Marriage & Divorce: Question: As a widow is it normal to find comfort in just wanting to believe your still married? |
- Question: As a widow is it normal to find comfort in just wanting to believe your still married?
- Question: How can I help my husband ?
- Question: How do I prove to my husband that I didn't cheat on him?
- Question: How to comfort my wife during labor ?
- Question: If an ex BF says that he still loves you and always will a week after a breakup, does he mean it?
- Question: Do you think it is fair for a woman to share her husband?
- Question: Is it ok to cry to your husband ?
- Question: Should I make my maiden name my middle name after marriage?
- Question: Alguien me puede asesorar por pensión alimenticia.?
- Question: Where can a father in ga get legal aid?
- Question: Is he spoiled or is this normal behavior?
- Question: How can I help my wife feel better ?
- Question: Long distance relationship with wife?
- Question: Working things out after affair.My hubby doesn't want to continue to answer my questions, he said he's moved on already from her that fast?
- Question: Any married women bedded plumbers, painters, handymen, electricians or repair men at home?
- Question: How can I make my husband feel better ?
- Question: I want to talk to my coach about my parents divorce but I don t know how to open up to her and start the conversation, she wants to help!!?
- Question: My new wife is very religious and shy when it comes to Lingerie. If I surprise her by modeling One of the frilly Peignoir sets she was?
- Question: I think my husband cheated but he said he didn't?
- Question: Is anal cheating?
- Question: Is he a good father?
- Question: My husband says I shouldn't take marriage advice from my sister is this fair?
- Question: Just found out on facebook that my wife gave away a bunch of expensive cosmetics that I bought her as a present to a friends daughter.?
- Question: How did you know that you had found the right person for you?
- Question: What is your opinion about marriage?
- Question: My Husband lost a stupid bet where he has to serve his buddies glammed up as a French Maid. Should I be a good wife and take his place or?
- Question: I just got married a week ago. and my husband just told me he has a daughter. what should i do? he found out a week before our wedding?
- Question: Would marriages work better if the spouses lived apart ?
- Question: Having an affair why they stay with their husband?
- Question: With my wifes recent weight gains I can now fit into both her new party & church dresses ! If I put on one of the dresses and one of her?
- Question: Can a wife accept that her hubby fantasizes about large Dix and admitted that he sucked a few before marriage?
- Question: Why does my husband say something like "it's 7 AM let's go back to sleep" and then he turns on the TV to bother me and wake me up?
- Question: My wife doesn t think she should have to wake up with kids or help, because she works.?
- Question: Help with kids and life in general?
- Question: Wife has a contact in her phone under the name "dropping loads"?
- Question: How long to get over him cheating?
- Question: Girls, can you tell if your man hasn't "released" himself in a while? Does he act differently in the bedroom when having s*x?
- Question: How to leave with my kids?
- Question: I'm having the hardest time coping with empty nest. How do I move on?
- Question: How can i test if my husband would ever cheat on me? should i do this?
- Question: My wife is jealous of my brother's wife. the're both cousins. the four of us bought a house together for us and the kids.?
- Question: Do you think a wife/husband should stay in communication with an ex?
- Question: I need some good hearted honest advice?
- Question: Is this wrong ?
- Question: How can I find my wife in Paeonian VA?
- Question: Wife having multiple partners?
Question: As a widow is it normal to find comfort in just wanting to believe your still married? Posted: 10 May 2017 09:23 PM PDT I know technically I am not married, I know my husband passed. Please do not think I'm delusional like it seems most do... but is it wrong to just be comforted in wearing your rings, reminiscing in them laying next to you, giggling at the silly way he would sing songs to me? It seems every time I do this in front of others, especially my parents they tell me to either shut up because it's making them cry or that I need to be put in a mental ward... My husband and I had a very loving and kind relationship and I have suffered with depression/anxiety all my life.. I know he wanted nothing more than for me to beat it however I could but am I not coping right? Is there really something wrong with me? I mean I've cried.. I screamed the first few days but it just feels like for the most part I'm not alone so I haven't cried as much. As weird as this seems it's like he's continuously hugging me from behind in his big arms. |
Question: How can I help my husband ? Posted: 10 May 2017 09:23 PM PDT Me and my husband are having a baby in August he said he's not sure he wants it. He's worried because his ex wife had died this is like starting over for him. He got her pregnant when they were dating they got married as soon as she told him just like he did with me. Our daughter is due right around the same time his first son was. His ex died of cancer she and him had 3 kids together he's worried the same thing will happen again. He said he cries about it almost everyday he's really scared he doesn't want to go through it again. I'm around the same age as his wife was when they got married too. He's a lot older than me but age doesn't matter to me. I don't have cancer or any kind of sickness I do have asthma which I hear can lead to cancer but I don't know if that's actually true. He said he even has nightmares about it. He's really scared that we'll have 3 more kids then we'll get a divorce 10 years later then nearly 20 years later I'll die. He's really upset and worried. He's knows I'm still young im only 24 but he said almost anything can happen. How can I help him ? What should I say to him ? |
Question: How do I prove to my husband that I didn't cheat on him? Posted: 10 May 2017 09:01 PM PDT I'll start with that I have never once cheated on my husband. I have not even considered cheating on him. However I have lied to him in the past. I smoked (cigarettes) behind his back and lied to him about it for a long time. I know that I don't have an excellent track record of honesty, but I'm not lying about this. He is suspicious of the whole 12 years that we have been together. He has said that if I don't prove to him by tomorrow that I never cheated on him that we are going to split up. I want to be with him still, but I'm struggling to come up with how to prove that I didn't do something. I have talked to him about everything that I lied to him about and he knows the complete and full truth of everything, but he just won't believe that I didn't cheat. He said the only reason that he didn't leave me yet is that there is not proof only suspicion. Of course there isn't proof. I didn't cheat. Any ideas how to prove to him that I didn't cheat on him in our 12 years together? |
Question: How to comfort my wife during labor ? Posted: 10 May 2017 08:13 PM PDT My wife is having a girl in September we're both really excited. I love kids I got 2 from a previous marriage but it's been a while. My wife is super scared of hospitals. She had a bad experience with them. She's also terrified of needles. How can I comfort her ? |
Posted: 10 May 2017 07:50 PM PDT |
Question: Do you think it is fair for a woman to share her husband? Posted: 10 May 2017 07:45 PM PDT |
Question: Is it ok to cry to your husband ? Posted: 10 May 2017 06:12 PM PDT Me and my husband were having sex I started crying just for no reason. Is it ok to cry in front of him ? |
Question: Should I make my maiden name my middle name after marriage? Posted: 10 May 2017 06:05 PM PDT I have a daughter from a previous relationship, and she has my last name. I am getting married in August, and I want to take his last name. I have heard people have ran into problems when they travel with their children and do not share the same last name. Will I still have issues like that if I make my maiden name my middle name, and make my last name the same as my fiance s? |
Question: Alguien me puede asesorar por pensión alimenticia.? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:20 PM PDT En el estado de veracruz, cuanto se puede embargar de una pensión de enfermedad general, por motivo de pensión alimenticia; Tiene dos años que me separé, no somos casados, tenemos una hija de 5 años |
Question: Where can a father in ga get legal aid? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:14 PM PDT Long story short my wife who lives in troup county has been trying to alienate me from our 3 children we are still legally married but she refuses to let me see the kids and take them for the weekends or talk to me on the phone. Her bf doesnt think i should be in there lives. I have searched high and low for an attorney but i can't afford one. Is there anywhere that can help me get visitation set up and a divorce filled pro bono or payment plan or something? |
Question: Is he spoiled or is this normal behavior? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:03 PM PDT A 7 year old sits down and eats before the rest of the family does. He eats fast but refuses to eat his vegetables then asks his mom for more pasta without saying please or says "go get me some more pasta" and refuses to eat any vegetables on his plate. He eats two big helpings then starts crying when his mother tells him no more unless he eats his veggies and won't stop crying. He is overweight but not obese. He then quickly asks for dessert and mom gets it for him and he eats it but complains it's not the dessert he wanted but will do. He is also asked to put his coat and backpack away and tells his mom it's her job to unload it first. Is this normal or spoiled behavior? |
Question: How can I help my wife feel better ? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:01 PM PDT My wife is feeling sad right now she hasn't been sleeping well the last few nights. She said she feels like crying right now. How can I help her feel better ? |
Question: Long distance relationship with wife? Posted: 10 May 2017 04:39 PM PDT I ve been married 10 with my wife but two years ago she left because she was getting sick from work and missed her family back home. However, I had petitioned to bring my kids to live in the u.s, so I had to stay to keep up with the paperwork. Our arrangement was for me to work and go visit her for a month or two at time, twice a year. This life is hard for me, everytime I leave, I risk losing my job. I m overworked and lonely, but at the same time I don t want to lose my wife. Is it wrong of her to be so adamant about leaving and me being the one to make the most sacrifices ? Thanks |
Posted: 10 May 2017 04:23 PM PDT My husband and I of 11 years are working things out after he's had an emotional and sex affair with a friend of ours. He said during the affair, he had feelings and he did tell her that he loves her. Over the course of 2 weeks he took off to himself he realized it wasn't love and he said he could never see himself being with a woman like her. (note she's a married woman who plays around with guys. She also dumped my husband the day I dumped him and he came wanting me back after her) Fast forward 1 month after the affair, we are trying to work things out and I still have questions about the affair but he says he doesn't want to keep answering questions about the past. He feels like when we talk about the affair we keep getting pulled into the past. He understands that I want to know but he keeps telling me that he wants to move forward and that he already forgot about the details of the affair and he already forgot about her. Is it possible for men to get past an affair that fast? I feel he keeps pressuring me to move on and get over it but I haven't (it's only been one month since it happened). I still have questions here and there about the affair, but it's not like I'm asking 10 questions a day, it's like 2 questions maybe once or twice a week. I also ask him repeat questions to see what he'd say, he has lied to me about questions I asked previously. Am I wrong for continuing to ask questions? Do I need to stop asking questions if we're going to try and make it work? Note: He has made changes in the past 2 weeks, for the most part he is committing to me accept the answering the questions part. |
Question: Any married women bedded plumbers, painters, handymen, electricians or repair men at home? Posted: 10 May 2017 04:06 PM PDT I read here it's quite common, I had a painter who came on to me, he was a very good looking fit guy and he turned me on, but it stopped there. Lol I did get very wet that night as my husband was having sex with me fantasizing he was the painter! |
Question: How can I make my husband feel better ? Posted: 10 May 2017 03:38 PM PDT My husband is upset because his favorite country band is coming to our state they're gonna be too far for us to go. He's mad because this is the only time they'll be around. I've seen them before they're really good I wish he was with me when I saw them. They're his heroes. Also we can't go because my uncle might have heart surgery my mom will have to go stay with him. He's not very happy with them he said it's not fair. How can I help him feel better ? Also they cost way too much or us to go I told him to wait and see if they come back or if they come back next year but he said he can't wait that long |
Posted: 10 May 2017 02:48 PM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2017 02:45 PM PDT given do you think that will help her to see how fun and comfy lingerie can be ? Its such a waste to see all those adorable silky nighties just hanging in the closet and not being worn. |
Question: I think my husband cheated but he said he didn't? Posted: 10 May 2017 01:13 PM PDT I think my husband cheated before we got married with a girl. He cheated for 3 weeks of the relationship. I was snooping through his emails and I saw where he was talking to a girl and it said they had sex once 5 years ago and if it's true that was the day before we got married. I asked him about it he said his friend is the one that sent that to some girl and he never cheated. I swear if he cheated I'm going to hurt them both really bad. Do they think he cheated or do you think it really was his friend that was talking to a girl on his account? If I get enough answers saying it probably was his friend I'll let it go but if not I'm going to hurt them. |
Posted: 10 May 2017 12:21 PM PDT I love my husband but I like slutting around occasionally but I never ever let anybody touch the cooch except my husband. Would you consider that being faithful? |
Question: Is he a good father? Posted: 10 May 2017 12:09 PM PDT My ex husband usually pays his child support every month (90 percent of the time) and he sees our kids once a week for a couple of hours but grows impatient with them when they misbehave so he leaves. Is he a good father? |
Question: My husband says I shouldn't take marriage advice from my sister is this fair? Posted: 10 May 2017 11:55 AM PDT My sister is never married and 38 and still lives with mom and dad. She's starting to look into adoption and insemination because she wants to have kids and hasn't found the right guy. My sister doesn't approve of my husband and wasn't super fond of my ex husband either and will often vocalize this. My husband says I need to quite asking her for advice because it's causing problems in our marriage. Is this fair? |
Posted: 10 May 2017 11:44 AM PDT Is this a slight or a dis? Because it sure feels like one. |
Question: How did you know that you had found the right person for you? Posted: 10 May 2017 10:59 AM PDT How did you know that the person you ended up with was the love of your life and how did you know ya'll were meant to be together. I am struggling right now in my search to find the right person because I am scared to make a mistake. My mothers marriage was abusive and I do not want to make the same mistake as her. |
Question: What is your opinion about marriage? Posted: 10 May 2017 10:54 AM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2017 10:43 AM PDT help him into his Dress, stockings and heels ? What would you do ? |
Posted: 10 May 2017 10:03 AM PDT he said he was scared to loose me and that's why he didn't say anything |
Question: Would marriages work better if the spouses lived apart ? Posted: 10 May 2017 09:31 AM PDT Am not talking about long distance, that doesn't work out. Instead, am talking about maybe living within 10-15 minutes away, both having your own place. I can picture the couple trying harder, actually getting dressed up nicely to see one another, less arguments about the state of the home because you have your place and keep it like you like to and they have their place to keep like they want to. More sex, you aren't around each other as often so you don't see each other at your worsts, you don't get use to someone just being there, so when you visit one another, you get more excited about it, it feels newer, and you get in the mood right away. You have the freedom of singleness by having your own place, put up with only what you want to in your home, but then for sex, companionship, and conversing, you go visit your spouse, so you have a romantic life but with freedom. I just see a lot of unhappy marriages on here and am wondering if maybe the act of seeing each other everyday wears off the spark they had when they first met ? They get so comfortable they take a crap with the door open, they walk around with no makeup, they let themselves get fat, don't dress up anymore, kids come around and it's all about the kids, it's easy to let it all go down the drain. Seems like living apart would keep you more active and involved in the relationship than just moving in together. |
Question: Having an affair why they stay with their husband? Posted: 10 May 2017 09:02 AM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2017 08:26 AM PDT hats and threaten to wear it when her ladies book club comes over do you think she will get the point and it will get her to take action ? |
Posted: 10 May 2017 08:24 AM PDT |
Posted: 10 May 2017 07:13 AM PDT What an asshole but I'm not going to divorce him just because of that I have told him 1000 times I'm sick and tired i'm watching that stupid deadly cunty snapped show on oxygen Who Gives a rats penis? same story you see on dateline or deadly women Why I personally think it's kind of rude for him to turn on the stupid TV and watch something really stupid like some black-and-white rerun of the dildo smack Adams family or the stupid *** monsters or stupid *** good times with *******'s |
Question: My wife doesn t think she should have to wake up with kids or help, because she works.? Posted: 10 May 2017 07:02 AM PDT She only works 40 hours a week. I go to school full time using military benefits that I paid into. I m always taking max classses to finish my comp science degree sooner. I only need 2 more classes. I was also working 20 hours a week. But the position was dropped. Even then she never helped. I average 3 hours of sleep each night. This week even with finals it was 1 hour 21 minutes a night. She works 3-11pm. The will watch tv in bed till 2-3am while I ask her to turn it off so I can get sleep and she doesn t. I occasionally work summers, never under 60 hours a week. Even then she doesn t help with the kids. I clean, cook etc. I wake up with the kids every morning. Feed them breakfast. Clean them up and get my daughter off to school. Then take my son to daycare or his nanas. I m then off to college. I m pretty smart and have well over 40 hours of homework, quizzes and exams each week. I passed all my classes with good grades. It s just so draining. I ve tried every approach to talk to her about it. She ll just start screaming and cursing saying how she works and I "only" go to school. With my benefits I do make just as much as her. I also have a pretty messed up back from being hit by an IED, which makes it even more difficult for me with the kids. I just want her to wake up with the kids 1 day a week or even once every 2 weeks. I have classes all day and Monday s until 10pm. Any advice? |
Question: Help with kids and life in general? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:40 AM PDT I am a part time single mother of twins in middle school as my husband works out of town 5 days a week so i am at home working full time and taking care of kids, and i am at wits end. Both of these kids have always been great students and they still are getting A's and B's, but my son is not doing some of his homework, and i feel like i am constantly on top of him, and his sister is constantly mad at me about something. I feel like the 3 of us are always in some sort of disagreement and it is taking its toll on me. I am finding that everything in my life now feels like a job and I can't seem to find any joy, as everything I do, is something else i need to cross off my list, even taking the kids to a move, i feel like i have to do it. My husband is no help, as when i mention to him he tells me to be stronger and he needs me to be supportive right now and that him working out of town is alot harder on him than it is on me. Please, any advice is appreciated |
Question: Wife has a contact in her phone under the name "dropping loads"? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:21 AM PDT My wife and i run a small courier service, we deliver supplies to hospitals in the metroplex. I saw a message from that contact and it said "He doesnt know what he's doing" then my wife replied "its been that way for awhile" SHould i be concerned??? |
Question: How long to get over him cheating? Posted: 10 May 2017 05:12 AM PDT about 5 years ago I found out that my husband cheated on me with a girl he met online. He said it only happened once and it was just a random hook up. We've gone to several counselors over the years but I'm still hurt by it. Every time he picks up his phone and texts someone I get suspicious. When ever he's late coming home from work a few minutes I start thinking. If he all of a sudden say he's going out to get gas or run to the store my mind starts to wonder. So much so that I constantly bring it up to him and want to talk to him. He told me that if I haven't gotten over it by now I'm probably not going to get over it, He suggested that we just split and go our separate ways. He reminded me that I cheated too. What I did was before we got married. He cheated after we did get married. He said that the timing doesn't make what he did worse that what I did. It's been about 5 years. Should I have gotten over it by now? He said that I stayed and should have learned to deal with it to the point to where it shouldn't bother me anymore. Is he right? Again, we've done counseling with several therapists and they all say that I need to learn to deal with it if I plan to stay but it's just so hard. |
Posted: 10 May 2017 04:54 AM PDT |
Question: How to leave with my kids? Posted: 09 May 2017 09:59 PM PDT My husband of 13 years, my kids and i moved to another state. We have been here for 4 years now. My hjsband is controlling and verbally abusive. After years of being broken down and feeling lije nothing i want to leave him. I feel its a good move for my mental health. He is a great father and i dont want the kids however to be without him. He controls our money, the car, everything. He wont even let me work. I have to means of leabing, getting work, or starting over here. I need to move back home where i have family to lean on for suppirt while i get on my feet. He told me if i take the kids out of state he will call the police and claim i kidnapped them, and it wont look goid during a custody disput. I looked into state aud for help but i wont get anything while im currently living with him. The benifits here arnt enough to live on. Section 8 has a waiting list of over a year, and i habe no car to even try to work or someone to watch my kids. What can i legally do to get my kids and i back home? |
Question: I'm having the hardest time coping with empty nest. How do I move on? Posted: 09 May 2017 09:48 PM PDT I'm glad my daughter will be beginning her own life. I'm happy for her. I could handle it if she were just moving a city or two over, but she's moving across the country with the guy she's in love with... My husband and I are also moving, but we will be still be across the country from each other. His family lives several states over - and in different states (from Calif. to ent I'm secretly aware that I have a fear of being alone... and now, that's going to be my life. My husband is ill, and usually wants to be left alone except when he needs something. (He has his own routine.) Since he wants to live near his son, we're also moving across the country (confusing, right?) but that means I'll know NO ONE. I'm 51, starting all over, with just some very basic necessities -- most of which we'll search for there! How do I make it through days, where I'm used to having someone to go places with, and share stories, etc.? |
Question: How can i test if my husband would ever cheat on me? should i do this? Posted: 09 May 2017 09:45 PM PDT So my girlfriend has convinced me he's probably cheating on me because he's very attractive. Before, i have NOT thought he would cheat but what she said has convinced me otherwise. She came up with the brilliant idea of trying to hookup with him and if he allows it he's probably a cheater. He has not met her before but i've showed her pictures of him and she thinks he's a player. Should i do this? He's off tomorrow and she was going to "sneak over" and try to seduce him. She's very attractive and exotic looking so i think it may work. I lied to my husband and told him that I'm working tomorrow. Do you think my plan will work? I have given her permission with just trying to kiss him if it gets to it. She was very pleased with this |
Posted: 09 May 2017 09:39 PM PDT my wife (26) drives a chevy suburban and i have a silverado. my brother drives a dodge and my brother's wife (just turned 20) doesn't know how to drive but has a chevy impala. it's been months that my wife's truck hasn't been working properly and she has been wanting a newer one for months now because she takes our son and daughter to school and drives the baby to appointments. Her truck is a 1995 suburban but it looks fine to me. my truck is a 2012 and my brother's dodge is a 2014. so my little sister in law is pregnant again and is wanting to learn how to drive but she only works a day or two out of the week because she's pregnant and doesn't want to have a miscarriage. she can't carry her 32 pound 2 year old because it's bad for her so i have to ask my wife to take care of him since she doesn't work and is a stay at home mom. my wife just had a miscarriage and exaggerates that she can't carry anything over 15-20 pounds. But since my sister in law is pregnant, she's the more fragile one and i don't want her to miscarry. My wife is jealous that i bought my sister in law a $36,000 pickup GMC Sierra year 2017, lifted. I know that she has been wanting a lifted truck of the year for the past few months but she doesn't deserve a new one. my sister in law does because she is going to learn how to drive. how do i tell my wife to stop being overly dramatic and jealous? my sister in law deserves what i bought her. |
Question: Do you think a wife/husband should stay in communication with an ex? Posted: 09 May 2017 02:38 PM PDT I am not married but in a serious relationship. My boyfriend still occasionally texts his ex. Although it is not frequent I don't appreciate it. I spoke to him multiple times about it but he doesn't understand why. Well I got with him when his breakup was pretty fresh and I had to deal with his broken heart. ( if you ever gotten with someone who recently had their heart broken you will understand). It was a nightmare of pain. He would constantly talk about her. Even his family used to joke around about it. I remember a time that hurt my inner most being. He isn't really tech savvy. So I would find pictures of them still in his phone. I had to clean out his google drive because he didn't know how. I had to erase and view pictures of them hugging and kissing. |
Question: I need some good hearted honest advice? Posted: 09 May 2017 01:15 PM PDT So I got divorced last year, my wife wants to get back together I do but I don't because of all the stress I had to deal with. I told her my situation and she just wants to have sex but I told her no we can't. I helped raised her 2 little boys since they where toddlers and constantly seeing her is not helping. Now I have a girlfriend also, over the months it's been constant arguing back and forth, and I'm at the point as to where I just want to separate but I still have feelings for her and she still has feelings for me. Am I selfish if I say screw everyone just to make myself happy, and not care about their feelings? Am I wrong for doing that? What should I do? Now me and my girlfriend tried every solution there is to make this work, but nothing is getting accomplished |
Posted: 09 May 2017 11:45 AM PDT Me and my wife have been married for a few weeks we're waiting till next mont to go on our honeymoon we're going to D.C. For a few days. I know most people go on honeymoon a day or two after the wedding but we couldn't. I'm busy working which is why we can't stay very long. She doesn't have a job but she does work around the house. Is it wrong to wait a month or two for a honeymoon ? How long should one last ? |
Question: How can I find my wife in Paeonian VA? Posted: 09 May 2017 08:14 AM PDT |
Question: Wife having multiple partners? Posted: 09 May 2017 06:34 AM PDT How do you tell if your wife is hiding how many partners that she's been with in the past? If she says that she's only been with 1 guy yet you've had sex and her vagina is loose and you can't really feel anything in there. (I'm being genuinely honest here, do not ban this). Yet she said that she had lost her virginity like 8 months ago and 8 months later she got in to another relationship but 2 + 2 don't add up. How do you get her to be honest? |
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