Family: Question: My boyfriend wants to marry me but I don't have a drivers license. Will this hugely affect our relationship/marriage? |
- Question: My boyfriend wants to marry me but I don't have a drivers license. Will this hugely affect our relationship/marriage?
- Question: Is it weird that I lost my virginity with my gram?
- Question: Is it good my parents are doing this?
- Question: I’m turning 16 and I hate being a kid, my parent piss me off so ******* much,?
- Question: My brother told me I am a loser? :(?
- Question: Is my mother controlling or a narcissist?
- Question: How should I deal with my ignorant/racist 13 year old cousin?
- Question: 16 and afraid to handle social-related things by myself?
- Question: What Should I Do About My Mom?
- Question: Half or full?
- Question: Is it bad if I barely communicate with my dad?
- Question: My boyfriends mother beats the crap out of him over stupid stuff. He’s only 17 and we don’t know what to do?
- Question: How can I talk to my daughter about this ?
- Question: Parent trouble...?
- Question: Do you find it entertaining when people quote statute but stop when it contradicts what they are saying?
- Question: Am I in the right of not wanting to invite my father to my graduation?
- Question: How do I go on living when the whole family has abandoned me?
- Question: My Mom's cousin revealed a family secret at my work when talking to me. How do I make sure people who heard it don't think I am who said it?
- Question: Is my mother a narc?
- Question: I hurt everyday with the fear that I may be defined in my extended family by mistakes my parents made. How do I overcome this fear?
- Question: Is this normal behaviour from a mother?
- Question: Should I ask my dad if he can send me to a boarding school. So I won't interfere his and my Stepmom lives?
- Question: Is this Messed up to do to someone or is this taking it personal?
- Question: 17 year old says hes treated like a kid?
- Question: Why would my 23 yr old daughter feel sad when she saw a sign that said?
- Question: I don’t want my baby is this normal?
- Question: Can someone help me with my mom?
- Question: How to deal with nagging overbearing mother as a teenager?
- Question: Is 80,000 a lot of money?
- Question: I want to see a play, but my parent's won't take me.?
- Question: How to make up for lost time.?
- Question: My parents and sister are going to St, Michaels this weekend and it is just me here. How do I party and what should I do in the house?
- Question: Is my mom kind of a hypocrite? Do you have any advice for this?
- Question: Why did I get kicked out from home for expresssing my opinion?
- Question: Why do I hate my brothers girlfriends and my mom.?
- Question: Would you allow your teenage daughter to be shy and quiet?
- Question: Why do girls cry over guys ?
- Question: Bpd and behavior?
- Question: What are some excuses for being gone all day besides work, school, or a field trip?
- Question: Am I in the wrong?
- Question: Can I go to court for this?
- Question: My dad told my fiance that he did not give him permission to marry me...?
- Question: Step brother doesnt work nor go to school and parents don't care?
- Question: Daughters sharing apartment fighting.?
- Question: How to comfort your sister when she's scared ?
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:08 PM PST I have terrible anxiety about driving and it's crippled me my entire adulthood. I am almost 27. MY heart begins to beat out of my chest as soon as i get in the driver's seat. I have been avoiding going to therapy but i'm finally deciding to get help for this because I know it's not normal to be this afraid. I am going to make it my duty to get in counseling and overcome this so I can be an independent adult. I can't even drive myself to the grocery store without having a major panic attack and black out. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to live in a constant state of extreme fear and paranoia. I am worried this will consume me and my future marriage will be on the rocks because of it. My boyfriend is 35 and wants to marry me. He says he loves me, we've been together for 4 years and he's not getting any younger. He wants to get married very soon within this year but the problem is once we get married and move in together he will have to drive me everywhere until I can get my license and it will be a huge burden on him. I am afraid he will resent me for it. Right now, It's not really that stressful for him because the driving is dividided amoung my dad, my mom, and him so he doesn't have to do ALL the driving everyday. My mom will take me to work, my dad takes me to the grocery store, and my boyfriend will take me to the bank and other mischellanious places, sometimes he will also pick me up from work. my boyfriend never complains about having to drive me places. |
Question: Is it weird that I lost my virginity with my gram? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:08 PM PST Not like we lost it with each other lol. I mean like we were both at the same party and ended up losing our virginities with these two different guys on the same bed. We held hands for part of it. My gram is basically my best friend so I'm glad I was able to experience my first time with her. My aunt is getting all upset now though because my cousin blabbed to her (about something very personal mind you). Is my aunt just an old-timey religious fanatic hag or something? |
Question: Is it good my parents are doing this? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:05 PM PST They pressure me to get A's and B's. No C's allowed or I get punished by them making me do physical work instead of free time. They will scream at the top of their lungs if they see a bad grade and make sure I'll regret it. Other than that they make me go to bed at least at 10pm and will force me to wake up an hour be school and if I didn't get enough sleep they still will wake me up some how. Is it really that important/serious? How hard is it when you are an adult, and what do you wish you did before? |
Question: I’m turning 16 and I hate being a kid, my parent piss me off so ******* much,? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 12:56 PM PST Honestly will it get better if I just move out when I'm 18 or enjoy my childhood? |
Question: My brother told me I am a loser? :(? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 12:44 PM PST So I am about to be 24. I still live at home and don't really have money saved. I work full time and pay all my car expenses and my health, dental insurance and credit cards. I STILL can't figure out what I want to do for a career. I owe about $5,000 between my two credit cards. I have given them to my Dad to hold and I am paying them down every check. I work at a call center, so not a 'skilled' job and I make about $24,000 a year. My Dad also has a low paying job (I live with him) so he doesn't really mind me being here. My brother said I am lazy and will neve amount to anything so I just don't feel great about myself now :( I can't "get a degree" when I don't know what I want to do. I was thinking about becoming a financial advisor (ironic, i know) but they only make $67,000 here in MA. It is more than I make yes, but still not very much. I was thinking being a FA would be good as a high demand job. They say 'if you don't do what you love, you are wasting your time' but honestly I don't know what I love to do... |
Question: Is my mother controlling or a narcissist? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:15 AM PST My mother always has to be in control and she is so angry .. she infuses this anger on me and my sister. Right now I'm emotionally drained dealing with her. . I'm 30 and in my own home .. I put my mother out yesterday |
Question: How should I deal with my ignorant/racist 13 year old cousin? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:19 AM PST I have a younger cousin who is 13 years old, and she can be very disrespectful to her parents and our grandparents, she will say things I never imagined myself saying. But one of the things that heavily bothers me is that she can be very ignorant and racist, she will mock foreign accents from other races, pull her eyes back to look "Chinese", mock people who cannot speak perfect English, and overall can be very xenophobic and rude. Whenever I politely call her out to avoid a huge spectacle (telling her things like "you shouldn't really say that" etc.) my family will undermine me. They will bother me was to why I think its wrong and they don't understand, demand I stop because I'm "creating an issue", tell me I shouldn't bother because she will "grow out of it", or I'm being "too sensitive". I think 13 years old is damn well old enough to know better, she most likely will not stop if nobody says anything, and whenever I try to explain to them why it isn't okay it never gets through. I just want to try and help her learn early on since other people can get hurt or she can even hurt herself through acting this way when she is older. How should I deal with this? |
Question: 16 and afraid to handle social-related things by myself? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:15 AM PST My dad is angry at me for being 16 and unable to go into a library or store by myself and purchase or check out books. The interaction with the employee just makes me nervous. Am I really a baby? And does my dad have the right to really be mad at me? |
Question: What Should I Do About My Mom? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 09:04 AM PST Hi Good morning, I haven't posted on here for a while but umm.... I have few questions and plus no mean comments I'm already not well right now. but over the past last yesterday or when Lake Mary H.S Came for Johnny's House football fridays she will go to this guy's house and leave me and stephanie home alone and she got really upset. and now we are not talking because of what she did to me? and now I'm sitting here, thinking I don't know what to do about my mom she thinks that she does not have a problem and like whenever she gets off. Early and I hear them fight, aruge on the phone I got tired of it and Stephanie as well she thinks she can fight and get rid of anybody she wants. I mean I'm listening to Dawson Mcalister. I heard someone's mom was silmiar to like that and another thing to my sister Stehanie will push me and beat me , and also one thing from last year my dad went to this other lady's house and they had 2 kids together. and he was being sneaky I mean i think this is called cheating on each other in different ways anyways and my mom keep refusing Cousling because she. Thinks that she doesn't have a problem of her life which I think she's lying to me what should I do I am on couseling, and another thing that my counseling has said to me about getting family threapy but the problem is my mom doesn't want it because she thinks that she can fix her problems on her own and yes my sister is right my mom and dad had my the wrong choice when my sisters we're younger. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:38 AM PST Anyone else with half siblings feel like there's no real connection/bond because of it? I would try my best to never allow my kids to go through that and only have 1 baby daddy. It's not nice at all not having any full siblings. I feel like we aren't even blood related half the time because we're so distant. |
Question: Is it bad if I barely communicate with my dad? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:33 AM PST I live with my mom and I feel kinda bad for not talking to my dad much. I was staying with him for a couple of months and he would basically treat me like a secretary and told me i needed to be on top of all the payments he needs to make. He would give me all his cards and make me call and help him make his payments even though he already knows how to. Now I'm back with my mom and he kept calling and messaging me and it turned out to only be because he wanted me to help make his payments again even though he can do it himself... We honestly aren't good at communicating either are conversations usually go "hey how are you" "good and you" "good" and that's it. He called a couple days ago and I ignored it and haven't called back. Should I feel bad? Should I force myself to reply? I'm honestly not good at communicating with people unless it's my mom or best friend so..? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:31 AM PST She punches him,slaps him, etc. Like for instance yesturday while he was asleep she woke him up by punching him in the face. Another example is that she woke him up about 50 minutes ago by throwing his things and yelling at him all because he ate chicken that was supposedly hers. |
Question: How can I talk to my daughter about this ? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:43 AM PST My daughter is 3 she'll be 4 in April last night me and my wife took her and her uncle to see A Dogs Way Home again it was her first time watching it it was our second time. She did good for her first movie but there was a scene where these two guys found the dogs in the snow they rescued them she asked if those guys were together because there were other kids there saying that they were. We haven't talked to her about this yet we don't know when the right age is to tell her I guess since they're putting gay couples in kid shows now we may as well tell her. She doesn't watch much Disney shows but her favorite is Doc Mcstuffins they had a gay couple in that WTF. Also both of her uncles are gay but she doesn't see them very much they don't live very close to us. I guess we'll have to tell her sooner or later she'll find out. I don't know how to tell her or how she'll react to it I'm not comfortable with telling her yet since she's so young. How can I tell her or should I even tell her ? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:42 AM PST Last night was a very windy night and i always sleep with my window open. The nutcracker statue kind of thing that was on my windowsill must have blown out during the nigh and i hadn't noticed. i go up in the middle of the night and shut it. By late morning my mother comes up and says that she found my nutcracker with its head broken off. Now she's in a mood saying i don't care about my stuff and I'm reckless. I hadn't even been in my room 1 hour awake. Why is she doing this? Any have any experience of this? |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:27 AM PST Look at the comments. |
Question: Am I in the right of not wanting to invite my father to my graduation? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 06:37 AM PST That bast*rd hasn't given me a penny for my education (sorry for my bad language but there are things that you just can't comprehend). This is my last semester and I spend a lot traveling since my uni is in another city one hour away and do you think he could at least borrow me his loudspeaker for a presentation I had??? No, he even blocked me on whatsapp and then he denied he did. It has only been my older sister who has paid me all my expenses, both at school and at university. she has also paid for trips and other whims because of my good grades. I would not invite my mother either, since she is a very toxic person and has abused me emotionally and also physically, but at least she has given me food and a roof to live on. My father says that the 9 kids he had with my mom are not completely his, when most of us have his darker skin and nose. He also has a habit of talking things out of place and nonsense and I do not want him to embarrass me in front of my friends. My older sister says that I should invite him, she even "threatened" that she wouldn't go, but is my freaking decision, I will grad magna c u m laude and I worked my azz for that, thanks to my efforts but also thanks to my sister in part. Am in the right of not wanting to invite him? |
Question: How do I go on living when the whole family has abandoned me? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:46 AM PST I am alone, naked, in the woods with no humans a hundred miles from me. That is how I feel. I am abandoned, unloved, unlovable, and am reduced to nothing. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:18 AM PST It was something people have said they'd prefer to keep private about someone's mental health a while back (1980's and 90's). This person is stable now. |
Question: Is my mother a narc? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:48 AM PST She is always angry and she targets me and my sister with her frustration. She is trying to control us ... Living with her is complicated because she feel like she's in control. |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:43 AM PST My parents mistreated some family in the 1990's. Years later I fear I am defined by what they did because when I was a kid I was not allowed to see the part of the family my parents were mad at. I am close to all the extended family now but fear I am still defined by my parents mistake. The estrangement ended about 20 years ago when I was 15. |
Question: Is this normal behaviour from a mother? Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:55 AM PST My mum is always on her phone and ignores me and other people when she's on it. I always ask her to please don't use it around us and to talk to us instead. She just browses shopping websites and watches YouTube videos....nothing important. Tonight her granddaughter was here and she put on some adult show, the 2 year old asked her to put on her fave kiddie show and she ignored her and put the volume up. I noticed she was on her phone so I asked her if she could put on the kids show, since the show she was watching was inappropriate, and she could go on her phone while the kids show was on. She got so mad and was shouting at me (in front of the 2 year old) and going 'WHATS UR PROBLEM?! ITS MY PHONE ITS MT LIFE I DO WHAT I WANT'. And she said 'IM NOT UR CHILD DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO'. Is this normal??? I'm so confused and so upset. She always shouts and I'm upset she shouted in front of the baby. It's traumatising! |
Posted: 09 Feb 2019 12:31 AM PST I can't sleep this has been the worst week of my life. I am 15 years old my mother kicked me out because she doesn't want to put up with my meltdowns and weird eating habits. She told my dad that she was done raising me that it was his and my stepmom's turn. I broke up with my boyfriend because he was pressuring me to have sex with him. Now I am interfering with my Dad and Stepmom's lives now they are stuck with me until I am 18 years. My Dad's mom hates me when I am around her she tells that I ruined my dad's life, and she wished My parents had aborted me, my stepmom thinks I am too skinny and wants me gain weight. Last night they had a birthday dinner for my Dad's mom which I avoid by telling my dad that I didn't feel good, I was in my room minding my own business, and my Dad's mom came in my room and started on me, she told me I disrespected by not attending her birthday party, she threw her drink in my face and told me that I was an ungrateful brat that should have been aborted my stepmom heard what she said to me, and she told my Dad's mom to leave , my dad's mom refused to leave, she just yelled at me and my stepmom when my dad found out what his mom said to me he kicked her out the house, she pointed at me and shouted you're the devil and you ruined my relationship with my son. I'm causing too problems I want to go to broading school so I want be in their way. |
Question: Is this Messed up to do to someone or is this taking it personal? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 11:16 PM PST Well see, my sister got invited bowling by my cousin and my cousin took his brother etc and my sister didn't bother to include me in the plans and they just posted something on Snapchat about it so I'm just stuck watching how fun they're having while I'm just here home is that messed up to do to someone or not |
Question: 17 year old says hes treated like a kid? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 09:39 PM PST I have a 17 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. Is it fair I send them both to sleep around 10 on school nights and around 11:30 on the weekend? I also take both their phones away at around 10 and keep them in my room. I got my daughter her phone a couple of months ago and I started applying the rule to her since she got it, and my son has had that rule since he was around 11-12. He claims he is treated like a child and I constantly tell him hes addicted to his phone and doesnt do anything else. He has the phone from afterschool to around 9:30-10, and I ask him why does he need to be stuck on a screen for 5 hours? He showed me a screen time calculator app and it shows around 2 hours and 30 minutes of total screentime a day but I dont believe him. He says its ridiculous he cant keep the phone at night since hes nearly an adult, and that he has the same rules as my daughter. When we go out to eat, or with family, at the dinner table, or anywhere he doesnt take his phone even though we dont prohibit it, even though he knows that if he takes it he will get in trouble. He always argues with me about changing these rules and I constantly tell him that he acts like a little kid and he will be treated as one. He plays around and argues with his sister at times, and overall isnt very mature. He does his homework and gets decent grades at school. Is my child really addicted to his phone? Is it fair the rules im applying for both my children? Should I be more lenient with my son? he also claims every single person in his highschool doesnt have this rule of not having the phone at bedtime, and my counterargument is that every person in his highschool is probably not going have a good future because they spend all day on the phone. |
Question: Why would my 23 yr old daughter feel sad when she saw a sign that said? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 09:37 PM PST "im not ashamed of my abortion." Is she a bigot? She recently joined a Southern Baptist church and tells me she might get baptized this year. I hope she doesn't become mean like Republicans can be |
Question: I don’t want my baby is this normal? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 09:33 PM PST I'm 18, I've been in a very abusive relationship for 2 1/2 years and recently got out of it. My ex abused me while i was pregnant with our son. I remember one incident that happened when i was 6 months along he pulled me off the bed and punched/kicked me in the stomach and ribs and him and his mom refused to take me to the hospital. I had to go to my drs appointment with bruises and i couldn't say anything because they were always in the room. Fast forward the baby somehow survived born 7lbs 17in. Now 6 months later i am very depressed, i have thoughts of dying alltho i am afraid to die because i do not want my child living with his dad and his methhead mom. When i left they stole my money and all mine and my sons clothes. Im now trying to pick up the pieces and start over and I feel like i have no connection with my baby. It's been 6 months and i still feel nothing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel numb. Sometimes I want to give him up to My older sister because she really loves her kids and they have great lives. My ex's mom keeps begging me to give her my son and she tells people I'm lying about everything and that i "stole her baby". So now everyone is saying i need my son taken away from me😭 I hate my ex for doing this to me and my son and I'm having a very hard time right now😭 my mom abandoned me and my siblings because she didnt feel a connection with us. I don't want to be like her but is this normal to feel this way or will i never feel love for my baby? |
Question: Can someone help me with my mom? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 08:59 PM PST My mom is an alcholic. She started drinking heavily when my older brother was born, and she was sober for a while but when I was born she started again and it's been on and off for almost 17 years. She's a great mom, and she is there for me sober, but her drinking changes her. I'll find her awake at 1 A.M. listening to these random songs in the kitchen and she'll try to get me to listen with her and she will seem so confused. She's so hard to talk when she's drunk. It's almost as if she doesn't understand anything and she isn't listening. She's tried getting help but it hasn't really done anything. She's just so different drunk and it's hard for me. I'll be going off to college next year, and then it'll be just her and my dad and I don't want her to still be like this. I want the best for her and I don't know how to tell her. |
Question: How to deal with nagging overbearing mother as a teenager? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 07:08 PM PST My mother wants to control what I wear and ridicules my hobbies. What do I do? |
Question: Is 80,000 a lot of money? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:45 PM PST So I found out my Dad's salary because it's taz season and what not. I was snooping around and found a paper that has all this stuff on it. Anyways, the annual household income in my state is 62,000. My mom is a housewife and my dad works. It's just my little sister and I in our house. I'm not spoiled (although some of my friends would argue that) and turns out my dad makes 80k annually. The thing is, I don't feel like it's much because we never do much, or own any super nice cars. New, yes. But not luxurious. I don't have air pods or the newest iPhone. I don't wear brand clothes 24/7. So I honestly think a) were poor. Or b) my parents are really bad at saving money? (Considering we go out to eat a lot. I think that could be it) |
Question: I want to see a play, but my parent's won't take me.? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:13 PM PST Okay, first off I don't ask for much. I really don't, so asking for something is pretty rare of me to do. I recently have fallen in love with a musical, and it's touring. I asked my father to take me, and I will pay for my own ticket, I just need a way to get there. He said no, that it's impossible. I just feel upset, because I never ever ask to see shows, or go fancy places. I know I cant do much to persuade them, just tell me how to deal with all my friends going, while I cant. Its hours away fyi |
Question: How to make up for lost time.? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:01 PM PST I walked out of my sons life when he was a year old. Not because I didn't want him, but because I was fighting with my grandfather whom I was also living with. I went back to Carolina for 2 years and when I came back I found out his mom was having an affair and I feel like God won't give me another woman. Any suggestions? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2019 05:25 PM PST Do I be snoopy? Do I party? Do I just lay back? House is mine, please advise. |
Question: Is my mom kind of a hypocrite? Do you have any advice for this? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:56 PM PST My mom hates it when my dad so much as looks at other women. She constantly asks if he thinks random women are pretty. McDonald's cashiers,grocers, anybody that is a lady over 18. She also refuses to let him watch most movies that aren't animated because she doesn't want him to look at the women. Keep in mind, it's not that staring at other women is something my dad does (or did) on a daily basis. On the other hand, my mom constantly talks about male singers and actors. She also constantly talks about her run ins with male coworkers. She has said multiple times that she likes her new job better because she gets to deal with less women. My dad not once has said anything about this. So is my mom kind of a hypocrite? Keep in mind that I think my parents are good people and I love them and everything, but this has kind of been annoying and concerning me lately. |
Question: Why did I get kicked out from home for expresssing my opinion? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:36 PM PST I confronted my brother's girlfriend during her reveal party. I told her they I hated her and she has no business staying in my mom's house. Someone had to say it so I did because my mom is too nice and actually let her stay here with us. My mom said I was rude and said I couldn't live here anymore. Why?? I'm 28. |
Question: Why do I hate my brothers girlfriends and my mom.? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:20 PM PST Both of my brothers and I live at home. My mom is an idiot who allows both of my brothers girlfriends to stay in the house. They don't live here. They shouldn't be here. I want to tel them to leave. They both want to be friendly with me. I ignore them. How can I tell them to get the f*** out of my house???! |
Question: Would you allow your teenage daughter to be shy and quiet? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:07 PM PST |
Question: Why do girls cry over guys ? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 03:54 PM PST My sister has a crush on the actor Andrew Scott I don't know who he is all I know is he plays Moriarty in Sherlock which is her favorite show. She has to cry about him all the time she can't even watch a video or an interview of him because it makes her sad. She watched a scene from a movie he was in the other night she cried because he hugged his wife in the movie she wishes that was her he's not married but he's gay she's not happy about it she's mad at him for that she said he's too cute. She said she has dreams about him and her she said they were meant to be together she hopes to do a movie or a show with him one day her dream is to be an actress too she said that he can be a very serious actor I bet if he's that tough she probably won't have much fun being with him they probably have a hard time getting alone. Even if they do get together it be hard for her to be with him because he'll probably be traveling all the time I wouldn't tell her that I wouldn't want to upset her even more. Why does she cry over him ? How can I help her feel better ? |
Posted: 08 Feb 2019 03:52 PM PST My husband has bpd and if i ever question him or say something opposite to what hes stated, he says im being a "mommy". It drives me bonkers because of course there are things in life you will ask like: why did you buy mayo when it said sour cream? Or why did you change the score on the pool game? And he cant deal! He gets super mad, will throw his wedding ring, leave the house etc because he says im treating him like hes dumb. Super wierd and cant find a solution |
Question: What are some excuses for being gone all day besides work, school, or a field trip? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 03:24 PM PST |
Posted: 08 Feb 2019 03:01 PM PST I live with my mom and I'm close with my grandparents, recently there seems to be some family issues/tension with my aunty (moms sister) she's been acting weird towards us and my grandparents and has seemed to be avoiding us, she has three kids that are close in age to me, because of my aunty, my cousins haven't really been able to see my grandparents but my one cousin has been acting off with me, we were really close but recently he's been kinda ignoring me. I just posted a video of my granddad on Instagram being funny and my cousin saw it and now I feel bad because I feel like upset him by posting the video of our granddad, I don't know. But whatever is going on with my family, it's making me feel really guilty when I want to share photos of my grandparents and I can't shake that guilt. |
Question: Can I go to court for this? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 02:53 PM PST Years ago, before I was born. My sisters were (long story short) taken from my mother. She did nothing wrong. Her (ex) husband took them and moved and she can't contact them whatsoever. It's been 14 years. He doesn't have custody of them anymore; their stepmom does and they believe that's their mother. They were brainwashed and could I go to court for my mom and then to meet? For me to meet them? |
Question: My dad told my fiance that he did not give him permission to marry me...? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 02:46 PM PST My fiance who is from Madrid, Spain proposed to me on christmas. We have been dating for 3 years now. We went to see my parents in Texas. We travelled from California just so he could personally ask him for my hand in marriage because he is a good person. My dad looked at him when he asked him and said no, you don't have my permission. My daughter needs to find a good Irish boy to marry. It crushed him and hurt me. I never knew my dad had these racist beliefs. He tried to say he has nothing against race but he wants his daughter to marry someone who is Irish like him. I dunno what to do. I am still marrying him as I love him but now do I even invite my father? Does that mean my mother will not come? The happiest day of my life may not include my immediate family and that hurts. |
Question: Step brother doesnt work nor go to school and parents don't care? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 02:21 PM PST I can't stand my mother and how she treats my brother and I. When my brother decided that college wasn't for him and dropped out. My mom gave him hell for a month until he found a job because she didn't want "grown adults living in her house not working." However,my step brother graduated HS last year and he's not in school, doesn't work and just sits in the house and plays video games all day and my mom and step dad don't say shxt to him. They have all the energy in the world to talk BS about my brother and I even though we both work, pay our own expenses and I'm in school . However, they don't say anything to my lazy *** disrespectful step brother. His dad actually had to find him a job that he quit two weeks later because he hated getting up early 🙄. They even had the nerve to complain to us about the electric & light bill being too high when my brother and I are rarely even home bc of work/school/gym. My step brother is the one home all day doing nothing but sleep or on the game. It's BS. How do I bring this up to them without them catching an additue? |
Question: Daughters sharing apartment fighting.? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 02:12 PM PST My two daughters share an apartment in college out of state. We pay them a small amount each month to cover the apartment rent. The last two months they haven't paid the rent, and they have been fighting. One of the girls quit going to classes. The other got mad at her for not going, and not cleaning up. And they argued. Finally, she pulled her hair and made her fall. The other daughter called the police and had her arrested. I don't know what to do. I am on the lease, so I end up having to pay twice. Plus they won't speak to each other. The one daughter who does go to school is now in trouble with the law. The other daughter is afraid and doesn't want to share the apartment. I'm at a loss. Help. |
Question: How to comfort your sister when she's scared ? Posted: 08 Feb 2019 01:15 PM PST My sister is going to the movies with her friends tonight this is the first time she's ever gone out with friends. She's scared because she doesn't trust anyone not even me or our parents she said she was watching this show on the Reelz Channel called Copycat Killers she said this girl met a girl and her friends who she thought were she got tied up and tortured. It was a copy scene from Child's Play she loves scary movies but she's never seen this she's not sure she wants to. She said they first shaved this girls head then beat her with a wooden spoon and fork. Then tied her up for a while they gave her shot my sister hates needles so she wouldn't be able to stand it she can't even handle getting an IV or a regular shot. I can't imagine how she be if she had to be injected with drugs everyday like this poor girl was. She said they pulled her teeth out with pliers she's terrified to get her wisdom teeth out now after watching this she's even more afraid. Then finally they took her out in the woods and tried to set her on fire I don't see how she survived that. She's scared to death to go out with anyone these people were high which is why they did this. I told her that they wouldn't have invited her if she wasn't there friend also she wouldn't be going if our parents don't feel comfortable. It's just her first time going out she's a teenager so she's kind of nervous. She said she wants me to sleep with her tonight because she's gonna have nightmares. How can I comfort her ? |
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