Marriage & Divorce: Question: Platonic relationship? |
- Question: Platonic relationship?
- Question: I just had a baby...husband wants to taste my breast milk...should I divorce him?
- Question: Do you think a woman should get half of a man s stuff when she divorces him?
- Question: I killed my own wife. The day my wife died was the last time I ever smiled.?
- Question: Is the cause of divorce because women now....?
- Question: Apa dia udah benar2 siap nikahin aku? dia masih nganggur?
- Question: Can a divorce be justified by really, and I mean really bad sex?
- Question: What would a relationship or marriage with 2 narcissists be like? Would they both manipulate & abuse each other?
- Question: Can our sex life be fixed or should I just give up?
- Question: How to comfort your wife ?
- Question: What do you call someone who use to prostitute?
- Question: Is there a way to change a baby’s last name?
- Question: My husband wants a divorce after 31 years of marriage.?
- Question: Is seeing my boyfriend 3 days a week detrimental for our relationship?
- Question: Inlaws don’t take our picture ?
- Question: Angry husband advice?
- Question: My husband wants sex every night is this normal?
- Question: How do I win my wife's heart after I cheated on her? Please help me .. I truly regret my actions.?
- Question: I think my husband is a narcissist from my research. Please help me?
- Question: Wants to live together but never marriage?
- Question: How to make love to a divorced man.. How to make him forget about his past marriage?
- Question: Is it OK for a married woman s guy friend to give her roses?
- Question: Advice on the roommate my husband and I have?
- Question: Husband's complaining about the kids every morning is stressing our children and me out, what should I do?
- Question: Mentally abusive husband?
- Question: Ladies would you marry a man whose father has married many times and cheated?
- Question: Why do girls love cuddles ?
Question: Platonic relationship? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:47 PM PST I had a 2 month platonic relationship with my supervisor. it was a result of marital issues i had. He is single. We ended it all in December when i reconciled with my husband. My boss is now ignoring me, not answering to my emails, and on one occasion talked down to me. I am managing a small department myself and it is hard to communicate with him as we used to. and we were very close to each other. in fact, he was the one always saying "we are just friends," but now acts really hurt. I want a normal working relationship with him. Advice? |
Question: I just had a baby...husband wants to taste my breast milk...should I divorce him? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:46 PM PST He actually wants me to breastfeed him and then have sex..... I think he is a weirdo...should I look into divorce? |
Question: Do you think a woman should get half of a man s stuff when she divorces him? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:24 PM PST Even when they re caught cheating they get half of everything, get the house if there s only 1, car if theres only 1, the kids, theyll make the man sell his business in order to give her half of what its worth, and on top of that, her husband is forced to pay for her attorney if she can t afford it. What kind of equality is that? |
Question: I killed my own wife. The day my wife died was the last time I ever smiled.? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:20 PM PST The last time I ever smiled was 24 years ago. When my wife died, a part of me died with her. When my daughter was born, I realized how much life she has given me. And I said, my name is Bill, and I'm going to name her Billee. And I became her dad, her mom, her cook, her chauffeur. My daughter never got to experience a mother's love, and I took that from her. How can I deal with this? she died giving birth |
Question: Is the cause of divorce because women now....? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:08 PM PST I met a friend who has been married for 7 years and he said the cause of divorce is because women nowadays is working besides the husband..... true or false? |
Question: Apa dia udah benar2 siap nikahin aku? dia masih nganggur? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:04 PM PST Hai aku lagi butuh pertimbangan banget nnih Aku wanita full independent (mandiri, gak pernah minta sama orang tua lagi), setelah lulus sarjana aku langsung kerja di perusahaan swasta, nge kos sendiri. kemudian aku bertemu dengan seorang cowok yang di comblangin sama teman aku, dia juga sarjana, tapi sekarang lagi nganggur, tinggal gratisan di sekret kampus, kadang ngambil kerja paruh waktu sebagai buruh. awal kami pacaran dia udah ngajak aku nikah, katanya dia gak mau pacaran lama2. orang tuanya udah siap nikahin dia. tapi sampai sekarang jalan 5 bulan hubungan kami, aku masih bilang belum siap nikah. jujur aku ngomong kek gitu, karena aku pikir dia yang belum siap nikah, kerjaannya aja belum jelas, tinggalnya juga blm jelas, aku bingung sih sama dia kok mikir nikah secepat itu padahal belum ada persiapan sama sekali. kadang aku juga masih ragu sama dia, emang sih dia udah pernah ngajak aku ke rumahnya dia dan dia udah kenalin aku ke semua keluarganya, kecuali kedua orang tuanya (karena lagi rantau di jayapura), dia ngomong ke keluarganya kalau dia bakal nikah sama aku. menruut kalian ketemu sama kelaurganya udah cukup gak sih nunjukin keseriusannya dia? tapi dari segi tanggung jawab aku ngerasa dia belum siap? setelah kami nikah mau makan apa? tingal dimana? ituyg sering aku pikirain. masa iya setelah nikah aku cewek yang kerja, tinggal dikosan aku...bukannya itu tebalik? bukannya itu seharusnya tanggung jawab seorang laki2. |
Question: Can a divorce be justified by really, and I mean really bad sex? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:45 PM PST |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:35 PM PST |
Question: Can our sex life be fixed or should I just give up? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:15 PM PST My husband is 31 but I feel like my high school boyfriend lasted longer than he does. My husband and I have sex about 1-2 times a week and he's always done in less than 2 minutes. Sometimes it's only a few pumps, especially if I'm on top . It makes me not want to have sex with him at all, because I never get to finish before he's done. To make matters worse he doesn't like going down on me, but to be honest he isnt any good at it anyway. And when he uses his fingers it's very uncomfortable sometimes painful. Is there any hope for us? |
Question: How to comfort your wife ? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:07 PM PST My wife is pregnant with our 3rd baby she's been having dreams of me cheating on her I would never do that to her I been with her for 10 years been married for 7 I think if I wanted to leave I would have by now. We got 2 kids together she never acted this way during the first two pregnancies she was always happy this time she's sad and depressed. How can I comfort her ? |
Question: What do you call someone who use to prostitute? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:55 PM PST |
Question: Is there a way to change a baby’s last name? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:33 PM PST My brother is still technically married to his children's mother. They are going to get a divorce soon though, she just had their baby without telling him so he wasn't present at the hospital. When she named the baby she gave the baby her maiden last name. He put in child support request so he can actually see her as well as his other two children by her. He's highly upset the baby doesn't have his last name. Is there a way to petition either thru the attorney generals or divorce court to get the baby's last name changed on her birth certificate to his? He lives in Texas. |
Question: My husband wants a divorce after 31 years of marriage.? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:30 PM PST He fpind out about a 3 month long affair I had 15 years ago. It was biggest mistake of my life and one have never repeated. We have be going to conceling since he found out but after 6 months of counceling he says just cant get past it. Am deveststed i want to make this work but all he says is that its been a lie for the past 15 years. |
Question: Is seeing my boyfriend 3 days a week detrimental for our relationship? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:45 PM PST Since the beginning of our relationship (5 months) I've been seeing my boyfriend 4 days a week. I just got a new job opportunity so it will affect our relationship and reduce it to 3 days. Is this okay? It would ruin our routine. :/ |
Question: Inlaws don’t take our picture ? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:33 PM PST We recently had a new baby ,exciting right ? My mil and sil at least took a picture of the baby but nothing of me or my husband with her . They had a family Christmas and we were there Christmas Eve and they take nothing but on Christmas take of everyone . They have don't this for the 6 years I've been around . I take what I get which isn't a lot . They have two pictures of my baby and have seen her more than twice . I take my own photos anymore but I don't understand? She also takes a sons photo on the stairs every year and decides to post the one without my husband this year . I guess I don't live up to their expectations? |
Question: Angry husband advice? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:16 PM PST My husband has been so verbally rude lately. He is blaming everything on me and calling me horrible names. It all started with a freezer we had in the garage. I said I wanted to keep it and he BLEW up. It was over the stupidest thing. Now he wants me to leave him alone and not talk to him. Were supposed to take a trip tomorrow for my sons bday but now he said hes not going and he doesnt care how people feel. I m so tired of this embarrassment especially in front of our son. This happens at least once a month and it s over dumb things. I feel like I have to watch every single word I say and make sure he wont get mad over it even if he takes it the wrong way. I |
Question: My husband wants sex every night is this normal? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:09 PM PST At first we did it every few days but now its every night. One day we did it three times. What's going on? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:44 PM PST |
Question: I think my husband is a narcissist from my research. Please help me? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:26 PM PST My husband is draining the life out of me and he doesn't want us to seek help. The following are his characteristics Control freak, clean freak, I must never touch his personal belongings unless iam cleaning or washing, I can't even wear his tees or sandals minus confrontations. He curses and gets physically aggressive when angry, he claims not to care how I feel about his reactions or what he says. He financially abuses me and verbally , sometimes physically abuses me even in front of our 2 kids. He loves himself so much that he buys so many clothes for himself while he only buys me stuff on my birthday. He is gloomy on every special day, even his own birthday or his own children's birthdays such that our older son asked me why daddy does that. He loves to go out alone and leave me home with the kids claiming he is broke and I should sponsor any outing. He makes me spend my money till am broke and makes me beg him for money which he sometimes doesnt give me and yells at me for being a careless spender. He provokes the kids into crying by his unreasonable games. He hits our son for failing to answer homework questions correctly. He got HIV which I don't have through womanising. I almost left 3 times and my older kid cried and begged me to stay coz he wants mummy and daddy together. However, I still find myself back with him. I don't know how to make our relationship better. The list goes on and on.... Please help me....iam broken to pieces. Been married for 7years. |
Question: Wants to live together but never marriage? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:50 AM PST So my boyfriend of nine months wants to get an apartment together but never get married. I told him I am not ok with this. Why would I live with someone who does not want a future with me? What would you all do? |
Question: How to make love to a divorced man.. How to make him forget about his past marriage? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:35 AM PST |
Question: Is it OK for a married woman s guy friend to give her roses? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:15 AM PST I have been married a few years now to a woman who has this male friend. A friend who I find out had a crush on her in high school (which was 10 years ago). He recently came by my house to drop off a pink rose to my wife to congratulate her on landing a new job. I was not home. I found out about this when I saw it on the table with a congratulatory note (no name). When I approached my wife about this, she said "that s how he is." He often is described as a naive kinda guy. My wife told him about how this made me feel disrespected a bit. His response was "if he has a problem, I have no problem with him calling me." He clearly just doesn t get it. Is this normal you guys?? I could use another opinion.... |
Question: Advice on the roommate my husband and I have? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:18 AM PST My husband's 26 year old first cousin has been living with us 2 years now and I feel like it is time for him to move out but the problem is my husband wants him to live here forever. He works about 20 to 25 hours a week, still has no savings account, has been sharing my husband's car. My husband has said he pays for his expensive phone bill often. He hasn't had one single date in more than 3 years, as he never ever leaves the house. Not even to take a walk. If he leaves his room he wants to be around me or my children. When he doesn't borrow my husband's car to work then my husband has to arrange transportation for him every single time. I feel he is too dependent on my husband and a burden to our family, as we have 3 young children under 4 years of age to care for in our tiny apartment. Husband says he is autistic and needs to be under his care. But I feel he needs care elsewhere. I also do not feel comfortable with his past. His dad used to rape his 6 year old sister in front of him often when he was a little boy. They ended up being taken by CPS. Well when his dad was released from jail he would talk to him on the phone every day, even though he had many years of therapy and a foster family. When he was 22 years old he moved back in with his awful father, who only continued to beat him up and drink nonstop. I don't feel comfortable with this person living with our family, how do I convince my husband ? |
Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:58 AM PST I stay home with our 4, 3 and almost 2 year old. My husband works very hard at a job he doesn't like, so I understand he is going through some difficult stuff right now and I try very hard to help him. However, every single morning he sends me annoying texts messages and complains about every single around the children make. If they play with their toys, he will complain. If they are crying, he always wastes no time shooting me text messages that they are too loud and i have to make them be quiet. If they are happy and talking he complains they are too loud. Most of the time I think they are not too loud, but I do try to help them learn to be quiet because I understand he works and is tired. He does this every single time and today he told me he is getting tired of telling me to keep them quiet in the mornings... Well i am frustrated because the temperate outside is -7 for the high and then goes to -30 for the low and these subzero temperatures will continue nonstop for the next month according to the forecast. We live in a tiny 3rd floor apartment and due to the extreme cold my kids and I can not go anywhere for them to burn off much needed energy. My husband complaining through annoying text messages is making me annoyed with him because I understand our kids are very young and don't know any better. I also understand it is not easy for my children with these extremely cold sub zero temperatures. What else can I do? Any suggestions? |
Question: Mentally abusive husband? Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:24 AM PST |
Question: Ladies would you marry a man whose father has married many times and cheated? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:08 PM PST |
Question: Why do girls love cuddles ? Posted: 06 Feb 2019 12:37 PM PST My wife loves to lay in bed and cuddle all day. Why ? |
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