Friends: Question: Girl in school/friend makes me uncomfortable? |
- Question: Girl in school/friend makes me uncomfortable?
- Question: Why does she need every guys attention?
- Question: How do I live when I hate myself?
- Question: Alone in school?
- Question: How do you deal with people who "try" to one-up you?
- Question: How to ask friend to not be the godfather of my child anymore?
- Question: Am I excluding my best friend?
- Question: What does this code mean?
- Question: Since my best friend died, I use Yahoo Answers to bounce off my problems to others and get advice, is this habit good or bad?
- Question: How can i mail a package without my parents knowing?
- Question: Have you ever been to any type of counseling with a friend (non-romantic friend)? How did it go? How long did it take to help solve the?
- Question: Best friend?
- Question: Should I be mad ?
- Question: Am I being dramatic?
- Question: Why do a lot of males hate it when their female best friend gets a boyfriend?
- Question: I was just in a three way best friendship. Let's focus on the endship, am I wrong for leaving because the other two are presumably banging?
- Question: Does this happen often to female employees?
- Question: I loaned 5 thousand bucks to a lifetime friend. He started out paying me back but just quit. It's been over 5 years. Advice?
- Question: Why is my best friend ignoring me we had a big fight last year at this time but now she just randomly stopped talking to me?
- Question: Is my friend full blown toxic, a bully, or just a brat?
- Question: Best way to stop drama?
- Question: What kind of conversation is waste of time for you?
- Question: Have you ever seen something supernatural in your house?
- Question: How do I get over my regret?
- Question: How would you treat the materialistic people?
- Question: Roommate backs out of pet agreement but still invites people to see them?
- Question: Roommate hogs the bathroom, how should i handle this?
- Question: I am really worried about my boyfriend...?
- Question: What would you do if a friend said some hurtful things about you to someone that you know and that person repeated it to you.?
- Question: My just dropped me overnight :/?
- Question: Why does my best friend get mad when I ask if he’s okay?
- Question: How can you be cordial and friendly without being flirty?
- Question: My friend wants to make up, but I don’t trust her anymore. Please give advice?
- Question: Why is it harder for men to make friends?
- Question: My best friend just moved back from Florida. How can we be close again?
- Question: HOW MUCH can i pay for the SWITCH? i want tosav to buy one but my allowence has been revoked?
Question: Girl in school/friend makes me uncomfortable? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:52 PM PST So basically, I'm in 10th grade and just transferred to a new school (the semester just started). This girl has started talking to me and she honestly gives me such weird vibes. On my first day in a class, she started talking to me about how she had gotten into a ton of fights the previous year and how all her friends turned out to be fake. She went on to talk about how she used to be abused and attempted suicide multiple times? I feel for her, and I understand how hard that must be, but isn't that a little much to tell me about on the first day? I feel so bad, because she was telling me about how everyone ditched her, and I don't want to be like that, but she makes me so uncomfortable and depressed feeling (to be honest, this school in general makes me feel like that too). I don't know what to do? I have no other friends so far besides her? I feel so mean and rude. Help? |
Question: Why does she need every guys attention? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:46 PM PST my friend flirts with EVERY guy she comes in contact with. She is always fishing for compliments and trying to get them to say something nice about her. When we are around guys she mocks me and laughs at me for no reason. This guy asked me something and she bursts out laughing. Nothing wasnt even funny. She either bursts out laughing or snigger every time a guy talks to me. Any time a guy walks in the room, she immediately looks at me and sniggers at me the whole time. and ill ask her whats so funny and she'll say shes laughing at something that happened earlier. She wants attention from married men to men who have girlfriends. |
Question: How do I live when I hate myself? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:35 PM PST I hope I don't come off as dramatic but I'm a teen and I've been thinking about killing myself becasue I don't see a reason for me to live. My mother has told me many times in person to go "F—— kill my self like the b——" I am if I ever mess up in life again. I once got a B- and she completely lost it she has a temper too which is half the reason. My father is barely around and he's left many times and I've never felt so alone than now. My only and best friend who stuck by me for years left becasue she cared more about her 'fake friends' who let her down 24/7. I hate myself and I really don't know what to do. I don't want to kill myself but I just want to feel better. How? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:02 PM PST I have no friends in school Rn I'm sitting alone and I hate it so much. I have social anxiety. There's this person in my class who hates me and she tries to ignore me and she's laufhing and I'm alone sad in class. However I'm doing my work and I'm probs beating everyone. I need advice how to not let people bring me down please reply. They're all joking they're sad but I'm the one sad I just want to rip my Hair out btw I'm in junior year year 12 |
Question: How do you deal with people who "try" to one-up you? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:52 PM PST This may sound crazy but I feel like my female neighbor tries to one-up me. I am still in my twenties and she is a lot older than me (by 12 years to be exact). I am going to share a few examples and please feel free to tell me what you think- A few months ago, I bought a new car and then she also bought a new car very similar to mine. I buy furniture and had some remodeling done at my place and then she also did the same. I bought myself a few designer bags and I KID YOU NOT she bought the same designer bags as me. I also noticed that she is dressing very similar to me as well... I am not going to lie but this kind of bothers me because I never dealt with this before. I try my best to ignore her but unfortunately we do live next door to each other so we see each other more often than I would like... How do I deal with people like her ? Jeffrey- I do ignore her but she clearly pays a lot of attention to what I am doing, wearing, what car I am driving etc. My other neighbors also noticed the same... |
Question: How to ask friend to not be the godfather of my child anymore? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:39 PM PST I asked my friend to be the godfather of my child but when the baby was born he did not seen him, this was in july of 2018 and the first time he seen him was in january 2019 and never asks about him at all, how can you tell him not to be the godther anymore. he claims that he s been going through alot and he s been sick caring about himslef baby has not yet been baptized yet and its coming up. but i talk to him most of the times through phone and text but never asks me about how hes doing or anything. how can i put it to tell him that hes not a good fit |
Question: Am I excluding my best friend? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:34 PM PST My best friend and I have been friends for almost 12 years. For the past months, if I asked her to she wanted to hang out, she'd always say, "I have to check" or "I have to see." Since she didn't give me direct answer like yes/no, I hang out with my extended group of friends, which she isn't comfortable around with (yet). She has met them once. When I ask some people in the group to hang out, they'd always give a straight yes or no answer, and that is why I've been hanging out with them more. When I get do get a chance to hang out with my best friend, I'd tell her, "I saw so-and-so yesterday." Then she'd say, "You went out with them and you didn't invite me, I'm sad." Despite her meeting them once, she doesn't know them well. I didn't want to tell her why I hang out with the extended group is because she never gives me a direct answer when I ask her to hang out. If plans are made with the group, my dad would always ask if my best friend is included. When I told him that she wasn't, he asked if me or my group is outcasting my best friend. Recently, I did put her in the chat I have with my extended group of friends, since she asked me if she could be in it. Although she doesn't know them well, she doesn't really contribute to conversations and writes one sentence such as "Lol" "omg" or "I see" whenever the group and I do engage in conversation. At this point it feels awkward with her in it, and the first time she met them, she didn't really talk to them much. What should I do? |
Question: What does this code mean? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:44 PM PST |~&2@::%:@:+/@:^~&1%2 Correction: |~&2@:%:@:+/@:^~&1%2 |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:07 PM PST No matter if you consider my use of Yahoo Answers good or bad, I just wanted to say thanks to all for being there for me and helping me out with advice. |
Question: How can i mail a package without my parents knowing? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:55 PM PST i know. please don t discipline me, but for various reasons, they cannot know. and no, i m not doing something dangerous, i just wanna send my friend a gift for her birthday. now, here are the details. i m sending my friend, who is from canada whilst i am in the US, a tiny package with a stuffed toy. i cannot go down to the post office since i can t drive, and even if i could, i d be afraid. what do you suggest doing? would it worked if i slipped it into my neighbor s mailbox with the right amount of money? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:53 PM PST problems between the two of you (if it did)? Any other details would be helpful. thanks. |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:35 PM PST I've been best friends with this girl for about 5 years and our relationship has recently been growing stronger. This is all because I started listening to a boy band that she really likes and, now that we have that in common, it's easier for us to talk. The problem is that I don't have close friends apart from her and I noticed that I'm starting to be very annoying. There was a time not too long ago when I wrote her every day and, even though she said that she didn't mind, I think that she found me too clingy (I was annoyed by my own actions so why wouldn't she find them annoying?). I'm starting to be very possessive of her and I want our relationship to be exclusive. But I know that's crazy. So my question is, how can I change myself? Is there something wrong with me? I know I should go out and find more people to hang out with, but I convinced myself that I'll never find someone as perfect as her. Do you have any advice on how to change this toxic mentality? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:34 PM PST So I go to a predominantly white school. I have three white friends. One of the "friends" said hey can you throw this out for me. The other "friend" said " hey I can't be your slave I'm white" then turned to me( a black/ Hispanic) and said " hey why don't your a slave throw it away". That PISSED me off and said thats not funny and they didn't care. It took every bone I'm my body not to punch her in her face. Do you think I am being over dramatic about it? I take pride in my heritage and don't find it funny at all about things that are derogatory. |
Question: Am I being dramatic? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:17 PM PST I have this friend that messages me back with one word answers. Today I got tired of it and left them on read. Am I right or am I being annoying? |
Question: Why do a lot of males hate it when their female best friend gets a boyfriend? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:51 AM PST Though out my life, I have often seen males get upset when their female best friend got a boyfriend. Why is that? Shouldn't they be happy for their friend? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:42 AM PST I thought it was all good, Z, C and I were meant to be bff's. We're passionate about the same things. Same sense of humor. Naturally, Z starts falling for C, vice versa, but I stick around in denial, acting as a catalyst to bring them together, a buffer so they could get to know each other in the comfortable friend zone before they start *******. Am I valid in feeling like cutting ends with them so I don't feel like a perpetual 3rd wheel?? I do not know how to bring it up because I do not want to seem jealous, but I genuinely do feel left out these days. But they are pissed because I just quit them cold turkey and cannot give them an explanation because I feel bad for not being happy for them? The dynamic of the friendship has shifted from 1+1+1= 3 to 2+1=3. |
Question: Does this happen often to female employees? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:36 AM PST A new employee, Joan was transferred into my department. To say that she was beautiful is an understatement. She is gorgeous. Being a single guy I know what single guys were going to do so I had a meeting of all employees and told them that I had a moral and legal obligation to prevent any sexual harassment in the work place. Anyone that created a hostile work place for Joan would be history. I told them she was here to do a job and not to be hit on. They knew I meant it. Joan told me she did not want to cause anyone any trouble. She just wanted to do her job. I told her that was exactly what I wanted her to do and if she felt any harassment in the work place to report it to me. She has worked here for a few months and has been an excellent employee. She told me this is the first place she has ever worked and no one hit on her and she really appreciated it. Gals, is a boss hitting on you something that happens often? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:51 AM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:24 AM PST |
Question: Is my friend full blown toxic, a bully, or just a brat? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:55 AM PST I use the term "friends" lightly because she has actually been a pain in my side. She can be funny and her quirky sense of humor did help me get out of a dark time. She doesn't take life seriously. But the problem is her attitude. She is self centered, and can be controlling. I once had to decline for her birthday event because I had to work and she accused me of lying. Last year for her birthday I got people together and we all went cosmic bowling and she had a blast. Days later, when I had no money to go out, she texted me wanting to go out to dinner for her birthday. I told her I was broke and she came back with "All we did was bowl. I wanted to go to dinner." I felt hurt. I gathered friends, bought her a cake, and planned the event and this is the thanks I got. She constantly picks on my boyfriend. He is younger than me and she LOVES to point that out and criticize our age difference every time she gets the chance. My boyfriend treats me very well and he is an established adult with his own place and full time career. We work great together and we're happy. Yet she picks on him bad! Says that she thinks he's "clingy" even though when we're all together with our mutual friends he and I will gladly mingle with everyone else. She criticizes conversations she's not in. My boyfriend and his friend were talking and she was making comments to her friends about how "their conversation was more intellectual than there's" while looking over at them. The thing is, every time I think I have successfully ducked out of the friendship, she comes back wanting to do something. I'm too nice, agree to go out, thinking maybe she'll be nicer. And it's the same thing. If I just flat out tell her to leave me alone, I know she'll retaliate. What do I do? |
Question: Best way to stop drama? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:21 AM PST i seems to cause drama around me, A LOT. what can i do to stop it? please answer, i don't want to lose friends. |
Question: What kind of conversation is waste of time for you? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:31 AM PST |
Question: Have you ever seen something supernatural in your house? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:57 AM PST I have and had doors slam people sprint through the hallway. |
Question: How do I get over my regret? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:37 AM PST When I was a kid , maybe 11 or 12 , I did something very sick and I regret it. I regret it more than anything and I have lived with this for years without telling anyone and I get constant reminders of what I did. I keep telling myself to just forgive it, that I was a kid and it was not my fault. But I should have known better. What I did was horrible and if I got the chance to travel back in time I d rather of killed myself than have went and did what I did. Its all I ever think about and it destroys me. I am a terrible person. I don t know how to get over this, or if I even should. :( I cannot tell anyone becuz they would hate me. |
Question: How would you treat the materialistic people? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:53 AM PST they are everywhere, also inside the family or outside the family |
Question: Roommate backs out of pet agreement but still invites people to see them? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 11:36 PM PST My roommates and I (3 of us) got 2 rabbits. A semester in, one of my roommates backs out of the pet agreement, and leaves me and my other roommate to take care of my rabbits. now she invites people over and they re petting our rabbits and it makes us uncomfortable that her friends walk in an pet them even though she doesnt pay for them at all!! At the same time tho, how do we restrict newcomers from being able to pet the rabbits? |
Question: Roommate hogs the bathroom, how should i handle this? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 11:21 PM PST My new rommate shares a bathroom with me and one other person. She has zero concept of how to share and does not have consideration for other people, it has been stressing me out. This especially is an issue in the morning time before me and her need to leave for work at 8:30. You would think since she knows i am also trying to get ready at this time, she would be more cautious of sharing. But nope. This one time she was in the bathroom from 7:30 to 8:30. Yes, an HOUR. First she took a long shower then she went back in to do her makeup and hair. I knocked on the door to see if i could pee/brush my teeth/wash face so i wouldnt be late for work, she was jamming out to music while getting ready when she opened the door and looked annoyed i was interrupting her but she let me in really quick. This is usually what she does most days but when she doesnt shower, it only takes 30 minutes instead of the hour. I have tried going in the bathroom at 7am to avoid her but that is when our 3rd roommate gets ready for work. Its to the point that i have NO space to use the bathroom, and all i need is 5 minutes in there. Thats it. How should i handle the situation and what should i say? I hate confrontation and arguing but this isn't fair to me |
Question: I am really worried about my boyfriend...? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 11:17 PM PST My boyfriend & I have been dating for 1.5 years. When we 1st met, he was in a really dark place..just graduated from med school & got out of a serious relationship where she cheated. He loved her & that betrayal, mixed with the grueling years of med-school, & a bad relationship with his parents-drained him. He was drinking very heavily. We met because he moved from his home town to my city to begin surgery residency. We met 1 week after he arrived. I helped him out of it. Months later he was finally HAPPY again..almost done with his 1st year of residency! One month before the start of residency year 2, his program director informed him that they are not giving him a permanent spot with the program bcuz they dont have enough funding to keep him. He was blindsided. ONE MONTH to find a new spot. Impossible. With the help of a friend, he miraculously got in touch w/ a program director at a program across the US- she told him she would give him a chance & see what happens. He moved his whole life in 2 weeks & started yr 2 Not a happy ending. The betrayal of the yr 1 program playing with him really messed him up again. On top of that, the new stress of weather this new program will even keep him now. Once you have 2 years of this back to back in surgery, you may never find a spot again. He is drinking again. We are long distance now so I cant do much but talk. Tonight he was venting & said, "im tried of this. I cant keep doing this anymore." I said, "doing what" & he said "life" I dont think he do rash self-harm, but I am still really worried about his mental health. He seems stressed and depressed again. Residency is HORRIBLE as it can make anyone depressed.(He is on-call every 2 days.. works 100 hour weeks+) a city where he knows NO ONE. So every chance hes home, he just drinks. Due to his profession, he cant get help. I need help now w/ what I should say to him & what I can do to help him. I try to visit him as much as I can. When im there hes 100x better |
Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:46 PM PST |
Question: My just dropped me overnight :/? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 09:12 PM PST Like we were talking constantly over snapchat and texting but now she's just basically ignoring me all through out today...she's not the same person I've been talking to recently...idk how I should handle it. Like she is completely different. I asked her if I bothered her at all today and she said "don't worry. you didn't at all." Normally she would have said "no no no of course not :) how are you??" Like I feel as if I'm talking to a different person completely and it's driving me insane. She said she wants to hang out tomorrow but I originally asked. Normally she would...I feel like it's my fault. How do I talk to someone that barely wants to talk now? |
Question: Why does my best friend get mad when I ask if he’s okay? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 09:02 PM PST My best friend is very private and doesn't talk about his feelings much, even with me. It's usually not a problem because I understand this about him and he's usually pretty stable emotionally. However, sometimes after we hang out with other people he'll shutdown and I'll be able to tell he's upset. When I ask him if he's okay he'll get extremely angry with me, even if I only ask him once which is usually the case. Other times I'll avoid the question entirely and just offer to do things to make him feel better, like get him ice cream and he'll get angry about that too, saying he gets annoyed when I try to 'fix' how he's feeling. I know that he doesn't like to talk about his feelings, but having him get so mad at me for something so small is frustrating, especially since it's done out of concern for him and it's not like I press him on the issue. If he said he wasn't okay, but he didn't want to talk about it then I would let it go, but getting yelled at for the act of noting when he's obviously bothered by something really sucks. It's especially annoying since he asks about my emotional state all the time and he is very pushy if I'm not open and forthright about how I'm feeling. He can be infuriating, but I really care about him and I want to be able to broach more difficult topics with him without him lashing out at me, or at least understand why it bothers him so much. If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle the situation I would really appreciate it! |
Question: How can you be cordial and friendly without being flirty? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 08:56 PM PST This guy I sit next to in class has started making small talk with me... Before a slight crush develops on him more, how can I continue to still be interested in what he has to say without myself coming across as flirty or ending up with hurt feelings bc he might not feel the same way.... I'm usually pretty shy, so I feel as if any talking and laughing will be perceived as flirting...And I'm afraid maybe he's just nice , so I don't want to make things awkward. How can I continue to be nice without making it obvious that I think he's cute? Or should I just risk it bc life is too short? |
Question: My friend wants to make up, but I don’t trust her anymore. Please give advice? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 08:22 PM PST My roommate (friend) got into a heated argument and later that night, we talked about the things that we find frustrating in each other. A few minutes later, the police comes to our dorm, asking my roommate if she's ok and what's going on. I thought she had called the cops on me. When I asked her why the police came, she said she didn't know. The next day I asked her again, and she said that she was texting her friend while she and I were talking (that night) and she said verbatim to her friend, "I can't do this anymore. I'm not strong enough, I can't be the bigger person" (she said more things, but told me she didn't remember) her friend tried calling her and when she didn't answer, her friend called the cops. If she would've told me that the cops came to check on HER, I wouldn't have been so angry. She had me thinking for TWO days that the cops were called on me. To me, her texts to her friend sounded suicidal, so I asked her if she was and she said, No, I was just upset with you. It may have seemed like I was exaggerating, but I was not, those texts weren't suicidal, people say things when they're upset." I don't trust her because I feel like she's a liar and mentally unstable, however, she want to write down things that frustrates us. We did that the last time and the cops were called. |
Question: Why is it harder for men to make friends? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 06:43 PM PST For example, I'm a collegiate athlete and I have teammates, associates and acquaintances, but EVEN with all that, Sometimes I find myself as a loner. Sometimes, I wish I just had that one good friend that everybody has. (Best friend). |
Question: My best friend just moved back from Florida. How can we be close again? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 05:47 PM PST My best friend just came back from Florida after 6 years. I really care about him, but I don't think we're as close anymore. Can we get close again, or is are friendship over? |
Posted: 05 Feb 2019 08:13 PM PST hello mymom she recently said iw as play too much mincraft and fortnight and she took away my allowances untl my grades are better (im homeschool) and i wanted to buy a switch but im cant save up anymore now and i wanted to buy some more things on fortnight.... HOW MUCH CAN I PAY i want a switch but chistmas is eight months away |
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