Singles & Dating: Question: Broke up with a toxic boyfriend and now he is making me feel guilty? |
- Question: Broke up with a toxic boyfriend and now he is making me feel guilty?
- Question: Why do I not seem to attract any guys?
- Question: Is it odd for a girls family to not be friends with her boyfriend who lives with her on facebook?
- Question: Is it usual for a 40-year old woman to have a high sex drive?
- Question: Men, can u give me an example of your tasste?
- Question: What do I do?
- Question: Serious Question: How do you know when someone is “The One”?
- Question: How to get ur first kiss when ur kind of a loser at school (im a junior in highschool btw)?
- Question: Is complimenting a girl on her looks never usually a good idea if you want any kind of hope in knowing her on a personal level?
- Question: Will I ever find someone?
- Question: Does leaving a girl on read work?
- Question: Is this guy cute?
- Question: Girls don’t like short guys because they when they wear heels they’re way taller. But there isn’t many situations where girls need heels?
- Question: Do u think this guy likes me.... I like him?
- Question: How does the crowd respond to Cyrano appearing? How does Cyrano react?
- Question: Who is this?
- Question: My mom feels she has a right to be more mean to me and criticize me since I have a job. Any advice?
- Question: Is it normal to have crushes on other girls in a relationship?
- Question: In a new relationship do you talk to your significant other everyday?
- Question: My boyfriend still uses his ex girlfriends nexflix?
- Question: What do I say to a boy online that I’ve never met?
- Question: Is this guy cute?
- Question: My boyfriend's best friend is a girl who he used to like. How do I not be jealous?
- Question: Is it normal to feel suicidal after being dumped??
- Question: How do I get over a ridiculous crush?
- Question: ???? Boys ??????
- Question: What does it mean when a guy tries to lock eyes with you?
- Question: Why do polos and khakis look so cute on guys?
- Question: How can you tell if a guy is interested in you or just friendly?
- Question: How do you get your crush to want to date you. Keep in mind that I only see him in school.?
- Question: I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair?
- Question: My guy crush?
- Question: I do not know what you mean by Level 3 regarding posting pictures?
- Question: Rate Me?...?
- Question: Is it wrong for me to date a woman who is 3 years older than me?
- Question: My son just brought his 1st home. He has been living with his girlfriend for a year. The girlsfriend mother is storing stuff at the house?
- Question: How does a younger woman (20’s) flirt with an older man (40’s) without being too obvious or immature?
- Question: What are red flags in a relationship? What is the definition of red flags when a person?
- Question: Plppppllplllllll?
- Question: A tie with an arrow on the end with a 'ladies room' image: hot or not?
- Question: Signs or coincidences?
- Question: How would you feel if your ex got engaged 3 months after you broke up?
- Question: How do i get closer with my crush?
- Question: When does life beginn?
- Question: Should I tell my boyfriend about a man who is texting me?
- Question: I feel unappreciated?
- Question: What should happen if it is found that Trump and his cronies colluded with Russia to help him win?
- Question: My girlfriend assaulted me and I cannot do antthing?
- Question: Why does this guy keep talking to me if he won't carry on a conversation?
- Question: How do I tell this guy I don't like him anymore?
- Question: Guy behaviour?
- Question: Okay... guys in my school always will sarcastically say "I love you" or ask me out and I can tell their sarcasm... How do I respond?
- Question: Dating advice?
- Question: Do u think this boy likes me I’m 16 and need advice?
- Question: What does it mean when a man looks you deep in the eyes and doesn't look away after sex?
- Question: What are head games some guys play?
Question: Broke up with a toxic boyfriend and now he is making me feel guilty? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:18 PM PST I finally made a decision to end my relationship of 5 years and 2 of which were Long distance. I have endured years of cheating, lying and disrespect from him. I am not saying I was perfect but he made me into an insecure crazy person. I hate who I became. Recently when we argue he calls me stupid, w***re or dumb b. I asked for him to stop and he didn't. I finally had enough and realized I need to work on myself and rebuild a relationship with my own self. He is making me feel bad saying I met someone else and this is why I am doing this. He also said he needed me today because his mom is sick and I am here in my feelings! I just can't deal with this unhappiness in my relationship. I just don't know how to stop feeling bad. |
Question: Why do I not seem to attract any guys? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:18 PM PST In no way do I mean to seem vain, but I have been called pretty numerous times and have been asked to model. I get straight As and am in IB art. I try to be friendly to everyone at school I'm also really shy so that may have something to do with it. I make friends easily with girls but I haven't had a single guy friend sense second grade. Whenever I try talking causally to guys they don't seem interested in even talking to me. They usually seem annoyed. My friends even kind of tease me about how I have no experience with guys lol. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:55 PM PST I know that Facebook isn't a big deal overall. I'm referring to a 20 year old girl who's been dating a guy for over a year since she was in her teens. They've traveled together, they live together,, the work together and they are never apart really. She has a little brother who's 18 and a big family. Her family is always on Facebook posting things, her mom, dad, aunts, cousins, brother etc. Every time there's a baseball game on they're all on there commenting live on each other's pages giving play by plays, sharing events, Facebook is clearly part of their lifestyle and they all spend a lot of time on there. Her mom and brother are friends with all of her ex's on Facebook but not her live in boyfriend of 1 year which seems odd. Again, to most people FB isn't a big deal but clearly this family spends a lot of time on the site. Her boyfriend is 38. I would think that her brother would have befriended him at the very least. Her family must go and hang ou at her apartment and she lives with her boyfriend so it seems weird. The boyfriend dated her when she was 19 and still living at home with her parents and sibling so he spent time at their house and even took their daughter to europe for vacation just 1 month after dating and obviously spent time with them when they helped her move her stuff into the apartment he got for them so why would they not be friends on facebook. The boyfriend spends a lot of time on the site too |
Question: Is it usual for a 40-year old woman to have a high sex drive? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:50 PM PST |
Question: Men, can u give me an example of your tasste? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:40 PM PST for example, how would u rate both of these females looks from 1-10? or please just say who u think is better looking? Will choose a best answer. Thanks |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:40 PM PST I think my boss fancies me. In fact I'm pretty sure of it. He is very nice and I like him too but his friend also fancies me. What do I do. I don't want to come between friends and the second guy is a nice guy too, I just don't fancy him. |
Question: Serious Question: How do you know when someone is “The One”? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:31 PM PST Is there a spiritual sign? Could this person be a random stranger, a friend, or significant other? How can you recognize the signs? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:07 PM PST also im 16 pls help im very desperate |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:56 PM PST Aren't the only guys who usually get their phone numbers or get invited into their homes ones who've never complimented them on their looks, or does it just depend on the situation and how comfortable of a vibe they get |
Question: Will I ever find someone? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:52 PM PST I'm 32 years old, and I never had a boyfriend. I am shy but will talk to a guy or show interest if I like him. Everytime I like a guy; I always find out that they're either married or have a girlfriend. I try going out to places but always come up disappointed. Every night I pray GOD sends me someone for years, but no answer. I feel like I'm never going to find him. Is there anyone out there who were in my position. If so how did it turn out? How did you meet your spouse? |
Question: Does leaving a girl on read work? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:50 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:28 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:27 PM PST Doesn't make sense. |
Question: Do u think this guy likes me.... I like him? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:18 PM PST Do u think this guy likes me plz read : I meet him 1.5 weeks ago and we have hung out three time since the last time we hung out he put this arm around me when we're watching tv and asked to share a blanket with me. When I dropped him off (I'm 16 and have my linsence he only has his permit) we were texting and he said he would rate me a 9 and he's like ur so hot he asked me if it was awkward hanging out and I was like nooo and then he was like damn ur so hot and he goes we r def hanging this weekend his phone got taken away bc he hasn't been on snap or Instagram in two days and it's Friday anyway plz Give me ur opinion I've been ducked* over by so many guys this year ALSO I forgot to mentioned he asked my friend if I would date him it's making me sad to not talk to him |
Question: How does the crowd respond to Cyrano appearing? How does Cyrano react? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:16 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:15 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:15 PM PST |
Question: Is it normal to have crushes on other girls in a relationship? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:11 PM PST A month ago I started feeling a little off in my relationship. I love my girlfriend a lot and I think shes really attractive but I noticed myself wanting other girls and I dont know why. I really dont want to hurt my girlfriend because I care about her more than anything. I feel like taking a break is the only option to fix this but I'm afraid if I do that I'll get over her and get with another girl. I just want things to be back to the way things were when she was #1 in my mind. Is this normal in a relationship? What should I do? |
Question: In a new relationship do you talk to your significant other everyday? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:05 PM PST I feel like in the beginning it shouldn't be official until about 3 months in after that it's a relationship those three months to me are dating getting to know each other but i also don't see anything wrong with not talking frequently everyday sometimes people need a rest to observe like is this really what I want? Let's get to know each other slowly I haven't ever had a relationship where it was taken slow and I wish I could have cause maybe it would have lasted by why do people rush do they just want sex I feel that's all they want and that's why it's rushed why not just get to know someone love should be simple not hard we have a hard enough time with everything else in this world the last thing I want to do is come home to someone nagging me all day because they jump to conclusion... |
Question: My boyfriend still uses his ex girlfriends nexflix? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:59 PM PST from i don't know how long ago, and he never says who it is. Is this weird |
Question: What do I say to a boy online that I’ve never met? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:59 PM PST I'm in high school, I really like this guy, we don't have any classes together so I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him, when I see him in the hallways I try to smil but I really just want dm him or something so we can talk. I just don't know what to say, we have never met, what do I say that isn't awkward? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:56 PM PST |
Question: My boyfriend's best friend is a girl who he used to like. How do I not be jealous? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:52 PM PST So I recently got together with this guy I really liked. But his best friend is this girl that he used to have a crush on last year. They are super close and have so much fun together, which I was fine with for a while until sometimes I feel like a third wheel in my own relationship. I'm not a very confident person so my own insecurities are not helping. But despite my jealousy, I don't want to tear them apart because I know he's happy with her around and that's all I want. So what do I do? How do I deal? I've considered telling him about it but I know he will fix it and probably cut off most contact from her which will make me feel so bad because I know he has much fun with her. So what do I do? |
Question: Is it normal to feel suicidal after being dumped?? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:52 PM PST Several weeks ago, my girlfriend left me in the most cold way. She refuses to speak to me, acknowledge me, and even look at me. I'm tormented when I see her in school (I see her numerous times every day). It seems as though I am stuck in this post relationship limbo/hell. I am constantly worrying, thinking about her. Every hour of the day I face internal suffering. It's gotten so bad, to were I am contemplating my physical existence. My pain is merciless and constant, and it's worse when I even so much as think of her. It's like a sickness. THOSE WHO HAVE GONE THROUGH SIMILAR EXPERIENCES, I ask you, I beg you to tell me HOW TO LEAVE THIS LIMBO. And also, is this even normal, to be so attached to an ex girlfriend like this, a girl who I know I don't deserve? |
Question: How do I get over a ridiculous crush? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:50 PM PST I have a crush on a married man, who is much much older (30 years older to be exact). I've liked him for almost two years now and I just want to get over him. Please refrain from telling me to find a man or go on a date or to sleep with someone, because I want to be single. And please don't tell me to get with him, because that's super wrong. I just want normal advice to get over someone. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:50 PM PST So there's this guy I sit next to in my calc class and we talk a lot and are pretty good friends. He sometimes confuses me, saying "I love you" playfully in like a jokingly way? He touches me every one in a while, like handing me a paper/pen while grazing his other hand over my arm. We text frequently, but we don't hang out outside of school. He recently got asked to our school gala by this girl and I asked him about it and he seemed really weird and not wanting to talk about it like he wanted to hide it or something. What is going on? Boys confuse me haha |
Question: What does it mean when a guy tries to lock eyes with you? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:48 PM PST What does it mean when a guy, you don't know, starts locking eyes with you? |
Question: Why do polos and khakis look so cute on guys? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:46 PM PST |
Question: How can you tell if a guy is interested in you or just friendly? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:41 PM PST There is a guy I know through COED recreational soccer at my college and we have played together for about a year. He recently added me on instagram. We used to be very shy around each other but not with our other teammates, but now that we feel more comfortable with each other (past 6 months or so), he will come up to me to initiate conversations with me and talk to me a lot about soccer or just life in general during our entire soccer games. Lately, he has been teasing/picking on me in a lighthearted way just to give me a hard time, not in a mean way. He doesn't act like this with any of the other girls on the team. When we talk, he looks directly into my eyes and he always listens to what I say which a lot of guys don't. I know he was dating someone this past summer but I'm not sure of his status now. Do guys do this with women they just consider a friend? He doesn't act like this with the other females on the team, but that could just mean they don't click in a friend way. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:21 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:20 PM PST I'm 22 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl. I've been through college for two and a half years, more than that actually, and I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me. You girls have never been attracted to me! I don't know WHY you girls aren't attracted to me! It's an injustice, a crime. ... I don't know what you don't see in me! I'm the PERFECT guy and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious men instead of ME, the SUPREME GENTLEMAN!!! |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:19 PM PST So i been talking to my guy crush i had for longest time but i have small talks with him anyways today i have send his story replie your eyes with smiley heart eye with it thenk he send me a wink face...Is that good sign? then i asked him he looking for someone he said Nah not really i been busy traveling and racing.. is that a good start? and i can flirt? |
Question: I do not know what you mean by Level 3 regarding posting pictures? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:16 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:15 PM PST |
Question: Is it wrong for me to date a woman who is 3 years older than me? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:13 PM PST Hi Yahoo, I'm a 15 year old male and there's this girl in my high school who is 18 years old , I am way taller than her which makes her shorter than me. I'm trying to see if I date her will it be wrong? I'm an average male and she looks more like a sophomore. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:13 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:13 PM PST I want to send him signals without being too weird about it Incase we isn't interested in me. Although I am sure that he is by his behavior. |
Question: What are red flags in a relationship? What is the definition of red flags when a person? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:47 PM PST says there are red flags in a relationship? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:43 PM PST P |
Question: A tie with an arrow on the end with a 'ladies room' image: hot or not? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:29 PM PST |
Question: Signs or coincidences? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:25 PM PST So a few weeks ago I had a falling out with a friend. I sent her a note of apology and she ignored it by blocking me. Right before this we had talked about her exes and how they made her miserable because these women would just use her. I come to find out she is still friends with one of them on fb and the other ones father talks to her sometimes. Now her and i had a real up and down relationship to a point where i almost blew up on her. after about a week of crying and wishing after her blocking me i am constantly seeing the name of her ex everywhere and i have also heard and seen this girls name which is not a common name everywhere. I also have been having dreams in vey clear pictures of sometimes in the future me meeting her again and hitting if off. So my question is are these signs or am i just imagining things? Mind you i have been known to have visions in my life especially in my dreams. but i am not a psychic. I just really want to know. |
Question: How would you feel if your ex got engaged 3 months after you broke up? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:18 PM PST And they only dated the other person for 2 months before they proposed? |
Question: How do i get closer with my crush? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:13 PM PST i wanna get closer with her but she barely even knows i exist.. im way to scared to talk to her since most of her friends are popular.. what do i do? :( |
Question: When does life beginn? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:04 PM PST |
Question: Should I tell my boyfriend about a man who is texting me? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:53 PM PST I recently joined a concert band. I'm not great socially and don't know how to start conversations with people on the break. There is one man who has been going out of his way to talk to me, and inssted on adding me on Facebook the first day and has been texting me since. I haven't responded much, just enough that I don't offend him. My boyfriend is easily jealous. I know he wouldn't like it, and wouldn't like my going there if he knew. If he found out she I hadn't told him about it, he would consider it a secret kept from him. Should I tell him or not? Also Any tips on shutting down the unwanted attention without causing any awkwardness?? |
Question: I feel unappreciated? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:50 PM PST I'm dating this girl and she is the nicest person I have ever met, we've been dating for about 6months and she does do a lot to try and support the relationship but she doesn't do the little things, she doesn't ask me about the gym, she gives blunt replies and she's not a very sharp person, she doesn't do any of this intentionally but it's just annoying Becuase if I tell stories or make jokes she won't get it and if I'm feeling bad She doesn't really give me the resonse I'm looking for, i love her, it's just irritating, I'm probably just being really petty but what should I do |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:50 PM PST |
Question: My girlfriend assaulted me and I cannot do antthing? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:46 PM PST So we were at home on the couch watching a movie together, and she saw me get a text from one of my friends who is a girl about a school assignment and she IMMEDIATELY SCREAMED "WHO IS THAT GIRL!!!!!!" and i said "my friend" calmly and she grabbed my phone and tried to unlock it and i was like calm down shes just a friend and my girlfriend screamed that i'm not allowed to talk to any other girls and slapped my freaking face and i got a bruise, i backed away and she smashed my phone against the table and it cracked and smashed and then threatened to tear apart my house, i didn't answer and she kicked me so i kicked her back and now she's the one trying to get me in trouble cause i'm a guy |
Question: Why does this guy keep talking to me if he won't carry on a conversation? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:44 PM PST I talk to this guy on a dating site. And every other day he text me " hi how are you?" And doesn't even open my response and is online a lot of the time. It's kind of annoying. And he's the one who keeps messaging me and it's kind of annoying. |
Question: How do I tell this guy I don't like him anymore? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:26 PM PST I told him that I liked him about a week ago, and he reciprocated but I just completely lost all romantic interest. There's really no reason behind it, it's just that my crush came and went. I still wanna be friends with him though. I don't know if I should tell him directly or give him hints that I don't like him anymore. I'm scared to break his heart and scared that he'd tell his friends that I'm a heartless b*tch who only used him for the attention which is NOT true. Plz someone give me an honest and reliable answer QUICK. I'm a freshman in high school and I don't know what I got myself into omg. I don't want karma for this :( cause they say "what goes around comes around." Ughghgh |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:21 PM PST There is this guy that I liked that while I was on Erasmus was texting me, meeting with me (alone or with mutual friends) all the time. Now that we are back he doesn't write to me anymore and I tried to write to him, he replied for a while and after he left me on read. Why does he behave like this? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:19 PM PST Also... this happens quite frequently... I know it's weird but I'm 16 and a girl... they also will call me "baby girl but I can tell in their voice they're only joking and the fact that they don't even know me and barely puts effort into it just makes it more obvious they are only kidding... I just never know how to respond without saying no and laughing about it... |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:56 PM PST Hey, My name is Sheena and I've been single nor for about 6-7 years. I'm 32 I'm intelligent, attractive, kind hearted, and a good friend. I've had lots of guys that have wanted to date me but the feelings weren't mutual. I've known about this guy for the past 10 years because we have a bunch of mutual friends. I friend requested him for some reason the other day and he messaged me and we seem to be both attracted to each other. I want to keep it cool because I don't want to freak him out but I'm VERY attracted to him! He said something about hanging out soon so in another conversation I said we should hang out sometime. He said we should chill maybe the next time he comes into town. He lives two hrs. away and visits once a month. He asked me for my number and gave me his. I haven't heard from him but that's not a big deal to me I'm just curious to know if he's into me? If he's not than we can be friends but I can't stop thinking about him. What do you think ? |
Question: Do u think this boy likes me I’m 16 and need advice? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:49 PM PST Do u think this guy likes me plz read : I meet him 1.5 weeks ago and we have hung out three time since the last time we hung out he put this arm around me when we're watching tv and asked to share a blanket with me. When I dropped him off (I'm 16 and have my linsence he only has his permit) we were texting and he said he would rate me a 9 and he's like ur so hot he asked me if it was awkward hanging out and I was like nooo and then he was like damn ur so hot and he goes we r def hanging this weekend his phone got taken away bc he hasn't been on snap or Instagram in two days and it's Friday anyway plz Give me ur opinion I've been ****** over by so many guys this year ALSO I forgot to mentioned he asked my friend if I would date him it's making me sad to not talk to him 0 following |
Question: What does it mean when a man looks you deep in the eyes and doesn't look away after sex? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:35 PM PST After sex we were both standing up face to face and I was saying something to him but he just looked at me deep in my eyes and they looked soft he couldn't say anything. What does that mean? Also this guy said he has had a crush on me for the longest. He said this to me when me and him were walking with his guy friend... |
Question: What are head games some guys play? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:17 PM PST |
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