Singles & Dating: Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend but men think I'm outgoing and like wine? |
- Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend but men think I'm outgoing and like wine?
- Question: Thoughts on a 25 year old, who has not dated?
- Question: Was his text intended to be romantic in a silly way or is it strictly friendly?
- Question: Is this normal guy behavior or just a big red flag?
- Question: Is it possible to go 5 years without catching a cold?
- Question: Can I turn my sisters phone off if she isn’t paying her bill?
- Question: Guys, how should I tell a guy friend that I like him in the most sweet way possible, and least awkward, to promote good feedback.?
- Question: Two 19 year olds, engaged after three months, good or bad?
- Question: Should I like this guy? Or wait for someone else?
- Question: Difficultly of getting laid for men?
- Question: Can a woman lift a full grown man with one leg while sitting down?
- Question: What should i feel about my current bf? (i'm just listing everything off the top of my mind that i can think about that makes me feel off..)?
- Question: My boyfriend and I use to have sex everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. Then things changed...?
- Question: Should I tell any family about my daughter and I's relationship which has gotten serious the past few months?
- Question: Why didn't my package come yet?
- Question: Girls who can drive and have a boyfriend would you have done this?
- Question: Is this guy serious about me?
- Question: So there’s this girl that I asked her out she said no.?
- Question: Do women like men named Richard?
- Question: Good thing or bad thing?
- Question: How do we know that time is real?
- Question: How do I respond to a dick pic?
- Question: I like 2 guys at my school and can’t decide who I should shoot my shoot with (I’m a highschool freshman and I’m female)?
- Question: My boyfriend always thinks I would cheat???.?
- Question: Is it weird I like to poop my pants on purpose?
- Question: Is it wierd to have a fetish for the electric chair?
- Question: How to accept that I will most likely end up alone?
- Question: I’m a freshman in highschool and no ones asked me out yet I’m confused I’m social nice and I’m not ugly plzz I need answers?
- Question: Any tips on how to know if a guy likes you? This guy always stares at me (I love it lol) but I don’t know what he is trying to tell me...?
- Question: How do you know he's the one?
- Question: Question about this Girl....?
- Question: What should I do?!?
- Question: Is it bad I took several pairs of boxers from my crush? he used to be my college roommate.?
- Question: Does it satisfy a girl?
- Question: How do i hide a closet shrine I made of my crush?
- Question: How is staring rude if someone is giving a speech?
- Question: Guys: would you judge a 17 year old girl if you found out she was a virgin?
- Question: Steady girlfriend wants me to change or she'll break up with me?
- Question: What happens if you fall in love with a man but your hideous and the woman he was previously with is stunning?
- Question: Is it wrong for me to miss my ex?
- Question: Why does my boyfriend speak so loudly now?
- Question: Can a couple that has been together for 3 and a half years ever go back to being just friends if they break up?
- Question: Why do people get rejected?
- Question: How to accept that I will most likely end up alone?
- Question: How can two high schoolers deeply in love plan the future together most effectively?
- Question: My boyfriend’s friend called me a *****. What should I do?
- Question: How to tell the guy I like that I need to slow down?
- Question: My girlfriend just broke up with me out of nowhere! PLEASE help! What should I do?
- Question: Men: What do you think about tattoos on women?
- Question: Could I get him in trouble?
- Question: My fiancé’s?
- Question: I'm in the worst love triangle ever. Help!?
- Question: Is she shy with me?
- Question: Should I call a Tinder boy out for lying?
- Question: My guy wants anal sex but he doesn't want to do much to get me ready. I'm trying to concentrate on whether it stings or hurts. what do I do?
- Question: Why doesn’t he follow through with hanging out?
- Question: I am tried of being single and alone and I am 23 and now all my friends around me have gf and are more happier than I am?
- Question: Where is a safe place for an anatomical male to dress up as a woman, and go into a lady's room?
- Question: Dating advice?
- Question: Is he trying to be sexual?
Question: Why can't I get a boyfriend but men think I'm outgoing and like wine? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:53 PM PST |
Question: Thoughts on a 25 year old, who has not dated? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:49 PM PST I'm a 24 year old male nurse with a BSN. I am currently getting my MSN in nurse practitioner which is in 2 years. I try to focus on school and I also still live with my parents. I'm not actively seeking to find someone right now, if it happens it happens. I try to focus on myself(running, working out, and spending time with my family). I have girls approach me, but turn them down due to not trying to find one; part of the reason why I'm doing well is focusing in myself. When I do try to seek a partner, will she think that I'm a loser? What do you think? Thanks! |
Question: Was his text intended to be romantic in a silly way or is it strictly friendly? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:45 PM PST My friend whom I am deeply in love with sent me a text with a photo of him on the toilet that said "When I poop, I think of you" & he's holding the book i got him for his birthday. I am so confused. In my mind that translates to "i think of you everyday" assuming he's um, regular. But I'm confused cause that's not romantic at all and i'm unsure if this is his dumb way of attempting to flirt? |
Question: Is this normal guy behavior or just a big red flag? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:39 PM PST So started talking to a guy about a month ago through a dating app. Weve really been hitting it off although we live 3 and a half hours apart. I went online to check something out on his profile and it was gone. I asked him when he deleted it and he said once we exchanged phone numbers. I've never had a guy jump the gun so quickly before, usually that's my thing! We talk everyday, were planning on me going down for a weekend to spend it with him. He calls me love and hun. He even got upset when he found out I had old naughty pics of myself on my phone. He asked if any other man has seen them and when I said yes he asked me to delete them. So yeah, is he already thinking were dating exclusivly in some fashion? |
Question: Is it possible to go 5 years without catching a cold? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:36 PM PST |
Question: Can I turn my sisters phone off if she isn’t paying her bill? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:27 PM PST We are on the same line, have unlimited everything and she has no job because her scummy jealous bf so she is not paying her phone. I pay the whole bill and she pays me back but she hasn't had a job for like two months. The next bill is due the 15th. Can I shut her phone off so she can't use her phone to teach her to stop letting her bf take advantage of her and get herself a ******* job. Screw her jealous boyfriend. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:23 PM PST I'm pretty sure that my guy friend likes me. I really really like him and desperately want to tell him, but don't want to ruin our relationship. Guys, how should I tell a guy friend that I like him in the most sweet way possible, and least awkward, to promote good feedback. |
Question: Two 19 year olds, engaged after three months, good or bad? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:21 PM PST Their relationship isn't good though. The male has anger issues. I feel he engaged to my sister because so he could "get a hold of her" blind her with "love." She is starting to blame herself and her own family for things that get "ruined" and for why he yells. We told her someone like that would start doing **** like that. He engages to her and then basically acts like she should obey his everything and she literally drops everything to go be with him. He gets mad if she doesn't text him right away. He constantly acts like she is gonna cheat on him(when my sister is not that type to cheat) she is soft and I feel he's taking advantage of her. I feel she told him everything about her and he realizes that she is weak minded and will believe everything he says to her. She can't go anywhere out if they aren't together. She stays in her room when they are not together. If they are going to hang out, right when she wakes up, she showers and goes to his house. She has no time to herself. He gets jealous of other guys. He doesn't want her having a job because he fears guys will talk to her. doesn't mean they are talking like they wanna date. he's the reason she quit her first job because of guys her age she worked with and he saw her talking to one and he goes "my face got so red and I was so embarrassed!!" Yelling at her over the phone. He's a piece of ****. She is blind. She doesn't take responsibility for her own actions and same for him. |
Question: Should I like this guy? Or wait for someone else? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:18 PM PST I've known this dude since 2nd grade (I'm 16 now) and we have gotten super close over the last year and a half. He told me he liked me a few moths ago and since I had a small crush on him in the past I said "I did like you but I don't really know right now, can we just stay friends?" He was totally cool with staying just friends and everything was cool. Things were a little awkward but it was fine. Fast forward to this past month, we've been talking on the phone and at school constantly, he has told me he really likes being around me and that he really likes me etc. and Valentine's Day is approaching and he has asked if he can get me something. I don't know what to do cuz I don't know if i REALLY like him you know. I love being around him but... I have a lot of anxiety about the future. (He is super respectful and good to me but I don't think I see us long term) should I yolo and go for it? Or back off and wait for someone I really like in return. |
Question: Difficultly of getting laid for men? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:16 PM PST Sex is one of the best experiences a human being can experience. So when men get hookers they're looked down upon why tf is this!? Do people not ******* realize that not all men are capable of being desirable to girls? Not all men can "have a good personality " have psychopathic level charisma, "alpha", have a million dollars in their bank accounts, be good looking, or good luck on their side. People can not ******* understand that not all men are capable of getting laid. I'm 16 years old and I've never even had a kiss while a lot of teenagers these days are sexually active are in or had a relationship before. Leave guys who use hookers tf alone. Why do you think incels exist? |
Question: Can a woman lift a full grown man with one leg while sitting down? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:16 PM PST Can a woman lift a man my size with one leg while she is sitting down? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:13 PM PST snaps me like once a day, doesn't care when i didn't follow him back on instagram, refuses to make me his wallpaper on his phone, wants to tell people at school that we are just friends, checks girls out when we are out literally anywhere (he can't even stop looking at the attractive ones), he constantly tells me that i'm so "hot", "sexy", and "beautiful", and that he doesn't deserve me...gets super jealous when i talk to other guys and tracks me whenever i go out (and demands to know who i am with), and everytime we make out he brings up how this other guy would feel if he saw (the both of us) making out... i just would really appreciate your opinion because from the other people i told it seems like this relationship isn't very healthy but i also don't want to leave him...but it's also a heartache to be with him since i feel like he doesn't value/love me as much as i love him... |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:13 PM PST He started turning me down every time. So I got curious and went through his phone just to find out he was watching porn and mastarbating A LOT. I would go days without sex, so I confronted him. I was hurt about it for a very long time. Months and month. Things never changed. Now I'm to the point where I don't even wanna have sex with him. What's wrong? I have a very high sex drive but I don't try anymore and when he tries, I don't want to. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:12 PM PST |
Question: Why didn't my package come yet? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:09 PM PST |
Question: Girls who can drive and have a boyfriend would you have done this? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:07 PM PST I just got home from taking my boyfriend home. Since it was warm out and I did not get out of my car and was only gone for about 30 minutes I just drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes |
Question: Is this guy serious about me? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 07:04 PM PST he constantly keeps telling me how serious he wants to get in our relationship but doesn t really show it...he always wants to make out and see me naked...but once that is over he tells me that i should "go home soon" and then when my ride comes he asks me if i could just let myself out...he used to walk me out but now he just wants to say goodbye in his room...this is just one of many things i ve noticed as another aspect is in public he is barely touching me/displaying that we are dating..literally walking 3 feet ahead of me and being expressionless af... |
Question: So there’s this girl that I asked her out she said no.? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:50 PM PST She said it was because she was still getting over a break up and wasn't ready to hang with me in a romantic way yet, she still wants to hang out with me and stuff though.. what do I do now?? |
Question: Do women like men named Richard? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:48 PM PST |
Question: Good thing or bad thing? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:44 PM PST So I was studying with this girl from my class. It was in a a study room. When she comes she sits right next to me. Then as we study she just gets a little more personal studying. I brought up a place I used to live at and she said how her ex boyfriend used to live there. She laughed to. Was she trying to hint that she's single? Or did the laughing ruin it and she just laughed at how she was telling me specifically? Also I followed her on instagram after, she followed back and liked my most recent pic even if it was a few months ago. |
Question: How do we know that time is real? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:41 PM PST |
Question: How do I respond to a dick pic? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:39 PM PST I do like the guy... so I'm not looking for a mean response |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:36 PM PST |
Question: My boyfriend always thinks I would cheat???.? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:36 PM PST I never cheated in my life, never will. Funny thing is my boyfriend told me he was cheated on by his last ex and then he said he cheated on her out of spite so she can feel how he felt or whatever. He changed the story few times saying first she cheated, then that he only heard rumors she cheated and never actually found out if she did, that he cheated than she cheated. When I asked he said "same thing". Anyways, I hung out with my best friend who is a guy last night and he kept calling and texting so i did answer everytime because i still love and care even past his insecurities. I told him he can hang out with us too. But instead he said that we should break up last night because he cant handle his insecurities. It bothers me because he always threatened to leave through out these past 8 months over tiny arguments and this. I tried to help him with insecurities in many ways that I could. We hung out everyday and he wanted s<>x everyday. So recently I wanted to leave because I couldn't handle his insecurities and selfish manipulating ways. Recently I set up boundaries which included me to have some time with my family and some time for myself or if I want to hang with a friend. He said that he hates this boundary because he likes how we used to chill like everyday and that if we dont hang everyday it makes us lose "intimacy" and that he "moves on quickly". Maybe hes professing his stuff on me. Idk. He talks to girls, I deal with it, but I cant? |
Question: Is it weird I like to poop my pants on purpose? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:33 PM PST I really love the feeling of a nice hard log of poop sliding into my khakis. I think it might be a fetish but im not sure. |
Question: Is it wierd to have a fetish for the electric chair? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:24 PM PST so I was a video of a hot guy being strapped to the chair and shocked and i got so turned on, is that wierd? To clarify, im not into death, just someone restrained to a chair and being tortured. |
Question: How to accept that I will most likely end up alone? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:23 PM PST I will be 27(f) in 2 months. Due to a combination of things, I will most likely never find love/a real relationship. I have tried online dating and it doesn't work for me. How can I make peace with this? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:21 PM PST This could be because my boobs r a b cup and my butt medium |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:19 PM PST |
Question: How do you know he's the one? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:18 PM PST I'm in my first relationship and sometimes I get the feeling that I can't see myself with anyone but my current boyfriend. But then I wonder if I'm just being naive, as this is my first relationship. I am also a high school senior which may or may not be a factor. How do I know? |
Question: Question about this Girl....? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:17 PM PST So there is this girl and she has guy friends and female friends. We started hanging out and things really clicked and we really seem to be into each other. Sometimes she says she doesn't look at me that way but her emotions say differently. I realize she also doesn't talk to her guy friends as much as she used to. Any Enlightenment? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:17 PM PST I was hanging out with a group of my guy friends and as we were all sitting at the bar, one of my guy friends kept staring me up and down & then I heard him tell another one of our friends "Damn, Sara looks so hot tonight. The things that I would do to her." I was shocked and didn't know what to say! My guy friend that said that about me has a GIRLFRIEND that I'm friends with... should I confront him about it or just let it go??? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:15 PM PST i still got them along with one of his shirts and a few pairs of his socks. |
Question: Does it satisfy a girl? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:08 PM PST |
Question: How do i hide a closet shrine I made of my crush? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:08 PM PST im so obsessed with this guy i go to college with so i made a shrine of him in my closet, how do I hide it from my roommates so they dont think immma creepy stalker or some shoot? |
Question: How is staring rude if someone is giving a speech? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:06 PM PST In class. Isn't it polite to give your full attention? Thanks... I think you are right. |
Question: Guys: would you judge a 17 year old girl if you found out she was a virgin? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:02 PM PST |
Question: Steady girlfriend wants me to change or she'll break up with me? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:00 PM PST I'm not sure who's in the wrong here, but the girl I been dating for 7 years, she always been proud to be with me, but now shes acting strangely different where suddenly wants me to do things I dont necessarily feel ready for. We both have mental health issues. But am I pushing her away for not wanting to be somebody I'm not? I been the same since we dated. I always been nice to her and do my best supporting her, but it sounds like she wants a richer man or something cause she wants me to go to college and get a good job. Should I just consider this the end sense I dont think I'm ready for those Big changes yet? She doesn't go to school or work either. So not understanding why she putting me down for the way I live |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:52 PM PST How would you as the hideous person feel about this? How would you as the stunning person feel about your ex dating a hideous person? Would you say he lowered his standars and that you are better than the girl he is with now? What's your imput on this situation? |
Question: Is it wrong for me to miss my ex? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:33 PM PST We had a genuinely lovely time when he was happy but when he wasn't things weren't very good- he tends to be sadistic and he had no problem with it. Also a cheater. Violent towards other people too like when he smashed someone's car window with his fist when they swore at him for falling in front of their car. He left me for another woman and for some reason I still love him- is this normal? |
Question: Why does my boyfriend speak so loudly now? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:21 PM PST I used to tease my boyfriend because he had a quiet, girly voice. I couldn't ever hear him when he spoke. Especially, in arguments, he would always mumble and nothing came out, so I won most of the time. We've been together for a year, so this shouldn't have been a problem for me, but I tease him all of the time for it. I have told him that he has always naturally been soft-spoken. However, just the past month, he has been projecting his voice more loudly. I used to cut him off all of the time, but I didn't notice it because he never stopped me. When I almost interrupted him again, he raised his voice a little more loudly to stop me. Honestly, this new voice of his is getting a little annoying because even when we are indoors, his voice is so loud that the vibrations could shatter the neighbor's window. So it turns out that my boyfriend has been taking random articles at home and reading them out loud while trying to learn how to project his voice. I don't get it, why is it now that he's decided to do this? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:14 PM PST |
Question: Why do people get rejected? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:08 PM PST |
Question: How to accept that I will most likely end up alone? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:03 PM PST I will be 27(f) in 2 months. Due to a combination of things, I will most likely never find love/a real relationship. I have tried online dating and it doesn't work for me. How can I make peace with this? |
Question: How can two high schoolers deeply in love plan the future together most effectively? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:58 PM PST My girlfriend and I are 17 and 18 respectively. We have been dating for a little over three months but we have found something incredibly special. I have dated before in high school and have never found shorter-term relationships satisfactory, and she has done the same. One night she laid out everything she wants us to be (all of which I had been feeling the same way and had looked for ways to tell her). We both plan on going to college and then eventually getting married at the appropriate time in our future careers. I have shuddered at the idea of a future with any of my past girlfriends but I fell deeply in love with her and honestly can't see myself without her. I know how it may sound since we are both pretty young, but our relationship has been incredibly unique and we both have a mature, adult-like mindset. There is not a doubt in my mind that I have found the love of my life, and even the differences between us that cause us to have small disagreements make us love each other even more. |
Question: My boyfriend’s friend called me a *****. What should I do? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:57 PM PST My boyfriend friends came over 5 times over the weekend. Weekends are the only time we get to spend together, so I'm annoyed when they show up. He leaves me to go hang with them yet they want me gone so they can hang over his house. At 11pm his friends pop up and one says tell your ***** to go home like I told my ***** to and she did. My boyfriend didn't say or do anything. Now he is trying to deflect it to suit him. What should I do? I feel so disrespected and angry. His friends are lazy bums looking for a handout. We have argued over this in the past and he just makes up a lame excuse of working on his car with them. |
Question: How to tell the guy I like that I need to slow down? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:42 PM PST There's this really sweet guy that I've been seeing for almost three months now. A few days ago, we had our first kiss (and my first ever). Look, I know it seems like we are already going slow, but we were more on a friendship track (sort of) before the kiss. He's my first ever....person......? Idk, our interactions were so easy before the kiss when I wanted him to make a move and now it's happening and I feel like im in the deep end and I don't know what to do or what's expected of me. I'm just so overwhelmed. When we've run into each other since then, he always wants to kiss me and I keep panicking and deflecting with a hug or a kiss on the cheek....idk I'm just not ready to be a couple that kisses casually every time we see each other...which probably makes me a terrible person because I really like him and I don't want him to think that i am rejecting him. And to top it all off, I suffer from severe anxiety, which is making everything unbearablly overwhelming.. How do I tell him that I really just want to be at a hand-holding stage right now?? I am freaking out and I've had several panic attacks from this and I need to say something before it becomes a thing. |
Question: My girlfriend just broke up with me out of nowhere! PLEASE help! What should I do? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:34 PM PST My girlfriend broke up with me two days ago and I'm just confused and depressed. Three days before it happened, we were talking and she was so happy and saying she just wanted to FaceTime me to talk to me and everything was great. We literally had everything in common. Shared the same thoughts about marriage, religion, taste in music, style, humor, shows, movies, just everything. We work at the same place but she takes online college classes and has friends she likes to go out with so all of that just piled up on her and she got stressed out after that day we FaceTimed. Over the course of the next three days she seemed to get more distant and I hadn't done anything but try to make her feel better. She texted me and told me to just tell her if I don't see this going long term but she knew that I saw her as long term material so I called her to talk. She got to saying things had been weird lately which she was the only one making things weird. She said she wants to see me all the time, that she's bothered that she can't because she's got a lot going on and she just thinks it would be annoying to keep trying to make a relationship work just seeing each other one or two days a week and she doesn't have the energy to put into a relationship right now. If she wants to see me more and she's bothered that she can't, why let me go instead of working things out if she cares for me that much? Things were so good and I don't understand how things switched so quick. What do I do? |
Question: Men: What do you think about tattoos on women? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:26 PM PST Attractive or trashy? |
Question: Could I get him in trouble? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:23 PM PST So I met this guy, he's 24, and i really like him and if its legal I want to try to get in a relationship and even seduce him but im 16. We live in Ohio so the age of consent is 16 but im not sure if he has to be within 4 years of age or if I can go ahead and let it loose. Ive tried looking it up but it doesnt specify if I can have sex with anybody above 16 or not. I dont wanna get him in trouble. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:20 PM PST Sister unfollowed me on social media, should I be worried. Does she not like me? Do I annoy her. I'm nothing but be nice to her, idk ugh :/ I unfollowed her too & requested her & she just leaves the request there, ... |
Question: I'm in the worst love triangle ever. Help!? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:19 PM PST This whole thing is a mess. I've found myself genuinely in love with two boys. One has loved me forever, but I never reciprocated. Now, I have a boyfriend that I love, but as soon as I saw my friend I realized I love him too. I don't want to hurt either of them and I know there is nothing I can do right now. I just want some advice on how to deal with this. I hate having these feelings, but please don't be rude. I know it isn't a good situation, but iy's already happened. Please be helpful. Thank you |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:18 PM PST She is a girl a couple years older than me. She befriended me by laughing loudly at my lame joke out of then asked me to repeat it to her personally when she heard it. Then waited after class for me to giggle with her friend and she popped out and said boo got in my face and smiled. She began butting into my conversations to try to talk to me. She will ask questions respond to me have me repeat stuff to her or just laugh at unfunny things I say.When I talk to her and she gets my attention she waits after class to scare me. Her friend doesn't talk to me at all around her and asks me to do stuff like chase her around, tell her stories and jokes. One of time we were joking around she held good eye contact and said my name a lot I felt a vibe from it.Giggles and says my name when I am doing nothing.Smiles at me a lot.Cant say hi first to me when I say hi first she smiles and blushes.Walked by my class to smile and wave at me.Talking to me she gets red and can't look me in the eyes she smiles hiding her face.The one time her friend talked to me and asked me to sit with them and her friend sat next to me she seemed upset when shes happy around me.When they took turns with selfies next to me she asked me to get closer to her than I was with her friend. When she wore something showing boobs her friend came and got me for a pic and she blushed from that.She asks me to sit with her when I talk to her and take a pic with her and get close to her. Only approaches me with her friend. |
Question: Should I call a Tinder boy out for lying? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:16 PM PST We met a few months ago and grew very fond of each other. He told my a while ago that he was done using Tinder because he didn't feel that he needed anyone besides me. However, recently I have seen Tinder message notifications pop up on his phone and that he changed his bio. We established early on that we aren't exclusive so I don't have a problem with him seeing other people, but I don't know why he lied to me about that. Should I confront him or let it go? |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:15 PM PST |
Question: Why doesn’t he follow through with hanging out? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:12 PM PST I went to "catch up" with a guy I hadn't seen in a few years. We've never dated. During the date...well that's what I'll call it. Things were going well, at the end he made sure he still had my correct number in his phone (we were communicating on snap) and he bought me dinner. Well, ever since then every time we talk...he texts me about 3 times per week and I'll text him once. He always says things like "we'll have to go there sometime" "we'll have to do that sometime" like every time we talk he mentions hanging out, yet when I say something like, how about Friday? He's busy. I mean he even texted me after 5 days and was like "hey I've been meaning to text you but i was super busy with that family trip and got called into work" he initiated the text, apologized for taking so long to text me, yet never follows through with hanging out. What gives? It's not like I am the one asking to hang out all the time and he says he's busy. He's the one who keeps bringing up hanging out, yet we don't hangout. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:07 PM PST I am starting to feel left out cause now I am 23 and I don't want to be alone anymore and it's getting bad to the point I can't even be happy I am happy that my friends are happy and I am really starting to lose hope that I'll find someone and that's going possibly want to kill myself again I already felt like that once and I don't want to go back to that is there anything I should do cause I can't wait anymore and I am about to say hell with it cause right now I feel like I am about start crying cause i just need someone in my life like right now |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 04:06 PM PST |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 03:53 PM PST Hey guys I need advice I took a girl out on a date and we had AMAZING chemistry. She was touchy and flirty. When we left she could tell I was preparing to kiss her so she kinda talked with her head down so I couldn't get it. But I teased her and said "ah you're curving me" and she laughed and said "no I'm just shy". But I kissed her anyway and put my hand on her back and she did he same to me. After kissing for like 5 seconds we stopped. And I jokingly said (and trust me in a joking tone) "did i say I was done ?" And laughed. She laughed at said "do I have a choice ?" I then said ofc and smiled and kissed her again. Anyways we both laughed and left. A few days later at school I asked her out for a second date. She said she was busy but she will let me know. She was like oh yea I want to kick your *** at something different this time and laughed (we went bowling). Ultimately she said she would let me know. Did I blow it ? What should I do now ? I mean she did grab me and smile when I kissed her so. |
Question: Is he trying to be sexual? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 03:49 PM PST So I've been dating this guy for like 2 weeks and idk if he's trying to get me into bed. I told him before hand I didn't want to do anything like that and he was really understanding. But he always will put his hand on my inner thigh like 2-3 inches from my privates. He also sometimes will brush his hand against my butt and stuff. He knows I won't do anything sexual but is he still trying to make me? |
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