can I stop missing him and loving him and also make him appreciate me more because I don't feel he appreciates me Yes I do have hobbies and I go to college but I still think of him |
Question: Does he really hate me? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 08:07 PM PDT Ive been close friends with a guy for a long time now, and weve always had a love hate relationship whwre we fight over every little thing but still remain friends for some reason. A few months ago we hooked up and after that our friendship kind of faded for a while but now were friends again but we fight more than ever. Before we could still talk and te each other things but now all we do is fighr or tease each other. A few days ago we were fighting and I was sick of it so I walked away and he literally started following me just to keel fighting. Everything we do is fight and its so exasperating i feel like a 6th grader all over again, plus our fights are so immature. Our friends say were like an old married couple. Does he really hate me or what? Why do we fight so much? |
Question: What do I do if I'm lonely? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:48 PM PDT I am 15 years old and I feel like ever since high school started I haven't been close to anyone. My mom doesn't understand because she was popular and all of her family went to her school. She doesn't talk about personal stuff like that and I rather not here her stupid speeches about waiting to meet people. I have lived in this small town for 5 years and had good friends, but now I feel lonely and I just need some guidance from someone who might've went through the same thing. |
Question: Why does this girl in my class hate me so much? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:38 PM PDT I mean, from the start she has been really rude to me. In the very beginning of the year, I got a 30 on this pop quiz and she sniggered. I laughed too and I was just like "well I only studied for like 10 minutes". Instantly, she was like "You only study for TEN minutes"?, in this really rude, sharp tone. After that I kinda just avoided her. She is such a teacher's pet too, and when we have to share out stories for the weekend, I feel like she makes some of them up... for one thing, she always seems to get injured, or she fell, or she got mad... that's basically her weekend EVERY TIME MY TEACHER ASKS! And then now this morning, it was the last day of school, and we were in English for the 1st block exam. We were watching a movie and my teacher said that my classmate made "macarons". Not knowing what macarons were, because I'm not French, I loudly asked "What are macarons?". Instantly, that girl was like "You don't know what macarons are? NEVER go to France then!!!" And she didn't say it like jokingly... she said it like she was actually mad at me and that she was yelling at me. God damn I hate her so much, thank GAWD I don't have to deal with her anymore!!! (I swear if she is in one of my classes sopho year, I will move out) |
Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:35 PM PDT I'm a freshman right now, and the school year is almost over. Today was the last day for the seniors. One of the seniors I think I made the mistake of ever talking to. She was really one of the nicest people I'd ever met. I liked her, we became close friends quickly, but as the year went on things changed. We grew apart. She was a very Christian person, the peaceful kind, not the rude racist kind. I was a Christian too, I had converted back for a time before summer ended. We found common ground on that, but I soon turned Asatru, and I spoke in anger towards Christianity rashly. Now I think she hates me. I no longer have any way to contact her, and I don't think I'll ever see her again now, as I she's to leave very soon from our town. I can't help but feel empty, because she really did save me from myself. Now I feel nothing but shame and that I played myself. I feel awful, and I probably deserve it. She was the first person that year who I was able to call a friend, and I betrayed her. I feel bad, even though I know she'll likely forget my name in matter of days. I can't help but regret my decision. Life is full of mistakes, and I bet I'm one of them. Sorry for wasting your time, it'd be better spent elsewhere. I don't know what I'm going to do now, I'll just go back to how I was before, quiet and dark. Thanks for taking time out of your day, if you actually read this. |
Question: My classmate whom used to be nice to me is so mean to me now!? Posted: 01 Jun 2017 07:32 PM PDT He used to be pretty chill dude and we hung out on the bus sometimes, but we were neutral.. all of a sudden, this year, I was like "Sup, Santiago" and he was like "F*ck off, f*ggot". This surprised me, but as he was like that to other people, I just ignored him... but then later, I was walking with him and some of my friends who are friends with him. All of a sudden he s like "You know who s annoying? This f*ggot over here". I mean, I talked to him TWICE! And now he s calling me gay, annoying, stupid, a f*ggot. I mean, I think he s trying to be cool but that ain t how you become cool! And then he was like "Oh you have a YouTube Channel? I bet it s f*cking gay af and nobody watches your videos"... he doesn t even know I have like 1k subs! Oh and btw, he said I was annoying when my older sis said that in comp sci, he is a annoying little sh*t |
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